path: root/test/support/integration/plugins/modules/
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'test/support/integration/plugins/modules/')
1 files changed, 0 insertions, 1805 deletions
diff --git a/test/support/integration/plugins/modules/ b/test/support/integration/plugins/modules/
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index 7a587fb941..0000000000
--- a/test/support/integration/plugins/modules/
+++ /dev/null
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-# Copyright: Ansible Project
-# GNU General Public License v3.0+ (see COPYING or
-from __future__ import absolute_import, division, print_function
-__metaclass__ = type
-ANSIBLE_METADATA = {'metadata_version': '1.1',
- 'status': ['preview'],
- 'supported_by': 'community'}
-module: ec2_instance
-short_description: Create & manage EC2 instances
- - Create and manage AWS EC2 instances.
- - >
- Note: This module does not support creating
- L(EC2 Spot instances, The M(ec2) module
- can create and manage spot instances.
-version_added: "2.5"
- - Ryan Scott Brown (@ryansb)
-requirements: [ "boto3", "botocore" ]
- instance_ids:
- description:
- - If you specify one or more instance IDs, only instances that have the specified IDs are returned.
- type: list
- state:
- description:
- - Goal state for the instances.
- choices: [present, terminated, running, started, stopped, restarted, rebooted, absent]
- default: present
- type: str
- wait:
- description:
- - Whether or not to wait for the desired state (use wait_timeout to customize this).
- default: true
- type: bool
- wait_timeout:
- description:
- - How long to wait (in seconds) for the instance to finish booting/terminating.
- default: 600
- type: int
- instance_type:
- description:
- - Instance type to use for the instance, see U(
- Only required when instance is not already present.
- default: t2.micro
- type: str
- user_data:
- description:
- - Opaque blob of data which is made available to the ec2 instance
- type: str
- tower_callback:
- description:
- - Preconfigured user-data to enable an instance to perform a Tower callback (Linux only).
- - Mutually exclusive with I(user_data).
- - For Windows instances, to enable remote access via Ansible set I( to true, and optionally set an admin password.
- - If using 'windows' and 'set_password', callback to Tower will not be performed but the instance will be ready to receive winrm connections from Ansible.
- type: dict
- suboptions:
- tower_address:
- description:
- - IP address or DNS name of Tower server. Must be accessible via this address from the VPC that this instance will be launched in.
- type: str
- job_template_id:
- description:
- - Either the integer ID of the Tower Job Template, or the name (name supported only for Tower 3.2+).
- type: str
- host_config_key:
- description:
- - Host configuration secret key generated by the Tower job template.
- type: str
- tags:
- description:
- - A hash/dictionary of tags to add to the new instance or to add/remove from an existing one.
- type: dict
- purge_tags:
- description:
- - Delete any tags not specified in the task that are on the instance.
- This means you have to specify all the desired tags on each task affecting an instance.
- default: false
- type: bool
- image:
- description:
- - An image to use for the instance. The M(ec2_ami_info) module may be used to retrieve images.
- One of I(image) or I(image_id) are required when instance is not already present.
- type: dict
- suboptions:
- id:
- description:
- - The AMI ID.
- type: str
- ramdisk:
- description:
- - Overrides the AMI's default ramdisk ID.
- type: str
- kernel:
- description:
- - a string AKI to override the AMI kernel.
- image_id:
- description:
- - I(ami) ID to use for the instance. One of I(image) or I(image_id) are required when instance is not already present.
- - This is an alias for I(
- type: str
- security_groups:
- description:
- - A list of security group IDs or names (strings). Mutually exclusive with I(security_group).
- type: list
- security_group:
- description:
- - A security group ID or name. Mutually exclusive with I(security_groups).
- type: str
- name:
- description:
- - The Name tag for the instance.
- type: str
- vpc_subnet_id:
- description:
- - The subnet ID in which to launch the instance (VPC)
- If none is provided, ec2_instance will chose the default zone of the default VPC.
- aliases: ['subnet_id']
- type: str
- network:
- description:
- - Either a dictionary containing the key 'interfaces' corresponding to a list of network interface IDs or
- containing specifications for a single network interface.
- - Use the ec2_eni module to create ENIs with special settings.
- type: dict
- suboptions:
- interfaces:
- description:
- - a list of ENI IDs (strings) or a list of objects containing the key I(id).
- type: list
- assign_public_ip:
- description:
- - when true assigns a public IP address to the interface
- type: bool
- private_ip_address:
- description:
- - an IPv4 address to assign to the interface
- type: str
- ipv6_addresses:
- description:
- - a list of IPv6 addresses to assign to the network interface
- type: list
- source_dest_check:
- description:
- - controls whether source/destination checking is enabled on the interface
- type: bool
- description:
- description:
- - a description for the network interface
- type: str
- private_ip_addresses:
- description:
- - a list of IPv4 addresses to assign to the network interface
- type: list
- subnet_id:
- description:
- - the subnet to connect the network interface to
- type: str
- delete_on_termination:
- description:
- - Delete the interface when the instance it is attached to is
- terminated.
- type: bool
- device_index:
- description:
- - The index of the interface to modify
- type: int
- groups:
- description:
- - a list of security group IDs to attach to the interface
- type: list
- volumes:
- description:
- - A list of block device mappings, by default this will always use the AMI root device so the volumes option is primarily for adding more storage.
- - A mapping contains the (optional) keys device_name, virtual_name, ebs.volume_type, ebs.volume_size, ebs.kms_key_id,
- ebs.iops, and ebs.delete_on_termination.
- - For more information about each parameter, see U(
- type: list
- launch_template:
- description:
- - The EC2 launch template to base instance configuration on.
- type: dict
- suboptions:
- id:
- description:
- - the ID of the launch template (optional if name is specified).
- type: str
- name:
- description:
- - the pretty name of the launch template (optional if id is specified).
- type: str
- version:
- description:
- - the specific version of the launch template to use. If unspecified, the template default is chosen.
- key_name:
- description:
- - Name of the SSH access key to assign to the instance - must exist in the region the instance is created.
- type: str
- availability_zone:
- description:
- - Specify an availability zone to use the default subnet it. Useful if not specifying the I(vpc_subnet_id) parameter.
- - If no subnet, ENI, or availability zone is provided, the default subnet in the default VPC will be used in the first AZ (alphabetically sorted).
- type: str
- instance_initiated_shutdown_behavior:
- description:
- - Whether to stop or terminate an instance upon shutdown.
- choices: ['stop', 'terminate']
- type: str
- tenancy:
- description:
- - What type of tenancy to allow an instance to use. Default is shared tenancy. Dedicated tenancy will incur additional charges.
- choices: ['dedicated', 'default']
- type: str
- termination_protection:
- description:
- - Whether to enable termination protection.
- This module will not terminate an instance with termination protection active, it must be turned off first.
- type: bool
- cpu_credit_specification:
- description:
- - For T series instances, choose whether to allow increased charges to buy CPU credits if the default pool is depleted.
- - Choose I(unlimited) to enable buying additional CPU credits.
- choices: ['unlimited', 'standard']
- type: str
- cpu_options:
- description:
- - Reduce the number of vCPU exposed to the instance.
- - Those parameters can only be set at instance launch. The two suboptions threads_per_core and core_count are mandatory.
- - See U( for combinations available.
- - Requires botocore >= 1.10.16
- version_added: 2.7
- type: dict
- suboptions:
- threads_per_core:
- description:
- - Select the number of threads per core to enable. Disable or Enable Intel HT.
- choices: [1, 2]
- required: true
- type: int
- core_count:
- description:
- - Set the number of core to enable.
- required: true
- type: int
- detailed_monitoring:
- description:
- - Whether to allow detailed cloudwatch metrics to be collected, enabling more detailed alerting.
- type: bool
- ebs_optimized:
- description:
- - Whether instance is should use optimized EBS volumes, see U(
- type: bool
- filters:
- description:
- - A dict of filters to apply when deciding whether existing instances match and should be altered. Each dict item
- consists of a filter key and a filter value. See
- U(
- for possible filters. Filter names and values are case sensitive.
- - By default, instances are filtered for counting by their "Name" tag, base AMI, state (running, by default), and
- subnet ID. Any queryable filter can be used. Good candidates are specific tags, SSH keys, or security groups.
- type: dict
- instance_role:
- description:
- - The ARN or name of an EC2-enabled instance role to be used. If a name is not provided in arn format
- then the ListInstanceProfiles permission must also be granted.
- U( If no full ARN is provided,
- the role with a matching name will be used from the active AWS account.
- type: str
- placement_group:
- description:
- - The placement group that needs to be assigned to the instance
- version_added: 2.8
- type: str
- - aws
- - ec2
-# Note: These examples do not set authentication details, see the AWS Guide for details.
-# Terminate every running instance in a region. Use with EXTREME caution.
-- ec2_instance:
- state: absent
- filters:
- instance-state-name: running
-# restart a particular instance by its ID
-- ec2_instance:
- state: restarted
- instance_ids:
- - i-12345678
-# start an instance with a public IP address
-- ec2_instance:
- name: "public-compute-instance"
- key_name: "prod-ssh-key"
- vpc_subnet_id: subnet-5ca1ab1e
- instance_type: c5.large
- security_group: default
- network:
- assign_public_ip: true
- image_id: ami-123456
- tags:
- Environment: Testing
-# start an instance and Add EBS
-- ec2_instance:
- name: "public-withebs-instance"
- vpc_subnet_id: subnet-5ca1ab1e
- instance_type: t2.micro
- key_name: "prod-ssh-key"
- security_group: default
- volumes:
- - device_name: /dev/sda1
- ebs:
- volume_size: 16
- delete_on_termination: true
-# start an instance with a cpu_options
-- ec2_instance:
- name: "public-cpuoption-instance"
- vpc_subnet_id: subnet-5ca1ab1e
- tags:
- Environment: Testing
- instance_type: c4.large
- volumes:
- - device_name: /dev/sda1
- ebs:
- delete_on_termination: true
- cpu_options:
- core_count: 1
- threads_per_core: 1
-# start an instance and have it begin a Tower callback on boot
-- ec2_instance:
- name: "tower-callback-test"
- key_name: "prod-ssh-key"
- vpc_subnet_id: subnet-5ca1ab1e
- security_group: default
- tower_callback:
- # IP or hostname of tower server
- tower_address:
- job_template_id: 876
- host_config_key: '[secret config key goes here]'
- network:
- assign_public_ip: true
- image_id: ami-123456
- cpu_credit_specification: unlimited
- tags:
- SomeThing: "A value"
-# start an instance with ENI (An existing ENI ID is required)
-- ec2_instance:
- name: "public-eni-instance"
- key_name: "prod-ssh-key"
- vpc_subnet_id: subnet-5ca1ab1e
- network:
- interfaces:
- - id: "eni-12345"
- tags:
- Env: "eni_on"
- volumes:
- - device_name: /dev/sda1
- ebs:
- delete_on_termination: true
- instance_type: t2.micro
- image_id: ami-123456
-# add second ENI interface
-- ec2_instance:
- name: "public-eni-instance"
- network:
- interfaces:
- - id: "eni-12345"
- - id: "eni-67890"
- image_id: ami-123456
- tags:
- Env: "eni_on"
- instance_type: t2.micro
-RETURN = '''
- description: a list of ec2 instances
- returned: when wait == true
- type: complex
- contains:
- ami_launch_index:
- description: The AMI launch index, which can be used to find this instance in the launch group.
- returned: always
- type: int
- sample: 0
- architecture:
- description: The architecture of the image
- returned: always
- type: str
- sample: x86_64
- block_device_mappings:
- description: Any block device mapping entries for the instance.
- returned: always
- type: complex
- contains:
- device_name:
- description: The device name exposed to the instance (for example, /dev/sdh or xvdh).
- returned: always
- type: str
- sample: /dev/sdh
- ebs:
- description: Parameters used to automatically set up EBS volumes when the instance is launched.
- returned: always
- type: complex
- contains:
- attach_time:
- description: The time stamp when the attachment initiated.
- returned: always
- type: str
- sample: "2017-03-23T22:51:24+00:00"
- delete_on_termination:
- description: Indicates whether the volume is deleted on instance termination.
- returned: always
- type: bool
- sample: true
- status:
- description: The attachment state.
- returned: always
- type: str
- sample: attached
- volume_id:
- description: The ID of the EBS volume
- returned: always
- type: str
- sample: vol-12345678
- client_token:
- description: The idempotency token you provided when you launched the instance, if applicable.
- returned: always
- type: str
- sample: mytoken
- ebs_optimized:
- description: Indicates whether the instance is optimized for EBS I/O.
- returned: always
- type: bool
- sample: false
- hypervisor:
- description: The hypervisor type of the instance.
- returned: always
- type: str
- sample: xen
- iam_instance_profile:
- description: The IAM instance profile associated with the instance, if applicable.
- returned: always
- type: complex
- contains:
- arn:
- description: The Amazon Resource Name (ARN) of the instance profile.
- returned: always
- type: str
- sample: "arn:aws:iam::000012345678:instance-profile/myprofile"
- id:
- description: The ID of the instance profile
- returned: always
- type: str
- sample: JFJ397FDG400FG9FD1N
- image_id:
- description: The ID of the AMI used to launch the instance.
- returned: always
- type: str
- sample: ami-0011223344
- instance_id:
- description: The ID of the instance.
- returned: always
- type: str
- sample: i-012345678
- instance_type:
- description: The instance type size of the running instance.
- returned: always
- type: str
- sample: t2.micro
- key_name:
- description: The name of the key pair, if this instance was launched with an associated key pair.
- returned: always
- type: str
- sample: my-key
- launch_time:
- description: The time the instance was launched.
- returned: always
- type: str
- sample: "2017-03-23T22:51:24+00:00"
- monitoring:
- description: The monitoring for the instance.
- returned: always
- type: complex
- contains:
- state:
- description: Indicates whether detailed monitoring is enabled. Otherwise, basic monitoring is enabled.
- returned: always
- type: str
- sample: disabled
- network_interfaces:
- description: One or more network interfaces for the instance.
- returned: always
- type: complex
- contains:
- association:
- description: The association information for an Elastic IPv4 associated with the network interface.
- returned: always
- type: complex
- contains:
- ip_owner_id:
- description: The ID of the owner of the Elastic IP address.
- returned: always
- type: str
- sample: amazon
- public_dns_name:
- description: The public DNS name.
- returned: always
- type: str
- sample: ""
- public_ip:
- description: The public IP address or Elastic IP address bound to the network interface.
- returned: always
- type: str
- sample:
- attachment:
- description: The network interface attachment.
- returned: always
- type: complex
- contains:
- attach_time:
- description: The time stamp when the attachment initiated.
- returned: always
- type: str
- sample: "2017-03-23T22:51:24+00:00"
- attachment_id:
- description: The ID of the network interface attachment.
- returned: always
- type: str
- sample: eni-attach-3aff3f
- delete_on_termination:
- description: Indicates whether the network interface is deleted when the instance is terminated.
- returned: always
- type: bool
- sample: true
- device_index:
- description: The index of the device on the instance for the network interface attachment.
- returned: always
- type: int
- sample: 0
- status:
- description: The attachment state.
- returned: always
- type: str
- sample: attached
- description:
- description: The description.
- returned: always
- type: str
- sample: My interface
- groups:
- description: One or more security groups.
- returned: always
- type: list
- elements: dict
- contains:
- group_id:
- description: The ID of the security group.
- returned: always
- type: str
- sample: sg-abcdef12
- group_name:
- description: The name of the security group.
- returned: always
- type: str
- sample: mygroup
- ipv6_addresses:
- description: One or more IPv6 addresses associated with the network interface.
- returned: always
- type: list
- elements: dict
- contains:
- ipv6_address:
- description: The IPv6 address.
- returned: always
- type: str
- sample: "2001:0db8:85a3:0000:0000:8a2e:0370:7334"
- mac_address:
- description: The MAC address.
- returned: always
- type: str
- sample: "00:11:22:33:44:55"
- network_interface_id:
- description: The ID of the network interface.
- returned: always
- type: str
- sample: eni-01234567
- owner_id:
- description: The AWS account ID of the owner of the network interface.
- returned: always
- type: str
- sample: 01234567890
- private_ip_address:
- description: The IPv4 address of the network interface within the subnet.
- returned: always
- type: str
- sample:
- private_ip_addresses:
- description: The private IPv4 addresses associated with the network interface.
- returned: always
- type: list
- elements: dict
- contains:
- association:
- description: The association information for an Elastic IP address (IPv4) associated with the network interface.
- returned: always
- type: complex
- contains:
- ip_owner_id:
- description: The ID of the owner of the Elastic IP address.
- returned: always
- type: str
- sample: amazon
- public_dns_name:
- description: The public DNS name.
- returned: always
- type: str
- sample: ""
- public_ip:
- description: The public IP address or Elastic IP address bound to the network interface.
- returned: always
- type: str
- sample:
- primary:
- description: Indicates whether this IPv4 address is the primary private IP address of the network interface.
- returned: always
- type: bool
- sample: true
- private_ip_address:
- description: The private IPv4 address of the network interface.
- returned: always
- type: str
- sample:
- source_dest_check:
- description: Indicates whether source/destination checking is enabled.
- returned: always
- type: bool
- sample: true
- status:
- description: The status of the network interface.
- returned: always
- type: str
- sample: in-use
- subnet_id:
- description: The ID of the subnet for the network interface.
- returned: always
- type: str
- sample: subnet-0123456
- vpc_id:
- description: The ID of the VPC for the network interface.
- returned: always
- type: str
- sample: vpc-0123456
- placement:
- description: The location where the instance launched, if applicable.
- returned: always
- type: complex
- contains:
- availability_zone:
- description: The Availability Zone of the instance.
- returned: always
- type: str
- sample: ap-southeast-2a
- group_name:
- description: The name of the placement group the instance is in (for cluster compute instances).
- returned: always
- type: str
- sample: ""
- tenancy:
- description: The tenancy of the instance (if the instance is running in a VPC).
- returned: always
- type: str
- sample: default
- private_dns_name:
- description: The private DNS name.
- returned: always
- type: str
- sample: ip-10-0-0-1.ap-southeast-2.compute.internal
- private_ip_address:
- description: The IPv4 address of the network interface within the subnet.
- returned: always
- type: str
- sample:
- product_codes:
- description: One or more product codes.
- returned: always
- type: list
- elements: dict
- contains:
- product_code_id:
- description: The product code.
- returned: always
- type: str
- sample: aw0evgkw8ef3n2498gndfgasdfsd5cce
- product_code_type:
- description: The type of product code.
- returned: always
- type: str
- sample: marketplace
- public_dns_name:
- description: The public DNS name assigned to the instance.
- returned: always
- type: str
- sample:
- public_ip_address:
- description: The public IPv4 address assigned to the instance
- returned: always
- type: str
- sample:
- root_device_name:
- description: The device name of the root device
- returned: always
- type: str
- sample: /dev/sda1
- root_device_type:
- description: The type of root device used by the AMI.
- returned: always
- type: str
- sample: ebs
- security_groups:
- description: One or more security groups for the instance.
- returned: always
- type: list
- elements: dict
- contains:
- group_id:
- description: The ID of the security group.
- returned: always
- type: str
- sample: sg-0123456
- group_name:
- description: The name of the security group.
- returned: always
- type: str
- sample: my-security-group
- network.source_dest_check:
- description: Indicates whether source/destination checking is enabled.
- returned: always
- type: bool
- sample: true
- state:
- description: The current state of the instance.
- returned: always
- type: complex
- contains:
- code:
- description: The low byte represents the state.
- returned: always
- type: int
- sample: 16
- name:
- description: The name of the state.
- returned: always
- type: str
- sample: running
- state_transition_reason:
- description: The reason for the most recent state transition.
- returned: always
- type: str
- sample:
- subnet_id:
- description: The ID of the subnet in which the instance is running.
- returned: always
- type: str
- sample: subnet-00abcdef
- tags:
- description: Any tags assigned to the instance.
- returned: always
- type: dict
- sample:
- virtualization_type:
- description: The type of virtualization of the AMI.
- returned: always
- type: str
- sample: hvm
- vpc_id:
- description: The ID of the VPC the instance is in.
- returned: always
- type: dict
- sample: vpc-0011223344
-import re
-import uuid
-import string
-import textwrap
-import time
-from collections import namedtuple
- import boto3
- import botocore.exceptions
-except ImportError:
- pass # caught by AnsibleAWSModule
-from ansible.module_utils.six import text_type, string_types
-from ansible.module_utils.six.moves.urllib import parse as urlparse
-from ansible.module_utils._text import to_bytes, to_native
-import ansible.module_utils.ec2 as ec2_utils
-from ansible.module_utils.ec2 import (AWSRetry,
- ansible_dict_to_boto3_filter_list,
- compare_aws_tags,
- boto3_tag_list_to_ansible_dict,
- ansible_dict_to_boto3_tag_list,
- camel_dict_to_snake_dict)
-from import AnsibleAWSModule
-module = None
-def tower_callback_script(tower_conf, windows=False, passwd=None):
- script_url = ''
- if windows and passwd is not None:
- script_tpl = """<powershell>
- $admin = [adsi]("WinNT://./administrator, user")
- $admin.PSBase.Invoke("SetPassword", "{PASS}")
- Invoke-Expression ((New-Object System.Net.Webclient).DownloadString('{SCRIPT}'))
- </powershell>
- """
- return to_native(textwrap.dedent(script_tpl).format(PASS=passwd, SCRIPT=script_url))
- elif windows and passwd is None:
- script_tpl = """<powershell>
- $admin = [adsi]("WinNT://./administrator, user")
- Invoke-Expression ((New-Object System.Net.Webclient).DownloadString('{SCRIPT}'))
- </powershell>
- """
- return to_native(textwrap.dedent(script_tpl).format(PASS=passwd, SCRIPT=script_url))
- elif not windows:
- for p in ['tower_address', 'job_template_id', 'host_config_key']:
- if p not in tower_conf:
- module.fail_json(msg="Incomplete tower_callback configuration. tower_callback.{0} not set.".format(p))
- if isinstance(tower_conf['job_template_id'], string_types):
- tower_conf['job_template_id'] = urlparse.quote(tower_conf['job_template_id'])
- tpl = string.Template(textwrap.dedent("""#!/bin/bash
- set -x
- retry_attempts=10
- attempt=0
- while [[ $attempt -lt $retry_attempts ]]
- do
- status_code=`curl --max-time 10 -v -k -s -i \
- --data "host_config_key=${host_config_key}" \
- 'https://${tower_address}/api/v2/job_templates/${template_id}/callback/' \
- | head -n 1 \
- | awk '{print $2}'`
- if [[ $status_code == 404 ]]
- then
- status_code=`curl --max-time 10 -v -k -s -i \
- --data "host_config_key=${host_config_key}" \
- 'https://${tower_address}/api/v1/job_templates/${template_id}/callback/' \
- | head -n 1 \
- | awk '{print $2}'`
- # fall back to using V1 API for Tower 3.1 and below, since v2 API will always 404
- fi
- if [[ $status_code == 201 ]]
- then
- exit 0
- fi
- attempt=$(( attempt + 1 ))
- echo "$${status_code} received... retrying in 1 minute. (Attempt $${attempt})"
- sleep 60
- done
- exit 1
- """))
- return tpl.safe_substitute(tower_address=tower_conf['tower_address'],
- template_id=tower_conf['job_template_id'],
- host_config_key=tower_conf['host_config_key'])
- raise NotImplementedError("Only windows with remote-prep or non-windows with tower job callback supported so far.")
-def manage_tags(match, new_tags, purge_tags, ec2):
- changed = False
- old_tags = boto3_tag_list_to_ansible_dict(match['Tags'])
- tags_to_set, tags_to_delete = compare_aws_tags(
- old_tags, new_tags,
- purge_tags=purge_tags,
- )
- if tags_to_set:
- ec2.create_tags(
- Resources=[match['InstanceId']],
- Tags=ansible_dict_to_boto3_tag_list(tags_to_set))
- changed |= True
- if tags_to_delete:
- delete_with_current_values = dict((k, old_tags.get(k)) for k in tags_to_delete)
- ec2.delete_tags(
- Resources=[match['InstanceId']],
- Tags=ansible_dict_to_boto3_tag_list(delete_with_current_values))
- changed |= True
- return changed
-def build_volume_spec(params):
- volumes = params.get('volumes') or []
- for volume in volumes:
- if 'ebs' in volume:
- for int_value in ['volume_size', 'iops']:
- if int_value in volume['ebs']:
- volume['ebs'][int_value] = int(volume['ebs'][int_value])
- return [ec2_utils.snake_dict_to_camel_dict(v, capitalize_first=True) for v in volumes]
-def add_or_update_instance_profile(instance, desired_profile_name):
- instance_profile_setting = instance.get('IamInstanceProfile')
- if instance_profile_setting and desired_profile_name:
- if desired_profile_name in (instance_profile_setting.get('Name'), instance_profile_setting.get('Arn')):
- # great, the profile we asked for is what's there
- return False
- else:
- desired_arn = determine_iam_role(desired_profile_name)
- if instance_profile_setting.get('Arn') == desired_arn:
- return False
- # update association
- ec2 = module.client('ec2')
- try:
- association = ec2.describe_iam_instance_profile_associations(Filters=[{'Name': 'instance-id', 'Values': [instance['InstanceId']]}])
- except botocore.exceptions.ClientError as e:
- # check for InvalidAssociationID.NotFound
- module.fail_json_aws(e, "Could not find instance profile association")
- try:
- resp = ec2.replace_iam_instance_profile_association(
- AssociationId=association['IamInstanceProfileAssociations'][0]['AssociationId'],
- IamInstanceProfile={'Arn': determine_iam_role(desired_profile_name)}
- )
- return True
- except botocore.exceptions.ClientError as e:
- module.fail_json_aws(e, "Could not associate instance profile")
- if not instance_profile_setting and desired_profile_name:
- # create association
- ec2 = module.client('ec2')
- try:
- resp = ec2.associate_iam_instance_profile(
- IamInstanceProfile={'Arn': determine_iam_role(desired_profile_name)},
- InstanceId=instance['InstanceId']
- )
- return True
- except botocore.exceptions.ClientError as e:
- module.fail_json_aws(e, "Could not associate new instance profile")
- return False
-def build_network_spec(params, ec2=None):
- """
- Returns list of interfaces [complex]
- Interface type: {
- 'AssociatePublicIpAddress': True|False,
- 'DeleteOnTermination': True|False,
- 'Description': 'string',
- 'DeviceIndex': 123,
- 'Groups': [
- 'string',
- ],
- 'Ipv6AddressCount': 123,
- 'Ipv6Addresses': [
- {
- 'Ipv6Address': 'string'
- },
- ],
- 'NetworkInterfaceId': 'string',
- 'PrivateIpAddress': 'string',
- 'PrivateIpAddresses': [
- {
- 'Primary': True|False,
- 'PrivateIpAddress': 'string'
- },
- ],
- 'SecondaryPrivateIpAddressCount': 123,
- 'SubnetId': 'string'
- },
- """
- if ec2 is None:
- ec2 = module.client('ec2')
- interfaces = []
- network = params.get('network') or {}
- if not network.get('interfaces'):
- # they only specified one interface
- spec = {
- 'DeviceIndex': 0,
- }
- if network.get('assign_public_ip') is not None:
- spec['AssociatePublicIpAddress'] = network['assign_public_ip']
- if params.get('vpc_subnet_id'):
- spec['SubnetId'] = params['vpc_subnet_id']
- else:
- default_vpc = get_default_vpc(ec2)
- if default_vpc is None:
- raise module.fail_json(
- msg="No default subnet could be found - you must include a VPC subnet ID (vpc_subnet_id parameter) to create an instance")
- else:
- sub = get_default_subnet(ec2, default_vpc)
- spec['SubnetId'] = sub['SubnetId']
- if network.get('private_ip_address'):
- spec['PrivateIpAddress'] = network['private_ip_address']
- if params.get('security_group') or params.get('security_groups'):
- groups = discover_security_groups(
- group=params.get('security_group'),
- groups=params.get('security_groups'),
- subnet_id=spec['SubnetId'],
- ec2=ec2
- )
- spec['Groups'] = [g['GroupId'] for g in groups]
- if network.get('description') is not None:
- spec['Description'] = network['description']
- # TODO more special snowflake network things
- return [spec]
- # handle list of `network.interfaces` options
- for idx, interface_params in enumerate(network.get('interfaces', [])):
- spec = {
- 'DeviceIndex': idx,
- }
- if isinstance(interface_params, string_types):
- # naive case where user gave
- # network_interfaces: [eni-1234, eni-4567, ....]
- # put into normal data structure so we don't dupe code
- interface_params = {'id': interface_params}
- if interface_params.get('id') is not None:
- # if an ID is provided, we don't want to set any other parameters.
- spec['NetworkInterfaceId'] = interface_params['id']
- interfaces.append(spec)
- continue
- spec['DeleteOnTermination'] = interface_params.get('delete_on_termination', True)
- if interface_params.get('ipv6_addresses'):
- spec['Ipv6Addresses'] = [{'Ipv6Address': a} for a in interface_params.get('ipv6_addresses', [])]
- if interface_params.get('private_ip_address'):
- spec['PrivateIpAddress'] = interface_params.get('private_ip_address')
- if interface_params.get('description'):
- spec['Description'] = interface_params.get('description')
- if interface_params.get('subnet_id', params.get('vpc_subnet_id')):
- spec['SubnetId'] = interface_params.get('subnet_id', params.get('vpc_subnet_id'))
- elif not spec.get('SubnetId') and not interface_params['id']:
- # TODO grab a subnet from default VPC
- raise ValueError('Failed to assign subnet to interface {0}'.format(interface_params))
- interfaces.append(spec)
- return interfaces
-def warn_if_public_ip_assignment_changed(instance):
- # This is a non-modifiable attribute.
- assign_public_ip = (module.params.get('network') or {}).get('assign_public_ip')
- if assign_public_ip is None:
- return
- # Check that public ip assignment is the same and warn if not
- public_dns_name = instance.get('PublicDnsName')
- if (public_dns_name and not assign_public_ip) or (assign_public_ip and not public_dns_name):
- module.warn(
- "Unable to modify public ip assignment to {0} for instance {1}. "
- "Whether or not to assign a public IP is determined during instance creation.".format(
- assign_public_ip, instance['InstanceId']))
-def warn_if_cpu_options_changed(instance):
- # This is a non-modifiable attribute.
- cpu_options = module.params.get('cpu_options')
- if cpu_options is None:
- return
- # Check that the CpuOptions set are the same and warn if not
- core_count_curr = instance['CpuOptions'].get('CoreCount')
- core_count = cpu_options.get('core_count')
- threads_per_core_curr = instance['CpuOptions'].get('ThreadsPerCore')
- threads_per_core = cpu_options.get('threads_per_core')
- if core_count_curr != core_count:
- module.warn(
- "Unable to modify core_count from {0} to {1}. "
- "Assigning a number of core is determinted during instance creation".format(
- core_count_curr, core_count))
- if threads_per_core_curr != threads_per_core:
- module.warn(
- "Unable to modify threads_per_core from {0} to {1}. "
- "Assigning a number of threads per core is determined during instance creation.".format(
- threads_per_core_curr, threads_per_core))
-def discover_security_groups(group, groups, parent_vpc_id=None, subnet_id=None, ec2=None):
- if ec2 is None:
- ec2 = module.client('ec2')
- if subnet_id is not None:
- try:
- sub = ec2.describe_subnets(SubnetIds=[subnet_id])
- except botocore.exceptions.ClientError as e:
- if e.response['Error']['Code'] == 'InvalidGroup.NotFound':
- module.fail_json(
- "Could not find subnet {0} to associate security groups. Please check the vpc_subnet_id and security_groups parameters.".format(
- subnet_id
- )
- )
- module.fail_json_aws(e, msg="Error while searching for subnet {0} parent VPC.".format(subnet_id))
- except botocore.exceptions.BotoCoreError as e:
- module.fail_json_aws(e, msg="Error while searching for subnet {0} parent VPC.".format(subnet_id))
- parent_vpc_id = sub['Subnets'][0]['VpcId']
- vpc = {
- 'Name': 'vpc-id',
- 'Values': [parent_vpc_id]
- }
- # because filter lists are AND in the security groups API,
- # make two separate requests for groups by ID and by name
- id_filters = [vpc]
- name_filters = [vpc]
- if group:
- name_filters.append(
- dict(
- Name='group-name',
- Values=[group]
- )
- )
- if group.startswith('sg-'):
- id_filters.append(
- dict(
- Name='group-id',
- Values=[group]
- )
- )
- if groups:
- name_filters.append(
- dict(
- Name='group-name',
- Values=groups
- )
- )
- if [g for g in groups if g.startswith('sg-')]:
- id_filters.append(
- dict(
- Name='group-id',
- Values=[g for g in groups if g.startswith('sg-')]
- )
- )
- found_groups = []
- for f_set in (id_filters, name_filters):
- if len(f_set) > 1:
- found_groups.extend(ec2.get_paginator(
- 'describe_security_groups'
- ).paginate(
- Filters=f_set
- ).search('SecurityGroups[]'))
- return list(dict((g['GroupId'], g) for g in found_groups).values())
-def build_top_level_options(params):
- spec = {}
- if params.get('image_id'):
- spec['ImageId'] = params['image_id']
- elif isinstance(params.get('image'), dict):
- image = params.get('image', {})
- spec['ImageId'] = image.get('id')
- if 'ramdisk' in image:
- spec['RamdiskId'] = image['ramdisk']
- if 'kernel' in image:
- spec['KernelId'] = image['kernel']
- if not spec.get('ImageId') and not params.get('launch_template'):
- module.fail_json(msg="You must include an image_id or parameter to create an instance, or use a launch_template.")
- if params.get('key_name') is not None:
- spec['KeyName'] = params.get('key_name')
- if params.get('user_data') is not None:
- spec['UserData'] = to_native(params.get('user_data'))
- elif params.get('tower_callback') is not None:
- spec['UserData'] = tower_callback_script(
- tower_conf=params.get('tower_callback'),
- windows=params.get('tower_callback').get('windows', False),
- passwd=params.get('tower_callback').get('set_password'),
- )
- if params.get('launch_template') is not None:
- spec['LaunchTemplate'] = {}
- if not params.get('launch_template').get('id') or params.get('launch_template').get('name'):
- module.fail_json(msg="Could not create instance with launch template. Either or parameters are required")
- if params.get('launch_template').get('id') is not None:
- spec['LaunchTemplate']['LaunchTemplateId'] = params.get('launch_template').get('id')
- if params.get('launch_template').get('name') is not None:
- spec['LaunchTemplate']['LaunchTemplateName'] = params.get('launch_template').get('name')
- if params.get('launch_template').get('version') is not None:
- spec['LaunchTemplate']['Version'] = to_native(params.get('launch_template').get('version'))
- if params.get('detailed_monitoring', False):
- spec['Monitoring'] = {'Enabled': True}
- if params.get('cpu_credit_specification') is not None:
- spec['CreditSpecification'] = {'CpuCredits': params.get('cpu_credit_specification')}
- if params.get('tenancy') is not None:
- spec['Placement'] = {'Tenancy': params.get('tenancy')}
- if params.get('placement_group'):
- if 'Placement' in spec:
- spec['Placement']['GroupName'] = str(params.get('placement_group'))
- else:
- spec.setdefault('Placement', {'GroupName': str(params.get('placement_group'))})
- if params.get('ebs_optimized') is not None:
- spec['EbsOptimized'] = params.get('ebs_optimized')
- if params.get('instance_initiated_shutdown_behavior'):
- spec['InstanceInitiatedShutdownBehavior'] = params.get('instance_initiated_shutdown_behavior')
- if params.get('termination_protection') is not None:
- spec['DisableApiTermination'] = params.get('termination_protection')
- if params.get('cpu_options') is not None:
- spec['CpuOptions'] = {}
- spec['CpuOptions']['ThreadsPerCore'] = params.get('cpu_options').get('threads_per_core')
- spec['CpuOptions']['CoreCount'] = params.get('cpu_options').get('core_count')
- return spec
-def build_instance_tags(params, propagate_tags_to_volumes=True):
- tags = params.get('tags', {})
- if params.get('name') is not None:
- if tags is None:
- tags = {}
- tags['Name'] = params.get('name')
- return [
- {
- 'ResourceType': 'volume',
- 'Tags': ansible_dict_to_boto3_tag_list(tags),
- },
- {
- 'ResourceType': 'instance',
- 'Tags': ansible_dict_to_boto3_tag_list(tags),
- },
- ]
-def build_run_instance_spec(params, ec2=None):
- if ec2 is None:
- ec2 = module.client('ec2')
- spec = dict(
- ClientToken=uuid.uuid4().hex,
- MaxCount=1,
- MinCount=1,
- )
- # network parameters
- spec['NetworkInterfaces'] = build_network_spec(params, ec2)
- spec['BlockDeviceMappings'] = build_volume_spec(params)
- spec.update(**build_top_level_options(params))
- spec['TagSpecifications'] = build_instance_tags(params)
- # IAM profile
- if params.get('instance_role'):
- spec['IamInstanceProfile'] = dict(Arn=determine_iam_role(params.get('instance_role')))
- spec['InstanceType'] = params['instance_type']
- return spec
-def await_instances(ids, state='OK'):
- if not module.params.get('wait', True):
- # the user asked not to wait for anything
- return
- if module.check_mode:
- # In check mode, there is no change even if you wait.
- return
- state_opts = {
- 'OK': 'instance_status_ok',
- 'STOPPED': 'instance_stopped',
- 'TERMINATED': 'instance_terminated',
- 'EXISTS': 'instance_exists',
- 'RUNNING': 'instance_running',
- }
- if state not in state_opts:
- module.fail_json(msg="Cannot wait for state {0}, invalid state".format(state))
- waiter = module.client('ec2').get_waiter(state_opts[state])
- try:
- waiter.wait(
- InstanceIds=ids,
- WaiterConfig={
- 'Delay': 15,
- 'MaxAttempts': module.params.get('wait_timeout', 600) // 15,
- }
- )
- except botocore.exceptions.WaiterConfigError as e:
- module.fail_json(msg="{0}. Error waiting for instances {1} to reach state {2}".format(
- to_native(e), ', '.join(ids), state))
- except botocore.exceptions.WaiterError as e:
- module.warn("Instances {0} took too long to reach state {1}. {2}".format(
- ', '.join(ids), state, to_native(e)))
-def diff_instance_and_params(instance, params, ec2=None, skip=None):
- """boto3 instance obj, module params"""
- if ec2 is None:
- ec2 = module.client('ec2')
- if skip is None:
- skip = []
- changes_to_apply = []
- id_ = instance['InstanceId']
- ParamMapper = namedtuple('ParamMapper', ['param_key', 'instance_key', 'attribute_name', 'add_value'])
- def value_wrapper(v):
- return {'Value': v}
- param_mappings = [
- ParamMapper('ebs_optimized', 'EbsOptimized', 'ebsOptimized', value_wrapper),
- ParamMapper('termination_protection', 'DisableApiTermination', 'disableApiTermination', value_wrapper),
- # user data is an immutable property
- # ParamMapper('user_data', 'UserData', 'userData', value_wrapper),
- ]
- for mapping in param_mappings:
- if params.get(mapping.param_key) is not None and mapping.instance_key not in skip:
- value = AWSRetry.jittered_backoff()(ec2.describe_instance_attribute)(Attribute=mapping.attribute_name, InstanceId=id_)
- if params.get(mapping.param_key) is not None and value[mapping.instance_key]['Value'] != params.get(mapping.param_key):
- arguments = dict(
- InstanceId=instance['InstanceId'],
- # Attribute=mapping.attribute_name,
- )
- arguments[mapping.instance_key] = mapping.add_value(params.get(mapping.param_key))
- changes_to_apply.append(arguments)
- if (params.get('network') or {}).get('source_dest_check') is not None:
- # network.source_dest_check is nested, so needs to be treated separately
- check = bool(params.get('network').get('source_dest_check'))
- if instance['SourceDestCheck'] != check:
- changes_to_apply.append(dict(
- InstanceId=instance['InstanceId'],
- SourceDestCheck={'Value': check},
- ))
- return changes_to_apply
-def change_network_attachments(instance, params, ec2):
- if (params.get('network') or {}).get('interfaces') is not None:
- new_ids = []
- for inty in params.get('network').get('interfaces'):
- if isinstance(inty, dict) and 'id' in inty:
- new_ids.append(inty['id'])
- elif isinstance(inty, string_types):
- new_ids.append(inty)
- # network.interfaces can create the need to attach new interfaces
- old_ids = [inty['NetworkInterfaceId'] for inty in instance['NetworkInterfaces']]
- to_attach = set(new_ids) - set(old_ids)
- for eni_id in to_attach:
- ec2.attach_network_interface(
- DeviceIndex=new_ids.index(eni_id),
- InstanceId=instance['InstanceId'],
- NetworkInterfaceId=eni_id,
- )
- return bool(len(to_attach))
- return False
-def find_instances(ec2, ids=None, filters=None):
- paginator = ec2.get_paginator('describe_instances')
- if ids:
- return list(paginator.paginate(
- InstanceIds=ids,
- ).search('Reservations[].Instances[]'))
- elif filters is None:
- module.fail_json(msg="No filters provided when they were required")
- elif filters is not None:
- for key in list(filters.keys()):
- if not key.startswith("tag:"):
- filters[key.replace("_", "-")] = filters.pop(key)
- return list(paginator.paginate(
- Filters=ansible_dict_to_boto3_filter_list(filters)
- ).search('Reservations[].Instances[]'))
- return []
-def get_default_vpc(ec2):
- vpcs = ec2.describe_vpcs(Filters=ansible_dict_to_boto3_filter_list({'isDefault': 'true'}))
- if len(vpcs.get('Vpcs', [])):
- return vpcs.get('Vpcs')[0]
- return None
-def get_default_subnet(ec2, vpc, availability_zone=None):
- subnets = ec2.describe_subnets(
- Filters=ansible_dict_to_boto3_filter_list({
- 'vpc-id': vpc['VpcId'],
- 'state': 'available',
- 'default-for-az': 'true',
- })
- )
- if len(subnets.get('Subnets', [])):
- if availability_zone is not None:
- subs_by_az = dict((subnet['AvailabilityZone'], subnet) for subnet in subnets.get('Subnets'))
- if availability_zone in subs_by_az:
- return subs_by_az[availability_zone]
- # to have a deterministic sorting order, we sort by AZ so we'll always pick the `a` subnet first
- # there can only be one default-for-az subnet per AZ, so the AZ key is always unique in this list
- by_az = sorted(subnets.get('Subnets'), key=lambda s: s['AvailabilityZone'])
- return by_az[0]
- return None
-def ensure_instance_state(state, ec2=None):
- if ec2 is None:
- module.client('ec2')
- if state in ('running', 'started'):
- changed, failed, instances, failure_reason = change_instance_state(filters=module.params.get('filters'), desired_state='RUNNING')
- if failed:
- module.fail_json(
- msg="Unable to start instances: {0}".format(failure_reason),
- reboot_success=list(changed),
- reboot_failed=failed)
- module.exit_json(
- msg='Instances started',
- reboot_success=list(changed),
- changed=bool(len(changed)),
- reboot_failed=[],
- instances=[pretty_instance(i) for i in instances],
- )
- elif state in ('restarted', 'rebooted'):
- changed, failed, instances, failure_reason = change_instance_state(
- filters=module.params.get('filters'),
- desired_state='STOPPED')
- changed, failed, instances, failure_reason = change_instance_state(
- filters=module.params.get('filters'),
- desired_state='RUNNING')
- if failed:
- module.fail_json(
- msg="Unable to restart instances: {0}".format(failure_reason),
- reboot_success=list(changed),
- reboot_failed=failed)
- module.exit_json(
- msg='Instances restarted',
- reboot_success=list(changed),
- changed=bool(len(changed)),
- reboot_failed=[],
- instances=[pretty_instance(i) for i in instances],
- )
- elif state in ('stopped',):
- changed, failed, instances, failure_reason = change_instance_state(
- filters=module.params.get('filters'),
- desired_state='STOPPED')
- if failed:
- module.fail_json(
- msg="Unable to stop instances: {0}".format(failure_reason),
- stop_success=list(changed),
- stop_failed=failed)
- module.exit_json(
- msg='Instances stopped',
- stop_success=list(changed),
- changed=bool(len(changed)),
- stop_failed=[],
- instances=[pretty_instance(i) for i in instances],
- )
- elif state in ('absent', 'terminated'):
- terminated, terminate_failed, instances, failure_reason = change_instance_state(
- filters=module.params.get('filters'),
- desired_state='TERMINATED')
- if terminate_failed:
- module.fail_json(
- msg="Unable to terminate instances: {0}".format(failure_reason),
- terminate_success=list(terminated),
- terminate_failed=terminate_failed)
- module.exit_json(
- msg='Instances terminated',
- terminate_success=list(terminated),
- changed=bool(len(terminated)),
- terminate_failed=[],
- instances=[pretty_instance(i) for i in instances],
- )
-def change_instance_state(filters, desired_state, ec2=None):
- if ec2 is None:
- ec2 = module.client('ec2')
- changed = set()
- instances = find_instances(ec2, filters=filters)
- to_change = set(i['InstanceId'] for i in instances if i['State']['Name'].upper() != desired_state)
- unchanged = set()
- failure_reason = ""
- for inst in instances:
- try:
- if desired_state == 'TERMINATED':
- if module.check_mode:
- changed.add(inst['InstanceId'])
- continue
- # TODO use a client-token to prevent double-sends of these start/stop/terminate commands
- #
- resp = ec2.terminate_instances(InstanceIds=[inst['InstanceId']])
- [changed.add(i['InstanceId']) for i in resp['TerminatingInstances']]
- if desired_state == 'STOPPED':
- if inst['State']['Name'] in ('stopping', 'stopped'):
- unchanged.add(inst['InstanceId'])
- continue
- if module.check_mode:
- changed.add(inst['InstanceId'])
- continue
- resp = ec2.stop_instances(InstanceIds=[inst['InstanceId']])
- [changed.add(i['InstanceId']) for i in resp['StoppingInstances']]
- if desired_state == 'RUNNING':
- if module.check_mode:
- changed.add(inst['InstanceId'])
- continue
- resp = ec2.start_instances(InstanceIds=[inst['InstanceId']])
- [changed.add(i['InstanceId']) for i in resp['StartingInstances']]
- except (botocore.exceptions.ClientError, botocore.exceptions.BotoCoreError) as e:
- try:
- failure_reason = to_native(e.message)
- except AttributeError:
- failure_reason = to_native(e)
- if changed:
- await_instances(ids=list(changed) + list(unchanged), state=desired_state)
- change_failed = list(to_change - changed)
- instances = find_instances(ec2, ids=list(i['InstanceId'] for i in instances))
- return changed, change_failed, instances, failure_reason
-def pretty_instance(i):
- instance = camel_dict_to_snake_dict(i, ignore_list=['Tags'])
- instance['tags'] = boto3_tag_list_to_ansible_dict(i['Tags'])
- return instance
-def determine_iam_role(name_or_arn):
- if re.match(r'^arn:aws:iam::\d+:instance-profile/[\w+=/,.@-]+$', name_or_arn):
- return name_or_arn
- iam = module.client('iam', retry_decorator=AWSRetry.jittered_backoff())
- try:
- role = iam.get_instance_profile(InstanceProfileName=name_or_arn, aws_retry=True)
- return role['InstanceProfile']['Arn']
- except botocore.exceptions.ClientError as e:
- if e.response['Error']['Code'] == 'NoSuchEntity':
- module.fail_json_aws(e, msg="Could not find instance_role {0}".format(name_or_arn))
- module.fail_json_aws(e, msg="An error occurred while searching for instance_role {0}. Please try supplying the full ARN.".format(name_or_arn))
-def handle_existing(existing_matches, changed, ec2, state):
- if state in ('running', 'started') and [i for i in existing_matches if i['State']['Name'] != 'running']:
- ins_changed, failed, instances, failure_reason = change_instance_state(filters=module.params.get('filters'), desired_state='RUNNING')
- if failed:
- module.fail_json(msg="Couldn't start instances: {0}. Failure reason: {1}".format(instances, failure_reason))
- module.exit_json(
- changed=bool(len(ins_changed)) or changed,
- instances=[pretty_instance(i) for i in instances],
- instance_ids=[i['InstanceId'] for i in instances],
- )
- changes = diff_instance_and_params(existing_matches[0], module.params)
- for c in changes:
- AWSRetry.jittered_backoff()(ec2.modify_instance_attribute)(**c)
- changed |= bool(changes)
- changed |= add_or_update_instance_profile(existing_matches[0], module.params.get('instance_role'))
- changed |= change_network_attachments(existing_matches[0], module.params, ec2)
- altered = find_instances(ec2, ids=[i['InstanceId'] for i in existing_matches])
- module.exit_json(
- changed=bool(len(changes)) or changed,
- instances=[pretty_instance(i) for i in altered],
- instance_ids=[i['InstanceId'] for i in altered],
- changes=changes,
- )
-def ensure_present(existing_matches, changed, ec2, state):
- if len(existing_matches):
- try:
- handle_existing(existing_matches, changed, ec2, state)
- except (botocore.exceptions.BotoCoreError, botocore.exceptions.ClientError) as e:
- module.fail_json_aws(
- e, msg="Failed to handle existing instances {0}".format(', '.join([i['InstanceId'] for i in existing_matches])),
- # instances=[pretty_instance(i) for i in existing_matches],
- # instance_ids=[i['InstanceId'] for i in existing_matches],
- )
- try:
- instance_spec = build_run_instance_spec(module.params)
- # If check mode is enabled,suspend 'ensure function'.
- if module.check_mode:
- module.exit_json(
- changed=True,
- spec=instance_spec,
- )
- instance_response = run_instances(ec2, **instance_spec)
- instances = instance_response['Instances']
- instance_ids = [i['InstanceId'] for i in instances]
- for ins in instances:
- changes = diff_instance_and_params(ins, module.params, skip=['UserData', 'EbsOptimized'])
- for c in changes:
- try:
- AWSRetry.jittered_backoff()(ec2.modify_instance_attribute)(**c)
- except botocore.exceptions.ClientError as e:
- module.fail_json_aws(e, msg="Could not apply change {0} to new instance.".format(str(c)))
- if not module.params.get('wait'):
- module.exit_json(
- changed=True,
- instance_ids=instance_ids,
- spec=instance_spec,
- )
- await_instances(instance_ids)
- instances = ec2.get_paginator('describe_instances').paginate(
- InstanceIds=instance_ids
- ).search('Reservations[].Instances[]')
- module.exit_json(
- changed=True,
- instances=[pretty_instance(i) for i in instances],
- instance_ids=instance_ids,
- spec=instance_spec,
- )
- except (botocore.exceptions.BotoCoreError, botocore.exceptions.ClientError) as e:
- module.fail_json_aws(e, msg="Failed to create new EC2 instance")
-def run_instances(ec2, **instance_spec):
- try:
- return ec2.run_instances(**instance_spec)
- except botocore.exceptions.ClientError as e:
- if e.response['Error']['Code'] == 'InvalidParameterValue' and "Invalid IAM Instance Profile ARN" in e.response['Error']['Message']:
- # If the instance profile has just been created, it takes some time to be visible by ec2
- # So we wait 10 second and retry the run_instances
- time.sleep(10)
- return ec2.run_instances(**instance_spec)
- else:
- raise e
-def main():
- global module
- argument_spec = dict(
- state=dict(default='present', choices=['present', 'started', 'running', 'stopped', 'restarted', 'rebooted', 'terminated', 'absent']),
- wait=dict(default=True, type='bool'),
- wait_timeout=dict(default=600, type='int'),
- # count=dict(default=1, type='int'),
- image=dict(type='dict'),
- image_id=dict(type='str'),
- instance_type=dict(default='t2.micro', type='str'),
- user_data=dict(type='str'),
- tower_callback=dict(type='dict'),
- ebs_optimized=dict(type='bool'),
- vpc_subnet_id=dict(type='str', aliases=['subnet_id']),
- availability_zone=dict(type='str'),
- security_groups=dict(default=[], type='list'),
- security_group=dict(type='str'),
- instance_role=dict(type='str'),
- name=dict(type='str'),
- tags=dict(type='dict'),
- purge_tags=dict(type='bool', default=False),
- filters=dict(type='dict', default=None),
- launch_template=dict(type='dict'),
- key_name=dict(type='str'),
- cpu_credit_specification=dict(type='str', choices=['standard', 'unlimited']),
- cpu_options=dict(type='dict', options=dict(
- core_count=dict(type='int', required=True),
- threads_per_core=dict(type='int', choices=[1, 2], required=True)
- )),
- tenancy=dict(type='str', choices=['dedicated', 'default']),
- placement_group=dict(type='str'),
- instance_initiated_shutdown_behavior=dict(type='str', choices=['stop', 'terminate']),
- termination_protection=dict(type='bool'),
- detailed_monitoring=dict(type='bool'),
- instance_ids=dict(default=[], type='list'),
- network=dict(default=None, type='dict'),
- volumes=dict(default=None, type='list'),
- )
- # running/present are synonyms
- # as are terminated/absent
- module = AnsibleAWSModule(
- argument_spec=argument_spec,
- mutually_exclusive=[
- ['security_groups', 'security_group'],
- ['availability_zone', 'vpc_subnet_id'],
- ['tower_callback', 'user_data'],
- ['image_id', 'image'],
- ],
- supports_check_mode=True
- )
- if module.params.get('network'):
- if module.params.get('network').get('interfaces'):
- if module.params.get('security_group'):
- module.fail_json(msg="Parameter network.interfaces can't be used with security_group")
- if module.params.get('security_groups'):
- module.fail_json(msg="Parameter network.interfaces can't be used with security_groups")
- state = module.params.get('state')
- ec2 = module.client('ec2')
- if module.params.get('filters') is None:
- filters = {
- # all states except shutting-down and terminated
- 'instance-state-name': ['pending', 'running', 'stopping', 'stopped']
- }
- if state == 'stopped':
- # only need to change instances that aren't already stopped
- filters['instance-state-name'] = ['stopping', 'pending', 'running']
- if isinstance(module.params.get('instance_ids'), string_types):
- filters['instance-id'] = [module.params.get('instance_ids')]
- elif isinstance(module.params.get('instance_ids'), list) and len(module.params.get('instance_ids')):
- filters['instance-id'] = module.params.get('instance_ids')
- else:
- if not module.params.get('vpc_subnet_id'):
- if module.params.get('network'):
- # grab AZ from one of the ENIs
- ints = module.params.get('network').get('interfaces')
- if ints:
- filters[''] = []
- for i in ints:
- if isinstance(i, dict):
- i = i['id']
- filters[''].append(i)
- else:
- sub = get_default_subnet(ec2, get_default_vpc(ec2), availability_zone=module.params.get('availability_zone'))
- filters['subnet-id'] = sub['SubnetId']
- else:
- filters['subnet-id'] = [module.params.get('vpc_subnet_id')]
- if module.params.get('name'):
- filters['tag:Name'] = [module.params.get('name')]
- if module.params.get('image_id'):
- filters['image-id'] = [module.params.get('image_id')]
- elif (module.params.get('image') or {}).get('id'):
- filters['image-id'] = [module.params.get('image', {}).get('id')]
- module.params['filters'] = filters
- if module.params.get('cpu_options') and not module.botocore_at_least('1.10.16'):
- module.fail_json(msg="cpu_options is only supported with botocore >= 1.10.16")
- existing_matches = find_instances(ec2, filters=module.params.get('filters'))
- changed = False
- if state not in ('terminated', 'absent') and existing_matches:
- for match in existing_matches:
- warn_if_public_ip_assignment_changed(match)
- warn_if_cpu_options_changed(match)
- tags = module.params.get('tags') or {}
- name = module.params.get('name')
- if name:
- tags['Name'] = name
- changed |= manage_tags(match, tags, module.params.get('purge_tags', False), ec2)
- if state in ('present', 'running', 'started'):
- ensure_present(existing_matches=existing_matches, changed=changed, ec2=ec2, state=state)
- elif state in ('restarted', 'rebooted', 'stopped', 'absent', 'terminated'):
- if existing_matches:
- ensure_instance_state(state, ec2)
- else:
- module.exit_json(
- msg='No matching instances found',
- changed=False,
- instances=[],
- )
- else:
- module.fail_json(msg="We don't handle the state {0}".format(state))
-if __name__ == '__main__':
- main()