path: root/tools/regression/xsl_reports/test/
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'tools/regression/xsl_reports/test/')
1 files changed, 85 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/tools/regression/xsl_reports/test/ b/tools/regression/xsl_reports/test/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..0f7f8f796a
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tools/regression/xsl_reports/test/
@@ -0,0 +1,85 @@
+import xml.sax.saxutils
+import common
+import os
+import time
+num_of_libs = 2
+num_of_toolsets = 3
+num_of_tests = 10
+tag = "1_30_0"
+def library_build_failed( library_idx ):
+ return library_idx % 2
+def make_test_results():
+ if not os.path.exists( tag ):
+ os.makedirs( tag )
+ g = xml.sax.saxutils.XMLGenerator( open( os.path.join( tag, "test.xml" ), "w" ) )
+ platform = "Win32"
+ g.startElement( "test-results", {} )
+ for i_lib in range( 0, num_of_libs ):
+ for i_toolset in range( num_of_toolsets ):
+ if library_build_failed( i_lib ): test_result = "fail"
+ else: test_result = "success"
+ common.make_test_log( xml_generator = g
+ , library_idx = i_lib
+ , toolset_idx = i_toolset
+ , test_name = ""
+ , test_type = "lib"
+ , test_result = test_result
+ , show_run_output = "false" )
+ for i_lib in range( 0, num_of_libs ):
+ library_name = "library_%02d" % i_lib
+ for i_toolset in range( num_of_toolsets ):
+ toolset_name = "toolset_%02d" % ( i_toolset )
+ for i_test in range( num_of_tests ):
+ test_name = "test_%02d_%02d" % ( i_lib, i_test )
+ test_result = ""
+ test_type = "run"
+ show_run_output = "false"
+ if i_lib % 2: test_result = "success"
+ else: test_result = "fail"
+ if test_result == "success" and ( 0 == i_test % 5 ):
+ show_run_output = "true"
+ common.make_test_log( g, i_lib, i_toolset, test_name, test_type, test_result, show_run_output )
+ g.endElement( "test-results" )
+## <test-log library="algorithm" test-name="container" test-type="run" test-program="libs/algorithm/string/test/container_test.cpp" target-directory="bin/boost/libs/algorithm/string/test/container.test/borland-5.6.4/debug" toolset="borland-5.6.4" show-run-output="false">
+## <compile result="fail" timestamp="2004-06-29 17:02:27 UTC">
+## "C:\Progra~1\Borland\CBuilder6\bin\bcc32" -j5 -g255 -q -c -P -w -Ve -Vx -a8 -b- -v -Od -vi- -tWC -tWR -tWC -WM- -DBOOST_ALL_NO_LIB=1 -w-8001 -I"C:\Users\Administrator\boost\main\results\bin\boost\libs\algorithm\string\test" -I"C:\Users\Administrator\boost\main\boost" -I"C:\Progra~1\Borland\CBuilder6\include" -o"C:\Users\Administrator\boost\main\results\bin\boost\libs\algorithm\string\test\container.test\borland-5.6.4\debug\container_test.obj" "..\libs\algorithm\string\test\container_test.cpp"
+## ..\libs\algorithm\string\test\container_test.cpp:
+## Warning W8091 C:\Users\Administrator\boost\main\boost\libs/test/src/unit_test_result.cpp 323: template argument _InputIter passed to 'for_each' is a output iterator: input iterator required in function unit_test_result::~unit_test_result()
+## Warning W8091 C:\Users\Administrator\boost\main\boost\libs/test/src/unit_test_suite.cpp 63: template argument _InputIter passed to 'find_if' is a output iterator: input iterator required in function test_case::Impl::check_dependencies()
+## Warning W8091 C:\Users\Administrator\boost\main\boost\libs/test/src/unit_test_suite.cpp 204: template argument _InputIter passed to 'for_each' is a output iterator: input iterator required in function test_suite::~test_suite()
+## Error E2401 C:\Users\Administrator\boost\main\boost\boost/algorithm/string/finder.hpp 45: Invalid template argument list
+## Error E2040 C:\Users\Administrator\boost\main\boost\boost/algorithm/string/finder.hpp 46: Declaration terminated incorrectly
+## Error E2090 C:\Users\Administrator\boost\main\boost\boost/algorithm/string/finder.hpp 277: Qualifier 'algorithm' is not a class or namespace name
+## Error E2272 C:\Users\Administrator\boost\main\boost\boost/algorithm/string/finder.hpp 277: Identifier expected
+## Error E2090 C:\Users\Administrator\boost\main\boost\boost/algorithm/string/finder.hpp 278: Qualifier 'algorithm' is not a class or namespace name
+## Error E2228 C:\Users\Administrator\boost\main\boost\boost/algorithm/string/finder.hpp 278: Too many error or warning messages
+## *** 6 errors in Compile ***
+## </compile>
+## </test-log>
+make_test_results( )
+common.make_expicit_failure_markup( num_of_libs, num_of_toolsets, num_of_tests )