path: root/bzrlib/
diff options
authorLorry <>2012-08-22 15:47:16 +0100
committerLorry <>2012-08-22 15:47:16 +0100
commit25335618bf8755ce6b116ee14f47f5a1f2c821e9 (patch)
treed889d7ab3f9f985d0c54c534cb8052bd2e6d7163 /bzrlib/
Tarball conversion
Diffstat (limited to 'bzrlib/')
1 files changed, 326 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/bzrlib/ b/bzrlib/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..2fc04a8
--- /dev/null
+++ b/bzrlib/
@@ -0,0 +1,326 @@
+# this is copied from the lsprof distro because somehow
+# it is not installed by distutils
+# I made one modification to profile so that it returns a pair
+# instead of just the Stats object
+from __future__ import absolute_import
+import cPickle
+import os
+import sys
+import thread
+import threading
+from _lsprof import Profiler, profiler_entry
+from bzrlib import errors
+__all__ = ['profile', 'Stats']
+def profile(f, *args, **kwds):
+ """Run a function profile.
+ Exceptions are not caught: If you need stats even when exceptions are to be
+ raised, pass in a closure that will catch the exceptions and transform them
+ appropriately for your driver function.
+ Important caveat: only one profile can execute at a time. See BzrProfiler
+ for details.
+ :return: The functions return value and a stats object.
+ """
+ profiler = BzrProfiler()
+ profiler.start()
+ try:
+ ret = f(*args, **kwds)
+ finally:
+ stats = profiler.stop()
+ return ret, stats
+class BzrProfiler(object):
+ """Bzr utility wrapper around Profiler.
+ For most uses the module level 'profile()' function will be suitable.
+ However profiling when a simple wrapped function isn't available may
+ be easier to accomplish using this class.
+ To use it, create a BzrProfiler and call start() on it. Some arbitrary
+ time later call stop() to stop profiling and retrieve the statistics
+ from the code executed in the interim.
+ Note that profiling involves a threading.Lock around the actual profiling.
+ This is needed because profiling involves global manipulation of the python
+ interpreter state. As such you cannot perform multiple profiles at once.
+ Trying to do so will lock out the second profiler unless the global
+ bzrlib.lsprof.BzrProfiler.profiler_block is set to 0. Setting it to 0 will
+ cause profiling to fail rather than blocking.
+ """
+ profiler_block = 1
+ """Serialise rather than failing to profile concurrent profile requests."""
+ profiler_lock = threading.Lock()
+ """Global lock used to serialise profiles."""
+ def start(self):
+ """Start profiling.
+ This hooks into threading and will record all calls made until
+ stop() is called.
+ """
+ self._g_threadmap = {}
+ self.p = Profiler()
+ permitted = self.__class__.profiler_lock.acquire(
+ self.__class__.profiler_block)
+ if not permitted:
+ raise errors.InternalBzrError(msg="Already profiling something")
+ try:
+ self.p.enable(subcalls=True)
+ threading.setprofile(self._thread_profile)
+ except:
+ self.__class__.profiler_lock.release()
+ raise
+ def stop(self):
+ """Stop profiling.
+ This unhooks from threading and cleans up the profiler, returning
+ the gathered Stats object.
+ :return: A bzrlib.lsprof.Stats object.
+ """
+ try:
+ self.p.disable()
+ for pp in self._g_threadmap.values():
+ pp.disable()
+ threading.setprofile(None)
+ p = self.p
+ self.p = None
+ threads = {}
+ for tid, pp in self._g_threadmap.items():
+ threads[tid] = Stats(pp.getstats(), {})
+ self._g_threadmap = None
+ return Stats(p.getstats(), threads)
+ finally:
+ self.__class__.profiler_lock.release()
+ def _thread_profile(self, f, *args, **kwds):
+ # we lose the first profile point for a new thread in order to
+ # trampoline a new Profile object into place
+ thr = thread.get_ident()
+ self._g_threadmap[thr] = p = Profiler()
+ # this overrides our sys.setprofile hook:
+ p.enable(subcalls=True, builtins=True)
+class Stats(object):
+ """Wrapper around the collected data.
+ A Stats instance is created when the profiler finishes. Normal
+ usage is to use save() to write out the data to a file, or pprint()
+ to write human-readable information to the command line.
+ """
+ def __init__(self, data, threads):
+ = data
+ self.threads = threads
+ def sort(self, crit="inlinetime"):
+ """Sort the data by the supplied critera.
+ :param crit: the data attribute used as the sort key."""
+ if crit not in profiler_entry.__dict__:
+ raise ValueError, "Can't sort by %s" % crit
+ b, a: cmp(getattr(a, crit),
+ getattr(b, crit)))
+ for e in
+ if e.calls:
+ e.calls.sort(lambda b, a: cmp(getattr(a, crit),
+ getattr(b, crit)))
+ def pprint(self, top=None, file=None):
+ """Pretty-print the data as plain text for human consumption.
+ :param top: only output the top n entries.
+ The default value of None means output all data.
+ :param file: the output file; if None, output will
+ default to stdout."""
+ if file is None:
+ file = sys.stdout
+ d =
+ if top is not None:
+ d = d[:top]
+ cols = "% 12s %12s %11.4f %11.4f %s\n"
+ hcols = "% 12s %12s %12s %12s %s\n"
+ cols2 = "+%12s %12s %11.4f %11.4f + %s\n"
+ file.write(hcols % ("CallCount", "Recursive", "Total(ms)",
+ "Inline(ms)", "module:lineno(function)"))
+ for e in d:
+ file.write(cols % (e.callcount, e.reccallcount, e.totaltime,
+ e.inlinetime, label(e.code)))
+ if e.calls:
+ for se in e.calls:
+ file.write(cols % ("+%s" % se.callcount, se.reccallcount,
+ se.totaltime, se.inlinetime,
+ "+%s" % label(se.code)))
+ def freeze(self):
+ """Replace all references to code objects with string
+ descriptions; this makes it possible to pickle the instance."""
+ # this code is probably rather ickier than it needs to be!
+ for i in range(len(
+ e =[i]
+ if not isinstance(e.code, str):
+[i] = type(e)((label(e.code),) + e[1:])
+ if e.calls:
+ for j in range(len(e.calls)):
+ se = e.calls[j]
+ if not isinstance(se.code, str):
+ e.calls[j] = type(se)((label(se.code),) + se[1:])
+ for s in self.threads.values():
+ s.freeze()
+ def calltree(self, file):
+ """Output profiling data in calltree format (for KCacheGrind)."""
+ _CallTreeFilter(
+ def save(self, filename, format=None):
+ """Save profiling data to a file.
+ :param filename: the name of the output file
+ :param format: 'txt' for a text representation;
+ 'callgrind' for calltree format;
+ otherwise a pickled Python object. A format of None indicates
+ that the format to use is to be found from the filename. If
+ the name starts with callgrind.out, callgrind format is used
+ otherwise the format is given by the filename extension.
+ """
+ if format is None:
+ basename = os.path.basename(filename)
+ if basename.startswith('callgrind.out'):
+ format = "callgrind"
+ else:
+ ext = os.path.splitext(filename)[1]
+ if len(ext) > 1:
+ format = ext[1:]
+ outfile = open(filename, 'wb')
+ try:
+ if format == "callgrind":
+ self.calltree(outfile)
+ elif format == "txt":
+ self.pprint(file=outfile)
+ else:
+ self.freeze()
+ cPickle.dump(self, outfile, 2)
+ finally:
+ outfile.close()
+class _CallTreeFilter(object):
+ """Converter of a Stats object to input suitable for KCacheGrind.
+ This code is taken from
+ with the changes made by J.P. Calderone and Itamar applied. Note that
+ isinstance(code, str) needs to be used at times to determine if the code
+ object is actually an external code object (with a filename, etc.) or
+ a Python built-in.
+ """
+ def __init__(self, data):
+ = data
+ self.out_file = None
+ def output(self, out_file):
+ self.out_file = out_file
+ out_file.write('events: Ticks\n')
+ self._print_summary()
+ for entry in
+ self._entry(entry)
+ def _print_summary(self):
+ max_cost = 0
+ for entry in
+ totaltime = int(entry.totaltime * 1000)
+ max_cost = max(max_cost, totaltime)
+ self.out_file.write('summary: %d\n' % (max_cost,))
+ def _entry(self, entry):
+ out_file = self.out_file
+ code = entry.code
+ inlinetime = int(entry.inlinetime * 1000)
+ #out_file.write('ob=%s\n' % (code.co_filename,))
+ if isinstance(code, str):
+ out_file.write('fi=~\n')
+ else:
+ out_file.write('fi=%s\n' % (code.co_filename,))
+ out_file.write('fn=%s\n' % (label(code, True),))
+ if isinstance(code, str):
+ out_file.write('0 %s\n' % (inlinetime,))
+ else:
+ out_file.write('%d %d\n' % (code.co_firstlineno, inlinetime))
+ # recursive calls are counted in entry.calls
+ if entry.calls:
+ calls = entry.calls
+ else:
+ calls = []
+ if isinstance(code, str):
+ lineno = 0
+ else:
+ lineno = code.co_firstlineno
+ for subentry in calls:
+ self._subentry(lineno, subentry)
+ out_file.write('\n')
+ def _subentry(self, lineno, subentry):
+ out_file = self.out_file
+ code = subentry.code
+ totaltime = int(subentry.totaltime * 1000)
+ #out_file.write('cob=%s\n' % (code.co_filename,))
+ if isinstance(code, str):
+ out_file.write('cfi=~\n')
+ out_file.write('cfn=%s\n' % (label(code, True),))
+ out_file.write('calls=%d 0\n' % (subentry.callcount,))
+ else:
+ out_file.write('cfi=%s\n' % (code.co_filename,))
+ out_file.write('cfn=%s\n' % (label(code, True),))
+ out_file.write('calls=%d %d\n' % (
+ subentry.callcount, code.co_firstlineno))
+ out_file.write('%d %d\n' % (lineno, totaltime))
+_fn2mod = {}
+def label(code, calltree=False):
+ if isinstance(code, str):
+ return code
+ try:
+ mname = _fn2mod[code.co_filename]
+ except KeyError:
+ for k, v in sys.modules.items():
+ if v is None:
+ continue
+ if getattr(v, '__file__', None) is None:
+ continue
+ if not isinstance(v.__file__, str):
+ continue
+ if v.__file__.startswith(code.co_filename):
+ mname = _fn2mod[code.co_filename] = k
+ break
+ else:
+ mname = _fn2mod[code.co_filename] = '<%s>'%code.co_filename
+ if calltree:
+ return '%s %s:%d' % (code.co_name, mname, code.co_firstlineno)
+ else:
+ return '%s:%d(%s)' % (mname, code.co_firstlineno, code.co_name)
+if __name__ == '__main__':
+ import os
+ sys.argv = sys.argv[1:]
+ if not sys.argv:
+ sys.stderr.write("usage: <script> <arguments...>\n")
+ sys.exit(2)
+ sys.path.insert(0, os.path.abspath(os.path.dirname(sys.argv[0])))
+ stats = profile(execfile, sys.argv[0], globals(), locals())
+ stats.sort()
+ stats.pprint()