path: root/bzrlib/
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'bzrlib/')
1 files changed, 319 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/bzrlib/ b/bzrlib/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..1bf1e43
--- /dev/null
+++ b/bzrlib/
@@ -0,0 +1,319 @@
+# Copyright (C) 2007, 2008 Canonical Ltd
+# This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
+# it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
+# the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
+# (at your option) any later version.
+# This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+# GNU General Public License for more details.
+# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+# along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
+# Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA
+"""Python implementations of Dirstate Helper functions."""
+from __future__ import absolute_import
+import binascii
+import os
+import struct
+# We cannot import the dirstate module, because it loads this module
+# All we really need is the IN_MEMORY_MODIFIED constant
+from bzrlib import errors
+from bzrlib.dirstate import DirState
+def pack_stat(st, _b64=binascii.b2a_base64, _pack=struct.Struct('>6L').pack):
+ """Convert stat values into a packed representation
+ Not all of the fields from the stat included are strictly needed, and by
+ just encoding the mtime and mode a slight speed increase could be gained.
+ However, using the pyrex version instead is a bigger win.
+ """
+ # base64 encoding always adds a final newline, so strip it off
+ return _b64(_pack(st.st_size & 0xFFFFFFFF, int(st.st_mtime) & 0xFFFFFFFF,
+ int(st.st_ctime) & 0xFFFFFFFF, st.st_dev & 0xFFFFFFFF,
+ st.st_ino & 0xFFFFFFFF, st.st_mode))[:-1]
+def _unpack_stat(packed_stat):
+ """Turn a packed_stat back into the stat fields.
+ This is meant as a debugging tool, should not be used in real code.
+ """
+ (st_size, st_mtime, st_ctime, st_dev, st_ino,
+ st_mode) = struct.unpack('>6L', binascii.a2b_base64(packed_stat))
+ return dict(st_size=st_size, st_mtime=st_mtime, st_ctime=st_ctime,
+ st_dev=st_dev, st_ino=st_ino, st_mode=st_mode)
+def _bisect_path_left(paths, path):
+ """Return the index where to insert path into paths.
+ This uses the dirblock sorting. So all children in a directory come before
+ the children of children. For example::
+ a/
+ b/
+ c
+ d/
+ e
+ b-c
+ d-e
+ a-a
+ a=c
+ Will be sorted as::
+ a
+ a-a
+ a=c
+ a/b
+ a/b-c
+ a/d
+ a/d-e
+ a/b/c
+ a/d/e
+ :param paths: A list of paths to search through
+ :param path: A single path to insert
+ :return: An offset where 'path' can be inserted.
+ :seealso: bisect.bisect_left
+ """
+ hi = len(paths)
+ lo = 0
+ while lo < hi:
+ mid = (lo + hi) // 2
+ # Grab the dirname for the current dirblock
+ cur = paths[mid]
+ if _cmp_path_by_dirblock(cur, path) < 0:
+ lo = mid + 1
+ else:
+ hi = mid
+ return lo
+def _bisect_path_right(paths, path):
+ """Return the index where to insert path into paths.
+ This uses a path-wise comparison so we get::
+ a
+ a-b
+ a=b
+ a/b
+ Rather than::
+ a
+ a-b
+ a/b
+ a=b
+ :param paths: A list of paths to search through
+ :param path: A single path to insert
+ :return: An offset where 'path' can be inserted.
+ :seealso: bisect.bisect_right
+ """
+ hi = len(paths)
+ lo = 0
+ while lo < hi:
+ mid = (lo+hi)//2
+ # Grab the dirname for the current dirblock
+ cur = paths[mid]
+ if _cmp_path_by_dirblock(path, cur) < 0:
+ hi = mid
+ else:
+ lo = mid + 1
+ return lo
+def bisect_dirblock(dirblocks, dirname, lo=0, hi=None, cache={}):
+ """Return the index where to insert dirname into the dirblocks.
+ The return value idx is such that all directories blocks in dirblock[:idx]
+ have names < dirname, and all blocks in dirblock[idx:] have names >=
+ dirname.
+ Optional args lo (default 0) and hi (default len(dirblocks)) bound the
+ slice of a to be searched.
+ """
+ if hi is None:
+ hi = len(dirblocks)
+ try:
+ dirname_split = cache[dirname]
+ except KeyError:
+ dirname_split = dirname.split('/')
+ cache[dirname] = dirname_split
+ while lo < hi:
+ mid = (lo + hi) // 2
+ # Grab the dirname for the current dirblock
+ cur = dirblocks[mid][0]
+ try:
+ cur_split = cache[cur]
+ except KeyError:
+ cur_split = cur.split('/')
+ cache[cur] = cur_split
+ if cur_split < dirname_split: lo = mid + 1
+ else: hi = mid
+ return lo
+def cmp_by_dirs(path1, path2):
+ """Compare two paths directory by directory.
+ This is equivalent to doing::
+ cmp(path1.split('/'), path2.split('/'))
+ The idea is that you should compare path components separately. This
+ differs from plain ``cmp(path1, path2)`` for paths like ``'a-b'`` and
+ ``a/b``. "a-b" comes after "a" but would come before "a/b" lexically.
+ :param path1: first path
+ :param path2: second path
+ :return: negative number if ``path1`` comes first,
+ 0 if paths are equal,
+ and positive number if ``path2`` sorts first
+ """
+ if not isinstance(path1, str):
+ raise TypeError("'path1' must be a plain string, not %s: %r"
+ % (type(path1), path1))
+ if not isinstance(path2, str):
+ raise TypeError("'path2' must be a plain string, not %s: %r"
+ % (type(path2), path2))
+ return cmp(path1.split('/'), path2.split('/'))
+def _cmp_path_by_dirblock(path1, path2):
+ """Compare two paths based on what directory they are in.
+ This generates a sort order, such that all children of a directory are
+ sorted together, and grandchildren are in the same order as the
+ children appear. But all grandchildren come after all children.
+ :param path1: first path
+ :param path2: the second path
+ :return: negative number if ``path1`` comes first,
+ 0 if paths are equal
+ and a positive number if ``path2`` sorts first
+ """
+ if not isinstance(path1, str):
+ raise TypeError("'path1' must be a plain string, not %s: %r"
+ % (type(path1), path1))
+ if not isinstance(path2, str):
+ raise TypeError("'path2' must be a plain string, not %s: %r"
+ % (type(path2), path2))
+ dirname1, basename1 = os.path.split(path1)
+ key1 = (dirname1.split('/'), basename1)
+ dirname2, basename2 = os.path.split(path2)
+ key2 = (dirname2.split('/'), basename2)
+ return cmp(key1, key2)
+def _read_dirblocks(state):
+ """Read in the dirblocks for the given DirState object.
+ This is tightly bound to the DirState internal representation. It should be
+ thought of as a member function, which is only separated out so that we can
+ re-write it in pyrex.
+ :param state: A DirState object.
+ :return: None
+ """
+ text =
+ # TODO: check the crc checksums. crc_measured = zlib.crc32(text)
+ fields = text.split('\0')
+ # Remove the last blank entry
+ trailing = fields.pop()
+ if trailing != '':
+ raise errors.DirstateCorrupt(state,
+ 'trailing garbage: %r' % (trailing,))
+ # consider turning fields into a tuple.
+ # skip the first field which is the trailing null from the header.
+ cur = 1
+ # Each line now has an extra '\n' field which is not used
+ # so we just skip over it
+ # entry size:
+ # 3 fields for the key
+ # + number of fields per tree_data (5) * tree count
+ # + newline
+ num_present_parents = state._num_present_parents()
+ tree_count = 1 + num_present_parents
+ entry_size = state._fields_per_entry()
+ expected_field_count = entry_size * state._num_entries
+ field_count = len(fields)
+ # this checks our adjustment, and also catches file too short.
+ if field_count - cur != expected_field_count:
+ raise errors.DirstateCorrupt(state,
+ 'field count incorrect %s != %s, entry_size=%s, '\
+ 'num_entries=%s fields=%r' % (
+ field_count - cur, expected_field_count, entry_size,
+ state._num_entries, fields))
+ if num_present_parents == 1:
+ # Bind external functions to local names
+ _int = int
+ # We access all fields in order, so we can just iterate over
+ # them. Grab an straight iterator over the fields. (We use an
+ # iterator because we don't want to do a lot of additions, nor
+ # do we want to do a lot of slicing)
+ next = iter(fields).next
+ # Move the iterator to the current position
+ for x in xrange(cur):
+ next()
+ # The two blocks here are deliberate: the root block and the
+ # contents-of-root block.
+ state._dirblocks = [('', []), ('', [])]
+ current_block = state._dirblocks[0][1]
+ current_dirname = ''
+ append_entry = current_block.append
+ for count in xrange(state._num_entries):
+ dirname = next()
+ name = next()
+ file_id = next()
+ if dirname != current_dirname:
+ # new block - different dirname
+ current_block = []
+ current_dirname = dirname
+ state._dirblocks.append((current_dirname, current_block))
+ append_entry = current_block.append
+ # we know current_dirname == dirname, so re-use it to avoid
+ # creating new strings
+ entry = ((current_dirname, name, file_id),
+ [(# Current Tree
+ next(), # minikind
+ next(), # fingerprint
+ _int(next()), # size
+ next() == 'y', # executable
+ next(), # packed_stat or revision_id
+ ),
+ ( # Parent 1
+ next(), # minikind
+ next(), # fingerprint
+ _int(next()), # size
+ next() == 'y', # executable
+ next(), # packed_stat or revision_id
+ ),
+ ])
+ trailing = next()
+ if trailing != '\n':
+ raise ValueError("trailing garbage in dirstate: %r" % trailing)
+ # append the entry to the current block
+ append_entry(entry)
+ state._split_root_dirblock_into_contents()
+ else:
+ fields_to_entry = state._get_fields_to_entry()
+ entries = [fields_to_entry(fields[pos:pos+entry_size])
+ for pos in xrange(cur, field_count, entry_size)]
+ state._entries_to_current_state(entries)
+ # To convert from format 2 => format 3
+ # state._dirblocks = sorted(state._dirblocks,
+ # key=lambda blk:blk[0].split('/'))
+ # To convert from format 3 => format 2
+ # state._dirblocks = sorted(state._dirblocks)
+ state._dirblock_state = DirState.IN_MEMORY_UNMODIFIED