path: root/bzrlib/
diff options
authorLorry <>2012-08-22 15:47:16 +0100
committerLorry <>2012-08-22 15:47:16 +0100
commit25335618bf8755ce6b116ee14f47f5a1f2c821e9 (patch)
treed889d7ab3f9f985d0c54c534cb8052bd2e6d7163 /bzrlib/
Tarball conversion
Diffstat (limited to 'bzrlib/')
1 files changed, 1032 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/bzrlib/ b/bzrlib/
new file mode 100755
index 0000000..b68104e
--- /dev/null
+++ b/bzrlib/
@@ -0,0 +1,1032 @@
+# Copyright (C) 2005, 2009 Canonical Ltd
+# This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
+# it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
+# the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
+# (at your option) any later version.
+# This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+# GNU General Public License for more details.
+# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+# along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
+# Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA
+# Author: Martin Pool <>
+"""Weave - storage of related text file versions"""
+from __future__ import absolute_import
+# XXX: If we do weaves this way, will a merge still behave the same
+# way if it's done in a different order? That's a pretty desirable
+# property.
+# TODO: Nothing here so far assumes the lines are really \n newlines,
+# rather than being split up in some other way. We could accommodate
+# binaries, perhaps by naively splitting on \n or perhaps using
+# something like a rolling checksum.
+# TODO: End marker for each version so we can stop reading?
+# TODO: Check that no insertion occurs inside a deletion that was
+# active in the version of the insertion.
+# TODO: In addition to the SHA-1 check, perhaps have some code that
+# checks structural constraints of the weave: ie that insertions are
+# properly nested, that there is no text outside of an insertion, that
+# insertions or deletions are not repeated, etc.
+# TODO: Parallel-extract that passes back each line along with a
+# description of which revisions include it. Nice for checking all
+# shas or calculating stats in parallel.
+# TODO: Using a single _extract routine and then processing the output
+# is probably inefficient. It's simple enough that we can afford to
+# have slight specializations for different ways its used: annotate,
+# basis for add, get, etc.
+# TODO: Probably the API should work only in names to hide the integer
+# indexes from the user.
+# TODO: Is there any potential performance win by having an add()
+# variant that is passed a pre-cooked version of the single basis
+# version?
+# TODO: Reweave can possibly be made faster by remembering diffs
+# where the basis and destination are unchanged.
+# FIXME: Sometimes we will be given a parents list for a revision
+# that includes some redundant parents (i.e. already a parent of
+# something in the list.) We should eliminate them. This can
+# be done fairly efficiently because the sequence numbers constrain
+# the possible relationships.
+# FIXME: the conflict markers should be *7* characters
+from copy import copy
+from cStringIO import StringIO
+import os
+from bzrlib.lazy_import import lazy_import
+lazy_import(globals(), """
+from bzrlib import tsort
+from bzrlib import (
+ errors,
+ osutils,
+ )
+from bzrlib.errors import (WeaveError, WeaveFormatError, WeaveParentMismatch,
+ RevisionAlreadyPresent,
+ RevisionNotPresent,
+ UnavailableRepresentation,
+ )
+from bzrlib.osutils import dirname, sha, sha_strings, split_lines
+import bzrlib.patiencediff
+from bzrlib.revision import NULL_REVISION
+from bzrlib.symbol_versioning import *
+from bzrlib.trace import mutter
+from bzrlib.versionedfile import (
+ AbsentContentFactory,
+ adapter_registry,
+ ContentFactory,
+ sort_groupcompress,
+ VersionedFile,
+ )
+from bzrlib.weavefile import _read_weave_v5, write_weave_v5
+class WeaveContentFactory(ContentFactory):
+ """Content factory for streaming from weaves.
+ :seealso ContentFactory:
+ """
+ def __init__(self, version, weave):
+ """Create a WeaveContentFactory for version from weave."""
+ ContentFactory.__init__(self)
+ self.sha1 = weave.get_sha1s([version])[version]
+ self.key = (version,)
+ parents = weave.get_parent_map([version])[version]
+ self.parents = tuple((parent,) for parent in parents)
+ self.storage_kind = 'fulltext'
+ self._weave = weave
+ def get_bytes_as(self, storage_kind):
+ if storage_kind == 'fulltext':
+ return self._weave.get_text(self.key[-1])
+ elif storage_kind == 'chunked':
+ return self._weave.get_lines(self.key[-1])
+ else:
+ raise UnavailableRepresentation(self.key, storage_kind, 'fulltext')
+class Weave(VersionedFile):
+ """weave - versioned text file storage.
+ A Weave manages versions of line-based text files, keeping track
+ of the originating version for each line.
+ To clients the "lines" of the file are represented as a list of strings.
+ These strings will typically have terminal newline characters, but
+ this is not required. In particular files commonly do not have a newline
+ at the end of the file.
+ Texts can be identified in either of two ways:
+ * a nonnegative index number.
+ * a version-id string.
+ Typically the index number will be valid only inside this weave and
+ the version-id is used to reference it in the larger world.
+ The weave is represented as a list mixing edit instructions and
+ literal text. Each entry in _weave can be either a string (or
+ unicode), or a tuple. If a string, it means that the given line
+ should be output in the currently active revisions.
+ If a tuple, it gives a processing instruction saying in which
+ revisions the enclosed lines are active. The tuple has the form
+ (instruction, version).
+ The instruction can be '{' or '}' for an insertion block, and '['
+ and ']' for a deletion block respectively. The version is the
+ integer version index. There is no replace operator, only deletes
+ and inserts. For '}', the end of an insertion, there is no
+ version parameter because it always closes the most recently
+ opened insertion.
+ Constraints/notes:
+ * A later version can delete lines that were introduced by any
+ number of ancestor versions; this implies that deletion
+ instructions can span insertion blocks without regard to the
+ insertion block's nesting.
+ * Similarly, deletions need not be properly nested with regard to
+ each other, because they might have been generated by
+ independent revisions.
+ * Insertions are always made by inserting a new bracketed block
+ into a single point in the previous weave. This implies they
+ can nest but not overlap, and the nesting must always have later
+ insertions on the inside.
+ * It doesn't seem very useful to have an active insertion
+ inside an inactive insertion, but it might happen.
+ * Therefore, all instructions are always"considered"; that
+ is passed onto and off the stack. An outer inactive block
+ doesn't disable an inner block.
+ * Lines are enabled if the most recent enclosing insertion is
+ active and none of the enclosing deletions are active.
+ * There is no point having a deletion directly inside its own
+ insertion; you might as well just not write it. And there
+ should be no way to get an earlier version deleting a later
+ version.
+ _weave
+ Text of the weave; list of control instruction tuples and strings.
+ _parents
+ List of parents, indexed by version number.
+ It is only necessary to store the minimal set of parents for
+ each version; the parent's parents are implied.
+ _sha1s
+ List of hex SHA-1 of each version.
+ _names
+ List of symbolic names for each version. Each should be unique.
+ _name_map
+ For each name, the version number.
+ _weave_name
+ Descriptive name of this weave; typically the filename if known.
+ Set by read_weave.
+ """
+ __slots__ = ['_weave', '_parents', '_sha1s', '_names', '_name_map',
+ '_weave_name', '_matcher', '_allow_reserved']
+ def __init__(self, weave_name=None, access_mode='w', matcher=None,
+ get_scope=None, allow_reserved=False):
+ """Create a weave.
+ :param get_scope: A callable that returns an opaque object to be used
+ for detecting when this weave goes out of scope (should stop
+ answering requests or allowing mutation).
+ """
+ super(Weave, self).__init__()
+ self._weave = []
+ self._parents = []
+ self._sha1s = []
+ self._names = []
+ self._name_map = {}
+ self._weave_name = weave_name
+ if matcher is None:
+ self._matcher = bzrlib.patiencediff.PatienceSequenceMatcher
+ else:
+ self._matcher = matcher
+ if get_scope is None:
+ get_scope = lambda:None
+ self._get_scope = get_scope
+ self._scope = get_scope()
+ self._access_mode = access_mode
+ self._allow_reserved = allow_reserved
+ def __repr__(self):
+ return "Weave(%r)" % self._weave_name
+ def _check_write_ok(self):
+ """Is the versioned file marked as 'finished' ? Raise if it is."""
+ if self._get_scope() != self._scope:
+ raise errors.OutSideTransaction()
+ if self._access_mode != 'w':
+ raise errors.ReadOnlyObjectDirtiedError(self)
+ def copy(self):
+ """Return a deep copy of self.
+ The copy can be modified without affecting the original weave."""
+ other = Weave()
+ other._weave = self._weave[:]
+ other._parents = self._parents[:]
+ other._sha1s = self._sha1s[:]
+ other._names = self._names[:]
+ other._name_map = self._name_map.copy()
+ other._weave_name = self._weave_name
+ return other
+ def __eq__(self, other):
+ if not isinstance(other, Weave):
+ return False
+ return self._parents == other._parents \
+ and self._weave == other._weave \
+ and self._sha1s == other._sha1s
+ def __ne__(self, other):
+ return not self.__eq__(other)
+ def _idx_to_name(self, version):
+ return self._names[version]
+ def _lookup(self, name):
+ """Convert symbolic version name to index."""
+ if not self._allow_reserved:
+ self.check_not_reserved_id(name)
+ try:
+ return self._name_map[name]
+ except KeyError:
+ raise RevisionNotPresent(name, self._weave_name)
+ def versions(self):
+ """See VersionedFile.versions."""
+ return self._names[:]
+ def has_version(self, version_id):
+ """See VersionedFile.has_version."""
+ return (version_id in self._name_map)
+ __contains__ = has_version
+ def get_record_stream(self, versions, ordering, include_delta_closure):
+ """Get a stream of records for versions.
+ :param versions: The versions to include. Each version is a tuple
+ (version,).
+ :param ordering: Either 'unordered' or 'topological'. A topologically
+ sorted stream has compression parents strictly before their
+ children.
+ :param include_delta_closure: If True then the closure across any
+ compression parents will be included (in the opaque data).
+ :return: An iterator of ContentFactory objects, each of which is only
+ valid until the iterator is advanced.
+ """
+ versions = [version[-1] for version in versions]
+ if ordering == 'topological':
+ parents = self.get_parent_map(versions)
+ new_versions = tsort.topo_sort(parents)
+ new_versions.extend(set(versions).difference(set(parents)))
+ versions = new_versions
+ elif ordering == 'groupcompress':
+ parents = self.get_parent_map(versions)
+ new_versions = sort_groupcompress(parents)
+ new_versions.extend(set(versions).difference(set(parents)))
+ versions = new_versions
+ for version in versions:
+ if version in self:
+ yield WeaveContentFactory(version, self)
+ else:
+ yield AbsentContentFactory((version,))
+ def get_parent_map(self, version_ids):
+ """See VersionedFile.get_parent_map."""
+ result = {}
+ for version_id in version_ids:
+ if version_id == NULL_REVISION:
+ parents = ()
+ else:
+ try:
+ parents = tuple(
+ map(self._idx_to_name,
+ self._parents[self._lookup(version_id)]))
+ except RevisionNotPresent:
+ continue
+ result[version_id] = parents
+ return result
+ def get_parents_with_ghosts(self, version_id):
+ raise NotImplementedError(self.get_parents_with_ghosts)
+ def insert_record_stream(self, stream):
+ """Insert a record stream into this versioned file.
+ :param stream: A stream of records to insert.
+ :return: None
+ :seealso VersionedFile.get_record_stream:
+ """
+ adapters = {}
+ for record in stream:
+ # Raise an error when a record is missing.
+ if record.storage_kind == 'absent':
+ raise RevisionNotPresent([record.key[0]], self)
+ # adapt to non-tuple interface
+ parents = [parent[0] for parent in record.parents]
+ if (record.storage_kind == 'fulltext'
+ or record.storage_kind == 'chunked'):
+ self.add_lines(record.key[0], parents,
+ osutils.chunks_to_lines(record.get_bytes_as('chunked')))
+ else:
+ adapter_key = record.storage_kind, 'fulltext'
+ try:
+ adapter = adapters[adapter_key]
+ except KeyError:
+ adapter_factory = adapter_registry.get(adapter_key)
+ adapter = adapter_factory(self)
+ adapters[adapter_key] = adapter
+ lines = split_lines(adapter.get_bytes(record))
+ try:
+ self.add_lines(record.key[0], parents, lines)
+ except RevisionAlreadyPresent:
+ pass
+ def _check_repeated_add(self, name, parents, text, sha1):
+ """Check that a duplicated add is OK.
+ If it is, return the (old) index; otherwise raise an exception.
+ """
+ idx = self._lookup(name)
+ if sorted(self._parents[idx]) != sorted(parents) \
+ or sha1 != self._sha1s[idx]:
+ raise RevisionAlreadyPresent(name, self._weave_name)
+ return idx
+ def _add_lines(self, version_id, parents, lines, parent_texts,
+ left_matching_blocks, nostore_sha, random_id, check_content):
+ """See VersionedFile.add_lines."""
+ idx = self._add(version_id, lines, map(self._lookup, parents),
+ nostore_sha=nostore_sha)
+ return sha_strings(lines), sum(map(len, lines)), idx
+ def _add(self, version_id, lines, parents, sha1=None, nostore_sha=None):
+ """Add a single text on top of the weave.
+ Returns the index number of the newly added version.
+ version_id
+ Symbolic name for this version.
+ (Typically the revision-id of the revision that added it.)
+ If None, a name will be allocated based on the hash. (sha1:SHAHASH)
+ parents
+ List or set of direct parent version numbers.
+ lines
+ Sequence of lines to be added in the new version.
+ :param nostore_sha: See VersionedFile.add_lines.
+ """
+ self._check_lines_not_unicode(lines)
+ self._check_lines_are_lines(lines)
+ if not sha1:
+ sha1 = sha_strings(lines)
+ if sha1 == nostore_sha:
+ raise errors.ExistingContent
+ if version_id is None:
+ version_id = "sha1:" + sha1
+ if version_id in self._name_map:
+ return self._check_repeated_add(version_id, parents, lines, sha1)
+ self._check_versions(parents)
+ ## self._check_lines(lines)
+ new_version = len(self._parents)
+ # if we abort after here the (in-memory) weave will be corrupt because only
+ # some fields are updated
+ # XXX: FIXME implement a succeed-or-fail of the rest of this routine.
+ # - Robert Collins 20060226
+ self._parents.append(parents[:])
+ self._sha1s.append(sha1)
+ self._names.append(version_id)
+ self._name_map[version_id] = new_version
+ if not parents:
+ # special case; adding with no parents revision; can do
+ # this more quickly by just appending unconditionally.
+ # even more specially, if we're adding an empty text we
+ # need do nothing at all.
+ if lines:
+ self._weave.append(('{', new_version))
+ self._weave.extend(lines)
+ self._weave.append(('}', None))
+ return new_version
+ if len(parents) == 1:
+ pv = list(parents)[0]
+ if sha1 == self._sha1s[pv]:
+ # special case: same as the single parent
+ return new_version
+ ancestors = self._inclusions(parents)
+ l = self._weave
+ # basis a list of (origin, lineno, line)
+ basis_lineno = []
+ basis_lines = []
+ for origin, lineno, line in self._extract(ancestors):
+ basis_lineno.append(lineno)
+ basis_lines.append(line)
+ # another small special case: a merge, producing the same text
+ # as auto-merge
+ if lines == basis_lines:
+ return new_version
+ # add a sentinel, because we can also match against the final line
+ basis_lineno.append(len(self._weave))
+ # XXX: which line of the weave should we really consider
+ # matches the end of the file? the current code says it's the
+ # last line of the weave?
+ #print 'basis_lines:', basis_lines
+ #print 'new_lines: ', lines
+ s = self._matcher(None, basis_lines, lines)
+ # offset gives the number of lines that have been inserted
+ # into the weave up to the current point; if the original edit instruction
+ # says to change line A then we actually change (A+offset)
+ offset = 0
+ for tag, i1, i2, j1, j2 in s.get_opcodes():
+ # i1,i2 are given in offsets within basis_lines; we need to map them
+ # back to offsets within the entire weave
+ #print 'raw match', tag, i1, i2, j1, j2
+ if tag == 'equal':
+ continue
+ i1 = basis_lineno[i1]
+ i2 = basis_lineno[i2]
+ # the deletion and insertion are handled separately.
+ # first delete the region.
+ if i1 != i2:
+ self._weave.insert(i1+offset, ('[', new_version))
+ self._weave.insert(i2+offset+1, (']', new_version))
+ offset += 2
+ if j1 != j2:
+ # there may have been a deletion spanning up to
+ # i2; we want to insert after this region to make sure
+ # we don't destroy ourselves
+ i = i2 + offset
+ self._weave[i:i] = ([('{', new_version)]
+ + lines[j1:j2]
+ + [('}', None)])
+ offset += 2 + (j2 - j1)
+ return new_version
+ def _inclusions(self, versions):
+ """Return set of all ancestors of given version(s)."""
+ if not len(versions):
+ return []
+ i = set(versions)
+ for v in xrange(max(versions), 0, -1):
+ if v in i:
+ # include all its parents
+ i.update(self._parents[v])
+ return i
+ ## except IndexError:
+ ## raise ValueError("version %d not present in weave" % v)
+ def get_ancestry(self, version_ids, topo_sorted=True):
+ """See VersionedFile.get_ancestry."""
+ if isinstance(version_ids, basestring):
+ version_ids = [version_ids]
+ i = self._inclusions([self._lookup(v) for v in version_ids])
+ return [self._idx_to_name(v) for v in i]
+ def _check_lines(self, text):
+ if not isinstance(text, list):
+ raise ValueError("text should be a list, not %s" % type(text))
+ for l in text:
+ if not isinstance(l, basestring):
+ raise ValueError("text line should be a string or unicode, not %s"
+ % type(l))
+ def _check_versions(self, indexes):
+ """Check everything in the sequence of indexes is valid"""
+ for i in indexes:
+ try:
+ self._parents[i]
+ except IndexError:
+ raise IndexError("invalid version number %r" % i)
+ def _compatible_parents(self, my_parents, other_parents):
+ """During join check that other_parents are joinable with my_parents.
+ Joinable is defined as 'is a subset of' - supersets may require
+ regeneration of diffs, but subsets do not.
+ """
+ return len(other_parents.difference(my_parents)) == 0
+ def annotate(self, version_id):
+ """Return a list of (version-id, line) tuples for version_id.
+ The index indicates when the line originated in the weave."""
+ incls = [self._lookup(version_id)]
+ return [(self._idx_to_name(origin), text) for origin, lineno, text in
+ self._extract(incls)]
+ def iter_lines_added_or_present_in_versions(self, version_ids=None,
+ pb=None):
+ """See VersionedFile.iter_lines_added_or_present_in_versions()."""
+ if version_ids is None:
+ version_ids = self.versions()
+ version_ids = set(version_ids)
+ for lineno, inserted, deletes, line in self._walk_internal(version_ids):
+ if inserted not in version_ids: continue
+ if line[-1] != '\n':
+ yield line + '\n', inserted
+ else:
+ yield line, inserted
+ def _walk_internal(self, version_ids=None):
+ """Helper method for weave actions."""
+ istack = []
+ dset = set()
+ lineno = 0 # line of weave, 0-based
+ for l in self._weave:
+ if l.__class__ == tuple:
+ c, v = l
+ isactive = None
+ if c == '{':
+ istack.append(self._names[v])
+ elif c == '}':
+ istack.pop()
+ elif c == '[':
+ dset.add(self._names[v])
+ elif c == ']':
+ dset.remove(self._names[v])
+ else:
+ raise WeaveFormatError('unexpected instruction %r' % v)
+ else:
+ yield lineno, istack[-1], frozenset(dset), l
+ lineno += 1
+ if istack:
+ raise WeaveFormatError("unclosed insertion blocks "
+ "at end of weave: %s" % istack)
+ if dset:
+ raise WeaveFormatError("unclosed deletion blocks at end of weave: %s"
+ % dset)
+ def plan_merge(self, ver_a, ver_b):
+ """Return pseudo-annotation indicating how the two versions merge.
+ This is computed between versions a and b and their common
+ base.
+ Weave lines present in none of them are skipped entirely.
+ """
+ inc_a = set(self.get_ancestry([ver_a]))
+ inc_b = set(self.get_ancestry([ver_b]))
+ inc_c = inc_a & inc_b
+ for lineno, insert, deleteset, line in self._walk_internal([ver_a, ver_b]):
+ if deleteset & inc_c:
+ # killed in parent; can't be in either a or b
+ # not relevant to our work
+ yield 'killed-base', line
+ elif insert in inc_c:
+ # was inserted in base
+ killed_a = bool(deleteset & inc_a)
+ killed_b = bool(deleteset & inc_b)
+ if killed_a and killed_b:
+ yield 'killed-both', line
+ elif killed_a:
+ yield 'killed-a', line
+ elif killed_b:
+ yield 'killed-b', line
+ else:
+ yield 'unchanged', line
+ elif insert in inc_a:
+ if deleteset & inc_a:
+ yield 'ghost-a', line
+ else:
+ # new in A; not in B
+ yield 'new-a', line
+ elif insert in inc_b:
+ if deleteset & inc_b:
+ yield 'ghost-b', line
+ else:
+ yield 'new-b', line
+ else:
+ # not in either revision
+ yield 'irrelevant', line
+ def _extract(self, versions):
+ """Yield annotation of lines in included set.
+ Yields a sequence of tuples (origin, lineno, text), where
+ origin is the origin version, lineno the index in the weave,
+ and text the text of the line.
+ The set typically but not necessarily corresponds to a version.
+ """
+ for i in versions:
+ if not isinstance(i, int):
+ raise ValueError(i)
+ included = self._inclusions(versions)
+ istack = []
+ iset = set()
+ dset = set()
+ lineno = 0 # line of weave, 0-based
+ isactive = None
+ result = []
+ WFE = WeaveFormatError
+ # wow.
+ # 449 0 4474.6820 2356.5590 bzrlib.weave:556(_extract)
+ # +285282 0 1676.8040 1676.8040 +<isinstance>
+ # 1.6 seconds in 'isinstance'.
+ # changing the first isinstance:
+ # 449 0 2814.2660 1577.1760 bzrlib.weave:556(_extract)
+ # +140414 0 762.8050 762.8050 +<isinstance>
+ # note that the inline time actually dropped (less function calls)
+ # and total processing time was halved.
+ # we're still spending ~1/4 of the method in isinstance though.
+ # so lets hard code the acceptable string classes we expect:
+ # 449 0 1202.9420 786.2930 bzrlib.weave:556(_extract)
+ # +71352 0 377.5560 377.5560 +<method 'append' of 'list'
+ # objects>
+ # yay, down to ~1/4 the initial extract time, and our inline time
+ # has shrunk again, with isinstance no longer dominating.
+ # tweaking the stack inclusion test to use a set gives:
+ # 449 0 1122.8030 713.0080 bzrlib.weave:556(_extract)
+ # +71352 0 354.9980 354.9980 +<method 'append' of 'list'
+ # objects>
+ # - a 5% win, or possibly just noise. However with large istacks that
+ # 'in' test could dominate, so I'm leaving this change in place -
+ # when its fast enough to consider profiling big datasets we can review.
+ for l in self._weave:
+ if l.__class__ == tuple:
+ c, v = l
+ isactive = None
+ if c == '{':
+ istack.append(v)
+ iset.add(v)
+ elif c == '}':
+ iset.remove(istack.pop())
+ elif c == '[':
+ if v in included:
+ dset.add(v)
+ elif c == ']':
+ if v in included:
+ dset.remove(v)
+ else:
+ raise AssertionError()
+ else:
+ if isactive is None:
+ isactive = (not dset) and istack and (istack[-1] in included)
+ if isactive:
+ result.append((istack[-1], lineno, l))
+ lineno += 1
+ if istack:
+ raise WeaveFormatError("unclosed insertion blocks "
+ "at end of weave: %s" % istack)
+ if dset:
+ raise WeaveFormatError("unclosed deletion blocks at end of weave: %s"
+ % dset)
+ return result
+ def _maybe_lookup(self, name_or_index):
+ """Convert possible symbolic name to index, or pass through indexes.
+ """
+ if isinstance(name_or_index, (int, long)):
+ return name_or_index
+ else:
+ return self._lookup(name_or_index)
+ def get_lines(self, version_id):
+ """See VersionedFile.get_lines()."""
+ int_index = self._maybe_lookup(version_id)
+ result = [line for (origin, lineno, line) in self._extract([int_index])]
+ expected_sha1 = self._sha1s[int_index]
+ measured_sha1 = sha_strings(result)
+ if measured_sha1 != expected_sha1:
+ raise errors.WeaveInvalidChecksum(
+ 'file %s, revision %s, expected: %s, measured %s'
+ % (self._weave_name, version_id,
+ expected_sha1, measured_sha1))
+ return result
+ def get_sha1s(self, version_ids):
+ """See VersionedFile.get_sha1s()."""
+ result = {}
+ for v in version_ids:
+ result[v] = self._sha1s[self._lookup(v)]
+ return result
+ def num_versions(self):
+ """How many versions are in this weave?"""
+ l = len(self._parents)
+ return l
+ __len__ = num_versions
+ def check(self, progress_bar=None):
+ # TODO evaluate performance hit of using string sets in this routine.
+ # TODO: check no circular inclusions
+ # TODO: create a nested progress bar
+ for version in range(self.num_versions()):
+ inclusions = list(self._parents[version])
+ if inclusions:
+ inclusions.sort()
+ if inclusions[-1] >= version:
+ raise WeaveFormatError("invalid included version %d for index %d"
+ % (inclusions[-1], version))
+ # try extracting all versions; parallel extraction is used
+ nv = self.num_versions()
+ sha1s = {}
+ texts = {}
+ inclusions = {}
+ for i in range(nv):
+ # For creating the ancestry, IntSet is much faster (3.7s vs 0.17s)
+ # The problem is that set membership is much more expensive
+ name = self._idx_to_name(i)
+ sha1s[name] = sha()
+ texts[name] = []
+ new_inc = set([name])
+ for p in self._parents[i]:
+ new_inc.update(inclusions[self._idx_to_name(p)])
+ if set(new_inc) != set(self.get_ancestry(name)):
+ raise AssertionError(
+ 'failed %s != %s'
+ % (set(new_inc), set(self.get_ancestry(name))))
+ inclusions[name] = new_inc
+ nlines = len(self._weave)
+ update_text = 'checking weave'
+ if self._weave_name:
+ short_name = os.path.basename(self._weave_name)
+ update_text = 'checking %s' % (short_name,)
+ update_text = update_text[:25]
+ for lineno, insert, deleteset, line in self._walk_internal():
+ if progress_bar:
+ progress_bar.update(update_text, lineno, nlines)
+ for name, name_inclusions in inclusions.items():
+ # The active inclusion must be an ancestor,
+ # and no ancestors must have deleted this line,
+ # because we don't support resurrection.
+ if (insert in name_inclusions) and not (deleteset & name_inclusions):
+ sha1s[name].update(line)
+ for i in range(nv):
+ version = self._idx_to_name(i)
+ hd = sha1s[version].hexdigest()
+ expected = self._sha1s[i]
+ if hd != expected:
+ raise errors.WeaveInvalidChecksum(
+ "mismatched sha1 for version %s: "
+ "got %s, expected %s"
+ % (version, hd, expected))
+ # TODO: check insertions are properly nested, that there are
+ # no lines outside of insertion blocks, that deletions are
+ # properly paired, etc.
+ def _imported_parents(self, other, other_idx):
+ """Return list of parents in self corresponding to indexes in other."""
+ new_parents = []
+ for parent_idx in other._parents[other_idx]:
+ parent_name = other._names[parent_idx]
+ if parent_name not in self._name_map:
+ # should not be possible
+ raise WeaveError("missing parent {%s} of {%s} in %r"
+ % (parent_name, other._name_map[other_idx], self))
+ new_parents.append(self._name_map[parent_name])
+ return new_parents
+ def _check_version_consistent(self, other, other_idx, name):
+ """Check if a version in consistent in this and other.
+ To be consistent it must have:
+ * the same text
+ * the same direct parents (by name, not index, and disregarding
+ order)
+ If present & correct return True;
+ if not present in self return False;
+ if inconsistent raise error."""
+ this_idx = self._name_map.get(name, -1)
+ if this_idx != -1:
+ if self._sha1s[this_idx] != other._sha1s[other_idx]:
+ raise errors.WeaveTextDiffers(name, self, other)
+ self_parents = self._parents[this_idx]
+ other_parents = other._parents[other_idx]
+ n1 = set([self._names[i] for i in self_parents])
+ n2 = set([other._names[i] for i in other_parents])
+ if not self._compatible_parents(n1, n2):
+ raise WeaveParentMismatch("inconsistent parents "
+ "for version {%s}: %s vs %s" % (name, n1, n2))
+ else:
+ return True # ok!
+ else:
+ return False
+ def _reweave(self, other, pb, msg):
+ """Reweave self with other - internal helper for join().
+ :param other: The other weave to merge
+ :param pb: An optional progress bar, indicating how far done we are
+ :param msg: An optional message for the progress
+ """
+ new_weave = _reweave(self, other, pb=pb, msg=msg)
+ self._copy_weave_content(new_weave)
+ def _copy_weave_content(self, otherweave):
+ """adsorb the content from otherweave."""
+ for attr in self.__slots__:
+ if attr != '_weave_name':
+ setattr(self, attr, copy(getattr(otherweave, attr)))
+class WeaveFile(Weave):
+ """A WeaveFile represents a Weave on disk and writes on change."""
+ WEAVE_SUFFIX = '.weave'
+ def __init__(self, name, transport, filemode=None, create=False, access_mode='w', get_scope=None):
+ """Create a WeaveFile.
+ :param create: If not True, only open an existing knit.
+ """
+ super(WeaveFile, self).__init__(name, access_mode, get_scope=get_scope,
+ allow_reserved=False)
+ self._transport = transport
+ self._filemode = filemode
+ try:
+ f = self._transport.get(name + WeaveFile.WEAVE_SUFFIX)
+ _read_weave_v5(StringIO(, self)
+ except errors.NoSuchFile:
+ if not create:
+ raise
+ # new file, save it
+ self._save()
+ def _add_lines(self, version_id, parents, lines, parent_texts,
+ left_matching_blocks, nostore_sha, random_id, check_content):
+ """Add a version and save the weave."""
+ self.check_not_reserved_id(version_id)
+ result = super(WeaveFile, self)._add_lines(version_id, parents, lines,
+ parent_texts, left_matching_blocks, nostore_sha, random_id,
+ check_content)
+ self._save()
+ return result
+ def copy_to(self, name, transport):
+ """See VersionedFile.copy_to()."""
+ # as we are all in memory always, just serialise to the new place.
+ sio = StringIO()
+ write_weave_v5(self, sio)
+ transport.put_file(name + WeaveFile.WEAVE_SUFFIX, sio, self._filemode)
+ def _save(self):
+ """Save the weave."""
+ self._check_write_ok()
+ sio = StringIO()
+ write_weave_v5(self, sio)
+ bytes = sio.getvalue()
+ path = self._weave_name + WeaveFile.WEAVE_SUFFIX
+ try:
+ self._transport.put_bytes(path, bytes, self._filemode)
+ except errors.NoSuchFile:
+ self._transport.mkdir(dirname(path))
+ self._transport.put_bytes(path, bytes, self._filemode)
+ @staticmethod
+ def get_suffixes():
+ """See VersionedFile.get_suffixes()."""
+ return [WeaveFile.WEAVE_SUFFIX]
+ def insert_record_stream(self, stream):
+ super(WeaveFile, self).insert_record_stream(stream)
+ self._save()
+def _reweave(wa, wb, pb=None, msg=None):
+ """Combine two weaves and return the result.
+ This works even if a revision R has different parents in
+ wa and wb. In the resulting weave all the parents are given.
+ This is done by just building up a new weave, maintaining ordering
+ of the versions in the two inputs. More efficient approaches
+ might be possible but it should only be necessary to do
+ this operation rarely, when a new previously ghost version is
+ inserted.
+ :param pb: An optional progress bar, indicating how far done we are
+ :param msg: An optional message for the progress
+ """
+ wr = Weave()
+ ia = ib = 0
+ queue_a = range(wa.num_versions())
+ queue_b = range(wb.num_versions())
+ # first determine combined parents of all versions
+ # map from version name -> all parent names
+ combined_parents = _reweave_parent_graphs(wa, wb)
+ mutter("combined parents: %r", combined_parents)
+ order = tsort.topo_sort(combined_parents.iteritems())
+ mutter("order to reweave: %r", order)
+ if pb and not msg:
+ msg = 'reweave'
+ for idx, name in enumerate(order):
+ if pb:
+ pb.update(msg, idx, len(order))
+ if name in wa._name_map:
+ lines = wa.get_lines(name)
+ if name in wb._name_map:
+ lines_b = wb.get_lines(name)
+ if lines != lines_b:
+ mutter('Weaves differ on content. rev_id {%s}', name)
+ mutter('weaves: %s, %s', wa._weave_name, wb._weave_name)
+ import difflib
+ lines = list(difflib.unified_diff(lines, lines_b,
+ wa._weave_name, wb._weave_name))
+ mutter('lines:\n%s', ''.join(lines))
+ raise errors.WeaveTextDiffers(name, wa, wb)
+ else:
+ lines = wb.get_lines(name)
+ wr._add(name, lines, [wr._lookup(i) for i in combined_parents[name]])
+ return wr
+def _reweave_parent_graphs(wa, wb):
+ """Return combined parent ancestry for two weaves.
+ Returned as a list of (version_name, set(parent_names))"""
+ combined = {}
+ for weave in [wa, wb]:
+ for idx, name in enumerate(weave._names):
+ p = combined.setdefault(name, set())
+ p.update(map(weave._idx_to_name, weave._parents[idx]))
+ return combined