path: root/windows
diff options
authorCorwin Brown <>2016-05-20 19:25:24 -0500
committerMatt Davis <>2016-05-20 17:25:24 -0700
commitd2900e856b7f8a27631638dd4024c22b947dc27a (patch)
tree23d4044d3561b4fdb442dbb45792e4ef819eb92c /windows
parent3d54bdd4e14bcbe941ab8a28a7d865eababfb4d5 (diff)
Add Win Robocopy module (#1078)
* Added more robust error handling * Add Win Synchronize module Renamed win_synchronize to win_robocopy Updating email address Adding "flags" argument. Adding a "flags" argument that will allow the user to pass args directly to robocopy. If "flags" is set, recurse and purge will be ignored. Add return code to output Added bits to support check mode Fixing typo in Documentation Updated Documentation to have "RETURNED" field Updated to have the RETURNED field. I also noticed that win_robocopy.ps1 wasn't really using the "changed" attribute, so I went in and made sure it was being set appropriately. Forcing bool type for recurse and purge flag Updated "version_added"
Diffstat (limited to 'windows')
2 files changed, 290 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/windows/win_robocopy.ps1 b/windows/win_robocopy.ps1
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..69cf9ee3
--- /dev/null
+++ b/windows/win_robocopy.ps1
@@ -0,0 +1,147 @@
+# This file is part of Ansible
+# Copyright 2015, Corwin Brown <>
+# Ansible is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
+# it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
+# the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
+# (at your option) any later version.
+# Ansible is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+# GNU General Public License for more details.
+# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+# along with Ansible. If not, see <>.
+$params = Parse-Args $args;
+$result = New-Object psobject @{
+ win_robocopy = New-Object psobject @{
+ recurse = $false
+ purge = $false
+ }
+ changed = $false
+$src = Get-AnsibleParam -obj $params -name "src" -failifempty $true
+$dest = Get-AnsibleParam -obj $params -name "dest" -failifempty $true
+$purge = ConvertTo-Bool (Get-AnsibleParam -obj $params -name "purge" -default $false)
+$recurse = ConvertTo-Bool (Get-AnsibleParam -obj $params -name "recurse" -default $false)
+$flags = Get-AnsibleParam -obj $params -name "flags" -default $null
+$_ansible_check_mode = Get-AnsibleParam -obj $params -name "_ansible_check_mode" -default $false
+# Search for an Error Message
+# Robocopy seems to display an error after 3 '-----' separator lines
+Function SearchForError($cmd_output, $default_msg) {
+ $separator_count = 0
+ $error_msg = $default_msg
+ ForEach ($line in $cmd_output) {
+ if (-Not $line) {
+ continue
+ }
+ if ($separator_count -ne 3) {
+ if (Select-String -InputObject $line -pattern "^(\s+)?(\-+)(\s+)?$") {
+ $separator_count += 1
+ }
+ }
+ Else {
+ If (Select-String -InputObject $line -pattern "error") {
+ $error_msg = $line
+ break
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ return $error_msg
+# Build Arguments
+$robocopy_opts = @()
+if (-Not (Test-Path $src)) {
+ Fail-Json $result "$src does not exist!"
+$robocopy_opts += $src
+Set-Attr $result.win_robocopy "src" $src
+$robocopy_opts += $dest
+Set-Attr $result.win_robocopy "dest" $dest
+if ($flags -eq $null) {
+ if ($purge) {
+ $robocopy_opts += "/purge"
+ }
+ if ($recurse) {
+ $robocopy_opts += "/e"
+ }
+Else {
+ $robocopy_opts += $flags
+Set-Attr $result.win_robocopy "purge" $purge
+Set-Attr $result.win_robocopy "recurse" $recurse
+Set-Attr $result.win_robocopy "flags" $flags
+$robocopy_output = ""
+$rc = 0
+If ($_ansible_check_mode -eq $true) {
+ $robocopy_output = "Would have copied the contents of $src to $dest"
+ $rc = 0
+Else {
+ Try {
+ &robocopy $robocopy_opts | Tee-Object -Variable robocopy_output | Out-Null
+ }
+ Catch {
+ $ErrorMessage = $_.Exception.Message
+ Fail-Json $result "Error synchronizing $src to $dest! Msg: $ErrorMessage"
+ }
+Set-Attr $result.win_robocopy "return_code" $rc
+Set-Attr $result.win_robocopy "output" $robocopy_output
+$cmd_msg = "Success"
+If ($rc -eq 0) {
+ $cmd_msg = "No files copied."
+ElseIf ($rc -eq 1) {
+ $cmd_msg = "Files copied successfully!"
+ $changed = $true
+ElseIf ($rc -eq 2) {
+ $cmd_msg = "Extra files or directories were detected!"
+ $changed = $true
+ElseIf ($rc -eq 4) {
+ $cmd_msg = "Some mismatched files or directories were detected!"
+ $changed = $true
+ElseIf ($rc -eq 8) {
+ $error_msg = SearchForError $robocopy_output "Some files or directories could not be copied!"
+ Fail-Json $result $error_msg
+ElseIf ($rc -eq 10) {
+ $error_msg = SearchForError $robocopy_output "Serious Error! No files were copied! Do you have permissions to access $src and $dest?"
+ Fail-Json $result $error_msg
+ElseIf ($rc -eq 16) {
+ $error_msg = SearchForError $robocopy_output "Fatal Error!"
+ Fail-Json $result $error_msg
+Set-Attr $result.win_robocopy "msg" $cmd_msg
+Set-Attr $result.win_robocopy "changed" $changed
+Exit-Json $result
diff --git a/windows/ b/windows/
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..d627918e
--- /dev/null
+++ b/windows/
@@ -0,0 +1,143 @@
+# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
+# (c) 2015, Corwin Brown <>
+# This file is part of Ansible
+# Ansible is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
+# it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
+# the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
+# (at your option) any later version.
+# Ansible is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+# GNU General Public License for more details.
+# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+# along with Ansible. If not, see <>.
+# this is a windows documentation stub. actual code lives in the .ps1
+# file of the same name
+module: win_robocopy
+version_added: "2.2"
+short_description: Synchronizes the contents of two directories using Robocopy.
+ - Synchronizes the contents of two directories on the remote machine. Under the hood this just calls out to RoboCopy, since that should be available on most modern Windows Systems.
+ src:
+ description:
+ - Source file/directory to sync.
+ required: true
+ dest:
+ description:
+ - Destination file/directory to sync (Will receive contents of src).
+ required: true
+ recurse:
+ description:
+ - Includes all subdirectories (Toggles the `/e` flag to RoboCopy). If "flags" is set, this will be ignored.
+ choices:
+ - true
+ - false
+ defaults: false
+ required: false
+ purge:
+ description:
+ - Deletes any files/directories found in the destination that do not exist in the source (Toggles the `/purge` flag to RoboCopy). If "flags" is set, this will be ignored.
+ choices:
+ - true
+ - false
+ defaults: false
+ required: false
+ flags:
+ description:
+ - Directly supply Robocopy flags. If set, purge and recurse will be ignored.
+ default: None
+ required: false
+author: Corwin Brown (@blakfeld)
+ - This is not a complete port of the "synchronize" module. Unlike the "synchronize" module this only performs the sync/copy on the remote machine, not from the master to the remote machine.
+ - This module does not currently support all Robocopy flags.
+ - Works on Windows 7, Windows 8, Windows Server 2k8, and Windows Server 2k12
+# Syncs the contents of one diretory to another.
+$ ansible -i hosts all -m win_robocopy -a "src=C:\\DirectoryOne dest=C:\\DirectoryTwo"
+# Sync the contents of one directory to another, including subdirectories.
+$ ansible -i hosts all -m win_robocopy -a "src=C:\\DirectoryOne dest=C:\\DirectoryTwo recurse=true"
+# Sync the contents of one directory to another, and remove any files/directories found in destination that do not exist in the source.
+$ ansible -i hosts all -m win_robocopy -a "src=C:\\DirectoryOne dest=C:\\DirectoryTwo purge=true"
+# Sample sync
+- name: Sync Two Directories
+ win_robocopy:
+ src: "C:\\DirectoryOne
+ dest: "C:\\DirectoryTwo"
+ recurse: true
+ purge: true
+- name: Sync Two Directories
+ win_robocopy:
+ src: "C:\\DirectoryOne
+ dest: "C:\\DirectoryTwo"
+ recurse: true
+ purge: true
+ flags: '/XD SOME_DIR /XF SOME_FILE /MT:32'
+RETURN = '''
+ description: The Source file/directory of the sync.
+ returned: always
+ type: string
+ sample: "c:/Some/Path"
+ description: The Destination file/directory of the sync.
+ returned: always
+ type: string
+ sample: "c:/Some/Path"
+ description: Whether or not the recurse flag was toggled.
+ returned: always
+ type: bool
+ sample: False
+ description: Whether or not the purge flag was toggled.
+ returned: always
+ type: bool
+ sample: False
+ description: Any flags passed in by the user.
+ returned: always
+ type: string
+ sample: "/e /purge"
+ description: The return code retuned by robocopy.
+ returned: success
+ type: int
+ sample: 1
+ description: The output of running the robocopy command.
+ returned: success
+ type: string
+ sample: "-------------------------------------------------------------------------------\n ROBOCOPY :: Robust File Copy for Windows \n-------------------------------------------------------------------------------\n"
+ description: Output intrepreted into a concise message.
+ returned: always
+ type: string
+ sample: No files copied!
+ description: Whether or not any changes were made.
+ returned: always
+ type: bool
+ sample: False