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2 files changed, 64 insertions, 1 deletions
diff --git a/ b/
index 1765cc0372..f17b1d78c1 100644
--- a/
+++ b/
@@ -1,3 +1,66 @@
+## 1.11.0.pre.1 (2015-11-29)
+ - actual Gemfile and lockfile filenames are used in messages (#3672, @segiddins)
+ - the git remote for `rake release` is now customizable (@skateman)
+ - file access permissions errors are now much more friendly (#3703, #3735, #3858, #3988, #4009 @repinel, @Elffers, @segiddins, @agis-)
+ - add support for showing help for plugin commands (@tf)
+ - send `X-Gemfile-Source` header to source mirrors (@agis-)
+ - show what version upstream dependencies were resolved to in conflict messages (@segiddins)
+ - add support for using bundler setting to add private access credentials for git sources (@frsyuki)
+ - take into consideration HTTP proxy settings in `.gemrc` (@PG-kura)
+ - allow specifying a gem host to push to in the `GEM_HOST` environment variable (@pmenglund)
+ - when gempec `required_ruby_version` is available and the Gemfile specifies a ruby version, resolve for the given ruby version (@segiddins)
+ - allow setting a `silence_root_warning` setting to silence the warning when `bundle install` is run as root (@blackxored)
+ - update the `bundle gem` code of conduct template to Contributor Covenant v1.3.0 (@CoralineAda)
+ - add support for specifying gems to update when running `bundle lock` via `--update gem1 gem2` (@JuanitoFatas)
+ - avoid showing bundler version warning messages twice (@fotanus)
+ - fix running `bundle check` with `--path` when the gems are only installed globally (@akihiro17)
+ - fix `bin/setup` from `bundle gem` assuming `bash` is in `/bin`
+ - fail more gracefully when an HTTP remote is unreachable (#3765, @steverob)
+ - fix a warning running `bundle exec` on jruby (@deivid-rodriguez, @mastfish)
+ - added support for MRI 2.3 (@amatsuda)
+ - fix the `bundle gem` readme when no tests are generated (@roseweixel)
+ - the dependencies on test gems in `bundle gem` are now locked to major versions (#3811, @indirect)
+ - fix the paths for native extensions generated by `--standalone` (#3813, @AlexanderPavlenko)
+ - fix trying to cache a gem that has no source (@EduardoBautista)
+ - fix `--source` option to `bundle update` causing incorrect gem unlocking (#3759, #3761, @neoeno)
+ - show a helpful message when requiring a file in `bundler require` fails (#3960, @agis-)
+ - improve hint when a resolution conflict occurs (@seanlinsley)
+ - fix handling an empty `BUNDLE_GEMFILE` environment variables (#3678, @agis-)
+ - avoid cleaning up gem extension directory in `bundle clean` (@Sirupsen)
+ - include git revision hash when printing a git source (#3433, @agis-)
+ - fix the `ssl_verify_mode` setting not being treated as a number (@goughy000)
+ - fix not retrying on zlib errors (#4047, @andremedeiros)
+ - fix a warning being shown for using `URI.encode` (@EduardoBautista)
+ - fix handling of fatal HTTP errors (#3830, @indirect)
+ - improve error message when sources are not absolute URIs (#3925, @agis-)
+ - ensure all `sudo` access is done in a thread-safe manner (#3910, @agis-)
+ - show a friendly error when a git ref is not found (#3879, @agis-)
+ - fix caching gems with a path with the same prefix as the bundled application (@indirect)
+ - fix showing gemspec validation errors on `bundle exec` (#3895, @agis-)
+ - distinguish Gemfile syntax and evaluation errors (#3783, @agis-)
+ - fix nested Gemfile sources not restoring the previous source (#3974, @agis-)
+ - fix the `RUBYLIB` environment variable not being cleaned (#3982, @agis-)
+ - fix handling a dependency missing from `Gemfile.lock` so parallel installation does not deadlock (#4012, @lukaso)
+ - add `pkg` to rake's clobber list (#3676, @jasonkarns)
+ - also print gemspecs in `bundle env` output (@agis-)
+ - fix handling when a `path` source does not have a gemspec but a lockfile says there is (#4004, @segiddins)
+ - show a warning when the `RUBYGEMS_GEMDEPS` environment variable is set (#3656, @agis-)
+ - fix handling invalid RubyGems configuration files (#4042, @agis-)
+ - fix `bundle console` falling back to `irb` when the preferred console is unavailable (@felixbuenemann)
+ - retry fetching specs when fetching version metadata fails (@jingweno)
+ - restrict platforms when referencing a `gemspec` in the `Gemfile` to those defined in the gemspec (#4102, @smellsblue)
+ - speed up dependency resolution in pathological cases by 25x (#3803, @segiddins)
+ - drop string allocations when searching for gems (@jrafanie)
## 1.10.6 (2015-07-22)
diff --git a/lib/bundler/version.rb b/lib/bundler/version.rb
index 984293e95e..5bf1cb03c1 100644
--- a/lib/bundler/version.rb
+++ b/lib/bundler/version.rb
@@ -2,5 +2,5 @@ module Bundler
# We're doing this because we might write tests that deal
# with other versions of bundler and we are unsure how to
# handle this better.
- VERSION = "1.10.6" unless defined?(::Bundler::VERSION)
+ VERSION = "1.11.0.pre.1" unless defined?(::Bundler::VERSION)