BranchCommit messageAuthorAge
baserock/bash-4.3-patch-26Bash-4.3 patch 26Chet Ramey10 years
baserock/bash-4.3-patch-27Bash-4.3 patch 27Chet Ramey10 years
baserock/tiagogomes/test-branchUpdate bash promptTiago Gomes11 years
bash-4.3-testingbash-4.3-rc2 overlayChet Ramey10 years
bash-4.4-testingbash-4.4-rc2 releaseChet Ramey8 years
bash-5.0-testingbash-5.0-rc1 releaseChet Ramey5 years
bash-5.1-testingBash-5.1-rc3 releaseChet Ramey4 years
bash-5.2-testingBash-5.2-rc4 releaseChet Ramey20 months
develcomplete initial implementation of nofork command substitution (${ command; })Chet Ramey12 months
masterBash-5.2 patch 15: fix too-aggressive optimizing forks out of subshell commandsChet Ramey17 months
bash-5.2bash-5.2.tar.gz  Chet Ramey20 months
bash-5.2-rc4bash-5.2-rc4.tar.gz  Chet Ramey20 months
bash-5.2-rc3bash-5.2-rc3.tar.gz  Chet Ramey21 months
bash-5.2-betabash-5.2-beta.tar.gz  Chet Ramey2 years
bash-5.2-alphabash-5.2-alpha.tar.gz  Chet Ramey2 years
bash-5.1bash-5.1.tar.gz  Chet Ramey3 years
bash-5.1-rc3bash-5.1-rc3.tar.gz  Chet Ramey4 years
bash-5.1-rc2bash-5.1-rc2.tar.gz  Chet Ramey4 years
bash-5.1-rc1bash-5.1-rc1.tar.gz  Chet Ramey4 years
bash-5.1-betabash-5.1-beta.tar.gz  Chet Ramey4 years
AgeCommit messageAuthorFilesLines
2023-05-15complete initial implementation of nofork command substitution (${ command; })develChet Ramey42-3513/+4384
2023-05-09subshells should not inherit FIFOs; initial framework for nofork (foreground)...Chet Ramey11-34/+341
2023-05-04fix for incomplete multibyte characters in pasted input; fix for syntax error...Chet Ramey16-300/+465
2023-05-01asan fuzzing fixes; fix incomplete multibyte chars in history expansion; new ...Chet Ramey9-42/+96
2023-04-27changes to non-incremental searching to avoid pointer alias problems, undo is...Chet Ramey7-98/+255
2023-04-24allow FIGNORE suffixes to match entire pathnames; allow SIGINT received while...Chet Ramey16-235/+244
2023-04-20readline and completion fixesChet Ramey19-6983/+7317
2023-04-18new compgen -V option to store completions in an arrayChet Ramey28-16256/+15235
2023-04-16new GLOBSORT variableChet Ramey36-943/+1811
2023-04-11posix mode changes for interp 1150; fix for varassign redirection; fix for na...Chet Ramey12-10/+113