path: root/bzrlib/
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Diffstat (limited to 'bzrlib/')
1 files changed, 371 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/bzrlib/ b/bzrlib/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..fc29e2d
--- /dev/null
+++ b/bzrlib/
@@ -0,0 +1,371 @@
+# Copyright (C) 2005-2010 Canonical Ltd
+# This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
+# it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
+# the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
+# (at your option) any later version.
+# This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+# GNU General Public License for more details.
+# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+# along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
+# Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA
+from __future__ import absolute_import
+import cStringIO
+from bzrlib import (
+ cache_utf8,
+ lazy_regex,
+ revision as _mod_revision,
+ trace,
+ )
+from bzrlib.xml_serializer import (
+ Element,
+ SubElement,
+ XMLSerializer,
+ encode_and_escape,
+ escape_invalid_chars,
+ get_utf8_or_ascii,
+ serialize_inventory_flat,
+ unpack_inventory_entry,
+ unpack_inventory_flat,
+ )
+from bzrlib.revision import Revision
+from bzrlib.errors import BzrError
+_xml_unescape_map = {
+ 'apos':"'",
+ 'quot':'"',
+ 'amp':'&',
+ 'lt':'<',
+ 'gt':'>'
+def _unescaper(match, _map=_xml_unescape_map):
+ code =
+ try:
+ return _map[code]
+ except KeyError:
+ if not code.startswith('#'):
+ raise
+ return unichr(int(code[1:])).encode('utf8')
+_unescape_re = lazy_regex.lazy_compile('\&([^;]*);')
+def _unescape_xml(data):
+ """Unescape predefined XML entities in a string of data."""
+ return _unescape_re.sub(_unescaper, data)
+class Serializer_v8(XMLSerializer):
+ """This serialiser adds rich roots.
+ Its revision format number matches its inventory number.
+ """
+ __slots__ = []
+ root_id = None
+ support_altered_by_hack = True
+ # This format supports the altered-by hack that reads file ids directly out
+ # of the versionedfile, without doing XML parsing.
+ supported_kinds = set(['file', 'directory', 'symlink'])
+ format_num = '8'
+ revision_format_num = None
+ # The search regex used by xml based repositories to determine what things
+ # where changed in a single commit.
+ _file_ids_altered_regex = lazy_regex.lazy_compile(
+ r'file_id="(?P<file_id>[^"]+)"'
+ r'.* revision="(?P<revision_id>[^"]+)"'
+ )
+ def _check_revisions(self, inv):
+ """Extension point for subclasses to check during serialisation.
+ :param inv: An inventory about to be serialised, to be checked.
+ :raises: AssertionError if an error has occurred.
+ """
+ if inv.revision_id is None:
+ raise AssertionError("inv.revision_id is None")
+ if inv.root.revision is None:
+ raise AssertionError("inv.root.revision is None")
+ def _check_cache_size(self, inv_size, entry_cache):
+ """Check that the entry_cache is large enough.
+ We want the cache to be ~2x the size of an inventory. The reason is
+ because we use a FIFO cache, and how Inventory records are likely to
+ change. In general, you have a small number of records which change
+ often, and a lot of records which do not change at all. So when the
+ cache gets full, you actually flush out a lot of the records you are
+ interested in, which means you need to recreate all of those records.
+ An LRU Cache would be better, but the overhead negates the cache
+ coherency benefit.
+ One way to look at it, only the size of the cache > len(inv) is your
+ 'working' set. And in general, it shouldn't be a problem to hold 2
+ inventories in memory anyway.
+ :param inv_size: The number of entries in an inventory.
+ """
+ if entry_cache is None:
+ return
+ # 1.5 times might also be reasonable.
+ recommended_min_cache_size = inv_size * 1.5
+ if entry_cache.cache_size() < recommended_min_cache_size:
+ recommended_cache_size = inv_size * 2
+ trace.mutter('Resizing the inventory entry cache from %d to %d',
+ entry_cache.cache_size(), recommended_cache_size)
+ entry_cache.resize(recommended_cache_size)
+ def write_inventory_to_lines(self, inv):
+ """Return a list of lines with the encoded inventory."""
+ return self.write_inventory(inv, None)
+ def write_inventory_to_string(self, inv, working=False):
+ """Just call write_inventory with a StringIO and return the value.
+ :param working: If True skip history data - text_sha1, text_size,
+ reference_revision, symlink_target.
+ """
+ sio = cStringIO.StringIO()
+ self.write_inventory(inv, sio, working)
+ return sio.getvalue()
+ def write_inventory(self, inv, f, working=False):
+ """Write inventory to a file.
+ :param inv: the inventory to write.
+ :param f: the file to write. (May be None if the lines are the desired
+ output).
+ :param working: If True skip history data - text_sha1, text_size,
+ reference_revision, symlink_target.
+ :return: The inventory as a list of lines.
+ """
+ output = []
+ append = output.append
+ self._append_inventory_root(append, inv)
+ serialize_inventory_flat(inv, append,
+ self.root_id, self.supported_kinds, working)
+ if f is not None:
+ f.writelines(output)
+ # Just to keep the cache from growing without bounds
+ # but we may actually not want to do clear the cache
+ #_clear_cache()
+ return output
+ def _append_inventory_root(self, append, inv):
+ """Append the inventory root to output."""
+ if inv.revision_id is not None:
+ revid1 = ' revision_id="'
+ revid2 = encode_and_escape(inv.revision_id)
+ else:
+ revid1 = ""
+ revid2 = ""
+ append('<inventory format="%s"%s%s>\n' % (
+ self.format_num, revid1, revid2))
+ append('<directory file_id="%s name="%s revision="%s />\n' % (
+ encode_and_escape(inv.root.file_id),
+ encode_and_escape(,
+ encode_and_escape(inv.root.revision)))
+ def _pack_revision(self, rev):
+ """Revision object -> xml tree"""
+ # For the XML format, we need to write them as Unicode rather than as
+ # utf-8 strings. So that cElementTree can handle properly escaping
+ # them.
+ decode_utf8 = cache_utf8.decode
+ revision_id = rev.revision_id
+ if isinstance(revision_id, str):
+ revision_id = decode_utf8(revision_id)
+ format_num = self.format_num
+ if self.revision_format_num is not None:
+ format_num = self.revision_format_num
+ root = Element('revision',
+ committer = rev.committer,
+ timestamp = '%.3f' % rev.timestamp,
+ revision_id = revision_id,
+ inventory_sha1 = rev.inventory_sha1,
+ format=format_num,
+ )
+ if rev.timezone is not None:
+ root.set('timezone', str(rev.timezone))
+ root.text = '\n'
+ msg = SubElement(root, 'message')
+ msg.text = escape_invalid_chars(rev.message)[0]
+ msg.tail = '\n'
+ if rev.parent_ids:
+ pelts = SubElement(root, 'parents')
+ pelts.tail = pelts.text = '\n'
+ for parent_id in rev.parent_ids:
+ _mod_revision.check_not_reserved_id(parent_id)
+ p = SubElement(pelts, 'revision_ref')
+ p.tail = '\n'
+ if isinstance(parent_id, str):
+ parent_id = decode_utf8(parent_id)
+ p.set('revision_id', parent_id)
+ if
+ self._pack_revision_properties(rev, root)
+ return root
+ def _pack_revision_properties(self, rev, under_element):
+ top_elt = SubElement(under_element, 'properties')
+ for prop_name, prop_value in sorted(
+ prop_elt = SubElement(top_elt, 'property')
+ prop_elt.set('name', prop_name)
+ prop_elt.text = prop_value
+ prop_elt.tail = '\n'
+ top_elt.tail = '\n'
+ def _unpack_entry(self, elt, entry_cache=None, return_from_cache=False):
+ # This is here because it's overridden by xml7
+ return unpack_inventory_entry(elt, entry_cache,
+ return_from_cache)
+ def _unpack_inventory(self, elt, revision_id=None, entry_cache=None,
+ return_from_cache=False):
+ """Construct from XML Element"""
+ inv = unpack_inventory_flat(elt, self.format_num, self._unpack_entry,
+ entry_cache, return_from_cache)
+ self._check_cache_size(len(inv), entry_cache)
+ return inv
+ def _unpack_revision(self, elt):
+ """XML Element -> Revision object"""
+ format = elt.get('format')
+ format_num = self.format_num
+ if self.revision_format_num is not None:
+ format_num = self.revision_format_num
+ if format is not None:
+ if format != format_num:
+ raise BzrError("invalid format version %r on revision"
+ % format)
+ get_cached = get_utf8_or_ascii
+ rev = Revision(committer = elt.get('committer'),
+ timestamp = float(elt.get('timestamp')),
+ revision_id = get_cached(elt.get('revision_id')),
+ inventory_sha1 = elt.get('inventory_sha1')
+ )
+ parents = elt.find('parents') or []
+ for p in parents:
+ rev.parent_ids.append(get_cached(p.get('revision_id')))
+ self._unpack_revision_properties(elt, rev)
+ v = elt.get('timezone')
+ if v is None:
+ rev.timezone = 0
+ else:
+ rev.timezone = int(v)
+ rev.message = elt.findtext('message') # text of <message>
+ return rev
+ def _unpack_revision_properties(self, elt, rev):
+ """Unpack properties onto a revision."""
+ props_elt = elt.find('properties')
+ if not props_elt:
+ return
+ for prop_elt in props_elt:
+ if prop_elt.tag != 'property':
+ raise AssertionError(
+ "bad tag under properties list: %r" % prop_elt.tag)
+ name = prop_elt.get('name')
+ value = prop_elt.text
+ # If a property had an empty value ('') cElementTree reads
+ # that back as None, convert it back to '', so that all
+ # properties have string values
+ if value is None:
+ value = ''
+ if name in
+ raise AssertionError("repeated property %r" % name)
+[name] = value
+ def _find_text_key_references(self, line_iterator):
+ """Core routine for extracting references to texts from inventories.
+ This performs the translation of xml lines to revision ids.
+ :param line_iterator: An iterator of lines, origin_version_id
+ :return: A dictionary mapping text keys ((fileid, revision_id) tuples)
+ to whether they were referred to by the inventory of the
+ revision_id that they contain. Note that if that revision_id was
+ not part of the line_iterator's output then False will be given -
+ even though it may actually refer to that key.
+ """
+ if not self.support_altered_by_hack:
+ raise AssertionError(
+ "_find_text_key_references only "
+ "supported for branches which store inventory as unnested xml"
+ ", not on %r" % self)
+ result = {}
+ # this code needs to read every new line in every inventory for the
+ # inventories [revision_ids]. Seeing a line twice is ok. Seeing a line
+ # not present in one of those inventories is unnecessary but not
+ # harmful because we are filtering by the revision id marker in the
+ # inventory lines : we only select file ids altered in one of those
+ # revisions. We don't need to see all lines in the inventory because
+ # only those added in an inventory in rev X can contain a revision=X
+ # line.
+ unescape_revid_cache = {}
+ unescape_fileid_cache = {}
+ # jam 20061218 In a big fetch, this handles hundreds of thousands
+ # of lines, so it has had a lot of inlining and optimizing done.
+ # Sorry that it is a little bit messy.
+ # Move several functions to be local variables, since this is a long
+ # running loop.
+ search =
+ unescape = _unescape_xml
+ setdefault = result.setdefault
+ for line, line_key in line_iterator:
+ match = search(line)
+ if match is None:
+ continue
+ # One call to returning multiple items is quite a
+ # bit faster than 2 calls to each returning 1
+ file_id, revision_id ='file_id', 'revision_id')
+ # Inlining the cache lookups helps a lot when you make 170,000
+ # lines and 350k ids, versus 8.4 unique ids.
+ # Using a cache helps in 2 ways:
+ # 1) Avoids unnecessary decoding calls
+ # 2) Re-uses cached strings, which helps in future set and
+ # equality checks.
+ # (2) is enough that removing encoding entirely along with
+ # the cache (so we are using plain strings) results in no
+ # performance improvement.
+ try:
+ revision_id = unescape_revid_cache[revision_id]
+ except KeyError:
+ unescaped = unescape(revision_id)
+ unescape_revid_cache[revision_id] = unescaped
+ revision_id = unescaped
+ # Note that unconditionally unescaping means that we deserialise
+ # every fileid, which for general 'pull' is not great, but we don't
+ # really want to have some many fulltexts that this matters anyway.
+ # RBC 20071114.
+ try:
+ file_id = unescape_fileid_cache[file_id]
+ except KeyError:
+ unescaped = unescape(file_id)
+ unescape_fileid_cache[file_id] = unescaped
+ file_id = unescaped
+ key = (file_id, revision_id)
+ setdefault(key, False)
+ if revision_id == line_key[-1]:
+ result[key] = True
+ return result
+serializer_v8 = Serializer_v8()