path: root/docs/manual/ebcdic.html
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-<TITLE>The Apache EBCDIC Port</TITLE>
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-This document has not been updated to take into account changes
-made in the 2.0 version of the Apache HTTP Server. Some of the
-information may still be relevant, but please use it
-with care.
-<H1 ALIGN="CENTER">Overview of the Apache EBCDIC Port</H1>
- <P>
- Version 1.3 of the Apache HTTP Server is the first version which
- includes a port to a (non-ASCII) mainframe machine which uses
- the EBCDIC character set as its native codeset.<BR>
- (It is the SIEMENS family of mainframes running the
- <A HREF="">BS2000/OSD
- operating system</A>. This mainframe OS nowadays features a
- SVR4-derived POSIX subsystem).
- </P>
- <P>
- The port was started initially to
- <UL>
- <LI> prove the feasibility of porting
- <A HREF="">the Apache HTTP server</A>
- to this platform
- <LI> find a "worthy and capable" successor for the venerable
- <A HREF="">CERN-3.0</A> daemon
- (which was ported a couple of years ago), and to
- <LI> prove that Apache's preforking process model can on this platform
- easily outperform the accept-fork-serve model used by CERN by a
- factor of 5 or more.
- </UL>
- </P>
- <P>
- This document serves as a rationale to describe some of the design
- decisions of the port to this machine.
- </P>
- <H2 ALIGN=CENTER>Design Goals</H2>
- <P>
- One objective of the EBCDIC port was to maintain enough backwards
- compatibility with the (EBCDIC) CERN server to make the transition to
- the new server attractive and easy. This required the addition of
- a configurable method to define whether a HTML document was stored
- in ASCII (the only format accepted by the old server) or in EBCDIC
- (the native document format in the POSIX subsystem, and therefore
- the only realistic format in which the other POSIX tools like grep
- or sed could operate on the documents). The current solution to
- this is a "pseudo-MIME-format" which is intercepted and
- interpreted by the Apache server (see below). Future versions
- might solve the problem by defining an "ebcdic-handler" for all
- documents which must be converted.
- </P>
- <H2 ALIGN=CENTER>Technical Solution</H2>
- <P>
- Since all Apache input and output is based upon the BUFF data type
- and its methods, the easiest solution was to add the conversion to
- the BUFF handling routines. The conversion must be settable at any
- time, so a BUFF flag was added which defines whether a BUFF object
- has currently enabled conversion or not. This flag is modified at
- several points in the HTTP protocol:
- <UL>
- <LI><STRONG>set</STRONG> before a request is received (because the
- request and the request header lines are always in ASCII
- format)
- <LI><STRONG>set/unset</STRONG> when the request body is
- received - depending on the content type of the request body
- (because the request body may contain ASCII text or a binary file)
- <LI><STRONG>set</STRONG> before a reply header is sent (because the
- response header lines are always in ASCII format)
- <LI><STRONG>set/unset</STRONG> when the response body is
- sent - depending on the content type of the response body
- (because the response body may contain text or a binary file)
- </UL>
- </P>
-<H2 ALIGN=CENTER>Porting Notes</H2>
- <P>
- <OL>
- <LI>
- The relevant changes in the source are #ifdef'ed into two
- categories:
- <DL>
- <DD>Code which is needed for any EBCDIC based machine. This
- includes character translations, differences in
- contiguity of the two character sets, flags which
- indicate which part of the HTTP protocol has to be
- converted and which part doesn't <EM>etc.</EM>
- <DD>Code which is needed for the SIEMENS BS2000/OSD
- mainframe platform only. This deals with include file
- differences and socket implementation topics which are
- only required on the BS2000/OSD platform.
- </DL>
- </LI><BR>
- <LI>
- The possibility to translate between ASCII and EBCDIC at the
- socket level (on BS2000 POSIX, there is a socket option which
- supports this) was intentionally <EM>not</EM> chosen, because
- the byte stream at the HTTP protocol level consists of a
- mixture of protocol related strings and non-protocol related
- raw file data. HTTP protocol strings are always encoded in
- ASCII (the GET request, any Header: lines, the chunking
- information <EM>etc.</EM>) whereas the file transfer parts (<EM>i.e.</EM>, GIF
- images, CGI output <EM>etc.</EM>) should usually be just "passed through"
- by the server. This separation between "protocol string" and
- "raw data" is reflected in the server code by functions like
- bgets() or rvputs() for strings, and functions like bwrite()
- for binary data. A global translation of everything would
- therefore be inadequate.<BR>
- (In the case of text files of course, provisions must be made so
- that EBCDIC documents are always served in ASCII)
- </LI><BR>
- <LI>
- This port therefore features a built-in protocol level conversion
- for the server-internal strings (which the compiler translated to
- EBCDIC strings) and thus for all server-generated documents.
- The hard coded ASCII escapes \012 and \015 which are
- ubiquitous in the server code are an exception: they are
- already the binary encoding of the ASCII \n and \r and must
- not be converted to ASCII a second time. This exception is
- only relevant for server-generated strings; and <EM>external</EM>
- EBCDIC documents are not expected to contain ASCII newline characters.
- </LI><BR>
- <LI>
- By examining the call hierarchy for the BUFF management
- routines, I added an "ebcdic/ascii conversion layer" which
- would be crossed on every puts/write/get/gets, and a
- conversion flag which allowed enabling/disabling the
- conversions on-the-fly. Usually, a document crosses this
- layer twice from its origin source (a file or CGI output) to
- its destination (the requesting client): <SAMP>file -&gt;
- Apache</SAMP>, and <SAMP>Apache -&gt; client</SAMP>.<BR>
- The server can now read the header
- lines of a CGI-script output in EBCDIC format, and then find
- out that the remainder of the script's output is in ASCII
- (like in the case of the output of a WWW Counter program: the
- document body contains a GIF image). All header processing is
- done in the native EBCDIC format; the server then determines,
- based on the type of document being served, whether the
- document body (except for the chunking information, of
- course) is in ASCII already or must be converted from EBCDIC.
- </LI><BR>
- <LI>
- For Text documents (MIME types text/plain, text/html <EM>etc.</EM>),
- an implicit translation to ASCII can be used, or (if the
- users prefer to store some documents in raw ASCII form for
- faster serving, or because the files reside on a NFS-mounted
- directory tree) can be served without conversion.
- <BR>
- to serve files with the suffix .ahtml as a raw ASCII text/html
- document without implicit conversion (and suffix .ascii
- as ASCII text/plain), use the directives:<PRE>
- AddType text/x-ascii-html .ahtml
- AddType text/x-ascii-plain .ascii
- Similarly, any text/XXXX MIME type can be served as "raw ASCII" by
- configuring a MIME type "text/x-ascii-XXXX" for it using AddType.
- </LI><BR>
- <LI>
- Non-text documents are always served "binary" without conversion.
- This seems to be the most sensible choice for, .<EM>e.g.</EM>, GIF/ZIP/AU
- file types. This of course requires the user to copy them to the
- mainframe host using the "rcp -b" binary switch.
- </LI><BR>
- <LI>
- Server parsed files are always assumed to be in native (<EM>i.e.</EM>,
- EBCDIC) format as used on the machine, and are converted after
- processing.
- </LI><BR>
- <LI>
- For CGI output, the CGI script determines whether a conversion is
- needed or not: by setting the appropriate Content-Type, text files
- can be converted, or GIF output can be passed through unmodified.
- An example for the latter case is the wwwcount program which we ported
- as well.
- </LI><BR>
- </OL>
- </P>
- <H2 ALIGN=CENTER>Document Storage Notes</H2>
- <H3 ALIGN=CENTER>Binary Files</H3>
- <P>
- All files with a <SAMP>Content-Type:</SAMP> which does not
- start with <SAMP>text/</SAMP> are regarded as <EM>binary files</EM>
- by the server and are not subject to any conversion.
- Examples for binary files are GIF images, gzip-compressed
- files and the like.
- </P>
- <P>
- When exchanging binary files between the mainframe host and a
- Unix machine or Windows PC, be sure to use the ftp "binary"
- (<SAMP>TYPE I</SAMP>) command, or use the
- <SAMP>rcp&nbsp;-b</SAMP> command from the mainframe host
- (the -b switch is not supported in unix rcp's).
- </P>
- <H3 ALIGN=CENTER>Text Documents</H3>
- <P>
- The default assumption of the server is that Text Files
- (<EM>i.e.</EM>, all files whose <SAMP>Content-Type:</SAMP> starts with
- <SAMP>text/</SAMP>) are stored in the native character
- set of the host, EBCDIC.
- </P>
- <H3 ALIGN=CENTER>Server Side Included Documents</H3>
- <P>
- SSI documents must currently be stored in EBCDIC only. No
- provision is made to convert it from ASCII before processing.
- </P>
- <H2 ALIGN=CENTER>Apache Modules' Status</H2>
- <TR>
- <TH>Module
- <TH>Status
- <TH>Notes
- </TR>
- <TR>
- <TD ALIGN=LEFT>http_core
- <TD>
- </TR>
- <TR>
- <TD ALIGN=LEFT>mod_access
- <TD>
- </TR>
- <TR>
- <TD ALIGN=LEFT>mod_actions
- <TD>
- </TR>
- <TR>
- <TD ALIGN=LEFT>mod_alias
- <TD>
- </TR>
- <TR>
- <TD ALIGN=LEFT>mod_asis
- <TD>
- </TR>
- <TR>
- <TD ALIGN=LEFT>mod_auth
- <TD>
- </TR>
- <TR>
- <TD ALIGN=LEFT>mod_auth_anon
- <TD>
- </TR>
- <TR>
- <TD ALIGN=LEFT>mod_auth_db
- <TD>with own libdb.a
- </TR>
- <TR>
- <TD ALIGN=LEFT>mod_auth_dbm
- <TD>with own libdb.a
- </TR>
- <TR>
- <TD ALIGN=LEFT>mod_autoindex
- <TD>
- </TR>
- <TR>
- <TD ALIGN=LEFT>mod_cern_meta
- <TD>
- </TR>
- <TR>
- <TD ALIGN=LEFT>mod_cgi
- <TD>
- </TR>
- <TR>
- <TD ALIGN=LEFT>mod_digest
- <TD>
- </TR>
- <TR>
- <TD ALIGN=LEFT>mod_dir
- <TD>
- </TR>
- <TR>
- <TD ALIGN=LEFT>mod_so
- <TD>no shared libs
- </TR>
- <TR>
- <TD ALIGN=LEFT>mod_env
- <TD>
- </TR>
- <TR>
- <TD ALIGN=LEFT>mod_example
- <TD>(test bed only)
- </TR>
- <TR>
- <TD ALIGN=LEFT>mod_expires
- <TD>
- </TR>
- <TR>
- <TD ALIGN=LEFT>mod_headers
- <TD>
- </TR>
- <TR>
- <TD ALIGN=LEFT>mod_imap
- <TD>
- </TR>
- <TR>
- <TD ALIGN=LEFT>mod_include
- <TD>
- </TR>
- <TR>
- <TD ALIGN=LEFT>mod_info
- <TD>
- </TR>
- <TR>
- <TD ALIGN=LEFT>mod_log_agent
- <TD>
- </TR>
- <TR>
- <TD ALIGN=LEFT>mod_log_config
- <TD>
- </TR>
- <TR>
- <TD ALIGN=LEFT>mod_log_referer
- <TD>
- </TR>
- <TR>
- <TD ALIGN=LEFT>mod_mime
- <TD>
- </TR>
- <TR>
- <TD ALIGN=LEFT>mod_mime_magic
- <TD>not ported yet
- </TR>
- <TR>
- <TD ALIGN=LEFT>mod_negotiation
- <TD>
- </TR>
- <TR>
- <TD ALIGN=LEFT>mod_proxy
- <TD>
- </TR>
- <TR>
- <TD ALIGN=LEFT>mod_rewrite
- <TD>untested
- </TR>
- <TR>
- <TD ALIGN=LEFT>mod_setenvif
- <TD>
- </TR>
- <TR>
- <TD ALIGN=LEFT>mod_speling
- <TD>
- </TR>
- <TR>
- <TD ALIGN=LEFT>mod_status
- <TD>
- </TR>
- <TR>
- <TD ALIGN=LEFT>mod_unique_id
- <TD>
- </TR>
- <TR>
- <TD ALIGN=LEFT>mod_userdir
- <TD>
- </TR>
- <TR>
- <TD ALIGN=LEFT>mod_usertrack
- <TD>untested
- </TR>
- </TABLE>
- <H2 ALIGN=CENTER>Third Party Modules' Status</H2>
- <TR>
- <TH>Module
- <TH>Status
- <TH>Notes
- </TR>
- <TR>
- <TD ALIGN=LEFT><A HREF="">mod_jserv</A>
- <TD>JAVA still being ported.
- </TR>
- <TR>
- <TD ALIGN=LEFT><A HREF="">mod_php3</A>
- <TD>mod_php3 runs fine, with LDAP and GD and FreeType libraries
- </TR>
- <TR>
- ><A HREF="">mod_put</A>
- <TD>untested
- </TR>
- <TR>
- ><A HREF="">mod_session</A>
- <TD>untested
- </TR>
- </TABLE>
-<!--#include virtual="footer.html" -->