path: root/bzrlib/tests/blackbox/
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'bzrlib/tests/blackbox/')
1 files changed, 466 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/bzrlib/tests/blackbox/ b/bzrlib/tests/blackbox/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..f3d7512
--- /dev/null
+++ b/bzrlib/tests/blackbox/
@@ -0,0 +1,466 @@
+# Copyright (C) 2006-2012 Canonical Ltd
+# Authors: Aaron Bentley
+# This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
+# it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
+# the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
+# (at your option) any later version.
+# This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+# GNU General Public License for more details.
+# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+# along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
+# Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA
+from cStringIO import StringIO
+from bzrlib import (
+ branch,
+ merge_directive,
+ tests,
+ )
+from bzrlib.controldir import ControlDir
+from bzrlib.bundle import serializer
+from bzrlib.transport import memory
+from bzrlib.tests import (
+ scenarios,
+ )
+from bzrlib.tests.matchers import ContainsNoVfsCalls
+load_tests = scenarios.load_tests_apply_scenarios
+class TestSendMixin(object):
+ _default_command = ['send', '-o-']
+ _default_wd = 'branch'
+ def run_send(self, args, cmd=None, rc=0, wd=None, err_re=None):
+ if cmd is None: cmd = self._default_command
+ if wd is None: wd = self._default_wd
+ if err_re is None: err_re = []
+ return self.run_bzr(cmd + args, retcode=rc,
+ working_dir=wd,
+ error_regexes=err_re)
+ def get_MD(self, args, cmd=None, wd='branch'):
+ out = StringIO(self.run_send(args, cmd=cmd, wd=wd)[0])
+ return merge_directive.MergeDirective.from_lines(out)
+ def assertBundleContains(self, revs, args, cmd=None, wd='branch'):
+ md = self.get_MD(args, cmd=cmd, wd=wd)
+ br = serializer.read_bundle(StringIO(md.get_raw_bundle()))
+ self.assertEqual(set(revs), set(r.revision_id for r in br.revisions))
+class TestSend(tests.TestCaseWithTransport, TestSendMixin):
+ def setUp(self):
+ super(TestSend, self).setUp()
+ grandparent_tree = ControlDir.create_standalone_workingtree(
+ 'grandparent')
+ self.build_tree_contents([('grandparent/file1', 'grandparent')])
+ grandparent_tree.add('file1')
+ grandparent_tree.commit('initial commit', rev_id='rev1')
+ parent_bzrdir = grandparent_tree.bzrdir.sprout('parent')
+ parent_tree = parent_bzrdir.open_workingtree()
+ parent_tree.commit('next commit', rev_id='rev2')
+ branch_tree = parent_tree.bzrdir.sprout('branch').open_workingtree()
+ self.build_tree_contents([('branch/file1', 'branch')])
+ branch_tree.commit('last commit', rev_id='rev3')
+ def assertFormatIs(self, fmt_string, md):
+ self.assertEqual(fmt_string, md.get_raw_bundle().splitlines()[0])
+ def test_uses_parent(self):
+ """Parent location is used as a basis by default"""
+ errmsg = self.run_send([], rc=3, wd='grandparent')[1]
+ self.assertContainsRe(errmsg, 'No submit branch known or specified')
+ stdout, stderr = self.run_send([])
+ self.assertEqual(stderr.count('Using saved parent location'), 1)
+ self.assertBundleContains(['rev3'], [])
+ def test_bundle(self):
+ """Bundle works like send, except -o is not required"""
+ errmsg = self.run_send([], cmd=['bundle'], rc=3, wd='grandparent')[1]
+ self.assertContainsRe(errmsg, 'No submit branch known or specified')
+ stdout, stderr = self.run_send([], cmd=['bundle'])
+ self.assertEqual(stderr.count('Using saved parent location'), 1)
+ self.assertBundleContains(['rev3'], [], cmd=['bundle'])
+ def test_uses_submit(self):
+ """Submit location can be used and set"""
+ self.assertBundleContains(['rev3'], [])
+ self.assertBundleContains(['rev3', 'rev2'], ['../grandparent'])
+ # submit location should be auto-remembered
+ self.assertBundleContains(['rev3', 'rev2'], [])
+ self.run_send(['../parent'])
+ # We still point to ../grandparent
+ self.assertBundleContains(['rev3', 'rev2'], [])
+ # Remember parent now
+ self.run_send(['../parent', '--remember'])
+ # Now we point to parent
+ self.assertBundleContains(['rev3'], [])
+ err = self.run_send(['--remember'], rc=3)[1]
+ self.assertContainsRe(err,
+ '--remember requires a branch to be specified.')
+ def test_revision_branch_interaction(self):
+ self.assertBundleContains(['rev3', 'rev2'], ['../grandparent'])
+ self.assertBundleContains(['rev2'], ['../grandparent', '-r-2'])
+ self.assertBundleContains(['rev3', 'rev2'],
+ ['../grandparent', '-r-2..-1'])
+ md = self.get_MD(['-r-2..-1'])
+ self.assertEqual('rev2', md.base_revision_id)
+ self.assertEqual('rev3', md.revision_id)
+ def test_output(self):
+ # check output for consistency
+ # win32 stdout converts LF to CRLF,
+ # which would break patch-based bundles
+ self.assertBundleContains(['rev3'], [])
+ def test_no_common_ancestor(self):
+ foo = self.make_branch_and_tree('foo')
+ foo.commit('rev a')
+ bar = self.make_branch_and_tree('bar')
+ bar.commit('rev b')
+ self.run_send(['--from', 'foo', '../bar'], wd='foo')
+ def test_content_options(self):
+ """--no-patch and --no-bundle should work and be independant"""
+ md = self.get_MD([])
+ self.assertIsNot(None, md.bundle)
+ self.assertIsNot(None, md.patch)
+ md = self.get_MD(['--format=0.9'])
+ self.assertIsNot(None, md.bundle)
+ self.assertIsNot(None, md.patch)
+ md = self.get_MD(['--no-patch'])
+ self.assertIsNot(None, md.bundle)
+ self.assertIs(None, md.patch)
+ self.run_bzr_error(['Format 0.9 does not permit bundle with no patch'],
+ ['send', '--no-patch', '--format=0.9', '-o-'],
+ working_dir='branch')
+ md = self.get_MD(['--no-bundle', '.', '.'])
+ self.assertIs(None, md.bundle)
+ self.assertIsNot(None, md.patch)
+ md = self.get_MD(['--no-bundle', '--format=0.9', '../parent',
+ '.'])
+ self.assertIs(None, md.bundle)
+ self.assertIsNot(None, md.patch)
+ md = self.get_MD(['--no-bundle', '--no-patch', '.', '.'])
+ self.assertIs(None, md.bundle)
+ self.assertIs(None, md.patch)
+ md = self.get_MD(['--no-bundle', '--no-patch', '--format=0.9',
+ '../parent', '.'])
+ self.assertIs(None, md.bundle)
+ self.assertIs(None, md.patch)
+ def test_from_option(self):
+ self.run_bzr('send', retcode=3)
+ md = self.get_MD(['--from', 'branch'])
+ self.assertEqual('rev3', md.revision_id)
+ md = self.get_MD(['-f', 'branch'])
+ self.assertEqual('rev3', md.revision_id)
+ def test_output_option(self):
+ stdout = self.run_bzr('send -f branch --output file1')[0]
+ self.assertEqual('', stdout)
+ md_file = open('file1', 'rb')
+ self.addCleanup(md_file.close)
+ self.assertContainsRe(, 'rev3')
+ stdout = self.run_bzr('send -f branch --output -')[0]
+ self.assertContainsRe(stdout, 'rev3')
+ def test_note_revisions(self):
+ stderr = self.run_send([])[1]
+ self.assertEndsWith(stderr, '\nBundling 1 revision.\n')
+ def test_mailto_option(self):
+ b ='branch')
+ b.get_config_stack().set('mail_client', 'editor')
+ self.run_bzr_error(
+ ('No mail-to address \\(--mail-to\\) or output \\(-o\\) specified',
+ ), 'send -f branch')
+ b.get_config_stack().set('mail_client', 'bogus')
+ self.run_send([])
+ self.run_bzr_error(('Bad value "bogus" for option "mail_client"',),
+ 'send -f branch --mail-to')
+ b.get_config_stack().set('submit_to', '')
+ self.run_bzr_error(('Bad value "bogus" for option "mail_client"',),
+ 'send -f branch')
+ def test_mailto_child_option(self):
+ """Make sure that child_submit_to is used."""
+ b ='branch')
+ b.get_config_stack().set('mail_client', 'bogus')
+ parent ='parent')
+ parent.get_config_stack().set('child_submit_to', '')
+ self.run_bzr_error(('Bad value "bogus" for option "mail_client"',),
+ 'send -f branch')
+ def test_format(self):
+ md = self.get_MD(['--format=4'])
+ self.assertIs(merge_directive.MergeDirective2, md.__class__)
+ self.assertFormatIs('# Bazaar revision bundle v4', md)
+ md = self.get_MD(['--format=0.9'])
+ self.assertFormatIs('# Bazaar revision bundle v0.9', md)
+ md = self.get_MD(['--format=0.9'], cmd=['bundle'])
+ self.assertFormatIs('# Bazaar revision bundle v0.9', md)
+ self.assertIs(merge_directive.MergeDirective, md.__class__)
+ self.run_bzr_error(['Bad value .* for option .format.'],
+ 'send -f branch -o- --format=0.999')[0]
+ def test_format_child_option(self):
+ br ='parent')
+ conf = br.get_config_stack()
+ conf.set('child_submit_format', '4')
+ md = self.get_MD([])
+ self.assertIs(merge_directive.MergeDirective2, md.__class__)
+ conf.set('child_submit_format', '0.9')
+ md = self.get_MD([])
+ self.assertFormatIs('# Bazaar revision bundle v0.9', md)
+ md = self.get_MD([], cmd=['bundle'])
+ self.assertFormatIs('# Bazaar revision bundle v0.9', md)
+ self.assertIs(merge_directive.MergeDirective, md.__class__)
+ conf.set('child_submit_format', '0.999')
+ self.run_bzr_error(["No such send format '0.999'"],
+ 'send -f branch -o-')[0]
+ def test_message_option(self):
+ self.run_bzr('send', retcode=3)
+ md = self.get_MD([])
+ self.assertIs(None, md.message)
+ md = self.get_MD(['-m', 'my message'])
+ self.assertEqual('my message', md.message)
+ def test_omitted_revision(self):
+ md = self.get_MD(['-r-2..'])
+ self.assertEqual('rev2', md.base_revision_id)
+ self.assertEqual('rev3', md.revision_id)
+ md = self.get_MD(['-r..3', '--from', 'branch', 'grandparent'], wd='.')
+ self.assertEqual('rev1', md.base_revision_id)
+ self.assertEqual('rev3', md.revision_id)
+ def test_nonexistant_branch(self):
+ self.vfs_transport_factory = memory.MemoryServer
+ location = self.get_url('absentdir/')
+ out, err = self.run_bzr(["send", "--from", location], retcode=3)
+ self.assertEqual(out, '')
+ self.assertEqual(err, 'bzr: ERROR: Not a branch: "%s".\n' % location)
+class TestSendStrictMixin(TestSendMixin):
+ def make_parent_and_local_branches(self):
+ # Create a 'parent' branch as the base
+ self.parent_tree = ControlDir.create_standalone_workingtree('parent')
+ self.build_tree_contents([('parent/file', 'parent')])
+ self.parent_tree.add('file')
+ self.parent_tree.commit('first commit', rev_id='parent')
+ # Branch 'local' from parent and do a change
+ local_bzrdir = self.parent_tree.bzrdir.sprout('local')
+ self.local_tree = local_bzrdir.open_workingtree()
+ self.build_tree_contents([('local/file', 'local')])
+ self.local_tree.commit('second commit', rev_id='local')
+ _default_command = ['send', '-o-', '../parent']
+ _default_wd = 'local'
+ _default_sent_revs = ['local']
+ _default_errors = ['Working tree ".*/local/" has uncommitted '
+ 'changes \(See bzr status\)\.',]
+ _default_additional_error = 'Use --no-strict to force the send.\n'
+ _default_additional_warning = 'Uncommitted changes will not be sent.'
+ def set_config_send_strict(self, value):
+ br ='local')
+ br.get_config_stack().set('send_strict', value)
+ def assertSendFails(self, args):
+ out, err = self.run_send(args, rc=3, err_re=self._default_errors)
+ self.assertContainsRe(err, self._default_additional_error)
+ def assertSendSucceeds(self, args, revs=None, with_warning=False):
+ if with_warning:
+ err_re = self._default_errors
+ else:
+ err_re = []
+ if revs is None:
+ revs = self._default_sent_revs
+ out, err = self.run_send(args, err_re=err_re)
+ if len(revs) == 1:
+ bundling_revs = 'Bundling %d revision.\n'% len(revs)
+ else:
+ bundling_revs = 'Bundling %d revisions.\n' % len(revs)
+ if with_warning:
+ self.assertContainsRe(err, self._default_additional_warning)
+ self.assertEndsWith(err, bundling_revs)
+ else:
+ self.assertEquals(bundling_revs, err)
+ md = merge_directive.MergeDirective.from_lines(StringIO(out))
+ self.assertEqual('parent', md.base_revision_id)
+ br = serializer.read_bundle(StringIO(md.get_raw_bundle()))
+ self.assertEqual(set(revs), set(r.revision_id for r in br.revisions))
+class TestSendStrictWithoutChanges(tests.TestCaseWithTransport,
+ TestSendStrictMixin):
+ def setUp(self):
+ super(TestSendStrictWithoutChanges, self).setUp()
+ self.make_parent_and_local_branches()
+ def test_send_without_workingtree(self):
+ self.assertSendSucceeds([])
+ def test_send_default(self):
+ self.assertSendSucceeds([])
+ def test_send_strict(self):
+ self.assertSendSucceeds(['--strict'])
+ def test_send_no_strict(self):
+ self.assertSendSucceeds(['--no-strict'])
+ def test_send_config_var_strict(self):
+ self.set_config_send_strict('true')
+ self.assertSendSucceeds([])
+ def test_send_config_var_no_strict(self):
+ self.set_config_send_strict('false')
+ self.assertSendSucceeds([])
+class TestSendStrictWithChanges(tests.TestCaseWithTransport,
+ TestSendStrictMixin):
+ # These are textually the same as test_push.strict_push_change_scenarios,
+ # but since the functions are reimplemented here, the definitions are left
+ # here too.
+ scenarios = [
+ ('uncommitted',
+ dict(_changes_type='_uncommitted_changes')),
+ ('pending_merges',
+ dict(_changes_type='_pending_merges')),
+ ('out-of-sync-trees',
+ dict(_changes_type='_out_of_sync_trees')),
+ ]
+ _changes_type = None # Set by load_tests
+ def setUp(self):
+ super(TestSendStrictWithChanges, self).setUp()
+ # load tests set _changes_types to the name of the method we want to
+ # call now
+ do_changes_func = getattr(self, self._changes_type)
+ do_changes_func()
+ def _uncommitted_changes(self):
+ self.make_parent_and_local_branches()
+ # Make a change without committing it
+ self.build_tree_contents([('local/file', 'modified')])
+ def _pending_merges(self):
+ self.make_parent_and_local_branches()
+ # Create 'other' branch containing a new file
+ other_bzrdir = self.parent_tree.bzrdir.sprout('other')
+ other_tree = other_bzrdir.open_workingtree()
+ self.build_tree_contents([('other/other-file', 'other')])
+ other_tree.add('other-file')
+ other_tree.commit('other commit', rev_id='other')
+ # Merge and revert, leaving a pending merge
+ self.local_tree.merge_from_branch(other_tree.branch)
+ self.local_tree.revert(filenames=['other-file'], backups=False)
+ def _out_of_sync_trees(self):
+ self.make_parent_and_local_branches()
+ self.run_bzr(['checkout', '--lightweight', 'local', 'checkout'])
+ # Make a change and commit it
+ self.build_tree_contents([('local/file', 'modified in local')])
+ self.local_tree.commit('modify file', rev_id='modified-in-local')
+ # Exercise commands from the checkout directory
+ self._default_wd = 'checkout'
+ self._default_errors = ["Working tree is out of date, please run"
+ " 'bzr update'\.",]
+ self._default_sent_revs = ['modified-in-local', 'local']
+ def test_send_default(self):
+ self.assertSendSucceeds([], with_warning=True)
+ def test_send_with_revision(self):
+ self.assertSendSucceeds(['-r', 'revid:local'], revs=['local'])
+ def test_send_no_strict(self):
+ self.assertSendSucceeds(['--no-strict'])
+ def test_send_strict_with_changes(self):
+ self.assertSendFails(['--strict'])
+ def test_send_respect_config_var_strict(self):
+ self.set_config_send_strict('true')
+ self.assertSendFails([])
+ self.assertSendSucceeds(['--no-strict'])
+ def test_send_bogus_config_var_ignored(self):
+ self.set_config_send_strict("I'm unsure")
+ self.assertSendSucceeds([], with_warning=True)
+ def test_send_no_strict_command_line_override_config(self):
+ self.set_config_send_strict('true')
+ self.assertSendFails([])
+ self.assertSendSucceeds(['--no-strict'])
+ def test_send_strict_command_line_override_config(self):
+ self.set_config_send_strict('false')
+ self.assertSendSucceeds([])
+ self.assertSendFails(['--strict'])
+class TestBundleStrictWithoutChanges(TestSendStrictWithoutChanges):
+ _default_command = ['bundle-revisions', '../parent']
+class TestSmartServerSend(tests.TestCaseWithTransport):
+ def test_send(self):
+ self.setup_smart_server_with_call_log()
+ t = self.make_branch_and_tree('branch')
+ self.build_tree_contents([('branch/foo', 'thecontents')])
+ t.add("foo")
+ t.commit("message")
+ local = t.bzrdir.sprout('local-branch').open_workingtree()
+ self.build_tree_contents([('branch/foo', 'thenewcontents')])
+ local.commit("anothermessage")
+ self.reset_smart_call_log()
+ out, err = self.run_bzr(
+ ['send', '-o', 'x.diff', self.get_url('branch')], working_dir='local-branch')
+ # This figure represent the amount of work to perform this use case. It
+ # is entirely ok to reduce this number if a test fails due to rpc_count
+ # being too low. If rpc_count increases, more network roundtrips have
+ # become necessary for this use case. Please do not adjust this number
+ # upwards without agreement from bzr's network support maintainers.
+ self.assertLength(7, self.hpss_calls)
+ self.assertLength(1, self.hpss_connections)
+ self.assertThat(self.hpss_calls, ContainsNoVfsCalls)