path: root/test/csharp/BTreeDatabaseTest.cs
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Diffstat (limited to 'test/csharp/BTreeDatabaseTest.cs')
1 files changed, 458 insertions, 2 deletions
diff --git a/test/csharp/BTreeDatabaseTest.cs b/test/csharp/BTreeDatabaseTest.cs
index 4fca281f..1d5f8d1a 100644
--- a/test/csharp/BTreeDatabaseTest.cs
+++ b/test/csharp/BTreeDatabaseTest.cs
@@ -1,7 +1,7 @@
* See the file LICENSE for redistribution information.
- * Copyright (c) 2009, 2012 Oracle and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved.
+ * Copyright (c) 2009, 2015 Oracle and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved.
using System;
@@ -27,6 +27,251 @@ namespace CsharpAPITest
+ public void TestBlob()
+ {
+ testName = "TestBlob";
+ SetUpTest(false);
+ // Test opening the blob database without environment.
+ TestBlobBtreeDatabase(0, null, 6, null, false);
+ /*
+ * Test opening the blob database without environment
+ * but specifying blob directory.
+ */
+ TestBlobBtreeDatabase(0, null, 6,
+ testHome + "/DBBLOB", true);
+ // Test opening the blob database with environment.
+ TestBlobBtreeDatabase(3, "ENVBLOB", 6, null, false);
+ /*
+ * Test opening the blob database with environment
+ * and specifying blob directory.
+ */
+ TestBlobBtreeDatabase(3, null, 6, "/DBBLOB", true);
+ }
+ /*
+ * Test the blob database with or without environment.
+ * 1. Config and open the environment;
+ * 2. Verify the environment blob configs;
+ * 3. Config and open the database;
+ * 4. Verify the database blob configs;
+ * 5. Insert and verify some blob data by database methods;
+ * 6. Insert some blob data by cursor, update it and verify
+ * the update by database stream and cursor;
+ * 7. Verify the stats;
+ * 8. Close all handles.
+ * If "blobdbt" is true, set the data DatabaseEntry.Blob as
+ * true, otherwise make the data DatabaseEntry reach the blob
+ * threshold in size.
+ */
+ void TestBlobBtreeDatabase(uint env_threshold,
+ string env_blobdir, uint db_threshold,
+ string db_blobdir, bool blobdbt)
+ {
+ if (env_threshold == 0 && db_threshold == 0)
+ return;
+ string btreeDBName =
+ testHome + "/" + testName + ".db";
+ Configuration.ClearDir(testHome);
+ BTreeDatabaseConfig cfg = new BTreeDatabaseConfig();
+ cfg.Creation = CreatePolicy.ALWAYS;
+ string blrootdir = "__db_bl";
+ // Open the environment and verify the blob configs.
+ if (env_threshold > 0)
+ {
+ DatabaseEnvironmentConfig envConfig =
+ new DatabaseEnvironmentConfig();
+ envConfig.AutoCommit = true;
+ envConfig.Create = true;
+ envConfig.UseMPool = true;
+ envConfig.UseLogging = true;
+ envConfig.UseTxns = true;
+ envConfig.UseLocking = true;
+ envConfig.BlobThreshold = env_threshold;
+ if (env_blobdir != null)
+ {
+ envConfig.BlobDir = env_blobdir;
+ blrootdir = env_blobdir;
+ }
+ DatabaseEnvironment env =
+ DatabaseEnvironment.Open(
+ testHome, envConfig);
+ if (env_blobdir == null)
+ Assert.IsNull(env.BlobDir);
+ else
+ Assert.AreEqual(0, env.BlobDir.
+ CompareTo(env_blobdir));
+ Assert.AreEqual(env_threshold,
+ env.BlobThreshold);
+ cfg.Env = env;
+ btreeDBName = testName + ".db";
+ }
+ // Open the database and verify the blob configs.
+ if (db_threshold > 0)
+ cfg.BlobThreshold = db_threshold;
+ if (db_blobdir != null)
+ {
+ cfg.BlobDir = db_blobdir;
+ /*
+ * The blob directory setting in the database
+ * is effective only when it is opened without
+ * an environment.
+ */
+ if (cfg.Env == null)
+ blrootdir = db_blobdir;
+ }
+ BTreeDatabase db =
+ BTreeDatabase.Open(btreeDBName, cfg);
+ Assert.AreEqual(
+ db_threshold > 0 ? db_threshold : env_threshold,
+ db.BlobThreshold);
+ if (db_blobdir == null && cfg.Env == null)
+ Assert.IsNull(db.BlobDir);
+ else
+ Assert.AreEqual(0,
+ db.BlobDir.CompareTo(blrootdir));
+ // Insert and verify some blob data by database methods.
+ string[] records = {"a", "b", "c", "d", "e", "f", "g",
+ "h", "i", "j", "k", "l", "m", "n", "o", "p", "q",
+ "r", "s", "t", "u", "v", "w", "x", "y", "z"};
+ DatabaseEntry kdbt = new DatabaseEntry();
+ DatabaseEntry ddbt = new DatabaseEntry();
+ byte[] kdata, ddata;
+ string str;
+ KeyValuePair<DatabaseEntry, DatabaseEntry> pair;
+ ddbt.Blob = blobdbt;
+ Assert.AreEqual(blobdbt, ddbt.Blob);
+ for (int i = 0; i < records.Length; i++)
+ {
+ kdata = BitConverter.GetBytes(i);
+ str = records[i];
+ if (!blobdbt) {
+ for (int j = 0; j < db_threshold; j++)
+ str = str + records[i];
+ }
+ ddata = Encoding.ASCII.GetBytes(str);
+ kdbt.Data = kdata;
+ ddbt.Data = ddata;
+ db.Put(kdbt, ddbt);
+ try
+ {
+ pair = db.Get(kdbt);
+ }
+ catch (DatabaseException)
+ {
+ db.Close();
+ if (cfg.Env != null)
+ cfg.Env.Close();
+ throw new TestException();
+ }
+ Assert.AreEqual(ddata, pair.Value.Data);
+ }
+ /*
+ * Insert some blob data by cursor, update it and verify
+ * the update by database stream.
+ */
+ kdata = BitConverter.GetBytes(records.Length);
+ ddata = Encoding.ASCII.GetBytes("abc");
+ kdbt.Data = kdata;
+ ddbt.Data = ddata;
+ ddbt.Blob = true;
+ Assert.IsTrue(ddbt.Blob);
+ pair = new KeyValuePair<
+ DatabaseEntry, DatabaseEntry>(kdbt, ddbt);
+ CursorConfig dbcConfig = new CursorConfig();
+ Transaction txn = null;
+ if (cfg.Env != null)
+ txn = cfg.Env.BeginTransaction();
+ BTreeCursor cursor = db.Cursor(dbcConfig, txn);
+ cursor.Add(pair);
+ DatabaseStreamConfig dbsc = new DatabaseStreamConfig();
+ dbsc.SyncPerWrite = true;
+ DatabaseStream dbs = cursor.DbStream(dbsc);
+ Assert.AreNotEqual(null, dbs);
+ Assert.IsFalse(dbs.GetConfig.ReadOnly);
+ Assert.IsTrue(dbs.GetConfig.SyncPerWrite);
+ Assert.AreEqual(3, dbs.Size());
+ DatabaseEntry sdbt = dbs.Read(0, 3);
+ Assert.IsNotNull(sdbt);
+ Assert.AreEqual(ddata, sdbt.Data);
+ sdbt = new DatabaseEntry(
+ Encoding.ASCII.GetBytes("defg"));
+ Assert.IsTrue(dbs.Write(sdbt, 3));
+ Assert.AreEqual(7, dbs.Size());
+ sdbt = dbs.Read(0, 7);
+ Assert.IsNotNull(sdbt);
+ Assert.AreEqual(
+ Encoding.ASCII.GetBytes("abcdefg"), sdbt.Data);
+ dbs.Close();
+ /*
+ * Verify the database stream can not write when it is
+ * configured to be read-only.
+ */
+ dbsc.ReadOnly = true;
+ dbs = cursor.DbStream(dbsc);
+ Assert.IsTrue(dbs.GetConfig.ReadOnly);
+ try
+ {
+ dbs.Write(sdbt, 7);
+ throw new TestException();
+ }
+ catch (DatabaseException)
+ {
+ }
+ dbs.Close();
+ // Verify the update by cursor.
+ Assert.IsTrue(cursor.Move(kdbt, true));
+ pair = cursor.Current;
+ Assert.AreEqual(Encoding.ASCII.GetBytes("abcdefg"),
+ pair.Value.Data);
+ cursor.Close();
+ if (cfg.Env != null)
+ txn.Commit();
+ /*
+ * Verify the blob files are created
+ * in the expected location.
+ * This part of test code is disabled since
+ * BTreeDatabase.BlobSubDir is not exposed to users.
+ */
+ //if (cfg.Env != null)
+ // blrootdir = testHome + "/" + blrootdir;
+ //string blobdir = blrootdir + "/" + db.BlobSubDir;
+ //Assert.AreEqual(records.Length + 1,
+ // Directory.GetFiles(blobdir, "*").Length);
+ //Assert.AreEqual(1, Directory.GetFiles(
+ // blobdir, "__db_blob_meta.db").Length);
+ // Verify the stats.
+ BTreeStats st = db.Stats();
+ Assert.AreEqual(records.Length + 1, st.nBlobRecords);
+ // Close all handles.
+ db.Close();
+ if (cfg.Env != null)
+ cfg.Env.Close();
+ /*
+ * Remove the default blob directory when it
+ * is not under the test home.
+ */
+ if (db_blobdir == null && cfg.Env == null)
+ Directory.Delete("__db_bl", true);
+ }
+ [Test]
public void TestCompactWithoutTxn()
int i, nRecs;
@@ -1083,6 +1328,124 @@ ASCIIEncoding.ASCII.GetBytes(Configuration.RandomString(100)));
+ public void TestMessageCall()
+ {
+ testName = "TestMessageCall";
+ SetUpTest(true);
+ // Configure and open an environment.
+ DatabaseEnvironmentConfig envConfig =
+ new DatabaseEnvironmentConfig();
+ envConfig.Create = true;
+ envConfig.UseMPool = true;
+ DatabaseEnvironment env = DatabaseEnvironment.Open(
+ testHome, envConfig);
+ // Configure and open a database.
+ BTreeDatabaseConfig DBConfig =
+ new BTreeDatabaseConfig();
+ DBConfig.Env = env;
+ DBConfig.Creation = CreatePolicy.IF_NEEDED;
+ string DBFileName = testName + ".db";
+ BTreeDatabase db = BTreeDatabase.Open(DBFileName, DBConfig);
+ // Confirm message file does not exist.
+ string messageCallFile = testHome + "/" + "MessageCallFile";
+ Assert.AreEqual(false, File.Exists(messageCallFile));
+ string messageInfo = "Message come from db.set_msgcall!";
+ // Call set_msgcall() of env.
+ db.messageFeedback = new MessageFeedbackDelegate(Msgcall_fcn);
+ db.messageFeedback(messageInfo);
+ // Unconfigures the callback interface.
+ db.messageFeedback = null;
+ // Confirm message file exists now.
+ Assert.AreEqual(true, File.Exists(messageCallFile));
+ // Read the first line of message file.
+ string line = null;
+ System.IO.StreamReader file = new System.IO.StreamReader(@"" + messageCallFile);
+ line = file.ReadLine();
+ // Confirm the message file is not empty.
+ Assert.AreEqual(line, messageInfo);
+ file.Close();
+ // Close database and environment.
+ db.Close();
+ env.Close();
+ }
+ public void Msgcall_fcn(string message)
+ {
+ string msgfile = testHome + "/" + "MessageCallFile";
+ FileStream fs = new FileStream(msgfile, FileMode.OpenOrCreate);
+ StreamWriter sw = new StreamWriter(fs);
+ sw.Write(message);
+ sw.Flush();
+ sw.Close();
+ fs.Close();
+ }
+ [Test]
+ public void TestMessageFile()
+ {
+ testName = "TestMessageFile";
+ SetUpTest(true);
+ // Configure and open an environment.
+ DatabaseEnvironmentConfig envConfig =
+ new DatabaseEnvironmentConfig();
+ envConfig.Create = true;
+ envConfig.UseMPool = true;
+ DatabaseEnvironment env = DatabaseEnvironment.Open(
+ testHome, envConfig);
+ // Configure and open a database.
+ BTreeDatabaseConfig DBConfig =
+ new BTreeDatabaseConfig();
+ DBConfig.Env = env;
+ DBConfig.Creation = CreatePolicy.IF_NEEDED;
+ string DBFileName = testName + ".db";
+ BTreeDatabase db = BTreeDatabase.Open(DBFileName, DBConfig);
+ // Confirm message file does not exist.
+ string messageFile = testHome + "/" + "msgfile";
+ Assert.AreEqual(false, File.Exists(messageFile));
+ // Call set_msgfile() of db.
+ db.Msgfile = messageFile;
+ // Print db statistic to message file.
+ db.PrintStats(true);
+ // Confirm message file exists now.
+ Assert.AreEqual(true, File.Exists(messageFile));
+ db.Msgfile = "";
+ string line = null;
+ // Read the third line of message file.
+ System.IO.StreamReader file = new System.IO.StreamReader(@"" + messageFile);
+ line = file.ReadLine();
+ line = file.ReadLine();
+ line = file.ReadLine();
+ // Confirm the message file is not empty.
+ Assert.AreEqual(line, "DB handle information:");
+ file.Close();
+ // Close database and environment.
+ db.Close();
+ env.Close();
+ }
+ [Test]
public void TestNoWaitDbExclusiveLock()
testName = "TestNoWaitDbExclusiveLock";
@@ -1390,6 +1753,97 @@ ASCIIEncoding.ASCII.GetBytes(Configuration.RandomString(100)));
+ public void TestPartition()
+ {
+ testName = "TestPartition";
+ SetUpTest(true);
+ string btreeDBName = testHome + "/" + testName + ".db";
+ BTreeDatabaseConfig cfg = new BTreeDatabaseConfig();
+ BTreeDatabase db;
+ DatabaseEntry[] keys;
+ DatabaseEntry key, data;
+ string[] keyData =
+ { "a", "b", "i", "k", "l", "q", "v", "z" };
+ int i;
+ uint parts;
+ cfg.Creation = CreatePolicy.ALWAYS;
+ parts = 3;
+ keys = new DatabaseEntry[parts - 1];
+ keys[0] = new DatabaseEntry(
+ ASCIIEncoding.ASCII.GetBytes("i"));
+ keys[1] = new DatabaseEntry(
+ ASCIIEncoding.ASCII.GetBytes("q"));
+ /*
+ * Test that neither key array nor
+ * partiton callback is set.
+ */
+ Assert.AreEqual(false, cfg.SetPartitionByKeys(null));
+ Assert.AreEqual(false,
+ cfg.SetPartitionByCallback(parts, null));
+ /* Test creating the partitioned database by keys. */
+ Assert.AreEqual(true, cfg.SetPartitionByKeys(keys));
+ db = BTreeDatabase.Open(btreeDBName, cfg);
+ for (i = 0; i < keyData.Length; i++)
+ {
+ key = new DatabaseEntry(
+ ASCIIEncoding.ASCII.GetBytes(keyData[i]));
+ data = new DatabaseEntry(
+ ASCIIEncoding.ASCII.GetBytes(keyData[i]));
+ db.Put(key, data);
+ }
+ Assert.AreEqual(parts, db.NParts);
+ Assert.AreEqual(parts - 1, db.PartitionKeys.Length);
+ Assert.AreEqual(
+ keys[0].Data, db.PartitionKeys[0].Data);
+ Assert.AreEqual(
+ keys[1].Data, db.PartitionKeys[1].Data);
+ Assert.AreEqual(db.Partition, null);
+ db.Close();
+ string[] files =
+ Directory.GetFiles(testHome, "__dbp.*");
+ Assert.AreEqual(parts, files.Length);
+ /*
+ * Test creating the partitioned database by callback.
+ */
+ Directory.Delete(testHome, true);
+ Directory.CreateDirectory(testHome);
+ Assert.AreEqual(true,
+ cfg.SetPartitionByCallback(parts, partition));
+ db = BTreeDatabase.Open(btreeDBName, cfg);
+ for (i = 0; i < keyData.Length; i++)
+ {
+ key = new DatabaseEntry(
+ ASCIIEncoding.ASCII.GetBytes(keyData[i]));
+ data = new DatabaseEntry(
+ ASCIIEncoding.ASCII.GetBytes(keyData[i]));
+ db.Put(key, data);
+ }
+ Assert.AreEqual(parts, db.NParts);
+ Assert.AreEqual(
+ new PartitionDelegate(partition), db.Partition);
+ db.Close();
+ files = Directory.GetFiles(testHome, "__dbp.*");
+ Assert.AreEqual(parts, files.Length);
+ }
+ uint partition(DatabaseEntry key)
+ {
+ if (String.Compare(
+ ASCIIEncoding.ASCII.GetString(key.Data), "i") < 0)
+ return 0;
+ else if (String.Compare(
+ ASCIIEncoding.ASCII.GetString(key.Data), "q") < 0)
+ return 1;
+ else
+ return 2;
+ }
+ [Test]
public void TestPrefixCompare()
testName = "TestPrefixCompare";
@@ -2465,6 +2919,7 @@ ASCIIEncoding.ASCII.GetBytes(Configuration.RandomString(100)));
byte[] bigArray = new byte[10240];
db.Delete(new DatabaseEntry(bigArray));
+ db.Msgfile = testHome + "/" + testName+ ".log";
@@ -2570,6 +3025,7 @@ ASCIIEncoding.ASCII.GetBytes(Configuration.RandomString(100)));
stats = db.Stats(statsTxn, Isolation.DEGREE_THREE);
+ db.Msgfile = home + "/" + name+ ".log";
Assert.AreEqual(0, stats.EmptyPages);
@@ -2627,7 +3083,7 @@ ASCIIEncoding.ASCII.GetBytes(Configuration.RandomString(100)));
Assert.AreEqual(10, stats.MinKey);
Assert.AreEqual(2, stats.nPages);
Assert.AreEqual(4096, stats.PageSize);
- Assert.AreEqual(9, stats.Version);
+ Assert.AreEqual(10, stats.Version);
public void ConfirmStatsPart2Case1(BTreeStats stats)