path: root/lib/ansible/plugins/
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'lib/ansible/plugins/')
1 files changed, 588 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/lib/ansible/plugins/ b/lib/ansible/plugins/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..4e4ddd33cc
--- /dev/null
+++ b/lib/ansible/plugins/
@@ -0,0 +1,588 @@
+# (c) 2012, Daniel Hokka Zakrisson <>
+# (c) 2012-2014, Michael DeHaan <> and others
+# (c) 2017, Toshio Kuratomi <>
+# This file is part of Ansible
+# Ansible is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
+# it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
+# the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
+# (at your option) any later version.
+# Ansible is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+# GNU General Public License for more details.
+# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+# along with Ansible. If not, see <>.
+# Make coding more python3-ish
+from __future__ import (absolute_import, division, print_function)
+__metaclass__ = type
+import glob
+import imp
+import os
+import os.path
+import sys
+import warnings
+from collections import defaultdict
+from ansible import constants as C
+from ansible.plugins import get_plugin_class, MODULE_CACHE, PATH_CACHE, PLUGIN_PATH_CACHE
+from ansible.module_utils._text import to_text
+from ansible.parsing.plugin_docs import read_docstring
+ from __main__ import display
+except ImportError:
+ from ansible.utils.display import Display
+ display = Display()
+def get_all_plugin_loaders():
+ return [(name, obj) for (name, obj) in globals().items() if isinstance(obj, PluginLoader)]
+class PluginLoader:
+ '''
+ PluginLoader loads plugins from the configured plugin directories.
+ It searches for plugins by iterating through the combined list of
+ play basedirs, configured paths, and the python path.
+ The first match is used.
+ '''
+ def __init__(self, class_name, package, config, subdir, aliases={}, required_base_class=None):
+ self.class_name = class_name
+ self.base_class = required_base_class
+ self.package = package
+ self.subdir = subdir
+ self.aliases = aliases
+ if config and not isinstance(config, list):
+ config = [config]
+ elif not config:
+ config = []
+ self.config = config
+ if class_name not in MODULE_CACHE:
+ MODULE_CACHE[class_name] = {}
+ if class_name not in PATH_CACHE:
+ PATH_CACHE[class_name] = None
+ if class_name not in PLUGIN_PATH_CACHE:
+ PLUGIN_PATH_CACHE[class_name] = defaultdict(dict)
+ self._module_cache = MODULE_CACHE[class_name]
+ self._paths = PATH_CACHE[class_name]
+ self._plugin_path_cache = PLUGIN_PATH_CACHE[class_name]
+ self._extra_dirs = []
+ self._searched_paths = set()
+ def __setstate__(self, data):
+ '''
+ Deserializer.
+ '''
+ class_name = data.get('class_name')
+ package = data.get('package')
+ config = data.get('config')
+ subdir = data.get('subdir')
+ aliases = data.get('aliases')
+ base_class = data.get('base_class')
+ PATH_CACHE[class_name] = data.get('PATH_CACHE')
+ PLUGIN_PATH_CACHE[class_name] = data.get('PLUGIN_PATH_CACHE')
+ self.__init__(class_name, package, config, subdir, aliases, base_class)
+ self._extra_dirs = data.get('_extra_dirs', [])
+ self._searched_paths = data.get('_searched_paths', set())
+ def __getstate__(self):
+ '''
+ Serializer.
+ '''
+ return dict(
+ class_name=self.class_name,
+ base_class=self.base_class,
+ package=self.package,
+ config=self.config,
+ subdir=self.subdir,
+ aliases=self.aliases,
+ _extra_dirs=self._extra_dirs,
+ _searched_paths=self._searched_paths,
+ PATH_CACHE=PATH_CACHE[self.class_name],
+ )
+ def format_paths(self, paths):
+ ''' Returns a string suitable for printing of the search path '''
+ # Uses a list to get the order right
+ ret = []
+ for i in paths:
+ if i not in ret:
+ ret.append(i)
+ return os.pathsep.join(ret)
+ def print_paths(self):
+ return self.format_paths(self._get_paths(subdirs=False))
+ def _all_directories(self, dir):
+ results = []
+ results.append(dir)
+ for root, subdirs, files in os.walk(dir, followlinks=True):
+ if '' in files:
+ for x in subdirs:
+ results.append(os.path.join(root, x))
+ return results
+ def _get_package_paths(self, subdirs=True):
+ ''' Gets the path of a Python package '''
+ if not self.package:
+ return []
+ if not hasattr(self, 'package_path'):
+ m = __import__(self.package)
+ parts = self.package.split('.')[1:]
+ for parent_mod in parts:
+ m = getattr(m, parent_mod)
+ self.package_path = os.path.dirname(m.__file__)
+ if subdirs:
+ return self._all_directories(self.package_path)
+ return [self.package_path]
+ def _get_paths(self, subdirs=True):
+ ''' Return a list of paths to search for plugins in '''
+ # FIXME: This is potentially buggy if subdirs is sometimes True and sometimes False.
+ # In current usage, everything calls this with subdirs=True except for module_utils_loader and ansible-doc
+ # which always calls it with subdirs=False. So there currently isn't a problem with this caching.
+ if self._paths is not None:
+ return self._paths
+ ret = self._extra_dirs[:]
+ # look in any configured plugin paths, allow one level deep for subcategories
+ if self.config is not None:
+ for path in self.config:
+ path = os.path.realpath(os.path.expanduser(path))
+ if subdirs:
+ contents = glob.glob("%s/*" % path) + glob.glob("%s/*/*" % path)
+ for c in contents:
+ if os.path.isdir(c) and c not in ret:
+ ret.append(c)
+ if path not in ret:
+ ret.append(path)
+ # look for any plugins installed in the package subtree
+ # Note package path always gets added last so that every other type of
+ # path is searched before it.
+ ret.extend(self._get_package_paths(subdirs=subdirs))
+ # HACK: because powershell modules are in the same directory
+ # hierarchy as other modules we have to process them last. This is
+ # because powershell only works on windows but the other modules work
+ # anywhere (possibly including windows if the correct language
+ # interpreter is installed). the non-powershell modules can have any
+ # file extension and thus powershell modules are picked up in that.
+ # The non-hack way to fix this is to have powershell modules be
+ # a different PluginLoader/ModuleLoader. But that requires changing
+ # other things too (known thing to change would be PATHS_CACHE,
+ # PLUGIN_PATHS_CACHE, and MODULE_CACHE. Since those three dicts key
+ # on the class_name and neither regular modules nor powershell modules
+ # would have class_names, they would not work as written.
+ reordered_paths = []
+ win_dirs = []
+ for path in ret:
+ if path.endswith('windows'):
+ win_dirs.append(path)
+ else:
+ reordered_paths.append(path)
+ reordered_paths.extend(win_dirs)
+ # cache and return the result
+ self._paths = reordered_paths
+ return reordered_paths
+ def _load_config_defs(self, name, path):
+ ''' Reads plugin docs to find configuration setting definitions, to push to config manager for later use '''
+ # plugins w/o class name don't support config
+ if self.class_name and self.class_name in ('Connection'):
+ # FIXME: expand from just connection
+ type_name = get_plugin_class(self)
+ dstring = read_docstring(path, verbose=False, ignore_errors=False)
+ if dstring.get('doc', False):
+ if 'options' in dstring['doc'] and isinstance(dstring['doc']['options'], dict):
+ C.config.initialize_plugin_configuration_definitions(type_name, name, dstring['doc']['options'])
+ display.debug('Loaded config def from plugin (%s/%s)' % (type_name, name))
+ def add_directory(self, directory, with_subdir=False):
+ ''' Adds an additional directory to the search path '''
+ directory = os.path.realpath(directory)
+ if directory is not None:
+ if with_subdir:
+ directory = os.path.join(directory, self.subdir)
+ if directory not in self._extra_dirs:
+ # append the directory and invalidate the path cache
+ self._extra_dirs.append(directory)
+ self._paths = None
+ def find_plugin(self, name, mod_type='', ignore_deprecated=False):
+ ''' Find a plugin named name '''
+ if mod_type:
+ suffix = mod_type
+ elif self.class_name:
+ # Ansible plugins that run in the controller process (most plugins)
+ suffix = '.py'
+ else:
+ # Only Ansible Modules. Ansible modules can be any executable so
+ # they can have any suffix
+ suffix = ''
+ # The particular cache to look for modules within. This matches the
+ # requested mod_type
+ pull_cache = self._plugin_path_cache[suffix]
+ try:
+ return pull_cache[name]
+ except KeyError:
+ # Cache miss. Now let's find the plugin
+ pass
+ # TODO: Instead of using the self._paths cache (PATH_CACHE) and
+ # self._searched_paths we could use an iterator. Before enabling that
+ # we need to make sure we don't want to add additional directories
+ # (add_directory()) once we start using the iterator. Currently, it
+ # looks like _get_paths() never forces a cache refresh so if we expect
+ # additional directories to be added later, it is buggy.
+ for path in (p for p in self._get_paths() if p not in self._searched_paths and os.path.isdir(p)):
+ try:
+ full_paths = (os.path.join(path, f) for f in os.listdir(path))
+ except OSError as e:
+ display.warning("Error accessing plugin paths: %s" % to_text(e))
+ for full_path in (f for f in full_paths if os.path.isfile(f) and not f.endswith('')):
+ full_name = os.path.basename(full_path)
+ # HACK: We have no way of executing python byte compiled files as ansible modules so specifically exclude them
+ # FIXME: I believe this is only correct for modules and module_utils.
+ # For all other plugins we want .pyc and .pyo should be valid
+ if full_path.endswith(('.pyc', '.pyo')):
+ continue
+ splitname = os.path.splitext(full_name)
+ base_name = splitname[0]
+ try:
+ extension = splitname[1]
+ except IndexError:
+ extension = ''
+ # Module found, now enter it into the caches that match this file
+ if base_name not in self._plugin_path_cache['']:
+ self._plugin_path_cache[''][base_name] = full_path
+ if full_name not in self._plugin_path_cache['']:
+ self._plugin_path_cache[''][full_name] = full_path
+ if base_name not in self._plugin_path_cache[extension]:
+ self._plugin_path_cache[extension][base_name] = full_path
+ if full_name not in self._plugin_path_cache[extension]:
+ self._plugin_path_cache[extension][full_name] = full_path
+ self._searched_paths.add(path)
+ try:
+ return pull_cache[name]
+ except KeyError:
+ # Didn't find the plugin in this directory. Load modules from the next one
+ pass
+ # if nothing is found, try finding alias/deprecated
+ if not name.startswith('_'):
+ alias_name = '_' + name
+ # We've already cached all the paths at this point
+ if alias_name in pull_cache:
+ if not ignore_deprecated and not os.path.islink(pull_cache[alias_name]):
+ # FIXME: this is not always the case, some are just aliases
+ display.deprecated('%s is kept for backwards compatibility but usage is discouraged. '
+ 'The module documentation details page may explain more about this rationale.' % name.lstrip('_'))
+ return pull_cache[alias_name]
+ return None
+ def has_plugin(self, name):
+ ''' Checks if a plugin named name exists '''
+ return self.find_plugin(name) is not None
+ __contains__ = has_plugin
+ def _load_module_source(self, name, path):
+ # avoid collisions across plugins
+ full_name = '.'.join([self.package, name])
+ if full_name in sys.modules:
+ # Avoids double loading, See
+ return sys.modules[full_name]
+ with warnings.catch_warnings():
+ warnings.simplefilter("ignore", RuntimeWarning)
+ with open(path, 'rb') as module_file:
+ module = imp.load_source(full_name, path, module_file)
+ return module
+ def _update_object(self, obj, name, path):
+ # load plugin config data
+ self._load_config_defs(name, path)
+ # set extra info on the module, in case we want it later
+ setattr(obj, '_original_path', path)
+ setattr(obj, '_load_name', name)
+ def get(self, name, *args, **kwargs):
+ ''' instantiates a plugin of the given name using arguments '''
+ found_in_cache = True
+ class_only = kwargs.pop('class_only', False)
+ if name in self.aliases:
+ name = self.aliases[name]
+ path = self.find_plugin(name)
+ if path is None:
+ return None
+ if path not in self._module_cache:
+ self._module_cache[path] = self._load_module_source(name, path)
+ found_in_cache = False
+ obj = getattr(self._module_cache[path], self.class_name)
+ if self.base_class:
+ # The import path is hardcoded and should be the right place,
+ # so we are not expecting an ImportError.
+ module = __import__(self.package, fromlist=[self.base_class])
+ # Check whether this obj has the required base class.
+ try:
+ plugin_class = getattr(module, self.base_class)
+ except AttributeError:
+ return None
+ if not issubclass(obj, plugin_class):
+ return None
+ self._display_plugin_load(self.class_name, name, self._searched_paths, path, found_in_cache=found_in_cache, class_only=class_only)
+ if not class_only:
+ try:
+ obj = obj(*args, **kwargs)
+ except TypeError as e:
+ if "abstract" in e.args[0]:
+ # Abstract Base Class. The found plugin file does not
+ # fully implement the defined interface.
+ return None
+ raise
+ self._update_object(obj, name, path)
+ return obj
+ def _display_plugin_load(self, class_name, name, searched_paths, path, found_in_cache=None, class_only=None):
+ msg = 'Loading %s \'%s\' from %s' % (class_name, os.path.basename(name), path)
+ if len(searched_paths) > 1:
+ msg = '%s (searched paths: %s)' % (msg, self.format_paths(searched_paths))
+ if found_in_cache or class_only:
+ msg = '%s (found_in_cache=%s, class_only=%s)' % (msg, found_in_cache, class_only)
+ display.debug(msg)
+ def all(self, *args, **kwargs):
+ ''' instantiates all plugins with the same arguments '''
+ path_only = kwargs.pop('path_only', False)
+ class_only = kwargs.pop('class_only', False)
+ all_matches = []
+ found_in_cache = True
+ for i in self._get_paths():
+ all_matches.extend(glob.glob(os.path.join(i, "*.py")))
+ for path in sorted(all_matches, key=lambda match: os.path.basename(match)):
+ name = os.path.basename(os.path.splitext(path)[0])
+ if '__init__' in name:
+ continue
+ if path_only:
+ yield path
+ continue
+ if path not in self._module_cache:
+ self._module_cache[path] = self._load_module_source(name, path)
+ found_in_cache = False
+ try:
+ obj = getattr(self._module_cache[path], self.class_name)
+ except AttributeError as e:
+ display.warning("Skipping plugin (%s) as it seems to be invalid: %s" % (path, to_text(e)))
+ continue
+ if self.base_class:
+ # The import path is hardcoded and should be the right place,
+ # so we are not expecting an ImportError.
+ module = __import__(self.package, fromlist=[self.base_class])
+ # Check whether this obj has the required base class.
+ try:
+ plugin_class = getattr(module, self.base_class)
+ except AttributeError:
+ continue
+ if not issubclass(obj, plugin_class):
+ continue
+ self._display_plugin_load(self.class_name, name, self._searched_paths, path, found_in_cache=found_in_cache, class_only=class_only)
+ if not class_only:
+ try:
+ obj = obj(*args, **kwargs)
+ except TypeError as e:
+ display.warning("Skipping plugin (%s) as it seems to be incomplete: %s" % (path, to_text(e)))
+ self._update_object(obj, name, path)
+ yield obj
+action_loader = PluginLoader(
+ 'ActionModule',
+ 'ansible.plugins.action',
+ 'action_plugins',
+ required_base_class='ActionBase',
+cache_loader = PluginLoader(
+ 'CacheModule',
+ 'ansible.plugins.cache',
+ 'cache_plugins',
+callback_loader = PluginLoader(
+ 'CallbackModule',
+ 'ansible.plugins.callback',
+ 'callback_plugins',
+connection_loader = PluginLoader(
+ 'Connection',
+ 'ansible.plugins.connection',
+ 'connection_plugins',
+ aliases={'paramiko': 'paramiko_ssh'},
+ required_base_class='ConnectionBase',
+shell_loader = PluginLoader(
+ 'ShellModule',
+ '',
+ 'shell_plugins',
+ 'shell_plugins',
+module_loader = PluginLoader(
+ '',
+ 'ansible.modules',
+ 'library',
+module_utils_loader = PluginLoader(
+ '',
+ 'ansible.module_utils',
+ 'module_utils',
+# NB: dedicated loader is currently necessary because PS module_utils expects "with subdir" lookup where
+# regular module_utils doesn't. This can be revisited once we have more granular loaders.
+ps_module_utils_loader = PluginLoader(
+ '',
+ 'ansible.module_utils',
+ 'module_utils',
+lookup_loader = PluginLoader(
+ 'LookupModule',
+ 'ansible.plugins.lookup',
+ 'lookup_plugins',
+ required_base_class='LookupBase',
+filter_loader = PluginLoader(
+ 'FilterModule',
+ 'ansible.plugins.filter',
+ 'filter_plugins',
+test_loader = PluginLoader(
+ 'TestModule',
+ 'ansible.plugins.test',
+ 'test_plugins'
+fragment_loader = PluginLoader(
+ 'ModuleDocFragment',
+ 'ansible.utils.module_docs_fragments',
+ os.path.join(os.path.dirname(__file__), 'module_docs_fragments'),
+ '',
+strategy_loader = PluginLoader(
+ 'StrategyModule',
+ 'ansible.plugins.strategy',
+ 'strategy_plugins',
+ required_base_class='StrategyBase',
+terminal_loader = PluginLoader(
+ 'TerminalModule',
+ 'ansible.plugins.terminal',
+ 'terminal_plugins',
+ 'terminal_plugins'
+vars_loader = PluginLoader(
+ 'VarsModule',
+ 'ansible.plugins.vars',
+ 'vars_plugins',
+cliconf_loader = PluginLoader(
+ 'Cliconf',
+ 'ansible.plugins.cliconf',
+ 'cliconf_plugins',
+ 'cliconf_plugins',
+ required_base_class='CliconfBase'
+netconf_loader = PluginLoader(
+ 'Netconf',
+ 'ansible.plugins.netconf',
+ 'netconf_plugins',
+ 'netconf_plugins',
+ required_base_class='NetconfBase'