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+<div class="titlepage"><div><div><h2 class="title" style="clear: both">
+<a name="bbv2.extending.targets"></a>Target types</h2></div></div></div>
+<div class="toc"><dl><dt><span class="section"><a href="targets.html#bbv2.extending.scanners">Scanners</a></span></dt></dl></div>
+<p>The first thing we did in the <a href="../extender.html#bbv2.extender.intro" title="Introduction">intruduction</a> was declaring a
+ new target type:
+<pre class="programlisting">
+import type ;
+type.register VERBATIM : verbatim ;
+ The type is the most important property of a target. Boost.Build can
+ automatically generate necessary build actions only because you
+ specify the desired type (using the different main target rules), and
+ because Boost.Build can guess the type of sources from their
+ extensions.
+ </p>
+<p>The first two parameters for the <code class="computeroutput">type.register</code> rule
+ are the name of new type and the list of extensions associated with
+ it. A file with an extension from the list will have the given target
+ type. In the case where a target of the declared type is generated
+ from other sources, the first specified extension will be used.
+ </p>
+<p>Sometimes you want to change the suffix used for generated targets
+ depending on build properties, such as toolset. For example, some compiler
+ uses extension <code class="literal">elf</code> for executable files. You can use the
+ <code class="computeroutput">type.set-generated-target-suffix</code> rule:
+<pre class="programlisting">
+type.set-generated-target-suffix EXE : &lt;toolset&gt;elf : elf ;
+<p>A new target type can be inherited from an existing one.
+<pre class="programlisting">
+type.register PLUGIN : : SHARED_LIB ;
+ The above code defines a new type derived from
+ <code class="computeroutput">SHARED_LIB</code>. Initially, the new type inherits all the
+ properties of the base type - in particular generators and suffix.
+ Typically, you'll change the new type in some way. For example, using
+ <code class="computeroutput">type.set-generated-target-suffix</code> you can set the suffix for
+ the new type. Or you can write special generator for the new type. For
+ example, it can generate additional metainformation for plugin.
+ In either way, the <code class="computeroutput">PLUGIN</code> type can be used whenever
+ <code class="computeroutput">SHARED_LIB</code> can. For example, you can directly link plugins
+ to an application.
+ </p>
+<p>A type can be defined as "main", in which case Boost.Build will
+ automatically declare a main target rule for building targets of that
+ type. More details can be found <a href="rules.html#bbv2.extending.rules.main-type">later</a>.
+ </p>
+<div class="section" lang="en">
+<div class="titlepage"><div><div><h3 class="title">
+<a name="bbv2.extending.scanners"></a>Scanners</h3></div></div></div>
+ Sometimes, a file can refer to other files via some include
+ mechanism. To make Boost.Build track dependencies to the included
+ files, you need to provide a scanner. The primary limitation is that
+ only one scanner can be assigned to a target type.
+ </p>
+<p>First, we need to declare a new class for the scanner:
+<pre class="programlisting">
+class verbatim-scanner : common-scanner
+ rule pattern ( )
+ {
+ return "//###include[ ]*\"([^\"]*)\"" ;
+ }
+ All the complex logic is in the <code class="computeroutput">common-scanner</code>
+ class, and you only need to override the method that returns
+ the regular expression to be used for scanning. The
+ paranthethis in the regular expression indicate which part
+ of the string is the name of the included file. Only the
+ first parenthesized group in the regular expression will be
+ recognized; if you can't express everything you want that
+ way, you can return multiple regular expressions, each of
+ which contains a parenthesized group to be matched.
+ </p>
+<p>After that, we need to register our scanner class:
+<pre class="programlisting">
+scanner.register verbatim-scanner : include ;
+ The value of the second parameter, in this case
+ <code class="computeroutput">include</code>, specifies the properties that contain the list
+ of paths that should be searched for the included files.
+ </p>
+<p>Finally, we assign the new scaner to the <code class="computeroutput">VERBATIM</code>
+ target type:
+<pre class="programlisting">
+type.set-scanner VERBATIM : verbatim-scanner ;
+ That's enough for scanning include dependencies.
+ </p>
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