path: root/bzrlib/tests/blackbox/
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+# Copyright (C) 2006-2011 Canonical Ltd
+# This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
+# it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
+# the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
+# (at your option) any later version.
+# This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+# GNU General Public License for more details.
+# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+# along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
+# Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA
+"""Tests of the bzr serve command."""
+import os
+import signal
+import sys
+import thread
+import threading
+from bzrlib import (
+ builtins,
+ config,
+ errors,
+ osutils,
+ revision as _mod_revision,
+ trace,
+ transport,
+ urlutils,
+ )
+from bzrlib.branch import Branch
+from bzrlib.controldir import ControlDir
+from import client, medium
+from import (
+ BzrServerFactory,
+ SmartTCPServer,
+ )
+from bzrlib.tests import (
+ TestCaseWithMemoryTransport,
+ TestCaseWithTransport,
+ )
+from bzrlib.transport import remote
+class TestBzrServeBase(TestCaseWithTransport):
+ def run_bzr_serve_then_func(self, serve_args, retcode=0, func=None,
+ *func_args, **func_kwargs):
+ """Run 'bzr serve', and run the given func in a thread once the server
+ has started.
+ When 'func' terminates, the server will be terminated too.
+ Returns stdout and stderr.
+ """
+ def on_server_start_thread(tcp_server):
+ """This runs concurrently with the server thread.
+ The server is interrupted as soon as ``func`` finishes, even if an
+ exception is encountered.
+ """
+ try:
+ # Run func if set
+ self.tcp_server = tcp_server
+ if func is not None:
+ try:
+ func(*func_args, **func_kwargs)
+ except Exception, e:
+ # Log errors to make some test failures a little less
+ # mysterious.
+ trace.mutter('func broke: %r', e)
+ finally:
+ # Then stop the server
+ trace.mutter('interrupting...')
+ thread.interrupt_main()
+ # When the hook is fired, it just starts ``on_server_start_thread`` and
+ # return
+ def on_server_start(backing_urls, tcp_server):
+ t = threading.Thread(
+ target=on_server_start_thread, args=(tcp_server,))
+ t.start()
+ # install hook
+ SmartTCPServer.hooks.install_named_hook(
+ 'server_started_ex', on_server_start,
+ 'run_bzr_serve_then_func hook')
+ # It seesm thread.interrupt_main() will not raise KeyboardInterrupt
+ # until after socket.accept returns. So we set the timeout low to make
+ # the test faster.
+ self.overrideAttr(SmartTCPServer, '_ACCEPT_TIMEOUT', 0.1)
+ # start a TCP server
+ try:
+ out, err = self.run_bzr(['serve'] + list(serve_args),
+ retcode=retcode)
+ except KeyboardInterrupt, e:
+ out, err = e.args
+ return out, err
+class TestBzrServe(TestBzrServeBase):
+ def setUp(self):
+ super(TestBzrServe, self).setUp()
+ self.disable_missing_extensions_warning()
+ def test_server_exception_with_hook(self):
+ """Catch exception from the server in the server_exception hook.
+ We use ``run_bzr_serve_then_func`` without a ``func`` so the server
+ will receive a KeyboardInterrupt exception we want to catch.
+ """
+ def hook(exception):
+ if exception[0] is KeyboardInterrupt:
+ sys.stderr.write('catching KeyboardInterrupt\n')
+ return True
+ else:
+ return False
+ SmartTCPServer.hooks.install_named_hook(
+ 'server_exception', hook,
+ 'test_server_except_hook hook')
+ args = ['--listen', 'localhost', '--port', '0', '--quiet']
+ out, err = self.run_bzr_serve_then_func(args, retcode=0)
+ self.assertEqual('catching KeyboardInterrupt\n', err)
+ def test_server_exception_no_hook(self):
+ """test exception without hook returns error"""
+ args = []
+ out, err = self.run_bzr_serve_then_func(args, retcode=3)
+ def assertInetServerShutsdownCleanly(self, process):
+ """Shutdown the server process looking for errors."""
+ # Shutdown the server: the server should shut down when it cannot read
+ # from stdin anymore.
+ process.stdin.close()
+ # Hide stdin from the subprocess module, so it won't fail to close it.
+ process.stdin = None
+ result = self.finish_bzr_subprocess(process)
+ self.assertEqual('', result[0])
+ self.assertEqual('', result[1])
+ def assertServerFinishesCleanly(self, process):
+ """Shutdown the bzr serve instance process looking for errors."""
+ # Shutdown the server
+ result = self.finish_bzr_subprocess(process, retcode=3,
+ send_signal=signal.SIGINT)
+ self.assertEqual('', result[0])
+ self.assertEqual('bzr: interrupted\n', result[1])
+ def make_read_requests(self, branch):
+ """Do some read only requests."""
+ branch.lock_read()
+ try:
+ branch.repository.all_revision_ids()
+ self.assertEqual(_mod_revision.NULL_REVISION,
+ _mod_revision.ensure_null(branch.last_revision()))
+ finally:
+ branch.unlock()
+ def start_server_inet(self, extra_options=()):
+ """Start a bzr server subprocess using the --inet option.
+ :param extra_options: extra options to give the server.
+ :return: a tuple with the bzr process handle for passing to
+ finish_bzr_subprocess, a client for the server, and a transport.
+ """
+ # Serve from the current directory
+ args = ['serve', '--inet']
+ args.extend(extra_options)
+ process = self.start_bzr_subprocess(args)
+ # Connect to the server
+ # We use this url because while this is no valid URL to connect to this
+ # server instance, the transport needs a URL.
+ url = 'bzr://localhost/'
+ self.permit_url(url)
+ client_medium = medium.SmartSimplePipesClientMedium(
+ process.stdout, process.stdin, url)
+ transport = remote.RemoteTransport(url, medium=client_medium)
+ return process, transport
+ def start_server_port(self, extra_options=()):
+ """Start a bzr server subprocess.
+ :param extra_options: extra options to give the server.
+ :return: a tuple with the bzr process handle for passing to
+ finish_bzr_subprocess, and the base url for the server.
+ """
+ # Serve from the current directory
+ args = ['serve', '--listen', 'localhost', '--port', '0']
+ args.extend(extra_options)
+ process = self.start_bzr_subprocess(args, skip_if_plan_to_signal=True)
+ port_line = process.stderr.readline()
+ prefix = 'listening on port: '
+ self.assertStartsWith(port_line, prefix)
+ port = int(port_line[len(prefix):])
+ url = 'bzr://localhost:%d/' % port
+ self.permit_url(url)
+ return process, url
+ def test_bzr_serve_quiet(self):
+ self.make_branch('.')
+ args = ['--listen', 'localhost', '--port', '0', '--quiet']
+ out, err = self.run_bzr_serve_then_func(args, retcode=3)
+ self.assertEqual('', out)
+ self.assertEqual('', err)
+ def test_bzr_serve_inet_readonly(self):
+ """bzr server should provide a read only filesystem by default."""
+ process, transport = self.start_server_inet()
+ self.assertRaises(errors.TransportNotPossible, transport.mkdir, 'adir')
+ self.assertInetServerShutsdownCleanly(process)
+ def test_bzr_serve_inet_readwrite(self):
+ # Make a branch
+ self.make_branch('.')
+ process, transport = self.start_server_inet(['--allow-writes'])
+ # We get a working branch, and can create a directory
+ branch = ControlDir.open_from_transport(transport).open_branch()
+ self.make_read_requests(branch)
+ transport.mkdir('adir')
+ self.assertInetServerShutsdownCleanly(process)
+ def test_bzr_serve_port_readonly(self):
+ """bzr server should provide a read only filesystem by default."""
+ process, url = self.start_server_port()
+ t = transport.get_transport_from_url(url)
+ self.assertRaises(errors.TransportNotPossible, t.mkdir, 'adir')
+ self.assertServerFinishesCleanly(process)
+ def test_bzr_serve_port_readwrite(self):
+ # Make a branch
+ self.make_branch('.')
+ process, url = self.start_server_port(['--allow-writes'])
+ # Connect to the server
+ branch =
+ self.make_read_requests(branch)
+ self.assertServerFinishesCleanly(process)
+ def test_bzr_serve_supports_protocol(self):
+ # Make a branch
+ self.make_branch('.')
+ process, url = self.start_server_port(['--allow-writes',
+ '--protocol=bzr'])
+ # Connect to the server
+ branch =
+ self.make_read_requests(branch)
+ self.assertServerFinishesCleanly(process)
+ def test_bzr_serve_dhpss(self):
+ # This is a smoke test that the server doesn't crash when run with
+ # -Dhpss, and does drop some hpss logging to the file.
+ self.make_branch('.')
+ log_fname = os.getcwd() + '/server.log'
+ self.overrideEnv('BZR_LOG', log_fname)
+ process, transport = self.start_server_inet(['-Dhpss'])
+ branch = ControlDir.open_from_transport(transport).open_branch()
+ self.make_read_requests(branch)
+ self.assertInetServerShutsdownCleanly(process)
+ f = open(log_fname, 'rb')
+ content =
+ f.close()
+ self.assertContainsRe(content, r'hpss request: \[[0-9-]+\]')
+ def test_bzr_serve_supports_configurable_timeout(self):
+ gs = config.GlobalStack()
+ gs.set('serve.client_timeout', 0.2)
+ process, url = self.start_server_port()
+ self.build_tree_contents([('a_file', 'contents\n')])
+ # We can connect and issue a request
+ t = transport.get_transport_from_url(url)
+ self.assertEqual('contents\n', t.get_bytes('a_file'))
+ # However, if we just wait for more content from the server, it will
+ # eventually disconnect us.
+ # TODO: Use something like signal.alarm() so that if the server doesn't
+ # properly handle the timeout, we end up failing the test instead
+ # of hanging forever.
+ m = t.get_smart_medium()
+ m.read_bytes(1)
+ # Now, we wait for timeout to trigger
+ err = process.stderr.readline()
+ self.assertEqual(
+ 'Connection Timeout: disconnecting client after 0.2 seconds\n',
+ err)
+ self.assertServerFinishesCleanly(process)
+ def test_bzr_serve_supports_client_timeout(self):
+ process, url = self.start_server_port(['--client-timeout=0.1'])
+ self.build_tree_contents([('a_file', 'contents\n')])
+ # We can connect and issue a request
+ t = transport.get_transport_from_url(url)
+ self.assertEqual('contents\n', t.get_bytes('a_file'))
+ # However, if we just wait for more content from the server, it will
+ # eventually disconnect us.
+ # TODO: Use something like signal.alarm() so that if the server doesn't
+ # properly handle the timeout, we end up failing the test instead
+ # of hanging forever.
+ m = t.get_smart_medium()
+ m.read_bytes(1)
+ # Now, we wait for timeout to trigger
+ err = process.stderr.readline()
+ self.assertEqual(
+ 'Connection Timeout: disconnecting client after 0.1 seconds\n',
+ err)
+ self.assertServerFinishesCleanly(process)
+ def test_bzr_serve_graceful_shutdown(self):
+ big_contents = 'a'*64*1024
+ self.build_tree_contents([('bigfile', big_contents)])
+ process, url = self.start_server_port(['--client-timeout=1.0'])
+ t = transport.get_transport_from_url(url)
+ m = t.get_smart_medium()
+ c = client._SmartClient(m)
+ # Start, but don't finish a response
+ resp, response_handler = c.call_expecting_body('get', 'bigfile')
+ self.assertEqual(('ok',), resp)
+ # Note: process.send_signal is a Python 2.6ism
+ process.send_signal(signal.SIGHUP)
+ # Wait for the server to notice the signal, and then read the actual
+ # body of the response. That way we know that it is waiting for the
+ # request to finish
+ self.assertEqual('Requested to stop gracefully\n',
+ process.stderr.readline())
+ self.assertEqual('Waiting for 1 client(s) to finish\n',
+ process.stderr.readline())
+ body = response_handler.read_body_bytes()
+ if body != big_contents:
+'Failed to properly read the contents of "bigfile"')
+ # Now that our request is finished, the medium should notice it has
+ # been disconnected.
+ self.assertEqual('', m.read_bytes(1))
+ # And the server should be stopping
+ self.assertEqual(0, process.wait())
+class TestCmdServeChrooting(TestBzrServeBase):
+ def test_serve_tcp(self):
+ """'bzr serve' wraps the given --directory in a ChrootServer.
+ So requests that search up through the parent directories (like
+ find_repositoryV3) will give "not found" responses, rather than
+ InvalidURLJoin or jail break errors.
+ """
+ t = self.get_transport()
+ t.mkdir('server-root')
+ self.run_bzr_serve_then_func(
+ ['--listen', '', '--port', '0',
+ '--directory', t.local_abspath('server-root'),
+ '--allow-writes'],
+ func=self.when_server_started)
+ # The when_server_started method issued a find_repositoryV3 that should
+ # fail with 'norepository' because there are no repositories inside the
+ # --directory.
+ self.assertEqual(('norepository',), self.client_resp)
+ def when_server_started(self):
+ # Connect to the TCP server and issue some requests and see what comes
+ # back.
+ client_medium = medium.SmartTCPClientMedium(
+ '', self.tcp_server.port,
+ 'bzr://localhost:%d/' % (self.tcp_server.port,))
+ smart_client = client._SmartClient(client_medium)
+ resp ='mkdir', 'foo', '')
+ resp ='BzrDirFormat.initialize', 'foo/')
+ try:
+ resp ='BzrDir.find_repositoryV3', 'foo/')
+ except errors.ErrorFromSmartServer, e:
+ resp = e.error_tuple
+ self.client_resp = resp
+ client_medium.disconnect()
+class TestUserdirExpansion(TestCaseWithMemoryTransport):
+ @staticmethod
+ def fake_expanduser(path):
+ """A simple, environment-independent, function for the duration of this
+ test.
+ Paths starting with a path segment of '~user' will expand to start with
+ '/home/user/'. Every other path will be unchanged.
+ """
+ if path.split('/', 1)[0] == '~user':
+ return '/home/user' + path[len('~user'):]
+ return path
+ def make_test_server(self, base_path='/'):
+ """Make and start a BzrServerFactory, backed by a memory transport, and
+ creat '/home/user' in that transport.
+ """
+ bzr_server = BzrServerFactory(
+ self.fake_expanduser, lambda t: base_path)
+ mem_transport = self.get_transport()
+ mem_transport.mkdir_multi(['home', 'home/user'])
+ bzr_server.set_up(mem_transport, None, None, inet=True, timeout=4.0)
+ self.addCleanup(bzr_server.tear_down)
+ return bzr_server
+ def test_bzr_serve_expands_userdir(self):
+ bzr_server = self.make_test_server()
+ self.assertTrue(bzr_server.smart_server.backing_transport.has('~user'))
+ def test_bzr_serve_does_not_expand_userdir_outside_base(self):
+ bzr_server = self.make_test_server('/foo')
+ self.assertFalse(bzr_server.smart_server.backing_transport.has('~user'))
+ def test_get_base_path(self):
+ """cmd_serve will turn the --directory option into a LocalTransport
+ (optionally decorated with 'readonly+'). BzrServerFactory can
+ determine the original --directory from that transport.
+ """
+ # URLs always include the trailing slash, and get_base_path returns it
+ base_dir = osutils.abspath('/a/b/c') + '/'
+ base_url = urlutils.local_path_to_url(base_dir) + '/'
+ # Define a fake 'protocol' to capture the transport that cmd_serve
+ # passes to serve_bzr.
+ def capture_transport(transport, host, port, inet, timeout):
+ self.bzr_serve_transport = transport
+ cmd = builtins.cmd_serve()
+ # Read-only
+, protocol=capture_transport)
+ server_maker = BzrServerFactory()
+ self.assertEqual(
+ 'readonly+%s' % base_url, self.bzr_serve_transport.base)
+ self.assertEqual(
+ base_dir, server_maker.get_base_path(self.bzr_serve_transport))
+ # Read-write
+, protocol=capture_transport,
+ allow_writes=True)
+ server_maker = BzrServerFactory()
+ self.assertEqual(base_url, self.bzr_serve_transport.base)
+ self.assertEqual(base_dir,
+ server_maker.get_base_path(self.bzr_serve_transport))
+ # Read-only, from a URL
+, protocol=capture_transport)
+ server_maker = BzrServerFactory()
+ self.assertEqual(
+ 'readonly+%s' % base_url, self.bzr_serve_transport.base)
+ self.assertEqual(
+ base_dir, server_maker.get_base_path(self.bzr_serve_transport))