path: root/examples/pybullet/gym/pybullet_envs/minitaur/envs/
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Diffstat (limited to 'examples/pybullet/gym/pybullet_envs/minitaur/envs/')
1 files changed, 109 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/examples/pybullet/gym/pybullet_envs/minitaur/envs/ b/examples/pybullet/gym/pybullet_envs/minitaur/envs/
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..aa467133c
--- /dev/null
+++ b/examples/pybullet/gym/pybullet_envs/minitaur/envs/
@@ -0,0 +1,109 @@
+"""An example to run the minitaur environment of alternating legs.
+import time
+import numpy as np
+import tensorflow as tf
+import minitaur_alternating_legs_env
+import minitaur_gym_env
+from env_randomizers import minitaur_alternating_legs_env_randomizer as randomizer_lib
+#FLAGS = flags.FLAGS
+#flags.DEFINE_string("log_path", None, "The directory to write the log file.")
+def hand_tuned_agent(observation, timestamp):
+ """A hand tuned controller structure with vizier optimized parameters.
+ Args:
+ observation: The observation of the environment. It includes the roll, pith
+ the speed of roll and pitch changes.
+ timestamp: The simulated time since the simulation reset.
+ Returns:
+ Delta desired motor angles to be added to the reference motion of
+ alternating legs for balance.
+ """
+ roll = observation[0]
+ pitch = observation[1]
+ roll_dot = observation[2]
+ pitch_dot = observation[3]
+ # The following gains are hand-tuned. These gains are
+ # designed according to traditional robotics techniques. These are linear
+ # feedback balance conroller. The idea is that when the base is tilting,
+ # the legs in the air should swing more towards the falling direction to catch
+ # up falling. At the same time, the legs in the air should extend more to
+ # touch ground earlier.
+ roll_gain = 1.0
+ pitch_gain = 1.0
+ roll_dot_gain = 0.1
+ pitch_dot_gain = 0.1
+ roll_compensation = roll_gain * roll + roll_dot_gain * roll_dot
+ pitch_compensation = pitch_gain * pitch + pitch_dot_gain * pitch_dot
+ first_leg = [
+ 0, -pitch_compensation, -pitch_compensation, 0, 0,
+ -pitch_compensation - roll_compensation,
+ pitch_compensation + roll_compensation, 0
+ ]
+ second_leg = [
+ -pitch_compensation, 0, 0, -pitch_compensation,
+ pitch_compensation - roll_compensation, 0, 0,
+ -pitch_compensation + roll_compensation
+ ]
+ if (timestamp // minitaur_alternating_legs_env.STEP_PERIOD) % 2:
+ return second_leg
+ else:
+ return first_leg
+def hand_tuned_balance_example(log_path=None):
+ """An example that the minitaur balances while alternating its legs.
+ Args:
+ log_path: The directory that the log files are written to. If log_path is
+ None, no logs will be written.
+ """
+ steps = 1000
+ episodes = 5
+ randomizer = randomizer_lib.MinitaurAlternatingLegsEnvRandomizer()
+ environment = minitaur_alternating_legs_env.MinitaurAlternatingLegsEnv(
+ urdf_version=minitaur_gym_env.DERPY_V0_URDF_VERSION,
+ render=True,
+ num_steps_to_log=steps,
+ pd_latency=0.002,
+ control_latency=0.02,
+ remove_default_joint_damping=True,
+ on_rack=False,
+ env_randomizer=randomizer,
+ log_path=log_path)
+ np.random.seed(100)
+ avg_reward = 0
+ for i in xrange(episodes):
+ sum_reward = 0
+ observation = environment.reset()
+ for _ in xrange(steps):
+ # Sleep to prevent serial buffer overflow on microcontroller.
+ time.sleep(0.002)
+ action = hand_tuned_agent(observation,
+ environment.minitaur.GetTimeSinceReset())
+ observation, reward, done, _ = environment.step(action)
+ sum_reward += reward
+ if done:
+ break
+"reward {}: {}".format(i, sum_reward))
+ avg_reward += sum_reward
+"avg_reward: {}\n\n\n".format(avg_reward / episodes))
+def main(unused_argv):
+ hand_tuned_balance_example(log_path=FLAGS.log_path)
+if __name__ == "__main__":
+ tf.logging.set_verbosity(tf.logging.INFO)