Commit message (Expand)AuthorAgeFilesLines
* New release v2.8.5v2.8.5Toshio Kuratomi2019-09-124-1/+92
* VMware: not ssl.SSLContext if validate_certs false (#57185)Gonéri Le Bouder2019-09-093-61/+121
* fix erroneous failures in docker_compose due to deprecation warnings … (#61...Scott Luther2019-09-092-8/+38
* docker_container: improve port range parsing error behavior (#61740)Felix Fontein2019-09-092-3/+11
* XenServer: When VM is in powered on state, plug newly added disksBojan Vitnik2019-09-092-1/+7
* Fix bug #61924 with API version checkSimon Dodsley2019-09-092-7/+12
* [stable-2.8] User - correct group removal description in docs (#61936)Sam Doran2019-09-062-2/+3
* [stable-2.8] test: disable the docker swarm tests (#61816) (#61862)Sam Doran2019-09-055-0/+5
* documentation: modify the link to the docker.txt listing all images (#61838) ...ndclt2019-09-051-1/+1
* [stable-2.8] Use new version of default test image that contains Python 3.8.0...Sam Doran2019-09-041-1/+1
* Add changelog fragmentStrahinja Kustudic2019-09-041-0/+3
* Fix extended loop_control with includes (#61231)Strahinja Kustudic2019-09-044-0/+24
* [stable-2.8] apt_facts - Fix cache related performance regression (#60511)Sam Doran2019-09-042-2/+6
* s3 - improve waiting for the bucket (#61802)Sloane Hertel2019-09-041-1/+1
* [stable-2.8] aws_s3 - wait for the bucket before setting ACLs (#61735)Sloane Hertel2019-09-042-0/+5
* fixes assert statements in tests (#59998)Wojciech Wypior2019-09-046-10/+10
* [stable-2.8] Allow 13 asterisk characters in password field without warning (...kucharskim2019-09-043-4/+14
* Fix creation of DigitalOcean droplets using digital_ocean_droplet module (#61...Mark Chesney2019-09-042-1/+5
* systemd module will now wait on deactivating state (#59471) (#60939)Strahinja Kustudic2019-09-042-1/+7
* Add exception handling to win_domain_controller (#58234)Klaus Frank2019-09-042-1/+16
* Set win_pagefile as unstable as thats what it is (#61732)Jordan Borean2019-09-041-0/+1
* [stable-2.8] - meraki_syslog - Properly handle net_id (#61744)Kevin Breit2019-09-034-90/+38
* Update host parameter notes to include China. (#60967)Kevin Breit2019-09-031-1/+1
* postgresql: Run all tests under postgres_* (#61676)Andrey Klychkov2019-09-031-0/+14
* Update ce_bfd_global to fix bugs (#60477)yanzhangi2019-09-032-1/+4
* Fix nxos_install_os test cases typo (#58825)Paul Belanger2019-09-033-21/+5
* [stable-2.8] Fix pipelining in buildah connection pluginJordan Webb2019-09-032-1/+3
* acme_certificate: make compatible to Buypass' ACME v2 testing endpoint (#60727)Felix Fontein2019-09-032-3/+3
* Search project in domain when it's definedDmitriy Rabotyagov2019-09-032-3/+5
* Ovirt template search by datacenter backport (#60478)Martin Nečas2019-09-032-3/+8
* proxmox_kvm: While a VM is beeing created, vm has no name item (#58196)pguermo2019-09-032-1/+3
* ovirt_vm add linux boot param warning backport (#60581)Martin Nečas2019-09-032-0/+14
* ovirt vm update kernel docs backport (#60582)Martin Nečas2019-09-032-0/+7
* docker_logout: report change on successful logout (#60381)Felix Fontein2019-09-032-0/+11
* Backport/2.8/57418 (#60683)rob87142019-09-033-9/+38
* fix: docker_swarm_service does not publish both tcp and udp ports (#60616)Mitsuru Nakakawaji2019-09-033-11/+34
* openssl_certificate: fix idempotency (#60745)Felix Fontein2019-09-034-1/+27
* Correct indentation of the code in the example (#61622) (#61727)Wojciech Sciesinski2019-09-031-16/+16
* Backport: win_domain reboot required exception incorrectly reported (#60496) ...Klaus Frank2019-09-032-2/+4
* Warn when transforming constructed groups (#60912)Sloane Hertel2019-09-032-1/+3
* [stable-2.8] fixes issue with recieve parameter idempotency (#59999) (#60541)Sam Doran2019-09-037-6/+16
* Update Fedora 29 test imageGonéri Le Bouder2019-09-031-1/+1
* Backport of 61538: postgresql modules: explicit defaults for bool params (#61...Andrey Klychkov2019-09-031-2/+2
* [stable-2.8] Add porting guide entry for gathering facts tag change (#61180) ...Matt Martz2019-09-031-0/+52
* Fix typo in (#61365) (#61427)Simeon Filipov2019-08-281-1/+1
* Add changelog fragment for backporting PR #57096 to stable-2.8 branchSwartz, Nathan2019-08-271-0/+3
* Add thin-volumes to the netapp_e_lun_mapping update_mapping_info method.Swartz, Nathan2019-08-274-0/+342
* Fix netapp_e_host module bug when lun=0Swartz, Nathan2019-08-271-1/+1
* Fix hosts with same lun number conflict in netapp_e_lun_mapping.Swartz, Nathan2019-08-271-1/+2
* docker_image_info: improve docs (#60622) (#60885)Felix Fontein2019-08-221-3/+15