path: root/examples/pybullet/gym/pybullet_envs/minitaur/envs/
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'examples/pybullet/gym/pybullet_envs/minitaur/envs/')
1 files changed, 996 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/examples/pybullet/gym/pybullet_envs/minitaur/envs/ b/examples/pybullet/gym/pybullet_envs/minitaur/envs/
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..cd5749d22
--- /dev/null
+++ b/examples/pybullet/gym/pybullet_envs/minitaur/envs/
@@ -0,0 +1,996 @@
+"""This file implements the functionalities of a minitaur using pybullet.
+import collections
+import copy
+import math
+import re
+import numpy as np
+import motor
+INIT_POSITION = [0, 0, .2]
+INIT_ORIENTATION = [0, 0, 0, 1]
+LEG_POSITION = ["front_left", "back_left", "front_right", "back_right"]
+ "motor_front_leftL_joint", "motor_front_leftR_joint",
+ "motor_back_leftL_joint", "motor_back_leftR_joint",
+ "motor_front_rightL_joint", "motor_front_rightR_joint",
+ "motor_back_rightL_joint", "motor_back_rightR_joint"
+_CHASSIS_NAME_PATTERN = re.compile(r"chassis\D*center")
+_MOTOR_NAME_PATTERN = re.compile(r"motor\D*joint")
+_KNEE_NAME_PATTERN = re.compile(r"knee\D*")
+SENSOR_NOISE_STDDEV = (0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0)
+TWO_PI = 2 * math.pi
+def MapToMinusPiToPi(angles):
+ """Maps a list of angles to [-pi, pi].
+ Args:
+ angles: A list of angles in rad.
+ Returns:
+ A list of angle mapped to [-pi, pi].
+ """
+ mapped_angles = copy.deepcopy(angles)
+ for i in range(len(angles)):
+ mapped_angles[i] = math.fmod(angles[i], TWO_PI)
+ if mapped_angles[i] >= math.pi:
+ mapped_angles[i] -= TWO_PI
+ elif mapped_angles[i] < -math.pi:
+ mapped_angles[i] += TWO_PI
+ return mapped_angles
+class Minitaur(object):
+ """The minitaur class that simulates a quadruped robot from Ghost Robotics.
+ """
+ def __init__(self,
+ pybullet_client,
+ urdf_root="",
+ time_step=0.01,
+ action_repeat=1,
+ self_collision_enabled=False,
+ motor_velocity_limit=np.inf,
+ pd_control_enabled=False,
+ accurate_motor_model_enabled=False,
+ remove_default_joint_damping=False,
+ motor_kp=1.0,
+ motor_kd=0.02,
+ pd_latency=0.0,
+ control_latency=0.0,
+ observation_noise_stdev=SENSOR_NOISE_STDDEV,
+ torque_control_enabled=False,
+ motor_overheat_protection=False,
+ on_rack=False):
+ """Constructs a minitaur and reset it to the initial states.
+ Args:
+ pybullet_client: The instance of BulletClient to manage different
+ simulations.
+ urdf_root: The path to the urdf folder.
+ time_step: The time step of the simulation.
+ action_repeat: The number of ApplyAction() for each control step.
+ self_collision_enabled: Whether to enable self collision.
+ motor_velocity_limit: The upper limit of the motor velocity.
+ pd_control_enabled: Whether to use PD control for the motors.
+ accurate_motor_model_enabled: Whether to use the accurate DC motor model.
+ remove_default_joint_damping: Whether to remove the default joint damping.
+ motor_kp: proportional gain for the accurate motor model.
+ motor_kd: derivative gain for the accurate motor model.
+ pd_latency: The latency of the observations (in seconds) used to calculate
+ PD control. On the real hardware, it is the latency between the
+ microcontroller and the motor controller.
+ control_latency: The latency of the observations (in second) used to
+ calculate action. On the real hardware, it is the latency from the motor
+ controller, the microcontroller to the host (Nvidia TX2).
+ observation_noise_stdev: The standard deviation of a Gaussian noise model
+ for the sensor. It should be an array for separate sensors in the
+ following order [motor_angle, motor_velocity, motor_torque,
+ base_roll_pitch_yaw, base_angular_velocity]
+ torque_control_enabled: Whether to use the torque control, if set to
+ False, pose control will be used.
+ motor_overheat_protection: Whether to shutdown the motor that has exerted
+ large torque (OVERHEAT_SHUTDOWN_TORQUE) for an extended amount of time
+ (OVERHEAT_SHUTDOWN_TIME). See ApplyAction() in for more
+ details.
+ on_rack: Whether to place the minitaur on rack. This is only used to debug
+ the walking gait. In this mode, the minitaur's base is hanged midair so
+ that its walking gait is clearer to visualize.
+ """
+ self.num_motors = 8
+ self.num_legs = int(self.num_motors / 2)
+ self._pybullet_client = pybullet_client
+ self._action_repeat = action_repeat
+ self._urdf_root = urdf_root
+ self._self_collision_enabled = self_collision_enabled
+ self._motor_velocity_limit = motor_velocity_limit
+ self._pd_control_enabled = pd_control_enabled
+ self._motor_direction = [-1, -1, -1, -1, 1, 1, 1, 1]
+ self._observed_motor_torques = np.zeros(self.num_motors)
+ self._applied_motor_torques = np.zeros(self.num_motors)
+ self._max_force = 3.5
+ self._pd_latency = pd_latency
+ self._control_latency = control_latency
+ self._observation_noise_stdev = observation_noise_stdev
+ self._accurate_motor_model_enabled = accurate_motor_model_enabled
+ self._remove_default_joint_damping = remove_default_joint_damping
+ self._observation_history = collections.deque(maxlen=100)
+ self._control_observation = []
+ self._chassis_link_ids = [-1]
+ self._leg_link_ids = []
+ self._motor_link_ids = []
+ self._foot_link_ids = []
+ self._torque_control_enabled = torque_control_enabled
+ self._motor_overheat_protection = motor_overheat_protection
+ self._on_rack = on_rack
+ if self._accurate_motor_model_enabled:
+ self._kp = motor_kp
+ self._kd = motor_kd
+ self._motor_model = motor.MotorModel(
+ torque_control_enabled=self._torque_control_enabled,
+ kp=self._kp,
+ kd=self._kd)
+ elif self._pd_control_enabled:
+ self._kp = 8
+ self._kd = 0.3
+ else:
+ self._kp = 1
+ self._kd = 1
+ self.time_step = time_step
+ self._step_counter = 0
+ # reset_time=-1.0 means skipping the reset motion.
+ # See Reset for more details.
+ self.Reset(reset_time=-1.0)
+ def GetTimeSinceReset(self):
+ return self._step_counter * self.time_step
+ def Step(self, action):
+ for _ in range(self._action_repeat):
+ self.ApplyAction(action)
+ self._pybullet_client.stepSimulation()
+ self.ReceiveObservation()
+ self._step_counter += 1
+ def Terminate(self):
+ pass
+ def _RecordMassInfoFromURDF(self):
+ self._base_mass_urdf = []
+ for chassis_id in self._chassis_link_ids:
+ self._base_mass_urdf.append(
+ self._pybullet_client.getDynamicsInfo(self.quadruped, chassis_id)[0])
+ self._leg_masses_urdf = []
+ for leg_id in self._leg_link_ids:
+ self._leg_masses_urdf.append(
+ self._pybullet_client.getDynamicsInfo(self.quadruped, leg_id)[0])
+ for motor_id in self._motor_link_ids:
+ self._leg_masses_urdf.append(
+ self._pybullet_client.getDynamicsInfo(self.quadruped, motor_id)[0])
+ def _RecordInertiaInfoFromURDF(self):
+ """Record the inertia of each body from URDF file."""
+ self._link_urdf = []
+ num_bodies = self._pybullet_client.getNumJoints(self.quadruped)
+ for body_id in range(-1, num_bodies): # -1 is for the base link.
+ inertia = self._pybullet_client.getDynamicsInfo(self.quadruped,
+ body_id)[2]
+ self._link_urdf.append(inertia)
+ # We need to use id+1 to index self._link_urdf because it has the base
+ # (index = -1) at the first element.
+ self._base_inertia_urdf = [
+ self._link_urdf[chassis_id + 1] for chassis_id in self._chassis_link_ids
+ ]
+ self._leg_inertia_urdf = [
+ self._link_urdf[leg_id + 1] for leg_id in self._leg_link_ids
+ ]
+ self._leg_inertia_urdf.extend(
+ [self._link_urdf[motor_id + 1] for motor_id in self._motor_link_ids])
+ def _BuildJointNameToIdDict(self):
+ num_joints = self._pybullet_client.getNumJoints(self.quadruped)
+ self._joint_name_to_id = {}
+ for i in range(num_joints):
+ joint_info = self._pybullet_client.getJointInfo(self.quadruped, i)
+ self._joint_name_to_id[joint_info[1].decode("UTF-8")] = joint_info[0]
+ def _BuildUrdfIds(self):
+ """Build the link Ids from its name in the URDF file."""
+ num_joints = self._pybullet_client.getNumJoints(self.quadruped)
+ self._chassis_link_ids = [-1]
+ # the self._leg_link_ids include both the upper and lower links of the leg.
+ self._leg_link_ids = []
+ self._motor_link_ids = []
+ self._foot_link_ids = []
+ for i in range(num_joints):
+ joint_info = self._pybullet_client.getJointInfo(self.quadruped, i)
+ joint_name = joint_info[1].decode("UTF-8")
+ joint_id = self._joint_name_to_id[joint_name]
+ if _CHASSIS_NAME_PATTERN.match(joint_name):
+ self._chassis_link_ids.append(joint_id)
+ elif _MOTOR_NAME_PATTERN.match(joint_name):
+ self._motor_link_ids.append(joint_id)
+ elif _KNEE_NAME_PATTERN.match(joint_name):
+ self._foot_link_ids.append(joint_id)
+ else:
+ self._leg_link_ids.append(joint_id)
+ self._leg_link_ids.extend(self._foot_link_ids)
+ self._chassis_link_ids.sort()
+ self._motor_link_ids.sort()
+ self._foot_link_ids.sort()
+ self._leg_link_ids.sort()
+ def _RemoveDefaultJointDamping(self):
+ num_joints = self._pybullet_client.getNumJoints(self.quadruped)
+ for i in range(num_joints):
+ joint_info = self._pybullet_client.getJointInfo(self.quadruped, i)
+ self._pybullet_client.changeDynamics(
+ joint_info[0], -1, linearDamping=0, angularDamping=0)
+ def _BuildMotorIdList(self):
+ self._motor_id_list = [
+ self._joint_name_to_id[motor_name] for motor_name in MOTOR_NAMES
+ ]
+ def IsObservationValid(self):
+ """Whether the observation is valid for the current time step.
+ In simulation, observations are always valid. In real hardware, it may not
+ be valid from time to time when communication error happens between the
+ Nvidia TX2 and the microcontroller.
+ Returns:
+ Whether the observation is valid for the current time step.
+ """
+ return True
+ def Reset(self, reload_urdf=True, default_motor_angles=None, reset_time=3.0):
+ """Reset the minitaur to its initial states.
+ Args:
+ reload_urdf: Whether to reload the urdf file. If not, Reset() just place
+ the minitaur back to its starting position.
+ default_motor_angles: The default motor angles. If it is None, minitaur
+ will hold a default pose (motor angle math.pi / 2) for 100 steps. In
+ torque control mode, the phase of holding the default pose is skipped.
+ reset_time: The duration (in seconds) to hold the default motor angles. If
+ reset_time <= 0 or in torque control mode, the phase of holding the
+ default pose is skipped.
+ """
+ if self._on_rack:
+ init_position = INIT_RACK_POSITION
+ else:
+ init_position = INIT_POSITION
+ if reload_urdf:
+ if self._self_collision_enabled:
+ self.quadruped = self._pybullet_client.loadURDF(
+ "%s/quadruped/minitaur.urdf" % self._urdf_root,
+ init_position,
+ useFixedBase=self._on_rack,
+ flags=self._pybullet_client.URDF_USE_SELF_COLLISION)
+ else:
+ self.quadruped = self._pybullet_client.loadURDF(
+ "%s/quadruped/minitaur.urdf" % self._urdf_root,
+ init_position,
+ useFixedBase=self._on_rack)
+ self._BuildJointNameToIdDict()
+ self._BuildUrdfIds()
+ if self._remove_default_joint_damping:
+ self._RemoveDefaultJointDamping()
+ self._BuildMotorIdList()
+ self._RecordMassInfoFromURDF()
+ self._RecordInertiaInfoFromURDF()
+ self.ResetPose(add_constraint=True)
+ else:
+ self._pybullet_client.resetBasePositionAndOrientation(
+ self.quadruped, init_position, INIT_ORIENTATION)
+ self._pybullet_client.resetBaseVelocity(self.quadruped, [0, 0, 0],
+ [0, 0, 0])
+ self.ResetPose(add_constraint=False)
+ self._overheat_counter = np.zeros(self.num_motors)
+ self._motor_enabled_list = [True] * self.num_motors
+ self._step_counter = 0
+ # Perform reset motion within reset_duration if in position control mode.
+ # Nothing is performed if in torque control mode for now.
+ # TODO(jietan): Add reset motion when the torque control is fully supported.
+ self._observation_history.clear()
+ if not self._torque_control_enabled and reset_time > 0.0:
+ self.ReceiveObservation()
+ for _ in range(100):
+ self.ApplyAction([math.pi / 2] * self.num_motors)
+ self._pybullet_client.stepSimulation()
+ self.ReceiveObservation()
+ if default_motor_angles is not None:
+ num_steps_to_reset = int(reset_time / self.time_step)
+ for _ in range(num_steps_to_reset):
+ self.ApplyAction(default_motor_angles)
+ self._pybullet_client.stepSimulation()
+ self.ReceiveObservation()
+ self.ReceiveObservation()
+ def _SetMotorTorqueById(self, motor_id, torque):
+ self._pybullet_client.setJointMotorControl2(
+ bodyIndex=self.quadruped,
+ jointIndex=motor_id,
+ controlMode=self._pybullet_client.TORQUE_CONTROL,
+ force=torque)
+ def _SetDesiredMotorAngleById(self, motor_id, desired_angle):
+ self._pybullet_client.setJointMotorControl2(
+ bodyIndex=self.quadruped,
+ jointIndex=motor_id,
+ controlMode=self._pybullet_client.POSITION_CONTROL,
+ targetPosition=desired_angle,
+ positionGain=self._kp,
+ velocityGain=self._kd,
+ force=self._max_force)
+ def _SetDesiredMotorAngleByName(self, motor_name, desired_angle):
+ self._SetDesiredMotorAngleById(self._joint_name_to_id[motor_name],
+ desired_angle)
+ def ResetPose(self, add_constraint):
+ """Reset the pose of the minitaur.
+ Args:
+ add_constraint: Whether to add a constraint at the joints of two feet.
+ """
+ for i in range(self.num_legs):
+ self._ResetPoseForLeg(i, add_constraint)
+ def _ResetPoseForLeg(self, leg_id, add_constraint):
+ """Reset the initial pose for the leg.
+ Args:
+ leg_id: It should be 0, 1, 2, or 3, which represents the leg at
+ front_left, back_left, front_right and back_right.
+ add_constraint: Whether to add a constraint at the joints of two feet.
+ """
+ knee_friction_force = 0
+ half_pi = math.pi / 2.0
+ knee_angle = -2.1834
+ leg_position = LEG_POSITION[leg_id]
+ self._pybullet_client.resetJointState(
+ self.quadruped,
+ self._joint_name_to_id["motor_" + leg_position + "L_joint"],
+ self._motor_direction[2 * leg_id] * half_pi,
+ targetVelocity=0)
+ self._pybullet_client.resetJointState(
+ self.quadruped,
+ self._joint_name_to_id["knee_" + leg_position + "L_link"],
+ self._motor_direction[2 * leg_id] * knee_angle,
+ targetVelocity=0)
+ self._pybullet_client.resetJointState(
+ self.quadruped,
+ self._joint_name_to_id["motor_" + leg_position + "R_joint"],
+ self._motor_direction[2 * leg_id + 1] * half_pi,
+ targetVelocity=0)
+ self._pybullet_client.resetJointState(
+ self.quadruped,
+ self._joint_name_to_id["knee_" + leg_position + "R_link"],
+ self._motor_direction[2 * leg_id + 1] * knee_angle,
+ targetVelocity=0)
+ if add_constraint:
+ self._pybullet_client.createConstraint(
+ self.quadruped,
+ self._joint_name_to_id["knee_" + leg_position + "R_link"],
+ self.quadruped,
+ self._joint_name_to_id["knee_" + leg_position + "L_link"],
+ self._pybullet_client.JOINT_POINT2POINT, [0, 0, 0],
+ if self._accurate_motor_model_enabled or self._pd_control_enabled:
+ # Disable the default motor in pybullet.
+ self._pybullet_client.setJointMotorControl2(
+ bodyIndex=self.quadruped,
+ jointIndex=(
+ self._joint_name_to_id["motor_" + leg_position + "L_joint"]),
+ controlMode=self._pybullet_client.VELOCITY_CONTROL,
+ targetVelocity=0,
+ force=knee_friction_force)
+ self._pybullet_client.setJointMotorControl2(
+ bodyIndex=self.quadruped,
+ jointIndex=(
+ self._joint_name_to_id["motor_" + leg_position + "R_joint"]),
+ controlMode=self._pybullet_client.VELOCITY_CONTROL,
+ targetVelocity=0,
+ force=knee_friction_force)
+ else:
+ self._SetDesiredMotorAngleByName(
+ "motor_" + leg_position + "L_joint",
+ self._motor_direction[2 * leg_id] * half_pi)
+ self._SetDesiredMotorAngleByName(
+ "motor_" + leg_position + "R_joint",
+ self._motor_direction[2 * leg_id + 1] * half_pi)
+ self._pybullet_client.setJointMotorControl2(
+ bodyIndex=self.quadruped,
+ jointIndex=(self._joint_name_to_id["knee_" + leg_position + "L_link"]),
+ controlMode=self._pybullet_client.VELOCITY_CONTROL,
+ targetVelocity=0,
+ force=knee_friction_force)
+ self._pybullet_client.setJointMotorControl2(
+ bodyIndex=self.quadruped,
+ jointIndex=(self._joint_name_to_id["knee_" + leg_position + "R_link"]),
+ controlMode=self._pybullet_client.VELOCITY_CONTROL,
+ targetVelocity=0,
+ force=knee_friction_force)
+ def GetBasePosition(self):
+ """Get the position of minitaur's base.
+ Returns:
+ The position of minitaur's base.
+ """
+ position, _ = (
+ self._pybullet_client.getBasePositionAndOrientation(self.quadruped))
+ return position
+ def GetTrueBaseRollPitchYaw(self):
+ """Get minitaur's base orientation in euler angle in the world frame.
+ Returns:
+ A tuple (roll, pitch, yaw) of the base in world frame.
+ """
+ orientation = self.GetTrueBaseOrientation()
+ roll_pitch_yaw = self._pybullet_client.getEulerFromQuaternion(orientation)
+ return np.asarray(roll_pitch_yaw)
+ def GetBaseRollPitchYaw(self):
+ """Get minitaur's base orientation in euler angle in the world frame.
+ This function mimicks the noisy sensor reading and adds latency.
+ Returns:
+ A tuple (roll, pitch, yaw) of the base in world frame polluted by noise
+ and latency.
+ """
+ delayed_orientation = np.array(
+ self._control_observation[3 * self.num_motors:3 * self.num_motors + 4])
+ delayed_roll_pitch_yaw = self._pybullet_client.getEulerFromQuaternion(
+ delayed_orientation)
+ roll_pitch_yaw = self._AddSensorNoise(
+ np.array(delayed_roll_pitch_yaw), self._observation_noise_stdev[3])
+ return roll_pitch_yaw
+ def GetTrueMotorAngles(self):
+ """Gets the eight motor angles at the current moment, mapped to [-pi, pi].
+ Returns:
+ Motor angles, mapped to [-pi, pi].
+ """
+ motor_angles = [
+ self._pybullet_client.getJointState(self.quadruped, motor_id)[0]
+ for motor_id in self._motor_id_list
+ ]
+ motor_angles = np.multiply(motor_angles, self._motor_direction)
+ return motor_angles
+ def GetMotorAngles(self):
+ """Gets the eight motor angles.
+ This function mimicks the noisy sensor reading and adds latency. The motor
+ angles that are delayed, noise polluted, and mapped to [-pi, pi].
+ Returns:
+ Motor angles polluted by noise and latency, mapped to [-pi, pi].
+ """
+ motor_angles = self._AddSensorNoise(
+ np.array(self._control_observation[0:self.num_motors]),
+ self._observation_noise_stdev[0])
+ return MapToMinusPiToPi(motor_angles)
+ def GetTrueMotorVelocities(self):
+ """Get the velocity of all eight motors.
+ Returns:
+ Velocities of all eight motors.
+ """
+ motor_velocities = [
+ self._pybullet_client.getJointState(self.quadruped, motor_id)[1]
+ for motor_id in self._motor_id_list
+ ]
+ motor_velocities = np.multiply(motor_velocities, self._motor_direction)
+ return motor_velocities
+ def GetMotorVelocities(self):
+ """Get the velocity of all eight motors.
+ This function mimicks the noisy sensor reading and adds latency.
+ Returns:
+ Velocities of all eight motors polluted by noise and latency.
+ """
+ return self._AddSensorNoise(
+ np.array(
+ self._control_observation[self.num_motors:2 * self.num_motors]),
+ self._observation_noise_stdev[1])
+ def GetTrueMotorTorques(self):
+ """Get the amount of torque the motors are exerting.
+ Returns:
+ Motor torques of all eight motors.
+ """
+ if self._accurate_motor_model_enabled or self._pd_control_enabled:
+ return self._observed_motor_torques
+ else:
+ motor_torques = [
+ self._pybullet_client.getJointState(self.quadruped, motor_id)[3]
+ for motor_id in self._motor_id_list
+ ]
+ motor_torques = np.multiply(motor_torques, self._motor_direction)
+ return motor_torques
+ def GetMotorTorques(self):
+ """Get the amount of torque the motors are exerting.
+ This function mimicks the noisy sensor reading and adds latency.
+ Returns:
+ Motor torques of all eight motors polluted by noise and latency.
+ """
+ return self._AddSensorNoise(
+ np.array(
+ self._control_observation[2 * self.num_motors:3 * self.num_motors]),
+ self._observation_noise_stdev[2])
+ def GetTrueBaseOrientation(self):
+ """Get the orientation of minitaur's base, represented as quaternion.
+ Returns:
+ The orientation of minitaur's base.
+ """
+ _, orientation = (
+ self._pybullet_client.getBasePositionAndOrientation(self.quadruped))
+ return orientation
+ def GetBaseOrientation(self):
+ """Get the orientation of minitaur's base, represented as quaternion.
+ This function mimicks the noisy sensor reading and adds latency.
+ Returns:
+ The orientation of minitaur's base polluted by noise and latency.
+ """
+ return self._pybullet_client.getQuaternionFromEuler(
+ self.GetBaseRollPitchYaw())
+ def GetTrueBaseRollPitchYawRate(self):
+ """Get the rate of orientation change of the minitaur's base in euler angle.
+ Returns:
+ rate of (roll, pitch, yaw) change of the minitaur's base.
+ """
+ vel = self._pybullet_client.getBaseVelocity(self.quadruped)
+ return np.asarray([vel[1][0], vel[1][1], vel[1][2]])
+ def GetBaseRollPitchYawRate(self):
+ """Get the rate of orientation change of the minitaur's base in euler angle.
+ This function mimicks the noisy sensor reading and adds latency.
+ Returns:
+ rate of (roll, pitch, yaw) change of the minitaur's base polluted by noise
+ and latency.
+ """
+ return self._AddSensorNoise(
+ np.array(self._control_observation[3 * self.num_motors + 4:
+ 3 * self.num_motors + 7]),
+ self._observation_noise_stdev[4])
+ def GetActionDimension(self):
+ """Get the length of the action list.
+ Returns:
+ The length of the action list.
+ """
+ return self.num_motors
+ def ApplyAction(self, motor_commands, motor_kps=None, motor_kds=None):
+ """Set the desired motor angles to the motors of the minitaur.
+ The desired motor angles are clipped based on the maximum allowed velocity.
+ If the pd_control_enabled is True, a torque is calculated according to
+ the difference between current and desired joint angle, as well as the joint
+ velocity. This torque is exerted to the motor. For more information about
+ PD control, please refer to:
+ Args:
+ motor_commands: The eight desired motor angles.
+ motor_kps: Proportional gains for the motor model. If not provided, it
+ uses the default kp of the minitaur for all the motors.
+ motor_kds: Derivative gains for the motor model. If not provided, it
+ uses the default kd of the minitaur for all the motors.
+ """
+ if self._motor_velocity_limit < np.inf:
+ current_motor_angle = self.GetTrueMotorAngles()
+ motor_commands_max = (
+ current_motor_angle + self.time_step * self._motor_velocity_limit)
+ motor_commands_min = (
+ current_motor_angle - self.time_step * self._motor_velocity_limit)
+ motor_commands = np.clip(motor_commands, motor_commands_min,
+ motor_commands_max)
+ # Set the kp and kd for all the motors if not provided as an argument.
+ if motor_kps is None:
+ motor_kps = np.full(8, self._kp)
+ if motor_kds is None:
+ motor_kds = np.full(8, self._kd)
+ if self._accurate_motor_model_enabled or self._pd_control_enabled:
+ q, qdot = self._GetPDObservation()
+ qdot_true = self.GetTrueMotorVelocities()
+ if self._accurate_motor_model_enabled:
+ actual_torque, observed_torque = self._motor_model.convert_to_torque(
+ motor_commands, q, qdot, qdot_true, motor_kps, motor_kds)
+ if self._motor_overheat_protection:
+ for i in range(self.num_motors):
+ if abs(actual_torque[i]) > OVERHEAT_SHUTDOWN_TORQUE:
+ self._overheat_counter[i] += 1
+ else:
+ self._overheat_counter[i] = 0
+ if (self._overheat_counter[i] >
+ OVERHEAT_SHUTDOWN_TIME / self.time_step):
+ self._motor_enabled_list[i] = False
+ # The torque is already in the observation space because we use
+ # GetMotorAngles and GetMotorVelocities.
+ self._observed_motor_torques = observed_torque
+ # Transform into the motor space when applying the torque.
+ self._applied_motor_torque = np.multiply(actual_torque,
+ self._motor_direction)
+ for motor_id, motor_torque, motor_enabled in zip(
+ self._motor_id_list, self._applied_motor_torque,
+ self._motor_enabled_list):
+ if motor_enabled:
+ self._SetMotorTorqueById(motor_id, motor_torque)
+ else:
+ self._SetMotorTorqueById(motor_id, 0)
+ else:
+ torque_commands = -1 * motor_kps * (
+ q - motor_commands) - motor_kds * qdot
+ # The torque is already in the observation space because we use
+ # GetMotorAngles and GetMotorVelocities.
+ self._observed_motor_torques = torque_commands
+ # Transform into the motor space when applying the torque.
+ self._applied_motor_torques = np.multiply(self._observed_motor_torques,
+ self._motor_direction)
+ for motor_id, motor_torque in zip(self._motor_id_list,
+ self._applied_motor_torques):
+ self._SetMotorTorqueById(motor_id, motor_torque)
+ else:
+ motor_commands_with_direction = np.multiply(motor_commands,
+ self._motor_direction)
+ for motor_id, motor_command_with_direction in zip(
+ self._motor_id_list, motor_commands_with_direction):
+ self._SetDesiredMotorAngleById(motor_id, motor_command_with_direction)
+ def ConvertFromLegModel(self, actions):
+ """Convert the actions that use leg model to the real motor actions.
+ Args:
+ actions: The theta, phi of the leg model.
+ Returns:
+ The eight desired motor angles that can be used in ApplyActions().
+ """
+ motor_angle = copy.deepcopy(actions)
+ scale_for_singularity = 1
+ offset_for_singularity = 1.5
+ half_num_motors = int(self.num_motors / 2)
+ quater_pi = math.pi / 4
+ for i in range(self.num_motors):
+ action_idx = int(i // 2)
+ forward_backward_component = (-scale_for_singularity * quater_pi * (
+ actions[action_idx + half_num_motors] + offset_for_singularity))
+ extension_component = (-1)**i * quater_pi * actions[action_idx]
+ if i >= half_num_motors:
+ extension_component = -extension_component
+ motor_angle[i] = (
+ math.pi + forward_backward_component + extension_component)
+ return motor_angle
+ def GetBaseMassesFromURDF(self):
+ """Get the mass of the base from the URDF file."""
+ return self._base_mass_urdf
+ def GetBaseInertiasFromURDF(self):
+ """Get the inertia of the base from the URDF file."""
+ return self._base_inertia_urdf
+ def GetLegMassesFromURDF(self):
+ """Get the mass of the legs from the URDF file."""
+ return self._leg_masses_urdf
+ def GetLegInertiasFromURDF(self):
+ """Get the inertia of the legs from the URDF file."""
+ return self._leg_inertia_urdf
+ def SetBaseMasses(self, base_mass):
+ """Set the mass of minitaur's base.
+ Args:
+ base_mass: A list of masses of each body link in CHASIS_LINK_IDS. The
+ length of this list should be the same as the length of CHASIS_LINK_IDS.
+ Raises:
+ ValueError: It is raised when the length of base_mass is not the same as
+ the length of self._chassis_link_ids.
+ """
+ if len(base_mass) != len(self._chassis_link_ids):
+ raise ValueError(
+ "The length of base_mass {} and self._chassis_link_ids {} are not "
+ "the same.".format(len(base_mass), len(self._chassis_link_ids)))
+ for chassis_id, chassis_mass in zip(self._chassis_link_ids, base_mass):
+ self._pybullet_client.changeDynamics(
+ self.quadruped, chassis_id, mass=chassis_mass)
+ def SetLegMasses(self, leg_masses):
+ """Set the mass of the legs.
+ A leg includes leg_link and motor. 4 legs contain 16 links (4 links each)
+ and 8 motors. First 16 numbers correspond to link masses, last 8 correspond
+ to motor masses (24 total).
+ Args:
+ leg_masses: The leg and motor masses for all the leg links and motors.
+ Raises:
+ ValueError: It is raised when the length of masses is not equal to number
+ of links + motors.
+ """
+ if len(leg_masses) != len(self._leg_link_ids) + len(self._motor_link_ids):
+ raise ValueError("The number of values passed to SetLegMasses are "
+ "different than number of leg links and motors.")
+ for leg_id, leg_mass in zip(self._leg_link_ids, leg_masses):
+ self._pybullet_client.changeDynamics(
+ self.quadruped, leg_id, mass=leg_mass)
+ motor_masses = leg_masses[len(self._leg_link_ids):]
+ for link_id, motor_mass in zip(self._motor_link_ids, motor_masses):
+ self._pybullet_client.changeDynamics(
+ self.quadruped, link_id, mass=motor_mass)
+ def SetBaseInertias(self, base_inertias):
+ """Set the inertias of minitaur's base.
+ Args:
+ base_inertias: A list of inertias of each body link in CHASIS_LINK_IDS.
+ The length of this list should be the same as the length of
+ Raises:
+ ValueError: It is raised when the length of base_inertias is not the same
+ as the length of self._chassis_link_ids and base_inertias contains
+ negative values.
+ """
+ if len(base_inertias) != len(self._chassis_link_ids):
+ raise ValueError(
+ "The length of base_inertias {} and self._chassis_link_ids {} are "
+ "not the same.".format(
+ len(base_inertias), len(self._chassis_link_ids)))
+ for chassis_id, chassis_inertia in zip(self._chassis_link_ids,
+ base_inertias):
+ for inertia_value in chassis_inertia:
+ if (np.asarray(inertia_value) < 0).any():
+ raise ValueError("Values in inertia matrix should be non-negative.")
+ self._pybullet_client.changeDynamics(
+ self.quadruped, chassis_id, localInertiaDiagonal=chassis_inertia)
+ def SetLegInertias(self, leg_inertias):
+ """Set the inertias of the legs.
+ A leg includes leg_link and motor. 4 legs contain 16 links (4 links each)
+ and 8 motors. First 16 numbers correspond to link inertia, last 8 correspond
+ to motor inertia (24 total).
+ Args:
+ leg_inertias: The leg and motor inertias for all the leg links and motors.
+ Raises:
+ ValueError: It is raised when the length of inertias is not equal to
+ the number of links + motors or leg_inertias contains negative values.
+ """
+ if len(leg_inertias) != len(self._leg_link_ids) + len(self._motor_link_ids):
+ raise ValueError("The number of values passed to SetLegMasses are "
+ "different than number of leg links and motors.")
+ for leg_id, leg_inertia in zip(self._leg_link_ids, leg_inertias):
+ for inertia_value in leg_inertias:
+ if (np.asarray(inertia_value) < 0).any():
+ raise ValueError("Values in inertia matrix should be non-negative.")
+ self._pybullet_client.changeDynamics(
+ self.quadruped, leg_id, localInertiaDiagonal=leg_inertia)
+ motor_inertias = leg_inertias[len(self._leg_link_ids):]
+ for link_id, motor_inertia in zip(self._motor_link_ids, motor_inertias):
+ for inertia_value in motor_inertias:
+ if (np.asarray(inertia_value) < 0).any():
+ raise ValueError("Values in inertia matrix should be non-negative.")
+ self._pybullet_client.changeDynamics(
+ self.quadruped, link_id, localInertiaDiagonal=motor_inertia)
+ def SetFootFriction(self, foot_friction):
+ """Set the lateral friction of the feet.
+ Args:
+ foot_friction: The lateral friction coefficient of the foot. This value is
+ shared by all four feet.
+ """
+ for link_id in self._foot_link_ids:
+ self._pybullet_client.changeDynamics(
+ self.quadruped, link_id, lateralFriction=foot_friction)
+ # TODO(b/73748980): Add more API's to set other contact parameters.
+ def SetFootRestitution(self, foot_restitution):
+ """Set the coefficient of restitution at the feet.
+ Args:
+ foot_restitution: The coefficient of restitution (bounciness) of the feet.
+ This value is shared by all four feet.
+ """
+ for link_id in self._foot_link_ids:
+ self._pybullet_client.changeDynamics(
+ self.quadruped, link_id, restitution=foot_restitution)
+ def SetJointFriction(self, joint_frictions):
+ for knee_joint_id, friction in zip(self._foot_link_ids, joint_frictions):
+ self._pybullet_client.setJointMotorControl2(
+ bodyIndex=self.quadruped,
+ jointIndex=knee_joint_id,
+ controlMode=self._pybullet_client.VELOCITY_CONTROL,
+ targetVelocity=0,
+ force=friction)
+ def GetNumKneeJoints(self):
+ return len(self._foot_link_ids)
+ def SetBatteryVoltage(self, voltage):
+ if self._accurate_motor_model_enabled:
+ self._motor_model.set_voltage(voltage)
+ def SetMotorViscousDamping(self, viscous_damping):
+ if self._accurate_motor_model_enabled:
+ self._motor_model.set_viscous_damping(viscous_damping)
+ def GetTrueObservation(self):
+ observation = []
+ observation.extend(self.GetTrueMotorAngles())
+ observation.extend(self.GetTrueMotorVelocities())
+ observation.extend(self.GetTrueMotorTorques())
+ observation.extend(self.GetTrueBaseOrientation())
+ observation.extend(self.GetTrueBaseRollPitchYawRate())
+ return observation
+ def ReceiveObservation(self):
+ """Receive the observation from sensors.
+ This function is called once per step. The observations are only updated
+ when this function is called.
+ """
+ self._observation_history.appendleft(self.GetTrueObservation())
+ self._control_observation = self._GetControlObservation()
+ def _GetDelayedObservation(self, latency):
+ """Get observation that is delayed by the amount specified in latency.
+ Args:
+ latency: The latency (in seconds) of the delayed observation.
+ Returns:
+ observation: The observation which was actually latency seconds ago.
+ """
+ if latency <= 0 or len(self._observation_history) == 1:
+ observation = self._observation_history[0]
+ else:
+ n_steps_ago = int(latency / self.time_step)
+ if n_steps_ago + 1 >= len(self._observation_history):
+ return self._observation_history[-1]
+ remaining_latency = latency - n_steps_ago * self.time_step
+ blend_alpha = remaining_latency / self.time_step
+ observation = (
+ (1.0 - blend_alpha) * np.array(self._observation_history[n_steps_ago])
+ + blend_alpha * np.array(self._observation_history[n_steps_ago + 1]))
+ return observation
+ def _GetPDObservation(self):
+ pd_delayed_observation = self._GetDelayedObservation(self._pd_latency)
+ q = pd_delayed_observation[0:self.num_motors]
+ qdot = pd_delayed_observation[self.num_motors:2 * self.num_motors]
+ return (np.array(q), np.array(qdot))
+ def _GetControlObservation(self):
+ control_delayed_observation = self._GetDelayedObservation(
+ self._control_latency)
+ return control_delayed_observation
+ def _AddSensorNoise(self, sensor_values, noise_stdev):
+ if noise_stdev <= 0:
+ return sensor_values
+ observation = sensor_values + np.random.normal(
+ scale=noise_stdev, size=sensor_values.shape)
+ return observation
+ def SetControlLatency(self, latency):
+ """Set the latency of the control loop.
+ It measures the duration between sending an action from Nvidia TX2 and
+ receiving the observation from microcontroller.
+ Args:
+ latency: The latency (in seconds) of the control loop.
+ """
+ self._control_latency = latency
+ def GetControlLatency(self):
+ """Get the control latency.
+ Returns:
+ The latency (in seconds) between when the motor command is sent and when
+ the sensor measurements are reported back to the controller.
+ """
+ return self._control_latency
+ def SetMotorGains(self, kp, kd):
+ """Set the gains of all motors.
+ These gains are PD gains for motor positional control. kp is the
+ proportional gain and kd is the derivative gain.
+ Args:
+ kp: proportional gain of the motors.
+ kd: derivative gain of the motors.
+ """
+ self._kp = kp
+ self._kd = kd
+ if self._accurate_motor_model_enabled:
+ self._motor_model.set_motor_gains(kp, kd)
+ def GetMotorGains(self):
+ """Get the gains of the motor.
+ Returns:
+ The proportional gain.
+ The derivative gain.
+ """
+ return self._kp, self._kd
+ def SetMotorStrengthRatio(self, ratio):
+ """Set the strength of all motors relative to the default value.
+ Args:
+ ratio: The relative strength. A scalar range from 0.0 to 1.0.
+ """
+ if self._accurate_motor_model_enabled:
+ self._motor_model.set_strength_ratios([ratio] * self.num_motors)
+ def SetMotorStrengthRatios(self, ratios):
+ """Set the strength of each motor relative to the default value.
+ Args:
+ ratios: The relative strength. A numpy array ranging from 0.0 to 1.0.
+ """
+ if self._accurate_motor_model_enabled:
+ self._motor_model.set_strength_ratios(ratios)
+ def SetTimeSteps(self, action_repeat, simulation_step):
+ """Set the time steps of the control and simulation.
+ Args:
+ action_repeat: The number of simulation steps that the same action is
+ repeated.
+ simulation_step: The simulation time step.
+ """
+ self.time_step = simulation_step
+ self._action_repeat = action_repeat
+ @property
+ def chassis_link_ids(self):
+ return self._chassis_link_ids