path: root/tests/aslts/HOW_TO_USE
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diff --git a/tests/aslts/HOW_TO_USE b/tests/aslts/HOW_TO_USE
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index 000000000..bc65f97cb
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tests/aslts/HOW_TO_USE
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+ How to use RUN-TIME tests.
+1. Install the tests (see HOW_TO_INSTALL).
+2. Tune the test suite to your current need by
+ setting appropriately variables SETN (and run4)
+ which handle the test suite settings (see file
+ aslts/src/runtime/cntl/runmode.asl).
+3. You can use utility Do to run the specified set of tests
+ in all specified modes of runs. It supports the automated
+ logging out of results of test runs and allows to compare
+ results. See comment to utility Do.
+4. You can run any particular aml test from the aslts/tmp/aml
+ directory passing immediately its pathname to acpiexec
+ utility.
+5. You can change the current direstory to the particular test,
+ run '<ASL> MAIN.asl' for compiling the test and then run AcpiExec
+ utility with the obtained .aml code.
+6. The aml test after completion reports its status: [PASS|FAIL|BLOCKED|SKIPPED].
+ PASS - success, no errors encountered in the functionality of the product
+ FAIL - the test encountered errors - improper functionality of the product
+ BLOCKED - the test was blocked (was not run), it is applied for the tests which
+ are temporary causing abort or hang of execution due to the errors in
+ the product
+ SKIPPED - the test was skipped (was not run), it is applied in case when the
+ result of the test is undefined under the particular conditions
+7. How to treat the results of run-time tests.
+ A. Successful run.
+ After the run completion the following summary lines
+ are printed out by ASLTS:
+ a) "Run time (in seconds): 0x0000000000000031"
+ b) "The total number of exceptions handled: 0x0000000000000005"
+ c) "TEST ACPICA: 64-bit : PASS"
+ The line (a) shows the run time in seconds
+ measured by the ASL-Timer operator.
+ The line (b) reports the number of exceptions which
+ took place during the test execution.
+ The line (c) reports the summary status of test run
+ as [PASS|FAIL|BLOCKED|SKIPPED], and the mode of run
+ as 32-bit or 64-bit.
+ B. Failed run.
+ a) "Run time (in seconds): 0x0000000000000031"
+ b) "The total number of exceptions handled: 0x0000000000000005"
+ c) "TEST ACPICA: 64-bit : FAIL : Errors # 0x0000000000000009"
+ The number of errors (9 here) is reported as
+ Errors # 0x0000000000000009".
+ C. The layout of the particular error message.
+ "---------- ERROR : 0x000000001903301A, 0x0000000000033017, m503"
+ "TITLE : Miscellaneous named object creation"
+ "COLLECTION : functional"
+ "TEST CASE : name"
+ "TEST : PCG0"
+ "ERROR, file : package.asl"
+ " index : 000000000000001A"
+ "CHECKING, file : package.asl"
+ " method : m123"
+ " index : 0000000000000017"
+ "(r):"
+ 0x0000000000000025
+ "(e):"
+ 0x0000000000000027
+ "---------- END."
+ Explanations:
+ 0x000000001903301A,
+ 0x0000000000033017 - two 32-bit words of opcode of error
+ (see "The layout of opcode of error" below)
+ m503 - there is usually the name of method (usually, the name of
+ method conglomeration of tests) or some brief diagnostic
+ message explanation/designation/naming of error
+ "TITLE : the common intention of the test
+ "COLLECTION : functional/complex/exceptions/..
+ "TEST CASE : the name of test case (bfield, arithmetic, opackageel, ...)
+ "TEST : the name of test (simplest unit reported by diagnostics
+ and supplied with the satatus line)
+ "ERROR, file : the name of file where the error reporting
+ function (err()) was invoked
+ " index : index of error inside that file where err()
+ was invoked (each invocation of err() differs
+ with its index)
+ "CHECKING, file : the name of the file where the checking was initiated
+ " method : the name of method initiated the checking
+ " index : index of the checking inside the file "CHECKING, file"
+ (r): - usually, the following value is a received one
+ (e): - usually, the following value is an expected one
+ D. The errors (now 200 max) are summarized as follows at the
+ end of the test output (example of test Reference).
+ "========= ERRORS SUMMARY (max 200):"
+ "reference, ref50.asl, 0000000000000003, ref50.asl, 0000000000000000, m22c"
+ "reference, datastproc.asl, 000000000000000F, ref50.asl, 0000000000000001, m22c"
+ "reference, ref50.asl, 0000000000000007, ref50.asl, 0000000000000000, m234"
+ "reference, ref50.asl, 0000000000000007, ref50.asl, 0000000000000000, m234"
+ "reference, datastproc.asl, 0000000000000001, ref50.asl, 0000000000000013, m365"
+ "reference, datastproc.asl, 0000000000000001, ref50.asl, 0000000000000015, m365"
+ "reference, datastproc.asl, 0000000000000001, ref50.asl, 0000000000000017, m365"
+ "========= END."
+ Explanations:
+ "reference, datastproc.asl, 0000000000000001, ref50.asl, 0000000000000017, m365"
+ reference - the name of test case
+ datastproc.asl - the name of file where the error was revealed and reported
+ by invoking err(..,index,..)
+ 0000000000000001 - index of error inside that (datastproc.asl) file
+ ref50.asl - the name of file where the checking was initiated
+ 0000000000000017 - index of that checking inside that (ref50.asl) file
+ m365 - diagnostic message (usually, the name of method conglomeration of tests)
+ (see additionally file aslts/TESTS)
+8. The layout of opcode of error (three 32-bit words)
+ 0xctfffeee
+ 0xmmzzzuuu
+ 0xnnnnnnnn
+ c - index of tests collection
+ t - index of test inside the collection
+ f - absolute index of file reporting the error
+ e - index of error (inside the file)
+ z - absolute index of file initiating the checking
+ u - index of checking
+ n - name of Method initiating the checking
+ m - miscellaneous:
+ 1) in case of TCLD tests there is an
+ index of bug stored (max 600)
+How to use ASL-compilation control test collection
+The tests of ASL Compiler to check its ability to detect,
+report and reject wrong ASL code are given in directory:
+ aslts/src/compilation/collection
+At present, no utility is provided to perform automated
+run and verification of these tests.
+The tests contain wrong ASL code so no resulting files of
+compilation are expected. The expected are Warning and Error
+messages to be reported by ASL Compiler for incorrect ASL code.
+The utility should be ever implemented to parse the output of
+ASL Compiler for these files to check presence of the expected
+messages in it.