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+Document: draft-cheshire-dnsext-dns-sd-02.txt Stuart Cheshire
+Category: Standards Track Apple Computer, Inc.
+Expires 14th August 2004 Marc Krochmal
+ Apple Computer, Inc.
+ 14th February 2004
+ DNS-Based Service Discovery
+ <draft-cheshire-dnsext-dns-sd-02.txt>
+Status of this Memo
+ This document is an Internet-Draft and is in full conformance with
+ all provisions of Section 10 of RFC2026. Internet-Drafts are
+ working documents of the Internet Engineering Task Force (IETF),
+ its areas, and its working groups. Note that other groups may
+ also distribute working documents as Internet-Drafts.
+ Internet-Drafts are draft documents valid for a maximum of six
+ months and may be updated, replaced, or obsoleted by other documents
+ at any time. It is inappropriate to use Internet-Drafts as
+ reference material or to cite them other than as "work in progress."
+ The list of current Internet-Drafts can be accessed at
+ The list of Internet-Draft Shadow Directories can be accessed at
+ Distribution of this memo is unlimited.
+ This document describes a convention for naming and structuring DNS
+ resource records. Given a type of service that a client is looking
+ for, and a domain in which the client is looking for that service,
+ this convention allows clients to discover a list of named instances
+ of that desired service, using only standard DNS queries. In short,
+ this is referred to as DNS-based Service Discovery, or DNS-SD.
+Expires 14th August 2004 Cheshire & Krochmal [Page 1]
+Internet Draft DNS-Based Service Discovery 14th February 2004
+Table of Contents
+ 1. Introduction....................................................3
+ 2. Conventions and Terminology Used in this Document...............3
+ 3. Design Goals....................................................4
+ 4. Service Instance Enumeration....................................5
+ 4.1 Structured Instance Names.......................................5
+ 4.2 User Interface Presentation.....................................7
+ 4.3 Internal Handling of Names......................................7
+ 4.4 What You See Is What You Get....................................7
+ 4.5 Ordering of Service Instance Name Components....................9
+ 5. Service Name Resolution........................................11
+ 6. Data Syntax for DNS-SD TXT Records.............................12
+ 6.1 General Format Rules for DNS TXT Records.......................12
+ 6.2 DNS TXT Record Format Rules for use in DNS-SD..................12
+ 6.3 DNS-SD TXT Record Size.........................................14
+ 6.4 Rules for Names in DNS-SD Name/Value Pairs.....................14
+ 6.5 Rules for Values in DNS-SD Name/Value Pairs....................16
+ 6.6 Example TXT Record.............................................16
+ 6.7 Version Tag....................................................17
+ 7. Application Protocol Names.....................................18
+ 8. Selective Instance Enumeration.................................19
+ 9. Flagship Naming................................................10
+ 10. Service Type Enumeration.......................................21
+ 11. Populating the DNS with Information............................22
+ 12. Relationship to Multicast DNS..................................22
+ 13. Discovery of Browsing and Registration Domains.................23
+ 14. DNS Additional Record Generation...............................24
+ 15. Comparison with Alternative Service Discovery Protocols........25
+ 16. Real Example...................................................27
+ 17. IPv6 Considerations............................................28
+ 18. Security Considerations........................................28
+ 19. IANA Considerations............................................28
+ 20. Acknowledgements...............................................29
+ 21. Copyright......................................................29
+ 22. Normative References...........................................30
+ 23. Informative References.........................................30
+ 24. Author's Addresses.............................................31
+Expires 14th August 2004 Cheshire & Krochmal [Page 2]
+Internet Draft DNS-Based Service Discovery 14th February 2004
+1. Introduction
+ This document describes a convention for naming and structuring DNS
+ resource records. Given a type of service that a client is looking
+ for, and a domain in which the client is looking for that service,
+ this convention allows clients to discover a list of named instances
+ of a that desired service, using only standard DNS queries. In short,
+ this is referred to as DNS-based Service Discovery, or DNS-SD.
+ This document proposes no change to the structure of DNS messages,
+ and no new operation codes, response codes, resource record types,
+ or any other new DNS protocol values. This document simply proposes
+ a convention for how existing resource record types can be named and
+ structured to facilitate service discovery.
+ This proposal is entirely compatible with today's existing unicast
+ DNS server and client software.
+ Note that the DNS-SD service does NOT have to be provided by the same
+ DNS server hardware that is currently providing an organization's
+ conventional host name lookup service (the service we traditionally
+ think of when we say "DNS"). By delegating the "_tcp" subdomain, all
+ the workload related to DNS-SD can be offloaded to a different
+ machine. This flexibility, to handle DNS-SD on the main DNS server,
+ or not, at the network administrator's discretion, is one of the
+ things that makes DNS-SD so compelling.
+ Even when the DNS-SD functions are delegated to a different machine,
+ the benefits of using DNS remain: It is mature technology, well
+ understood, with multiple independent implementations from different
+ vendors, a wide selection of books published on the subject, and an
+ established workforce experienced in its operation. In contrast,
+ adopting some other service discovery technology would require every
+ site in the world to install, learn, configure, operate and maintain
+ some entirely new and unfamiliar server software. Faced with these
+ obstacles, it seems unlikely that any other service discovery
+ technology could hope to compete with the ubiquitous deployment
+ that DNS already enjoys.
+ This proposal is also compatible with (but not dependent on) the
+ proposal outlined in "Multicast DNS" [mDNS].
+2. Conventions and Terminology Used in this Document
+ The key words "MUST", "MUST NOT", "REQUIRED", "SHALL", "SHALL NOT",
+ document are to be interpreted as described in "Key words for use in
+ RFCs to Indicate Requirement Levels" [RFC 2119].
+Expires 14th August 2004 Cheshire & Krochmal [Page 3]
+Internet Draft DNS-Based Service Discovery 14th February 2004
+3. Design Goals
+ A good service discovery protocol needs to have many properties,
+ three of which are mentioned below:
+ (i) The ability to query for services of a certain type in a certain
+ logical domain and receive in response a list of named instances
+ (network browsing, or "Service Instance Enumeration").
+ (ii) Given a particular named instance, the ability to efficiently
+ resolve that instance name to the required information a client needs
+ to actually use the service, i.e. IP address and port number, at the
+ very least (Service Name Resolution).
+ (iii) Instance names should be relatively persistent. If a user
+ selects their default printer from a list of available choices today,
+ then tomorrow they should still be able to print on that printer --
+ even if the IP address and/or port number where the service resides
+ have changed -- without the user (or their software) having to repeat
+ the network browsing step a second time.
+ In addition, if it is to become successful, a service discovery
+ protocol should be so simple to implement that virtually any
+ device capable of implementing IP should not have any trouble
+ implementing the service discovery software as well.
+ These goals are discussed in more detail in the remainder of this
+ document. A more thorough treatment of service discovery requirements
+ may be found in "Requirements for a Protocol to Replace AppleTalk
+ NBP" [NBP]. That document draws upon examples from two decades of
+ operational experience with AppleTalk Name Binding Protocol to
+ develop a list of universal requirements which are broadly applicable
+ to any potential service discovery protocol.
+Expires 14th August 2004 Cheshire & Krochmal [Page 4]
+Internet Draft DNS-Based Service Discovery 14th February 2004
+4. Service Instance Enumeration
+ DNS SRV records [RFC 2782] are useful for locating instances of a
+ particular type of service when all the instances are effectively
+ indistinguishable and provide the same service to the client.
+ For example, SRV records with the (hypothetical) name
+ "" would allow a client to discover a list of
+ all servers implementing the "_http._tcp" service (i.e. Web servers)
+ for the "" domain. The unstated assumption is that all
+ these servers offer an identical set of Web pages, and it doesn't
+ matter to the client which of the servers it uses, as long as it
+ selects one at random according to the weight and priority rules laid
+ out in RFC 2782.
+ Instances of other kinds of service are less easily interchangeable.
+ If a word processing application were to look up the (hypothetical)
+ SRV record "" to find the list of IPP printers
+ at Example Co., then picking one at random and printing on it would
+ probably not be what the user wanted.
+ The remainder of this section describes how SRV records may be used
+ in a slightly different way to allow a user to discover the names
+ of all available instances of a given type of service, in order to
+ select the particular instance the user desires.
+4.1 Structured Instance Names
+ This document borrows the logical service naming syntax and semantics
+ from DNS SRV records, but adds one level of indirection. Instead of
+ requesting records of type "SRV" with name "",
+ the client requests records of type "PTR" (pointer from one name to
+ another in the DNS namespace).
+ In effect, if one thinks of the domain name ""
+ as being analogous to an absolute path to a directory in a file
+ system then the PTR lookup is akin to performing a listing of that
+ directory to find all the files it contains. (Remember that domain
+ names are expressed in reverse order compared to path names: An
+ absolute path name is read from left to right, beginning with a
+ leading slash on the left, and then the top level directory, then the
+ next level directory, and so on. A fully-qualified domain name is
+ read from right to left, beginning with the dot on the right -- the
+ root label -- and then the top level domain to the left of that, and
+ the second level domain to the left of that, and so on. If the fully-
+ qualified domain name "" were expressed as a
+ file system path name, it would be "/com/example/_tcp/_ipp".)
+Expires 14th August 2004 Cheshire & Krochmal [Page 5]
+Internet Draft DNS-Based Service Discovery 14th February 2004
+ The result of this PTR lookup for the name "<Service>.<Domain>" is a
+ list of zero or more PTR records giving Service Instance Names of the
+ form:
+ Service Instance Name = <Instance> . <Service> . <Domain>
+ The <Instance> portion of the Service Instance Name is a single DNS
+ label, containing arbitrary UTF-8-encoded text [RFC 2279]. It is a
+ user-friendly name, meaning that it is allowed to contain any
+ characters, without restriction, including spaces, upper case, lower
+ case, punctuation -- including dots -- accented characters, non-roman
+ text, and anything else that may be represented using UTF-8.
+ DNS recommends guidelines for allowable characters for host names
+ [RFC 1033][RFC 1034][RFC 1035], but Service Instance Names are not
+ host names. Service Instance Names are not intended to ever be typed
+ in by a normal user; the user selects a Service Instance Name by
+ selecting it from a list of choices presented on the screen.
+ Note that just because this protocol supports arbitrary UTF-8-encoded
+ names doesn't mean that any particular user or administrator is
+ obliged to make use of that capability. Any user is free, if they
+ wish, to continue naming their services using only letters, digits
+ and hyphens, with no spaces, capital letters, or other punctuation.
+ DNS labels are currently limited to 63 octets in length. UTF-8
+ encoding can require up to four octets per Unicode character, which
+ means that in the worst case, the <Instance> portion of a name could
+ be limited to fifteen Unicode characters. However, the Unicode
+ characters with longer UTF-8 encodings tend to be the more obscure
+ ones, and tend to be the ones that convey greater meaning per
+ character.
+ Note that any character in the commonly-used 16-bit Unicode space can
+ be encoded with no more than three octets of UTF-8 encoding. This
+ means that an Instance name can contain up to 21 Kanji characters,
+ which is a sufficiently expressive name for most purposes.
+ The <Service> portion of the Service Instance Name consists of a pair
+ of DNS labels, following the established convention for SRV records
+ [RFC 2782], namely: the first label of the service pair is the
+ application protocol name, as recorded in the IANA list of assigned
+ application protocol names and port numbers [ports]. The second label
+ of the service pair is either "_tcp" or "_udp", depending on the
+ transport protocol used by the application.
+ The <Domain> portion of the Service Instance Name is a conventional
+ DNS domain name, consisting of as many labels as appropriate. For
+ example, "", "", and "" are
+ all valid domain names for the <Domain> portion of the Service
+ Instance Name.
+Expires 14th August 2004 Cheshire & Krochmal [Page 6]
+Internet Draft DNS-Based Service Discovery 14th February 2004
+4.2 User Interface Presentation
+ The names resulting from the PTR lookup are presented to the user in
+ a list for the user to select one (or more). Typically only the first
+ label is shown (the user-friendly <Instance> portion of the name). In
+ the common case, the <Service> and <Domain> are already known to the
+ user, these having been provided by the user in the first place, by
+ the act of indicating the service being sought, and the domain in
+ which to look for it. Note: The software handling the response
+ should be careful not to make invalid assumptions though, since it
+ *is* possible, though rare, for a service enumeration in one domain
+ to return the names of services in a different domain. Similarly,
+ when using subtypes (see "Selective Instance Enumeration") the
+ <Service> of the discovered instance my not be exactly the same as
+ the <Service> that was requested.
+ Having chosen the desired named instance, the Service Instance Name
+ may then be used immediately, or saved away in some persistent
+ user-preference data structure for future use, depending on what is
+ appropriate for the application in question.
+4.3 Internal Handling of Names
+ If the <Instance>, <Service> and <Domain> portions are internally
+ concatenated together into a single string, then care must be taken
+ with the <Instance> portion, since it is allowed to contain any
+ characters, including dots.
+ Any dots in the <Instance> portion should be escaped by preceeding
+ them with a backslash ("." becomes "\."). Likewise, any backslashes
+ in the <Instance> portion should also be escaped by preceeding them
+ with a backslash ("\" becomes "\\"). Having done this, the three
+ components of the name may be safely concatenated. The
+ backslash-escaping allows literal dots in the name (escaped) to be
+ distinguished from label-separator dots (not escaped).
+ The resulting concatenated string may be safely passed to standard
+ DNS APIs like res_query(), which will interpret the string correctly
+ provided it has been escaped correctly, as described here.
+4.4 What You See Is What You Get
+ Some service discovery protocols decouple the true service identifier
+ from the name presented to the user. The true service identifier used
+ by the protocol is an opaque unique id, often represented using a
+ long string of hexadecimal digits, and should never be seen by the
+ typical user. The name presented to the user is merely one of the
+ ephemeral attributes attached to this opaque identifier.
+Expires 14th August 2004 Cheshire & Krochmal [Page 7]
+Internet Draft DNS-Based Service Discovery 14th February 2004
+ The problem with this approach is that it decouples user perception
+ from reality:
+ * What happens if there are two service instances, with different
+ unique ids, but they have inadvertently been given the same
+ user-visible name? If two instances appear in an on-screen list
+ with the same name, how does the user know which is which?
+ * Suppose a printer breaks down, and the user replaces it with
+ another printer of the same make and model, and configures the new
+ printer with the exact same name as the one being replaced:
+ "Stuart's Printer". Now, when the user tries to print, the
+ on-screen print dialog tells them that their selected default
+ printer is "Stuart's Printer". When they browse the network to see
+ what is there, they see a printer called "Stuart's Printer", yet
+ when the user tries to print, they are told that the printer
+ "Stuart's Printer" can't be found. The hidden internal unique id
+ that the software is trying to find on the network doesn't match
+ the hidden internal unique id of the new printer, even though its
+ apparent "name" and its logical purpose for being there are the
+ same. To remedy this, the user typically has to delete the print
+ queue they have created, and then create a new (apparently
+ identical) queue for the new printer, so that the new queue will
+ contain the right hidden internal unique id. Having all this hidden
+ information that the user can't see makes for a confusing and
+ frustrating user experience, and exposing long ugly hexadecimal
+ strings to the user and forcing them to understand what they mean
+ is even worse.
+ * Suppose an existing printer is moved to a new department, and given
+ a new name and a new function. Changing the user-visible name of
+ that piece of hardware doesn't change its hidden internal unique
+ id. Users who had previously created print queues for that printer
+ will still be accessing the same hardware by its unique id, even
+ though the logical service that used to be offered by that hardware
+ has ceased to exist.
+ To solve these problems requires the user or administrator to be
+ aware of the supposedly hidden unique id, and to set its value
+ correctly as hardware is moved around, repurposed, or replaced,
+ thereby contradicting the notion that it is a hidden identifier that
+ human users never need to deal with. Requiring the user to unserstand
+ this expert behind-the-scenes knowledge of what is *really* going on
+ is just one more burden placed on the user when they are trying to
+ diagnose why their computers and network devices are not working as
+ expected.
+ These anomalies and counter-intuitive behaviours can be eliminated by
+ maintaining a tight bidirectional one-to-one mapping between what the
+ user sees on the screen and what is really happening "behind the
+Expires 14th August 2004 Cheshire & Krochmal [Page 8]
+Internet Draft DNS-Based Service Discovery 14th February 2004
+ curtain". If something is configured incorrectly, then that is
+ apparent in the familiar day-to-day user interface that everyone
+ understands, not in some little-known rarely-used "expert" interface.
+ In summary: The user-visible name is the primary identifier for a
+ service. If the user-visible name is changed, then conceptually the
+ service being offered is a different logical service -- even though
+ the hardware offering the service stayed the same. If the
+ user-visible name doesn't change, then conceptually the service being
+ offered is the same logical service -- even if the hardware offering
+ the service is new hardware brought in to replace some old equipment.
+ There are certainly arguments on both sides of this debate.
+ Nonetheless, the designers of any service discovery protocol have
+ to make a choice between between having the primary identifiers be
+ hidden, or having them be visible, and these are the reasons that we
+ chose to make them visible. We're not claiming that there are no
+ disadvantages of having primary identifiers be visible. We considered
+ both alternatives, and we believe that the few disadvantages
+ of visible identifiers are far outweighed by the many problems
+ caused by use of hidden identifiers.
+4.5 Ordering of Service Instance Name Components
+ There have been questions about why services are named using DNS
+ Service Instance Names of the form:
+ Service Instance Name = <Instance> . <Service> . <Domain>
+ instead of:
+ Service Instance Name = <Service> . <Instance> . <Domain>
+ There are three reasons why it is beneficial to name service
+ instances with the parent domain as the most-significant (rightmost)
+ part of the name, then the abstract service type as the nextmost
+ significant, and then the specific instance name as the
+ least-significant (leftmost) part of the name:
+4.5.1. Semantic Structure
+ The facility being provided by browsing ("Service Instance
+ Enumeration") is effectively enumerating the leaves of a tree
+ structure. A given domain offers zero or more services. For each of
+ those service types, there may be zero or more instances of that
+ service.
+Expires 14th August 2004 Cheshire & Krochmal [Page 9]
+Internet Draft DNS-Based Service Discovery 14th February 2004
+ The user knows what type of service they are seeking. (If they are
+ running an FTP client, they are looking for FTP servers. If they have
+ a document to print, they are looking for entities that speak some
+ known printing protocol.) The user knows in which organizational or
+ geographical domain they wish to search. (The user does not want a
+ single flat list of every single printer on the planet, even if such
+ a thing were possible.) What the user does not know in advance is
+ whether the service they seek is offered in the given domain, or if
+ so, how many instances are offered, and the names of those instances.
+ Hence having the instance names be the leaves of the tree is
+ consistent with this semantic model.
+ Having the service types be the terminal leaves of the tree would
+ imply that the user knows the domain name, and already knows the
+ name of the service instance, but doesn't have any idea what the
+ service does. We would argue that this is a less useful model.
+4.5.2. Network Efficiency
+ When a DNS response contains multiple answers, name compression works
+ more effectively if all the names contain a common suffix. If many
+ answers in the packet have the same <Service> and <Domain>, then each
+ occurrence of a Service Instance Name can be expressed using only the
+ <Instance> part followed by a two-byte compression pointer
+ referencing a previous appearance of "<Service>.<Domain>". This
+ efficiency would not be possible if the <Service> component appeared
+ first in each name.
+4.5.3. Operational Flexibility
+ This name structure allows subdomains to be delegated along logical
+ service boundaries. For example, the network administrator at Example
+ Co. could choose to delegate the "" subdomain to a
+ different machine, so that the machine handling service discovery
+ doesn't have to be the same as the machine handling other day-to-day
+ DNS operations. (It *can* be the same machine if the administrator so
+ chooses, but the point is that the administrator is free to make that
+ choice.) Furthermore, if the network administrator wishes to delegate
+ all information related to IPP printers to a machine dedicated to
+ that specific task, this is easily done by delegating the
+ "" subdomain to the desired machine. It is also
+ convenient to set security policies on a per-zone/per-subdomain
+ basis. For example, the administrator may choose to enable DNS
+ Dynamic Update [RFC 2136] [RFC 3007] for printers registering in the
+ "" subdomain, but not for other
+ zones/subdomains. This easy flexibility would not exist if the
+ <Service> component appeared first in each name.
+Expires 14th August 2004 Cheshire & Krochmal [Page 10]
+Internet Draft DNS-Based Service Discovery 14th February 2004
+5. Service Name Resolution
+ Given a particular Service Instance Name, when a client needs to
+ contact that service, it sends a DNS query for the SRV record of
+ that name.
+ The result of the DNS query is a SRV record giving the port number
+ and target host where the service may be found.
+ The use of SRV records is very important. There are only 65535 TCP
+ port numbers available. These port numbers are being allocated
+ one-per-application-protocol at an alarming rate. Some protocols like
+ the X Window System have a block of 64 TCP ports allocated
+ (6000-6063). If we start allocating blocks of 64 TCP ports at a time,
+ we will run out even faster. Using a different TCP port for each
+ different instance of a given service on a given machine is entirely
+ sensible, but allocating large static ranges, as was done for X, is a
+ very inefficient way to manage a limited resource. On any given host,
+ most TCP ports are reserved for services that will never run on that
+ particular host. This is very poor utilization of the limited port
+ space. Using SRV records allows each host to allocate its available
+ port numbers dynamically to those services running on that host that
+ need them, and then advertise the allocated port numbers via SRV
+ records. Allocating the available listening port numbers locally
+ on a per-host basis as needed allows much better utilization of the
+ available port space than today's centralized global allocation.
+ In some environments there may be no compelling reason to assign
+ managed names to every host, since every available service is
+ accessible by name anyway, as a first-class entity in its own right.
+ However, the DNS packet format and record format still require a host
+ name to link the target host referenced in the SRV record to the
+ address records giving the IPv4 and/or IPv6 addresses for that
+ hardware. In the case where no natural host name is available, the
+ SRV record may give its own name as the name of the target host, and
+ then the requisite address records may be attached to that same name.
+ It is perfectly permissible for a single name in the DNS hierarchy to
+ have multiple records of different type attached. (The only
+ restriction being that a given name may not have both a CNAME record
+ and other records at the same time.)
+ In the event that more than one SRV is returned, clients MUST
+ correctly interpret the priority and weight fields -- i.e. Lower
+ numbered priority servers should be used in preference to higher
+ numbered priority servers, and servers with equal priority should be
+ selected randomly in proportion to their relative weights.
+Expires 14th August 2004 Cheshire & Krochmal [Page 11]
+Internet Draft DNS-Based Service Discovery 14th February 2004
+6. Data Syntax for DNS-SD TXT Records
+ Some services discovered via Service Instance Enumeration may need
+ more than just an IP address and port number to properly identify the
+ service. For example, printing via the LPR protocol often specifies a
+ queue name. This queue name is typically short and cryptic, and need
+ not be shown to the user. It should be regarded the same way as the
+ IP address and port number -- it is one component of the addressing
+ information required to identify a specific instance of a service
+ being offered by some piece of hardware. Similarly, a file server may
+ have multiple volumes, each identified by its own volume name. A Web
+ server typically has multiple pages, each identified by its own URL.
+ In these cases, the necessary additional data is stored in a TXT
+ record with the same name as the SRV record. The specific nature of
+ that additional data, and how it is to be used, is service-dependent,
+ but the overall syntax of the data in the TXT record is standardized,
+ as described below.
+6.1 General Format Rules for DNS TXT Records
+ A DNS TXT record can be up to 65535 (0xFFFF) bytes long. The total
+ length is indicated by the length given in the resource record header
+ in the DNS message. There is no way to tell directly from the data
+ alone how long it is (e.g. there is no length count at the start, or
+ terminating NULL byte at the end). (Note that when using Multicast
+ DNS [mDNS] the maximum packet size is 9000 bytes, which imposes an
+ upper limit on the size of TXT records of about 8800 bytes.)
+ The format of the data within a DNS TXT record is zero or more
+ strings, packed together in memory without any intervening gaps or
+ padding bytes for word alignment.
+ The format of each constituent string within the DNS TXT record is a
+ single length byte, followed by 0-255 bytes of text data.
+ These format rules are defined in Section 3.3.14 of RFC 1035, and are
+ not specific to DNS-SD. DNS-SD simply specifies a usage convention
+ for what data should be stored in those constituent strings.
+6.2 DNS TXT Record Format Rules for use in DNS-SD
+ DNS-SD uses DNS TXT records to store arbitrary name/value pairs
+ conveying additional information about the named service. Each
+ name/value pair is encoded as its own constituent string within the
+ DNS TXT record, in the form "name=value". Everything up to the first
+ '=' character is the name. Everything after the first '=' character
+ to the end of the string (including subsequent '=' characters, if
+ any) is the value. Specific rules governing names and values are
+ given below. Each author defining a DNS-SD profile for discovering
+Expires 14th August 2004 Cheshire & Krochmal [Page 12]
+Internet Draft DNS-Based Service Discovery 14th February 2004
+ instances of a particular type of service should define the base set
+ of name/value attributes that are valid for that type of service.
+ Using this standardized name/value syntax within the TXT record makes
+ it easier for these base definitions to be expanded later by defining
+ additional named attributes. If an implementation sees unknown
+ attribute names in a service TXT record, it MUST silently ignore them.
+ The TCP (or UDP) port number of the service, and target host name,
+ are given in the SRV record. This information -- target host name and
+ port number -- MUST NOT be duplicated using name/value attributes in
+ the TXT record.
+ The intention of DNS-SD TXT records is to convey a small amount of
+ useful additional information about a service. Ideally it SHOULD NOT
+ be necessary for a client to retrieve this additional information
+ before it can usefully establish a connection to the service. For a
+ well-designed TCP-based application protocol, it should be possible,
+ knowing only the host name and port number, to open a connection to
+ that listening process, and then perform version- or feature-
+ negotiation to determine the capabilities of the service instance.
+ For example, when connecting to an AppleShare server over TCP, the
+ client enters into a protocol exchange with the server to determine
+ which version of the AppleShare protocol the server implements, and
+ which optional features or capabilities (if any) are available. For a
+ well-designed application protocol, clients should be able to connect
+ and use the service even if there is no information at all in the TXT
+ record. In this case, the information in the TXT record should be
+ viewed as a performance optimization -- when a client discovers many
+ instances of a service, the TXT record allows the client to know some
+ rudimentary information about each instance without having to open a
+ TCP connection to each one and interrogate every service instance
+ separately. Extreme care should be taken when doing this to ensure
+ that the information in the TXT record is in agreement with the
+ information retrieved by a client connecting over TCP.
+ There are legacy protocols which provide no feature negotiation
+ capability, and in these cases it may be useful to convey necessary
+ information in the TXT record. For example, when printing using the
+ old Unix LPR (port 515) protocol, the LPR service provides no way for
+ the client to determine whether a particular printer accepts
+ PostScript, or what version of PostScript, etc. In this case it is
+ appropriate to embed this information in the TXT record, because the
+ alternative is worse -- passing around written instructions to the
+ users, arcane manual configuration of "/etc/printcap" files, etc.
+Expires 14th August 2004 Cheshire & Krochmal [Page 13]
+Internet Draft DNS-Based Service Discovery 14th February 2004
+6.3 DNS-SD TXT Record Size
+ The total size of a typical DNS-SD TXT record is intended to be small
+ -- 200 bytes or less.
+ In cases where more data is justified (e.g. LPR printing), keeping
+ the total size under 400 bytes should allow it to fit in a single
+ standard 512-byte DNS message. (This standard DNS message size is
+ defined in RFC 1035.)
+ In extreme cases where even this is not enough, keeping the size of
+ the TXT record under 1300 bytes should allow it to fit in a single
+ 1500-byte Ethernet packet.
+ Using TXT records larger than 1300 bytes is NOT RECOMMENDED at this
+ time.
+6.4 Rules for Names in DNS-SD Name/Value Pairs
+ The "Name" MUST be at least one character. Strings beginning with an
+ '=' character (i.e. the name is missing) SHOULD be silently ignored.
+ The characters of "Name" MUST be printable US-ASCII values
+ (0x20-0x7E), excluding '=' (0x3D).
+ Spaces in the name are significant, whether leading, trailing, or in
+ the middle -- so don't include any spaces unless you really intend
+ that!
+ Case is ignored when interpreting a name, so "papersize=A4",
+ "PAPERSIZE=A4" and "Papersize=A4" are all identical.
+ If there is no '=', then it is a boolean attribute, and is simply
+ identified as being present, with no value.
+ Unless specified otherwise by a particular DNS-SD profile, a given
+ attribute name may appear at most once in a TXT record. If a client
+ receives a TXT record containing the same attribute name more than
+ once, then the client SHOULD silently ignore all but the first
+ occurrence of that attribute. For client implementations that process
+ a DNS-SD TXT record from start to end, placing name/value pairs into
+ a hash table, using the name as the hash table key, this means that
+ if the implementation attempts to add a new name/value pair into the
+ table and finds an entry with the same name already present, then the
+ new entry being added should be silently discarded instead. For
+ client implementations that retrieve name/value pairs by searching
+ the TXT record for the requested name, they should search the TXT
+ record from the start, and simply return the first matching name they
+ find.
+Expires 14th August 2004 Cheshire & Krochmal [Page 14]
+Internet Draft DNS-Based Service Discovery 14th February 2004
+ When examining a TXT record for a given named attribute, there are
+ therefore four broad categories of results which may be returned:
+ * Attribute not present (Absent)
+ * Attribute present, with no value
+ (e.g. "Anon Allowed" -- server allows anonymous connections)
+ * Attribute present, with empty value (e.g. "Installed PlugIns=" --
+ server supports plugins, but none are presently installed)
+ * Attribute present, with non-empty value
+ (e.g. "Installed PlugIns=JPEG,MPEG2,MPEG4")
+ Each author defining a DNS-SD profile for discovering instances of a
+ particular type of service should define the interpretation of these
+ different kinds of result. For example, for some keys, there may be
+ a natural true/false boolean interpretation:
+ * Present implies 'true'
+ * Absent implies 'false'
+ For other keys it may be sensible to define other semantics, such as
+ value/no-value/unknown:
+ * Present with value implies that value.
+ E.g. "Color=4" for a four-color ink-jet printer,
+ or "Color=6" for a six-color ink-jet printer.
+ * Present with empty value implies 'false'. E.g. Not a color printer.
+ * Absent implies 'Unknown'. E.g. A print server connected to some
+ unknown printer where the print server doesn't actually know if the
+ printer does color or not -- which gives a very bad user experience
+ and should be avoided wherever possible.
+ (Note that this is a hypothetical example, not an example of actual
+ name/value keys used by DNS-SD network printers.)
+ As a general rule, attribute names that contain no dots are defined
+ as part of the open-standard definition written by the person or
+ group defining the DNS-SD profile for discovering that particular
+ service type. Vendor-specific extensions should be given names of the
+ form "", using a domain name legitimately
+ registered to the person or organization creating the vendor-specific
+ key. This reduces the risk of accidental conflict if different
+ organizations each define their own vendor-specific keys.
+Expires 14th August 2004 Cheshire & Krochmal [Page 15]
+Internet Draft DNS-Based Service Discovery 14th February 2004
+6.5 Rules for Values in DNS-SD Name/Value Pairs
+ If there is an '=', then everything after the first '=' to the end of
+ the string is the value. The value can contain any eight-bit values
+ including '='. Leading or trailing spaces are part of the value, so
+ don't put them there unless you intend them to be there. Any
+ quotation marks around the value are part of the value, so don't put
+ them there unless you intend them to be part of the value.
+ The value is opaque binary data. Often the value for a particular
+ attribute will be US-ASCII (or UTF-8) text, but it is legal for a
+ value to be any binary data. For example, if the value of a key is an
+ IPv4 address, that address should simply be stored as four bytes of
+ binary data, not as a variable-length 7-15 byte ASCII string giving
+ the address represented in textual dotted decimal notation.
+ Generic debugging tools should generally display all attribute values
+ as a hex dump, with accompanying text alongside displaying the UTF-8
+ interpretation of those bytes, except for attributes where the
+ debugging tool has embedded knowledge that the value is some other
+ kind of data.
+ Authors defining DNS-SD profiles SHOULD NOT convert binary attribute
+ data types into printable text (e.g. using hexadecimal, Base64 or UU
+ encoding) merely for the sake of making the data be printable text
+ when seen in a generic debugging tool. Doing this simply bloats the
+ size of the TXT record, without atually making the data any more
+ understandable to someone looking at it in a generic debugging tool.
+6.6 Example TXT Record
+ The TXT record below contains three syntactically valid name/value
+ pairs. (The meaning of these name/value pairs, if any, would depend
+ on the definitions pertaining to the service in question that is
+ using them.)
+ ---------------------------------------------------------------
+ | 0x0A | name=value | 0x08 | paper=A4 | 0x0E | DNS-SD Is Cool |
+ ---------------------------------------------------------------
+Expires 14th August 2004 Cheshire & Krochmal [Page 16]
+Internet Draft DNS-Based Service Discovery 14th February 2004
+6.7 Version Tag
+ It is recommended that authors defining DNS-SD profiles include an
+ attribute of the form "txtvers=xxx" in their definition, and require
+ it to be the first name/value pair in the TXT record. This
+ information in the TXT record can be useful to help clients maintain
+ backwards compatibility with older implementations if it becomes
+ necessary to change or update the specification over time. Even if
+ the profile author doesn't anticipate the need for any future
+ incompatible changes, having a version number in the specification
+ provides useful insurance should incompatible changes become
+ unavoidable. Clients SHOULD ignore TXT records with a txtvers number
+ higher (or lower) than the version(s) they know how to interpret.
+ Note that the version number in the txtvers tag describes the version
+ of the TXT record specification being used to create this TXT record,
+ not the version of the application protocol that will be used if the
+ client subsequently decides to contact that service. Ideally, every
+ DNS-SD TXT record specification starts at txtvers=1 and stays that
+ way forever. Improvements can be made by defining new keys that older
+ clients silently ignore. The only reason to increment the version
+ number is if the old specification is subsequently found to be so
+ horribly broken that there's no way to do a compatible forward
+ revision, so the txtvers number has to be incremented to tell all the
+ old clients they should just not even try to understand this new TXT
+ record.
+ If there is a need to indicate which version number(s) of the
+ application protocol the service implements, the recommended key
+ name for this is "protovers".
+Expires 14th August 2004 Cheshire & Krochmal [Page 17]
+Internet Draft DNS-Based Service Discovery 14th February 2004
+7. Application Protocol Names
+ The <Service> portion of a Service Instance Name consists of a pair
+ of DNS labels, following the established convention for SRV records
+ [RFC 2782], namely: the first label of the pair is the Application
+ Protocol Name, and the second label is either "_tcp" or "_udp".
+ Wise selection of the Application Protocol Name is very important,
+ and the choice is not always as obvious as it may appear.
+ In some cases, the Application Protocol Name merely names and refers
+ to the on-the-wire message format and semantics being used. FTP is
+ "ftp", IPP printing is "ipp", and so on.
+ However, it is common to "borrow" an existing protocol and repurpose
+ it for a new task. This is entirely sensible and sound engineering
+ practice, but that doesn't mean that the new protocol is providing
+ the same semantic service as the old one, even if it borrows the same
+ message formats. For example, the local network music playing
+ protocol implemented by iTunes on Macintosh and Windows is little
+ more than "HTTP GET" commands. However, that does *not* mean that it
+ is sensible or useful to try to access one of these music servers by
+ connecting to it with a standard web browser. Consequently, the
+ DNS-SD service advertised (and browsed for) by iTunes is "_daap._tcp"
+ (Digital Audio Access Procol), not "_http._tcp". Advertising
+ "_http._tcp" service would cause iTunes servers to show up in
+ conventional Web browsers (Safari, Camino, OmniWeb, Opera, Netscape,
+ Internet Explorer, etc.) which is little use since it offers no pages
+ containing human-readable content. Similarly, browsing for
+ "_http._tcp" service would cause iTunes to find generic web servers,
+ such as the embedded web servers in devices like printers, which is
+ little use since printers generally don't have much music to offer.
+ Similarly, NFS is built on top of SUN RPC, but that doesn't mean it
+ makes sense for an NFS server to advertise that it provides "SUN RPC"
+ service. Likewise, Microsoft SMB file service is built on top of
+ Netbios running over IP, but that doesn't mean it makes sense for an
+ SMB file server to advertise that it provides "Netbios-over-IP"
+ service. The DNS-SD name of a service needs to encapsulate both the
+ "what" (semantics) and the "how" (protocol implementation) of the
+ service, since knowledge of both is necessary for a client to
+ usefully use the service. Merely advertising that a service was built
+ on top of SUN RPC is no use if the client has no idea what the
+ service actually does.
+ Another common mistake is to assume that the service type advertised
+ by iTunes should be "_daap._http._tcp." This is also incorrect. Part
+ of the confusion here is that the presence of "_tcp" or "_udp" in the
+ <Service> portion of a Service Instance Name has led people to assume
+ that the structure of a service name has to reflect the internal
+ structure of how the protocol was implemented. This is not correct.
+Expires 14th August 2004 Cheshire & Krochmal [Page 18]
+Internet Draft DNS-Based Service Discovery 14th February 2004
+ The "_tcp" or "_udp" should be regarded as little more than
+ boilerplate text, and care should be taken not to attach too much
+ importance to it. Some might argue that the "_tcp" or "_udp" should
+ not be there at all, but this format is defined by RFC 2782, and
+ that's not going to change. In addition, the presence of "_tcp" has
+ the useful side-effect that it provides a convenient delegation point
+ to hand off control to a different DNS server, if so desired.
+8. Selective Instance Enumeration
+ This document does not attempt to define an arbitrary query language
+ for service discovery, nor do we believe one is necessary.
+ However, there are some circumstances where narrowing the list of
+ results may be useful. A Web browser client that is able to retrieve
+ HTML documents via HTTP and display them may also be able to retrieve
+ HTML documents via FTP and display them, but only in the case of FTP
+ servers that allow anonymous login. For that Web browser, discovering
+ all FTP servers on the network is not useful. The Web browser only
+ wants to discover FTP servers that it is able to talk to. In this
+ case, a subtype of "_ftp._tcp" could be defined. Instead of issuing a
+ query for "_ftp._tcp.<Domain>", the Web browser issues a query for
+ "_anon._ftp._tcp.<Domain>", where "_anon" is a defined subtype of
+ "_ftp._tcp". The response to this query only includes the names of
+ SRV records for FTP servers that are willing to allow anonymous
+ login.
+ Note that the FTP server's Service Instance Name is unchanged -- it
+ is still something of the form "The"
+ The subdomain in which FTP server SRV records are registered defines
+ the namespace within which FTP server names are unique. Additional
+ subtypes (e.g. "_anon") of the basic service type (e.g. "_ftp._tcp")
+ serve to narrow the list of results, not to create more namespace.
+ As with the TXT record name/value pairs, the list of possible
+ subtypes, if any, are defined and specified separately for each basic
+ service type.
+Expires 14th August 2004 Cheshire & Krochmal [Page 19]
+Internet Draft DNS-Based Service Discovery 14th February 2004
+9. Flagship Naming
+ In some cases, there may be several network protocols available which
+ all perform roughly the same logical function. For example, the
+ printing world has the LPR protocol, and the Internet Printing
+ Protocol (IPP), both of which cause printed sheets to be emitted from
+ printers in much the same way. In addition, many printer vendors send
+ their own proprietary page description language (PDL) data over a TCP
+ connection to TCP port 9100, herein referred to as the
+ "pdl-datastream" protocol. In an ideal world we would have only one
+ network printing protocol, and it would be sufficiently good that no
+ one felt a compelling need to invent a different one. However, in
+ practice, multiple legacy protocols do exist, and a service discovery
+ protocol has to accommodate that.
+ Many printers implement all three printing protocols: LPR, IPP, and
+ pdl-datastream. For the benefit of clients that may speak only one of
+ those protocols, all three are advertised.
+ However, some clients may implement two, or all three of those
+ printing protocols. When a client looks for all three service types
+ on the network, it will find three distinct services -- an LPR
+ service, an IPP service, and a pdl-datastream service -- all of which
+ cause printed sheets to be emitted from the same physical printer.
+ In the case of multiple protocols like this that all perform
+ effectively the same function, the client should suppress duplicate
+ names and display each name only once. When the user prints to a
+ given named printer, the printing client is responsible for choosing
+ the protocol which will best achieve the desired effect, without, for
+ example, requiring the user to make a manual choice between LPR and
+ IPP.
+ As described so far, this all works very well. However, consider some
+ future printer that only supports IPP printing, and some other future
+ printer that only supports pdl-datastream printing. The name spaces
+ for different service types are intentionally disjoint -- it is
+ acceptable and desirable to be able to have both a file server called
+ "Sales Department" and a printer called "Sales Department". However,
+ it is not desirable, in the common case, to have two different
+ printers both called "Sales Department", just because those printers
+ are implementing different protocols.
+ To help guard against this, when there are two or more network
+ protocols which perform roughly the same logical function, one of the
+ protocols is declared the "flagship" of the fleet of related
+ protocols. Typically the flagship protocol is the oldest and/or
+ best-known protocol of the set.
+ If a device does not implement the flagship protocol, then it instead
+ creates a placeholder SRV record (priority=0, weight=0, port=0,
+Expires 14th August 2004 Cheshire & Krochmal [Page 20]
+Internet Draft DNS-Based Service Discovery 14th February 2004
+ target host = hostname of device) with that name. If, when it
+ attempts to create this SRV record, it finds that a record with the
+ same name already exists, then it knows that this name is already
+ taken by some entity implementing at least one of the protocols from
+ the class, and it must choose another. If no SRV record already
+ exists, then the act of creating it stakes a claim to that name so
+ that future devices in the same class will detect a conflict when
+ they try to use it. The SRV record needs to contain the target host
+ name in order for the conflict detection rules to operate. If two
+ different devices were to create placeholder SRV records both using a
+ null target host name (just the root label), then the two SRV records
+ would be seen to be in agreement so no conflict would be registered.
+ By defining a common well-known flagship protocol for the class,
+ future devices that may not even know about each other's protocols
+ establish a common ground where they can coordinate to verify
+ uniqueness of names.
+ No PTR record is created advertising the presence of empty flagship
+ SRV records, since they do not represent a real service being
+ advertised.
+10. Service Type Enumeration
+ In general, clients are not interested in finding *every* service on
+ the network, just the services that the client knows how to talk to.
+ (Software designers may *think* there's some value to finding *every*
+ service on the network, but that's just wooly thinking.)
+ However, for problem diagnosis and network management tools, it may
+ be useful for network administrators to find the list of advertised
+ service types on the network, even if those service names are just
+ opaque identifiers and not particularly informative in isolation.
+ For this reason, a special meta-query is defined. A DNS query for
+ PTR records with the name "_services._dns-sd._udp.<Domain>" yields
+ a list of PTR records, where the rdata of each PTR record is the
+ name of a service type. A subsequent query for PTR records with
+ one of those names yields a list of instances of that service type.
+Expires 14th August 2004 Cheshire & Krochmal [Page 21]
+Internet Draft DNS-Based Service Discovery 14th February 2004
+11. Populating the DNS with Information
+ How the SRV and PTR records that describe services and allow them to
+ be enumerated make their way into the DNS is outside the scope of
+ this document. However, it can happen easily in any of a number of
+ ways, for example:
+ On some networks, the administrator might manually enter the records
+ into the name server's configuration file.
+ A network monitoring tool could output a standard zone file to be
+ read into a conventional DNS server. For example, a tool that can
+ find Apple LaserWriters using AppleTalk NBP could find the list of
+ printers, communicate with each one to find its IP address,
+ PostScript version, installed options, etc., and then write out a DNS
+ zone file describing those printers and their capabilities using DNS
+ resource records. That information would then be available to DNS-SD
+ clients that don't implement AppleTalk NBP, and don't want to.
+ Future IP printers could use Dynamic DNS Update [RFC 2136] to
+ automatically register their own SRV and PTR records with the DNS
+ server.
+ A printer manager device which has knowledge of printers on the
+ network through some other management protocol could also use Dynamic
+ DNS Update [RFC 2136].
+ Alternatively, a printer manager device could implement enough of the
+ DNS protocol that it is able to answer DNS queries directly, and
+ Example Co.'s main DNS server could delegate the
+ subdomain to the printer manager device.
+ Zeroconf printers answer Multicast DNS queries on the local link
+ for appropriate PTR and SRV names ending with ".local." [mDNS]
+12. Relationship to Multicast DNS
+ DNS-Based Service Discovery is only peripherally related to Multicast
+ DNS, in that the standard unicast DNS queries used by DNS-SD may also
+ be performed using multicast when appropriate, which is particularly
+ beneficial in Zeroconf environments [ZC].
+Expires 14th August 2004 Cheshire & Krochmal [Page 22]
+Internet Draft DNS-Based Service Discovery 14th February 2004
+13. Discovery of Browsing and Registration Domains (Domain Enumeration)
+ One of the main reasons for DNS-Based Service Discovery is so that
+ when a visiting client (e.g. a laptop computer) arrives at a new
+ network, it can discover what services are available on that network
+ without manual configuration. This logic that applies to discovering
+ services without manual configuration also applies to discovering the
+ domains in which services are registered without requiring manual
+ configuration.
+ This discovery is performed recursively, using Unicast or Multicast
+ DNS. Four special RR names are reserved for this purpose:
+ _browse._dns-sd._udp.<domain>
+ _default._browse._dns-sd._udp.<domain>
+ _register._dns-sd._udp.<domain>
+ _default._register._dns-sd._udp.<domain>
+ By performing PTR queries for these names, a client can learn,
+ respectively:
+ o A list of domains recommended for browsing
+ o A single recommended default domain for browsing
+ o A list of domains recommended for registering services using
+ Dynamic Update
+ o A single recommended default domain for registering services.
+ These domains are purely advisory. The client or user is free to
+ browse and/or register services in any domains. The purpose of these
+ special queries is to allow software to create a user-interface that
+ displays a useful list of suggested choices to the user, from which
+ they may make a suitable selection, or ignore the offered suggestions
+ and manually enter their own choice.
+ The <domain> part of the name may be ".local." (meaning "perform the
+ query using link-local multicast) or it may be learned through some
+ other mechanism, such as the DHCP "Domain" option (option code 15)
+ [RFC 2132] or the DHCP "Domain Search" option (option code 119)
+ [RFC 3397]. Sophisticated clients may perform these queries both in
+ ".local." and in one or more unicast domains, and then present the
+ user with an aggregate result, combining the information received
+ from all sources.
+Expires 14th August 2004 Cheshire & Krochmal [Page 23]
+Internet Draft DNS-Based Service Discovery 14th February 2004
+14. DNS Additional Record Generation
+ DNS has an efficiency feature whereby a DNS server may place
+ additional records in the Additional Section of the DNS Message.
+ These additional records are typically records that the client did
+ not explicitly request, but the server has reasonable grounds to
+ expect that the client might request them shortly.
+ This section recommends which additional records should be generated
+ to improve network efficiency for both unicast and multicast DNS-SD
+ responses.
+14.1 PTR Records
+ When including a PTR record in a response packet, the
+ server/responder SHOULD include the following additional records:
+ o The SRV record(s) named in the PTR rdata.
+ o The TXT record(s) named in the PTR rdata.
+ o All address records (type "A" and "AAAA") named in the SRV rdata.
+14.2 SRV Records
+ When including an SVR record in a response packet, the
+ server/responder SHOULD include the following additional records:
+ o All address records (type "A" and "AAAA") named in the SRV rdata.
+14.3 TXT Records
+ When including a TXT record in a response packet, no additional
+ records are required.
+14.4 Other Record Types
+ In response to address queries, or other record types, no additional
+ records are required by this document.
+Expires 14th August 2004 Cheshire & Krochmal [Page 24]
+Internet Draft DNS-Based Service Discovery 14th February 2004
+15. Comparison with Alternative Service Discovery Protocols
+ Over the years there have been many proposed ways to do network
+ service discovery with IP, but none achieved ubiquity in the
+ marketplace. Certainly none has achieved anything close to the
+ ubiquity of today's deployment of DNS servers, clients, and other
+ infrastructure.
+ The advantage of using DNS as the basis for service discovery is that
+ it makes use of those existing servers, clients, protocols,
+ infrastructure, and expertise. Existing network analyser tools
+ already know how to decode and display DNS packets for network
+ debugging.
+ For ad-hoc networks such as Zeroconf environments, peer-to-peer
+ multicast protocols are appropriate. The Zeroconf host profile [ZCHP]
+ requires the use of a DNS-like protocol over IP Multicast for host
+ name resolution in the absence of DNS servers. Given that Zeroconf
+ hosts will have to implement this Multicast-based DNS-like protocol
+ anyway, it makes sense for them to also perform service discovery
+ using that same Multicast-based DNS-like software, instead of also
+ having to implement an entirely different service discovery protocol.
+ In larger networks, a high volume of enterprise-wide IP multicast
+ traffic may not be desirable, so any credible service discovery
+ protocol intended for larger networks has to provide some facility to
+ aggregate registrations and lookups at a central server (or servers)
+ instead of working exclusively using multicast. This requires some
+ service discovery aggregation server software to be written,
+ debugged, deployed, and maintained. This also requires some service
+ discovery registration protocol to be implemented and deployed for
+ clients to register with the central aggregation server. Virtually
+ every company with an IP network already runs a DNS server, and DNS
+ already has a dynamic registration protocol [RFC 2136]. Given that
+ virtually every company already has to operate and maintain a DNS
+ server anyway, it makes sense to take advantage of this instead of
+ also having to learn, operate and maintain a different service
+ registration server. It should be stressed again that using the same
+ software and protocols doesn't necessarily mean using the same
+ physical piece of hardware. The DNS-SD service discovery functions
+ do not have to be provided by the same piece of hardware that
+ is currently providing the company's DNS name service. The
+ "_tcp.<Domain>" subdomain may be delegated to a different piece of
+ hardware. However, even when the DNS-SD service is being provided by
+ a different piece of hardware, it is still the same familiar DNS
+ server software that is running, with the same configuration file
+ syntax, the same log file format, and so forth.
+Expires 14th August 2004 Cheshire & Krochmal [Page 25]
+Internet Draft DNS-Based Service Discovery 14th February 2004
+ Service discovery needs to be able to provide appropriate security.
+ DNS already has existing mechanisms for security [RFC 2535].
+ In summary:
+ Service discovery requires a central aggregation server.
+ DNS already has one: It's called a DNS server.
+ Service discovery requires a service registration protocol.
+ DNS already has one: It's called DNS Dynamic Update.
+ Service discovery requires a query protocol
+ DNS already has one: It's called DNS.
+ Service discovery requires security mechanisms.
+ DNS already has security mechanisms: DNSSEC.
+ Service discovery requires a multicast mode for ad-hoc networks.
+ Zeroconf environments already require a multicast-based DNS-like
+ name lookup protocol for mapping host names to addresses, so it
+ makes sense to let one multicast-based protocol do both jobs.
+ It makes more sense to use the existing software that every network
+ needs already, instead of deploying an entire parallel system just
+ for service discovery.
+Expires 14th August 2004 Cheshire & Krochmal [Page 26]
+Internet Draft DNS-Based Service Discovery 14th February 2004
+16. Real Example
+ The following examples were prepared using standard unmodified
+ nslookup and standard unmodified BIND running on GNU/Linux.
+ Note: In real products, this information is obtained and presented to
+ the user using graphical network browser software, not command-line
+ tools, but if you wish you can try these examples for yourself as you
+ read along, using the command-line tools already available on your
+ own Unix machine.
+16.1 Question: What FTP servers are being advertised from
+ nslookup -q=ptr
+ name=Apple\032QuickTime\
+ name=Microsoft\032Developer\
+ name=Registered\032Users'\
+ Answer: There are three, called "Apple QuickTime Files",
+ "Microsoft Developer Files" and "Registered Users' Only".
+ Note that nslookup escapes spaces as "\032" for display purposes,
+ but a graphical DNS-SD browser does not.
+16.2 Question: What FTP servers allow anonymous access?
+ nslookup -q=ptr
+ name=Apple\032QuickTime\
+ name=Microsoft\032Developer\
+ Answer: Only "Apple QuickTime Files" and "Microsoft Developer Files"
+ allow anonymous access.
+16.3 Question: How do I access "Apple QuickTime Files"?
+ nslookup -q=any "Apple\032QuickTime\"
+ Apple\032QuickTime\ text = "path=/quicktime"
+ Apple\032QuickTime\
+ priority = 0, weight = 0, port= 21 host =
+ internet address =
+ internet address =
+ internet address =
+ Answer: You need to connect to, port 21, path
+ "/quicktime". The addresses for are also given.
+Expires 14th August 2004 Cheshire & Krochmal [Page 27]
+Internet Draft DNS-Based Service Discovery 14th February 2004
+17. IPv6 Considerations
+ IPv6 has no significant differences, except that the address of the
+ SRV record's target host is given by the appropriate IPv6 address
+ records instead of the IPv4 "A" record.
+18. Security Considerations
+ DNSSEC [RFC 2535] should be used where the authenticity of
+ information is important. Since DNS-SD is just a naming and usage
+ convention for records in the existing DNS system, it has no specific
+ additional security requirements over and above those that already
+ apply to DNS queries and DNS updates.
+19. IANA Considerations
+ This protocol builds on DNS SRV records [RFC 2782], and similarly
+ requires IANA to assign unique application protocol names.
+ Unfortunately, the "IANA Considerations" section of RFC 2782 says
+ simply, "The IANA has assigned RR type value 33 to the SRV RR.
+ No other IANA services are required by this document."
+ Due to this oversight, IANA is currently prevented from carrying
+ out the necessary function of assigning these unique identifiers.
+ This document proposes the following IANA allocation policy for
+ unique application protocol names:
+ Allowable names:
+ * Must be no more than fourteen characters long
+ * Must consist only of:
+ - lower-case letters 'a' - 'z'
+ - digits '0' - '9'
+ - the hyphen character '-'
+ * Must begin and end with a lower-case letter or digit.
+ * Must not already be assigned to some other protocol in the
+ existing IANA "list of assigned application protocol names
+ and port numbers" [ports].
+ These identifiers are allocated on a First Come First Served basis.
+ In the event of abuse (e.g. automatated mass registrations, etc.),
+ the policy may be changed without notice to Expert Review [RFC 2434].
+ The textual nature of service/protocol names means that there are
+ almost infinitely many more of them available than the finite set of
+ 65535 possible port numbers. This means that developers can produce
+ experimental implementations using unregistered service names with
+ little chance of accidental collision, providing service names are
+ chosen with appropriate care. However, this document strongly
+Expires 14th August 2004 Cheshire & Krochmal [Page 28]
+Internet Draft DNS-Based Service Discovery 14th February 2004
+ advocates that on or before the date a product ships, developers
+ should properly register their service names.
+ Some developers have expressed concern that publicly registering
+ their service names (and port numbers today) with IANA before a
+ product ships may give away clues about that product to competitors.
+ For this reason, IANA should consider allowing service name
+ applications to remain secret for some period of time, much as US
+ patent applications remain secret for two years after the date of
+ filing.
+ This proposed IANA allocation policy is not in force until this
+ document is published as an RFC. In the meantime, unique application
+ protocol names may be registered according to the instructions at
+ <>. As of January 2004, there
+ are roughly 100 application protocols in currently shipping products
+ that have been so registered as using DNS-SD for service discovery.
+20. Acknowledgements
+ We would like to thank (in alphabetical order) Richard Brown, Josh
+ Graessley, Erik Guttman, Paul Vixie, and Bill Woodcock, for their
+ contributions.
+21. Copyright
+ Copyright (C) The Internet Society 2004.
+ All Rights Reserved.
+ This document and translations of it may be copied and furnished to
+ others, and derivative works that comment on or otherwise explain it
+ or assist in its implementation may be prepared, copied, published
+ and distributed, in whole or in part, without restriction of any
+ kind, provided that the above copyright notice and this paragraph are
+ included on all such copies and derivative works. However, this
+ document itself may not be modified in any way, such as by removing
+ the copyright notice or references to the Internet Society or other
+ Internet organizations, except as needed for the purpose of
+ developing Internet standards in which case the procedures for
+ copyrights defined in the Internet Standards process must be
+ followed, or as required to translate it into languages other than
+ English.
+ The limited permissions granted above are perpetual and will not be
+ revoked by the Internet Society or its successors or assigns.
+ This document and the information contained herein is provided on an
+Expires 14th August 2004 Cheshire & Krochmal [Page 29]
+Internet Draft DNS-Based Service Discovery 14th February 2004
+22. Normative References
+ [ports] IANA list of assigned application protocol names and port
+ numbers <>
+ [RFC 1033] Lottor, M., "Domain Administrators Operations Guide",
+ RFC 1033, November 1987.
+ [RFC 1034] Mockapetris, P., "Domain Names - Concepts and
+ Facilities", STD 13, RFC 1034, November 1987.
+ [RFC 1035] Mockapetris, P., "Domain Names - Implementation and
+ Specifications", STD 13, RFC 1035, November 1987.
+ [RFC 2119] Bradner, S., "Key words for use in RFCs to Indicate
+ Requirement Levels", RFC 2119, March 1997.
+ [RFC 2279] Yergeau, F., "UTF-8, a transformation format of ISO
+ 10646", RFC 2279, January 1998.
+ [RFC 2782] Gulbrandsen, A., et al., "A DNS RR for specifying the
+ location of services (DNS SRV)", RFC 2782, February 2000.
+23. Informative References
+ [mDNS] Cheshire, S., and M. Krochmal, "Multicast DNS",
+ Internet-Draft (work in progress),
+ draft-cheshire-dnsext-multicastdns-04.txt, February 2004.
+ [NBP] Cheshire, S., and M. Krochmal,
+ "Requirements for a Protocol to Replace AppleTalk NBP",
+ Internet-Draft (work in progress),
+ draft-cheshire-dnsext-nbp-03.txt, February 2004.
+ [RFC 2132] Alexander, S., and Droms, R., "DHCP Options and BOOTP
+ Vendor Extensions", RFC 2132, March 1997.
+ [RFC 2136] Vixie, P., et al., "Dynamic Updates in the Domain Name
+ System (DNS UPDATE)", RFC 2136, April 1997.
+ [RFC 2434] Narten, T., and H. Alvestrand, "Guidelines for Writing
+ an IANA Considerations Section in RFCs", RFC 2434,
+ October 1998.
+Expires 14th August 2004 Cheshire & Krochmal [Page 30]
+Internet Draft DNS-Based Service Discovery 14th February 2004
+ [RFC 2535] Eastlake, D., "Domain Name System Security Extensions",
+ RFC 2535, March 1999.
+ [RFC 3007] Wellington, B., et al., "Secure Domain Name System (DNS)
+ Dynamic Update", RFC 3007, November 2000.
+ [RFC 3397] Aboba, B., and Cheshire, S., "Dynamic Host Configuration
+ Protocol (DHCP) Domain Search Option", RFC 3397, November
+ 2002.
+ [ZC] Williams, A., "Requirements for Automatic Configuration
+ of IP Hosts", Internet-Draft (work in progress),
+ draft-ietf-zeroconf-reqts-12.txt, September 2002.
+ [ZCHP] Guttman, E., "Zeroconf Host Profile Applicability
+ Statement", Internet-Draft (work in progress),
+ draft-ietf-zeroconf-host-prof-01.txt, July 2001.
+24. Author's Addresses
+ Stuart Cheshire
+ Apple Computer, Inc.
+ 1 Infinite Loop
+ Cupertino
+ California 95014
+ Phone: +1 408 974 3207
+ EMail:
+ Marc Krochmal
+ Apple Computer, Inc.
+ 1 Infinite Loop
+ Cupertino
+ California 95014
+ Phone: +1 408 974 4368
+ EMail:
+Expires 14th August 2004 Cheshire & Krochmal [Page 31]