path: root/APACHE_1_3_42/htdocs/manual/upgrading_to_1_3.html
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+<!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Transitional//EN"
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+ <title>Upgrading to 1.3 from 1.2</title>
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+ <h1 align="CENTER">Upgrading to 1.3 from 1.2</h1>
+ <p>In order to assist folks upgrading we are now going to
+ maintain a document describing information critical to existing
+ Apache users. Note that it only lists differences between
+ recent major releases, so for example, folks using Apache 1.1
+ or earlier will have to figure out what changed up to Apache
+ 1.2 before this document can be considered relevant. Old users
+ could look at the <code>src/CHANGES</code> file which tracks
+ code changes.</p>
+ <p>These are intended to be brief notes, and you should be able
+ to find more information in either the <a
+ href="new_features_1_3.html">New Features</a> document, or in
+ the <code>src/CHANGES</code> file.</p>
+ <h3>Compile-Time Configuration Changes</h3>
+ <ul>
+ <li>The source code has been <a
+ href="sourcereorg.html">reorganized</a>, which affects anyone
+ with custom modules or modifications. But also, the
+ <code>Module</code> directive has been changed to the
+ <code>AddModule</code> directive.</li>
+ <li>The <code>Configuration</code> variable
+ <code>EXTRA_LFLAGS</code> has been renamed
+ <code>EXTRA_LDFLAGS</code>.</li>
+ <li>The <code>-DMAXIMUM_DNS</code> definition has been
+ obsoleted by changes to <code>mod_access</code> enforcing
+ double-reverse DNS lookups when necessary.</li>
+ <li>The <code>-DSERVER_SUBVERSION=\"string\"</code>
+ compile-time option has been replaced with the run-time API
+ call <code>ap_add_version_component()</code>. Compile-time
+ modification of the server identity by the configuration
+ scripts is no longer supported.</li>
+ <li><code>mod_dir</code> has been split into two pieces
+ <code><a
+ href="mod/mod_autoindex.html">mod_autoindex</a></code>, and
+ <code><a href="mod/mod_dir.html">mod_dir</a></code>.</li>
+ <li><a
+ href="mod/mod_browser.html"><code>mod_browser</code></a> has
+ been replaced by <a
+ href="mod/mod_setenvif.html"><code>mod_setenvif</code></a>.</li>
+ <li>IRIX systems with untrusted users who can write CGIs
+ which execute as the same uid as httpd should consider using
+ <code>suexec</code>, or adding
+ <code>EXTRA_CFLAGS</code>. This is slower, more information
+ is available on the <a
+ href="misc/perf-tuning.html#serialize">performance tuning
+ page</a>. There is a mild denial of service attack possible
+ with the default config, but the default config is an order
+ of magnitude faster.</li>
+ <li><code>mod_auth_msql</code> has been removed from the
+ distribution.</li>
+ <li>The new Apache Autoconf-style Interface (APACI) was added
+ to the top-level to provide a real out-of-the-box build and
+ installation procedure for the complete Apache package.</li>
+ </ul>
+ <h3>Run-Time Configuration Changes</h3>
+ <ul>
+ <li>
+ There have been numerous changes to the default config
+ files. Ensure that you compare your existing configuration
+ files with the new ones to ensure there aren't any
+ undesired differences. In particular:
+ <ul>
+ <li>As of Apache 1.3.0, the current config files apply
+ different <a href="mod/core.html#options">Options</a> and
+ <a href="mod/core.html#allowoverride">AllowOverride</a>
+ settings to various directories than were used in
+ 1.2.</li>
+ <li>As of the release following Apache 1.3.3, the three
+ config file templates have been merged into
+ <samp>httpd.conf-dist</samp> and the order of the
+ directives changed.</li>
+ </ul>
+ </li>
+ <li>As of 1.3.2, <a
+ href="mod/mod_expires.html"><code>mod_expires</code></a> will
+ add Expires headers to content that does not come from a file
+ on disk, unless you are using a modification time based
+ setting. Previously, it would never add an Expires header
+ unless content came from a file on disk. This could result in
+ Expires headers being added in places where they were not
+ previously added.</li>
+ <li>Standalone <strong><samp>FancyIndexing</samp></strong>
+ directives are now combined with the settings of any
+ <samp>IndexOptions</samp> directive already in effect, rather
+ than replacing them.</li>
+ <li>
+ <strong><samp>AuthName</samp> strings will need to be
+ quoted</strong> in <samp>.htaccess</samp> or server
+ configuration files if they contain blank characters (like
+ spaces). For example, if you use an <samp>AuthName</samp>
+ directive like this:
+ AuthName This and That
+ you will need to change it to
+ AuthName "This and That"
+ This change was made for consistency in the config
+ language.
+ </li>
+ <li>
+ <strong>As of Apache 1.3.1, methods listed in
+ <samp>&lt;Limit&gt;</samp> directives must be
+ uppercase.</strong> Method names, such as <samp>GET</samp>,
+ <samp>POST</samp>, and <samp>PUT</samp> are defined as
+ being case-sensitive. That is, a <samp>GET</samp> request
+ is different from a <samp>get</samp> request. Prior to
+ Apache 1.3.1, the <samp>&lt;Limit&gt;</samp> directive
+ parser incorrectly treated both of these as being the same.
+ Apache's built-in method limit processing currently only
+ understands uppercase method names, so if you've used
+ clauses such as
+ "<samp>&lt;Limit&nbsp;Get&nbsp;post&gt;</samp>" in your
+ configuration files, you need to correct them to use
+ uppercase names.
+ <p>Unrecognized method names in the server configuration
+ files will result in the server logging an error message
+ and failing to start. In <samp>.htaccess</samp> files,
+ unknown methods will cause the server to log an error to
+ its error log and return an 'Internal Server Error' page to
+ the client.</p>
+ </li>
+ <li><strong>The default Apache ServerRoot directory
+ changed</strong> from the NCSA-compatible
+ <samp>/usr/local/etc/httpd/</samp> to
+ <samp>/usr/local/apache/</samp>. This change covers only the
+ default setting (and the documentation); it is of course
+ possible to override it using the <em>-d ServerRoot</em> and
+ <em>-f httpd.conf</em> switches when starting apache.</li>
+ <li>Folks using HTTP/1.1-style virtual hosting will need to
+ list the ip:port pairs that are supposed to have
+ HTTP/1.1-style virtual hosting via the <a
+ href="mod/core.html#namevirtualhost"><code>NameVirtualHost</code></a>
+ directive (one directive per pair). Previously this support
+ was given implicitly on the "main server address". Now it has
+ to be explicitly listed so as to avoid many problems that
+ users had. Please see the <a href="vhosts/">Apache Virtual
+ Host documentation</a> for further details on
+ configuration.</li>
+ <li>The precedence of virtual hosts has been reversed
+ (applies mainly to vhosts using HTTP/1.1 Host: headers, and
+ the <a href="mod/core.html#serverpath">ServerPath</a>
+ directive). Now the earlier vhosts in the file have
+ precedence over the later vhosts.</li>
+ <li><code>HostnameLookups</code> defaults to Off.</li>
+ <li><strong><samp>REMOTE_HOST</samp> CGI variable
+ changed.</strong> In Apache 1.2 and earlier, the
+ <samp>REMOTE_HOST</samp> environment variable made available
+ to CGI scripts was set to either the full DNS name of the
+ client, or else to the client's IP address if the name was
+ not known. This behavior differed from that specified by the
+ CGI specification, which defines this variable as being NULL
+ if the name isn't known. In Apache 1.3, we have made this
+ correction. <samp>REMOTE_ADDR</samp> always contains the
+ client's IP address, but <samp>REMOTE_HOST</samp> is only
+ defined when the server has been able to determine the
+ client's DNS name.</li>
+ <li>The undocumented <a
+ href="mod/mod_access.html"><code>mod_access</code></a> syntax
+ "allow user-agents" was removed. The replacement is the more
+ general "allow from env".</li>
+ <li>When using wildcards in pathnames (such as * and ?) they
+ no longer match / (slash). That is, they more closely behave
+ how a UNIX shell behaves. This affects
+ <code>&lt;Directory&gt;</code> directives, for example.</li>
+ <li>If no <code>TransferLog</code> directive is given then
+ nothing will be logged. (Previously it would default to
+ <code>logs/access_log</code>.)</li>
+ <li>Apache now has <a
+ href="mod/core.html#loglevel">configurable error logging
+ levels</a>, and the default eliminates some messages that
+ earlier versions always generated.</li>
+ <li>When booting, Apache will now detach itself from stdin,
+ stdout, and stderr. stderr will not be detached until after
+ the config files have been read so you will be able to see
+ initial error messages. After that all errors are logged in
+ the error_log. This makes it more convenient to start Apache
+ via rsh, ssh, or crontabs.</li>
+ <li>&lt;Files&gt; sections previously could take a full
+ pathname, and were matched against the full pathnames. This
+ had some inconsistencies, and was removed. To emulate this
+ older behavior use a &lt;Files&gt; section nested inside a
+ &lt;Directory&gt; section.</li>
+ <li>&lt;Location&gt; matching behavior with respect to
+ slashes has changed. See the <a
+ href="mod/core.html#location">&lt;Location&gt;
+ documentation</a> for more info.</li>
+ </ul>
+ <h3>Misc Changes</h3>
+ <ul>
+ <li><code>ServerType inetd</code> has been deprecated. It
+ still exists, but bugs are unlikely to be fixed.</li>
+ <li><code>httpd_monitor</code> has been deprecated. The
+ replacement is to use <code>mod_status</code> and make a
+ request to a URL such as
+ <code>http://myhost/server-status?refresh=10</code>.</li>
+ <li>
+ Apache now provides an effectively unbuffered connection
+ for CGI scripts. This means that data will be sent to the
+ client as soon as the CGI pauses or stops output;
+ previously, Apache would buffer the output up to a fixed
+ buffer size before sending, which could result in the user
+ viewing an empty page until the CGI finished or output a
+ complete buffer. It is no longer necessary to use an "nph-"
+ CGI to get unbuffered output. Given that most CGIs are
+ written in a language that by default does buffering
+ (<em>e.g.</em>, perl) this shouldn't have a detrimental
+ effect on performance.
+ <p>"nph-" CGIs, which formerly provided a direct socket to
+ the client without any server post-processing, were not
+ fully compatible with HTTP/1.1 or SSL support. As such they
+ would have had to implement the transport details, such as
+ encryption or chunking, in order to work properly in
+ certain situations. Now, the only difference between nph
+ and non-nph scripts is "non-parsed headers".</p>
+ </li>
+ <li><code>dbmmanage</code> has been overhauled.</li>
+ </ul>
+ <h3>Third Party Modules</h3>
+ <p>The following changes between the 1.2 and 1.3 API may
+ require slight changes in third party modules not maintained by
+ Apache.</p>
+ <ul>
+ <li>To avoid symbol clashes with third-party code compiled
+ into the server, the general prefix `<code>ap_</code>' was
+ globally applied to the following classes of symbols: Apache
+ provided general functions (<em>e.g.</em>,
+ <code>ap_cpystrn</code>), public API functions
+ (<em>e.g.</em>, <code>palloc</code>, <code>bgets</code>) and
+ private functions which can't be made static (because of
+ cross-object usage) but should be (<em>e.g.</em>,
+ <code>new_connection</code>). For backward source
+ compatibility with Apache 1.2 a new header file named
+ <code>compat.h</code> was created which provides defines for
+ the old symbol names. You'll either have to <code>#include
+ compat.h</code> or update the API symbols you use.</li>
+ <li>Be sure and examine the <a href="sourcereorg.html">source
+ code reorganization page</a> to see whether any item there
+ affects you.</li>
+ <li>Use of <samp>SERVER_VERSION</samp> definition. If
+ third-party modules reference the server version string using
+ this symbol, they should be corrected to obtain it by calling
+ the new API routine
+ <code>const&nbsp;char&nbsp;*ap_get_server_version()</code>.</li>
+ <li><code>ap_construct_url</code> prototype change. The
+ second parameter was previously a <code>server_rec</code>, it
+ has been changed to a <code>request_rec</code>.</li>
+ <li>
+ The <code>table</code> datatype has been made an opaque
+ type. Code which assumes a <code>table</code> is the same
+ as an <code>array_header</code> will not compile. This is
+ actually a change to enforce the API the way it was
+ intended, all versions of Apache have had a
+ <code>table_elts()</code> function which is intended for
+ code which needs to access the elements of a table. The
+ changes required for this are pretty easy, and work with
+ all versions of Apache.
+ <p>Suppose <code>t</code> is a table. Whenever code refers
+ to <code>t-&gt;elts</code>, replace it with something like
+ this:</p>
+ <blockquote>
+ array_header *arr = table_elts(t);
+ table_entry *elts = (table_entry *)arr-&gt;elts;
+ </blockquote>
+ Whenever code refers to <code>t-&gt;nelts</code> use
+ <code>arr-&gt;nelts</code>. Many examples can be found in
+ the standard modules, search for <code>table_elts</code>.
+ </li>
+ </ul>
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