path: root/docs/docsite/rst/shared_snippets/galaxy_server_list.txt
Commit message (Expand)AuthorAgeFilesLines
* Backportapalooza 08 04 (#78450)Sandra McCann2022-08-041-2/+1
* Point to AH docs (#77200)Sandra McCann2022-03-041-12/+3
* Enable ansible-galaxy to specify client id override with Keycloak Token (#75601)Chris Hambridge2021-09-171-1/+8
* Document validate_certs option for Galaxy server configuration (#75728)Sloane Hertel2021-09-171-0/+1
* add details on how to get API token for Galaxy (#72203)Sandra McCann2020-10-121-1/+1
* docs/docsite/rst/: fix typos (#67645)Andrew Klychkov2020-02-211-1/+1
* Clarify how to use the Galaxy token (#65961)Sandra McCann2020-01-071-15/+15
* add note re required forward slash on url (#65203)Chris Budzilowicz2019-11-221-0/+4
* update configuring ansible-galaxy client (#64796)Sandra McCann2019-11-151-13/+26
* Move galaxy appendix info to a new Galaxy section (#63356)Sandra McCann2019-10-111-0/+63