path: root/bzrlib/_chk_map_pyx.pyx
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Diffstat (limited to 'bzrlib/_chk_map_pyx.pyx')
1 files changed, 454 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/bzrlib/_chk_map_pyx.pyx b/bzrlib/_chk_map_pyx.pyx
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..2c1d9a2
--- /dev/null
+++ b/bzrlib/_chk_map_pyx.pyx
@@ -0,0 +1,454 @@
+# Copyright (C) 2009, 2010 Canonical Ltd
+# This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
+# it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
+# the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
+# (at your option) any later version.
+# This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+# GNU General Public License for more details.
+# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+# along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
+# Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA
+#python2.4 support
+cdef extern from "python-compat.h":
+ pass
+cdef extern from *:
+ ctypedef unsigned int size_t
+ int memcmp(void *, void*, size_t)
+ void memcpy(void *, void*, size_t)
+ void *memchr(void *s, int c, size_t len)
+ long strtol(char *, char **, int)
+ void sprintf(char *, char *, ...)
+cdef extern from "Python.h":
+ ctypedef int Py_ssize_t # Required for older pyrex versions
+ ctypedef struct PyObject:
+ pass
+ int PyTuple_CheckExact(object p)
+ Py_ssize_t PyTuple_GET_SIZE(object t)
+ int PyString_CheckExact(object)
+ char *PyString_AS_STRING(object s)
+ PyObject *PyString_FromStringAndSize_ptr "PyString_FromStringAndSize" (char *, Py_ssize_t)
+ Py_ssize_t PyString_GET_SIZE(object)
+ void PyString_InternInPlace(PyObject **)
+ long PyInt_AS_LONG(object)
+ int PyDict_SetItem(object d, object k, object v) except -1
+ void Py_INCREF(object)
+ void Py_DECREF_ptr "Py_DECREF" (PyObject *)
+ object PyString_FromStringAndSize(char*, Py_ssize_t)
+# cimport all of the definitions we will need to access
+from _static_tuple_c cimport StaticTuple,\
+ import_static_tuple_c, StaticTuple_New, \
+ StaticTuple_Intern, StaticTuple_SET_ITEM, StaticTuple_CheckExact, \
+ StaticTuple_GET_SIZE
+cdef object crc32
+from zlib import crc32
+# Set up the StaticTuple C_API functionality
+cdef object _LeafNode
+_LeafNode = None
+cdef object _InternalNode
+_InternalNode = None
+cdef object _unknown
+_unknown = None
+# We shouldn't just copy this from _dirstate_helpers_pyx
+cdef void* _my_memrchr(void *s, int c, size_t n): # cannot_raise
+ # memrchr seems to be a GNU extension, so we have to implement it ourselves
+ cdef char *pos
+ cdef char *start
+ start = <char*>s
+ pos = start + n - 1
+ while pos >= start:
+ if pos[0] == c:
+ return <void*>pos
+ pos = pos - 1
+ return NULL
+cdef object safe_interned_string_from_size(char *s, Py_ssize_t size):
+ cdef PyObject *py_str
+ if size < 0:
+ raise AssertionError(
+ 'tried to create a string with an invalid size: %d @0x%x'
+ % (size, <int>s))
+ py_str = PyString_FromStringAndSize_ptr(s, size)
+ PyString_InternInPlace(&py_str)
+ result = <object>py_str
+ # Casting a PyObject* to an <object> triggers an INCREF from Pyrex, so we
+ # DECREF it to avoid geting immortal strings
+ Py_DECREF_ptr(py_str)
+ return result
+def _search_key_16(key):
+ """See chk_map._search_key_16."""
+ cdef Py_ssize_t num_bits
+ cdef Py_ssize_t i, j
+ cdef Py_ssize_t num_out_bytes
+ cdef unsigned long crc_val
+ cdef Py_ssize_t out_off
+ cdef char *c_out
+ num_bits = len(key)
+ # 4 bytes per crc32, and another 1 byte between bits
+ num_out_bytes = (9 * num_bits) - 1
+ out = PyString_FromStringAndSize(NULL, num_out_bytes)
+ c_out = PyString_AS_STRING(out)
+ for i from 0 <= i < num_bits:
+ if i > 0:
+ c_out[0] = c'\x00'
+ c_out = c_out + 1
+ crc_val = PyInt_AS_LONG(crc32(key[i]))
+ # Hex(val) order
+ sprintf(c_out, '%08X', crc_val)
+ c_out = c_out + 8
+ return out
+def _search_key_255(key):
+ """See chk_map._search_key_255."""
+ cdef Py_ssize_t num_bits
+ cdef Py_ssize_t i, j
+ cdef Py_ssize_t num_out_bytes
+ cdef unsigned long crc_val
+ cdef Py_ssize_t out_off
+ cdef char *c_out
+ num_bits = len(key)
+ # 4 bytes per crc32, and another 1 byte between bits
+ num_out_bytes = (5 * num_bits) - 1
+ out = PyString_FromStringAndSize(NULL, num_out_bytes)
+ c_out = PyString_AS_STRING(out)
+ for i from 0 <= i < num_bits:
+ if i > 0:
+ c_out[0] = c'\x00'
+ c_out = c_out + 1
+ crc_val = PyInt_AS_LONG(crc32(key[i]))
+ # MSB order
+ c_out[0] = (crc_val >> 24) & 0xFF
+ c_out[1] = (crc_val >> 16) & 0xFF
+ c_out[2] = (crc_val >> 8) & 0xFF
+ c_out[3] = (crc_val >> 0) & 0xFF
+ for j from 0 <= j < 4:
+ if c_out[j] == c'\n':
+ c_out[j] = c'_'
+ c_out = c_out + 4
+ return out
+cdef int _get_int_from_line(char **cur, char *end, char *message) except -1:
+ """Read a positive integer from the data stream.
+ :param cur: The start of the data, this will be moved to after the
+ trailing newline when done.
+ :param end: Do not parse any data past this byte.
+ :return: The integer stored in those bytes
+ """
+ cdef int value
+ cdef char *next_line, *next
+ next_line = <char *>memchr(cur[0], c'\n', end - cur[0])
+ if next_line == NULL:
+ raise ValueError("Missing %s line\n" % message)
+ value = strtol(cur[0], &next, 10)
+ if next != next_line:
+ raise ValueError("%s line not a proper int\n" % message)
+ cur[0] = next_line + 1
+ return value
+cdef _import_globals():
+ """Set the global attributes. Done lazy to avoid recursive import loops."""
+ global _LeafNode, _InternalNode, _unknown
+ from bzrlib import chk_map
+ _LeafNode = chk_map.LeafNode
+ _InternalNode = chk_map.InternalNode
+ _unknown = chk_map._unknown
+def _deserialise_leaf_node(bytes, key, search_key_func=None):
+ """Deserialise bytes, with key key, into a LeafNode.
+ :param bytes: The bytes of the node.
+ :param key: The key that the serialised node has.
+ """
+ cdef char *c_bytes, *cur, *next, *end
+ cdef char *next_line
+ cdef Py_ssize_t c_bytes_len, prefix_length, items_length
+ cdef int maximum_size, width, length, i, prefix_tail_len
+ cdef int num_value_lines, num_prefix_bits
+ cdef char *prefix, *value_start, *prefix_tail
+ cdef char *next_null, *last_null, *line_start
+ cdef char *c_entry, *entry_start
+ cdef StaticTuple entry_bits
+ if _LeafNode is None:
+ _import_globals()
+ result = _LeafNode(search_key_func=search_key_func)
+ # Splitlines can split on '\r' so don't use it, split('\n') adds an
+ # extra '' if the bytes ends in a final newline.
+ if not PyString_CheckExact(bytes):
+ raise TypeError('bytes must be a plain string not %s' % (type(bytes),))
+ c_bytes = PyString_AS_STRING(bytes)
+ c_bytes_len = PyString_GET_SIZE(bytes)
+ if c_bytes_len < 9 or memcmp(c_bytes, "chkleaf:\n", 9) != 0:
+ raise ValueError("not a serialised leaf node: %r" % bytes)
+ if c_bytes[c_bytes_len - 1] != c'\n':
+ raise ValueError("bytes does not end in a newline")
+ end = c_bytes + c_bytes_len
+ cur = c_bytes + 9
+ maximum_size = _get_int_from_line(&cur, end, "maximum_size")
+ width = _get_int_from_line(&cur, end, "width")
+ length = _get_int_from_line(&cur, end, "length")
+ next_line = <char *>memchr(cur, c'\n', end - cur)
+ if next_line == NULL:
+ raise ValueError('Missing the prefix line\n')
+ prefix = cur
+ prefix_length = next_line - cur
+ cur = next_line + 1
+ prefix_bits = []
+ prefix_tail = prefix
+ num_prefix_bits = 0
+ next_null = <char *>memchr(prefix, c'\0', prefix_length)
+ while next_null != NULL:
+ num_prefix_bits = num_prefix_bits + 1
+ prefix_bits.append(
+ PyString_FromStringAndSize(prefix_tail, next_null - prefix_tail))
+ prefix_tail = next_null + 1
+ next_null = <char *>memchr(prefix_tail, c'\0', next_line - prefix_tail)
+ prefix_tail_len = next_line - prefix_tail
+ if num_prefix_bits >= width:
+ raise ValueError('Prefix has too many nulls versus width')
+ items_length = end - cur
+ items = {}
+ while cur < end:
+ line_start = cur
+ next_line = <char *>memchr(cur, c'\n', end - cur)
+ if next_line == NULL:
+ raise ValueError('null line\n')
+ last_null = <char *>_my_memrchr(cur, c'\0', next_line - cur)
+ if last_null == NULL:
+ raise ValueError('fail to find the num value lines null')
+ next_null = last_null + 1 # move past NULL
+ num_value_lines = _get_int_from_line(&next_null, next_line + 1,
+ "num value lines")
+ cur = next_line + 1
+ value_start = cur
+ # Walk num_value_lines forward
+ for i from 0 <= i < num_value_lines:
+ next_line = <char *>memchr(cur, c'\n', end - cur)
+ if next_line == NULL:
+ raise ValueError('missing trailing newline')
+ cur = next_line + 1
+ entry_bits = StaticTuple_New(width)
+ for i from 0 <= i < num_prefix_bits:
+ # TODO: Use PyList_GetItem, or turn prefix_bits into a
+ # tuple/StaticTuple
+ entry = prefix_bits[i]
+ # SET_ITEM 'steals' a reference
+ Py_INCREF(entry)
+ StaticTuple_SET_ITEM(entry_bits, i, entry)
+ value = PyString_FromStringAndSize(value_start, next_line - value_start)
+ # The next entry bit needs the 'tail' from the prefix, and first part
+ # of the line
+ entry_start = line_start
+ next_null = <char *>memchr(entry_start, c'\0',
+ last_null - entry_start + 1)
+ if next_null == NULL:
+ raise ValueError('bad no null, bad')
+ entry = PyString_FromStringAndSize(NULL,
+ prefix_tail_len + next_null - line_start)
+ c_entry = PyString_AS_STRING(entry)
+ if prefix_tail_len > 0:
+ memcpy(c_entry, prefix_tail, prefix_tail_len)
+ if next_null - line_start > 0:
+ memcpy(c_entry + prefix_tail_len, line_start, next_null - line_start)
+ Py_INCREF(entry)
+ i = num_prefix_bits
+ StaticTuple_SET_ITEM(entry_bits, i, entry)
+ while next_null != last_null: # We have remaining bits
+ i = i + 1
+ if i > width:
+ raise ValueError("Too many bits for entry")
+ entry_start = next_null + 1
+ next_null = <char *>memchr(entry_start, c'\0',
+ last_null - entry_start + 1)
+ if next_null == NULL:
+ raise ValueError('bad no null')
+ entry = PyString_FromStringAndSize(entry_start,
+ next_null - entry_start)
+ Py_INCREF(entry)
+ StaticTuple_SET_ITEM(entry_bits, i, entry)
+ if StaticTuple_GET_SIZE(entry_bits) != width:
+ raise AssertionError(
+ 'Incorrect number of elements (%d vs %d)'
+ % (len(entry_bits)+1, width + 1))
+ entry_bits = StaticTuple_Intern(entry_bits)
+ PyDict_SetItem(items, entry_bits, value)
+ if len(items) != length:
+ raise ValueError("item count (%d) mismatch for key %s,"
+ " bytes %r" % (length, entry_bits, bytes))
+ result._items = items
+ result._len = length
+ result._maximum_size = maximum_size
+ result._key = key
+ result._key_width = width
+ result._raw_size = items_length + length * prefix_length
+ if length == 0:
+ result._search_prefix = None
+ result._common_serialised_prefix = None
+ else:
+ result._search_prefix = _unknown
+ result._common_serialised_prefix = PyString_FromStringAndSize(prefix,
+ prefix_length)
+ if c_bytes_len != result._current_size():
+ raise AssertionError('_current_size computed incorrectly %d != %d',
+ c_bytes_len, result._current_size())
+ return result
+def _deserialise_internal_node(bytes, key, search_key_func=None):
+ cdef char *c_bytes, *cur, *next, *end
+ cdef char *next_line
+ cdef Py_ssize_t c_bytes_len, prefix_length
+ cdef int maximum_size, width, length, i, prefix_tail_len
+ cdef char *prefix, *line_prefix, *next_null, *c_item_prefix
+ if _InternalNode is None:
+ _import_globals()
+ result = _InternalNode(search_key_func=search_key_func)
+ if not StaticTuple_CheckExact(key):
+ raise TypeError('key %r is not a StaticTuple' % (key,))
+ if not PyString_CheckExact(bytes):
+ raise TypeError('bytes must be a plain string not %s' % (type(bytes),))
+ c_bytes = PyString_AS_STRING(bytes)
+ c_bytes_len = PyString_GET_SIZE(bytes)
+ if c_bytes_len < 9 or memcmp(c_bytes, "chknode:\n", 9) != 0:
+ raise ValueError("not a serialised internal node: %r" % bytes)
+ if c_bytes[c_bytes_len - 1] != c'\n':
+ raise ValueError("bytes does not end in a newline")
+ items = {}
+ cur = c_bytes + 9
+ end = c_bytes + c_bytes_len
+ maximum_size = _get_int_from_line(&cur, end, "maximum_size")
+ width = _get_int_from_line(&cur, end, "width")
+ length = _get_int_from_line(&cur, end, "length")
+ next_line = <char *>memchr(cur, c'\n', end - cur)
+ if next_line == NULL:
+ raise ValueError('Missing the prefix line\n')
+ prefix = cur
+ prefix_length = next_line - cur
+ cur = next_line + 1
+ while cur < end:
+ # Find the null separator
+ next_line = <char *>memchr(cur, c'\n', end - cur)
+ if next_line == NULL:
+ raise ValueError('missing trailing newline')
+ next_null = <char *>_my_memrchr(cur, c'\0', next_line - cur)
+ if next_null == NULL:
+ raise ValueError('bad no null')
+ item_prefix = PyString_FromStringAndSize(NULL,
+ prefix_length + next_null - cur)
+ c_item_prefix = PyString_AS_STRING(item_prefix)
+ if prefix_length:
+ memcpy(c_item_prefix, prefix, prefix_length)
+ memcpy(c_item_prefix + prefix_length, cur, next_null - cur)
+ flat_key = PyString_FromStringAndSize(next_null + 1,
+ next_line - next_null - 1)
+ flat_key = StaticTuple(flat_key).intern()
+ PyDict_SetItem(items, item_prefix, flat_key)
+ cur = next_line + 1
+ assert len(items) > 0
+ result._items = items
+ result._len = length
+ result._maximum_size = maximum_size
+ result._key = key
+ result._key_width = width
+ # XXX: InternalNodes don't really care about their size, and this will
+ # change if we add prefix compression
+ result._raw_size = None # len(bytes)
+ result._node_width = len(item_prefix)
+ result._search_prefix = PyString_FromStringAndSize(prefix, prefix_length)
+ return result
+def _bytes_to_text_key(bytes):
+ """Take a CHKInventory value string and return a (file_id, rev_id) tuple"""
+ cdef StaticTuple key
+ cdef char *byte_str, *cur_end, *file_id_str, *byte_end
+ cdef char *revision_str
+ cdef Py_ssize_t byte_size, pos, file_id_len
+ if not PyString_CheckExact(bytes):
+ raise TypeError('bytes must be a string, got %r' % (type(bytes),))
+ byte_str = PyString_AS_STRING(bytes)
+ byte_size = PyString_GET_SIZE(bytes)
+ byte_end = byte_str + byte_size
+ cur_end = <char*>memchr(byte_str, c':', byte_size)
+ if cur_end == NULL:
+ raise ValueError('No kind section found.')
+ if cur_end[1] != c' ':
+ raise ValueError(
+ 'Kind section should end with ": ", got %r' % str(cur_end[:2],))
+ file_id_str = cur_end + 2
+ # file_id is now the data up until the next newline
+ cur_end = <char*>memchr(file_id_str, c'\n', byte_end - file_id_str)
+ if cur_end == NULL:
+ raise ValueError('no newline after file-id')
+ file_id = safe_interned_string_from_size(file_id_str,
+ cur_end - file_id_str)
+ # this is the end of the parent_str
+ cur_end = <char*>memchr(cur_end + 1, c'\n', byte_end - cur_end - 1)
+ if cur_end == NULL:
+ raise ValueError('no newline after parent_str')
+ # end of the name str
+ cur_end = <char*>memchr(cur_end + 1, c'\n', byte_end - cur_end - 1)
+ if cur_end == NULL:
+ raise ValueError('no newline after name str')
+ # the next section is the revision info
+ revision_str = cur_end + 1
+ cur_end = <char*>memchr(cur_end + 1, c'\n', byte_end - cur_end - 1)
+ if cur_end == NULL:
+ # This is probably a dir: entry, which has revision as the last item
+ cur_end = byte_end
+ revision = safe_interned_string_from_size(revision_str,
+ cur_end - revision_str)
+ key = StaticTuple_New(2)
+ Py_INCREF(file_id)
+ StaticTuple_SET_ITEM(key, 0, file_id)
+ Py_INCREF(revision)
+ StaticTuple_SET_ITEM(key, 1, revision)
+ return StaticTuple_Intern(key)