path: root/changelogs/changelog.yaml
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'changelogs/changelog.yaml')
1 files changed, 169 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/changelogs/changelog.yaml b/changelogs/changelog.yaml
index f562b8424e..198a6db83a 100644
--- a/changelogs/changelog.yaml
+++ b/changelogs/changelog.yaml
@@ -1534,3 +1534,172 @@ releases:
name: unvault
namespace: null
release_date: '2020-06-17'
+ 2.10.0rc1:
+ changes:
+ bugfixes:
+ - '**security issue** atomic_move - change default permissions when creating
+ temporary files so they are not world readable (
+ (CVE-2020-1736)
+ '
+ - 'Address the deprecation of the use of stdlib distutils in packaging. It''s
+ a short-term hotfix for the problem (,
+ '
+ - Allow TypeErrors on Undefined variables in filters to be handled or deferred
+ when processing for loops.
+ - Ansible output now uses stdout to determine column width instead of stdin
+ - 'Fix ``delegate_facts: true`` when ``ansible_python_interpreter`` is not set.
+ ('
+ - JSON Encoder - Ensure we treat single vault encrypted values as strings (
+ - Python module_utils finder - refactor logic to eliminate many corner cases,
+ remove recursion, fix base module_utils redirections
+ - SSH plugin - Improve error message when ssh client is not found on the host
+ - Sanitize no_log values from any response keys that might be returned from
+ the uri module.
+ - TaskExecutor - Handle unexpected errors as failed while post validating loops
+ (
+ - Template connection variables before using them (
+ - Terminal plugins - add "\e[m" to the list of ANSI sequences stripped from
+ device output
+ - The `ansible_become` value was not being treated as a boolean value when set
+ in an INI format inventory file (fixes bug
+ - The machine-readable changelog ``changelogs/changelog.yaml`` is now contained
+ in the release.
+ - Vault - Allow single vault encrypted values to be used directly as module
+ parameters. (
+ - action plugins - change all action/module delegations to use FQ names while
+ allowing overrides (
+ - add constraints file for ``anisble_runner`` test since an update to ``psutil``
+ is now causing test failures
+ - add magic/connection vars updates from delegated host info.
+ - ansible-doc - collection name for plugin top-level deprecation was not inserted
+ when deprecating by version (
+ - ansible-doc - improve error message in text formatter when ``description``
+ is missing for a (sub-)option or a return value or its ``contains`` (
+ - ansible-doc - improve man page formatting to avoid problems when YAML anchors
+ are used (
+ - ansible-doc - include the collection name in the text output (
+ - ansible-test - Do not try to validate PowerShell modules ``setup.ps1``, ``slurp.ps1``,
+ and ``async_status.ps1``
+ - ansible-test - The ``ansible-doc`` sanity test now works for ``netconf`` plugins.
+ - ansible-test - integration and unit test change detection now works for filter,
+ lookup and test plugins
+ - ansible-test now always uses the ``--python`` option for ``virtualenv`` to
+ select the correct interpreter when creating environments with the ``--venv``
+ option
+ - api - time.clock is removed in Python 3.8, add backward compatible code (
+ - apt - include exception message from apt python library in error output
+ - assemble - fix decrypt argument in the module (
+ - basic - use PollSelector implementation when DefaultSelector fails (
+ - collection metadata - ensure collection loader uses libyaml/CSafeLoader to
+ parse collection metadata if available
+ - cron - encode and decode crontab files in UTF-8 explicitly to allow non-ascii
+ chars in cron filepath and job (
+ - ensure delegated vars can resolve hostvars object and access vars from hostvars[inventory_hostname].
+ - facts - account for Slackware OS with ``+`` in the name (
+ - fix issue with inventory_hostname and delegated host vars mixing on connection
+ settings.
+ - if the ``type`` for a module parameter in the argument spec is callable, do
+ not pass ``kwargs`` to avoid errors (
+ - pause - handle exception when there is no stdout (
+ - playbooks - detect and propagate failures in ``always`` blocks after ``rescue``
+ (
+ - shell - fix quoting of mkdir command in creation of remote_tmp in order to
+ allow spaces and other special characters (
+ - splunk httpapi plugin - switch from splunk.enterprise_security to
+ in runtime.yml to reflect upstream change of Collection Name
+ - 'ssh connection plugin - use ``get_option()`` rather than ``_play_context``
+ to ensure ``ANSBILE_SSH_ARGS`` are applied properly (
+ '
+ - user - don't create home directory and missing parents when create_home ==
+ false (
+ - win setup - Fix redirection path for the windows setup module
+ - windows async - use full path when calling PowerShell to reduce reliance on
+ environment vars being correct -
+ - winrm - preserve winrm forensic data on put_file failures
+ minor_changes:
+ - Add an example for using var in with_sequence (
+ - Add standard Python 2/3 compatibility boilerplate to setup script, module_utils
+ and docs_fragments which were missing them.
+ - 'Command module: Removed suggestions to use modules which have moved to collections
+ and out of ansible-base'
+ - The plugin loader now keeps track of the collection where a plugin was resolved
+ to, in particular whether the plugin was loaded from ansible-base's internal
+ paths (``ansible.builtin``) or from user-supplied paths (no collection name).
+ - ansible-galaxy - Add installation successful message
+ - ansible-galaxy - Change the output verbosity level of the download message
+ from 3 to 0 (
+ - ansible-test - Provisioning of RHEL instances now includes installation of
+ pinned versions of ``packaging`` and ``pyparsing`` to match the downstream
+ vendored versions.
+ - ansible-test - Report the correct line number in the ``yamllint`` sanity test
+ when reporting ``libyaml`` parse errors in module documentation.
+ - conditionals - change the default of CONDITIONAL_BARE_VARS to False (
+ - debconf - add a note about no_log=True since module might expose sensitive
+ information to logs (
+ - pipe lookup - update docs for Popen with shell=True usages (
+ release_summary: '| Release Date: 2020-07-23
+ | `Porting Guide <>`__
+ '
+ codename: When the Levee Breaks
+ fragments:
+ - 32386_debconf_password.yml
+ - 38760-slackware-os-dist.yml
+ - 67794-atomic_move-default-perms.yml
+ - 68275-vault-module-args.yml
+ - 69578-shell-remote_tmp-quoting.yaml
+ - 70000-playbook-detect-failure-in-always.yml
+ - 70017-avoid-params-to-callable-checkers.yml
+ - 70045-ansible-doc-yaml-anchors.yml
+ - 70046-ansible-doc-description-crash.yml
+ - 70099-make-apt-errors-more-transparent.yaml
+ - 70122-improve-error-message-ssh-client-is-not-found.yml
+ - 70168-fix-delegate_facts-without-interpreter-set.yml
+ - 70238_selector.yml
+ - 70240-fix-fatal-post_validate-error.yml
+ - 70261_pipe_lookup.yml
+ - 70344-plugin-deprecation-collection-name.yml
+ - 70426-allow-non-ascii-chars-in-cron.yml
+ - 70437-ssh-args.yml
+ - 70465-assemble-fix-decrypt-argument.yaml
+ - 70484-bool-ansible-become.yaml
+ - 70525-setuptools-disutils-reorder.yml
+ - 70600-user-module-dont-create-home-when-create_home-is-false.yml
+ - 70649_time_clock.yml
+ - 70657-template-connection-vars.yaml
+ - 70683-terminal-ansi-re.yaml
+ - 70762-sanitize-uri-keys.yml
+ - 70784-vault-is-string.yml
+ - ansible-boilerplate.yml
+ - ansible-doc-collection-name.yml
+ - ansible-galaxy-stdout.yml
+ - ansible-test-plugin-classification.yml
+ - ansible-test-rhel-requirements.yml
+ - ansible-test-sanity-ansible-doc.yml
+ - ansible-test-sanity-yamllint-lineno.yml
+ - ansible-test-virtualenv-fix.yml
+ - better_winrm_putfile_error.yml
+ - changelog-yaml.yml
+ - collection_meta_use_libyaml.yml
+ - command-module-warnings.yml
+ - delegate_has_hostvars.yml
+ - display-stdout-column-width.yml
+ - fq_action_module_resolution.yml
+ - handle_undefined_in_type_errors_filters.yml
+ - module_utils_finder_refactor.yml
+ - pause-catch-error-when-no-std-exists.yml
+ - plugin-loader-collection-name.yml
+ - runtime-splunk-redirect.yml
+ - test-ansible-runner-pin-psutil.yml
+ - update-conditionals-bare-vars-default.yml
+ - v2.10.0rc1_summary.yaml
+ - validate-modules-ps-doc-blacklist.yaml
+ - win_async_full_path.yml
+ - win_setup-redirection.yaml
+ - with_seq_example.yml
+ release_date: '2020-07-23'