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+ <title>Apache Server Frequently Asked Questions</title>
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+ <h1 align="CENTER">Apache Server Frequently Asked
+ Questions</h1>
+ <p>$Revision: 1.11 $ ($Date: 2002/06/07 01:48:13 $)</p>
+ <p>The latest version of this FAQ is always available from the
+ main Apache web site, at &lt;<a
+ href=""
+ rel="Help"><samp></samp></a>&gt;.</p>
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+ <p>If you are reading a text-only version of this FAQ, you may
+ find numbers enclosed in brackets (such as "[12]"). These refer
+ to the list of reference URLs to be found at the end of the
+ document. These references do not appear, and are not needed,
+ for the hypertext version.</p>
+ <h2>The Questions</h2>
+ <ol type="A">
+ <!--#endif -->
+ <!--#if expr="$TOC || $STANDALONE" -->
+ <li value="6">
+ <strong>Dynamic Content (CGI and SSI)</strong>
+ <ol>
+ <li><a href="#CGIoutsideScriptAlias">How do I enable CGI
+ execution in directories other than the
+ ScriptAlias?</a></li>
+ <li><a href="#premature-script-headers">What does it mean
+ when my CGIs fail with "<samp>Premature end of script
+ headers</samp>"?</a></li>
+ <li><a href="#POSTnotallowed">Why do I keep getting
+ "Method Not Allowed" for form POST requests?</a></li>
+ <li><a href="#nph-scripts">How can I get my script's
+ output without Apache buffering it? Why doesn't my server
+ push work?</a></li>
+ <li><a href="#cgi-spec">Where can I find the "CGI
+ specification"?</a></li>
+ <li><a href="#fastcgi">Why isn't FastCGI included with
+ Apache any more?</a></li>
+ <li><a href="#ssi-part-i">How do I enable SSI (parsed
+ HTML)?</a></li>
+ <li><a href="#ssi-part-ii">Why don't my parsed files get
+ cached?</a></li>
+ <li><a href="#ssi-part-iii">How can I have my script
+ output parsed?</a></li>
+ <li><a href="#ssi-part-iv">SSIs don't work for
+ VirtualHosts and/or user home directories</a></li>
+ <li><a href="#errordocssi">How can I use
+ <code>ErrorDocument</code> and SSI to simplify customized
+ error messages?</a></li>
+ <li><a href="#remote-user-var">Why is the environment
+ variable <samp>REMOTE_USER</samp> not set?</a></li>
+ <li><a href="#user-cgi">How do I allow each of my user
+ directories to have a cgi-bin directory?</a></li>
+ </ol>
+ </li>
+ <!--#endif -->
+ <!--#if expr="$STANDALONE" -->
+ </ol>
+ <hr />
+ <h2>The Answers</h2>
+ <!--#endif -->
+ <!--#if expr="! $TOC" -->
+ <h3>F. Dynamic Content (CGI and SSI)</h3>
+ <ol>
+ <li>
+ <a id="CGIoutsideScriptAlias"
+ name="CGIoutsideScriptAlias"><strong>How do I enable CGI
+ execution in directories other than the
+ ScriptAlias?</strong></a>
+ <p>Apache recognizes all files in a directory named as a <a
+ href="../mod/mod_alias.html#scriptalias"><samp>ScriptAlias</samp></a>
+ as being eligible for execution rather than processing as
+ normal documents. This applies regardless of the file name,
+ so scripts in a ScriptAlias directory don't need to be
+ named "<samp>*.cgi</samp>" or "<samp>*.pl</samp>" or
+ whatever. In other words, <em>all</em> files in a
+ ScriptAlias directory are scripts, as far as Apache is
+ concerned.</p>
+ <p>To persuade Apache to execute scripts in other
+ locations, such as in directories where normal documents
+ may also live, you must tell it how to recognize them - and
+ also that it's okay to execute them. For this, you need to
+ use something like the <a
+ href="../mod/mod_mime.html#addhandler"><samp>AddHandler</samp></a>
+ directive.</p>
+ <ol>
+ <li>
+ In an appropriate section of your server configuration
+ files, add a line such as
+ <dl>
+ <dd><code>AddHandler cgi-script .cgi</code></dd>
+ </dl>
+ <p>The server will then recognize that all files in
+ that location (and its logical descendants) that end in
+ "<samp>.cgi</samp>" are script files, not
+ documents.</p>
+ </li>
+ <li>Make sure that the directory location is covered by
+ an <a
+ href="../mod/core.html#options"><samp>Options</samp></a>
+ declaration that includes the <samp>ExecCGI</samp>
+ option.</li>
+ </ol>
+ <p>In some situations, you might not want to actually allow
+ all files named "<samp>*.cgi</samp>" to be executable.
+ Perhaps all you want is to enable a particular file in a
+ normal directory to be executable. This can be
+ alternatively accomplished <em>via</em> <a
+ href="../mod/mod_rewrite.html"><samp>mod_rewrite</samp></a>
+ and the following steps:</p>
+ <ol>
+ <li>
+ Locally add to the corresponding <samp>.htaccess</samp>
+ file a ruleset similar to this one:
+ <dl>
+ <dd><code>RewriteEngine on<br />
+ RewriteBase /~foo/bar/<br />
+ RewriteRule ^quux\.cgi$ -
+ [T=application/x-httpd-cgi]</code></dd>
+ </dl>
+ </li>
+ <li>Make sure that the directory location is covered by
+ an <a
+ href="../mod/core.html#options"><samp>Options</samp></a>
+ declaration that includes the <samp>ExecCGI</samp> and
+ <samp>FollowSymLinks</samp> option.</li>
+ </ol>
+ <hr />
+ </li>
+ <li>
+ <a id="premature-script-headers"
+ name="premature-script-headers"><strong>What does it mean
+ when my CGIs fail with "<samp>Premature end of script
+ headers</samp>"?</strong></a>
+ <p>It means just what it says: the server was expecting a
+ complete set of HTTP headers (one or more followed by a
+ blank line), and didn't get them.</p>
+ <p>The most common cause of this problem is the script
+ dying before sending the complete set of headers, or
+ possibly any at all, to the server. To see if this is the
+ case, try running the script standalone from an interactive
+ session, rather than as a script under the server. If you
+ get error messages, this is almost certainly the cause of
+ the "premature end of script headers" message. Even if the
+ CGI runs fine from the command line, remember that the
+ environment and permissions may be different when running
+ under the web server. The CGI can only access resources
+ allowed for the <a
+ href="../mod/core.html#user"><code>User</code></a> and <a
+ href="../mod/core.html#group"><code>Group</code></a>
+ specified in your Apache configuration. In addition, the
+ environment will not be the same as the one provided on the
+ command line, but it can be adjusted using the directives
+ provided by <a href="../mod/mod_env.html">mod_env</a>.</p>
+ <p>The second most common cause of this (aside from people
+ not outputting the required headers at all) is a result of
+ an interaction with Perl's output buffering. To make Perl
+ flush its buffers after each output statement, insert the
+ following statements around the <code>print</code> or
+ <code>write</code> statements that send your HTTP
+ headers:</p>
+ <dl>
+ <dd><code>{<br />
+ &nbsp;local ($oldbar) = $|;<br />
+ &nbsp;$cfh = select (STDOUT);<br />
+ &nbsp;$| = 1;<br />
+ &nbsp;#<br />
+ &nbsp;# print your HTTP headers here<br />
+ &nbsp;#<br />
+ &nbsp;$| = $oldbar;<br />
+ &nbsp;select ($cfh);<br />
+ }</code></dd>
+ </dl>
+ <p>This is generally only necessary when you are calling
+ external programs from your script that send output to
+ stdout, or if there will be a long delay between the time
+ the headers are sent and the actual content starts being
+ emitted. To maximize performance, you should turn
+ buffer-flushing back <em>off</em> (with <code>$| = 0</code>
+ or the equivalent) after the statements that send the
+ headers, as displayed above.</p>
+ <p>If your script isn't written in Perl, do the equivalent
+ thing for whatever language you <em>are</em> using
+ (<em>e.g.</em>, for C, call <code>fflush()</code> after
+ writing the headers).</p>
+ <p>Another cause for the "premature end of script headers"
+ message are the RLimitCPU and RLimitMEM directives. You may
+ get the message if the CGI script was killed due to a
+ resource limit.</p>
+ <p>In addition, a configuration problem in <a
+ href="../suexec.html">suEXEC</a>, mod_perl, or another
+ third party module can often interfere with the execution
+ of your CGI and cause the "premature end of script headers"
+ message.</p>
+ <hr />
+ </li>
+ <li>
+ <a id="POSTnotallowed" name="POSTnotallowed"><strong>Why do
+ I keep getting "Method Not Allowed" for form POST
+ requests?</strong></a>
+ <p>This is almost always due to Apache not being configured
+ to treat the file you are trying to POST to as a CGI
+ script. You can not POST to a normal HTML file; the
+ operation has no meaning. See the FAQ entry on <a
+ href="#CGIoutsideScriptAlias">CGIs outside ScriptAliased
+ directories</a> for details on how to configure Apache to
+ treat the file in question as a CGI.</p>
+ <hr />
+ </li>
+ <li>
+ <a id="nph-scripts" name="nph-scripts"><strong>How can I
+ get my script's output without Apache buffering it? Why
+ doesn't my server push work?</strong></a>
+ <p>As of Apache 1.3, CGI scripts are essentially not
+ buffered. Every time your script does a "flush" to output
+ data, that data gets relayed on to the client. Some
+ scripting languages, for example Perl, have their own
+ buffering for output - this can be disabled by setting the
+ <code>$|</code> special variable to 1. Of course this does
+ increase the overall number of packets being transmitted,
+ which can result in a sense of slowness for the end
+ user.</p>
+ <p>Prior to 1.3, you needed to use "nph-" scripts to
+ accomplish non-buffering. Today, the only difference
+ between nph scripts and normal scripts is that nph scripts
+ require the full HTTP headers to be sent.</p>
+ <hr />
+ </li>
+ <li>
+ <a id="cgi-spec" name="cgi-spec"><strong>Where can I find
+ the "CGI specification"?</strong></a>
+ <p>The Common Gateway Interface (CGI) specification can be
+ found at the original NCSA site &lt; <a
+ href=""><samp>
+ This version hasn't been updated since 1995, and there have
+ been some efforts to update it.</p>
+ <p>A new draft is being worked on with the intent of making
+ it an informational RFC; you can find out more about this
+ project at &lt;<a
+ href=""><samp></samp></a>&gt;.</p>
+ <hr />
+ </li>
+ <li>
+ <a id="fastcgi" name="fastcgi"><strong>Why isn't FastCGI
+ included with Apache any more?</strong></a>
+ <p>The simple answer is that it was becoming too difficult
+ to keep the version being included with Apache synchronized
+ with the master copy at the <a
+ href="">FastCGI web site</a>. When a
+ new version of Apache was released, the version of the
+ FastCGI module included with it would soon be out of
+ date.</p>
+ <p>You can still obtain the FastCGI module for Apache from
+ the master FastCGI web site.</p>
+ <hr />
+ </li>
+ <li>
+ <a id="ssi-part-i" name="ssi-part-i"><strong>How do I
+ enable SSI (parsed HTML)?</strong></a>
+ <p>SSI (an acronym for Server-Side Include) directives
+ allow static HTML documents to be enhanced at run-time
+ (<em>e.g.</em>, when delivered to a client by Apache). The
+ format of SSI directives is covered in the <a
+ href="../mod/mod_include.html">mod_include manual</a>;
+ suffice it to say that Apache supports not only SSI but
+ xSSI (eXtended SSI) directives.</p>
+ <p>Processing a document at run-time is called
+ <em>parsing</em> it; hence the term "parsed HTML" sometimes
+ used for documents that contain SSI instructions. Parsing
+ tends to be resource-consumptive compared to serving static
+ files, and is not enabled by default. It can also interfere
+ with the cachability of your documents, which can put a
+ further load on your server. (See the <a
+ href="#ssi-part-ii">next question</a> for more information
+ about this.)</p>
+ <p>To enable SSI processing, you need to</p>
+ <ul>
+ <li>Build your server with the <a
+ href="../mod/mod_include.html"><samp>mod_include</samp></a>
+ module. This is normally compiled in by default.</li>
+ <li>Make sure your server configuration files have an <a
+ href="../mod/core.html#options"><samp>Options</samp></a>
+ directive which permits <samp>Includes</samp>.</li>
+ <li>
+ Make sure that the directory where you want the SSI
+ documents to live is covered by the "server-parsed"
+ content handler, either explicitly or in some ancestral
+ location. That can be done with the following <a
+ href="../mod/mod_mime.html#addhandler"><samp>AddHandler</samp></a>
+ directive:
+ <dl>
+ <dd><code>AddHandler server-parsed .shtml</code></dd>
+ </dl>
+ <p>This indicates that all files ending in ".shtml" in
+ that location (or its descendants) should be parsed.
+ Note that using ".html" will cause all normal HTML
+ files to be parsed, which may put an inordinate load on
+ your server.</p>
+ </li>
+ </ul>
+ <p>For additional information, see the <cite>Apache
+ Week</cite> article on <a
+ href=""
+ rel="Help"><cite>Using Server Side Includes</cite></a>.</p>
+ <hr />
+ </li>
+ <li>
+ <a id="ssi-part-ii" name="ssi-part-ii"><strong>Why don't my
+ parsed files get cached?</strong></a>
+ <p>Since the server is performing run-time processing of
+ your SSI directives, which may change the content shipped
+ to the client, it can't know at the time it starts parsing
+ what the final size of the result will be, or whether the
+ parsed result will always be the same. This means that it
+ can't generate <samp>Content-Length</samp> or
+ <samp>Last-Modified</samp> headers. Caches commonly work by
+ comparing the <samp>Last-Modified</samp> of what's in the
+ cache with that being delivered by the server. Since the
+ server isn't sending that header for a parsed document,
+ whatever's doing the caching can't tell whether the
+ document has changed or not - and so fetches it again to be
+ on the safe side.</p>
+ <p>You can work around this in some cases by causing an
+ <samp>Expires</samp> header to be generated. (See the <a
+ href="../mod/mod_expires.html"
+ rel="Help"><samp>mod_expires</samp></a> documentation for
+ more details.) Another possibility is to use the <a
+ href="../mod/mod_include.html#xbithack"
+ rel="Help"><samp>XBitHack Full</samp></a> mechanism, which
+ tells Apache to send (under certain circumstances detailed
+ in the XBitHack directive description) a
+ <samp>Last-Modified</samp> header based upon the last
+ modification time of the file being parsed. Note that this
+ may actually be lying to the client if the parsed file
+ doesn't change but the SSI-inserted content does; if the
+ included content changes often, this can result in stale
+ copies being cached.</p>
+ <hr />
+ </li>
+ <li>
+ <a id="ssi-part-iii" name="ssi-part-iii"><strong>How can I
+ have my script output parsed?</strong></a>
+ <p>So you want to include SSI directives in the output from
+ your CGI script, but can't figure out how to do it? The
+ short answer is "you can't." This is potentially a security
+ liability and, more importantly, it can not be cleanly
+ implemented under the current server API. The best
+ workaround is for your script itself to do what the SSIs
+ would be doing. After all, it's generating the rest of the
+ content.</p>
+ <p>This is a feature The Apache Group hopes to add in the
+ next major release after 1.3.</p>
+ <hr />
+ </li>
+ <li>
+ <a id="ssi-part-iv" name="ssi-part-iv"><strong>SSIs don't
+ work for VirtualHosts and/or user home
+ directories.</strong></a>
+ <p>This is almost always due to having some setting in your
+ config file that sets "Options Includes" or some other
+ setting for your DocumentRoot but not for other
+ directories. If you set it inside a Directory section, then
+ that setting will only apply to that directory.</p>
+ <hr />
+ </li>
+ <li>
+ <a id="errordocssi" name="errordocssi"><strong>How can I
+ use <code>ErrorDocument</code> and SSI to simplify
+ customized error messages?</strong></a>
+ <p>Have a look at <a href="custom_errordocs.html">this
+ document</a>. It shows in example form how you can a
+ combination of XSSI and negotiation to tailor a set of
+ <code>ErrorDocument</code>s to your personal taste, and
+ returning different internationalized error responses based
+ on the client's native language.</p>
+ <hr />
+ </li>
+ <li>
+ <a id="remote-user-var" name="remote-user-var"><strong>Why
+ is the environment variable <samp>REMOTE_USER</samp> not
+ set?</strong></a>
+ <p>This variable is set and thus available in SSI or CGI
+ scripts <strong>if and only if</strong> the requested
+ document was protected by access authentication. For an
+ explanation on how to implement these restrictions, see <a
+ href=""><cite>Apache
+ Week</cite></a>'s articles on <a
+ href=""><cite>Using
+ User Authentication</cite></a> or <a
+ href=""><cite>DBM
+ User Authentication</cite></a>.</p>
+ <p>Hint: When using a CGI script to receive the data of a
+ HTML <samp>FORM</samp> notice that protecting the document
+ containing the <samp>FORM</samp> is not sufficient to
+ provide <samp>REMOTE_USER</samp> to the CGI script. You
+ have to protect the CGI script, too. Or alternatively only
+ the CGI script (then authentication happens only after
+ filling out the form).</p>
+ <hr />
+ </li>
+ <li>
+ <a id="user-cgi" name="user-cgi"><strong>How do I allow
+ each of my user directories to have a cgi-bin
+ directory?</strong></a>
+ <p>Remember that CGI execution does not need to be
+ restricted only to cgi-bin directories. You can <a
+ href="#CGIoutsideScriptAlias">allow CGI script execution in
+ arbitrary parts of your filesystem</a>.</p>
+ <p>There are many ways to give each user directory a
+ cgi-bin directory such that anything requested as
+ <samp></samp> will
+ be executed as a CGI script. Two alternatives are:</p>
+ <ol>
+ <li>
+ Place the cgi-bin directory next to the public_html
+ directory:
+ <dl>
+ <dd><code>ScriptAliasMatch ^/~([^/]*)/cgi-bin/(.*)
+ /home/$1/cgi-bin/$2</code></dd>
+ </dl>
+ </li>
+ <li>
+ Place the cgi-bin directory underneath the public_html
+ directory:
+ <dl>
+ <dd><code>&lt;Directory
+ /home/*/public_html/cgi-bin&gt;<br />
+ &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;Options ExecCGI<br />
+ &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;SetHandler cgi-script<br />
+ &lt;/Directory&gt;</code></dd>
+ </dl>
+ </li>
+ </ol>
+ <p>If you are using suexec, the first technique will not work
+ because CGI scripts must be stored under the <code>public_html</code>
+ directory.</p>
+ <hr />
+ </li>
+ </ol>
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