path: root/bzrlib/tests/
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Diffstat (limited to 'bzrlib/tests/')
1 files changed, 1147 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/bzrlib/tests/ b/bzrlib/tests/
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index 0000000..7f1e4fa
--- /dev/null
+++ b/bzrlib/tests/
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+# Copyright (C) 2005-2011 Canonical Ltd
+# This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
+# it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
+# the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
+# (at your option) any later version.
+# This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+# GNU General Public License for more details.
+# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+# along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
+# Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA
+from cStringIO import StringIO
+import errno
+import os
+import subprocess
+import sys
+import threading
+from bzrlib import (
+ errors,
+ osutils,
+ tests,
+ transport,
+ urlutils,
+ )
+from bzrlib.directory_service import directories
+from bzrlib.transport import (
+ chroot,
+ fakenfs,
+ http,
+ local,
+ location_to_url,
+ memory,
+ pathfilter,
+ readonly,
+ )
+import bzrlib.transport.trace
+from bzrlib.tests import (
+ features,
+ test_server,
+ )
+# TODO: Should possibly split transport-specific tests into their own files.
+class TestTransport(tests.TestCase):
+ """Test the non transport-concrete class functionality."""
+ def test__get_set_protocol_handlers(self):
+ handlers = transport._get_protocol_handlers()
+ self.assertNotEqual([], handlers.keys())
+ transport._clear_protocol_handlers()
+ self.addCleanup(transport._set_protocol_handlers, handlers)
+ self.assertEqual([], transport._get_protocol_handlers().keys())
+ def test_get_transport_modules(self):
+ handlers = transport._get_protocol_handlers()
+ self.addCleanup(transport._set_protocol_handlers, handlers)
+ # don't pollute the current handlers
+ transport._clear_protocol_handlers()
+ class SampleHandler(object):
+ """I exist, isnt that enough?"""
+ transport._clear_protocol_handlers()
+ transport.register_transport_proto('foo')
+ transport.register_lazy_transport('foo',
+ 'bzrlib.tests.test_transport',
+ 'TestTransport.SampleHandler')
+ transport.register_transport_proto('bar')
+ transport.register_lazy_transport('bar',
+ 'bzrlib.tests.test_transport',
+ 'TestTransport.SampleHandler')
+ self.assertEqual([SampleHandler.__module__,
+ 'bzrlib.transport.chroot',
+ 'bzrlib.transport.pathfilter'],
+ transport._get_transport_modules())
+ def test_transport_dependency(self):
+ """Transport with missing dependency causes no error"""
+ saved_handlers = transport._get_protocol_handlers()
+ self.addCleanup(transport._set_protocol_handlers, saved_handlers)
+ # don't pollute the current handlers
+ transport._clear_protocol_handlers()
+ transport.register_transport_proto('foo')
+ transport.register_lazy_transport(
+ 'foo', 'bzrlib.tests.test_transport', 'BadTransportHandler')
+ try:
+ transport.get_transport_from_url('foo://fooserver/foo')
+ except errors.UnsupportedProtocol, e:
+ e_str = str(e)
+ self.assertEquals('Unsupported protocol'
+ ' for url "foo://fooserver/foo":'
+ ' Unable to import library "some_lib":'
+ ' testing missing dependency', str(e))
+ else:
+'Did not raise UnsupportedProtocol')
+ def test_transport_fallback(self):
+ """Transport with missing dependency causes no error"""
+ saved_handlers = transport._get_protocol_handlers()
+ self.addCleanup(transport._set_protocol_handlers, saved_handlers)
+ transport._clear_protocol_handlers()
+ transport.register_transport_proto('foo')
+ transport.register_lazy_transport(
+ 'foo', 'bzrlib.tests.test_transport', 'BackupTransportHandler')
+ transport.register_lazy_transport(
+ 'foo', 'bzrlib.tests.test_transport', 'BadTransportHandler')
+ t = transport.get_transport_from_url('foo://fooserver/foo')
+ self.assertTrue(isinstance(t, BackupTransportHandler))
+ def test_ssh_hints(self):
+ """Transport ssh:// should raise an error pointing out bzr+ssh://"""
+ try:
+ transport.get_transport_from_url('ssh://fooserver/foo')
+ except errors.UnsupportedProtocol, e:
+ e_str = str(e)
+ self.assertEquals('Unsupported protocol'
+ ' for url "ssh://fooserver/foo":'
+ ' bzr supports bzr+ssh to operate over ssh,'
+ ' use "bzr+ssh://fooserver/foo".',
+ str(e))
+ else:
+'Did not raise UnsupportedProtocol')
+ def test_LateReadError(self):
+ """The LateReadError helper should raise on read()."""
+ a_file = transport.LateReadError('a path')
+ try:
+ except errors.ReadError, error:
+ self.assertEqual('a path', error.path)
+ self.assertRaises(errors.ReadError,, 40)
+ a_file.close()
+ def test_local_abspath_non_local_transport(self):
+ # the base implementation should throw
+ t = memory.MemoryTransport()
+ e = self.assertRaises(errors.NotLocalUrl, t.local_abspath, 't')
+ self.assertEqual('memory:///t is not a local path.', str(e))
+class TestCoalesceOffsets(tests.TestCase):
+ def check(self, expected, offsets, limit=0, max_size=0, fudge=0):
+ coalesce = transport.Transport._coalesce_offsets
+ exp = [transport._CoalescedOffset(*x) for x in expected]
+ out = list(coalesce(offsets, limit=limit, fudge_factor=fudge,
+ max_size=max_size))
+ self.assertEqual(exp, out)
+ def test_coalesce_empty(self):
+ self.check([], [])
+ def test_coalesce_simple(self):
+ self.check([(0, 10, [(0, 10)])], [(0, 10)])
+ def test_coalesce_unrelated(self):
+ self.check([(0, 10, [(0, 10)]),
+ (20, 10, [(0, 10)]),
+ ], [(0, 10), (20, 10)])
+ def test_coalesce_unsorted(self):
+ self.check([(20, 10, [(0, 10)]),
+ (0, 10, [(0, 10)]),
+ ], [(20, 10), (0, 10)])
+ def test_coalesce_nearby(self):
+ self.check([(0, 20, [(0, 10), (10, 10)])],
+ [(0, 10), (10, 10)])
+ def test_coalesce_overlapped(self):
+ self.assertRaises(ValueError,
+ self.check, [(0, 15, [(0, 10), (5, 10)])],
+ [(0, 10), (5, 10)])
+ def test_coalesce_limit(self):
+ self.check([(10, 50, [(0, 10), (10, 10), (20, 10),
+ (30, 10), (40, 10)]),
+ (60, 50, [(0, 10), (10, 10), (20, 10),
+ (30, 10), (40, 10)]),
+ ], [(10, 10), (20, 10), (30, 10), (40, 10),
+ (50, 10), (60, 10), (70, 10), (80, 10),
+ (90, 10), (100, 10)],
+ limit=5)
+ def test_coalesce_no_limit(self):
+ self.check([(10, 100, [(0, 10), (10, 10), (20, 10),
+ (30, 10), (40, 10), (50, 10),
+ (60, 10), (70, 10), (80, 10),
+ (90, 10)]),
+ ], [(10, 10), (20, 10), (30, 10), (40, 10),
+ (50, 10), (60, 10), (70, 10), (80, 10),
+ (90, 10), (100, 10)])
+ def test_coalesce_fudge(self):
+ self.check([(10, 30, [(0, 10), (20, 10)]),
+ (100, 10, [(0, 10)]),
+ ], [(10, 10), (30, 10), (100, 10)],
+ fudge=10)
+ def test_coalesce_max_size(self):
+ self.check([(10, 20, [(0, 10), (10, 10)]),
+ (30, 50, [(0, 50)]),
+ # If one range is above max_size, it gets its own coalesced
+ # offset
+ (100, 80, [(0, 80)]),],
+ [(10, 10), (20, 10), (30, 50), (100, 80)],
+ max_size=50)
+ def test_coalesce_no_max_size(self):
+ self.check([(10, 170, [(0, 10), (10, 10), (20, 50), (70, 100)])],
+ [(10, 10), (20, 10), (30, 50), (80, 100)],
+ )
+ def test_coalesce_default_limit(self):
+ # By default we use a 100MB max size.
+ ten_mb = 10 * 1024 * 1024
+ self.check([(0, 10 * ten_mb, [(i * ten_mb, ten_mb) for i in range(10)]),
+ (10*ten_mb, ten_mb, [(0, ten_mb)])],
+ [(i*ten_mb, ten_mb) for i in range(11)])
+ self.check([(0, 11 * ten_mb, [(i * ten_mb, ten_mb) for i in range(11)])],
+ [(i * ten_mb, ten_mb) for i in range(11)],
+ max_size=1*1024*1024*1024)
+class TestMemoryServer(tests.TestCase):
+ def test_create_server(self):
+ server = memory.MemoryServer()
+ server.start_server()
+ url = server.get_url()
+ self.assertTrue(url in transport.transport_list_registry)
+ t = transport.get_transport_from_url(url)
+ del t
+ server.stop_server()
+ self.assertFalse(url in transport.transport_list_registry)
+ self.assertRaises(errors.UnsupportedProtocol,
+ transport.get_transport, url)
+class TestMemoryTransport(tests.TestCase):
+ def test_get_transport(self):
+ memory.MemoryTransport()
+ def test_clone(self):
+ t = memory.MemoryTransport()
+ self.assertTrue(isinstance(t, memory.MemoryTransport))
+ self.assertEqual("memory:///", t.clone("/").base)
+ def test_abspath(self):
+ t = memory.MemoryTransport()
+ self.assertEqual("memory:///relpath", t.abspath('relpath'))
+ def test_abspath_of_root(self):
+ t = memory.MemoryTransport()
+ self.assertEqual("memory:///", t.base)
+ self.assertEqual("memory:///", t.abspath('/'))
+ def test_abspath_of_relpath_starting_at_root(self):
+ t = memory.MemoryTransport()
+ self.assertEqual("memory:///foo", t.abspath('/foo'))
+ def test_append_and_get(self):
+ t = memory.MemoryTransport()
+ t.append_bytes('path', 'content')
+ self.assertEqual(t.get('path').read(), 'content')
+ t.append_file('path', StringIO('content'))
+ self.assertEqual(t.get('path').read(), 'contentcontent')
+ def test_put_and_get(self):
+ t = memory.MemoryTransport()
+ t.put_file('path', StringIO('content'))
+ self.assertEqual(t.get('path').read(), 'content')
+ t.put_bytes('path', 'content')
+ self.assertEqual(t.get('path').read(), 'content')
+ def test_append_without_dir_fails(self):
+ t = memory.MemoryTransport()
+ self.assertRaises(errors.NoSuchFile,
+ t.append_bytes, 'dir/path', 'content')
+ def test_put_without_dir_fails(self):
+ t = memory.MemoryTransport()
+ self.assertRaises(errors.NoSuchFile,
+ t.put_file, 'dir/path', StringIO('content'))
+ def test_get_missing(self):
+ transport = memory.MemoryTransport()
+ self.assertRaises(errors.NoSuchFile, transport.get, 'foo')
+ def test_has_missing(self):
+ t = memory.MemoryTransport()
+ self.assertEquals(False, t.has('foo'))
+ def test_has_present(self):
+ t = memory.MemoryTransport()
+ t.append_bytes('foo', 'content')
+ self.assertEquals(True, t.has('foo'))
+ def test_list_dir(self):
+ t = memory.MemoryTransport()
+ t.put_bytes('foo', 'content')
+ t.mkdir('dir')
+ t.put_bytes('dir/subfoo', 'content')
+ t.put_bytes('dirlike', 'content')
+ self.assertEquals(['dir', 'dirlike', 'foo'], sorted(t.list_dir('.')))
+ self.assertEquals(['subfoo'], sorted(t.list_dir('dir')))
+ def test_mkdir(self):
+ t = memory.MemoryTransport()
+ t.mkdir('dir')
+ t.append_bytes('dir/path', 'content')
+ self.assertEqual(t.get('dir/path').read(), 'content')
+ def test_mkdir_missing_parent(self):
+ t = memory.MemoryTransport()
+ self.assertRaises(errors.NoSuchFile, t.mkdir, 'dir/dir')
+ def test_mkdir_twice(self):
+ t = memory.MemoryTransport()
+ t.mkdir('dir')
+ self.assertRaises(errors.FileExists, t.mkdir, 'dir')
+ def test_parameters(self):
+ t = memory.MemoryTransport()
+ self.assertEqual(True, t.listable())
+ self.assertEqual(False, t.is_readonly())
+ def test_iter_files_recursive(self):
+ t = memory.MemoryTransport()
+ t.mkdir('dir')
+ t.put_bytes('dir/foo', 'content')
+ t.put_bytes('dir/bar', 'content')
+ t.put_bytes('bar', 'content')
+ paths = set(t.iter_files_recursive())
+ self.assertEqual(set(['dir/foo', 'dir/bar', 'bar']), paths)
+ def test_stat(self):
+ t = memory.MemoryTransport()
+ t.put_bytes('foo', 'content')
+ t.put_bytes('bar', 'phowar')
+ self.assertEqual(7, t.stat('foo').st_size)
+ self.assertEqual(6, t.stat('bar').st_size)
+class ChrootDecoratorTransportTest(tests.TestCase):
+ """Chroot decoration specific tests."""
+ def test_abspath(self):
+ # The abspath is always relative to the chroot_url.
+ server = chroot.ChrootServer(
+ transport.get_transport_from_url('memory:///foo/bar/'))
+ self.start_server(server)
+ t = transport.get_transport_from_url(server.get_url())
+ self.assertEqual(server.get_url(), t.abspath('/'))
+ subdir_t = t.clone('subdir')
+ self.assertEqual(server.get_url(), subdir_t.abspath('/'))
+ def test_clone(self):
+ server = chroot.ChrootServer(
+ transport.get_transport_from_url('memory:///foo/bar/'))
+ self.start_server(server)
+ t = transport.get_transport_from_url(server.get_url())
+ # relpath from root and root path are the same
+ relpath_cloned = t.clone('foo')
+ abspath_cloned = t.clone('/foo')
+ self.assertEqual(server, relpath_cloned.server)
+ self.assertEqual(server, abspath_cloned.server)
+ def test_chroot_url_preserves_chroot(self):
+ """Calling get_transport on a chroot transport's base should produce a
+ transport with exactly the same behaviour as the original chroot
+ transport.
+ This is so that it is not possible to escape a chroot by doing::
+ url = chroot_transport.base
+ parent_url = urlutils.join(url, '..')
+ new_t = transport.get_transport_from_url(parent_url)
+ """
+ server = chroot.ChrootServer(
+ transport.get_transport_from_url('memory:///path/subpath'))
+ self.start_server(server)
+ t = transport.get_transport_from_url(server.get_url())
+ new_t = transport.get_transport_from_url(t.base)
+ self.assertEqual(t.server, new_t.server)
+ self.assertEqual(t.base, new_t.base)
+ def test_urljoin_preserves_chroot(self):
+ """Using urlutils.join(url, '..') on a chroot URL should not produce a
+ URL that escapes the intended chroot.
+ This is so that it is not possible to escape a chroot by doing::
+ url = chroot_transport.base
+ parent_url = urlutils.join(url, '..')
+ new_t = transport.get_transport_from_url(parent_url)
+ """
+ server = chroot.ChrootServer(
+ transport.get_transport_from_url('memory:///path/'))
+ self.start_server(server)
+ t = transport.get_transport_from_url(server.get_url())
+ self.assertRaises(
+ errors.InvalidURLJoin, urlutils.join, t.base, '..')
+class TestChrootServer(tests.TestCase):
+ def test_construct(self):
+ backing_transport = memory.MemoryTransport()
+ server = chroot.ChrootServer(backing_transport)
+ self.assertEqual(backing_transport, server.backing_transport)
+ def test_setUp(self):
+ backing_transport = memory.MemoryTransport()
+ server = chroot.ChrootServer(backing_transport)
+ server.start_server()
+ self.addCleanup(server.stop_server)
+ self.assertTrue(server.scheme
+ in transport._get_protocol_handlers().keys())
+ def test_stop_server(self):
+ backing_transport = memory.MemoryTransport()
+ server = chroot.ChrootServer(backing_transport)
+ server.start_server()
+ server.stop_server()
+ self.assertFalse(server.scheme
+ in transport._get_protocol_handlers().keys())
+ def test_get_url(self):
+ backing_transport = memory.MemoryTransport()
+ server = chroot.ChrootServer(backing_transport)
+ server.start_server()
+ self.addCleanup(server.stop_server)
+ self.assertEqual('chroot-%d:///' % id(server), server.get_url())
+class TestHooks(tests.TestCase):
+ """Basic tests for transport hooks"""
+ def _get_connected_transport(self):
+ return transport.ConnectedTransport("bogus:nowhere")
+ def test_transporthooks_initialisation(self):
+ """Check all expected transport hook points are set up"""
+ hookpoint = transport.TransportHooks()
+ self.assertTrue("post_connect" in hookpoint,
+ "post_connect not in %s" % (hookpoint,))
+ def test_post_connect(self):
+ """Ensure the post_connect hook is called when _set_transport is"""
+ calls = []
+ transport.Transport.hooks.install_named_hook("post_connect",
+ calls.append, None)
+ t = self._get_connected_transport()
+ self.assertLength(0, calls)
+ t._set_connection("connection", "auth")
+ self.assertEqual(calls, [t])
+class PathFilteringDecoratorTransportTest(tests.TestCase):
+ """Pathfilter decoration specific tests."""
+ def test_abspath(self):
+ # The abspath is always relative to the base of the backing transport.
+ server = pathfilter.PathFilteringServer(
+ transport.get_transport_from_url('memory:///foo/bar/'),
+ lambda x: x)
+ server.start_server()
+ t = transport.get_transport_from_url(server.get_url())
+ self.assertEqual(server.get_url(), t.abspath('/'))
+ subdir_t = t.clone('subdir')
+ self.assertEqual(server.get_url(), subdir_t.abspath('/'))
+ server.stop_server()
+ def make_pf_transport(self, filter_func=None):
+ """Make a PathFilteringTransport backed by a MemoryTransport.
+ :param filter_func: by default this will be a no-op function. Use this
+ parameter to override it."""
+ if filter_func is None:
+ filter_func = lambda x: x
+ server = pathfilter.PathFilteringServer(
+ transport.get_transport_from_url('memory:///foo/bar/'), filter_func)
+ server.start_server()
+ self.addCleanup(server.stop_server)
+ return transport.get_transport_from_url(server.get_url())
+ def test__filter(self):
+ # _filter (with an identity func as filter_func) always returns
+ # paths relative to the base of the backing transport.
+ t = self.make_pf_transport()
+ self.assertEqual('foo', t._filter('foo'))
+ self.assertEqual('foo/bar', t._filter('foo/bar'))
+ self.assertEqual('', t._filter('..'))
+ self.assertEqual('', t._filter('/'))
+ # The base of the pathfiltering transport is taken into account too.
+ t = t.clone('subdir1/subdir2')
+ self.assertEqual('subdir1/subdir2/foo', t._filter('foo'))
+ self.assertEqual('subdir1/subdir2/foo/bar', t._filter('foo/bar'))
+ self.assertEqual('subdir1', t._filter('..'))
+ self.assertEqual('', t._filter('/'))
+ def test_filter_invocation(self):
+ filter_log = []
+ def filter(path):
+ filter_log.append(path)
+ return path
+ t = self.make_pf_transport(filter)
+ t.has('abc')
+ self.assertEqual(['abc'], filter_log)
+ del filter_log[:]
+ t.clone('abc').has('xyz')
+ self.assertEqual(['abc/xyz'], filter_log)
+ del filter_log[:]
+ t.has('/abc')
+ self.assertEqual(['abc'], filter_log)
+ def test_clone(self):
+ t = self.make_pf_transport()
+ # relpath from root and root path are the same
+ relpath_cloned = t.clone('foo')
+ abspath_cloned = t.clone('/foo')
+ self.assertEqual(t.server, relpath_cloned.server)
+ self.assertEqual(t.server, abspath_cloned.server)
+ def test_url_preserves_pathfiltering(self):
+ """Calling get_transport on a pathfiltered transport's base should
+ produce a transport with exactly the same behaviour as the original
+ pathfiltered transport.
+ This is so that it is not possible to escape (accidentally or
+ otherwise) the filtering by doing::
+ url = filtered_transport.base
+ parent_url = urlutils.join(url, '..')
+ new_t = transport.get_transport_from_url(parent_url)
+ """
+ t = self.make_pf_transport()
+ new_t = transport.get_transport_from_url(t.base)
+ self.assertEqual(t.server, new_t.server)
+ self.assertEqual(t.base, new_t.base)
+class ReadonlyDecoratorTransportTest(tests.TestCase):
+ """Readonly decoration specific tests."""
+ def test_local_parameters(self):
+ # connect to . in readonly mode
+ t = readonly.ReadonlyTransportDecorator('readonly+.')
+ self.assertEqual(True, t.listable())
+ self.assertEqual(True, t.is_readonly())
+ def test_http_parameters(self):
+ from bzrlib.tests.http_server import HttpServer
+ # connect to '.' via http which is not listable
+ server = HttpServer()
+ self.start_server(server)
+ t = transport.get_transport_from_url('readonly+' + server.get_url())
+ self.assertIsInstance(t, readonly.ReadonlyTransportDecorator)
+ self.assertEqual(False, t.listable())
+ self.assertEqual(True, t.is_readonly())
+class FakeNFSDecoratorTests(tests.TestCaseInTempDir):
+ """NFS decorator specific tests."""
+ def get_nfs_transport(self, url):
+ # connect to url with nfs decoration
+ return fakenfs.FakeNFSTransportDecorator('fakenfs+' + url)
+ def test_local_parameters(self):
+ # the listable and is_readonly parameters
+ # are not changed by the fakenfs decorator
+ t = self.get_nfs_transport('.')
+ self.assertEqual(True, t.listable())
+ self.assertEqual(False, t.is_readonly())
+ def test_http_parameters(self):
+ # the listable and is_readonly parameters
+ # are not changed by the fakenfs decorator
+ from bzrlib.tests.http_server import HttpServer
+ # connect to '.' via http which is not listable
+ server = HttpServer()
+ self.start_server(server)
+ t = self.get_nfs_transport(server.get_url())
+ self.assertIsInstance(t, fakenfs.FakeNFSTransportDecorator)
+ self.assertEqual(False, t.listable())
+ self.assertEqual(True, t.is_readonly())
+ def test_fakenfs_server_default(self):
+ # a FakeNFSServer() should bring up a local relpath server for itself
+ server = test_server.FakeNFSServer()
+ self.start_server(server)
+ # the url should be decorated appropriately
+ self.assertStartsWith(server.get_url(), 'fakenfs+')
+ # and we should be able to get a transport for it
+ t = transport.get_transport_from_url(server.get_url())
+ # which must be a FakeNFSTransportDecorator instance.
+ self.assertIsInstance(t, fakenfs.FakeNFSTransportDecorator)
+ def test_fakenfs_rename_semantics(self):
+ # a FakeNFS transport must mangle the way rename errors occur to
+ # look like NFS problems.
+ t = self.get_nfs_transport('.')
+ self.build_tree(['from/', 'from/foo', 'to/', 'to/bar'],
+ transport=t)
+ self.assertRaises(errors.ResourceBusy, t.rename, 'from', 'to')
+class FakeVFATDecoratorTests(tests.TestCaseInTempDir):
+ """Tests for simulation of VFAT restrictions"""
+ def get_vfat_transport(self, url):
+ """Return vfat-backed transport for test directory"""
+ from bzrlib.transport.fakevfat import FakeVFATTransportDecorator
+ return FakeVFATTransportDecorator('vfat+' + url)
+ def test_transport_creation(self):
+ from bzrlib.transport.fakevfat import FakeVFATTransportDecorator
+ t = self.get_vfat_transport('.')
+ self.assertIsInstance(t, FakeVFATTransportDecorator)
+ def test_transport_mkdir(self):
+ t = self.get_vfat_transport('.')
+ t.mkdir('HELLO')
+ self.assertTrue(t.has('hello'))
+ self.assertTrue(t.has('Hello'))
+ def test_forbidden_chars(self):
+ t = self.get_vfat_transport('.')
+ self.assertRaises(ValueError, t.has, "<NU>")
+class BadTransportHandler(transport.Transport):
+ def __init__(self, base_url):
+ raise errors.DependencyNotPresent('some_lib',
+ 'testing missing dependency')
+class BackupTransportHandler(transport.Transport):
+ """Test transport that works as a backup for the BadTransportHandler"""
+ pass
+class TestTransportImplementation(tests.TestCaseInTempDir):
+ """Implementation verification for transports.
+ To verify a transport we need a server factory, which is a callable
+ that accepts no parameters and returns an implementation of
+ bzrlib.transport.Server.
+ That Server is then used to construct transport instances and test
+ the transport via loopback activity.
+ Currently this assumes that the Transport object is connected to the
+ current working directory. So that whatever is done
+ through the transport, should show up in the working
+ directory, and vice-versa. This is a bug, because its possible to have
+ URL schemes which provide access to something that may not be
+ result in storage on the local disk, i.e. due to file system limits, or
+ due to it being a database or some other non-filesystem tool.
+ This also tests to make sure that the functions work with both
+ generators and lists (assuming iter(list) is effectively a generator)
+ """
+ def setUp(self):
+ super(TestTransportImplementation, self).setUp()
+ self._server = self.transport_server()
+ self.start_server(self._server)
+ def get_transport(self, relpath=None):
+ """Return a connected transport to the local directory.
+ :param relpath: a path relative to the base url.
+ """
+ base_url = self._server.get_url()
+ url = self._adjust_url(base_url, relpath)
+ # try getting the transport via the regular interface:
+ t = transport.get_transport_from_url(url)
+ # vila--20070607 if the following are commented out the test suite
+ # still pass. Is this really still needed or was it a forgotten
+ # temporary fix ?
+ if not isinstance(t, self.transport_class):
+ # we did not get the correct transport class type. Override the
+ # regular connection behaviour by direct construction.
+ t = self.transport_class(url)
+ return t
+class TestTransportFromPath(tests.TestCaseInTempDir):
+ def test_with_path(self):
+ t = transport.get_transport_from_path(self.test_dir)
+ self.assertIsInstance(t, local.LocalTransport)
+ self.assertEquals(t.base.rstrip("/"),
+ urlutils.local_path_to_url(self.test_dir))
+ def test_with_url(self):
+ t = transport.get_transport_from_path("file:")
+ self.assertIsInstance(t, local.LocalTransport)
+ self.assertEquals(t.base.rstrip("/"),
+ urlutils.local_path_to_url(os.path.join(self.test_dir, "file:")))
+class TestTransportFromUrl(tests.TestCaseInTempDir):
+ def test_with_path(self):
+ self.assertRaises(errors.InvalidURL, transport.get_transport_from_url,
+ self.test_dir)
+ def test_with_url(self):
+ url = urlutils.local_path_to_url(self.test_dir)
+ t = transport.get_transport_from_url(url)
+ self.assertIsInstance(t, local.LocalTransport)
+ self.assertEquals(t.base.rstrip("/"), url)
+ def test_with_url_and_segment_parameters(self):
+ url = urlutils.local_path_to_url(self.test_dir)+",branch=foo"
+ t = transport.get_transport_from_url(url)
+ self.assertIsInstance(t, local.LocalTransport)
+ self.assertEquals(t.base.rstrip("/"), url)
+ with open(os.path.join(self.test_dir, "afile"), 'w') as f:
+ f.write("data")
+ self.assertTrue(t.has("afile"))
+class TestLocalTransports(tests.TestCase):
+ def test_get_transport_from_abspath(self):
+ here = osutils.abspath('.')
+ t = transport.get_transport(here)
+ self.assertIsInstance(t, local.LocalTransport)
+ self.assertEquals(t.base, urlutils.local_path_to_url(here) + '/')
+ def test_get_transport_from_relpath(self):
+ here = osutils.abspath('.')
+ t = transport.get_transport('.')
+ self.assertIsInstance(t, local.LocalTransport)
+ self.assertEquals(t.base, urlutils.local_path_to_url('.') + '/')
+ def test_get_transport_from_local_url(self):
+ here = osutils.abspath('.')
+ here_url = urlutils.local_path_to_url(here) + '/'
+ t = transport.get_transport(here_url)
+ self.assertIsInstance(t, local.LocalTransport)
+ self.assertEquals(t.base, here_url)
+ def test_local_abspath(self):
+ here = osutils.abspath('.')
+ t = transport.get_transport(here)
+ self.assertEquals(t.local_abspath(''), here)
+class TestLocalTransportMutation(tests.TestCaseInTempDir):
+ def test_local_transport_mkdir(self):
+ here = osutils.abspath('.')
+ t = transport.get_transport(here)
+ t.mkdir('test')
+ self.assertTrue(os.path.exists('test'))
+ def test_local_transport_mkdir_permission_denied(self):
+ # See
+ here = osutils.abspath('.')
+ t = transport.get_transport(here)
+ def fake_chmod(path, mode):
+ e = OSError('permission denied')
+ e.errno = errno.EPERM
+ raise e
+ self.overrideAttr(os, 'chmod', fake_chmod)
+ t.mkdir('test')
+ t.mkdir('test2', mode=0707)
+ self.assertTrue(os.path.exists('test'))
+ self.assertTrue(os.path.exists('test2'))
+class TestLocalTransportWriteStream(tests.TestCaseWithTransport):
+ def test_local_fdatasync_calls_fdatasync(self):
+ """Check fdatasync on a stream tries to flush the data to the OS.
+ We can't easily observe the external effect but we can at least see
+ it's called.
+ """
+ sentinel = object()
+ fdatasync = getattr(os, 'fdatasync', sentinel)
+ if fdatasync is sentinel:
+ raise tests.TestNotApplicable('fdatasync not supported')
+ t = self.get_transport('.')
+ calls = self.recordCalls(os, 'fdatasync')
+ w = t.open_write_stream('out')
+ w.write('foo')
+ w.fdatasync()
+ with open('out', 'rb') as f:
+ # Should have been flushed.
+ self.assertEquals(, 'foo')
+ self.assertEquals(len(calls), 1, calls)
+ def test_missing_directory(self):
+ t = self.get_transport('.')
+ self.assertRaises(errors.NoSuchFile, t.open_write_stream, 'dir/foo')
+class TestWin32LocalTransport(tests.TestCase):
+ def test_unc_clone_to_root(self):
+ # Win32 UNC path like \\HOST\path
+ # clone to root should stop at least at \\HOST part
+ # not on \\
+ t = local.EmulatedWin32LocalTransport('file://HOST/path/to/some/dir/')
+ for i in xrange(4):
+ t = t.clone('..')
+ self.assertEquals(t.base, 'file://HOST/')
+ # make sure we reach the root
+ t = t.clone('..')
+ self.assertEquals(t.base, 'file://HOST/')
+class TestConnectedTransport(tests.TestCase):
+ """Tests for connected to remote server transports"""
+ def test_parse_url(self):
+ t = transport.ConnectedTransport(
+ '')
+ self.assertEquals(, '')
+ self.assertEquals(t._parsed_url.port, None)
+ self.assertEquals(t._parsed_url.path, '/home/source/')
+ self.assertTrue(t._parsed_url.user is None)
+ self.assertTrue(t._parsed_url.password is None)
+ self.assertEquals(t.base, '')
+ def test_parse_url_with_at_in_user(self):
+ # Bug 228058
+ t = transport.ConnectedTransport('')
+ self.assertEquals(t._parsed_url.user, '')
+ def test_parse_quoted_url(self):
+ t = transport.ConnectedTransport(
+ '')
+ self.assertEquals(, '')
+ self.assertEquals(t._parsed_url.port, 2222)
+ self.assertEquals(t._parsed_url.user, 'robey')
+ self.assertEquals(t._parsed_url.password, 'h@t')
+ self.assertEquals(t._parsed_url.path, '/path/')
+ # Base should not keep track of the password
+ self.assertEquals(t.base, '')
+ def test_parse_invalid_url(self):
+ self.assertRaises(errors.InvalidURL,
+ transport.ConnectedTransport,
+ 's')
+ def test_relpath(self):
+ t = transport.ConnectedTransport('s')
+ self.assertEquals(t.relpath('s'),
+ 'sub')
+ self.assertRaises(errors.PathNotChild, t.relpath,
+ '')
+ self.assertRaises(errors.PathNotChild, t.relpath,
+ 's')
+ self.assertRaises(errors.PathNotChild, t.relpath,
+ 's')
+ self.assertRaises(errors.PathNotChild, t.relpath,
+ 's')
+ # Make sure it works when we don't supply a username
+ t = transport.ConnectedTransport('s')
+ self.assertEquals(t.relpath('s'), 'sub')
+ # Make sure it works when parts of the path will be url encoded
+ t = transport.ConnectedTransport('s')
+ self.assertEquals(t.relpath('s'), 'sub')
+ def test_connection_sharing_propagate_credentials(self):
+ t = transport.ConnectedTransport('')
+ self.assertEquals('user', t._parsed_url.user)
+ self.assertEquals('',
+ self.assertIs(None, t._get_connection())
+ self.assertIs(None, t._parsed_url.password)
+ c = t.clone('subdir')
+ self.assertIs(None, c._get_connection())
+ self.assertIs(None, t._parsed_url.password)
+ # Simulate the user entering a password
+ password = 'secret'
+ connection = object()
+ t._set_connection(connection, password)
+ self.assertIs(connection, t._get_connection())
+ self.assertIs(password, t._get_credentials())
+ self.assertIs(connection, c._get_connection())
+ self.assertIs(password, c._get_credentials())
+ # credentials can be updated
+ new_password = 'even more secret'
+ c._update_credentials(new_password)
+ self.assertIs(connection, t._get_connection())
+ self.assertIs(new_password, t._get_credentials())
+ self.assertIs(connection, c._get_connection())
+ self.assertIs(new_password, c._get_credentials())
+class TestReusedTransports(tests.TestCase):
+ """Tests for transport reuse"""
+ def test_reuse_same_transport(self):
+ possible_transports = []
+ t1 = transport.get_transport_from_url('http://foo/',
+ possible_transports=possible_transports)
+ self.assertEqual([t1], possible_transports)
+ t2 = transport.get_transport_from_url('http://foo/',
+ possible_transports=[t1])
+ self.assertIs(t1, t2)
+ # Also check that final '/' are handled correctly
+ t3 = transport.get_transport_from_url('http://foo/path/')
+ t4 = transport.get_transport_from_url('http://foo/path',
+ possible_transports=[t3])
+ self.assertIs(t3, t4)
+ t5 = transport.get_transport_from_url('http://foo/path')
+ t6 = transport.get_transport_from_url('http://foo/path/',
+ possible_transports=[t5])
+ self.assertIs(t5, t6)
+ def test_don_t_reuse_different_transport(self):
+ t1 = transport.get_transport_from_url('http://foo/path')
+ t2 = transport.get_transport_from_url('http://bar/path',
+ possible_transports=[t1])
+ self.assertIsNot(t1, t2)
+class TestTransportTrace(tests.TestCase):
+ def test_decorator(self):
+ t = transport.get_transport_from_url('trace+memory://')
+ self.assertIsInstance(
+ t, bzrlib.transport.trace.TransportTraceDecorator)
+ def test_clone_preserves_activity(self):
+ t = transport.get_transport_from_url('trace+memory://')
+ t2 = t.clone('.')
+ self.assertTrue(t is not t2)
+ self.assertTrue(t._activity is t2._activity)
+ # the following specific tests are for the operations that have made use of
+ # logging in tests; we could test every single operation but doing that
+ # still won't cause a test failure when the top level Transport API
+ # changes; so there is little return doing that.
+ def test_get(self):
+ t = transport.get_transport_from_url('trace+memory:///')
+ t.put_bytes('foo', 'barish')
+ t.get('foo')
+ expected_result = []
+ # put_bytes records the bytes, not the content to avoid memory
+ # pressure.
+ expected_result.append(('put_bytes', 'foo', 6, None))
+ # get records the file name only.
+ expected_result.append(('get', 'foo'))
+ self.assertEqual(expected_result, t._activity)
+ def test_readv(self):
+ t = transport.get_transport_from_url('trace+memory:///')
+ t.put_bytes('foo', 'barish')
+ list(t.readv('foo', [(0, 1), (3, 2)],
+ adjust_for_latency=True, upper_limit=6))
+ expected_result = []
+ # put_bytes records the bytes, not the content to avoid memory
+ # pressure.
+ expected_result.append(('put_bytes', 'foo', 6, None))
+ # readv records the supplied offset request
+ expected_result.append(('readv', 'foo', [(0, 1), (3, 2)], True, 6))
+ self.assertEqual(expected_result, t._activity)
+class TestSSHConnections(tests.TestCaseWithTransport):
+ def test_bzr_connect_to_bzr_ssh(self):
+ """get_transport of a bzr+ssh:// behaves correctly.
+ bzr+ssh:// should cause bzr to run a remote bzr smart server over SSH.
+ """
+ # This test actually causes a bzr instance to be invoked, which is very
+ # expensive: it should be the only such test in the test suite.
+ # A reasonable evolution for this would be to simply check inside
+ # check_channel_exec_request that the command is appropriate, and then
+ # satisfy requests in-process.
+ self.requireFeature(features.paramiko)
+ # SFTPFullAbsoluteServer has a get_url method, and doesn't
+ # override the interface (doesn't change self._vendor).
+ # Note that this does encryption, so can be slow.
+ from bzrlib.tests import stub_sftp
+ # Start an SSH server
+ self.command_executed = []
+ # XXX: This is horrible -- we define a really dumb SSH server that
+ # executes commands, and manage the hooking up of stdin/out/err to the
+ # SSH channel ourselves. Surely this has already been implemented
+ # elsewhere?
+ started = []
+ class StubSSHServer(stub_sftp.StubServer):
+ test = self
+ def check_channel_exec_request(self, channel, command):
+ self.test.command_executed.append(command)
+ proc = subprocess.Popen(
+ command, shell=True, stdin=subprocess.PIPE,
+ stdout=subprocess.PIPE, stderr=subprocess.PIPE)
+ # XXX: horribly inefficient, not to mention ugly.
+ # Start a thread for each of stdin/out/err, and relay bytes
+ # from the subprocess to channel and vice versa.
+ def ferry_bytes(read, write, close):
+ while True:
+ bytes = read(1)
+ if bytes == '':
+ close()
+ break
+ write(bytes)
+ file_functions = [
+ (channel.recv, proc.stdin.write, proc.stdin.close),
+ (, channel.sendall, channel.close),
+ (, channel.sendall_stderr, channel.close)]
+ started.append(proc)
+ for read, write, close in file_functions:
+ t = threading.Thread(
+ target=ferry_bytes, args=(read, write, close))
+ t.start()
+ started.append(t)
+ return True
+ ssh_server = stub_sftp.SFTPFullAbsoluteServer(StubSSHServer)
+ # We *don't* want to override the default SSH vendor: the detected one
+ # is the one to use.
+ # FIXME: I don't understand the above comment, SFTPFullAbsoluteServer
+ # inherits from SFTPServer which forces the SSH vendor to
+ # ssh.ParamikoVendor(). So it's forced, not detected. --vila 20100623
+ self.start_server(ssh_server)
+ port = ssh_server.port
+ if sys.platform == 'win32':
+ bzr_remote_path = sys.executable + ' ' + self.get_bzr_path()
+ else:
+ bzr_remote_path = self.get_bzr_path()
+ self.overrideEnv('BZR_REMOTE_PATH', bzr_remote_path)
+ # Access the branch via a bzr+ssh URL. The BZR_REMOTE_PATH environment
+ # variable is used to tell bzr what command to run on the remote end.
+ path_to_branch = osutils.abspath('.')
+ if sys.platform == 'win32':
+ # On Windows, we export all drives as '/C:/, etc. So we need to
+ # prefix a '/' to get the right path.
+ path_to_branch = '/' + path_to_branch
+ url = 'bzr+ssh://fred:secret@localhost:%d%s' % (port, path_to_branch)
+ t = transport.get_transport(url)
+ self.permit_url(t.base)
+ t.mkdir('foo')
+ self.assertEqual(
+ ['%s serve --inet --directory=/ --allow-writes' % bzr_remote_path],
+ self.command_executed)
+ # Make sure to disconnect, so that the remote process can stop, and we
+ # can cleanup. Then pause the test until everything is shutdown
+ t._client._medium.disconnect()
+ if not started:
+ return
+ # First wait for the subprocess
+ started[0].wait()
+ # And the rest are threads
+ for t in started[1:]:
+ t.join()
+class TestUnhtml(tests.TestCase):
+ """Tests for unhtml_roughly"""
+ def test_truncation(self):
+ fake_html = "<p>something!\n" * 1000
+ result = http.unhtml_roughly(fake_html)
+ self.assertEquals(len(result), 1000)
+ self.assertStartsWith(result, " something!")
+class SomeDirectory(object):
+ def look_up(self, name, url):
+ return "http://bar"
+class TestLocationToUrl(tests.TestCase):
+ def get_base_location(self):
+ path = osutils.abspath('/foo/bar')
+ if path.startswith('/'):
+ url = 'file://%s' % (path,)
+ else:
+ # On Windows, abspaths start with the drive letter, so we have to
+ # add in the extra '/'
+ url = 'file:///%s' % (path,)
+ return path, url
+ def test_regular_url(self):
+ self.assertEquals("file://foo", location_to_url("file://foo"))
+ def test_directory(self):
+ directories.register("bar:", SomeDirectory, "Dummy directory")
+ self.addCleanup(directories.remove, "bar:")
+ self.assertEquals("http://bar", location_to_url("bar:"))
+ def test_unicode_url(self):
+ self.assertRaises(errors.InvalidURL, location_to_url,
+ "http://fo/\xc3\xaf".decode("utf-8"))
+ def test_unicode_path(self):
+ path, url = self.get_base_location()
+ location = path + "\xc3\xaf".decode("utf-8")
+ url += '%C3%AF'
+ self.assertEquals(url, location_to_url(location))
+ def test_path(self):
+ path, url = self.get_base_location()
+ self.assertEquals(url, location_to_url(path))
+ def test_relative_file_url(self):
+ self.assertEquals(urlutils.local_path_to_url(".") + "/bar",
+ location_to_url("file:bar"))
+ def test_absolute_file_url(self):
+ self.assertEquals("file:///bar", location_to_url("file:/bar"))