path: root/bzrlib/tests/per_inventory/
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Diffstat (limited to 'bzrlib/tests/per_inventory/')
1 files changed, 343 insertions, 0 deletions
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+# Copyright (C) 2005, 2006, 2007 Canonical Ltd
+# This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
+# it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
+# the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
+# (at your option) any later version.
+# This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+# GNU General Public License for more details.
+# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+# along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
+# Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA
+"""Tests for different inventory implementations"""
+# NOTE: Don't import Inventory here, to make sure that we don't accidentally
+# hardcode that when we should be using self.make_inventory
+from bzrlib import (
+ errors,
+ inventory,
+ osutils,
+ )
+from bzrlib.inventory import (
+ InventoryDirectory,
+ InventoryEntry,
+ InventoryFile,
+ InventoryLink,
+ TreeReference,
+ )
+from bzrlib.tests.per_inventory import TestCaseWithInventory
+from bzrlib.symbol_versioning import (
+ deprecated_in,
+ )
+class TestInventory(TestCaseWithInventory):
+ def make_init_inventory(self):
+ inv = inventory.Inventory('tree-root')
+ inv.revision = 'initial-rev'
+ inv.root.revision = 'initial-rev'
+ return self.inv_to_test_inv(inv)
+ def make_file(self, file_id, name, parent_id, content='content\n',
+ revision='new-test-rev'):
+ ie = InventoryFile(file_id, name, parent_id)
+ ie.text_sha1 = osutils.sha_string(content)
+ ie.text_size = len(content)
+ ie.revision = revision
+ return ie
+ def make_link(self, file_id, name, parent_id, target='link-target\n'):
+ ie = InventoryLink(file_id, name, parent_id)
+ ie.symlink_target = target
+ return ie
+ def prepare_inv_with_nested_dirs(self):
+ inv = inventory.Inventory('tree-root')
+ for args in [('src', 'directory', 'src-id'),
+ ('doc', 'directory', 'doc-id'),
+ ('src/hello.c', 'file', 'hello-id'),
+ ('src/bye.c', 'file', 'bye-id'),
+ ('zz', 'file', 'zz-id'),
+ ('src/sub/', 'directory', 'sub-id'),
+ ('src/zz.c', 'file', 'zzc-id'),
+ ('src/sub/a', 'file', 'a-id'),
+ ('Makefile', 'file', 'makefile-id')]:
+ ie = inv.add_path(*args)
+ if args[1] == 'file':
+ ie.text_sha1 = osutils.sha_string('content\n')
+ ie.text_size = len('content\n')
+ return self.inv_to_test_inv(inv)
+class TestInventoryCreateByApplyDelta(TestInventory):
+ """A subset of the inventory delta application tests.
+ See test_inv which has comprehensive delta application tests for
+ inventories, dirstate, and repository based inventories.
+ """
+ def test_add(self):
+ inv = self.make_init_inventory()
+ inv = inv.create_by_apply_delta([
+ (None, "a", "a-id", self.make_file('a-id', 'a', 'tree-root')),
+ ], 'new-test-rev')
+ self.assertEqual('a', inv.id2path('a-id'))
+ def test_delete(self):
+ inv = self.make_init_inventory()
+ inv = inv.create_by_apply_delta([
+ (None, "a", "a-id", self.make_file('a-id', 'a', 'tree-root')),
+ ], 'new-rev-1')
+ self.assertEqual('a', inv.id2path('a-id'))
+ inv = inv.create_by_apply_delta([
+ ("a", None, "a-id", None),
+ ], 'new-rev-2')
+ self.assertRaises(errors.NoSuchId, inv.id2path, 'a-id')
+ def test_rename(self):
+ inv = self.make_init_inventory()
+ inv = inv.create_by_apply_delta([
+ (None, "a", "a-id", self.make_file('a-id', 'a', 'tree-root')),
+ ], 'new-rev-1')
+ self.assertEqual('a', inv.id2path('a-id'))
+ a_ie = inv['a-id']
+ b_ie = self.make_file(a_ie.file_id, "b", a_ie.parent_id)
+ inv = inv.create_by_apply_delta([("a", "b", "a-id", b_ie)], 'new-rev-2')
+ self.assertEqual("b", inv.id2path('a-id'))
+ def test_illegal(self):
+ # A file-id cannot appear in a delta more than once
+ inv = self.make_init_inventory()
+ self.assertRaises(errors.InconsistentDelta, inv.create_by_apply_delta, [
+ (None, "a", "id-1", self.make_file('id-1', 'a', 'tree-root')),
+ (None, "b", "id-1", self.make_file('id-1', 'b', 'tree-root')),
+ ], 'new-rev-1')
+class TestInventoryReads(TestInventory):
+ def test_is_root(self):
+ """Ensure our root-checking code is accurate."""
+ inv = self.make_init_inventory()
+ self.assertTrue(inv.is_root('tree-root'))
+ self.assertFalse(inv.is_root('booga'))
+ ie = inv['tree-root'].copy()
+ ie.file_id = 'booga'
+ inv = inv.create_by_apply_delta([("", None, "tree-root", None),
+ (None, "", "booga", ie)], 'new-rev-2')
+ self.assertFalse(inv.is_root('TREE_ROOT'))
+ self.assertTrue(inv.is_root('booga'))
+ def test_ids(self):
+ """Test detection of files within selected directories."""
+ inv = inventory.Inventory('TREE_ROOT')
+ for args in [('src', 'directory', 'src-id'),
+ ('doc', 'directory', 'doc-id'),
+ ('src/hello.c', 'file'),
+ ('src/bye.c', 'file', 'bye-id'),
+ ('Makefile', 'file')]:
+ ie = inv.add_path(*args)
+ if args[1] == 'file':
+ ie.text_sha1 = osutils.sha_string('content\n')
+ ie.text_size = len('content\n')
+ inv = self.inv_to_test_inv(inv)
+ self.assertEqual(inv.path2id('src'), 'src-id')
+ self.assertEqual(inv.path2id('src/bye.c'), 'bye-id')
+ def test_non_directory_children(self):
+ """Test path2id when a parent directory has no children"""
+ inv = inventory.Inventory('tree-root')
+ inv.add(self.make_file('file-id','file', 'tree-root'))
+ inv.add(self.make_link('link-id','link', 'tree-root'))
+ self.assertIs(None, inv.path2id('file/subfile'))
+ self.assertIs(None, inv.path2id('link/subfile'))
+ def test_iter_entries(self):
+ inv = self.prepare_inv_with_nested_dirs()
+ # Test all entries
+ self.assertEqual([
+ ('', 'tree-root'),
+ ('Makefile', 'makefile-id'),
+ ('doc', 'doc-id'),
+ ('src', 'src-id'),
+ ('src/bye.c', 'bye-id'),
+ ('src/hello.c', 'hello-id'),
+ ('src/sub', 'sub-id'),
+ ('src/sub/a', 'a-id'),
+ ('src/zz.c', 'zzc-id'),
+ ('zz', 'zz-id'),
+ ], [(path, ie.file_id) for path, ie in inv.iter_entries()])
+ # Test a subdirectory
+ self.assertEqual([
+ ('bye.c', 'bye-id'),
+ ('hello.c', 'hello-id'),
+ ('sub', 'sub-id'),
+ ('sub/a', 'a-id'),
+ ('zz.c', 'zzc-id'),
+ ], [(path, ie.file_id) for path, ie in inv.iter_entries(
+ from_dir='src-id')])
+ # Test not recursing at the root level
+ self.assertEqual([
+ ('', 'tree-root'),
+ ('Makefile', 'makefile-id'),
+ ('doc', 'doc-id'),
+ ('src', 'src-id'),
+ ('zz', 'zz-id'),
+ ], [(path, ie.file_id) for path, ie in inv.iter_entries(
+ recursive=False)])
+ # Test not recursing at a subdirectory level
+ self.assertEqual([
+ ('bye.c', 'bye-id'),
+ ('hello.c', 'hello-id'),
+ ('sub', 'sub-id'),
+ ('zz.c', 'zzc-id'),
+ ], [(path, ie.file_id) for path, ie in inv.iter_entries(
+ from_dir='src-id', recursive=False)])
+ def test_iter_just_entries(self):
+ inv = self.prepare_inv_with_nested_dirs()
+ self.assertEqual([
+ 'a-id',
+ 'bye-id',
+ 'doc-id',
+ 'hello-id',
+ 'makefile-id',
+ 'src-id',
+ 'sub-id',
+ 'tree-root',
+ 'zz-id',
+ 'zzc-id',
+ ], sorted([ie.file_id for ie in inv.iter_just_entries()]))
+ def test_iter_entries_by_dir(self):
+ inv = self. prepare_inv_with_nested_dirs()
+ self.assertEqual([
+ ('', 'tree-root'),
+ ('Makefile', 'makefile-id'),
+ ('doc', 'doc-id'),
+ ('src', 'src-id'),
+ ('zz', 'zz-id'),
+ ('src/bye.c', 'bye-id'),
+ ('src/hello.c', 'hello-id'),
+ ('src/sub', 'sub-id'),
+ ('src/zz.c', 'zzc-id'),
+ ('src/sub/a', 'a-id'),
+ ], [(path, ie.file_id) for path, ie in inv.iter_entries_by_dir()])
+ self.assertEqual([
+ ('', 'tree-root'),
+ ('Makefile', 'makefile-id'),
+ ('doc', 'doc-id'),
+ ('src', 'src-id'),
+ ('zz', 'zz-id'),
+ ('src/bye.c', 'bye-id'),
+ ('src/hello.c', 'hello-id'),
+ ('src/sub', 'sub-id'),
+ ('src/zz.c', 'zzc-id'),
+ ('src/sub/a', 'a-id'),
+ ], [(path, ie.file_id) for path, ie in inv.iter_entries_by_dir(
+ specific_file_ids=('a-id', 'zzc-id', 'doc-id', 'tree-root',
+ 'hello-id', 'bye-id', 'zz-id', 'src-id', 'makefile-id',
+ 'sub-id'))])
+ self.assertEqual([
+ ('Makefile', 'makefile-id'),
+ ('doc', 'doc-id'),
+ ('zz', 'zz-id'),
+ ('src/bye.c', 'bye-id'),
+ ('src/hello.c', 'hello-id'),
+ ('src/zz.c', 'zzc-id'),
+ ('src/sub/a', 'a-id'),
+ ], [(path, ie.file_id) for path, ie in inv.iter_entries_by_dir(
+ specific_file_ids=('a-id', 'zzc-id', 'doc-id',
+ 'hello-id', 'bye-id', 'zz-id', 'makefile-id'))])
+ self.assertEqual([
+ ('Makefile', 'makefile-id'),
+ ('src/bye.c', 'bye-id'),
+ ], [(path, ie.file_id) for path, ie in inv.iter_entries_by_dir(
+ specific_file_ids=('bye-id', 'makefile-id'))])
+ self.assertEqual([
+ ('Makefile', 'makefile-id'),
+ ('src/bye.c', 'bye-id'),
+ ], [(path, ie.file_id) for path, ie in inv.iter_entries_by_dir(
+ specific_file_ids=('bye-id', 'makefile-id'))])
+ self.assertEqual([
+ ('src/bye.c', 'bye-id'),
+ ], [(path, ie.file_id) for path, ie in inv.iter_entries_by_dir(
+ specific_file_ids=('bye-id',))])
+ self.assertEqual([
+ ('', 'tree-root'),
+ ('src', 'src-id'),
+ ('src/bye.c', 'bye-id'),
+ ], [(path, ie.file_id) for path, ie in inv.iter_entries_by_dir(
+ specific_file_ids=('bye-id',), yield_parents=True)])
+class TestInventoryFiltering(TestInventory):
+ def test_inv_filter_empty(self):
+ inv = self.prepare_inv_with_nested_dirs()
+ new_inv = inv.filter([])
+ self.assertEqual([
+ ('', 'tree-root'),
+ ], [(path, ie.file_id) for path, ie in new_inv.iter_entries()])
+ def test_inv_filter_files(self):
+ inv = self.prepare_inv_with_nested_dirs()
+ new_inv = inv.filter(['zz-id', 'hello-id', 'a-id'])
+ self.assertEqual([
+ ('', 'tree-root'),
+ ('src', 'src-id'),
+ ('src/hello.c', 'hello-id'),
+ ('src/sub', 'sub-id'),
+ ('src/sub/a', 'a-id'),
+ ('zz', 'zz-id'),
+ ], [(path, ie.file_id) for path, ie in new_inv.iter_entries()])
+ def test_inv_filter_dirs(self):
+ inv = self.prepare_inv_with_nested_dirs()
+ new_inv = inv.filter(['doc-id', 'sub-id'])
+ self.assertEqual([
+ ('', 'tree-root'),
+ ('doc', 'doc-id'),
+ ('src', 'src-id'),
+ ('src/sub', 'sub-id'),
+ ('src/sub/a', 'a-id'),
+ ], [(path, ie.file_id) for path, ie in new_inv.iter_entries()])
+ def test_inv_filter_files_and_dirs(self):
+ inv = self.prepare_inv_with_nested_dirs()
+ new_inv = inv.filter(['makefile-id', 'src-id'])
+ self.assertEqual([
+ ('', 'tree-root'),
+ ('Makefile', 'makefile-id'),
+ ('src', 'src-id'),
+ ('src/bye.c', 'bye-id'),
+ ('src/hello.c', 'hello-id'),
+ ('src/sub', 'sub-id'),
+ ('src/sub/a', 'a-id'),
+ ('src/zz.c', 'zzc-id'),
+ ], [(path, ie.file_id) for path, ie in new_inv.iter_entries()])
+ def test_inv_filter_entry_not_present(self):
+ inv = self.prepare_inv_with_nested_dirs()
+ new_inv = inv.filter(['not-present-id'])
+ self.assertEqual([
+ ('', 'tree-root'),
+ ], [(path, ie.file_id) for path, ie in new_inv.iter_entries()])