path: root/src/buildstream/node.pyx
diff options
authorBenjamin Schubert <>2019-07-10 13:59:12 +0100
committerbst-marge-bot <>2019-07-15 14:14:03 +0000
commit301d40d1a42c056f7c9e8e734b6ce6251378cafb (patch)
treed3b3f57bf620c54e0796d353ad55f4408c42e2d9 /src/buildstream/node.pyx
parent53019a61c926787b622b6a5f94f81096b043cf99 (diff)
_yaml: Split Node-related parts into 'node.pyx'
This makes the 'Node' API public, and available for use directly for plugins.
Diffstat (limited to 'src/buildstream/node.pyx')
1 files changed, 1013 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/src/buildstream/node.pyx b/src/buildstream/node.pyx
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..30814b782
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/buildstream/node.pyx
@@ -0,0 +1,1013 @@
+# Copyright (C) 2018 Codethink Limited
+# Copyright (C) 2019 Bloomberg LLP
+# This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
+# modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public
+# License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either
+# version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
+# This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+# Lesser General Public License for more details.
+# You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public
+# License along with this library. If not, see <>.
+# Authors:
+# Tristan Van Berkom <>
+# Daniel Silverstone <>
+# James Ennis <>
+# Benjamin Schubert <>
+import string
+from ._exceptions import LoadError, LoadErrorReason
+# A sentinel to be used as a default argument for functions that need
+# to distinguish between a kwarg set to None and an unset kwarg.
+_sentinel = object()
+# Node()
+# Container for YAML loaded data and its provenance
+# All nodes returned (and all internal lists/strings) have this type (rather
+# than a plain tuple, to distinguish them in things like node_sanitize)
+# Members:
+# file_index (int): Index within _FILE_LIST (a list of loaded file paths).
+# Negative indices indicate synthetic nodes so that
+# they can be referenced.
+# line (int): The line number within the file where the value appears.
+# col (int): The column number within the file where the value appears.
+cdef class Node:
+ def __init__(self):
+ raise NotImplementedError("Please do not construct nodes like this. Use Node.from_dict(dict) instead.")
+ def __cinit__(self, int file_index, int line, int column, *args):
+ self.file_index = file_index
+ self.line = line
+ self.column = column
+ def __json__(self):
+ raise ValueError("Nodes should not be allowed when jsonify-ing data", self)
+ #############################################################
+ # Abstract Public Methods #
+ #############################################################
+ cpdef Node copy(self):
+ raise NotImplementedError()
+ #############################################################
+ # Public Methods #
+ #############################################################
+ @classmethod
+ def from_dict(cls, dict value):
+ if value:
+ return _new_node_from_dict(value, MappingNode.__new__(
+ MappingNode, _SYNTHETIC_FILE_INDEX, 0, next_synthetic_counter(), {}))
+ else:
+ # We got an empty dict, we can shortcut
+ return MappingNode.__new__(MappingNode, _SYNTHETIC_FILE_INDEX, 0, next_synthetic_counter(), {})
+ cpdef ProvenanceInformation get_provenance(self):
+ return ProvenanceInformation(self)
+ #############################################################
+ # Abstract Private Methods used in BuildStream #
+ #############################################################
+ # _assert_fully_composited()
+ #
+ # This must be called on a fully loaded and composited node,
+ # after all composition has completed.
+ #
+ # This checks that no more composition directives are present
+ # in the data.
+ #
+ # Raises:
+ # (LoadError): If any assertions fail
+ #
+ cpdef void _assert_fully_composited(self) except *:
+ raise NotImplementedError()
+ cpdef object _strip_node_info(self):
+ raise NotImplementedError()
+ #############################################################
+ # Abstract Protected Methods #
+ #############################################################
+ cdef void _compose_on(self, str key, MappingNode target, list path) except *:
+ raise NotImplementedError()
+ # _is_composite_list
+ #
+ # Checks if the node is a Mapping with array composition
+ # directives.
+ #
+ # Returns:
+ # (bool): True if node was a Mapping containing only
+ # list composition directives
+ #
+ # Raises:
+ # (LoadError): If node was a mapping and contained a mix of
+ # list composition directives and other keys
+ #
+ cdef bint _is_composite_list(self) except *:
+ raise NotImplementedError()
+ cdef bint _walk_find(self, Node target, list path) except *:
+ raise NotImplementedError()
+ #############################################################
+ # Protected Methods #
+ #############################################################
+ cdef bint _shares_position_with(self, Node target):
+ return (self.file_index == target.file_index and
+ self.line == target.line and
+ self.column == target.column)
+cdef class ScalarNode(Node):
+ def __cinit__(self, int file_index, int line, int column, object value):
+ cdef value_type = type(value)
+ if value_type is str:
+ value = value.strip()
+ elif value_type is bool:
+ if value:
+ value = "True"
+ else:
+ value = "False"
+ elif value_type is int:
+ value = str(value)
+ elif value is None:
+ pass
+ else:
+ raise ValueError("ScalarNode can only hold str, int, bool or None objects")
+ self.value = value
+ #############################################################
+ # Public Methods #
+ #############################################################
+ cpdef bint as_bool(self) except *:
+ if type(self.value) is bool:
+ return self.value
+ # Don't coerce strings to booleans, this makes "False" strings evaluate to True
+ if self.value in ('True', 'true'):
+ return True
+ elif self.value in ('False', 'false'):
+ return False
+ else:
+ provenance = self.get_provenance()
+ path = provenance._toplevel._find(self)[-1]
+ raise LoadError(LoadErrorReason.INVALID_DATA,
+ "{}: Value of '{}' is not of the expected type '{}'"
+ .format(provenance, path, bool.__name__, self.value))
+ cpdef int as_int(self) except *:
+ try:
+ return int(self.value)
+ except ValueError:
+ provenance = self.get_provenance()
+ path = provenance._toplevel._find(self)[-1]
+ raise LoadError(LoadErrorReason.INVALID_DATA,
+ "{}: Value of '{}' is not of the expected type '{}'"
+ .format(provenance, path, int.__name__))
+ cpdef str as_str(self):
+ # We keep 'None' as 'None' to simplify the API's usage and allow chaining for users
+ if self.value is None:
+ return None
+ return str(self.value)
+ cpdef bint is_none(self):
+ return self.value is None
+ #############################################################
+ # Public Methods implementations #
+ #############################################################
+ cpdef ScalarNode copy(self):
+ return self
+ #############################################################
+ # Private Methods implementations #
+ #############################################################
+ cpdef void _assert_fully_composited(self) except *:
+ pass
+ cpdef object _strip_node_info(self):
+ return self.value
+ #############################################################
+ # Protected Methods #
+ #############################################################
+ cdef void _compose_on(self, str key, MappingNode target, list path) except *:
+ cdef Node target_value = target.value.get(key)
+ if target_value is not None and type(target_value) is not ScalarNode:
+ raise _CompositeError(path,
+ "{}: Cannot compose scalar on non-scalar at {}".format(
+ self.get_provenance(),
+ target_value.get_provenance()))
+ target.value[key] = self
+ cdef bint _is_composite_list(self) except *:
+ return False
+ cdef bint _walk_find(self, Node target, list path) except *:
+ return self._shares_position_with(target)
+cdef class MappingNode(Node):
+ def __cinit__(self, int file_index, int line, int column, dict value):
+ self.value = value
+ def __contains__(self, what):
+ return what in self.value
+ def __delitem__(self, str key):
+ del self.value[key]
+ def __setitem__(self, str key, object value):
+ cdef Node old_value
+ if type(value) in [MappingNode, ScalarNode, SequenceNode]:
+ self.value[key] = value
+ else:
+ node = _create_node_recursive(value, self)
+ # FIXME: Do we really want to override provenance?
+ #
+ # Related to
+ #
+ # There are only two cases were nodes are set in the code (hence without provenance):
+ # - When automatic variables are set by the core (e-g: max-jobs)
+ # - when plugins call Element.set_public_data
+ #
+ # The first case should never throw errors, so it is of limited interests.
+ #
+ # The second is more important. What should probably be done here is to have 'set_public_data'
+ # able of creating a fake provenance with the name of the plugin, the project and probably the
+ # element name.
+ #
+ # We would therefore have much better error messages, and would be able to get rid of most synthetic
+ # nodes.
+ old_value = self.value.get(key)
+ if old_value:
+ node.file_index = old_value.file_index
+ node.line = old_value.line
+ node.column = old_value.column
+ self.value[key] = node
+ #############################################################
+ # Public Methods #
+ #############################################################
+ cpdef bint get_bool(self, str key, object default=_sentinel) except *:
+ cdef ScalarNode scalar = self.get_scalar(key, default)
+ return scalar.as_bool()
+ cpdef int get_int(self, str key, object default=_sentinel) except *:
+ cdef ScalarNode scalar = self.get_scalar(key, default)
+ return scalar.as_int()
+ cpdef MappingNode get_mapping(self, str key, object default=_sentinel):
+ value = self._get(key, default, MappingNode)
+ if type(value) is not MappingNode and value is not None:
+ provenance = value.get_provenance()
+ raise LoadError(LoadErrorReason.INVALID_DATA,
+ "{}: Value of '{}' is not of the expected type 'Mapping'"
+ .format(provenance, key))
+ return value
+ cpdef Node get_node(self, str key, list allowed_types = None, bint allow_none = False):
+ cdef value = self.value.get(key, _sentinel)
+ if value is _sentinel:
+ if allow_none:
+ return None
+ provenance = self.get_provenance()
+ raise LoadError(LoadErrorReason.INVALID_DATA,
+ "{}: Dictionary did not contain expected key '{}'".format(provenance, key))
+ if allowed_types and type(value) not in allowed_types:
+ provenance = self.get_provenance()
+ raise LoadError(LoadErrorReason.INVALID_DATA,
+ "{}: Value of '{}' is not one of the following: {}.".format(
+ provenance, key, ", ".join(allowed_types)))
+ return value
+ cpdef ScalarNode get_scalar(self, str key, object default=_sentinel):
+ value = self._get(key, default, ScalarNode)
+ if type(value) is not ScalarNode:
+ if value is None:
+ value = ScalarNode.__new__(ScalarNode, self.file_index, 0, next_synthetic_counter(), None)
+ else:
+ provenance = value.get_provenance()
+ raise LoadError(LoadErrorReason.INVALID_DATA,
+ "{}: Value of '{}' is not of the expected type 'Scalar'"
+ .format(provenance, key))
+ return value
+ cpdef SequenceNode get_sequence(self, str key, object default=_sentinel):
+ value = self._get(key, default, SequenceNode)
+ if type(value) is not SequenceNode and value is not None:
+ provenance = value.get_provenance()
+ raise LoadError(LoadErrorReason.INVALID_DATA,
+ "{}: Value of '{}' is not of the expected type 'Sequence'"
+ .format(provenance, key))
+ return value
+ cpdef str get_str(self, str key, object default=_sentinel):
+ cdef ScalarNode scalar = self.get_scalar(key, default)
+ return scalar.as_str()
+ cpdef object items(self):
+ return self.value.items()
+ cpdef list keys(self):
+ return list(self.value.keys())
+ cpdef void safe_del(self, str key):
+ try:
+ del self.value[key]
+ except KeyError:
+ pass
+ # validate_keys()
+ #
+ # Validate the node so as to ensure the user has not specified
+ # any keys which are unrecognized by buildstream (usually this
+ # means a typo which would otherwise not trigger an error).
+ #
+ # Args:
+ # valid_keys (list): A list of valid keys for the specified node
+ #
+ # Raises:
+ # LoadError: In the case that the specified node contained
+ # one or more invalid keys
+ #
+ cpdef void validate_keys(self, list valid_keys) except *:
+ # Probably the fastest way to do this:
+ cdef set valid_keys_set = set(valid_keys)
+ cdef str key
+ for key in self.value:
+ if key not in valid_keys_set:
+ provenance = self.get_node(key).get_provenance()
+ raise LoadError(LoadErrorReason.INVALID_DATA,
+ "{}: Unexpected key: {}".format(provenance, key))
+ cpdef object values(self):
+ return self.value.values()
+ #############################################################
+ # Public Methods implementations #
+ #############################################################
+ cpdef MappingNode copy(self):
+ cdef dict copy = {}
+ cdef str key
+ cdef Node value
+ for key, value in self.value.items():
+ copy[key] = value.copy()
+ return MappingNode.__new__(MappingNode, self.file_index, self.line, self.column, copy)
+ #############################################################
+ # Private Methods used in BuildStream #
+ #############################################################
+ # _composite()
+ #
+ # Compose one mapping node onto another
+ #
+ # Args:
+ # target (Node): The target to compose into
+ #
+ # Raises: LoadError
+ #
+ cpdef void _composite(self, MappingNode target) except *:
+ try:
+ self.__composite(target, [])
+ except _CompositeError as e:
+ source_provenance = self.get_provenance()
+ error_prefix = ""
+ if source_provenance:
+ error_prefix = "{}: ".format(source_provenance)
+ raise LoadError(LoadErrorReason.ILLEGAL_COMPOSITE,
+ "{}Failure composing {}: {}"
+ .format(error_prefix,
+ e.path,
+ e.message)) from e
+ # Like _composite(target, source), but where target overrides source instead.
+ #
+ cpdef void _composite_under(self, MappingNode target) except *:
+ target._composite(self)
+ cdef str key
+ cdef Node value
+ cdef list to_delete = [key for key in target.value.keys() if key not in self.value]
+ for key, value in self.value.items():
+ target.value[key] = value
+ for key in to_delete:
+ del target.value[key]
+ # _find()
+ #
+ # Searches the given node tree for the given target node.
+ #
+ # This is typically used when trying to walk a path to a given node
+ # for the purpose of then modifying a similar tree of objects elsewhere
+ #
+ # Args:
+ # target (Node): The node you are looking for in that tree
+ #
+ # Returns:
+ # (list): A path from `node` to `target` or None if `target` is not in the subtree
+ cpdef list _find(self, Node target):
+ cdef list path = []
+ if self._walk_find(target, path):
+ return path
+ return None
+ #############################################################
+ # Private Methods implementations #
+ #############################################################
+ cpdef void _assert_fully_composited(self) except *:
+ cdef str key
+ cdef Node value
+ for key, value in self.value.items():
+ # Assert that list composition directives dont remain, this
+ # indicates that the user intended to override a list which
+ # never existed in the underlying data
+ #
+ if key in ('(>)', '(<)', '(=)'):
+ provenance = value.get_provenance()
+ raise LoadError(LoadErrorReason.TRAILING_LIST_DIRECTIVE,
+ "{}: Attempt to override non-existing list".format(provenance))
+ value._assert_fully_composited()
+ cpdef object _strip_node_info(self):
+ cdef str key
+ cdef Node value
+ return {key: value._strip_node_info() for key, value in self.value.items()}
+ #############################################################
+ # Protected Methods #
+ #############################################################
+ cdef void _compose_on(self, str key, MappingNode target, list path) except *:
+ cdef Node target_value
+ if self._is_composite_list():
+ if key not in target.value:
+ # Composite list clobbers empty space
+ target.value[key] = self
+ else:
+ target_value = target.value[key]
+ if type(target_value) is SequenceNode:
+ # Composite list composes into a list
+ self._compose_on_list(target_value)
+ elif target_value._is_composite_list():
+ # Composite list merges into composite list
+ self._compose_on_composite_dict(target_value)
+ else:
+ # Else composing on top of normal dict or a scalar, so raise...
+ raise _CompositeError(path,
+ "{}: Cannot compose lists onto {}".format(
+ self.get_provenance(),
+ target_value.get_provenance()))
+ else:
+ # We're composing a dict into target now
+ if key not in target.value:
+ # Target lacks a dict at that point, make a fresh one with
+ # the same provenance as the incoming dict
+ target.value[key] = MappingNode.__new__(MappingNode, self.file_index, self.line, self.column, {})
+ self.__composite(target.value[key], path)
+ cdef void _compose_on_list(self, SequenceNode target):
+ cdef SequenceNode clobber = self.value.get("(=)")
+ cdef SequenceNode prefix = self.value.get("(<)")
+ cdef SequenceNode suffix = self.value.get("(>)")
+ if clobber is not None:
+ target.value.clear()
+ target.value.extend(clobber.value)
+ if prefix is not None:
+ for v in reversed(prefix.value):
+ target.value.insert(0, v)
+ if suffix is not None:
+ target.value.extend(suffix.value)
+ cdef void _compose_on_composite_dict(self, MappingNode target):
+ cdef SequenceNode clobber = self.value.get("(=)")
+ cdef SequenceNode prefix = self.value.get("(<)")
+ cdef SequenceNode suffix = self.value.get("(>)")
+ if clobber is not None:
+ # We want to clobber the target list
+ # which basically means replacing the target list
+ # with ourselves
+ target.value["(=)"] = clobber
+ if prefix is not None:
+ target.value["(<)"] = prefix
+ elif "(<)" in target.value:
+ (<SequenceNode> target.value["(<)"]).value.clear()
+ if suffix is not None:
+ target.value["(>)"] = suffix
+ elif "(>)" in target.value:
+ (<SequenceNode> target.value["(>)"]).value.clear()
+ else:
+ # Not clobbering, so prefix the prefix and suffix the suffix
+ if prefix is not None:
+ if "(<)" in target.value:
+ for v in reversed(prefix.value):
+ (<SequenceNode> target.value["(<)"]).value.insert(0, v)
+ else:
+ target.value["(<)"] = prefix
+ if suffix is not None:
+ if "(>)" in target.value:
+ (<SequenceNode> target.value["(>)"]).value.extend(suffix.value)
+ else:
+ target.value["(>)"] = suffix
+ cdef Node _get(self, str key, object default, object default_constructor):
+ value = self.value.get(key, _sentinel)
+ if value is _sentinel:
+ if default is _sentinel:
+ provenance = self.get_provenance()
+ raise LoadError(LoadErrorReason.INVALID_DATA,
+ "{}: Dictionary did not contain expected key '{}'".format(provenance, key))
+ if default is None:
+ value = None
+ else:
+ value = default_constructor.__new__(
+ default_constructor, _SYNTHETIC_FILE_INDEX, 0, next_synthetic_counter(), default)
+ return value
+ cdef bint _is_composite_list(self) except *:
+ cdef bint has_directives = False
+ cdef bint has_keys = False
+ cdef str key
+ for key in self.value.keys():
+ if key in ['(>)', '(<)', '(=)']:
+ has_directives = True
+ else:
+ has_keys = True
+ if has_keys and has_directives:
+ provenance = self.get_provenance()
+ raise LoadError(LoadErrorReason.INVALID_DATA,
+ "{}: Dictionary contains array composition directives and arbitrary keys"
+ .format(provenance))
+ return has_directives
+ cdef bint _walk_find(self, Node target, list path) except *:
+ cdef str k
+ cdef Node v
+ if self._shares_position_with(target):
+ return True
+ for k, v in self.value.items():
+ path.append(k)
+ if v._walk_find(target, path):
+ return True
+ del path[-1]
+ return False
+ #############################################################
+ # Private Methods #
+ #############################################################
+ cdef void __composite(self, MappingNode target, list path=None) except *:
+ cdef str key
+ cdef Node value
+ for key, value in self.value.items():
+ path.append(key)
+ value._compose_on(key, target, path)
+ path.pop()
+cdef class SequenceNode(Node):
+ def __cinit__(self, int file_index, int line, int column, list value):
+ self.value = value
+ def __iter__(self):
+ return iter(self.value)
+ def __len__(self):
+ return len(self.value)
+ def __reversed__(self):
+ return reversed(self.value)
+ def __setitem__(self, int key, object value):
+ cdef Node old_value
+ if type(value) in [MappingNode, ScalarNode, SequenceNode]:
+ self.value[key] = value
+ else:
+ node = _create_node_recursive(value, self)
+ # FIXME: Do we really want to override provenance?
+ # See __setitem__ on 'MappingNode' for more context
+ old_value = self.value[key]
+ if old_value:
+ node.file_index = old_value.file_index
+ node.line = old_value.line
+ node.column = old_value.column
+ self.value[key] = node
+ #############################################################
+ # Public Methods #
+ #############################################################
+ cpdef void append(self, object value):
+ if type(value) in [MappingNode, ScalarNode, SequenceNode]:
+ self.value.append(value)
+ else:
+ node = _create_node_recursive(value, self)
+ self.value.append(node)
+ cpdef list as_str_list(self):
+ return [node.as_str() for node in self.value]
+ cpdef MappingNode mapping_at(self, int index):
+ value = self.value[index]
+ if type(value) is not MappingNode:
+ provenance = self.get_provenance()
+ path = ["[{}]".format(p) for p in provenance.toplevel._find(self)] + ["[{}]".format(index)]
+ raise LoadError(LoadErrorReason.INVALID_DATA,
+ "{}: Value of '{}' is not of the expected type '{}'"
+ .format(provenance, path, MappingNode.__name__))
+ return value
+ cpdef Node node_at(self, int index, list allowed_types = None):
+ cdef value = self.value[index]
+ if allowed_types and type(value) not in allowed_types:
+ provenance = self.get_provenance()
+ raise LoadError(LoadErrorReason.INVALID_DATA,
+ "{}: Value of '{}' is not one of the following: {}.".format(
+ provenance, index, ", ".join(allowed_types)))
+ return value
+ cpdef ScalarNode scalar_at(self, int index):
+ value = self.value[index]
+ if type(value) is not ScalarNode:
+ provenance = self.get_provenance()
+ path = ["[{}]".format(p) for p in provenance.toplevel._find(self)] + ["[{}]".format(index)]
+ raise LoadError(LoadErrorReason.INVALID_DATA,
+ "{}: Value of '{}' is not of the expected type '{}'"
+ .format(provenance, path, ScalarNode.__name__))
+ return value
+ cpdef SequenceNode sequence_at(self, int index):
+ value = self.value[index]
+ if type(value) is not SequenceNode:
+ provenance = self.get_provenance()
+ path = ["[{}]".format(p) for p in provenance.toplevel._find(self)] + ["[{}]".format(index)]
+ raise LoadError(LoadErrorReason.INVALID_DATA,
+ "{}: Value of '{}' is not of the expected type '{}'"
+ .format(provenance, path, SequenceNode.__name__))
+ return value
+ #############################################################
+ # Public Methods implementations #
+ #############################################################
+ cpdef SequenceNode copy(self):
+ cdef list copy = []
+ cdef Node entry
+ for entry in self.value:
+ copy.append(entry.copy())
+ return SequenceNode.__new__(SequenceNode, self.file_index, self.line, self.column, copy)
+ #############################################################
+ # Private Methods implementations #
+ #############################################################
+ cpdef void _assert_fully_composited(self) except *:
+ cdef Node value
+ for value in self.value:
+ value._assert_fully_composited()
+ cpdef object _strip_node_info(self):
+ cdef Node value
+ return [value._strip_node_info() for value in self.value]
+ #############################################################
+ # Protected Methods #
+ #############################################################
+ cdef void _compose_on(self, str key, MappingNode target, list path) except *:
+ # List clobbers anything list-like
+ cdef Node target_value = target.value.get(key)
+ if not (target_value is None or
+ type(target_value) is SequenceNode or
+ target_value._is_composite_list()):
+ raise _CompositeError(path,
+ "{}: List cannot overwrite {} at: {}"
+ .format(self.get_provenance(),
+ key,
+ target_value.get_provenance()))
+ # Looks good, clobber it
+ target.value[key] = self
+ cdef bint _is_composite_list(self) except *:
+ return False
+ cdef bint _walk_find(self, Node target, list path) except *:
+ cdef int i
+ cdef Node v
+ if self._shares_position_with(target):
+ return True
+ for i, v in enumerate(self.value):
+ path.append(i)
+ if v._walk_find(target, path):
+ return True
+ del path[-1]
+ return False
+# Returned from Node.get_provenance
+cdef class ProvenanceInformation:
+ def __init__(self, Node nodeish):
+ cdef _FileInfo fileinfo
+ self._node = nodeish
+ if (nodeish is None) or (nodeish.file_index == _SYNTHETIC_FILE_INDEX):
+ self._filename = ""
+ self._shortname = ""
+ self._displayname = ""
+ self._line = 1
+ self._col = 0
+ self._toplevel = None
+ self._project = None
+ else:
+ fileinfo = <_FileInfo> _FILE_LIST[nodeish.file_index]
+ self._filename = fileinfo.filename
+ self._shortname = fileinfo.shortname
+ self._displayname = fileinfo.displayname
+ # We add 1 here to convert from computerish to humanish
+ self._line = nodeish.line + 1
+ self._col = nodeish.column
+ self._toplevel = fileinfo.toplevel
+ self._project = fileinfo.project
+ self._is_synthetic = (self._filename == '') or (self._col < 0)
+ # Convert a Provenance to a string for error reporting
+ def __str__(self):
+ if self._is_synthetic:
+ return "{} [synthetic node]".format(self._displayname)
+ else:
+ return "{} [line {:d} column {:d}]".format(self._displayname, self._line, self._col)
+# assert_symbol_name()
+# A helper function to check if a loaded string is a valid symbol
+# name and to raise a consistent LoadError if not. For strings which
+# are required to be symbols.
+# Args:
+# symbol_name (str): The loaded symbol name
+# purpose (str): The purpose of the string, for an error message
+# ref_node (Node): The node of the loaded symbol, or None
+# allow_dashes (bool): Whether dashes are allowed for this symbol
+# Raises:
+# LoadError: If the symbol_name is invalid
+# Note that dashes are generally preferred for variable names and
+# usage in YAML, but things such as option names which will be
+# evaluated with jinja2 cannot use dashes.
+def assert_symbol_name(str symbol_name, str purpose, *, Node ref_node=None, bint allow_dashes=True):
+ cdef str valid_chars = string.digits + string.ascii_letters + '_'
+ if allow_dashes:
+ valid_chars += '-'
+ cdef bint valid = True
+ if not symbol_name:
+ valid = False
+ elif any(x not in valid_chars for x in symbol_name):
+ valid = False
+ elif symbol_name[0] in string.digits:
+ valid = False
+ if not valid:
+ detail = "Symbol names must contain only alphanumeric characters, " + \
+ "may not start with a digit, and may contain underscores"
+ if allow_dashes:
+ detail += " or dashes"
+ message = "Invalid symbol name for {}: '{}'".format(purpose, symbol_name)
+ if ref_node:
+ provenance = ref_node.get_provenance()
+ if provenance is not None:
+ message = "{}: {}".format(provenance, message)
+ raise LoadError(LoadErrorReason.INVALID_SYMBOL_NAME,
+ message, detail=detail)
+# BuildStream Private methods #
+# Purely synthetic nodes will have _SYNTHETIC_FILE_INDEX for the file number, have line number
+# zero, and a negative column number which comes from inverting the next value
+# out of this counter. Synthetic nodes created with a reference node will
+# have a file number from the reference node, some unknown line number, and
+# a negative column number from this counter.
+cdef int _SYNTHETIC_FILE_INDEX = -1
+# File name handling
+cdef list _FILE_LIST = []
+cdef Py_ssize_t _create_new_file(str filename, str shortname, str displayname, Node toplevel, object project):
+ cdef Py_ssize_t file_number = len(_FILE_LIST)
+ _FILE_LIST.append(_FileInfo(filename, shortname, displayname, None, project))
+ return file_number
+cdef void _set_root_node_for_file(Py_ssize_t file_index, MappingNode contents) except *:
+ cdef _FileInfo f_info
+ if file_index != _SYNTHETIC_FILE_INDEX:
+ f_info = <_FileInfo> _FILE_LIST[file_index]
+ f_info.toplevel = contents
+# _new_synthetic_file()
+# Create a new synthetic mapping node, with an associated file entry
+# (in _FILE_LIST) such that later tracking can correctly determine which
+# file needs writing to in order to persist the changes.
+# Args:
+# filename (str): The name of the synthetic file to create
+# project (Project): The optional project to associate this synthetic file with
+# Returns:
+# (Node): An empty YAML mapping node, whose provenance is to this new
+# synthetic file
+def _new_synthetic_file(str filename, object project=None):
+ cdef Py_ssize_t file_index = len(_FILE_LIST)
+ cdef Node node = MappingNode.__new__(MappingNode, file_index, 0, 0, {})
+ _FILE_LIST.append(_FileInfo(filename,
+ filename,
+ "<synthetic {}>".format(filename),
+ node,
+ project))
+ return node
+# Module local helper Methods #
+# synthetic counter for synthetic nodes
+cdef int __counter = 0
+class _CompositeError(Exception):
+ def __init__(self, path, message):
+ super().__init__(message)
+ self.path = path
+ self.message = message
+# Metadata container for a yaml toplevel node.
+# This class contains metadata around a yaml node in order to be able
+# to trace back the provenance of a node to the file.
+cdef class _FileInfo:
+ cdef str filename, shortname, displayname
+ cdef MappingNode toplevel,
+ cdef object project
+ def __init__(self, str filename, str shortname, str displayname, MappingNode toplevel, object project):
+ self.filename = filename
+ self.shortname = shortname
+ self.displayname = displayname
+ self.toplevel = toplevel
+ self.project = project
+cdef int next_synthetic_counter():
+ global __counter
+ __counter -= 1
+ return __counter
+cdef Node _create_node_recursive(object value, Node ref_node):
+ cdef value_type = type(value)
+ if value_type is list:
+ node = _new_node_from_list(value, ref_node)
+ elif value_type in [int, str, bool]:
+ node = ScalarNode.__new__(ScalarNode, ref_node.file_index, ref_node.line, next_synthetic_counter(), value)
+ elif value_type is dict:
+ node = _new_node_from_dict(value, ref_node)
+ else:
+ raise ValueError(
+ "Unable to assign a value of type {} to a Node.".format(value_type))
+ return node
+# _new_node_from_dict()
+# Args:
+# indict (dict): The input dictionary
+# ref_node (Node): The dictionary to take as reference for position
+# Returns:
+# (Node): A new synthetic YAML tree which represents this dictionary
+cdef Node _new_node_from_dict(dict indict, Node ref_node):
+ cdef MappingNode ret = MappingNode.__new__(
+ MappingNode, ref_node.file_index, ref_node.line, next_synthetic_counter(), {})
+ cdef str k
+ for k, v in indict.items():
+ ret.value[k] = _create_node_recursive(v, ref_node)
+ return ret
+# Internal function to help new_node_from_dict() to handle lists
+cdef Node _new_node_from_list(list inlist, Node ref_node):
+ cdef SequenceNode ret = SequenceNode.__new__(
+ SequenceNode, ref_node.file_index, ref_node.line, next_synthetic_counter(), [])
+ for v in inlist:
+ ret.value.append(_create_node_recursive(v, ref_node))
+ return ret