diff options
authorJordan Borean <>2017-08-15 16:02:21 +1000
committerGitHub <>2017-08-15 16:02:21 +1000
commitceb0483fbceab1707d2374f59f65c12774b7b9c9 (patch)
parent0c9c9eb7d723965810a2b174cee561a7f6c05492 (diff)
Revert "win_iis_webapppool: tests, check_mode, bugfixes (#25869)"revert-25869-win_iis_webapppool-tests
This reverts commit f0a0e5674c3144c7a893c10f1bc94289ce71e203.
6 files changed, 154 insertions, 832 deletions
diff --git a/lib/ansible/modules/windows/win_iis_webapppool.ps1 b/lib/ansible/modules/windows/win_iis_webapppool.ps1
index c61c81be2a..b4f0cd4948 100644
--- a/lib/ansible/modules/windows/win_iis_webapppool.ps1
+++ b/lib/ansible/modules/windows/win_iis_webapppool.ps1
@@ -17,242 +17,124 @@
# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
# along with Ansible. If not, see <>.
+$params = Parse-Args $args
-$ErrorActionPreference = 'Stop'
+# Name parameter
+$name = Get-AnsibleParam -obj $params -name "name" -type "string" -failifempty $true
-$params = Parse-Args -arguments $args -supports_check_mode $true
-$check_mode = Get-AnsibleParam -obj $params -name "_ansible_check_mode" -type "bool" -default $false
-$name = Get-AnsibleParam -obj $params -name "name" -type "str" -failifempty $true
-$state = Get-AnsibleParam -obj $params -name "state" -type "str" -default "present" -validateSet "started","restarted","stopped","absent","present"
-$result = @{
- changed = $false
- attributes = @{}
- info = @{
- name = $name
- state = $state
- attributes = @{}
- cpu = @{}
- failure = @{}
- processModel = @{}
- recycling = @{
- periodicRestart = @{}
- }
- }
+# State parameter
+$state = Get-AnsibleParam -obj $params -name "state" -default "present" -validateSet "started","restarted","stopped","absent"
-# Stores the free form attributes for the module
-$attributes = @{}
-$input_attributes = Get-AnsibleParam -obj $params -name "attributes"
-if ($input_attributes) {
- if ($input_attributes -is [System.Collections.Hashtable]) {
- # Uses dict style parameters, newer and recommended style
- $attributes = $input_attributes
- } else {
- # Uses older style of separating with | per key pair and : for key:value (paramA:valueA|paramB:valueB)
- Add-DeprecationWarning -obj $result -message "Using a string for the attributes parameter is deprecated, please use a dict instead" -version 2.6
- $input_attributes -split '\|' | ForEach-Object {
- $key, $value = $_ -split "\:"
- $attributes.$key = $value
- }
- }
+# Attributes parameter - Pipe separated list of attributes where
+# keys and values are separated by comma (paramA:valyeA|paramB:valueB)
+$attributes = @{};
+$attrs = Get-AnsibleParam -obj $params -name "attributes" -type "string" -failifempty $false
+If ($attrs) {
+ $attrs -split '\|' | foreach {
+ $key, $value = $_ -split "\:"
+ $attributes.Add($key, $value)
+ }
-$result.attributes = $attributes
-Function Get-DotNetClassForAttribute($attribute_parent) {
- switch ($attribute_parent) {
- "attributes" { [Microsoft.Web.Administration.ApplicationPool] }
- "cpu" { [Microsoft.Web.Administration.ApplicationPoolCpu] }
- "failure" { [Microsoft.Web.Administration.ApplicationPoolFailure] }
- "processModel" { [Microsoft.Web.Administration.ApplicationPoolProcessModel] }
- "recycling" { [Microsoft.Web.Administration.ApplicationPoolRecycling] }
- default { [Microsoft.Web.Administration.ApplicationPool] }
- }
+# Ensure WebAdministration module is loaded
+if ((Get-Module "WebAdministration" -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue) -eq $NULL){
+ Import-Module WebAdministration
+ $web_admin_dll_path = Join-Path $env:SystemRoot system32\inetsrv\Microsoft.Web.Administration.dll
+ Add-Type -Path $web_admin_dll_path
+ $t = [Type]"Microsoft.Web.Administration.ApplicationPool"
-Function Convert-ToPropertyValue($pool, $attribute_key, $attribute_value) {
- # Will convert the new value to the enum value expected and cast accordingly to the type
- if ([bool]($attribute_value.PSobject.Properties -match "Value")) {
- $attribute_value = $attribute_value.Value
- }
- $attribute_key_split = $attribute_key -split "\."
- if ($attribute_key_split.Length -eq 1) {
- $attribute_parent = "attributes"
- $attribute_child = $attribute_key
- $attribute_meta = $pool.Attributes | Where-Object { $_.Name -eq $attribute_child }
- } elseif ($attribute_key_split.Length -eq 2) {
- $attribute_parent = $attribute_key_split[0]
- $attribute_child = $attribute_key_split[1]
- $attribute_meta = $pool.$attribute_parent.Attributes | Where-Object { $_.Name -eq $attribute_child }
- }
- if ($attribute_meta) {
- $type = $attribute_meta.Schema.Type
- $value = $attribute_value
- if ($type -eq "enum") {
- # Attempt to convert the value from human friendly to enum value - use existing value if we fail
- $dot_net_class = Get-DotNetClassForAttribute -attribute_parent $attribute_parent
- $enum_attribute_name = $attribute_child.Substring(0,1).ToUpper() + $attribute_child.Substring(1)
- $enum = $dot_net_class.GetProperty($enum_attribute_name).PropertyType.FullName
- if ($enum) {
- $enum_values = [Enum]::GetValues($enum)
- foreach ($enum_value in $enum_values) {
- if ($attribute_value.GetType() -is $enum_value.GetType()) {
- if ($enum_value -eq $attribute_value) {
- $value = $enum_value
- break
- }
- } else {
- if ([System.String]$enum_value -eq [System.String]$attribute_value) {
- $value = $enum_value
- break
- }
- }
- }
- }
- }
- # Try and cast the variable using the chosen type, revert to the default if it fails
- Set-Variable -Name casted_value -Value ($value -as ([type] $attribute_meta.TypeName))
- if ($casted_value -eq $null) {
- $value
- } else {
- $casted_value
- }
- } else {
- $attribute_value
- }
+# Result
+$result = @{
+ changed = $FALSE
+# attributes = $attributes
-# Ensure WebAdministration module is loaded
-if ((Get-Module -Name "WebAdministration" -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue) -eq $null) {
- Import-Module WebAdministration
- $web_admin_dll_path = Join-Path $env:SystemRoot system32\inetsrv\Microsoft.Web.Administration.dll
- Add-Type -Path $web_admin_dll_path
+$result.attributes = $attributes
-$pool = Get-Item -Path IIS:\AppPools\$name -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue
-if ($state -eq "absent") {
- # Remove pool if present
- if ($pool) {
- try {
- Remove-WebAppPool -Name $name -WhatIf:$check_mode
- } catch {
- Fail-Json $result "Failed to remove Web App pool $($name): $($_.Exception.Message)"
- }
- $result.changed = $true
+# Get pool
+$pool = Get-Item IIS:\AppPools\$name
+try {
+ # Add
+ if (-not $pool -and $state -in ('started', 'stopped', 'restarted')) {
+ New-WebAppPool $name
+ $result.changed = $TRUE
+ }
+ # Remove
+ if ($pool -and $state -eq 'absent') {
+ Remove-WebAppPool $name
+ $result.changed = $TRUE
+ }
+ $pool = Get-Item IIS:\AppPools\$name
+ if($pool) {
+ # Set properties
+ $attributes.GetEnumerator() | foreach {
+ $newParameter = $_
+ $currentParameter = Get-ItemProperty ("IIS:\AppPools\" + $name) $newParameter.Key
+ $currentParamVal = ""
+ try {
+ $currentParamVal = $currentParameter
+ } catch {
+ $currentParamVal = $currentParameter.Value
+ }
+ if(-not $currentParamVal -or ($currentParamVal -as [String]) -ne $newParameter.Value) {
+ Set-ItemProperty ("IIS:\AppPools\" + $name) $newParameter.Key $newParameter.Value
+ $result.changed = $TRUE
+ }
-} else {
- # Add pool if absent
- if (-not $pool) {
- if (-not $check_mode) {
- try {
- New-WebAppPool -Name $name
- } catch {
- Fail-Json $result "Failed to create new Web App Pool $($name): $($_.Exception.Message)"
- }
- }
- $result.changed = $true
- # If in check mode this pool won't actually exists so skip it
- if (-not $check_mode) {
- $pool = Get-Item -Path IIS:\AppPools\$name
- }
- }
- # Modify pool based on parameters
- foreach ($attribute in $attributes.GetEnumerator()) {
- $attribute_key = $attribute.Name
- $new_raw_value = $attribute.Value
- $new_value = Convert-ToPropertyValue -pool $pool -attribute_key $attribute_key -attribute_value $new_raw_value
- $current_raw_value = Get-ItemProperty -Path IIS:\AppPools\$name -Name $attribute_key -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue
- $current_value = Convert-ToPropertyValue -pool $pool -attribute_key $attribute_key -attribute_value $current_raw_value
- # Cannot use ($current_value -or (..)) as that will fire if $current_value is 0/$null/"" when we only want $null
- if (($current_value -eq $null) -or ($current_value -ne $new_value)) {
- try {
- Set-ItemProperty -Path IIS:\AppPools\$name -Name $attribute_key -Value $new_value -WhatIf:$check_mode
- } catch {
- Fail-Json $result "Failed to set attribute to Web App Pool $name. Attribute: $attribute_key, Value: $new_value, Exception: $($_.Exception.Message)"
- }
- $result.changed = $true
- }
+ # Set run state
+ if (($state -eq 'stopped') -and ($pool.State -eq 'Started')) {
+ Stop-WebAppPool -Name $name -ErrorAction Stop
+ $result.changed = $TRUE
- # Set the state of the pool
- if (($state -eq "stopped") -and ($pool.State -eq "Started")) {
- if (-not $check_mode) {
- try {
- Stop-WebAppPool -Name $name
- } catch {
- Fail-Json $result "Failed to stop Web App Pool $($name): $($_.Exception.Message)"
- }
- }
- $result.changed = $true
+ if (($state -eq 'started') -and ($pool.State -eq 'Stopped')) {
+ Start-WebAppPool -Name $name -ErrorAction Stop
+ $result.changed = $TRUE
- if ($pool.State -eq "Stopped") {
- if ($state -eq "started" -or $state -eq "restarted") {
- if (-not $check_mode) {
- try {
- Start-WebAppPool -Name $name
- } catch {
- Fail-Json $result "Failed to start Web App Pool $($name): $($_.Exception.Message)"
- }
- }
- $result.changed = $true
- }
- } else {
- if ($state -eq "stopped") {
- if (-not $check_mode) {
- try {
- Stop-WebAppPool -Name $name
- } catch {
- Fail-Json $result "Failed to stop Web App Pool $($name): $($_.Exception.Message)"
- }
- }
- $result.changed = $true
- } elseif ($state -eq "restarted") {
- if (-not $check_mode) {
- try {
- Restart-WebAppPool -Name $name
- } catch {
- Fail-Json $result "Failed to restart Web App Pool $($name): $($_.Exception.Message)"
- }
- }
- $result.changed = $true
- }
+ if ($state -eq 'restarted') {
+ switch ($pool.State)
+ {
+ 'Stopped' { Start-WebAppPool -Name $name -ErrorAction Stop }
+ default { Restart-WebAppPool -Name $name -ErrorAction Stop }
+ }
+ $result.changed = $TRUE
+ }
+} catch {
+ Fail-Json $result $_.Exception.Message
-# Get all the current attributes for the pool
-$pool = Get-Item -Path IIS:\AppPools\$name -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue
-$elements = @("attributes", "cpu", "failure", "processModel", "recycling")
+# Result
+$pool = Get-Item IIS:\AppPools\$name
+if ($pool)
+ $ = @{
+ name = $pool.Name
+ state = $pool.State
+ attributes = @{}
+ };
+ $pool.Attributes | ForEach {
+ # lookup name if enum
+ if ($_.Schema.Type -eq 'enum') {
+ $propertyName = $_.Name.Substring(0,1).ToUpper() + $_.Name.Substring(1)
+ $enum = [Microsoft.Web.Administration.ApplicationPool].GetProperty($propertyName).PropertyType.FullName
+ $enum_names = [Enum]::GetNames($enum)
+ $$_.Name, $enum_names[$_.Value])
+ } else {
+ $$_.Name, $_.Value);
+ }
+ }
-foreach ($element in $elements) {
- if ($element -eq "attributes") {
- $attribute_collection = $pool.Attributes
- $attribute_parent = $pool
- } else {
- $attribute_collection = $pool.$element.Attributes
- $attribute_parent = $pool.$element
- }
- foreach ($attribute in $attribute_collection) {
- $attribute_name = $attribute.Name
- $attribute_value = $attribute_parent.$attribute_name
- $$element.Add($attribute_name, $attribute_value)
- }
-# Manually get the periodicRestart attributes in recycling
-foreach ($attribute in $pool.recycling.periodicRestart.Attributes) {
- $attribute_name = $attribute.Name
- $attribute_value = $pool.recycling.periodicRestart.$attribute_name
- $$attribute_name, $attribute_value)
Exit-Json $result
diff --git a/lib/ansible/modules/windows/ b/lib/ansible/modules/windows/
index 3f8f4f6050..f407b468ae 100644
--- a/lib/ansible/modules/windows/
+++ b/lib/ansible/modules/windows/
@@ -27,208 +27,125 @@ DOCUMENTATION = r'''
module: win_iis_webapppool
version_added: "2.0"
-short_description: configures an IIS Web Application Pool
+short_description: Configures an IIS Web Application Pool.
- - Creates, removes and configures an IIS Web Application Pool.
+ - Creates, Removes and configures an IIS Web Application Pool
- attributes:
- description:
- - As of Ansible 2.4, this field can take in dict entries to set the
- application pool attributes.
- - These attributes are based on the naming standard at
- U(,
- see the examples section for more details on how to set this.
- - You can also set the attributes of child elements like cpu and
- processModel, see the examples to see how it is done.
- - While you can use the numeric values for enums it is recommended to use
- the enum name itself, e.g. use SpecificUser instead of 3 for
- processModel.identityType.
- - managedPipelineMode may be either "Integrated" or "Classic".
- - startMode may be either "OnDemand" or "AlwaysRunning".
- - Use C(state) module parameter to modify the state of the app pool.
- - When trying to set 'processModel.password' and you receive a 'Value
- does fall within the expected range' error, you have a corrupted
- keystore. Please follow
- U(
- to help fix your host.
- - DEPRECATED As of Ansible 2.4 this field should be set using a dict
- form, in older versions of Ansible this field used to be a string.
- - This string has attributes that are separated by a pipe '|' and
- attribute name/values by colon ':'
- Ex. "startMode:OnDemand|managedPipelineMode:Classic".
- - Name of the application pool.
+ - Name of application pool
required: true
+ default: null
+ aliases: []
+ description:
+ - State of the binding
- - present
- absent
- stopped
- started
- restarted
- default: present
+ required: false
+ default: null
+ attributes:
- - The state of the application pool.
- - If C(present) will ensure the app pool is configured and exists.
- - If C(absent) will ensure the app pool is removed.
- - If C(stopped) will ensure the app pool exists and is stopped.
- - If C(started) will ensure the app pool exists and is started.
- - If C(restarted) will ensure the app pool exists and will restart, this
- is never idempotent.
- - "Henrik Wallström (@henrikwallstrom)"
- - "Jordan Borean (@jborean93)"
+ - Application Pool attributes from string where attributes are separated by a pipe and attribute name/values by colon Ex. "foo:1|bar:2".
+ - The following attributes may only have the following names.
+ - managedPipelineMode may be either "Integrated" or "Classic".
+ - startMode may be either "OnDemand" or "AlwaysRunning".
+ - state may be one of "Starting", "Started", "Stopping", "Stopped", "Unknown".
+ Use the C(state) module parameter to modify, states shown are reflect the possible runtime values.
+ required: false
+ default: null
+author: Henrik Wallström
- name: return information about an existing application pool
name: DefaultAppPool
- state: present
-- name: create a new application pool in 'Started' state
+- name: Create a new application pool in 'Started' state
name: AppPool
state: started
-- name: stop an application pool
+- name: Stop an application pool
name: AppPool
state: stopped
-- name: restart an application pool (non-idempotent)
+- name: Restart an application pool
name: AppPool
state: restart
-- name: change application pool attributes using new dict style
- win_iis_webapppool:
- name: AppPool
- attributes:
- managedRuntimeVersion: v4.0
- autoStart: false
-# Note this format style has been deprecated, please use the newer dict style instead
-- name: change application pool attributes using older string style
+- name: Changes application pool attributes without touching state
name: AppPool
attributes: 'managedRuntimeVersion:v4.0|autoStart:false'
-# This is the preferred style to use when setting attributes
-- name: creates an application pool, sets attributes and starts it
+- name: Creates an application pool and sets attributes
name: AnotherAppPool
state: started
- attributes:
- managedRuntimeVersion: v4.0
- autoStart: false
+ attributes: 'managedRuntimeVersion:v4.0|autoStart:false'
-# In the below example we are setting attributes in child element processModel
-- name: manage child element and set identity of application pool
- win_iis_webapppool:
- name: IdentitiyAppPool
- state: started
- attributes:
- managedPipelineMode: Classic
- processModel.identityType: SpecificUser
- processModel.username: '{{ansible_user}}'
- processModel.password: '{{ansible_password}}'
- processModel.loadUserProfile: True
+# Playbook example
-- name: manage a timespan attribute
+- name: App Pool with .NET 4.0
- name: TimespanAppPool
+ name: 'AppPool'
state: started
- attributes:
- # Timespan with full string "day:hour:minute:second.millisecond"
- recycling.periodicRestart.time: "00:00:05:00.000000"
- # Shortened timespan "hour:minute:second"
- processModel.pingResponseTime: "00:03:00"
+ attributes: managedRuntimeVersion:v4.0
+ register: webapppool
-RETURN = r'''
+RETURN = '''
- description: Application Pool attributes that were set and processed by this
- module invocation.
+ description:
+ - Application Pool attributes from that were processed by this module invocation.
returned: success
type: dictionary
- enable32BitAppOnWin64: "true"
- managedRuntimeVersion: "v4.0"
- managedPipelineMode: "Classic"
+ "enable32BitAppOnWin64": "true"
+ "managedRuntimeVersion": "v4.0"
+ "managedPipelineMode": "Classic"
- description: Information on current state of the Application Pool. See
- for the full list of return attributes based on your IIS version.
+ description: Information on current state of the Application Pool
returned: success
type: complex
- description: Key value pairs showing the current Application Pool attributes.
- returned: success
- type: dictionary
- sample:
- autoStart: true
- managedRuntimeLoader: "webengine4.dll"
- managedPipelineMode: "Classic"
- name: "DefaultAppPool"
- CLRConfigFile: ""
- passAnonymousToken: true
- applicationPoolSid: "S-1-5-82-1352790163-598702362-1775843902-1923651883-1762956711"
- queueLength: 1000
- managedRuntimeVersion: "v4.0"
- state: "Started"
- enableConfigurationOverride: true
- startMode: "OnDemand"
- enable32BitAppOnWin64: true
- cpu:
- description: Key value pairs showing the current Application Pool cpu attributes.
- returned: success
- type: dictionary
- sample:
- action: "NoAction"
- limit: 0
- resetInterval:
- Days: 0
- Hours: 0
- failure:
- description: Key value pairs showing the current Application Pool failure attributes.
+ description: key value pairs showing the current Application Pool attributes
returned: success
type: dictionary
- autoShutdownExe: ""
- orphanActionExe: ""
- rapidFailProtextionInterval:
- Days: 0
- Hours: 0
+ "autoStart": true
+ "managedRuntimeLoader": "webengine4.dll"
+ "managedPipelineMode": "Classic"
+ "name": "DefaultAppPool"
+ "CLRConfigFile": ""
+ "passAnonymousToken": true
+ "applicationPoolSid": "S-1-5-82-1352790163-598702362-1775843902-1923651883-1762956711"
+ "queueLength": 1000
+ "managedRuntimeVersion": "v4.0"
+ "state": "Started"
+ "enableConfigurationOverride": true
+ "startMode": "OnDemand"
+ "enable32BitAppOnWin64": true
- description: Name of Application Pool that was processed by this module invocation.
+ description:
+ - Name of Application Pool that was processed by this module invocation.
returned: success
type: string
sample: "DefaultAppPool"
- processModel:
- description: Key value pairs showing the current Application Pool processModel attributes.
- returned: success
- type: dictionary
- sample:
- identityType: "ApplicationPoolIdentity"
- logonType: "LogonBatch"
- pingInterval:
- Days: 0
- Hours: 0
- recycling:
- description: Key value pairs showing the current Application Pool recycling attributes.
- returned: success
- type: dictionary
- sample:
- disallowOverlappingRotation: false
- disallowRotationOnConfigChange: false
- logEventOnRecycle: "Time,Requests,Schedule,Memory,IsapiUnhealthy,OnDemand,ConfigChange,PrivateMemory"
- description: Current runtime state of the pool as the module completed.
+ description:
+ - Current runtime state of the pool as the module completed.
returned: success
type: string
sample: "Started"
diff --git a/test/integration/targets/win_iis_webapppool/aliases b/test/integration/targets/win_iis_webapppool/aliases
deleted file mode 100644
index 10e03fc2bf..0000000000
--- a/test/integration/targets/win_iis_webapppool/aliases
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1 +0,0 @@
diff --git a/test/integration/targets/win_iis_webapppool/defaults/main.yml b/test/integration/targets/win_iis_webapppool/defaults/main.yml
deleted file mode 100644
index bd0f15c998..0000000000
--- a/test/integration/targets/win_iis_webapppool/defaults/main.yml
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1 +0,0 @@
-test_iis_webapppool_name: TestPool \ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/test/integration/targets/win_iis_webapppool/tasks/main.yml b/test/integration/targets/win_iis_webapppool/tasks/main.yml
deleted file mode 100644
index 462bc4f4aa..0000000000
--- a/test/integration/targets/win_iis_webapppool/tasks/main.yml
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,61 +0,0 @@
-# Cannot use win_feature to install IIS on Server 2008.
-# Run a brief check and skip hosts that don't support
-# that operation
-- name: check if win_feature will work on test host
- win_command: powershell.exe "Get-WindowsFeature"
- register: module_available
- failed_when: False
-# Run actual tests
-- block:
- # Setup for tests
- - name: this is too finicky reboot before feature install
- win_reboot:
- - name: ensure IIS features are installed
- win_feature:
- name: Web-Server
- state: present
- includ_sub_features: True
- include_management_tools: True
- register: feature_install
- - name: reboot after feature install
- win_reboot:
- when: feature_install.reboot_required
- - name: set version of IIS for tests
- win_file_version:
- path: C:\Windows\System32\inetsrv\w3wp.exe
- register: iis_version
- - name: ensure test pool is deleted as a baseline
- win_iis_webapppool:
- name: '{{test_iis_webapppool_name}}'
- state: absent
- # Tests
- - name: run tests on hosts that support it
- include_tasks: tests.yml
- always:
- # Cleanup
- - name: ensure test pool is deleted
- win_iis_webapppool:
- name: '{{test_iis_webapppool_name}}'
- state: absent
- - name: remove IIS features after test
- win_feature:
- name: Web-Server
- state: absent
- includ_sub_features: True
- include_management_tools: True
- register: feature_uninstall
- - name: reboot after feature install
- win_reboot:
- when: feature_uninstall.reboot_required
- when: module_available.rc == 0
diff --git a/test/integration/targets/win_iis_webapppool/tasks/tests.yml b/test/integration/targets/win_iis_webapppool/tasks/tests.yml
deleted file mode 100644
index a792980361..0000000000
--- a/test/integration/targets/win_iis_webapppool/tasks/tests.yml
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,414 +0,0 @@
-- name: create default pool check
- win_iis_webapppool:
- name: '{{test_iis_webapppool_name}}'
- state: started
- register: create_default_check
- check_mode: yes
-- name: get actual of create default pool check
- win_command: powershell.exe "Import-Module WebAdministration; Get-Item -Path IIS:\AppPools\{{test_iis_webapppool_name}}"
- register: create_default_actual_check
- failed_when: False
-- name: assert create default pool check
- assert:
- that:
- - create_default_check|changed
- - create_default_actual_check.rc == 1
-- name: create default pool
- win_iis_webapppool:
- name: '{{test_iis_webapppool_name}}'
- state: present
- register: create_default
-- name: get actual of create default pool
- win_command: powershell.exe "Import-Module WebAdministration; Get-Item -Path IIS:\AppPools\{{test_iis_webapppool_name}}"
- register: create_default_actual
- failed_when: False
-- name: assert create default pool
- assert:
- that:
- - create_default|changed
- - == test_iis_webapppool_name
- - == 'OnDemand'
- - == 'Started'
- - create_default_actual.rc == 0
-- name: change attributes of pool check
- win_iis_webapppool:
- name: '{{test_iis_webapppool_name}}'
- state: present
- attributes:
- managedPipelineMode: 1 # Using an enum value
- cpu.limit: 95 # Nested values
- processModel.identityType: LocalSystem # Using an enum name
- processModel.loadUserProfile: True
- register: change_pool_attributes_check
- check_mode: yes
-- name: assert change attributes of pool check
- assert:
- that:
- - change_pool_attributes_check|changed
- - ==
-- name: change attributes of pool
- win_iis_webapppool:
- name: '{{test_iis_webapppool_name}}'
- state: present
- attributes:
- managedPipelineMode: 1 # Using an enum value
- cpu.limit: 95 # Nested values
- processModel.identityType: LocalSystem # Using an enum name
- processModel.loadUserProfile: True
- test: True
- register: change_pool_attributes
-- name: assert change attributes of pool
- assert:
- that:
- - change_pool_attributes|changed
- - == 'Classic'
- - == 95
- - == 'LocalSystem'
- - == True
-- name: change attributes of pool again
- win_iis_webapppool:
- name: '{{test_iis_webapppool_name}}'
- state: present
- attributes:
- managedPipelineMode: 1 # Using an enum value
- cpu.limit: 95 # Nested values
- processModel.identityType: LocalSystem # Using an enum name
- processModel.loadUserProfile: True
- register: change_pool_attributes_again
-- name: assert change attributes of pool again
- assert:
- that:
- - not change_pool_attributes_again|changed
- - ==
-- name: change attributes of pool (old style) check
- win_iis_webapppool:
- name: '{{test_iis_webapppool_name}}'
- state: present
- attributes: "managedPipelineMode:0|startMode:OnDemand|cpu.limit:0|processModel.identityType:NetworkService"
- register: change_pool_attributes_deprecated_check
- check_mode: yes
-- name: assert change attributes of pool (old style) check
- assert:
- that:
- - change_pool_attributes_deprecated_check|changed
- - ==
-- name: change attributes of pool (old style)
- win_iis_webapppool:
- name: '{{test_iis_webapppool_name}}'
- state: present
- attributes: "managedPipelineMode:0|startMode:OnDemand|cpu.limit:10|processModel.identityType:NetworkService"
- register: change_pool_attributes_deprecated
-- name: assert change attributes of pool (old style)
- assert:
- that:
- - change_pool_attributes_deprecated|changed
- - == 'Integrated'
- - == 'OnDemand'
- - == 10
- - == 'NetworkService'
-- name: change attributes of pool (old style) again
- win_iis_webapppool:
- name: '{{test_iis_webapppool_name}}'
- state: present
- attributes: "managedPipelineMode:0|startMode:OnDemand|cpu.limit:10|processModel.identityType:NetworkService"
- register: change_pool_attributes_deprecated_again
-- name: assert change attributes of pool (old style) again
- assert:
- that:
- - not change_pool_attributes_deprecated_again|changed
- - ==
-- name: change more complex variables check
- win_iis_webapppool:
- name: '{{test_iis_webapppool_name}}'
- state: present
- attributes:
- queueLength: 500
- recycling.periodicRestart.requests: 10 # Deeply nested attribute
- recycling.periodicRestart.time: "00:00:05:00.000000" # Timespan with string
- processModel.pingResponseTime: "00:03:00" # Timespan without days or milliseconds
- register: change_complex_attributes_check
- check_mode: yes
-- name: assert change more complex variables check
- assert:
- that:
- - change_complex_attributes_check|changed
- - ==
-- name: change more complex variables
- win_iis_webapppool:
- name: '{{test_iis_webapppool_name}}'
- state: present
- attributes:
- queueLength: 500
- recycling.periodicRestart.requests: 10 # Deeply nested attribute
- recycling.periodicRestart.time: "00:00:05:00.000000" # Timespan with string
- processModel.pingResponseTime: "00:03:00" # Timespan without days or milliseconds
- register: change_complex_attributes
-- name: assert change more complex variables
- assert:
- that:
- - change_complex_attributes|changed
- - == 500
- - == 10
- - == 300
- - == 180
-- name: change more complex variables again
- win_iis_webapppool:
- name: '{{test_iis_webapppool_name}}'
- state: present
- attributes:
- queueLength: 500
- recycling.periodicRestart.requests: 10 # Deeply nested attribute
- recycling.periodicRestart.time: "00:00:05:00.000000" # Timespan with string
- processModel.pingResponseTime: "00:03:00" # Timespan without days or milliseconds
- register: change_complex_attributes_again
-- name: assert change more complex variables again
- assert:
- that:
- - not change_complex_attributes_again|changed
- - ==
-- name: stop web pool check
- win_iis_webapppool:
- name: '{{test_iis_webapppool_name}}'
- state: stopped
- register: stop_pool_check
- check_mode: yes
-- name: get actual status of pool check
- win_command: powershell.exe "Import-Module WebAdministration; (Get-Item -Path IIS:\AppPools\{{test_iis_webapppool_name}}).state"
- register: stop_pool_actual_check
-- name: assert stop web pool check
- assert:
- that:
- - stop_pool_check|changed
- - stop_pool_actual_check.stdout == 'Started\r\n'
-- name: stop web pool
- win_iis_webapppool:
- name: '{{test_iis_webapppool_name}}'
- state: stopped
- register: stop_pool
-- name: get actual status of pool
- win_command: powershell.exe "Import-Module WebAdministration; (Get-Item -Path IIS:\AppPools\{{test_iis_webapppool_name}}).state"
- register: stop_pool_actual
-- name: assert stop web pool
- assert:
- that:
- - stop_pool|changed
- - stop_pool_actual.stdout == 'Stopped\r\n'
-- name: stop web pool again
- win_iis_webapppool:
- name: '{{test_iis_webapppool_name}}'
- state: stopped
- register: stop_pool_again
-- name: get actual status of pool again
- win_command: powershell.exe "Import-Module WebAdministration; (Get-Item -Path IIS:\AppPools\{{test_iis_webapppool_name}}).state"
- register: stop_pool_actual_again
-- name: assert stop web pool again
- assert:
- that:
- - not stop_pool_again|changed
- - stop_pool_actual_again.stdout == 'Stopped\r\n'
-- name: start web pool check
- win_iis_webapppool:
- name: '{{test_iis_webapppool_name}}'
- state: started
- register: start_pool_check
- check_mode: yes
-- name: get actual status of pool check
- win_command: powershell.exe "Import-Module WebAdministration; (Get-Item -Path IIS:\AppPools\{{test_iis_webapppool_name}}).state"
- register: start_pool_actual_check
-- name: assert start web pool check
- assert:
- that:
- - start_pool_check|changed
- - start_pool_actual_check.stdout == 'Stopped\r\n'
-- name: start web pool
- win_iis_webapppool:
- name: '{{test_iis_webapppool_name}}'
- state: started
- register: start_pool
-- name: get actual status of pool
- win_command: powershell.exe "Import-Module WebAdministration; (Get-Item -Path IIS:\AppPools\{{test_iis_webapppool_name}}).state"
- register: start_pool_actual
-- name: assert start web pool
- assert:
- that:
- - start_pool|changed
- - start_pool_actual.stdout == 'Started\r\n'
-- name: start web pool again
- win_iis_webapppool:
- name: '{{test_iis_webapppool_name}}'
- state: started
- register: start_pool_again
-- name: get actual status of pool again
- win_command: powershell.exe "Import-Module WebAdministration; (Get-Item -Path IIS:\AppPools\{{test_iis_webapppool_name}}).state"
- register: start_pool_actual_again
-- name: assert start web pool again
- assert:
- that:
- - not start_pool_again|changed
- - start_pool_actual_again.stdout == 'Started\r\n'
-- name: restart web pool
- win_iis_webapppool:
- name: '{{test_iis_webapppool_name}}'
- state: restarted
- register: restart_pool
-- name: get actual status of pool
- win_command: powershell.exe "Import-Module WebAdministration; (Get-Item -Path IIS:\AppPools\{{test_iis_webapppool_name}}).state"
- register: restart_pool_actual
-- name: assert restart web pool
- assert:
- that:
- - restart_pool|changed
- - restart_pool_actual.stdout == 'Started\r\n'
-- name: stop pool before restart on stop test
- win_iis_webapppool:
- name: '{{test_iis_webapppool_name}}'
- state: stopped
-- name: restart from stopped web pool check
- win_iis_webapppool:
- name: '{{test_iis_webapppool_name}}'
- state: restarted
- register: restart_from_stop_pool_check
- check_mode: yes
-- name: get actual status of pool check
- win_command: powershell.exe "Import-Module WebAdministration; (Get-Item -Path IIS:\AppPools\{{test_iis_webapppool_name}}).state"
- register: restart_from_stop_pool_actual_check
-- name: assert restart from stopped web pool check
- assert:
- that:
- - restart_from_stop_pool_check|changed
- - restart_from_stop_pool_actual_check.stdout == 'Stopped\r\n'
-- name: restart from stopped web pool
- win_iis_webapppool:
- name: '{{test_iis_webapppool_name}}'
- state: restarted
- register: restart_from_stop_pool
-- name: get actual status of pool
- win_command: powershell.exe "Import-Module WebAdministration; (Get-Item -Path IIS:\AppPools\{{test_iis_webapppool_name}}).state"
- register: restart_from_stop_pool_actual
-- name: assert restart from stopped web pool
- assert:
- that:
- - restart_from_stop_pool|changed
- - restart_from_stop_pool_actual.stdout == 'Started\r\n'
-# The following tests are only for IIS versions 8.0 or newer
-- block:
- - name: delete test pool
- win_iis_webapppool:
- name: '{{test_iis_webapppool_name}}'
- state: absent
- - name: create test pool
- win_iis_webapppool:
- name: '{{test_iis_webapppool_name}}'
- state: present
- register: iis_attributes_blank
- - name: change attributes for newer IIS version check
- win_iis_webapppool:
- name: '{{test_iis_webapppool_name}}'
- state: present
- attributes:
- startMode: AlwaysRunning
- processModel.identityType: 3
- processModel.userName: '{{ansible_user}}'
- processModel.password: '{{ansible_password}}'
- register: iis_attributes_new_check
- check_mode: yes
- - name: assert change attributes for newer IIS version check
- assert:
- that:
- - iis_attributes_new_check|changed
- - ==
- - name: change attributes for newer IIS version
- win_iis_webapppool:
- name: '{{test_iis_webapppool_name}}'
- state: present
- attributes:
- startMode: AlwaysRunning
- processModel.identityType: 3
- processModel.userName: '{{ansible_user}}'
- processModel.password: '{{ansible_password}}'
- register: iis_attributes_new
- - name: assert change attributes for newer IIS version
- assert:
- that:
- - iis_attributes_new|changed
- - == 'AlwaysRunning'
- - == 'SpecificUser'
- - == ansible_user
- - == ansible_password
- - name: change attributes for newer IIS version again
- win_iis_webapppool:
- name: '{{test_iis_webapppool_name}}'
- state: present
- attributes:
- startMode: AlwaysRunning
- processModel.identityType: 3
- processModel.userName: '{{ansible_user}}'
- processModel.password: '{{ansible_password}}'
- register: iis_attributes_new_again
- - name: assert change attributes for newer IIS version again
- assert:
- that:
- - not iis_attributes_new_again|changed
- - ==
- when: iis_version.win_file_version.file_major_part|int > 7