path: root/bzrlib/repofmt/
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Diffstat (limited to 'bzrlib/repofmt/')
1 files changed, 1426 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/bzrlib/repofmt/ b/bzrlib/repofmt/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..3a088f5
--- /dev/null
+++ b/bzrlib/repofmt/
@@ -0,0 +1,1426 @@
+# Copyright (C) 2008-2011 Canonical Ltd
+# This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
+# it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
+# the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
+# (at your option) any later version.
+# This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+# GNU General Public License for more details.
+# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+# along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
+# Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA
+"""Repository formats using CHK inventories and groupcompress compression."""
+from __future__ import absolute_import
+import time
+from bzrlib import (
+ controldir,
+ chk_map,
+ chk_serializer,
+ debug,
+ errors,
+ index as _mod_index,
+ inventory,
+ osutils,
+ pack,
+ revision as _mod_revision,
+ trace,
+ ui,
+ versionedfile,
+ )
+from bzrlib.btree_index import (
+ BTreeGraphIndex,
+ BTreeBuilder,
+ )
+from bzrlib.decorators import needs_write_lock
+from bzrlib.groupcompress import (
+ _GCGraphIndex,
+ GroupCompressVersionedFiles,
+ )
+from bzrlib.repofmt.pack_repo import (
+ _DirectPackAccess,
+ Pack,
+ NewPack,
+ PackRepository,
+ PackRootCommitBuilder,
+ RepositoryPackCollection,
+ RepositoryFormatPack,
+ ResumedPack,
+ Packer,
+ )
+from bzrlib.vf_repository import (
+ StreamSource,
+ )
+from bzrlib.static_tuple import StaticTuple
+class GCPack(NewPack):
+ def __init__(self, pack_collection, upload_suffix='', file_mode=None):
+ """Create a NewPack instance.
+ :param pack_collection: A PackCollection into which this is being
+ inserted.
+ :param upload_suffix: An optional suffix to be given to any temporary
+ files created during the pack creation. e.g '.autopack'
+ :param file_mode: An optional file mode to create the new files with.
+ """
+ # replaced from NewPack to:
+ # - change inventory reference list length to 1
+ # - change texts reference lists to 1
+ # TODO: patch this to be parameterised
+ # The relative locations of the packs are constrained, but all are
+ # passed in because the caller has them, so as to avoid object churn.
+ index_builder_class = pack_collection._index_builder_class
+ # from brisbane-core
+ if pack_collection.chk_index is not None:
+ chk_index = index_builder_class(reference_lists=0)
+ else:
+ chk_index = None
+ Pack.__init__(self,
+ # Revisions: parents list, no text compression.
+ index_builder_class(reference_lists=1),
+ # Inventory: We want to map compression only, but currently the
+ # knit code hasn't been updated enough to understand that, so we
+ # have a regular 2-list index giving parents and compression
+ # source.
+ index_builder_class(reference_lists=1),
+ # Texts: per file graph, for all fileids - so one reference list
+ # and two elements in the key tuple.
+ index_builder_class(reference_lists=1, key_elements=2),
+ # Signatures: Just blobs to store, no compression, no parents
+ # listing.
+ index_builder_class(reference_lists=0),
+ # CHK based storage - just blobs, no compression or parents.
+ chk_index=chk_index
+ )
+ self._pack_collection = pack_collection
+ # When we make readonly indices, we need this.
+ self.index_class = pack_collection._index_class
+ # where should the new pack be opened
+ self.upload_transport = pack_collection._upload_transport
+ # where are indices written out to
+ self.index_transport = pack_collection._index_transport
+ # where is the pack renamed to when it is finished?
+ self.pack_transport = pack_collection._pack_transport
+ # What file mode to upload the pack and indices with.
+ self._file_mode = file_mode
+ # tracks the content written to the .pack file.
+ self._hash = osutils.md5()
+ # a four-tuple with the length in bytes of the indices, once the pack
+ # is finalised. (rev, inv, text, sigs)
+ self.index_sizes = None
+ # How much data to cache when writing packs. Note that this is not
+ # synchronised with reads, because it's not in the transport layer, so
+ # is not safe unless the client knows it won't be reading from the pack
+ # under creation.
+ self._cache_limit = 0
+ # the temporary pack file name.
+ self.random_name = osutils.rand_chars(20) + upload_suffix
+ # when was this pack started ?
+ self.start_time = time.time()
+ # open an output stream for the data added to the pack.
+ self.write_stream = self.upload_transport.open_write_stream(
+ self.random_name, mode=self._file_mode)
+ if 'pack' in debug.debug_flags:
+ trace.mutter('%s: create_pack: pack stream open: %s%s t+%6.3fs',
+ time.ctime(), self.upload_transport.base, self.random_name,
+ time.time() - self.start_time)
+ # A list of byte sequences to be written to the new pack, and the
+ # aggregate size of them. Stored as a list rather than separate
+ # variables so that the _write_data closure below can update them.
+ self._buffer = [[], 0]
+ # create a callable for adding data
+ #
+ # robertc says- this is a closure rather than a method on the object
+ # so that the variables are locals, and faster than accessing object
+ # members.
+ def _write_data(bytes, flush=False, _buffer=self._buffer,
+ _write=self.write_stream.write, _update=self._hash.update):
+ _buffer[0].append(bytes)
+ _buffer[1] += len(bytes)
+ # buffer cap
+ if _buffer[1] > self._cache_limit or flush:
+ bytes = ''.join(_buffer[0])
+ _write(bytes)
+ _update(bytes)
+ _buffer[:] = [[], 0]
+ # expose this on self, for the occasion when clients want to add data.
+ self._write_data = _write_data
+ # a pack writer object to serialise pack records.
+ self._writer = pack.ContainerWriter(self._write_data)
+ self._writer.begin()
+ # what state is the pack in? (open, finished, aborted)
+ self._state = 'open'
+ # no name until we finish writing the content
+ = None
+ def _check_references(self):
+ """Make sure our external references are present.
+ Packs are allowed to have deltas whose base is not in the pack, but it
+ must be present somewhere in this collection. It is not allowed to
+ have deltas based on a fallback repository.
+ (See <>)
+ """
+ # Groupcompress packs don't have any external references, arguably CHK
+ # pages have external references, but we cannot 'cheaply' determine
+ # them without actually walking all of the chk pages.
+class ResumedGCPack(ResumedPack):
+ def _check_references(self):
+ """Make sure our external compression parents are present."""
+ # See GCPack._check_references for why this is empty
+ def _get_external_refs(self, index):
+ # GC repositories don't have compression parents external to a given
+ # pack file
+ return set()
+class GCCHKPacker(Packer):
+ """This class understand what it takes to collect a GCCHK repo."""
+ def __init__(self, pack_collection, packs, suffix, revision_ids=None,
+ reload_func=None):
+ super(GCCHKPacker, self).__init__(pack_collection, packs, suffix,
+ revision_ids=revision_ids,
+ reload_func=reload_func)
+ self._pack_collection = pack_collection
+ # ATM, We only support this for GCCHK repositories
+ if pack_collection.chk_index is None:
+ raise AssertionError('pack_collection.chk_index should not be None')
+ self._gather_text_refs = False
+ self._chk_id_roots = []
+ self._chk_p_id_roots = []
+ self._text_refs = None
+ # set by .pack() if self.revision_ids is not None
+ self.revision_keys = None
+ def _get_progress_stream(self, source_vf, keys, message, pb):
+ def pb_stream():
+ substream = source_vf.get_record_stream(keys, 'groupcompress', True)
+ for idx, record in enumerate(substream):
+ if pb is not None:
+ pb.update(message, idx + 1, len(keys))
+ yield record
+ return pb_stream()
+ def _get_filtered_inv_stream(self, source_vf, keys, message, pb=None):
+ """Filter the texts of inventories, to find the chk pages."""
+ total_keys = len(keys)
+ def _filtered_inv_stream():
+ id_roots_set = set()
+ p_id_roots_set = set()
+ stream = source_vf.get_record_stream(keys, 'groupcompress', True)
+ for idx, record in enumerate(stream):
+ # Inventories should always be with revisions; assume success.
+ bytes = record.get_bytes_as('fulltext')
+ chk_inv = inventory.CHKInventory.deserialise(None, bytes,
+ record.key)
+ if pb is not None:
+ pb.update('inv', idx, total_keys)
+ key = chk_inv.id_to_entry.key()
+ if key not in id_roots_set:
+ self._chk_id_roots.append(key)
+ id_roots_set.add(key)
+ p_id_map = chk_inv.parent_id_basename_to_file_id
+ if p_id_map is None:
+ raise AssertionError('Parent id -> file_id map not set')
+ key = p_id_map.key()
+ if key not in p_id_roots_set:
+ p_id_roots_set.add(key)
+ self._chk_p_id_roots.append(key)
+ yield record
+ # We have finished processing all of the inventory records, we
+ # don't need these sets anymore
+ id_roots_set.clear()
+ p_id_roots_set.clear()
+ return _filtered_inv_stream()
+ def _get_chk_streams(self, source_vf, keys, pb=None):
+ # We want to stream the keys from 'id_roots', and things they
+ # reference, and then stream things from p_id_roots and things they
+ # reference, and then any remaining keys that we didn't get to.
+ # We also group referenced texts together, so if one root references a
+ # text with prefix 'a', and another root references a node with prefix
+ # 'a', we want to yield those nodes before we yield the nodes for 'b'
+ # This keeps 'similar' nodes together.
+ # Note: We probably actually want multiple streams here, to help the
+ # client understand that the different levels won't compress well
+ # against each other.
+ # Test the difference between using one Group per level, and
+ # using 1 Group per prefix. (so '' (root) would get a group, then
+ # all the references to search-key 'a' would get a group, etc.)
+ total_keys = len(keys)
+ remaining_keys = set(keys)
+ counter = [0]
+ if self._gather_text_refs:
+ self._text_refs = set()
+ def _get_referenced_stream(root_keys, parse_leaf_nodes=False):
+ cur_keys = root_keys
+ while cur_keys:
+ keys_by_search_prefix = {}
+ remaining_keys.difference_update(cur_keys)
+ next_keys = set()
+ def handle_internal_node(node):
+ for prefix, value in node._items.iteritems():
+ # We don't want to request the same key twice, and we
+ # want to order it by the first time it is seen.
+ # Even further, we don't want to request a key which is
+ # not in this group of pack files (it should be in the
+ # repo, but it doesn't have to be in the group being
+ # packed.)
+ # TODO: consider how to treat externally referenced chk
+ # pages as 'external_references' so that we
+ # always fill them in for stacked branches
+ if value not in next_keys and value in remaining_keys:
+ keys_by_search_prefix.setdefault(prefix,
+ []).append(value)
+ next_keys.add(value)
+ def handle_leaf_node(node):
+ # Store is None, because we know we have a LeafNode, and we
+ # just want its entries
+ for file_id, bytes in node.iteritems(None):
+ self._text_refs.add(chk_map._bytes_to_text_key(bytes))
+ def next_stream():
+ stream = source_vf.get_record_stream(cur_keys,
+ 'as-requested', True)
+ for record in stream:
+ if record.storage_kind == 'absent':
+ # An absent CHK record: we assume that the missing
+ # record is in a different pack - e.g. a page not
+ # altered by the commit we're packing.
+ continue
+ bytes = record.get_bytes_as('fulltext')
+ # We don't care about search_key_func for this code,
+ # because we only care about external references.
+ node = chk_map._deserialise(bytes, record.key,
+ search_key_func=None)
+ common_base = node._search_prefix
+ if isinstance(node, chk_map.InternalNode):
+ handle_internal_node(node)
+ elif parse_leaf_nodes:
+ handle_leaf_node(node)
+ counter[0] += 1
+ if pb is not None:
+ pb.update('chk node', counter[0], total_keys)
+ yield record
+ yield next_stream()
+ # Double check that we won't be emitting any keys twice
+ # If we get rid of the pre-calculation of all keys, we could
+ # turn this around and do
+ # next_keys.difference_update(seen_keys)
+ # However, we also may have references to chk pages in another
+ # pack file during autopack. We filter earlier, so we should no
+ # longer need to do this
+ # next_keys = next_keys.intersection(remaining_keys)
+ cur_keys = []
+ for prefix in sorted(keys_by_search_prefix):
+ cur_keys.extend(keys_by_search_prefix.pop(prefix))
+ for stream in _get_referenced_stream(self._chk_id_roots,
+ self._gather_text_refs):
+ yield stream
+ del self._chk_id_roots
+ # while it isn't really possible for chk_id_roots to not be in the
+ # local group of packs, it is possible that the tree shape has not
+ # changed recently, so we need to filter _chk_p_id_roots by the
+ # available keys
+ chk_p_id_roots = [key for key in self._chk_p_id_roots
+ if key in remaining_keys]
+ del self._chk_p_id_roots
+ for stream in _get_referenced_stream(chk_p_id_roots, False):
+ yield stream
+ if remaining_keys:
+ trace.mutter('There were %d keys in the chk index, %d of which'
+ ' were not referenced', total_keys,
+ len(remaining_keys))
+ if self.revision_ids is None:
+ stream = source_vf.get_record_stream(remaining_keys,
+ 'unordered', True)
+ yield stream
+ def _build_vf(self, index_name, parents, delta, for_write=False):
+ """Build a VersionedFiles instance on top of this group of packs."""
+ index_name = index_name + '_index'
+ index_to_pack = {}
+ access = _DirectPackAccess(index_to_pack,
+ reload_func=self._reload_func)
+ if for_write:
+ # Use new_pack
+ if self.new_pack is None:
+ raise AssertionError('No new pack has been set')
+ index = getattr(self.new_pack, index_name)
+ index_to_pack[index] = self.new_pack.access_tuple()
+ index.set_optimize(for_size=True)
+ access.set_writer(self.new_pack._writer, index,
+ self.new_pack.access_tuple())
+ add_callback = index.add_nodes
+ else:
+ indices = []
+ for pack in self.packs:
+ sub_index = getattr(pack, index_name)
+ index_to_pack[sub_index] = pack.access_tuple()
+ indices.append(sub_index)
+ index = _mod_index.CombinedGraphIndex(indices)
+ add_callback = None
+ vf = GroupCompressVersionedFiles(
+ _GCGraphIndex(index,
+ add_callback=add_callback,
+ parents=parents,
+ is_locked=self._pack_collection.repo.is_locked),
+ access=access,
+ delta=delta)
+ return vf
+ def _build_vfs(self, index_name, parents, delta):
+ """Build the source and target VersionedFiles."""
+ source_vf = self._build_vf(index_name, parents,
+ delta, for_write=False)
+ target_vf = self._build_vf(index_name, parents,
+ delta, for_write=True)
+ return source_vf, target_vf
+ def _copy_stream(self, source_vf, target_vf, keys, message, vf_to_stream,
+ pb_offset):
+ trace.mutter('repacking %d %s', len(keys), message)
+ self.pb.update('repacking %s' % (message,), pb_offset)
+ child_pb = ui.ui_factory.nested_progress_bar()
+ try:
+ stream = vf_to_stream(source_vf, keys, message, child_pb)
+ for _ in target_vf._insert_record_stream(stream,
+ random_id=True,
+ reuse_blocks=False):
+ pass
+ finally:
+ child_pb.finished()
+ def _copy_revision_texts(self):
+ source_vf, target_vf = self._build_vfs('revision', True, False)
+ if not self.revision_keys:
+ # We are doing a full fetch, aka 'pack'
+ self.revision_keys = source_vf.keys()
+ self._copy_stream(source_vf, target_vf, self.revision_keys,
+ 'revisions', self._get_progress_stream, 1)
+ def _copy_inventory_texts(self):
+ source_vf, target_vf = self._build_vfs('inventory', True, True)
+ # It is not sufficient to just use self.revision_keys, as stacked
+ # repositories can have more inventories than they have revisions.
+ # One alternative would be to do something with
+ # get_parent_map(self.revision_keys), but that shouldn't be any faster
+ # than this.
+ inventory_keys = source_vf.keys()
+ missing_inventories = set(self.revision_keys).difference(inventory_keys)
+ if missing_inventories:
+ # Go back to the original repo, to see if these are really missing
+ #
+ # If we are packing a subset of the repo, it is fine to just have
+ # the data in another Pack file, which is not included in this pack
+ # operation.
+ inv_index = self._pack_collection.repo.inventories._index
+ pmap = inv_index.get_parent_map(missing_inventories)
+ really_missing = missing_inventories.difference(pmap)
+ if really_missing:
+ missing_inventories = sorted(really_missing)
+ raise ValueError('We are missing inventories for revisions: %s'
+ % (missing_inventories,))
+ self._copy_stream(source_vf, target_vf, inventory_keys,
+ 'inventories', self._get_filtered_inv_stream, 2)
+ def _get_chk_vfs_for_copy(self):
+ return self._build_vfs('chk', False, False)
+ def _copy_chk_texts(self):
+ source_vf, target_vf = self._get_chk_vfs_for_copy()
+ # TODO: This is technically spurious... if it is a performance issue,
+ # remove it
+ total_keys = source_vf.keys()
+ trace.mutter('repacking chk: %d id_to_entry roots,'
+ ' %d p_id_map roots, %d total keys',
+ len(self._chk_id_roots), len(self._chk_p_id_roots),
+ len(total_keys))
+ self.pb.update('repacking chk', 3)
+ child_pb = ui.ui_factory.nested_progress_bar()
+ try:
+ for stream in self._get_chk_streams(source_vf, total_keys,
+ pb=child_pb):
+ for _ in target_vf._insert_record_stream(stream,
+ random_id=True,
+ reuse_blocks=False):
+ pass
+ finally:
+ child_pb.finished()
+ def _copy_text_texts(self):
+ source_vf, target_vf = self._build_vfs('text', True, True)
+ # XXX: We don't walk the chk map to determine referenced (file_id,
+ # revision_id) keys. We don't do it yet because you really need
+ # to filter out the ones that are present in the parents of the
+ # rev just before the ones you are copying, otherwise the filter
+ # is grabbing too many keys...
+ text_keys = source_vf.keys()
+ self._copy_stream(source_vf, target_vf, text_keys,
+ 'texts', self._get_progress_stream, 4)
+ def _copy_signature_texts(self):
+ source_vf, target_vf = self._build_vfs('signature', False, False)
+ signature_keys = source_vf.keys()
+ signature_keys.intersection(self.revision_keys)
+ self._copy_stream(source_vf, target_vf, signature_keys,
+ 'signatures', self._get_progress_stream, 5)
+ def _create_pack_from_packs(self):
+ self.pb.update('repacking', 0, 7)
+ self.new_pack = self.open_pack()
+ # Is this necessary for GC ?
+ self.new_pack.set_write_cache_size(1024*1024)
+ self._copy_revision_texts()
+ self._copy_inventory_texts()
+ self._copy_chk_texts()
+ self._copy_text_texts()
+ self._copy_signature_texts()
+ self.new_pack._check_references()
+ if not self._use_pack(self.new_pack):
+ self.new_pack.abort()
+ return None
+ self.new_pack.finish_content()
+ if len(self.packs) == 1:
+ old_pack = self.packs[0]
+ if == self.new_pack._hash.hexdigest():
+ # The single old pack was already optimally packed.
+ trace.mutter('single pack %s was already optimally packed',
+ self.new_pack.abort()
+ return None
+ self.pb.update('finishing repack', 6, 7)
+ self.new_pack.finish()
+ self._pack_collection.allocate(self.new_pack)
+ return self.new_pack
+class GCCHKReconcilePacker(GCCHKPacker):
+ """A packer which regenerates indices etc as it copies.
+ This is used by ``bzr reconcile`` to cause parent text pointers to be
+ regenerated.
+ """
+ def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs):
+ super(GCCHKReconcilePacker, self).__init__(*args, **kwargs)
+ self._data_changed = False
+ self._gather_text_refs = True
+ def _copy_inventory_texts(self):
+ source_vf, target_vf = self._build_vfs('inventory', True, True)
+ self._copy_stream(source_vf, target_vf, self.revision_keys,
+ 'inventories', self._get_filtered_inv_stream, 2)
+ if source_vf.keys() != self.revision_keys:
+ self._data_changed = True
+ def _copy_text_texts(self):
+ """generate what texts we should have and then copy."""
+ source_vf, target_vf = self._build_vfs('text', True, True)
+ trace.mutter('repacking %d texts', len(self._text_refs))
+ self.pb.update("repacking texts", 4)
+ # we have three major tasks here:
+ # 1) generate the ideal index
+ repo = self._pack_collection.repo
+ # We want the one we just wrote, so base it on self.new_pack
+ revision_vf = self._build_vf('revision', True, False, for_write=True)
+ ancestor_keys = revision_vf.get_parent_map(revision_vf.keys())
+ # Strip keys back into revision_ids.
+ ancestors = dict((k[0], tuple([p[0] for p in parents]))
+ for k, parents in ancestor_keys.iteritems())
+ del ancestor_keys
+ # TODO: _generate_text_key_index should be much cheaper to generate from
+ # a chk repository, rather than the current implementation
+ ideal_index = repo._generate_text_key_index(None, ancestors)
+ file_id_parent_map = source_vf.get_parent_map(self._text_refs)
+ # 2) generate a keys list that contains all the entries that can
+ # be used as-is, with corrected parents.
+ ok_keys = []
+ new_parent_keys = {} # (key, parent_keys)
+ discarded_keys = []
+ for key in self._text_refs:
+ # 0 - index
+ # 1 - key
+ # 2 - value
+ # 3 - refs
+ try:
+ ideal_parents = tuple(ideal_index[key])
+ except KeyError:
+ discarded_keys.append(key)
+ self._data_changed = True
+ else:
+ if ideal_parents == (NULL_REVISION,):
+ ideal_parents = ()
+ source_parents = file_id_parent_map[key]
+ if ideal_parents == source_parents:
+ # no change needed.
+ ok_keys.append(key)
+ else:
+ # We need to change the parent graph, but we don't need to
+ # re-insert the text (since we don't pun the compression
+ # parent with the parents list)
+ self._data_changed = True
+ new_parent_keys[key] = ideal_parents
+ # we're finished with some data.
+ del ideal_index
+ del file_id_parent_map
+ # 3) bulk copy the data, updating records than need it
+ def _update_parents_for_texts():
+ stream = source_vf.get_record_stream(self._text_refs,
+ 'groupcompress', False)
+ for record in stream:
+ if record.key in new_parent_keys:
+ record.parents = new_parent_keys[record.key]
+ yield record
+ target_vf.insert_record_stream(_update_parents_for_texts())
+ def _use_pack(self, new_pack):
+ """Override _use_pack to check for reconcile having changed content."""
+ return new_pack.data_inserted() and self._data_changed
+class GCCHKCanonicalizingPacker(GCCHKPacker):
+ """A packer that ensures inventories have canonical-form CHK maps.
+ Ideally this would be part of reconcile, but it's very slow and rarely
+ needed. (It repairs repositories affected by
+ """
+ def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs):
+ super(GCCHKCanonicalizingPacker, self).__init__(*args, **kwargs)
+ self._data_changed = False
+ def _exhaust_stream(self, source_vf, keys, message, vf_to_stream, pb_offset):
+ """Create and exhaust a stream, but don't insert it.
+ This is useful to get the side-effects of generating a stream.
+ """
+ self.pb.update('scanning %s' % (message,), pb_offset)
+ child_pb = ui.ui_factory.nested_progress_bar()
+ try:
+ list(vf_to_stream(source_vf, keys, message, child_pb))
+ finally:
+ child_pb.finished()
+ def _copy_inventory_texts(self):
+ source_vf, target_vf = self._build_vfs('inventory', True, True)
+ source_chk_vf, target_chk_vf = self._get_chk_vfs_for_copy()
+ inventory_keys = source_vf.keys()
+ # First, copy the existing CHKs on the assumption that most of them
+ # will be correct. This will save us from having to reinsert (and
+ # recompress) these records later at the cost of perhaps preserving a
+ # few unused CHKs.
+ # (Iterate but don't insert _get_filtered_inv_stream to populate the
+ # variables needed by GCCHKPacker._copy_chk_texts.)
+ self._exhaust_stream(source_vf, inventory_keys, 'inventories',
+ self._get_filtered_inv_stream, 2)
+ GCCHKPacker._copy_chk_texts(self)
+ # Now copy and fix the inventories, and any regenerated CHKs.
+ def chk_canonicalizing_inv_stream(source_vf, keys, message, pb=None):
+ return self._get_filtered_canonicalizing_inv_stream(
+ source_vf, keys, message, pb, source_chk_vf, target_chk_vf)
+ self._copy_stream(source_vf, target_vf, inventory_keys,
+ 'inventories', chk_canonicalizing_inv_stream, 4)
+ def _copy_chk_texts(self):
+ # No-op; in this class this happens during _copy_inventory_texts.
+ pass
+ def _get_filtered_canonicalizing_inv_stream(self, source_vf, keys, message,
+ pb=None, source_chk_vf=None, target_chk_vf=None):
+ """Filter the texts of inventories, regenerating CHKs to make sure they
+ are canonical.
+ """
+ total_keys = len(keys)
+ target_chk_vf = versionedfile.NoDupeAddLinesDecorator(target_chk_vf)
+ def _filtered_inv_stream():
+ stream = source_vf.get_record_stream(keys, 'groupcompress', True)
+ search_key_name = None
+ for idx, record in enumerate(stream):
+ # Inventories should always be with revisions; assume success.
+ bytes = record.get_bytes_as('fulltext')
+ chk_inv = inventory.CHKInventory.deserialise(
+ source_chk_vf, bytes, record.key)
+ if pb is not None:
+ pb.update('inv', idx, total_keys)
+ chk_inv.id_to_entry._ensure_root()
+ if search_key_name is None:
+ # Find the name corresponding to the search_key_func
+ search_key_reg = chk_map.search_key_registry
+ for search_key_name, func in search_key_reg.iteritems():
+ if func == chk_inv.id_to_entry._search_key_func:
+ break
+ canonical_inv = inventory.CHKInventory.from_inventory(
+ target_chk_vf, chk_inv,
+ maximum_size=chk_inv.id_to_entry._root_node._maximum_size,
+ search_key_name=search_key_name)
+ if chk_inv.id_to_entry.key() != canonical_inv.id_to_entry.key():
+ trace.mutter(
+ 'Non-canonical CHK map for id_to_entry of inv: %s '
+ '(root is %s, should be %s)' % (chk_inv.revision_id,
+ chk_inv.id_to_entry.key()[0],
+ canonical_inv.id_to_entry.key()[0]))
+ self._data_changed = True
+ p_id_map = chk_inv.parent_id_basename_to_file_id
+ p_id_map._ensure_root()
+ canon_p_id_map = canonical_inv.parent_id_basename_to_file_id
+ if p_id_map.key() != canon_p_id_map.key():
+ trace.mutter(
+ 'Non-canonical CHK map for parent_id_to_basename of '
+ 'inv: %s (root is %s, should be %s)'
+ % (chk_inv.revision_id, p_id_map.key()[0],
+ canon_p_id_map.key()[0]))
+ self._data_changed = True
+ yield versionedfile.ChunkedContentFactory(record.key,
+ record.parents, record.sha1,
+ canonical_inv.to_lines())
+ # We have finished processing all of the inventory records, we
+ # don't need these sets anymore
+ return _filtered_inv_stream()
+ def _use_pack(self, new_pack):
+ """Override _use_pack to check for reconcile having changed content."""
+ return new_pack.data_inserted() and self._data_changed
+class GCRepositoryPackCollection(RepositoryPackCollection):
+ pack_factory = GCPack
+ resumed_pack_factory = ResumedGCPack
+ normal_packer_class = GCCHKPacker
+ optimising_packer_class = GCCHKPacker
+ def _check_new_inventories(self):
+ """Detect missing inventories or chk root entries for the new revisions
+ in this write group.
+ :returns: list of strs, summarising any problems found. If the list is
+ empty no problems were found.
+ """
+ # Ensure that all revisions added in this write group have:
+ # - corresponding inventories,
+ # - chk root entries for those inventories,
+ # - and any present parent inventories have their chk root
+ # entries too.
+ # And all this should be independent of any fallback repository.
+ problems = []
+ key_deps = self.repo.revisions._index._key_dependencies
+ new_revisions_keys = key_deps.get_new_keys()
+ no_fallback_inv_index = self.repo.inventories._index
+ no_fallback_chk_bytes_index = self.repo.chk_bytes._index
+ no_fallback_texts_index = self.repo.texts._index
+ inv_parent_map = no_fallback_inv_index.get_parent_map(
+ new_revisions_keys)
+ # Are any inventories for corresponding to the new revisions missing?
+ corresponding_invs = set(inv_parent_map)
+ missing_corresponding = set(new_revisions_keys)
+ missing_corresponding.difference_update(corresponding_invs)
+ if missing_corresponding:
+ problems.append("inventories missing for revisions %s" %
+ (sorted(missing_corresponding),))
+ return problems
+ # Are any chk root entries missing for any inventories? This includes
+ # any present parent inventories, which may be used when calculating
+ # deltas for streaming.
+ all_inv_keys = set(corresponding_invs)
+ for parent_inv_keys in inv_parent_map.itervalues():
+ all_inv_keys.update(parent_inv_keys)
+ # Filter out ghost parents.
+ all_inv_keys.intersection_update(
+ no_fallback_inv_index.get_parent_map(all_inv_keys))
+ parent_invs_only_keys = all_inv_keys.symmetric_difference(
+ corresponding_invs)
+ all_missing = set()
+ inv_ids = [key[-1] for key in all_inv_keys]
+ parent_invs_only_ids = [key[-1] for key in parent_invs_only_keys]
+ root_key_info = _build_interesting_key_sets(
+ self.repo, inv_ids, parent_invs_only_ids)
+ expected_chk_roots = root_key_info.all_keys()
+ present_chk_roots = no_fallback_chk_bytes_index.get_parent_map(
+ expected_chk_roots)
+ missing_chk_roots = expected_chk_roots.difference(present_chk_roots)
+ if missing_chk_roots:
+ problems.append("missing referenced chk root keys: %s"
+ % (sorted(missing_chk_roots),))
+ # Don't bother checking any further.
+ return problems
+ # Find all interesting chk_bytes records, and make sure they are
+ # present, as well as the text keys they reference.
+ chk_bytes_no_fallbacks = self.repo.chk_bytes.without_fallbacks()
+ chk_bytes_no_fallbacks._search_key_func = \
+ self.repo.chk_bytes._search_key_func
+ chk_diff = chk_map.iter_interesting_nodes(
+ chk_bytes_no_fallbacks, root_key_info.interesting_root_keys,
+ root_key_info.uninteresting_root_keys)
+ text_keys = set()
+ try:
+ for record in _filter_text_keys(chk_diff, text_keys,
+ chk_map._bytes_to_text_key):
+ pass
+ except errors.NoSuchRevision, e:
+ # XXX: It would be nice if we could give a more precise error here.
+ problems.append("missing chk node(s) for id_to_entry maps")
+ chk_diff = chk_map.iter_interesting_nodes(
+ chk_bytes_no_fallbacks, root_key_info.interesting_pid_root_keys,
+ root_key_info.uninteresting_pid_root_keys)
+ try:
+ for interesting_rec, interesting_map in chk_diff:
+ pass
+ except errors.NoSuchRevision, e:
+ problems.append(
+ "missing chk node(s) for parent_id_basename_to_file_id maps")
+ present_text_keys = no_fallback_texts_index.get_parent_map(text_keys)
+ missing_text_keys = text_keys.difference(present_text_keys)
+ if missing_text_keys:
+ problems.append("missing text keys: %r"
+ % (sorted(missing_text_keys),))
+ return problems
+class CHKInventoryRepository(PackRepository):
+ """subclass of PackRepository that uses CHK based inventories."""
+ def __init__(self, _format, a_bzrdir, control_files, _commit_builder_class,
+ _serializer):
+ """Overridden to change pack collection class."""
+ super(CHKInventoryRepository, self).__init__(_format, a_bzrdir,
+ control_files, _commit_builder_class, _serializer)
+ index_transport = self._transport.clone('indices')
+ self._pack_collection = GCRepositoryPackCollection(self,
+ self._transport, index_transport,
+ self._transport.clone('upload'),
+ self._transport.clone('packs'),
+ _format.index_builder_class,
+ _format.index_class,
+ use_chk_index=self._format.supports_chks,
+ )
+ self.inventories = GroupCompressVersionedFiles(
+ _GCGraphIndex(self._pack_collection.inventory_index.combined_index,
+ add_callback=self._pack_collection.inventory_index.add_callback,
+ parents=True, is_locked=self.is_locked,
+ inconsistency_fatal=False),
+ access=self._pack_collection.inventory_index.data_access)
+ self.revisions = GroupCompressVersionedFiles(
+ _GCGraphIndex(self._pack_collection.revision_index.combined_index,
+ add_callback=self._pack_collection.revision_index.add_callback,
+ parents=True, is_locked=self.is_locked,
+ track_external_parent_refs=True, track_new_keys=True),
+ access=self._pack_collection.revision_index.data_access,
+ delta=False)
+ self.signatures = GroupCompressVersionedFiles(
+ _GCGraphIndex(self._pack_collection.signature_index.combined_index,
+ add_callback=self._pack_collection.signature_index.add_callback,
+ parents=False, is_locked=self.is_locked,
+ inconsistency_fatal=False),
+ access=self._pack_collection.signature_index.data_access,
+ delta=False)
+ self.texts = GroupCompressVersionedFiles(
+ _GCGraphIndex(self._pack_collection.text_index.combined_index,
+ add_callback=self._pack_collection.text_index.add_callback,
+ parents=True, is_locked=self.is_locked,
+ inconsistency_fatal=False),
+ access=self._pack_collection.text_index.data_access)
+ # No parents, individual CHK pages don't have specific ancestry
+ self.chk_bytes = GroupCompressVersionedFiles(
+ _GCGraphIndex(self._pack_collection.chk_index.combined_index,
+ add_callback=self._pack_collection.chk_index.add_callback,
+ parents=False, is_locked=self.is_locked,
+ inconsistency_fatal=False),
+ access=self._pack_collection.chk_index.data_access)
+ search_key_name = self._format._serializer.search_key_name
+ search_key_func = chk_map.search_key_registry.get(search_key_name)
+ self.chk_bytes._search_key_func = search_key_func
+ # True when the repository object is 'write locked' (as opposed to the
+ # physical lock only taken out around changes to the pack-names list.)
+ # Another way to represent this would be a decorator around the control
+ # files object that presents logical locks as physical ones - if this
+ # gets ugly consider that alternative design. RBC 20071011
+ self._write_lock_count = 0
+ self._transaction = None
+ # for tests
+ self._reconcile_does_inventory_gc = True
+ self._reconcile_fixes_text_parents = True
+ self._reconcile_backsup_inventory = False
+ def _add_inventory_checked(self, revision_id, inv, parents):
+ """Add inv to the repository after checking the inputs.
+ This function can be overridden to allow different inventory styles.
+ :seealso: add_inventory, for the contract.
+ """
+ # make inventory
+ serializer = self._format._serializer
+ result = inventory.CHKInventory.from_inventory(self.chk_bytes, inv,
+ maximum_size=serializer.maximum_size,
+ search_key_name=serializer.search_key_name)
+ inv_lines = result.to_lines()
+ return self._inventory_add_lines(revision_id, parents,
+ inv_lines, check_content=False)
+ def _create_inv_from_null(self, delta, revision_id):
+ """This will mutate new_inv directly.
+ This is a simplified form of create_by_apply_delta which knows that all
+ the old values must be None, so everything is a create.
+ """
+ serializer = self._format._serializer
+ new_inv = inventory.CHKInventory(serializer.search_key_name)
+ new_inv.revision_id = revision_id
+ entry_to_bytes = new_inv._entry_to_bytes
+ id_to_entry_dict = {}
+ parent_id_basename_dict = {}
+ for old_path, new_path, file_id, entry in delta:
+ if old_path is not None:
+ raise ValueError('Invalid delta, somebody tried to delete %r'
+ ' from the NULL_REVISION'
+ % ((old_path, file_id),))
+ if new_path is None:
+ raise ValueError('Invalid delta, delta from NULL_REVISION has'
+ ' no new_path %r' % (file_id,))
+ if new_path == '':
+ new_inv.root_id = file_id
+ parent_id_basename_key = StaticTuple('', '').intern()
+ else:
+ utf8_entry_name ='utf-8')
+ parent_id_basename_key = StaticTuple(entry.parent_id,
+ utf8_entry_name).intern()
+ new_value = entry_to_bytes(entry)
+ # Populate Caches?
+ # new_inv._path_to_fileid_cache[new_path] = file_id
+ key = StaticTuple(file_id).intern()
+ id_to_entry_dict[key] = new_value
+ parent_id_basename_dict[parent_id_basename_key] = file_id
+ new_inv._populate_from_dicts(self.chk_bytes, id_to_entry_dict,
+ parent_id_basename_dict, maximum_size=serializer.maximum_size)
+ return new_inv
+ def add_inventory_by_delta(self, basis_revision_id, delta, new_revision_id,
+ parents, basis_inv=None, propagate_caches=False):
+ """Add a new inventory expressed as a delta against another revision.
+ :param basis_revision_id: The inventory id the delta was created
+ against.
+ :param delta: The inventory delta (see Inventory.apply_delta for
+ details).
+ :param new_revision_id: The revision id that the inventory is being
+ added for.
+ :param parents: The revision ids of the parents that revision_id is
+ known to have and are in the repository already. These are supplied
+ for repositories that depend on the inventory graph for revision
+ graph access, as well as for those that pun ancestry with delta
+ compression.
+ :param basis_inv: The basis inventory if it is already known,
+ otherwise None.
+ :param propagate_caches: If True, the caches for this inventory are
+ copied to and updated for the result if possible.
+ :returns: (validator, new_inv)
+ The validator(which is a sha1 digest, though what is sha'd is
+ repository format specific) of the serialized inventory, and the
+ resulting inventory.
+ """
+ if not self.is_in_write_group():
+ raise AssertionError("%r not in write group" % (self,))
+ _mod_revision.check_not_reserved_id(new_revision_id)
+ basis_tree = None
+ if basis_inv is None:
+ if basis_revision_id == _mod_revision.NULL_REVISION:
+ new_inv = self._create_inv_from_null(delta, new_revision_id)
+ if new_inv.root_id is None:
+ raise errors.RootMissing()
+ inv_lines = new_inv.to_lines()
+ return self._inventory_add_lines(new_revision_id, parents,
+ inv_lines, check_content=False), new_inv
+ else:
+ basis_tree = self.revision_tree(basis_revision_id)
+ basis_tree.lock_read()
+ basis_inv = basis_tree.root_inventory
+ try:
+ result = basis_inv.create_by_apply_delta(delta, new_revision_id,
+ propagate_caches=propagate_caches)
+ inv_lines = result.to_lines()
+ return self._inventory_add_lines(new_revision_id, parents,
+ inv_lines, check_content=False), result
+ finally:
+ if basis_tree is not None:
+ basis_tree.unlock()
+ def _deserialise_inventory(self, revision_id, bytes):
+ return inventory.CHKInventory.deserialise(self.chk_bytes, bytes,
+ (revision_id,))
+ def _iter_inventories(self, revision_ids, ordering):
+ """Iterate over many inventory objects."""
+ if ordering is None:
+ ordering = 'unordered'
+ keys = [(revision_id,) for revision_id in revision_ids]
+ stream = self.inventories.get_record_stream(keys, ordering, True)
+ texts = {}
+ for record in stream:
+ if record.storage_kind != 'absent':
+ texts[record.key] = record.get_bytes_as('fulltext')
+ else:
+ texts[record.key] = None
+ for key in keys:
+ bytes = texts[key]
+ if bytes is None:
+ yield (None, key[-1])
+ else:
+ yield (inventory.CHKInventory.deserialise(
+ self.chk_bytes, bytes, key), key[-1])
+ def _get_inventory_xml(self, revision_id):
+ """Get serialized inventory as a string."""
+ # Without a native 'xml' inventory, this method doesn't make sense.
+ # However older working trees, and older bundles want it - so we supply
+ # it allowing _get_inventory_xml to work. Bundles currently use the
+ # serializer directly; this also isn't ideal, but there isn't an xml
+ # iteration interface offered at all for repositories.
+ return self._serializer.write_inventory_to_string(
+ self.get_inventory(revision_id))
+ def _find_present_inventory_keys(self, revision_keys):
+ parent_map = self.inventories.get_parent_map(revision_keys)
+ present_inventory_keys = set(k for k in parent_map)
+ return present_inventory_keys
+ def fileids_altered_by_revision_ids(self, revision_ids, _inv_weave=None):
+ """Find the file ids and versions affected by revisions.
+ :param revisions: an iterable containing revision ids.
+ :param _inv_weave: The inventory weave from this repository or None.
+ If None, the inventory weave will be opened automatically.
+ :return: a dictionary mapping altered file-ids to an iterable of
+ revision_ids. Each altered file-ids has the exact revision_ids that
+ altered it listed explicitly.
+ """
+ rich_root = self.supports_rich_root()
+ bytes_to_info = inventory.CHKInventory._bytes_to_utf8name_key
+ file_id_revisions = {}
+ pb = ui.ui_factory.nested_progress_bar()
+ try:
+ revision_keys = [(r,) for r in revision_ids]
+ parent_keys = self._find_parent_keys_of_revisions(revision_keys)
+ # TODO: instead of using _find_present_inventory_keys, change the
+ # code paths to allow missing inventories to be tolerated.
+ # However, we only want to tolerate missing parent
+ # inventories, not missing inventories for revision_ids
+ present_parent_inv_keys = self._find_present_inventory_keys(
+ parent_keys)
+ present_parent_inv_ids = set(
+ [k[-1] for k in present_parent_inv_keys])
+ inventories_to_read = set(revision_ids)
+ inventories_to_read.update(present_parent_inv_ids)
+ root_key_info = _build_interesting_key_sets(
+ self, inventories_to_read, present_parent_inv_ids)
+ interesting_root_keys = root_key_info.interesting_root_keys
+ uninteresting_root_keys = root_key_info.uninteresting_root_keys
+ chk_bytes = self.chk_bytes
+ for record, items in chk_map.iter_interesting_nodes(chk_bytes,
+ interesting_root_keys, uninteresting_root_keys,
+ pb=pb):
+ for name, bytes in items:
+ (name_utf8, file_id, revision_id) = bytes_to_info(bytes)
+ # TODO: consider interning file_id, revision_id here, or
+ # pushing that intern() into bytes_to_info()
+ # TODO: rich_root should always be True here, for all
+ # repositories that support chk_bytes
+ if not rich_root and name_utf8 == '':
+ continue
+ try:
+ file_id_revisions[file_id].add(revision_id)
+ except KeyError:
+ file_id_revisions[file_id] = set([revision_id])
+ finally:
+ pb.finished()
+ return file_id_revisions
+ def find_text_key_references(self):
+ """Find the text key references within the repository.
+ :return: A dictionary mapping text keys ((fileid, revision_id) tuples)
+ to whether they were referred to by the inventory of the
+ revision_id that they contain. The inventory texts from all present
+ revision ids are assessed to generate this report.
+ """
+ # XXX: Slow version but correct: rewrite as a series of delta
+ # examinations/direct tree traversal. Note that that will require care
+ # as a common node is reachable both from the inventory that added it,
+ # and others afterwards.
+ revision_keys = self.revisions.keys()
+ result = {}
+ rich_roots = self.supports_rich_root()
+ pb = ui.ui_factory.nested_progress_bar()
+ try:
+ all_revs = self.all_revision_ids()
+ total = len(all_revs)
+ for pos, inv in enumerate(self.iter_inventories(all_revs)):
+ pb.update("Finding text references", pos, total)
+ for _, entry in inv.iter_entries():
+ if not rich_roots and entry.file_id == inv.root_id:
+ continue
+ key = (entry.file_id, entry.revision)
+ result.setdefault(key, False)
+ if entry.revision == inv.revision_id:
+ result[key] = True
+ return result
+ finally:
+ pb.finished()
+ @needs_write_lock
+ def reconcile_canonicalize_chks(self):
+ """Reconcile this repository to make sure all CHKs are in canonical
+ form.
+ """
+ from bzrlib.reconcile import PackReconciler
+ reconciler = PackReconciler(self, thorough=True, canonicalize_chks=True)
+ reconciler.reconcile()
+ return reconciler
+ def _reconcile_pack(self, collection, packs, extension, revs, pb):
+ packer = GCCHKReconcilePacker(collection, packs, extension)
+ return packer.pack(pb)
+ def _canonicalize_chks_pack(self, collection, packs, extension, revs, pb):
+ packer = GCCHKCanonicalizingPacker(collection, packs, extension, revs)
+ return packer.pack(pb)
+ def _get_source(self, to_format):
+ """Return a source for streaming from this repository."""
+ if self._format._serializer == to_format._serializer:
+ # We must be exactly the same format, otherwise stuff like the chk
+ # page layout might be different.
+ # Actually, this test is just slightly looser than exact so that
+ # CHK2 <-> 2a transfers will work.
+ return GroupCHKStreamSource(self, to_format)
+ return super(CHKInventoryRepository, self)._get_source(to_format)
+ def _find_inconsistent_revision_parents(self, revisions_iterator=None):
+ """Find revisions with different parent lists in the revision object
+ and in the index graph.
+ :param revisions_iterator: None, or an iterator of (revid,
+ Revision-or-None). This iterator controls the revisions checked.
+ :returns: an iterator yielding tuples of (revison-id, parents-in-index,
+ parents-in-revision).
+ """
+ if not self.is_locked():
+ raise AssertionError()
+ vf = self.revisions
+ if revisions_iterator is None:
+ revisions_iterator = self._iter_revisions(None)
+ for revid, revision in revisions_iterator:
+ if revision is None:
+ pass
+ parent_map = vf.get_parent_map([(revid,)])
+ parents_according_to_index = tuple(parent[-1] for parent in
+ parent_map[(revid,)])
+ parents_according_to_revision = tuple(revision.parent_ids)
+ if parents_according_to_index != parents_according_to_revision:
+ yield (revid, parents_according_to_index,
+ parents_according_to_revision)
+ def _check_for_inconsistent_revision_parents(self):
+ inconsistencies = list(self._find_inconsistent_revision_parents())
+ if inconsistencies:
+ raise errors.BzrCheckError(
+ "Revision index has inconsistent parents.")
+class GroupCHKStreamSource(StreamSource):
+ """Used when both the source and target repo are GroupCHK repos."""
+ def __init__(self, from_repository, to_format):
+ """Create a StreamSource streaming from from_repository."""
+ super(GroupCHKStreamSource, self).__init__(from_repository, to_format)
+ self._revision_keys = None
+ self._text_keys = None
+ self._text_fetch_order = 'groupcompress'
+ self._chk_id_roots = None
+ self._chk_p_id_roots = None
+ def _get_inventory_stream(self, inventory_keys, allow_absent=False):
+ """Get a stream of inventory texts.
+ When this function returns, self._chk_id_roots and self._chk_p_id_roots
+ should be populated.
+ """
+ self._chk_id_roots = []
+ self._chk_p_id_roots = []
+ def _filtered_inv_stream():
+ id_roots_set = set()
+ p_id_roots_set = set()
+ source_vf = self.from_repository.inventories
+ stream = source_vf.get_record_stream(inventory_keys,
+ 'groupcompress', True)
+ for record in stream:
+ if record.storage_kind == 'absent':
+ if allow_absent:
+ continue
+ else:
+ raise errors.NoSuchRevision(self, record.key)
+ bytes = record.get_bytes_as('fulltext')
+ chk_inv = inventory.CHKInventory.deserialise(None, bytes,
+ record.key)
+ key = chk_inv.id_to_entry.key()
+ if key not in id_roots_set:
+ self._chk_id_roots.append(key)
+ id_roots_set.add(key)
+ p_id_map = chk_inv.parent_id_basename_to_file_id
+ if p_id_map is None:
+ raise AssertionError('Parent id -> file_id map not set')
+ key = p_id_map.key()
+ if key not in p_id_roots_set:
+ p_id_roots_set.add(key)
+ self._chk_p_id_roots.append(key)
+ yield record
+ # We have finished processing all of the inventory records, we
+ # don't need these sets anymore
+ id_roots_set.clear()
+ p_id_roots_set.clear()
+ return ('inventories', _filtered_inv_stream())
+ def _get_filtered_chk_streams(self, excluded_revision_keys):
+ self._text_keys = set()
+ excluded_revision_keys.discard(_mod_revision.NULL_REVISION)
+ if not excluded_revision_keys:
+ uninteresting_root_keys = set()
+ uninteresting_pid_root_keys = set()
+ else:
+ # filter out any excluded revisions whose inventories are not
+ # actually present
+ # TODO: Update Repository.iter_inventories() to add
+ # ignore_missing=True
+ present_keys = self.from_repository._find_present_inventory_keys(
+ excluded_revision_keys)
+ present_ids = [k[-1] for k in present_keys]
+ uninteresting_root_keys = set()
+ uninteresting_pid_root_keys = set()
+ for inv in self.from_repository.iter_inventories(present_ids):
+ uninteresting_root_keys.add(inv.id_to_entry.key())
+ uninteresting_pid_root_keys.add(
+ inv.parent_id_basename_to_file_id.key())
+ chk_bytes = self.from_repository.chk_bytes
+ def _filter_id_to_entry():
+ interesting_nodes = chk_map.iter_interesting_nodes(chk_bytes,
+ self._chk_id_roots, uninteresting_root_keys)
+ for record in _filter_text_keys(interesting_nodes, self._text_keys,
+ chk_map._bytes_to_text_key):
+ if record is not None:
+ yield record
+ # Consumed
+ self._chk_id_roots = None
+ yield 'chk_bytes', _filter_id_to_entry()
+ def _get_parent_id_basename_to_file_id_pages():
+ for record, items in chk_map.iter_interesting_nodes(chk_bytes,
+ self._chk_p_id_roots, uninteresting_pid_root_keys):
+ if record is not None:
+ yield record
+ # Consumed
+ self._chk_p_id_roots = None
+ yield 'chk_bytes', _get_parent_id_basename_to_file_id_pages()
+ def _get_text_stream(self):
+ # Note: We know we don't have to handle adding root keys, because both
+ # the source and target are the identical network name.
+ text_stream = self.from_repository.texts.get_record_stream(
+ self._text_keys, self._text_fetch_order, False)
+ return ('texts', text_stream)
+ def get_stream(self, search):
+ def wrap_and_count(pb, rc, stream):
+ """Yield records from stream while showing progress."""
+ count = 0
+ for record in stream:
+ if count == rc.STEP:
+ rc.increment(count)
+ pb.update('Estimate', rc.current, rc.max)
+ count = 0
+ count += 1
+ yield record
+ revision_ids = search.get_keys()
+ pb = ui.ui_factory.nested_progress_bar()
+ rc = self._record_counter
+ self._record_counter.setup(len(revision_ids))
+ for stream_info in self._fetch_revision_texts(revision_ids):
+ yield (stream_info[0],
+ wrap_and_count(pb, rc, stream_info[1]))
+ self._revision_keys = [(rev_id,) for rev_id in revision_ids]
+ # TODO: The keys to exclude might be part of the search recipe
+ # For now, exclude all parents that are at the edge of ancestry, for
+ # which we have inventories
+ from_repo = self.from_repository
+ parent_keys = from_repo._find_parent_keys_of_revisions(
+ self._revision_keys)
+ self.from_repository.revisions.clear_cache()
+ self.from_repository.signatures.clear_cache()
+ # Clear the repo's get_parent_map cache too.
+ self.from_repository._unstacked_provider.disable_cache()
+ self.from_repository._unstacked_provider.enable_cache()
+ s = self._get_inventory_stream(self._revision_keys)
+ yield (s[0], wrap_and_count(pb, rc, s[1]))
+ self.from_repository.inventories.clear_cache()
+ for stream_info in self._get_filtered_chk_streams(parent_keys):
+ yield (stream_info[0], wrap_and_count(pb, rc, stream_info[1]))
+ self.from_repository.chk_bytes.clear_cache()
+ s = self._get_text_stream()
+ yield (s[0], wrap_and_count(pb, rc, s[1]))
+ self.from_repository.texts.clear_cache()
+ pb.update('Done', rc.max, rc.max)
+ pb.finished()
+ def get_stream_for_missing_keys(self, missing_keys):
+ # missing keys can only occur when we are byte copying and not
+ # translating (because translation means we don't send
+ # unreconstructable deltas ever).
+ missing_inventory_keys = set()
+ for key in missing_keys:
+ if key[0] != 'inventories':
+ raise AssertionError('The only missing keys we should'
+ ' be filling in are inventory keys, not %s'
+ % (key[0],))
+ missing_inventory_keys.add(key[1:])
+ if self._chk_id_roots or self._chk_p_id_roots:
+ raise AssertionError('Cannot call get_stream_for_missing_keys'
+ ' until all of get_stream() has been consumed.')
+ # Yield the inventory stream, so we can find the chk stream
+ # Some of the missing_keys will be missing because they are ghosts.
+ # As such, we can ignore them. The Sink is required to verify there are
+ # no unavailable texts when the ghost inventories are not filled in.
+ yield self._get_inventory_stream(missing_inventory_keys,
+ allow_absent=True)
+ # We use the empty set for excluded_revision_keys, to make it clear
+ # that we want to transmit all referenced chk pages.
+ for stream_info in self._get_filtered_chk_streams(set()):
+ yield stream_info
+class _InterestingKeyInfo(object):
+ def __init__(self):
+ self.interesting_root_keys = set()
+ self.interesting_pid_root_keys = set()
+ self.uninteresting_root_keys = set()
+ self.uninteresting_pid_root_keys = set()
+ def all_interesting(self):
+ return self.interesting_root_keys.union(self.interesting_pid_root_keys)
+ def all_uninteresting(self):
+ return self.uninteresting_root_keys.union(
+ self.uninteresting_pid_root_keys)
+ def all_keys(self):
+ return self.all_interesting().union(self.all_uninteresting())
+def _build_interesting_key_sets(repo, inventory_ids, parent_only_inv_ids):
+ result = _InterestingKeyInfo()
+ for inv in repo.iter_inventories(inventory_ids, 'unordered'):
+ root_key = inv.id_to_entry.key()
+ pid_root_key = inv.parent_id_basename_to_file_id.key()
+ if inv.revision_id in parent_only_inv_ids:
+ result.uninteresting_root_keys.add(root_key)
+ result.uninteresting_pid_root_keys.add(pid_root_key)
+ else:
+ result.interesting_root_keys.add(root_key)
+ result.interesting_pid_root_keys.add(pid_root_key)
+ return result
+def _filter_text_keys(interesting_nodes_iterable, text_keys, bytes_to_text_key):
+ """Iterate the result of iter_interesting_nodes, yielding the records
+ and adding to text_keys.
+ """
+ text_keys_update = text_keys.update
+ for record, items in interesting_nodes_iterable:
+ text_keys_update([bytes_to_text_key(b) for n,b in items])
+ yield record
+class RepositoryFormat2a(RepositoryFormatPack):
+ """A CHK repository that uses the bencode revision serializer."""
+ repository_class = CHKInventoryRepository
+ supports_external_lookups = True
+ supports_chks = True
+ _commit_builder_class = PackRootCommitBuilder
+ rich_root_data = True
+ _serializer = chk_serializer.chk_bencode_serializer
+ _commit_inv_deltas = True
+ # What index classes to use
+ index_builder_class = BTreeBuilder
+ index_class = BTreeGraphIndex
+ # Note: We cannot unpack a delta that references a text we haven't
+ # seen yet. There are 2 options, work in fulltexts, or require
+ # topological sorting. Using fulltexts is more optimal for local
+ # operations, because the source can be smart about extracting
+ # multiple in-a-row (and sharing strings). Topological is better
+ # for remote, because we access less data.
+ _fetch_order = 'unordered'
+ _fetch_uses_deltas = False # essentially ignored by the groupcompress code.
+ fast_deltas = True
+ pack_compresses = True
+ def _get_matching_bzrdir(self):
+ return controldir.format_registry.make_bzrdir('2a')
+ def _ignore_setting_bzrdir(self, format):
+ pass
+ _matchingbzrdir = property(_get_matching_bzrdir, _ignore_setting_bzrdir)
+ @classmethod
+ def get_format_string(cls):
+ return ('Bazaar repository format 2a (needs bzr 1.16 or later)\n')
+ def get_format_description(self):
+ """See RepositoryFormat.get_format_description()."""
+ return ("Repository format 2a - rich roots, group compression"
+ " and chk inventories")
+class RepositoryFormat2aSubtree(RepositoryFormat2a):
+ """A 2a repository format that supports nested trees.
+ """
+ def _get_matching_bzrdir(self):
+ return controldir.format_registry.make_bzrdir('development-subtree')
+ def _ignore_setting_bzrdir(self, format):
+ pass
+ _matchingbzrdir = property(_get_matching_bzrdir, _ignore_setting_bzrdir)
+ @classmethod
+ def get_format_string(cls):
+ return ('Bazaar development format 8\n')
+ def get_format_description(self):
+ """See RepositoryFormat.get_format_description()."""
+ return ("Development repository format 8 - nested trees, "
+ "group compression and chk inventories")
+ experimental = True
+ supports_tree_reference = True