path: root/docs/man
diff options
authorHarlan Lieberman-Berg <>2017-03-08 11:04:35 -0500
committerBrian Coca <>2017-03-08 11:04:35 -0500
commite24ddb4980aed220e4108f6d67585af3735df97e (patch)
tree47b9fc4e23badaef32c432af669caa44dce1b76e /docs/man
parent96a19a452174667f47c55f4185cd1c6ec4fb6289 (diff)
Add manpage for ansible-console. (Closes: #16244) (#16245)
* Add manpage for ansible-console. (Closes: #16244) * Mark host as an optional field in ansible-console.1
Diffstat (limited to 'docs/man')
1 files changed, 261 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/docs/man/man1/ b/docs/man/man1/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..beec5845b1
--- /dev/null
+++ b/docs/man/man1/
@@ -0,0 +1,261 @@
+3:man source: Ansible
+:man version: %VERSION%
+:man manual: System administration commands
+ansible-console - a REPL for ad-hoc ansible tasks
+ansible-console [-m module_name] [-a args] [options] [host-pattern]
+*Ansible console* is a REPL that allows for running ad-hoc tasks against
+a chosen inventory (based on dominis' ansible-shell).
+A name of a group in the inventory, a shell-like glob selecting
+hosts in inventory or any combination of the two separated by commas.
+*-a* \'_ARGUMENTS_', *--args=*\'_ARGUMENTS_'::
+The 'ARGUMENTS' to pass to the module.
+*-b*, *--become*::
+Use privilege escalation (specific one depends on become_method),
+this does not imply prompting for passwords.
+*K*, *--ask-become-pass*::
+Ask for privilege escalation password.
+*-k*, *--ask-pass*::
+Prompt for the connection password, if it is needed for the transport used.
+For example, using ssh and not having a key-based authentication with ssh-agent.
+Prompt for su password, used with --su (deprecated, use become).
+Prompt for the password to use with --sudo, if any (deprecated, use become).
+Prompt for vault password.
+*-B* 'NUM', *--background=*'NUM'::
+Run commands in the background, killing the task after 'NUM' seconds.
+Privilege escalation method to use (default=sudo),
+valid choices: [ sudo | su | pbrun | pfexec | runas | doas | dzdo ]
+Run operations as this user (default=root).
+*-C*, *--check*::
+Do not make any changes on the remote system, but test resources to see what might
+have changed. Note this can not scan all possible resource types and is only
+a simulation.
+*-c* 'CONNECTION', *--connection=*'CONNECTION'::
+Connection type to use. Most common options are 'paramiko' (SSH), 'ssh', 'winrm'
+and 'local'. 'local' is mostly useful for crontab or kickstarts.
+*-e* 'EXTRA_VARS, *--extra-vars=*'EXTRA_VARS'::
+Extra variables to inject into a playbook, in key=value key=value format or
+as quoted YAML/JSON (hashes and arrays). To load variables from a file, specify
+the file preceded by @ (e.g. @vars.yml).
+*-f* 'NUM', *--forks=*'NUM'::
+Level of parallelism. 'NUM' is specified as an integer, the default is 5.
+*-h*, *--help*::
+Show help message and exit.
+*-i* 'PATH', *--inventory=*'PATH'::
+The 'PATH' to the inventory, which defaults to '/etc/ansible/hosts'.
+Alternatively you can use a comma separated list of hosts or single host with traling comma 'host,'.
+*-l* 'SUBSET', *--limit=*'SUBSET'::
+Further limits the selected host/group patterns.
+You can prefix it with '~' to indicate that the pattern is a regex.
+Outputs a list of matching hosts; does not execute anything else.
+*-m* 'NAME', *--module-name=*'NAME'::
+Execute the module called 'NAME'.
+*-M* 'DIRECTORY', *--module-path=*'DIRECTORY'::
+The 'DIRECTORY' search path to load modules from. The default is
+'/usr/share/ansible'. This can also be set with the ANSIBLE_LIBRARY
+environment variable.
+*-o*, *--one-line*::
+Try to output everything on one line.
+*-P* 'NUM', *--poll=*'NUM'::
+Poll a background job every 'NUM' seconds. Requires *-B*.
+Use this file to authenticate the connection.
+*-S*, *--su*::
+Run operations with su (deprecated, use become).
+*-R* 'SU_USER', *--se-user=*'SUDO_USER'::
+Run operations with su as this user (default=root) (deprecated, use become).
+*-s*, *--sudo*::
+Run the command as the user given by -u and sudo to root (deprecated, use become).
+*--ssh-common-args=*''-o ProxyCommand="ssh -W %h:%p ..." ...''::
+Add the specified arguments to any sftp/scp/ssh command-line. Useful to
+set a ProxyCommand to use a jump host, but any arguments that are
+accepted by all three programs may be specified.
+*--sftp-extra-args=*''-f ...''::
+Add the specified arguments to any sftp command-line.
+*--scp-extra-args=*''-l ...''::
+Add the specified arguments to any scp command-line.
+*--ssh-extra-args=*''-R ...''::
+Add the specified arguments to any ssh command-line.
+*-U* 'SUDO_USERNAME', *--sudo-user=*'SUDO_USERNAME'::
+Sudo to 'SUDO_USERNAME' default is root. (deprecated, use become).
+*-t* 'DIRECTORY', *--tree=*'DIRECTORY'::
+Save contents in this output 'DIRECTORY', with the results saved in a
+file named after each host.
+*-T* 'SECONDS', *--timeout=*'SECONDS'::
+Connection timeout to use when trying to talk to hosts, in 'SECONDS'.
+*-u* 'USERNAME', *--user=*'USERNAME'::
+Use this 'USERNAME' to login to the target host, instead of the current user.
+A file containing the vault password to be used during the decryption of vault encrypted files.
+Be sure to keep this file secured if it is used. If the file is executable,
+it will be run and its standard output will be used as the password.
+*-v*, *--verbose*::
+Verbose mode, more output from successful actions will be shown.
+Give up to three times for more output.
+Show program version number and exit.
+Ansible stores the hosts it can potentially operate on in an inventory.
+This can be an ini-like file, a script, directory or a list.
+The ini syntax is one host per line. Groups headers are allowed and
+are included on their own line, enclosed in square brackets that start the line.
+Ranges of hosts are also supported. For more information and
+additional options, see the documentation on
+The following environment variables may be specified.
+ANSIBLE_INVENTORY -- Override the default ansible inventory file
+ANSIBLE_LIBRARY -- Override the default ansible module library path
+ANSIBLE_CONFIG -- Override the default ansible config file
+Many more are available for most options in ansible.cfg
+/etc/ansible/hosts -- Default inventory file
+/usr/share/ansible/ -- Default module library
+/etc/ansible/ansible.cfg -- Config file, used if present
+~/.ansible.cfg -- User config file, overrides the default config if present
+Ansible was originally written by Michael DeHaan.
+See the AUTHORS file for a complete list of contributors.
+Copyright © 2012, Michael DeHaan
+Ansible is released under the terms of the GPLv3 License.
+*ansible-playbook*(1), *ansible-pull*(1), *ansible-doc*(1), *ansible-vault*(1), *ansible-galaxy*(1)
+Extensive documentation is available in the documentation site:
+<>. IRC and mailing list info can be found
+in file, available in: <>