path: root/tests
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'tests')
12 files changed, 549 insertions, 6 deletions
diff --git a/tests/builtins1.sub b/tests/builtins1.sub
index 5b797113..52185b54 100644
--- a/tests/builtins1.sub
+++ b/tests/builtins1.sub
@@ -10,5 +10,5 @@ cd $DIR
echo $PWD
-cd $MYDIR
+cd "$MYDIR"
rmdir $FULLDIR
diff --git a/tests/builtins1.sub~ b/tests/builtins1.sub~
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..5b797113
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tests/builtins1.sub~
@@ -0,0 +1,14 @@
+unset CDPATH
+MYDIR=$(pwd -P)
+mkdir $FULLDIR
+cd $DIR
+echo $PWD
+cd $MYDIR
+rmdir $FULLDIR
diff --git a/tests/dstack.tests b/tests/dstack.tests
index 6c4cef14..49b97d3f 100644
--- a/tests/dstack.tests
+++ b/tests/dstack.tests
@@ -84,4 +84,4 @@ dirs -c
# this is for the benefit of pure coverage
-cd $MYDIR
+cd "$MYDIR"
diff --git a/tests/dstack.tests~ b/tests/dstack.tests~
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..6c4cef14
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tests/dstack.tests~
@@ -0,0 +1,87 @@
+export LC_ALL=C
+export LANG=C
+dirs -c
+# error -- nonexistant directory
+pushd /tmp/xxx-notthere
+# errors -- empty stack
+# errors -- bad numeric arguments -- should not cause the script to exit
+pushd -m
+popd -m
+dirs -m
+dirs 7
+unalias cd 2>/dev/null
+unalias -a
+command cd -P /
+command pwd -P # better be `/'
+case "$OLDPWD" in
+$MYDIR) echo ok ;;
+*) echo oops -- bad \$OLDPWD ;;
+pushd /usr
+echo $PWD $OLDPWD
+echo ${DIRSTACK[@]}
+# this should not change the directory stack at all
+pushd -n +0
+pushd /usr
+pushd /etc
+dirs -l
+dirs -v
+# two consecutive `pushd's should swap the top two stack elements, then
+# swap them back, leaving the stack intact
+pushd /tmp
+echo ${DIRSTACK[0]} ; dirs +0
+echo ${DIRSTACK[2]} ; dirs +2
+# these should be errors, but not affect the directory stack
+dirs +9; dirs -9
+pushd +9 ; pushd -9
+popd +9 ; popd -9
+popd -n +2
+echo ${DIRSTACK[@]}
+pushd -n /usr
+echo $PWD
+echo ${DIRSTACK[@]}
+builtin pwd
+builtin pwd
+popd +2
+builtin pwd -L
+pushd -1
+echo ${DIRSTACK[0]}
+dirs -c
+# this is for the benefit of pure coverage
+cd $MYDIR
diff --git a/tests/extglob.tests b/tests/extglob.tests
index 51e33ee7..c12fcaa2 100644
--- a/tests/extglob.tests
+++ b/tests/extglob.tests
@@ -358,7 +358,7 @@ recho "${x#*(a|b)cd}"
# this is for the benefit of pure coverage, so it writes the pcv file
# in the right place
-builtin cd $MYDIR
+builtin cd "$MYDIR"
${THIS_SH} ./extglob1.sub
diff --git a/tests/extglob.tests~ b/tests/extglob.tests~
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..51e33ee7
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tests/extglob.tests~
@@ -0,0 +1,365 @@
+# test the ksh-like extended globbing features: [!@*?+](patlist)
+shopt -s extglob
+ echo expect "$@"
+case "/dev/udp/" in
+/dev/@(tcp|udp)/*/*) echo ok 1;;
+*) echo bad 1;;
+# valid numbers
+case 12 in
+0|[1-9]*([0-9])) echo ok 2;;
+*) echo bad 2;;
+case 12abc in
+0|[1-9]*([0-9])) echo bad 3;;
+*) echo ok 3;;
+case 1 in
+0|[1-9]*([0-9])) echo ok 4;;
+*) echo bad 4;;
+# octal numbers
+case 07 in
++([0-7])) echo ok 5;;
+*) echo bad 5;;
+case 0377 in
++([0-7])) echo ok 6;;
+*) echo bad 6;;
+case 09 in
++([0-7])) echo bad 7;;
+*) echo ok 7;;
+# stuff from korn's book
+case paragraph in
+para@(chute|graph)) echo ok 8;;
+*) echo bad 8;;
+case paramour in
+para@(chute|graph)) echo bad 9;;
+*) echo ok 9;;
+case para991 in
+para?([345]|99)1) echo ok 10;;
+*) echo bad 10;;
+case para381 in
+para?([345]|99)1) echo bad 11;;
+*) echo ok 11;;
+case paragraph in
+para*([0-9])) echo bad 12;;
+*) echo ok 12;;
+case para in
+para*([0-9])) echo ok 13;;
+*) echo bad 13;;
+case para13829383746592 in
+para*([0-9])) echo ok 14;;
+*) echo bad 14;;
+case paragraph in
+para*([0-9])) echo bad 15;;
+*) echo ok 15;;
+case para in
+para+([0-9])) echo bad 16;;
+*) echo ok 16;;
+case para987346523 in
+para+([0-9])) echo ok 17;;
+*) echo bad 17;;
+case paragraph in
+para!(*.[0-9])) echo ok 18;;
+*) echo bad 18;;
+case para.38 in
+para!(*.[0-9])) echo ok 19;;
+*) echo bad 19;;
+case para.graph in
+para!(*.[0-9])) echo ok 20;;
+*) echo bad 20;;
+case para39 in
+para!(*.[0-9])) echo ok 21;;
+*) echo bad 21;;
+# tests derived from those in rosenblatt's korn shell book
+case "" in
+*(0|1|3|5|7|9)) echo ok 22;;
+*) echo bad 22;
+case 137577991 in
+*(0|1|3|5|7|9)) echo ok 23;;
+*) echo bad 23;
+case 2468 in
+*(0|1|3|5|7|9)) echo bad 24;;
+*) echo ok 24;
+case file.c in
+*.c?(c)) echo ok 25;;
+*) echo bad 25;;
+case file.C in
+*.c?(c)) echo bad 26;;
+*) echo ok 26;;
+case in
+*.c?(c)) echo ok 27;;
+*) echo bad 27;;
+case file.ccc in
+*.c?(c)) echo bad 28;;
+*) echo ok 28;;
+case parse.y in
+!(*.c|*.h||config*|README)) echo ok 29;;
+*) echo bad 29;;
+case shell.c in
+!(*.c|*.h||config*|README)) echo bad 30;;
+*) echo ok 30;;
+case Makefile in
+!(*.c|*.h||config*|README)) echo ok 31;;
+*) echo bad 31;;
+case "VMS.FILE;1" in
+*\;[1-9]*([0-9])) echo ok 32;;
+*) echo bad 32;;
+case "VMS.FILE;0" in
+*\;[1-9]*([0-9])) echo bad 33;;
+*) echo ok 33;;
+case "VMS.FILE;" in
+*\;[1-9]*([0-9])) echo bad 34;;
+*) echo ok 34;;
+case "VMS.FILE;139" in
+*\;[1-9]*([0-9])) echo ok 35;;
+*) echo bad 35;;
+case "VMS.FILE;1N" in
+*\;[1-9]*([0-9])) echo bad 36;;
+*) echo ok 36;;
+# tests derived from the pd-ksh test suite
+MYDIR=$PWD # save where we are
+mkdir $TESTDIR
+builtin cd $TESTDIR || { echo $0: cannot cd to $TESTDIR >&2 ; exit 1; }
+rm -rf *
+touch abcx abcz bbc
+expect '!([*)*'
+echo !([*)*
+expect '+(a|b[)*'
+echo +(a|b[)*
+expect '[a*(]*z'
+echo [a*(]*)z
+rm -f abcx abcz bbc
+touch abc
+expect '+()c'
+echo +()c
+expect '+()x'
+echo +()x
+expect abc
+echo +(*)c
+expect '+(*)x'
+echo +(*)x
+# extended globbing should not be performed on the output of substitutions
+expect '@(*)'
+echo $x
+expect 'no-file+(a|b)stuff'
+echo no-file+(a|b)stuff
+expect 'no-file+(a*(c)|b)stuff'
+echo no-file+(a*(c)|b)stuff
+touch abd acd
+expect 'abd acd'
+echo a+(b|c)d
+expect 'acd'
+echo a!(@(b|B))d
+expect 'abd'
+echo a[b*(foo|bar)]d
+# simple kleene star tests
+expect no
+case foo in *(a|b[)) echo yes;; *) echo no;; esac
+expect yes
+case foo in *(a|b[)|f*) echo yes;; *) echo no;; esac
+# this doesn't work right yet; it is an incorrectly formed pattern
+expect yes
+case '*(a|b[)' in *(a|b[)) echo yes;; *) echo no;; esac
+# check extended globbing in pattern removal -- these don't work right yet
+expect '1: bcdef'
+echo 1: ${x#+(a|abc)}
+expect '2: def'
+echo 2: ${x##+(a|abc)}
+expect '3: abcde'
+echo 3: ${x%+(def|f)}
+expect '4: abc'
+echo 4: ${x%%+(f|def)}
+# these work ok
+expect '5: ef'
+echo 5: ${x#*(a|b)cd}
+expect '6: ef'
+echo 6: "${x#*(a|b)cd}"
+expect '7: abcdef'
+echo 7: ${x#"*(a|b)cd"}
+# More tests derived from a bug report concerning extended glob patterns
+# following a *
+builtin cd $TESTDIR || { echo $0: cannot cd to $TESTDIR >&2 ; exit 1; }
+rm -rf *
+touch ab abcdef abef abcfef
+expect 'ab abef'
+echo ab*(e|f)
+expect 'abcfef abef'
+echo ab?*(e|f)
+expect abcdef
+echo ab*d+(e|f)
+expect 'ab abcdef abcfef abef'
+echo ab**(e|f)
+expect 'abcdef abcfef abef'
+echo ab*+(e|f)
+case 'abcfefg' in
+ab**(e|f)) echo ok 37;;
+*) echo bad 37;;
+case 'abcfefg' in
+ab**(e|f)g) echo ok 38;;
+*a) echo bad 38;;
+case ab in
+ab*+(e|f)) echo bad 39;;
+*) echo ok 39;;
+case abef in
+ab***ef) echo ok 40;;
+*) echo bad 40;;
+case abef in
+ab**) echo ok 41;;
+*) echo bad 41;;
+# bug in all versions up to and including bash-2.05b
+case "123abc" in
+*?(a)bc) echo ok 42;;
+*) echo bad 42;;
+# clean up and do the next one
+builtin cd /
+rm -rf $TESTDIR
+mkdir $TESTDIR
+builtin cd $TESTDIR
+LC_COLLATE=C # have to set this; it affects the sorting
+touch a.b a,b a:b a-b a\;b a\ b a_b
+echo a[^[:alnum:]]b
+echo a[-.,:\;\ _]b
+echo a@([^[:alnum:]])b
+echo a@([-.,:; _])b
+echo a@([.])b
+echo a@([^.])b
+echo a@([^x])b
+echo a+([^[:alnum:]])b
+echo a@(.|[^[:alnum:]])b
+builtin cd /
+rm -rf $TESTDIR
+recho "${x#*(a|b)cd}"
+# this is for the benefit of pure coverage, so it writes the pcv file
+# in the right place
+builtin cd $MYDIR
+${THIS_SH} ./extglob1.sub
+exit 0
diff --git a/tests/extglob1.sub b/tests/extglob1.sub
index 3beec9e8..bf65a9ea 100644
--- a/tests/extglob1.sub
+++ b/tests/extglob1.sub
@@ -33,5 +33,5 @@ case . in
*) echo bad 3;;
-cd $MYDIR
+cd "$MYDIR"
rm -rf $GDIR
diff --git a/tests/extglob1.sub~ b/tests/extglob1.sub~
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..3beec9e8
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tests/extglob1.sub~
@@ -0,0 +1,37 @@
+: ${TMPDIR:=/tmp}
+shopt -s extglob
+mkdir $GDIR || exit 1
+cd $GDIR || exit 1
+touch a.c
+echo +([[:alpha:].])
+echo +([[:alpha:].])+([[:alpha:].])
+echo *([[:alpha:].])
+echo *([[:alpha:].])*([[:alpha:].])
+echo ?([[:alpha:].])?([[:alpha:].])?([[:alpha:].])
+echo @([[:alpha:].])@([[:alpha:].])@([[:alpha:].])
+case . in
+!([[:alpha:].]) ) echo bad 1;;
+*) echo ok 1;;
+case . in
+?([[:alpha:].]) ) echo ok 2;;
+*) echo bad 2;;
+case . in
+@([[:alpha:].]) ) echo ok 3;;
+*) echo bad 3;;
+cd $MYDIR
+rm -rf $GDIR
diff --git a/tests/run-minimal b/tests/run-minimal
index 5c5dcc49..0054cda8 100644
--- a/tests/run-minimal
+++ b/tests/run-minimal
@@ -27,7 +27,7 @@ do
*.orig|*~) ;;
run-dollars|run-execscript|run-func|run-getopts|run-heredoc) echo $x ; sh $x ;;
run-ifs-tests|run-input-test|run-invert|run-more-exp|run-nquote) echo $x ; sh $x ;;
- run-ifs-0posix|run-posix2|run-posixpat) echo $x ; sh $x ;;
+ run-ifs-posix|run-posix2|run-posixpat) echo $x ; sh $x ;;
run-precedence|run-quote|run-read|run-rhs-exp|run-strip|run-tilde) echo $x ; sh $x ;;
*) ;;
diff --git a/tests/run-minimal~ b/tests/run-minimal~
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..5c5dcc49
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tests/run-minimal~
@@ -0,0 +1,36 @@
+#! /bin/sh
+# run-minimal - a version of run-all for shells configured with
+# --enable-minimal-config
+PATH=.:$PATH # just to get the right version of printenv
+export PATH
+# unset BASH_ENV only if it is set
+[ "${BASH_ENV+set}" = "set" ] && unset BASH_ENV
+# ditto for SHELLOPTS
+#[ "${SHELLOPTS+set}" = "set" ] && unset SHELLOPTS
+: ${THIS_SH:=../bash}
+export THIS_SH
+${THIS_SH} ./
+rm -f /tmp/xx
+echo Testing ${THIS_SH}
+echo Any output from any test, unless otherwise noted, indicates a possible anomaly
+for x in run-*
+ case $x in
+ $0) ;;
+ *.orig|*~) ;;
+ run-dollars|run-execscript|run-func|run-getopts|run-heredoc) echo $x ; sh $x ;;
+ run-ifs-tests|run-input-test|run-invert|run-more-exp|run-nquote) echo $x ; sh $x ;;
+ run-ifs-0posix|run-posix2|run-posixpat) echo $x ; sh $x ;;
+ run-precedence|run-quote|run-read|run-rhs-exp|run-strip|run-tilde) echo $x ; sh $x ;;
+ *) ;;
+ esac
+exit 0
diff --git a/tests/run-nquote4 b/tests/run-nquote4
index f7d05bb2..493f4aa1 100644
--- a/tests/run-nquote4
+++ b/tests/run-nquote4
@@ -1,4 +1,4 @@
echo warning: some of these tests will fail if you do not have UTF-8 >&2
-echo warning: locales installed on your system
+echo warning: locales installed on your system >&2
${THIS_SH} ./nquote4.tests 2>&1 | grep -v '^expect' > /tmp/xx
diff /tmp/xx nquote4.right && rm -f /tmp/xx
diff --git a/tests/run-nquote4~ b/tests/run-nquote4~
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..f7d05bb2
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tests/run-nquote4~
@@ -0,0 +1,4 @@
+echo warning: some of these tests will fail if you do not have UTF-8 >&2
+echo warning: locales installed on your system
+${THIS_SH} ./nquote4.tests 2>&1 | grep -v '^expect' > /tmp/xx
+diff /tmp/xx nquote4.right && rm -f /tmp/xx