path: root/bzrlib/tests/test_patches_data/orig-3
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'bzrlib/tests/test_patches_data/orig-3')
1 files changed, 560 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/bzrlib/tests/test_patches_data/orig-3 b/bzrlib/tests/test_patches_data/orig-3
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..a937595
--- /dev/null
+++ b/bzrlib/tests/test_patches_data/orig-3
@@ -0,0 +1,560 @@
+# Copyright (C) 2004, 2005 Aaron Bentley
+# <>
+# This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
+# it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
+# the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
+# (at your option) any later version.
+# This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+# GNU General Public License for more details.
+# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+# along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
+# Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA
+class PatchSyntax(Exception):
+ def __init__(self, msg):
+ Exception.__init__(self, msg)
+class MalformedPatchHeader(PatchSyntax):
+ def __init__(self, desc, line):
+ self.desc = desc
+ self.line = line
+ msg = "Malformed patch header. %s\n%r" % (self.desc, self.line)
+ PatchSyntax.__init__(self, msg)
+class MalformedHunkHeader(PatchSyntax):
+ def __init__(self, desc, line):
+ self.desc = desc
+ self.line = line
+ msg = "Malformed hunk header. %s\n%r" % (self.desc, self.line)
+ PatchSyntax.__init__(self, msg)
+class MalformedLine(PatchSyntax):
+ def __init__(self, desc, line):
+ self.desc = desc
+ self.line = line
+ msg = "Malformed line. %s\n%s" % (self.desc, self.line)
+ PatchSyntax.__init__(self, msg)
+def get_patch_names(iter_lines):
+ try:
+ line =
+ if not line.startswith("--- "):
+ raise MalformedPatchHeader("No orig name", line)
+ else:
+ orig_name = line[4:].rstrip("\n")
+ except StopIteration:
+ raise MalformedPatchHeader("No orig line", "")
+ try:
+ line =
+ if not line.startswith("+++ "):
+ raise PatchSyntax("No mod name")
+ else:
+ mod_name = line[4:].rstrip("\n")
+ except StopIteration:
+ raise MalformedPatchHeader("No mod line", "")
+ return (orig_name, mod_name)
+def parse_range(textrange):
+ """Parse a patch range, handling the "1" special-case
+ :param textrange: The text to parse
+ :type textrange: str
+ :return: the position and range, as a tuple
+ :rtype: (int, int)
+ """
+ tmp = textrange.split(',')
+ if len(tmp) == 1:
+ pos = tmp[0]
+ range = "1"
+ else:
+ (pos, range) = tmp
+ pos = int(pos)
+ range = int(range)
+ return (pos, range)
+def hunk_from_header(line):
+ if not line.startswith("@@") or not line.endswith("@@\n") \
+ or not len(line) > 4:
+ raise MalformedHunkHeader("Does not start and end with @@.", line)
+ try:
+ (orig, mod) = line[3:-4].split(" ")
+ except Exception, e:
+ raise MalformedHunkHeader(str(e), line)
+ if not orig.startswith('-') or not mod.startswith('+'):
+ raise MalformedHunkHeader("Positions don't start with + or -.", line)
+ try:
+ (orig_pos, orig_range) = parse_range(orig[1:])
+ (mod_pos, mod_range) = parse_range(mod[1:])
+ except Exception, e:
+ raise MalformedHunkHeader(str(e), line)
+ if mod_range < 0 or orig_range < 0:
+ raise MalformedHunkHeader("Hunk range is negative", line)
+ return Hunk(orig_pos, orig_range, mod_pos, mod_range)
+class HunkLine:
+ def __init__(self, contents):
+ self.contents = contents
+ def get_str(self, leadchar):
+ if self.contents == "\n" and leadchar == " " and False:
+ return "\n"
+ if not self.contents.endswith('\n'):
+ terminator = '\n' + NO_NL
+ else:
+ terminator = ''
+ return leadchar + self.contents + terminator
+class ContextLine(HunkLine):
+ def __init__(self, contents):
+ HunkLine.__init__(self, contents)
+ def __str__(self):
+ return self.get_str(" ")
+class InsertLine(HunkLine):
+ def __init__(self, contents):
+ HunkLine.__init__(self, contents)
+ def __str__(self):
+ return self.get_str("+")
+class RemoveLine(HunkLine):
+ def __init__(self, contents):
+ HunkLine.__init__(self, contents)
+ def __str__(self):
+ return self.get_str("-")
+NO_NL = '\\ No newline at end of file\n'
+def parse_line(line):
+ if line.startswith("\n"):
+ return ContextLine(line)
+ elif line.startswith(" "):
+ return ContextLine(line[1:])
+ elif line.startswith("+"):
+ return InsertLine(line[1:])
+ elif line.startswith("-"):
+ return RemoveLine(line[1:])
+ elif line == NO_NL:
+ return NO_NL
+ else:
+ raise MalformedLine("Unknown line type", line)
+class Hunk:
+ def __init__(self, orig_pos, orig_range, mod_pos, mod_range):
+ self.orig_pos = orig_pos
+ self.orig_range = orig_range
+ self.mod_pos = mod_pos
+ self.mod_range = mod_range
+ self.lines = []
+ def get_header(self):
+ return "@@ -%s +%s @@\n" % (self.range_str(self.orig_pos,
+ self.orig_range),
+ self.range_str(self.mod_pos,
+ self.mod_range))
+ def range_str(self, pos, range):
+ """Return a file range, special-casing for 1-line files.
+ :param pos: The position in the file
+ :type pos: int
+ :range: The range in the file
+ :type range: int
+ :return: a string in the format 1,4 except when range == pos == 1
+ """
+ if range == 1:
+ return "%i" % pos
+ else:
+ return "%i,%i" % (pos, range)
+ def __str__(self):
+ lines = [self.get_header()]
+ for line in self.lines:
+ lines.append(str(line))
+ return "".join(lines)
+ def shift_to_mod(self, pos):
+ if pos < self.orig_pos-1:
+ return 0
+ elif pos > self.orig_pos+self.orig_range:
+ return self.mod_range - self.orig_range
+ else:
+ return self.shift_to_mod_lines(pos)
+ def shift_to_mod_lines(self, pos):
+ assert (pos >= self.orig_pos-1 and pos <= self.orig_pos+self.orig_range)
+ position = self.orig_pos-1
+ shift = 0
+ for line in self.lines:
+ if isinstance(line, InsertLine):
+ shift += 1
+ elif isinstance(line, RemoveLine):
+ if position == pos:
+ return None
+ shift -= 1
+ position += 1
+ elif isinstance(line, ContextLine):
+ position += 1
+ if position > pos:
+ break
+ return shift
+def iter_hunks(iter_lines):
+ hunk = None
+ for line in iter_lines:
+ if line == "\n":
+ if hunk is not None:
+ yield hunk
+ hunk = None
+ continue
+ if hunk is not None:
+ yield hunk
+ hunk = hunk_from_header(line)
+ orig_size = 0
+ mod_size = 0
+ while orig_size < hunk.orig_range or mod_size < hunk.mod_range:
+ hunk_line = parse_line(
+ hunk.lines.append(hunk_line)
+ if isinstance(hunk_line, (RemoveLine, ContextLine)):
+ orig_size += 1
+ if isinstance(hunk_line, (InsertLine, ContextLine)):
+ mod_size += 1
+ if hunk is not None:
+ yield hunk
+class Patch:
+ def __init__(self, oldname, newname):
+ self.oldname = oldname
+ self.newname = newname
+ self.hunks = []
+ def __str__(self):
+ ret = self.get_header()
+ ret += "".join([str(h) for h in self.hunks])
+ return ret
+ def get_header(self):
+ return "--- %s\n+++ %s\n" % (self.oldname, self.newname)
+ def stats_str(self):
+ """Return a string of patch statistics"""
+ removes = 0
+ inserts = 0
+ for hunk in self.hunks:
+ for line in hunk.lines:
+ if isinstance(line, InsertLine):
+ inserts+=1;
+ elif isinstance(line, RemoveLine):
+ removes+=1;
+ return "%i inserts, %i removes in %i hunks" % \
+ (inserts, removes, len(self.hunks))
+ def pos_in_mod(self, position):
+ newpos = position
+ for hunk in self.hunks:
+ shift = hunk.shift_to_mod(position)
+ if shift is None:
+ return None
+ newpos += shift
+ return newpos
+ def iter_inserted(self):
+ """Iteraties through inserted lines
+ :return: Pair of line number, line
+ :rtype: iterator of (int, InsertLine)
+ """
+ for hunk in self.hunks:
+ pos = hunk.mod_pos - 1;
+ for line in hunk.lines:
+ if isinstance(line, InsertLine):
+ yield (pos, line)
+ pos += 1
+ if isinstance(line, ContextLine):
+ pos += 1
+def parse_patch(iter_lines):
+ (orig_name, mod_name) = get_patch_names(iter_lines)
+ patch = Patch(orig_name, mod_name)
+ for hunk in iter_hunks(iter_lines):
+ patch.hunks.append(hunk)
+ return patch
+def iter_file_patch(iter_lines):
+ saved_lines = []
+ for line in iter_lines:
+ if line.startswith('=== '):
+ continue
+ elif line.startswith('--- '):
+ if len(saved_lines) > 0:
+ yield saved_lines
+ saved_lines = []
+ saved_lines.append(line)
+ if len(saved_lines) > 0:
+ yield saved_lines
+def iter_lines_handle_nl(iter_lines):
+ """
+ Iterates through lines, ensuring that lines that originally had no
+ terminating \n are produced without one. This transformation may be
+ applied at any point up until hunk line parsing, and is safe to apply
+ repeatedly.
+ """
+ last_line = None
+ for line in iter_lines:
+ if line == NO_NL:
+ assert last_line.endswith('\n')
+ last_line = last_line[:-1]
+ line = None
+ if last_line is not None:
+ yield last_line
+ last_line = line
+ if last_line is not None:
+ yield last_line
+def parse_patches(iter_lines):
+ iter_lines = iter_lines_handle_nl(iter_lines)
+ return [parse_patch(f.__iter__()) for f in iter_file_patch(iter_lines)]
+def difference_index(atext, btext):
+ """Find the indext of the first character that differs betweeen two texts
+ :param atext: The first text
+ :type atext: str
+ :param btext: The second text
+ :type str: str
+ :return: The index, or None if there are no differences within the range
+ :rtype: int or NoneType
+ """
+ length = len(atext)
+ if len(btext) < length:
+ length = len(btext)
+ for i in range(length):
+ if atext[i] != btext[i]:
+ return i;
+ return None
+class PatchConflict(Exception):
+ def __init__(self, line_no, orig_line, patch_line):
+ orig = orig_line.rstrip('\n')
+ patch = str(patch_line).rstrip('\n')
+ msg = 'Text contents mismatch at line %d. Original has "%s",'\
+ ' but patch says it should be "%s"' % (line_no, orig, patch)
+ Exception.__init__(self, msg)
+def iter_patched(orig_lines, patch_lines):
+ """Iterate through a series of lines with a patch applied.
+ This handles a single file, and does exact, not fuzzy patching.
+ """
+ if orig_lines is not None:
+ orig_lines = orig_lines.__iter__()
+ seen_patch = []
+ patch_lines = iter_lines_handle_nl(patch_lines.__iter__())
+ get_patch_names(patch_lines)
+ line_no = 1
+ for hunk in iter_hunks(patch_lines):
+ while line_no < hunk.orig_pos:
+ orig_line =
+ yield orig_line
+ line_no += 1
+ for hunk_line in hunk.lines:
+ seen_patch.append(str(hunk_line))
+ if isinstance(hunk_line, InsertLine):
+ yield hunk_line.contents
+ elif isinstance(hunk_line, (ContextLine, RemoveLine)):
+ orig_line =
+ if orig_line != hunk_line.contents:
+ raise PatchConflict(line_no, orig_line, "".join(seen_patch))
+ if isinstance(hunk_line, ContextLine):
+ yield orig_line
+ else:
+ assert isinstance(hunk_line, RemoveLine)
+ line_no += 1
+ for line in orig_lines:
+ yield line
+import unittest
+import os.path
+class PatchesTester(unittest.TestCase):
+ def datafile(self, filename):
+ data_path = os.path.join(os.path.dirname(__file__), "testdata",
+ filename)
+ return file(data_path, "rb")
+ def testValidPatchHeader(self):
+ """Parse a valid patch header"""
+ lines = "--- orig/\n+++ mod/\n".split('\n')
+ (orig, mod) = get_patch_names(lines.__iter__())
+ assert(orig == "orig/")
+ assert(mod == "mod/")
+ def testInvalidPatchHeader(self):
+ """Parse an invalid patch header"""
+ lines = "-- orig/\n+++ mod/".split('\n')
+ self.assertRaises(MalformedPatchHeader, get_patch_names,
+ lines.__iter__())
+ def testValidHunkHeader(self):
+ """Parse a valid hunk header"""
+ header = "@@ -34,11 +50,6 @@\n"
+ hunk = hunk_from_header(header);
+ assert (hunk.orig_pos == 34)
+ assert (hunk.orig_range == 11)
+ assert (hunk.mod_pos == 50)
+ assert (hunk.mod_range == 6)
+ assert (str(hunk) == header)
+ def testValidHunkHeader2(self):
+ """Parse a tricky, valid hunk header"""
+ header = "@@ -1 +0,0 @@\n"
+ hunk = hunk_from_header(header);
+ assert (hunk.orig_pos == 1)
+ assert (hunk.orig_range == 1)
+ assert (hunk.mod_pos == 0)
+ assert (hunk.mod_range == 0)
+ assert (str(hunk) == header)
+ def makeMalformed(self, header):
+ self.assertRaises(MalformedHunkHeader, hunk_from_header, header)
+ def testInvalidHeader(self):
+ """Parse an invalid hunk header"""
+ self.makeMalformed(" -34,11 +50,6 \n")
+ self.makeMalformed("@@ +50,6 -34,11 @@\n")
+ self.makeMalformed("@@ -34,11 +50,6 @@")
+ self.makeMalformed("@@ -34.5,11 +50,6 @@\n")
+ self.makeMalformed("@@-34,11 +50,6@@\n")
+ self.makeMalformed("@@ 34,11 50,6 @@\n")
+ self.makeMalformed("@@ -34,11 @@\n")
+ self.makeMalformed("@@ -34,11 +50,6.5 @@\n")
+ self.makeMalformed("@@ -34,11 +50,-6 @@\n")
+ def lineThing(self,text, type):
+ line = parse_line(text)
+ assert(isinstance(line, type))
+ assert(str(line)==text)
+ def makeMalformedLine(self, text):
+ self.assertRaises(MalformedLine, parse_line, text)
+ def testValidLine(self):
+ """Parse a valid hunk line"""
+ self.lineThing(" hello\n", ContextLine)
+ self.lineThing("+hello\n", InsertLine)
+ self.lineThing("-hello\n", RemoveLine)
+ def testMalformedLine(self):
+ """Parse invalid valid hunk lines"""
+ self.makeMalformedLine("hello\n")
+ def compare_parsed(self, patchtext):
+ lines = patchtext.splitlines(True)
+ patch = parse_patch(lines.__iter__())
+ pstr = str(patch)
+ i = difference_index(patchtext, pstr)
+ if i is not None:
+ print "%i: \"%s\" != \"%s\"" % (i, patchtext[i], pstr[i])
+ self.assertEqual (patchtext, str(patch))
+ def testAll(self):
+ """Test parsing a whole patch"""
+ patchtext = """--- orig/
++++ mod/
+@@ -1337,7 +1337,8 @@
+ def set_title(self, command=None):
+ try:
+- version = self.tree.tree_version.nonarch
++ version = pylon.alias_or_version(self.tree.tree_version, self.tree,
++ full=False)
+ except:
+ version = "[no version]"
+ if command is None:
+@@ -1983,7 +1984,11 @@
+ version)
+ if len(new_merges) > 0:
+ if cmdutil.prompt("Log for merge"):
+- mergestuff = cmdutil.log_for_merge(tree, comp_version)
++ if cmdutil.prompt("changelog for merge"):
++ mergestuff = "Patches applied:\\n"
++ mergestuff += pylon.changelog_for_merge(new_merges)
++ else:
++ mergestuff = cmdutil.log_for_merge(tree, comp_version)
+ log.description += mergestuff
+ try:
+ self.compare_parsed(patchtext)
+ def testInit(self):
+ """Handle patches missing half the position, range tuple"""
+ patchtext = \
+"""--- orig/
++++ mod/
+@@ -1 +1,2 @@
+ __docformat__ = "restructuredtext en"
++__doc__ = An alternate Arch commandline interface
+ self.compare_parsed(patchtext)
+ def testLineLookup(self):
+ import sys
+ """Make sure we can accurately look up mod line from orig"""
+ patch = parse_patch(self.datafile("diff"))
+ orig = list(self.datafile("orig"))
+ mod = list(self.datafile("mod"))
+ removals = []
+ for i in range(len(orig)):
+ mod_pos = patch.pos_in_mod(i)
+ if mod_pos is None:
+ removals.append(orig[i])
+ continue
+ assert(mod[mod_pos]==orig[i])
+ rem_iter = removals.__iter__()
+ for hunk in patch.hunks:
+ for line in hunk.lines:
+ if isinstance(line, RemoveLine):
+ next =
+ if line.contents != next:
+ sys.stdout.write(" orig:%spatch:%s" % (next,
+ line.contents))
+ assert(line.contents == next)
+ self.assertRaises(StopIteration,
+ def testFirstLineRenumber(self):
+ """Make sure we handle lines at the beginning of the hunk"""
+ patch = parse_patch(self.datafile("insert_top.patch"))
+ assert (patch.pos_in_mod(0)==1)
+def test():
+ patchesTestSuite = unittest.makeSuite(PatchesTester,'test')
+ runner = unittest.TextTestRunner(verbosity=0)
+ return
+if __name__ == "__main__":
+ test()
+# arch-tag: d1541a25-eac5-4de9-a476-08a7cecd5683