path: root/bzrlib/
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Diffstat (limited to 'bzrlib/')
1 files changed, 1303 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/bzrlib/ b/bzrlib/
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index 0000000..4c2b389
--- /dev/null
+++ b/bzrlib/
@@ -0,0 +1,1303 @@
+# Copyright (C) 2005-2011 Canonical Ltd
+# This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
+# it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
+# the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
+# (at your option) any later version.
+# This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+# GNU General Public License for more details.
+# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+# along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
+# Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA
+from __future__ import absolute_import
+# TODO: Define arguments by objects, rather than just using names.
+# Those objects can specify the expected type of the argument, which
+# would help with validation and shell completion. They could also provide
+# help/explanation for that argument in a structured way.
+# TODO: Specific "examples" property on commands for consistent formatting.
+import os
+import sys
+from bzrlib.lazy_import import lazy_import
+lazy_import(globals(), """
+import errno
+import threading
+import bzrlib
+from bzrlib import (
+ config,
+ cleanup,
+ cmdline,
+ debug,
+ errors,
+ i18n,
+ option,
+ osutils,
+ trace,
+ ui,
+ )
+from bzrlib.hooks import Hooks
+from bzrlib.i18n import gettext
+# Compatibility - Option used to be in commands.
+from bzrlib.option import Option
+from bzrlib.plugin import disable_plugins, load_plugins
+from bzrlib import registry
+class CommandInfo(object):
+ """Information about a command."""
+ def __init__(self, aliases):
+ """The list of aliases for the command."""
+ self.aliases = aliases
+ @classmethod
+ def from_command(klass, command):
+ """Factory to construct a CommandInfo from a command."""
+ return klass(command.aliases)
+class CommandRegistry(registry.Registry):
+ """Special registry mapping command names to command classes.
+ :ivar overridden_registry: Look in this registry for commands being
+ overridden by this registry. This can be used to tell plugin commands
+ about the builtin they're decorating.
+ """
+ def __init__(self):
+ registry.Registry.__init__(self)
+ self.overridden_registry = None
+ # map from aliases to the real command that implements the name
+ self._alias_dict = {}
+ def get(self, command_name):
+ real_name = self._alias_dict.get(command_name, command_name)
+ return registry.Registry.get(self, real_name)
+ @staticmethod
+ def _get_name(command_name):
+ if command_name.startswith("cmd_"):
+ return _unsquish_command_name(command_name)
+ else:
+ return command_name
+ def register(self, cmd, decorate=False):
+ """Utility function to help register a command
+ :param cmd: Command subclass to register
+ :param decorate: If true, allow overriding an existing command
+ of the same name; the old command is returned by this function.
+ Otherwise it is an error to try to override an existing command.
+ """
+ k = cmd.__name__
+ k_unsquished = self._get_name(k)
+ try:
+ previous = self.get(k_unsquished)
+ except KeyError:
+ previous = None
+ if self.overridden_registry:
+ try:
+ previous = self.overridden_registry.get(k_unsquished)
+ except KeyError:
+ pass
+ info = CommandInfo.from_command(cmd)
+ try:
+ registry.Registry.register(self, k_unsquished, cmd,
+ override_existing=decorate, info=info)
+ except KeyError:
+ trace.warning('Two plugins defined the same command: %r' % k)
+ trace.warning('Not loading the one in %r' %
+ sys.modules[cmd.__module__])
+ trace.warning('Previously this command was registered from %r' %
+ sys.modules[previous.__module__])
+ for a in cmd.aliases:
+ self._alias_dict[a] = k_unsquished
+ return previous
+ def register_lazy(self, command_name, aliases, module_name):
+ """Register a command without loading its module.
+ :param command_name: The primary name of the command.
+ :param aliases: A list of aliases for the command.
+ :module_name: The module that the command lives in.
+ """
+ key = self._get_name(command_name)
+ registry.Registry.register_lazy(self, key, module_name, command_name,
+ info=CommandInfo(aliases))
+ for a in aliases:
+ self._alias_dict[a] = key
+plugin_cmds = CommandRegistry()
+builtin_command_registry = CommandRegistry()
+plugin_cmds.overridden_registry = builtin_command_registry
+def register_command(cmd, decorate=False):
+ """Register a plugin command.
+ Should generally be avoided in favor of lazy registration.
+ """
+ global plugin_cmds
+ return plugin_cmds.register(cmd, decorate)
+def _squish_command_name(cmd):
+ return 'cmd_' + cmd.replace('-', '_')
+def _unsquish_command_name(cmd):
+ return cmd[4:].replace('_','-')
+def _register_builtin_commands():
+ if builtin_command_registry.keys():
+ # only load once
+ return
+ import bzrlib.builtins
+ for cmd_class in _scan_module_for_commands(bzrlib.builtins).values():
+ builtin_command_registry.register(cmd_class)
+ bzrlib.builtins._register_lazy_builtins()
+def _scan_module_for_commands(module):
+ r = {}
+ for name, obj in module.__dict__.iteritems():
+ if name.startswith("cmd_"):
+ real_name = _unsquish_command_name(name)
+ r[real_name] = obj
+ return r
+def _list_bzr_commands(names):
+ """Find commands from bzr's core and plugins.
+ This is not the public interface, just the default hook called by all_command_names.
+ """
+ # to eliminate duplicates
+ names.update(builtin_command_names())
+ names.update(plugin_command_names())
+ return names
+def all_command_names():
+ """Return a set of all command names."""
+ names = set()
+ for hook in Command.hooks['list_commands']:
+ names = hook(names)
+ if names is None:
+ raise AssertionError(
+ 'hook %s returned None' % Command.hooks.get_hook_name(hook))
+ return names
+def builtin_command_names():
+ """Return list of builtin command names.
+ Use of all_command_names() is encouraged rather than builtin_command_names
+ and/or plugin_command_names.
+ """
+ _register_builtin_commands()
+ return builtin_command_registry.keys()
+def plugin_command_names():
+ """Returns command names from commands registered by plugins."""
+ return plugin_cmds.keys()
+def get_cmd_object(cmd_name, plugins_override=True):
+ """Return the command object for a command.
+ plugins_override
+ If true, plugin commands can override builtins.
+ """
+ try:
+ return _get_cmd_object(cmd_name, plugins_override)
+ except KeyError:
+ raise errors.BzrCommandError(gettext('unknown command "%s"') % cmd_name)
+def _get_cmd_object(cmd_name, plugins_override=True, check_missing=True):
+ """Get a command object.
+ :param cmd_name: The name of the command.
+ :param plugins_override: Allow plugins to override builtins.
+ :param check_missing: Look up commands not found in the regular index via
+ the get_missing_command hook.
+ :return: A Command object instance
+ :raises KeyError: If no command is found.
+ """
+ # We want only 'ascii' command names, but the user may have typed
+ # in a Unicode name. In that case, they should just get a
+ # 'command not found' error later.
+ # In the future, we may actually support Unicode command names.
+ cmd = None
+ # Get a command
+ for hook in Command.hooks['get_command']:
+ cmd = hook(cmd, cmd_name)
+ if cmd is not None and not plugins_override and not cmd.plugin_name():
+ # We've found a non-plugin command, don't permit it to be
+ # overridden.
+ break
+ if cmd is None and check_missing:
+ for hook in Command.hooks['get_missing_command']:
+ cmd = hook(cmd_name)
+ if cmd is not None:
+ break
+ if cmd is None:
+ # No command found.
+ raise KeyError
+ # Allow plugins to extend commands
+ for hook in Command.hooks['extend_command']:
+ hook(cmd)
+ if getattr(cmd, 'invoked_as', None) is None:
+ cmd.invoked_as = cmd_name
+ return cmd
+def _try_plugin_provider(cmd_name):
+ """Probe for a plugin provider having cmd_name."""
+ try:
+ plugin_metadata, provider = probe_for_provider(cmd_name)
+ raise errors.CommandAvailableInPlugin(cmd_name,
+ plugin_metadata, provider)
+ except errors.NoPluginAvailable:
+ pass
+def probe_for_provider(cmd_name):
+ """Look for a provider for cmd_name.
+ :param cmd_name: The command name.
+ :return: plugin_metadata, provider for getting cmd_name.
+ :raises NoPluginAvailable: When no provider can supply the plugin.
+ """
+ # look for providers that provide this command but aren't installed
+ for provider in command_providers_registry:
+ try:
+ return provider.plugin_for_command(cmd_name), provider
+ except errors.NoPluginAvailable:
+ pass
+ raise errors.NoPluginAvailable(cmd_name)
+def _get_bzr_command(cmd_or_None, cmd_name):
+ """Get a command from bzr's core."""
+ try:
+ cmd_class = builtin_command_registry.get(cmd_name)
+ except KeyError:
+ pass
+ else:
+ return cmd_class()
+ return cmd_or_None
+def _get_external_command(cmd_or_None, cmd_name):
+ """Lookup a command that is a shell script."""
+ # Only do external command lookups when no command is found so far.
+ if cmd_or_None is not None:
+ return cmd_or_None
+ from bzrlib.externalcommand import ExternalCommand
+ cmd_obj = ExternalCommand.find_command(cmd_name)
+ if cmd_obj:
+ return cmd_obj
+def _get_plugin_command(cmd_or_None, cmd_name):
+ """Get a command from bzr's plugins."""
+ try:
+ return plugin_cmds.get(cmd_name)()
+ except KeyError:
+ pass
+ for key in plugin_cmds.keys():
+ info = plugin_cmds.get_info(key)
+ if cmd_name in info.aliases:
+ return plugin_cmds.get(key)()
+ return cmd_or_None
+class Command(object):
+ """Base class for commands.
+ Commands are the heart of the command-line bzr interface.
+ The command object mostly handles the mapping of command-line
+ parameters into one or more bzrlib operations, and of the results
+ into textual output.
+ Commands normally don't have any state. All their arguments are
+ passed in to the run method. (Subclasses may take a different
+ policy if the behaviour of the instance needs to depend on e.g. a
+ shell plugin and not just its Python class.)
+ The docstring for an actual command should give a single-line
+ summary, then a complete description of the command. A grammar
+ description will be inserted.
+ :cvar aliases: Other accepted names for this command.
+ :cvar takes_args: List of argument forms, marked with whether they are
+ optional, repeated, etc. Examples::
+ ['to_location', 'from_branch?', 'file*']
+ * 'to_location' is required
+ * 'from_branch' is optional
+ * 'file' can be specified 0 or more times
+ :cvar takes_options: List of options that may be given for this command.
+ These can be either strings, referring to globally-defined options, or
+ option objects. Retrieve through options().
+ :cvar hidden: If true, this command isn't advertised. This is typically
+ for commands intended for expert users.
+ :cvar encoding_type: Command objects will get a 'outf' attribute, which has
+ been setup to properly handle encoding of unicode strings.
+ encoding_type determines what will happen when characters cannot be
+ encoded:
+ * strict - abort if we cannot decode
+ * replace - put in a bogus character (typically '?')
+ * exact - do not encode sys.stdout
+ NOTE: by default on Windows, sys.stdout is opened as a text stream,
+ therefore LF line-endings are converted to CRLF. When a command uses
+ encoding_type = 'exact', then sys.stdout is forced to be a binary
+ stream, and line-endings will not mangled.
+ :cvar invoked_as:
+ A string indicating the real name under which this command was
+ invoked, before expansion of aliases.
+ (This may be None if the command was constructed and run in-process.)
+ :cvar hooks: An instance of CommandHooks.
+ :cvar __doc__: The help shown by 'bzr help command' for this command.
+ This is set by assigning explicitly to __doc__ so that -OO can
+ be used::
+ class Foo(Command):
+ __doc__ = "My help goes here"
+ """
+ aliases = []
+ takes_args = []
+ takes_options = []
+ encoding_type = 'strict'
+ invoked_as = None
+ l10n = True
+ hidden = False
+ def __init__(self):
+ """Construct an instance of this command."""
+ # List of standard options directly supported
+ self.supported_std_options = []
+ self._setup_run()
+ def add_cleanup(self, cleanup_func, *args, **kwargs):
+ """Register a function to call after returns or raises.
+ Functions will be called in LIFO order.
+ """
+ self._operation.add_cleanup(cleanup_func, *args, **kwargs)
+ def cleanup_now(self):
+ """Execute and empty pending cleanup functions immediately.
+ After cleanup_now all registered cleanups are forgotten. add_cleanup
+ may be called again after cleanup_now; these cleanups will be called
+ after returns or raises (or when cleanup_now is next called).
+ This is useful for releasing expensive or contentious resources (such
+ as write locks) before doing further work that does not require those
+ resources (such as writing results to self.outf). Note though, that
+ as it releases all resources, this may release locks that the command
+ wants to hold, so use should be done with care.
+ """
+ self._operation.cleanup_now()
+ def _usage(self):
+ """Return single-line grammar for this command.
+ Only describes arguments, not options.
+ """
+ s = 'bzr ' + + ' '
+ for aname in self.takes_args:
+ aname = aname.upper()
+ if aname[-1] in ['$', '+']:
+ aname = aname[:-1] + '...'
+ elif aname[-1] == '?':
+ aname = '[' + aname[:-1] + ']'
+ elif aname[-1] == '*':
+ aname = '[' + aname[:-1] + '...]'
+ s += aname + ' '
+ s = s[:-1] # remove last space
+ return s
+ def get_help_text(self, additional_see_also=None, plain=True,
+ see_also_as_links=False, verbose=True):
+ """Return a text string with help for this command.
+ :param additional_see_also: Additional help topics to be
+ cross-referenced.
+ :param plain: if False, raw help (reStructuredText) is
+ returned instead of plain text.
+ :param see_also_as_links: if True, convert items in 'See also'
+ list to internal links (used by bzr_man rstx generator)
+ :param verbose: if True, display the full help, otherwise
+ leave out the descriptive sections and just display
+ usage help (e.g. Purpose, Usage, Options) with a
+ message explaining how to obtain full help.
+ """
+ if self.l10n:
+ i18n.install() # Install i18n only for get_help_text for now.
+ doc =
+ if doc:
+ # Note: If self.gettext() translates ':Usage:\n', the section will
+ # be shown after "Description" section and we don't want to
+ # translate the usage string.
+ # Though, bzr export-pot don't exports :Usage: section and it must
+ # not be translated.
+ doc = self.gettext(doc)
+ else:
+ doc = gettext("No help for this command.")
+ # Extract the summary (purpose) and sections out from the text
+ purpose,sections,order = self._get_help_parts(doc)
+ # If a custom usage section was provided, use it
+ if sections.has_key('Usage'):
+ usage = sections.pop('Usage')
+ else:
+ usage = self._usage()
+ # The header is the purpose and usage
+ result = ""
+ result += gettext(':Purpose: %s\n') % (purpose,)
+ if usage.find('\n') >= 0:
+ result += gettext(':Usage:\n%s\n') % (usage,)
+ else:
+ result += gettext(':Usage: %s\n') % (usage,)
+ result += '\n'
+ # Add the options
+ #
+ # XXX: optparse implicitly rewraps the help, and not always perfectly,
+ # so we get <>. -- mbp
+ # 20090319
+ parser = option.get_optparser(self.options())
+ options = parser.format_option_help()
+ # FIXME: According to the spec, ReST option lists actually don't
+ # support options like --1.14 so that causes syntax errors (in Sphinx
+ # at least). As that pattern always appears in the commands that
+ # break, we trap on that and then format that block of 'format' options
+ # as a literal block. We use the most recent format still listed so we
+ # don't have to do that too often -- vila 20110514
+ if not plain and options.find(' --1.14 ') != -1:
+ options = options.replace(' format:\n', ' format::\n\n', 1)
+ if options.startswith('Options:'):
+ result += gettext(':Options:%s') % (options[len('options:'):],)
+ else:
+ result += options
+ result += '\n'
+ if verbose:
+ # Add the description, indenting it 2 spaces
+ # to match the indentation of the options
+ if sections.has_key(None):
+ text = sections.pop(None)
+ text = '\n '.join(text.splitlines())
+ result += gettext(':Description:\n %s\n\n') % (text,)
+ # Add the custom sections (e.g. Examples). Note that there's no need
+ # to indent these as they must be indented already in the source.
+ if sections:
+ for label in order:
+ if label in sections:
+ result += ':%s:\n%s\n' % (label, sections[label])
+ result += '\n'
+ else:
+ result += (gettext("See bzr help %s for more details and examples.\n\n")
+ %
+ # Add the aliases, source (plug-in) and see also links, if any
+ if self.aliases:
+ result += gettext(':Aliases: ')
+ result += ', '.join(self.aliases) + '\n'
+ plugin_name = self.plugin_name()
+ if plugin_name is not None:
+ result += gettext(':From: plugin "%s"\n') % plugin_name
+ see_also = self.get_see_also(additional_see_also)
+ if see_also:
+ if not plain and see_also_as_links:
+ see_also_links = []
+ for item in see_also:
+ if item == 'topics':
+ # topics doesn't have an independent section
+ # so don't create a real link
+ see_also_links.append(item)
+ else:
+ # Use a Sphinx link for this entry
+ link_text = gettext(":doc:`{0} <{1}-help>`").format(
+ item, item)
+ see_also_links.append(link_text)
+ see_also = see_also_links
+ result += gettext(':See also: %s') % ', '.join(see_also) + '\n'
+ # If this will be rendered as plain text, convert it
+ if plain:
+ import bzrlib.help_topics
+ result = bzrlib.help_topics.help_as_plain_text(result)
+ return result
+ @staticmethod
+ def _get_help_parts(text):
+ """Split help text into a summary and named sections.
+ :return: (summary,sections,order) where summary is the top line and
+ sections is a dictionary of the rest indexed by section name.
+ order is the order the section appear in the text.
+ A section starts with a heading line of the form ":xxx:".
+ Indented text on following lines is the section value.
+ All text found outside a named section is assigned to the
+ default section which is given the key of None.
+ """
+ def save_section(sections, order, label, section):
+ if len(section) > 0:
+ if sections.has_key(label):
+ sections[label] += '\n' + section
+ else:
+ order.append(label)
+ sections[label] = section
+ lines = text.rstrip().splitlines()
+ summary = lines.pop(0)
+ sections = {}
+ order = []
+ label,section = None,''
+ for line in lines:
+ if line.startswith(':') and line.endswith(':') and len(line) > 2:
+ save_section(sections, order, label, section)
+ label,section = line[1:-1],''
+ elif (label is not None) and len(line) > 1 and not line[0].isspace():
+ save_section(sections, order, label, section)
+ label,section = None,line
+ else:
+ if len(section) > 0:
+ section += '\n' + line
+ else:
+ section = line
+ save_section(sections, order, label, section)
+ return summary, sections, order
+ def get_help_topic(self):
+ """Return the commands help topic - its name."""
+ return
+ def get_see_also(self, additional_terms=None):
+ """Return a list of help topics that are related to this command.
+ The list is derived from the content of the _see_also attribute. Any
+ duplicates are removed and the result is in lexical order.
+ :param additional_terms: Additional help topics to cross-reference.
+ :return: A list of help topics.
+ """
+ see_also = set(getattr(self, '_see_also', []))
+ if additional_terms:
+ see_also.update(additional_terms)
+ return sorted(see_also)
+ def options(self):
+ """Return dict of valid options for this command.
+ Maps from long option name to option object."""
+ r = Option.STD_OPTIONS.copy()
+ std_names = r.keys()
+ for o in self.takes_options:
+ if isinstance(o, basestring):
+ o = option.Option.OPTIONS[o]
+ r[] = o
+ if in std_names:
+ self.supported_std_options.append(
+ return r
+ def _setup_outf(self):
+ """Return a file linked to stdout, which has proper encoding."""
+ self.outf = ui.ui_factory.make_output_stream(
+ encoding_type=self.encoding_type)
+ def run_argv_aliases(self, argv, alias_argv=None):
+ """Parse the command line and run with extra aliases in alias_argv."""
+ args, opts = parse_args(self, argv, alias_argv)
+ self._setup_outf()
+ # Process the standard options
+ if 'help' in opts: # e.g. bzr add --help
+ self.outf.write(self.get_help_text())
+ return 0
+ if 'usage' in opts: # e.g. bzr add --usage
+ self.outf.write(self.get_help_text(verbose=False))
+ return 0
+ trace.set_verbosity_level(option._verbosity_level)
+ if 'verbose' in self.supported_std_options:
+ opts['verbose'] = trace.is_verbose()
+ elif opts.has_key('verbose'):
+ del opts['verbose']
+ if 'quiet' in self.supported_std_options:
+ opts['quiet'] = trace.is_quiet()
+ elif opts.has_key('quiet'):
+ del opts['quiet']
+ # mix arguments and options into one dictionary
+ cmdargs = _match_argform(, self.takes_args, args)
+ cmdopts = {}
+ for k, v in opts.items():
+ cmdopts[k.replace('-', '_')] = v
+ all_cmd_args = cmdargs.copy()
+ all_cmd_args.update(cmdopts)
+ try:
+ return**all_cmd_args)
+ finally:
+ # reset it, so that other commands run in the same process won't
+ # inherit state. Before we reset it, log any activity, so that it
+ # gets properly tracked.
+ ui.ui_factory.log_transport_activity(
+ display=('bytes' in debug.debug_flags))
+ trace.set_verbosity_level(0)
+ def _setup_run(self):
+ """Wrap the defined run method on self with a cleanup.
+ This is called by __init__ to make the Command be able to be run
+ by just calling run(), as it could be before cleanups were added.
+ If a different form of cleanups are in use by your Command subclass,
+ you can override this method.
+ """
+ class_run =
+ def run(*args, **kwargs):
+ for hook in Command.hooks['pre_command']:
+ hook(self)
+ self._operation = cleanup.OperationWithCleanups(class_run)
+ try:
+ return self._operation.run_simple(*args, **kwargs)
+ finally:
+ del self._operation
+ for hook in Command.hooks['post_command']:
+ hook(self)
+ = run
+ def run(self):
+ """Actually run the command.
+ This is invoked with the options and arguments bound to
+ keyword parameters.
+ Return 0 or None if the command was successful, or a non-zero
+ shell error code if not. It's OK for this method to allow
+ an exception to raise up.
+ This method is automatically wrapped by Command.__init__ with a
+ cleanup operation, stored as self._operation. This can be used
+ via self.add_cleanup to perform automatic cleanups at the end of
+ run().
+ The argument for run are assembled by introspection. So for instance,
+ if your command takes an argument files, you would declare::
+ def run(self, files=None):
+ pass
+ """
+ raise NotImplementedError('no implementation of command %r'
+ %
+ def help(self):
+ """Return help message for this class."""
+ from inspect import getdoc
+ if self.__doc__ is Command.__doc__:
+ return None
+ return getdoc(self)
+ def gettext(self, message):
+ """Returns the gettext function used to translate this command's help.
+ Commands provided by plugins should override this to use their
+ own i18n system.
+ """
+ return i18n.gettext_per_paragraph(message)
+ def name(self):
+ """Return the canonical name for this command.
+ The name under which it was actually invoked is available in invoked_as.
+ """
+ return _unsquish_command_name(self.__class__.__name__)
+ def plugin_name(self):
+ """Get the name of the plugin that provides this command.
+ :return: The name of the plugin or None if the command is builtin.
+ """
+ mod_parts = self.__module__.split('.')
+ if len(mod_parts) >= 3 and mod_parts[1] == 'plugins':
+ return mod_parts[2]
+ else:
+ return None
+class CommandHooks(Hooks):
+ """Hooks related to Command object creation/enumeration."""
+ def __init__(self):
+ """Create the default hooks.
+ These are all empty initially, because by default nothing should get
+ notified.
+ """
+ Hooks.__init__(self, "bzrlib.commands", "Command.hooks")
+ self.add_hook('extend_command',
+ "Called after creating a command object to allow modifications "
+ "such as adding or removing options, docs etc. Called with the "
+ "new bzrlib.commands.Command object.", (1, 13))
+ self.add_hook('get_command',
+ "Called when creating a single command. Called with "
+ "(cmd_or_None, command_name). get_command should either return "
+ "the cmd_or_None parameter, or a replacement Command object that "
+ "should be used for the command. Note that the Command.hooks "
+ "hooks are core infrastructure. Many users will prefer to use "
+ "bzrlib.commands.register_command or plugin_cmds.register_lazy.",
+ (1, 17))
+ self.add_hook('get_missing_command',
+ "Called when creating a single command if no command could be "
+ "found. Called with (command_name). get_missing_command should "
+ "either return None, or a Command object to be used for the "
+ "command.", (1, 17))
+ self.add_hook('list_commands',
+ "Called when enumerating commands. Called with a set of "
+ "cmd_name strings for all the commands found so far. This set "
+ " is safe to mutate - e.g. to remove a command. "
+ "list_commands should return the updated set of command names.",
+ (1, 17))
+ self.add_hook('pre_command',
+ "Called prior to executing a command. Called with the command "
+ "object.", (2, 6))
+ self.add_hook('post_command',
+ "Called after executing a command. Called with the command "
+ "object.", (2, 6))
+Command.hooks = CommandHooks()
+def parse_args(command, argv, alias_argv=None):
+ """Parse command line.
+ Arguments and options are parsed at this level before being passed
+ down to specific command handlers. This routine knows, from a
+ lookup table, something about the available options, what optargs
+ they take, and which commands will accept them.
+ """
+ # TODO: make it a method of the Command?
+ parser = option.get_optparser(command.options())
+ if alias_argv is not None:
+ args = alias_argv + argv
+ else:
+ args = argv
+ # for python 2.5 and later, optparse raises this exception if a non-ascii
+ # option name is given. See
+ try:
+ options, args = parser.parse_args(args)
+ except UnicodeEncodeError,e:
+ raise errors.BzrCommandError(
+ gettext('Only ASCII permitted in option names'))
+ opts = dict([(k, v) for k, v in options.__dict__.iteritems() if
+ v is not option.OptionParser.DEFAULT_VALUE])
+ return args, opts
+def _match_argform(cmd, takes_args, args):
+ argdict = {}
+ # step through args and takes_args, allowing appropriate 0-many matches
+ for ap in takes_args:
+ argname = ap[:-1]
+ if ap[-1] == '?':
+ if args:
+ argdict[argname] = args.pop(0)
+ elif ap[-1] == '*': # all remaining arguments
+ if args:
+ argdict[argname + '_list'] = args[:]
+ args = []
+ else:
+ argdict[argname + '_list'] = None
+ elif ap[-1] == '+':
+ if not args:
+ raise errors.BzrCommandError(gettext(
+ "command {0!r} needs one or more {1}").format(
+ cmd, argname.upper()))
+ else:
+ argdict[argname + '_list'] = args[:]
+ args = []
+ elif ap[-1] == '$': # all but one
+ if len(args) < 2:
+ raise errors.BzrCommandError(
+ gettext("command {0!r} needs one or more {1}").format(
+ cmd, argname.upper()))
+ argdict[argname + '_list'] = args[:-1]
+ args[:-1] = []
+ else:
+ # just a plain arg
+ argname = ap
+ if not args:
+ raise errors.BzrCommandError(
+ gettext("command {0!r} requires argument {1}").format(
+ cmd, argname.upper()))
+ else:
+ argdict[argname] = args.pop(0)
+ if args:
+ raise errors.BzrCommandError( gettext(
+ "extra argument to command {0}: {1}").format(
+ cmd, args[0]) )
+ return argdict
+def apply_coveraged(dirname, the_callable, *args, **kwargs):
+ # Cannot use "import trace", as that would import bzrlib.trace instead of
+ # the standard library's trace.
+ trace = __import__('trace')
+ tracer = trace.Trace(count=1, trace=0)
+ sys.settrace(tracer.globaltrace)
+ threading.settrace(tracer.globaltrace)
+ try:
+ return exception_to_return_code(the_callable, *args, **kwargs)
+ finally:
+ sys.settrace(None)
+ results = tracer.results()
+ results.write_results(show_missing=1, summary=False,
+ coverdir=dirname)
+def apply_profiled(the_callable, *args, **kwargs):
+ import hotshot
+ import tempfile
+ import hotshot.stats
+ pffileno, pfname = tempfile.mkstemp()
+ try:
+ prof = hotshot.Profile(pfname)
+ try:
+ ret = prof.runcall(exception_to_return_code, the_callable, *args,
+ **kwargs) or 0
+ finally:
+ prof.close()
+ stats = hotshot.stats.load(pfname)
+ stats.strip_dirs()
+ stats.sort_stats('cum') # 'time'
+ ## XXX: Might like to write to stderr or the trace file instead but
+ ## print_stats seems hardcoded to stdout
+ stats.print_stats(20)
+ return ret
+ finally:
+ os.close(pffileno)
+ os.remove(pfname)
+def exception_to_return_code(the_callable, *args, **kwargs):
+ """UI level helper for profiling and coverage.
+ This transforms exceptions into a return value of 3. As such its only
+ relevant to the UI layer, and should never be called where catching
+ exceptions may be desirable.
+ """
+ try:
+ return the_callable(*args, **kwargs)
+ except (KeyboardInterrupt, Exception), e:
+ # used to handle AssertionError and KeyboardInterrupt
+ # specially here, but hopefully they're handled ok by the logger now
+ exc_info = sys.exc_info()
+ exitcode = trace.report_exception(exc_info, sys.stderr)
+ if os.environ.get('BZR_PDB'):
+ print '**** entering debugger'
+ tb = exc_info[2]
+ import pdb
+ if sys.version_info[:2] < (2, 6):
+ # XXX: we want to do
+ # pdb.post_mortem(tb)
+ # but because pdb.post_mortem gives bad results for tracebacks
+ # from inside generators, we do it manually.
+ # (, fixed in Python 2.6)
+ # Setup pdb on the traceback
+ p = pdb.Pdb()
+ p.reset()
+ p.setup(tb.tb_frame, tb)
+ # Point the debugger at the deepest frame of the stack
+ p.curindex = len(p.stack) - 1
+ p.curframe = p.stack[p.curindex][0]
+ # Start the pdb prompt.
+ p.print_stack_entry(p.stack[p.curindex])
+ p.execRcLines()
+ p.cmdloop()
+ else:
+ pdb.post_mortem(tb)
+ return exitcode
+def apply_lsprofiled(filename, the_callable, *args, **kwargs):
+ from bzrlib.lsprof import profile
+ ret, stats = profile(exception_to_return_code, the_callable,
+ *args, **kwargs)
+ stats.sort()
+ if filename is None:
+ stats.pprint()
+ else:
+ trace.note(gettext('Profile data written to "%s".'), filename)
+ return ret
+def get_alias(cmd, config=None):
+ """Return an expanded alias, or None if no alias exists.
+ cmd
+ Command to be checked for an alias.
+ config
+ Used to specify an alternative config to use,
+ which is especially useful for testing.
+ If it is unspecified, the global config will be used.
+ """
+ if config is None:
+ import bzrlib.config
+ config = bzrlib.config.GlobalConfig()
+ alias = config.get_alias(cmd)
+ if (alias):
+ return cmdline.split(alias)
+ return None
+def run_bzr(argv, load_plugins=load_plugins, disable_plugins=disable_plugins):
+ """Execute a command.
+ :param argv: The command-line arguments, without the program name from
+ argv[0] These should already be decoded. All library/test code calling
+ run_bzr should be passing valid strings (don't need decoding).
+ :param load_plugins: What function to call when triggering plugin loading.
+ This function should take no arguments and cause all plugins to be
+ loaded.
+ :param disable_plugins: What function to call when disabling plugin
+ loading. This function should take no arguments and cause all plugin
+ loading to be prohibited (so that code paths in your application that
+ know about some plugins possibly being present will fail to import
+ those plugins even if they are installed.)
+ :return: Returns a command exit code or raises an exception.
+ Special master options: these must come before the command because
+ they control how the command is interpreted.
+ --no-plugins
+ Do not load plugin modules at all
+ --no-aliases
+ Do not allow aliases
+ --builtin
+ Only use builtin commands. (Plugins are still allowed to change
+ other behaviour.)
+ --profile
+ Run under the Python hotshot profiler.
+ --lsprof
+ Run under the Python lsprof profiler.
+ --coverage
+ Generate line coverage report in the specified directory.
+ --concurrency
+ Specify the number of processes that can be run concurrently (selftest).
+ """
+ trace.mutter("bazaar version: " + bzrlib.__version__)
+ argv = _specified_or_unicode_argv(argv)
+ trace.mutter("bzr arguments: %r", argv)
+ opt_lsprof = opt_profile = opt_no_plugins = opt_builtin = \
+ opt_no_l10n = opt_no_aliases = False
+ opt_lsprof_file = opt_coverage_dir = None
+ # --no-plugins is handled specially at a very early stage. We need
+ # to load plugins before doing other command parsing so that they
+ # can override commands, but this needs to happen first.
+ argv_copy = []
+ i = 0
+ override_config = []
+ while i < len(argv):
+ a = argv[i]
+ if a == '--profile':
+ opt_profile = True
+ elif a == '--lsprof':
+ opt_lsprof = True
+ elif a == '--lsprof-file':
+ opt_lsprof = True
+ opt_lsprof_file = argv[i + 1]
+ i += 1
+ elif a == '--no-plugins':
+ opt_no_plugins = True
+ elif a == '--no-aliases':
+ opt_no_aliases = True
+ elif a == '--no-l10n':
+ opt_no_l10n = True
+ elif a == '--builtin':
+ opt_builtin = True
+ elif a == '--concurrency':
+ os.environ['BZR_CONCURRENCY'] = argv[i + 1]
+ i += 1
+ elif a == '--coverage':
+ opt_coverage_dir = argv[i + 1]
+ i += 1
+ elif a == '--profile-imports':
+ pass # already handled in startup script Bug #588277
+ elif a.startswith('-D'):
+ debug.debug_flags.add(a[2:])
+ elif a.startswith('-O'):
+ override_config.append(a[2:])
+ else:
+ argv_copy.append(a)
+ i += 1
+ if bzrlib.global_state is None:
+ # FIXME: Workaround for users that imported bzrlib but didn't call
+ # bzrlib.initialize -- vila 2012-01-19
+ cmdline_overrides = config.CommandLineStore()
+ else:
+ cmdline_overrides = bzrlib.global_state.cmdline_overrides
+ cmdline_overrides._from_cmdline(override_config)
+ debug.set_debug_flags_from_config()
+ if not opt_no_plugins:
+ load_plugins()
+ else:
+ disable_plugins()
+ argv = argv_copy
+ if (not argv):
+ get_cmd_object('help').run_argv_aliases([])
+ return 0
+ if argv[0] == '--version':
+ get_cmd_object('version').run_argv_aliases([])
+ return 0
+ alias_argv = None
+ if not opt_no_aliases:
+ alias_argv = get_alias(argv[0])
+ if alias_argv:
+ argv[0] = alias_argv.pop(0)
+ cmd = argv.pop(0)
+ cmd_obj = get_cmd_object(cmd, plugins_override=not opt_builtin)
+ if opt_no_l10n:
+ cmd.l10n = False
+ run = cmd_obj.run_argv_aliases
+ run_argv = [argv, alias_argv]
+ try:
+ # We can be called recursively (tests for example), but we don't want
+ # the verbosity level to propagate.
+ saved_verbosity_level = option._verbosity_level
+ option._verbosity_level = 0
+ if opt_lsprof:
+ if opt_coverage_dir:
+ trace.warning(
+ '--coverage ignored, because --lsprof is in use.')
+ ret = apply_lsprofiled(opt_lsprof_file, run, *run_argv)
+ elif opt_profile:
+ if opt_coverage_dir:
+ trace.warning(
+ '--coverage ignored, because --profile is in use.')
+ ret = apply_profiled(run, *run_argv)
+ elif opt_coverage_dir:
+ ret = apply_coveraged(opt_coverage_dir, run, *run_argv)
+ else:
+ ret = run(*run_argv)
+ return ret or 0
+ finally:
+ # reset, in case we may do other commands later within the same
+ # process. Commands that want to execute sub-commands must propagate
+ # --verbose in their own way.
+ if 'memory' in debug.debug_flags:
+ trace.debug_memory('Process status after command:', short=False)
+ option._verbosity_level = saved_verbosity_level
+ # Reset the overrides
+ cmdline_overrides._reset()
+def display_command(func):
+ """Decorator that suppresses pipe/interrupt errors."""
+ def ignore_pipe(*args, **kwargs):
+ try:
+ result = func(*args, **kwargs)
+ sys.stdout.flush()
+ return result
+ except IOError, e:
+ if getattr(e, 'errno', None) is None:
+ raise
+ if e.errno != errno.EPIPE:
+ # Win32 raises IOError with errno=0 on a broken pipe
+ if sys.platform != 'win32' or (e.errno not in (0, errno.EINVAL)):
+ raise
+ pass
+ except KeyboardInterrupt:
+ pass
+ return ignore_pipe
+def install_bzr_command_hooks():
+ """Install the hooks to supply bzr's own commands."""
+ if _list_bzr_commands in Command.hooks["list_commands"]:
+ return
+ Command.hooks.install_named_hook("list_commands", _list_bzr_commands,
+ "bzr commands")
+ Command.hooks.install_named_hook("get_command", _get_bzr_command,
+ "bzr commands")
+ Command.hooks.install_named_hook("get_command", _get_plugin_command,
+ "bzr plugin commands")
+ Command.hooks.install_named_hook("get_command", _get_external_command,
+ "bzr external command lookup")
+ Command.hooks.install_named_hook("get_missing_command",
+ _try_plugin_provider,
+ "bzr plugin-provider-db check")
+def _specified_or_unicode_argv(argv):
+ # For internal or testing use, argv can be passed. Otherwise, get it from
+ # the process arguments in a unicode-safe way.
+ if argv is None:
+ return osutils.get_unicode_argv()
+ else:
+ new_argv = []
+ try:
+ # ensure all arguments are unicode strings
+ for a in argv:
+ if isinstance(a, unicode):
+ new_argv.append(a)
+ else:
+ new_argv.append(a.decode('ascii'))
+ except UnicodeDecodeError:
+ raise errors.BzrError("argv should be list of unicode strings.")
+ return new_argv
+def main(argv=None):
+ """Main entry point of command-line interface.
+ Typically `bzrlib.initialize` should be called first.
+ :param argv: list of unicode command-line arguments similar to sys.argv.
+ argv[0] is script name usually, it will be ignored.
+ Don't pass here sys.argv because this list contains plain strings
+ and not unicode; pass None instead.
+ :return: exit code of bzr command.
+ """
+ if argv is not None:
+ argv = argv[1:]
+ _register_builtin_commands()
+ ret = run_bzr_catch_errors(argv)
+ trace.mutter("return code %d", ret)
+ return ret
+def run_bzr_catch_errors(argv):
+ """Run a bzr command with parameters as described by argv.
+ This function assumed that that UI layer is setup, that symbol deprecations
+ are already applied, and that unicode decoding has already been performed on argv.
+ """
+ # done here so that they're covered for every test run
+ install_bzr_command_hooks()
+ return exception_to_return_code(run_bzr, argv)
+def run_bzr_catch_user_errors(argv):
+ """Run bzr and report user errors, but let internal errors propagate.
+ This is used for the test suite, and might be useful for other programs
+ that want to wrap the commandline interface.
+ """
+ # done here so that they're covered for every test run
+ install_bzr_command_hooks()
+ try:
+ return run_bzr(argv)
+ except Exception, e:
+ if (isinstance(e, (OSError, IOError))
+ or not getattr(e, 'internal_error', True)):
+ trace.report_exception(sys.exc_info(), sys.stderr)
+ return 3
+ else:
+ raise
+class HelpCommandIndex(object):
+ """A index for bzr help that returns commands."""
+ def __init__(self):
+ self.prefix = 'commands/'
+ def get_topics(self, topic):
+ """Search for topic amongst commands.
+ :param topic: A topic to search for.
+ :return: A list which is either empty or contains a single
+ Command entry.
+ """
+ if topic and topic.startswith(self.prefix):
+ topic = topic[len(self.prefix):]
+ try:
+ cmd = _get_cmd_object(topic, check_missing=False)
+ except KeyError:
+ return []
+ else:
+ return [cmd]
+class Provider(object):
+ """Generic class to be overriden by plugins"""
+ def plugin_for_command(self, cmd_name):
+ """Takes a command and returns the information for that plugin
+ :return: A dictionary with all the available information
+ for the requested plugin
+ """
+ raise NotImplementedError
+class ProvidersRegistry(registry.Registry):
+ """This registry exists to allow other providers to exist"""
+ def __iter__(self):
+ for key, provider in self.iteritems():
+ yield provider
+command_providers_registry = ProvidersRegistry()