path: root/APACHE_1_3_42/htdocs/manual/misc/FAQ-I.html
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+<!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Transitional//EN"
+ "">
+<html xmlns="">
+ <head>
+ <meta name="generator" content="HTML Tidy, see" />
+ <title>Apache Server Frequently Asked Questions</title>
+ </head>
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+ <body bgcolor="#FFFFFF" text="#000000" link="#0000FF"
+ vlink="#000080" alink="#FF0000">
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+ <h1 align="CENTER">Apache Server Frequently Asked
+ Questions</h1>
+ <p>$Revision: 1.18 $ ($Date: 2004/05/13 13:11:38 $)</p>
+ <p>The latest version of this FAQ is always available from the
+ main Apache web site, at &lt;<a
+ href=""
+ rel="Help"><samp></samp></a>&gt;.</p>
+ <!-- Notes about changes: -->
+ <!-- - If adding a relative link to another part of the -->
+ <!-- documentation, *do* include the ".html" portion. There's a -->
+ <!-- good chance that the user will be reading the documentation -->
+ <!-- on his own system, which may not be configured for -->
+ <!-- multiviews. -->
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+ <!-- - Don't forget to include an HR tag after the last /P tag -->
+ <!-- but before the /LI in an item. -->
+ <p>If you are reading a text-only version of this FAQ, you may
+ find numbers enclosed in brackets (such as "[12]"). These refer
+ to the list of reference URLs to be found at the end of the
+ document. These references do not appear, and are not needed,
+ for the hypertext version.</p>
+ <h2>The Questions</h2>
+ <ol type="A">
+ <!--#endif -->
+ <!--#if expr="$TOC || $STANDALONE" -->
+ <li value="9">
+ <strong>Features</strong>
+ <ol>
+ <li><a href="#proxy">Does or will Apache act as a Proxy
+ server?</a></li>
+ <li><a href="#multiviews">What are "multiviews"?</a></li>
+ <li><a href="#putsupport">Why can't I publish to my
+ Apache server using PUT on Netscape Gold and other
+ programs?</a></li>
+ <li><a href="#SSL-i">Why doesn't Apache include
+ SSL?</a></li>
+ <li><a href="#footer">How can I attach a footer to my
+ documents without using SSI?</a></li>
+ <li><a href="#search">Does Apache include a search
+ engine?</a></li>
+ <li><a href="#rotate">How can I rotate my log
+ files?</a></li>
+ <li><a href="#conditional-logging">How do I keep certain
+ requests from appearing in my logs?</a></li>
+ <li><a href="#dbinteg">Does Apache include any sort of
+ database integration?</a></li>
+ <li><a href="#asp">Can I use Active Server Pages (ASP)
+ with Apache?</a></li>
+ <li><a href="#java">Does Apache come with Java
+ support?</a></li>
+ </ol>
+ </li>
+ <!--#endif -->
+ <!--#if expr="$STANDALONE" -->
+ </ol>
+ <hr />
+ <h2>The Answers</h2>
+ <!--#endif -->
+ <!--#if expr="! $TOC" -->
+ <h3>I. Features</h3>
+ <ol>
+ <li>
+ <a id="proxy" name="proxy"><strong>Does or will Apache act
+ as a Proxy server?</strong></a>
+ <p>Apache version 1.1 and above comes with a <a
+ href="../mod/mod_proxy.html">proxy module</a>. If compiled
+ in, this will make Apache act as a caching-proxy
+ server.</p>
+ <hr />
+ </li>
+ <li>
+ <a id="multiviews" name="multiviews"><strong>What are
+ "multiviews"?</strong></a>
+ <p>"Multiviews" is the general name given to the Apache
+ server's ability to provide language-specific document
+ variants in response to a request. This is documented quite
+ thoroughly in the <a href="../content-negotiation.html"
+ rel="Help">content negotiation</a> description page. In
+ addition, <cite>Apache Week</cite> carried an article on
+ this subject entitled "<a
+ href=""
+ rel="Help"><cite>Content Negotiation
+ Explained</cite></a>".</p>
+ <hr />
+ </li>
+ <li>
+ <a id="putsupport" name="putsupport"><strong>Why can't I
+ publish to my Apache server using PUT on Netscape Gold and
+ other programs?</strong></a>
+ <p>Because you need to install and configure a script to
+ handle the uploaded files. This script is often called a
+ "PUT" handler. There are several available, but they may
+ have security problems. Using FTP uploads may be easier and
+ more secure, at least for now. For more information, see
+ the <cite>Apache Week</cite> article <a
+ href=""><cite>Publishing
+ Pages with PUT</cite></a>.</p>
+ <hr />
+ </li>
+ <li>
+ <a id="SSL-i" name="SSL-i"><strong>Why doesn't Apache
+ include SSL?</strong></a>
+ <p>SSL (Secure Socket Layer) data transport requires
+ encryption, and many governments have restrictions upon the
+ import, export, and use of encryption technology. If Apache
+ included SSL in the base package, its distribution would
+ involve all sorts of legal and bureaucratic issues, and it
+ would no longer be freely available. Also, some of the
+ technology required to talk to current clients using SSL is
+ patented by <a href="">RSA Data
+ Security</a>, who restricts its use without a license.</p>
+ <p>Some SSL implementations of Apache are available,
+ however; see the "<a
+ href="">related
+ projects</a>" page at the main Apache web site.</p>
+ <p>You can find out more about this topic in the
+ <cite>Apache Week</cite> article about <a
+ href=""
+ rel="Help"><cite>Apache and Secure
+ Transactions</cite></a>.</p>
+ <hr />
+ </li>
+ <li>
+ <a id="footer" name="footer"><strong>How can I attach a
+ footer to my documents without using SSI?</strong></a>
+ <p>You can make arbitrary changes to static documents by
+ configuring an <a
+ href="../mod/mod_actions.html#action">Action</a> which
+ launches a CGI script. The CGI is then responsible for
+ setting a content-type and delivering the requested
+ document (the location of which is passed in the
+ <samp>PATH_TRANSLATED</samp> environment variable), along
+ with whatever footer is needed.</p>
+ <p>Busy sites may not want to run a CGI script on every
+ request, and should consider using an Apache module to add
+ the footer. There are several third party modules available
+ through the <a href="">Apache
+ Module Registry</a> which will add footers to documents.
+ These include mod_trailer, PHP
+ (<samp>php3_auto_append_file</samp>), mod_layout, and
+ mod_perl (<samp>Apache::Sandwich</samp>).</p>
+ <hr />
+ </li>
+ <li>
+ <a id="search" name="search"><strong>Does Apache include a
+ search engine?</strong></a>
+ <p>Apache does not include a search engine, but there are
+ many good commercial and free search engines which can be
+ used easily with Apache. Some of them are listed on the <a
+ href="">Web Site
+ Search Tools</a> page. Open source search engines that are
+ often used with Apache include <a
+ href="">ht://Dig</a> and <a
+ href="">SWISH-E</a>.</p>
+ <hr />
+ </li>
+ <li>
+ <a id="rotate" name="rotate"><strong>How can I rotate my
+ log files?</strong></a>
+ <p>The simple answer: by piping the transfer log into an
+ appropriate log file rotation utility.</p>
+ <p>The longer answer: In the src/support/ directory, you
+ will find a utility called <a
+ href="../programs/rotatelogs.html">rotatelogs</a> which can
+ be used like this:</p>
+ TransferLog "|/path/to/rotatelogs /path/to/logs/access_log 86400"
+ <p>to enable daily rotation of the log files.<br />
+ A more sophisticated solution of a logfile rotation
+ utility is available under the name <code>cronolog</code>
+ from Andrew Ford's site at <a
+ href=""></a>.
+ It can automatically create logfile subdirectories based on
+ time and date, and can have a constant symlink point to the
+ rotating logfiles. (As of version 1.6.1, cronolog is
+ available under the <a href="../LICENSE">Apache
+ License</a>). Use it like this:</p>
+ CustomLog "|/path/to/cronolog --symlink=/usr/local/apache/logs/access_log /usr/local/apache/logs/%Y/%m/access_log" combined
+ <hr />
+ </li>
+ <li>
+ <a id="conditional-logging"
+ name="conditional-logging"><strong>How do I keep certain
+ requests from appearing in my logs?</strong></a>
+ <p>The maximum flexibility for removing unwanted
+ information from log files is obtained by post-processing
+ the logs, or using piped-logs to feed the logs through a
+ program which does whatever you want. However, Apache does
+ offer the ability to prevent requests from ever appearing
+ in the log files. You can do this by using the <a
+ href="../mod/mod_setenvif.html#setenvif"><code>SetEnvIf</code></a>
+ directive to set an environment variable for certain
+ requests and then using the conditional <a
+ href="../mod/mod_log_config.html#customlog-conditional"><code>
+ CustomLog</code></a> syntax to prevent logging when the
+ environment variable is set.</p>
+ <hr />
+ </li>
+ <li>
+ <a id="dbinteg" name="dbinteg"><b>Does Apache support any
+ sort of database integration?</b></a>
+ <p>No. Apache is a Web (HTTP) server, not an application
+ server. The base package does not include any such
+ functionality. See the <a href="">PHP
+ project</a> and the <a
+ href="">mod_perl project</a> for
+ examples of modules that allow you to work with databases
+ from within the Apache environment.</p>
+ <hr />
+ </li>
+ <li>
+ <a id="asp" name="asp"><b>Can I use Active Server Pages
+ (ASP) with Apache?</b></a>
+ <p>The base Apache Web Server package does not include ASP
+ support. However, a number of projects provide ASP or
+ ASP-like functionality for Apache. Some of these are:</p>
+ <ul>
+ <li><a
+ href="">Apache::ASP</a></li>
+ <li><a
+ href="">mod_mono</a></li>
+ <li><a
+ href="">Chilisoft
+ ASP</a></li>
+ </ul>
+ <p>See also the <a
+ href="">related
+ projects</a> page to find out more.</p>
+ <hr />
+ </li>
+ <li>
+ <a id="java" name="java"><b>Does Apache come with Java
+ support?</b></a>
+ <p>The base Apache Web server package does not include
+ support for Java, Java Server Pages, Enterprise Java Beans,
+ or Java servlets. Those features are available as add-ons
+ from the Apache/Java project site, &lt;URL:<a
+ href=""></a>&gt;.</p>
+ <hr />
+ </li>
+ </ol>
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+ <!--#if expr="$STANDALONE" -->
+ <!-- Don't forget to add HR tags at the end of each list item.. -->
+ <!--#include virtual="footer.html" -->
+ <!--#endif -->
+ </body>