path: root/exporters/
diff options
authorJelmer Vernooij <>2012-02-29 12:50:00 +0100
committerJelmer Vernooij <>2012-02-29 12:50:00 +0100
commit9cb7942d7429b185e6a80352ea015375eb203ca9 (patch)
treeed849529d3e96d24a6cfd1287aeacfa186542598 /exporters/
parentf4165c0c842c7b80f33b93832c3b0fcc2cc95c8a (diff)
parent501697d4089bd97f545c546a174cbda48d0ce235 (diff)
Merge removal of exporters.
Diffstat (limited to 'exporters/')
1 files changed, 0 insertions, 225 deletions
diff --git a/exporters/ b/exporters/
deleted file mode 100755
index 520ee16..0000000
--- a/exporters/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,225 +0,0 @@
-# ----------
-# Walk through each revision of a local Subversion repository and export it
-# in a stream that git-fast-import can consume.
-# Author: Chris Lee <>
-# License: MIT <>
-trunk_path = '/trunk/'
-branches_path = '/branches/'
-tags_path = '/tags/'
-address = 'localhost'
-first_rev = 1
-final_rev = 0
-import gc, sys, os.path
-from optparse import OptionParser
-from time import sleep, mktime, localtime, strftime, strptime
-from svn.fs import svn_fs_dir_entries, svn_fs_file_length, svn_fs_file_contents, svn_fs_is_dir, svn_fs_revision_root, svn_fs_youngest_rev, svn_fs_revision_proplist, svn_fs_revision_prop, svn_fs_paths_changed
-from svn.core import svn_pool_create, svn_pool_clear, svn_pool_destroy, svn_stream_read, svn_stream_for_stdout, svn_stream_copy, svn_stream_close, run_app
-from svn.repos import svn_repos_open, svn_repos_fs
-ct_short = ['M', 'A', 'D', 'R', 'X']
-def dump_file_blob(root, full_path, pool):
- stream_length = svn_fs_file_length(root, full_path, pool)
- stream = svn_fs_file_contents(root, full_path, pool)
- sys.stdout.write("data %s\n" % stream_length)
- sys.stdout.flush()
- ostream = svn_stream_for_stdout(pool)
- svn_stream_copy(stream, ostream, pool)
- svn_stream_close(ostream)
- sys.stdout.write("\n")
-class Matcher(object):
- branch = None
- def __init__(self, trunk_path):
- self.trunk_path = trunk_path
- def branchname(self):
- return self.branch
- def __str__(self):
- return super(Matcher, self).__str__() + ":" + self.trunk_path
- @staticmethod
- def getMatcher(trunk_path):
- if trunk_path.startswith("regex:"):
- return RegexStringMatcher(trunk_path)
- else:
- return StaticStringMatcher(trunk_path)
-class StaticStringMatcher(Matcher):
- branch = "master"
- def matches(self, path):
- return path.startswith(trunk_path)
- def replace(self, path):
- return path.replace(self.trunk_path, '')
-class RegexStringMatcher(Matcher):
- def __init__(self, trunk_path):
- super(RegexStringMatcher, self).__init__(trunk_path)
- import re
- self.matcher = re.compile(self.trunk_path[len("regex:"):])
- def matches(self, path):
- match = self.matcher.match(path)
- if match:
- self.branch =
- return True
- else:
- return False
- def replace(self, path):
- return self.matcher.sub("\g<2>", path)
-def export_revision(rev, repo, fs, pool):
- sys.stderr.write("Exporting revision %s... " % rev)
- revpool = svn_pool_create(pool)
- svn_pool_clear(revpool)
- # Open a root object representing the youngest (HEAD) revision.
- root = svn_fs_revision_root(fs, rev, revpool)
- # And the list of what changed in this revision.
- changes = svn_fs_paths_changed(root, revpool)
- i = 1
- marks = {}
- file_changes = []
- for path, change_type in changes.iteritems():
- c_t = ct_short[change_type.change_kind]
- if svn_fs_is_dir(root, path, revpool):
- continue
- if not MATCHER.matches(path):
- # We don't handle branches. Or tags. Yet.
- pass
- else:
- if c_t == 'D':
- file_changes.append("D %s" % MATCHER.replace(path).lstrip("/"))
- else:
- marks[i] = MATCHER.replace(path)
- file_changes.append("M 644 :%s %s" % (i, marks[i].lstrip("/")))
- sys.stdout.write("blob\nmark :%s\n" % i)
- dump_file_blob(root, path, revpool)
- i += 1
- # Get the commit author and message
- props = svn_fs_revision_proplist(fs, rev, revpool)
- # Do the recursive crawl.
- if props.has_key('svn:author'):
- author = "%s <%s@%s>" % (props['svn:author'], props['svn:author'], address)
- else:
- author = 'nobody <>'
- if len(file_changes) == 0:
- svn_pool_destroy(revpool)
- sys.stderr.write("skipping.\n")
- return
- svndate = props['svn:date'][0:-8]
- commit_time = mktime(strptime(svndate, '%Y-%m-%dT%H:%M:%S'))
- sys.stdout.write("commit refs/heads/%s\n" % MATCHER.branchname())
- sys.stdout.write("committer %s %s -0000\n" % (author, int(commit_time)))
- sys.stdout.write("data %s\n" % len(props['svn:log']))
- sys.stdout.write(props['svn:log'])
- sys.stdout.write("\n")
- sys.stdout.write('\n'.join(file_changes))
- sys.stdout.write("\n\n")
- svn_pool_destroy(revpool)
- sys.stderr.write("done!\n")
- #if rev % 1000 == 0:
- # sys.stderr.write("gc: %s objects\n" % len(gc.get_objects()))
- # sleep(5)
-def crawl_revisions(pool, repos_path):
- """Open the repository at REPOS_PATH, and recursively crawl all its
- revisions."""
- global final_rev
- # Open the repository at REPOS_PATH, and get a reference to its
- # versioning filesystem.
- repos_obj = svn_repos_open(repos_path, pool)
- fs_obj = svn_repos_fs(repos_obj)
- # Query the current youngest revision.
- youngest_rev = svn_fs_youngest_rev(fs_obj, pool)
- if final_rev == 0:
- final_rev = youngest_rev
- for rev in xrange(first_rev, final_rev + 1):
- export_revision(rev, repos_obj, fs_obj, pool)
-if __name__ == '__main__':
- usage = '%prog [options] REPOS_PATH'
- parser = OptionParser()
- parser.set_usage(usage)
- parser.add_option('-f', '--final-rev', help='Final revision to import',
- dest='final_rev', metavar='FINAL_REV', type='int')
- parser.add_option('-r', '--first-rev', help='First revision to import',
- dest='first_rev', metavar='FIRST_REV', type='int')
- parser.add_option('-t', '--trunk-path', help="Path in repo to /trunk, may be `regex:/cvs/(trunk)/proj1/(.*)`\nFirst group is used as branchname, second to match files",
- dest='trunk_path', metavar='TRUNK_PATH')
- parser.add_option('-b', '--branches-path', help='Path in repo to /branches',
- dest='branches_path', metavar='BRANCHES_PATH')
- parser.add_option('-T', '--tags-path', help='Path in repo to /tags',
- dest='tags_path', metavar='TAGS_PATH')
- parser.add_option('-a', '--address', help='Domain to put on users for their mail address',
- dest='address', metavar='hostname', type='string')
- (options, args) = parser.parse_args()
- if options.trunk_path != None:
- trunk_path = options.trunk_path
- if options.branches_path != None:
- branches_path = options.branches_path
- if options.tags_path != None:
- tags_path = options.tags_path
- if options.final_rev != None:
- final_rev = options.final_rev
- if options.first_rev != None:
- first_rev = options.first_rev
- if options.address != None:
- address = options.address
- MATCHER = Matcher.getMatcher(trunk_path)
- sys.stderr.write("%s\n" % MATCHER)
- if len(args) != 1:
- parser.print_help()
- sys.exit(2)
- # Canonicalize (enough for Subversion, at least) the repository path.
- repos_path = os.path.normpath(args[0])
- if repos_path == '.':
- repos_path = ''
- try:
- import msvcrt
- msvcrt.setmode(sys.stdout.fileno(), os.O_BINARY)
- except ImportError:
- pass
- # Call the app-wrapper, which takes care of APR initialization/shutdown
- # and the creation and cleanup of our top-level memory pool.
- run_app(crawl_revisions, repos_path)