path: root/
diff options
Diffstat (limited to '')
1 files changed, 780 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/ b/
new file mode 100755
index 0000000..a21ebe8
--- /dev/null
+++ b/
@@ -0,0 +1,780 @@
+#! /usr/bin/env python
+"""Installation script for bzr.
+Run it with
+ './ install', or
+ './ --help' for more options
+import os
+import os.path
+import sys
+import copy
+import glob
+if sys.version_info < (2, 6):
+ sys.stderr.write("[ERROR] Not a supported Python version. Need 2.6+\n")
+ sys.exit(1)
+# NOTE: The directory containing, whether run by 'python' or
+# './' or the equivalent with another path, should always be at the
+# start of the path, so this should find the right one...
+import bzrlib
+def get_long_description():
+ dirname = os.path.dirname(__file__)
+ readme = os.path.join(dirname, 'README')
+ f = open(readme, 'rb')
+ try:
+ return
+ finally:
+ f.close()
+# see
+ 'name': 'bzr',
+ 'version': bzrlib.__version__,
+ 'author': 'Canonical Ltd',
+ 'author_email': '',
+ 'url': '',
+ 'description': 'Friendly distributed version control system',
+ 'license': 'GNU GPL v2',
+ 'download_url': '',
+ 'long_description': get_long_description(),
+ 'classifiers': [
+ 'Development Status :: 6 - Mature',
+ 'Environment :: Console',
+ 'Intended Audience :: Developers',
+ 'Intended Audience :: System Administrators',
+ 'License :: OSI Approved :: GNU General Public License (GPL)',
+ 'Operating System :: Microsoft :: Windows',
+ 'Operating System :: OS Independent',
+ 'Operating System :: POSIX',
+ 'Programming Language :: Python',
+ 'Programming Language :: C',
+ 'Topic :: Software Development :: Version Control',
+ ],
+ }
+# The list of packages is automatically generated later. Add other things
+# that are part of BZRLIB here.
+BZRLIB = {}
+PKG_DATA = {# install files from selftest suite
+ 'package_data': {'bzrlib': ['doc/api/*.txt',
+ 'tests/test_patches_data/*',
+ 'help_topics/en/*.txt',
+ 'tests/ssl_certs/ca.crt',
+ 'tests/ssl_certs/server_without_pass.key',
+ 'tests/ssl_certs/server_with_pass.key',
+ 'tests/ssl_certs/server.crt',
+ ]},
+ }
+I18N_FILES = []
+for filepath in glob.glob("bzrlib/locale/*/LC_MESSAGES/*.mo"):
+ langfile = filepath[len("bzrlib/locale/"):]
+ targetpath = os.path.dirname(os.path.join("share/locale", langfile))
+ I18N_FILES.append((targetpath, [filepath]))
+def get_bzrlib_packages():
+ """Recurse through the bzrlib directory, and extract the package names"""
+ packages = []
+ base_path = os.path.dirname(os.path.abspath(bzrlib.__file__))
+ for root, dirs, files in os.walk(base_path):
+ if '' in files:
+ assert root.startswith(base_path)
+ # Get just the path below bzrlib
+ package_path = root[len(base_path):]
+ # Remove leading and trailing slashes
+ package_path = package_path.strip('\\/')
+ if not package_path:
+ package_name = 'bzrlib'
+ else:
+ package_name = ('bzrlib.' +
+ package_path.replace('/', '.').replace('\\', '.'))
+ packages.append(package_name)
+ return sorted(packages)
+BZRLIB['packages'] = get_bzrlib_packages()
+from distutils import log
+from distutils.core import setup
+from distutils.command.install_scripts import install_scripts
+from distutils.command.install_data import install_data
+from import build
+# Overridden distutils actions
+class my_install_scripts(install_scripts):
+ """ Customized install_scripts distutils action.
+ Create bzr.bat for win32.
+ """
+ def run(self):
+ # standard action
+ if sys.platform == "win32":
+ try:
+ scripts_dir = os.path.join(sys.prefix, 'Scripts')
+ script_path = self._quoted_path(os.path.join(scripts_dir,
+ "bzr"))
+ python_exe = self._quoted_path(sys.executable)
+ args = self._win_batch_args()
+ batch_str = "@%s %s %s" % (python_exe, script_path, args)
+ batch_path = os.path.join(self.install_dir, "bzr.bat")
+ f = file(batch_path, "w")
+ f.write(batch_str)
+ f.close()
+ print("Created: %s" % batch_path)
+ except Exception:
+ e = sys.exc_info()[1]
+ print("ERROR: Unable to create %s: %s" % (batch_path, e))
+ def _quoted_path(self, path):
+ if ' ' in path:
+ return '"' + path + '"'
+ else:
+ return path
+ def _win_batch_args(self):
+ from bzrlib.win32utils import winver
+ if winver == 'Windows NT':
+ return '%*'
+ else:
+ return '%1 %2 %3 %4 %5 %6 %7 %8 %9'
+#/class my_install_scripts
+class bzr_build(build):
+ """Customized build distutils action.
+ Generate bzr.1.
+ """
+ sub_commands = build.sub_commands + [
+ ('build_mo', lambda _: True),
+ ]
+ def run(self):
+ from tools import generate_docs
+ generate_docs.main(argv=["bzr", "man"])
+## Setup
+from bzrlib.bzr_distutils import build_mo
+command_classes = {'install_scripts': my_install_scripts,
+ 'build': bzr_build,
+ 'build_mo': build_mo,
+ }
+from distutils import log
+from distutils.errors import CCompilerError, DistutilsPlatformError
+from distutils.extension import Extension
+ext_modules = []
+ try:
+ from Cython.Distutils import build_ext
+ from Cython.Compiler.Version import version as pyrex_version
+ except ImportError:
+ print("No Cython, trying Pyrex...")
+ from Pyrex.Distutils import build_ext
+ from Pyrex.Compiler.Version import version as pyrex_version
+except ImportError:
+ have_pyrex = False
+ # try to build the extension from the prior generated source.
+ print("")
+ print("The python package 'Pyrex' is not available."
+ " If the .c files are available,")
+ print("they will be built,"
+ " but modifying the .pyx files will not rebuild them.")
+ print("")
+ from distutils.command.build_ext import build_ext
+ have_pyrex = True
+ pyrex_version_info = tuple(map(int, pyrex_version.rstrip("+").split('.')))
+class build_ext_if_possible(build_ext):
+ user_options = build_ext.user_options + [
+ ('allow-python-fallback', None,
+ "When an extension cannot be built, allow falling"
+ " back to the pure-python implementation.")
+ ]
+ def initialize_options(self):
+ build_ext.initialize_options(self)
+ self.allow_python_fallback = False
+ def run(self):
+ try:
+ except DistutilsPlatformError:
+ e = sys.exc_info()[1]
+ if not self.allow_python_fallback:
+ log.warn('\n Cannot build extensions.\n'
+ ' Use "build_ext --allow-python-fallback" to use'
+ ' slower python implementations instead.\n')
+ raise
+ log.warn(str(e))
+ log.warn('\n Extensions cannot be built.\n'
+ ' Using the slower Python implementations instead.\n')
+ def build_extension(self, ext):
+ try:
+ build_ext.build_extension(self, ext)
+ except CCompilerError:
+ if not self.allow_python_fallback:
+ log.warn('\n Cannot build extension "%s".\n'
+ ' Use "build_ext --allow-python-fallback" to use'
+ ' slower python implementations instead.\n'
+ % (,))
+ raise
+ log.warn('\n Building of "%s" extension failed.\n'
+ ' Using the slower Python implementation instead.'
+ % (,))
+# Override the build_ext if we have Pyrex available
+command_classes['build_ext'] = build_ext_if_possible
+unavailable_files = []
+def add_pyrex_extension(module_name, libraries=None, extra_source=[]):
+ """Add a pyrex module to build.
+ This will use Pyrex to auto-generate the .c file if it is available.
+ Otherwise it will fall back on the .c file. If the .c file is not
+ available, it will warn, and not add anything.
+ You can pass any extra options to Extension through kwargs. One example is
+ 'libraries = []'.
+ :param module_name: The python path to the module. This will be used to
+ determine the .pyx and .c files to use.
+ """
+ path = module_name.replace('.', '/')
+ pyrex_name = path + '.pyx'
+ c_name = path + '.c'
+ define_macros = []
+ if sys.platform == 'win32':
+ # pyrex uses the macro WIN32 to detect the platform, even though it
+ # should be using something like _WIN32 or MS_WINDOWS, oh well, we can
+ # give it the right value.
+ define_macros.append(('WIN32', None))
+ if have_pyrex:
+ source = [pyrex_name]
+ else:
+ if not os.path.isfile(c_name):
+ unavailable_files.append(c_name)
+ return
+ else:
+ source = [c_name]
+ source.extend(extra_source)
+ ext_modules.append(Extension(module_name, source,
+ define_macros=define_macros, libraries=libraries))
+ extra_source=['bzrlib/diff-delta.c'])
+if sys.platform == 'win32':
+ add_pyrex_extension('bzrlib._dirstate_helpers_pyx',
+ libraries=['Ws2_32'])
+ add_pyrex_extension('bzrlib._walkdirs_win32')
+ if have_pyrex and pyrex_version_info[:3] == (0,9,4):
+ # Pyrex fails to compile this extension correctly
+ # The code it generates re-uses a "local" pointer and
+ # calls "PY_DECREF" after having set it to NULL. (It mixes PY_XDECREF
+ # which is NULL safe with PY_DECREF which is not.)
+ # <>
+ # <>
+ print('Cannot build extension "bzrlib._dirstate_helpers_pyx" using')
+ print('your version of pyrex "%s". Please upgrade your pyrex'
+ % (pyrex_version,))
+ print('install. For now, the non-compiled (python) version will')
+ print('be used instead.')
+ else:
+ add_pyrex_extension('bzrlib._dirstate_helpers_pyx')
+ add_pyrex_extension('bzrlib._readdir_pyx')
+ ['bzrlib/_patiencediff_c.c']))
+if have_pyrex and pyrex_version_info < (0, 9, 6, 3):
+ print("")
+ print('Your Pyrex/Cython version %s is too old to build the simple_set' % (
+ pyrex_version))
+ print('and static_tuple extensions.')
+ print('Please upgrade to at least Pyrex')
+ print("")
+ # TODO: Should this be a fatal error?
+ # We only need to build _simple_set_pyx, but static_tuple depends
+ # on simple_set
+ add_pyrex_extension('bzrlib._simple_set_pyx')
+ ext_modules.append(Extension('bzrlib._static_tuple_c',
+ ['bzrlib/_static_tuple_c.c']))
+if unavailable_files:
+ print('C extension(s) not found:')
+ print(' %s' % ('\n '.join(unavailable_files),))
+ print('The python versions will be used instead.')
+ print("")
+def get_tbzr_py2exe_info(includes, excludes, packages, console_targets,
+ gui_targets, data_files):
+ packages.append('tbzrcommands')
+ # ModuleFinder can't handle runtime changes to __path__, but
+ # win32com uses them. Hook this in so is found.
+ import modulefinder
+ import win32com
+ import cPickle as pickle
+ for p in win32com.__path__[1:]:
+ modulefinder.AddPackagePath("win32com", p)
+ for extra in [""]:
+ __import__(extra)
+ m = sys.modules[extra]
+ for p in m.__path__[1:]:
+ modulefinder.AddPackagePath(extra, p)
+ # TBZR points to the TBZR directory
+ tbzr_root = os.environ["TBZR"]
+ # Ensure tbzrlib itself is on sys.path
+ sys.path.append(tbzr_root)
+ packages.append("tbzrlib")
+ # collect up our icons.
+ cwd = os.getcwd()
+ ico_root = os.path.join(tbzr_root, 'tbzrlib', 'resources')
+ icos = [] # list of (path_root, relative_ico_path)
+ # First always bzr's icon and its in the root of the bzr tree.
+ icos.append(('', 'bzr.ico'))
+ for root, dirs, files in os.walk(ico_root):
+ icos.extend([(ico_root, os.path.join(root, f)[len(ico_root)+1:])
+ for f in files if f.endswith('.ico')])
+ # allocate an icon ID for each file and the full path to the ico
+ icon_resources = [(rid, os.path.join(ico_dir, ico_name))
+ for rid, (ico_dir, ico_name) in enumerate(icos)]
+ # create a string resource with the mapping. Might as well save the
+ # runtime some effort and write a pickle.
+ # Runtime expects unicode objects with forward-slash seps.
+ fse = sys.getfilesystemencoding()
+ map_items = [(f.replace('\\', '/').decode(fse), rid)
+ for rid, (_, f) in enumerate(icos)]
+ ico_map = dict(map_items)
+ # Create a new resource type of 'ICON_MAP', and use ID=1
+ other_resources = [ ("ICON_MAP", 1, pickle.dumps(ico_map))]
+ excludes.extend("""pywin pywin.dialogs pywin.dialogs.list
+ win32ui crawler.Crawler""".split())
+ # tbzrcache executables - a "console" version for debugging and a
+ # GUI version that is generally used.
+ tbzrcache = dict(
+ script = os.path.join(tbzr_root, "scripts", ""),
+ icon_resources = icon_resources,
+ other_resources = other_resources,
+ )
+ console_targets.append(tbzrcache)
+ # Make a windows version which is the same except for the base name.
+ tbzrcachew = tbzrcache.copy()
+ tbzrcachew["dest_base"]="tbzrcachew"
+ gui_targets.append(tbzrcachew)
+ # ditto for the tbzrcommand tool
+ tbzrcommand = dict(
+ script = os.path.join(tbzr_root, "scripts", ""),
+ icon_resources = icon_resources,
+ other_resources = other_resources,
+ )
+ console_targets.append(tbzrcommand)
+ tbzrcommandw = tbzrcommand.copy()
+ tbzrcommandw["dest_base"]="tbzrcommandw"
+ gui_targets.append(tbzrcommandw)
+ # A utility to see python output from both C++ and Python based shell
+ # extensions
+ tracer = dict(script=os.path.join(tbzr_root, "scripts", ""))
+ console_targets.append(tracer)
+ # The C++ implemented shell extensions.
+ dist_dir = os.path.join(tbzr_root, "shellext", "build")
+ data_files.append(('', [os.path.join(dist_dir, 'tbzrshellext_x86.dll')]))
+ data_files.append(('', [os.path.join(dist_dir, 'tbzrshellext_x64.dll')]))
+def get_qbzr_py2exe_info(includes, excludes, packages, data_files):
+ # PyQt4 itself still escapes the plugin detection code for some reason...
+ includes.append('PyQt4.QtCore')
+ includes.append('PyQt4.QtGui')
+ includes.append('PyQt4.QtTest')
+ includes.append('sip') # extension module required for Qt.
+ packages.append('pygments') # colorizer for qbzr
+ packages.append('docutils') # html formatting
+ includes.append('win32event') # for qsubprocess stuff
+ # the qt binaries might not be on PATH...
+ # They seem to install to a place like C:\Python25\PyQt4\*
+ # Which is not the same as C:\Python25\Lib\site-packages\PyQt4
+ pyqt_dir = os.path.join(sys.prefix, "PyQt4")
+ pyqt_bin_dir = os.path.join(pyqt_dir, "bin")
+ if os.path.isdir(pyqt_bin_dir):
+ path = os.environ.get("PATH", "")
+ if pyqt_bin_dir.lower() not in [p.lower() for p in path.split(os.pathsep)]:
+ os.environ["PATH"] = path + os.pathsep + pyqt_bin_dir
+ # also add all imageformat plugins to distribution
+ # We will look in 2 places, dirname(PyQt4.__file__) and pyqt_dir
+ base_dirs_to_check = []
+ if os.path.isdir(pyqt_dir):
+ base_dirs_to_check.append(pyqt_dir)
+ try:
+ import PyQt4
+ except ImportError:
+ pass
+ else:
+ pyqt4_base_dir = os.path.dirname(PyQt4.__file__)
+ if pyqt4_base_dir != pyqt_dir:
+ base_dirs_to_check.append(pyqt4_base_dir)
+ if not base_dirs_to_check:
+ log.warn("Can't find PyQt4 installation -> not including imageformat"
+ " plugins")
+ else:
+ files = []
+ for base_dir in base_dirs_to_check:
+ plug_dir = os.path.join(base_dir, 'plugins', 'imageformats')
+ if os.path.isdir(plug_dir):
+ for fname in os.listdir(plug_dir):
+ # Include plugin dlls, but not debugging dlls
+ fullpath = os.path.join(plug_dir, fname)
+ if fname.endswith('.dll') and not fname.endswith('d4.dll'):
+ files.append(fullpath)
+ if files:
+ data_files.append(('imageformats', files))
+ else:
+ log.warn('PyQt4 was found, but we could not find any imageformat'
+ ' plugins. Are you sure your configuration is correct?')
+def get_svn_py2exe_info(includes, excludes, packages):
+ packages.append('subvertpy')
+ packages.append('sqlite3')
+def get_git_py2exe_info(includes, excludes, packages):
+ packages.append('dulwich')
+def get_fastimport_py2exe_info(includes, excludes, packages):
+ # This is the python-fastimport package, not to be confused with the
+ # bzr-fastimport plugin.
+ packages.append('fastimport')
+if 'bdist_wininst' in sys.argv:
+ def find_docs():
+ docs = []
+ for root, dirs, files in os.walk('doc'):
+ r = []
+ for f in files:
+ if (os.path.splitext(f)[1] in ('.html','.css','.png','.pdf')
+ or f == 'quick-start-summary.svg'):
+ r.append(os.path.join(root, f))
+ if r:
+ relative = root[4:]
+ if relative:
+ target = os.path.join('Doc\\Bazaar', relative)
+ else:
+ target = 'Doc\\Bazaar'
+ docs.append((target, r))
+ return docs
+ # python's distutils-based win32 installer
+ ARGS = {'scripts': ['bzr', 'tools/win32/'],
+ 'ext_modules': ext_modules,
+ # help pages
+ 'data_files': find_docs(),
+ # for building pyrex extensions
+ 'cmdclass': command_classes,
+ }
+ ARGS.update(META_INFO)
+ ARGS.update(BZRLIB)
+ PKG_DATA['package_data']['bzrlib'].append('locale/*/LC_MESSAGES/*.mo')
+ ARGS.update(PKG_DATA)
+ setup(**ARGS)
+elif 'py2exe' in sys.argv:
+ # py2exe setup
+ import py2exe
+ # pick real bzr version
+ import bzrlib
+ version_number = []
+ for i in bzrlib.version_info[:4]:
+ try:
+ i = int(i)
+ except ValueError:
+ i = 0
+ version_number.append(str(i))
+ version_str = '.'.join(version_number)
+ # An override to install_data used only by py2exe builds, which arranges
+ # to byte-compile any .py files in data_files (eg, our plugins)
+ # Necessary as we can't rely on the user having the relevant permissions
+ # to the "Program Files" directory to generate them on the fly.
+ class install_data_with_bytecompile(install_data):
+ def run(self):
+ from distutils.util import byte_compile
+ py2exe = self.distribution.get_command_obj('py2exe', False)
+ # GZ 2010-04-19: Setup has py2exe.optimize as 2, but give plugins
+ # time before living with docstring stripping
+ optimize = 1
+ compile_names = [f for f in self.outfiles if f.endswith('.py')]
+ # Round mtime to nearest even second so that installing on a FAT
+ # filesystem bytecode internal and script timestamps will match
+ for f in compile_names:
+ mtime = os.stat(f).st_mtime
+ remainder = mtime % 2
+ if remainder:
+ mtime -= remainder
+ os.utime(f, (mtime, mtime))
+ byte_compile(compile_names,
+ optimize=optimize,
+ force=self.force, prefix=self.install_dir,
+ dry_run=self.dry_run)
+ self.outfiles.extend([f + 'o' for f in compile_names])
+ # end of class install_data_with_bytecompile
+ target = py2exe.build_exe.Target(script = "bzr",
+ dest_base = "bzr",
+ icon_resources = [(0,'bzr.ico')],
+ name = META_INFO['name'],
+ version = version_str,
+ description = META_INFO['description'],
+ author = META_INFO['author'],
+ copyright = "(c) Canonical Ltd, 2005-2010",
+ company_name = "Canonical Ltd.",
+ comments = META_INFO['description'],
+ )
+ gui_target = copy.copy(target)
+ gui_target.dest_base = "bzrw"
+ packages = BZRLIB['packages']
+ packages.remove('bzrlib')
+ packages = [i for i in packages if not i.startswith('bzrlib.plugins')]
+ includes = []
+ for i in glob.glob('bzrlib\\*.py'):
+ module = i[:-3].replace('\\', '.')
+ if module.endswith('__init__'):
+ module = module[:-len('__init__')]
+ includes.append(module)
+ additional_packages = set()
+ if sys.version.startswith('2.4'):
+ # adding elementtree package
+ additional_packages.add('elementtree')
+ elif sys.version.startswith('2.6') or sys.version.startswith('2.5'):
+ additional_packages.add('xml.etree')
+ else:
+ import warnings
+ warnings.warn('Unknown Python version.\n'
+ 'Please check script for compatibility.')
+ # Although we currently can't enforce it, we consider it an error for
+ # py2exe to report any files are "missing". Such modules we know aren't
+ # used should be listed here.
+ excludes = """Tkinter psyco ElementPath r_hmac
+ ImaginaryModule cElementTree elementtree.ElementTree
+ Crypto.PublicKey._fastmath
+ medusa medusa.filesys medusa.ftp_server
+ tools
+ resource validate""".split()
+ dll_excludes = []
+ # email package from std python library use lazy import,
+ # so we need to explicitly add all package
+ additional_packages.add('email')
+ # And it uses funky mappings to conver to 'Oldname' to 'newname'. As
+ # a result, packages like 'email.Parser' show as missing. Tell py2exe
+ # to exclude them.
+ import email
+ for oldname in getattr(email, '_LOWERNAMES', []):
+ excludes.append("email." + oldname)
+ for oldname in getattr(email, '_MIMENAMES', []):
+ excludes.append("email.MIME" + oldname)
+ # text files for help topis
+ text_topics = glob.glob('bzrlib/help_topics/en/*.txt')
+ topics_files = [('lib/help_topics/en', text_topics)]
+ # built-in plugins
+ plugins_files = []
+ # XXX - should we consider having the concept of an 'official' build,
+ # which hard-codes the list of plugins, gets more upset if modules are
+ # missing, etc?
+ plugins = None # will be a set after plugin sniffing...
+ for root, dirs, files in os.walk('bzrlib/plugins'):
+ if root == 'bzrlib/plugins':
+ plugins = set(dirs)
+ # We ship plugins as normal files on the file-system - however,
+ # the build process can cause *some* of these plugin files to end
+ # up in Thus, we saw (eg) "plugins/svn/test" in
+ #, and then saw import errors related to that as the
+ # rest of the svn plugin wasn't. So we tell py2exe to leave the
+ # plugins out of the .zip file
+ excludes.extend(["bzrlib.plugins." + d for d in dirs])
+ x = []
+ for i in files:
+ # Throw away files we don't want packaged. Note that plugins may
+ # have data files with all sorts of extensions so we need to
+ # be conservative here about what we ditch.
+ ext = os.path.splitext(i)[1]
+ if ext.endswith('~') or ext in [".pyc", ".swp"]:
+ continue
+ if i == '' and root == 'bzrlib/plugins':
+ continue
+ x.append(os.path.join(root, i))
+ if x:
+ target_dir = root[len('bzrlib/'):] # install to 'plugins/...'
+ plugins_files.append((target_dir, x))
+ # find modules for built-in plugins
+ import tools.package_mf
+ mf = tools.package_mf.CustomModuleFinder()
+ mf.run_package('bzrlib/plugins')
+ packs, mods = mf.get_result()
+ additional_packages.update(packs)
+ includes.extend(mods)
+ console_targets = [target,
+ 'tools/win32/',
+ ]
+ gui_targets = [gui_target]
+ data_files = topics_files + plugins_files + I18N_FILES
+ if 'qbzr' in plugins:
+ get_qbzr_py2exe_info(includes, excludes, packages, data_files)
+ if 'svn' in plugins:
+ get_svn_py2exe_info(includes, excludes, packages)
+ if 'git' in plugins:
+ get_git_py2exe_info(includes, excludes, packages)
+ if 'fastimport' in plugins:
+ get_fastimport_py2exe_info(includes, excludes, packages)
+ if "TBZR" in os.environ:
+ # TORTOISE_OVERLAYS_MSI_WIN32 must be set to the location of the
+ # TortoiseOverlays MSI installer file. It is in the TSVN svn repo and
+ # can be downloaded from (username=guest, blank password):
+ #
+ # look for: version-1.0.4/bin/TortoiseOverlays-
+ # Ditto for TORTOISE_OVERLAYS_MSI_X64, pointing at *-x64.msi.
+ for needed in ('TORTOISE_OVERLAYS_MSI_WIN32',
+ url = (''
+ '/TortoiseOverlays')
+ if not os.path.isfile(os.environ.get(needed, '<nofile>')):
+ raise RuntimeError(
+ "\nPlease set %s to the location of the relevant"
+ "\nTortoiseOverlays .msi installer file."
+ " The installers can be found at"
+ "\n %s"
+ "\ncheck in the version-X.Y.Z/bin/ subdir" % (needed, url))
+ get_tbzr_py2exe_info(includes, excludes, packages, console_targets,
+ gui_targets, data_files)
+ else:
+ # print this warning to stderr as output is redirected, so it is seen
+ # at build time. Also to stdout so it appears in the log
+ for f in (sys.stderr, sys.stdout):
+ f.write("Skipping TBZR binaries - "
+ "please set TBZR to a directory to enable\n")
+ # MSWSOCK.dll is a system-specific library, which py2exe accidentally pulls
+ # in on Vista.
+ dll_excludes.extend(["MSWSOCK.dll",
+ "MSVCP60.dll",
+ "MSVCP90.dll",
+ "powrprof.dll",
+ "SHFOLDER.dll"])
+ options_list = {"py2exe": {"packages": packages + list(additional_packages),
+ "includes": includes,
+ "excludes": excludes,
+ "dll_excludes": dll_excludes,
+ "dist_dir": "win32_bzr.exe",
+ "optimize": 2,
+ "custom_boot_script":
+ "tools/win32/",
+ },
+ }
+ # We want the to have optimize = 2, but the exe to have
+ # optimize = 1, so that .py files that get compilied at run time
+ # (e.g. user installed plugins) dont have their doc strings removed.
+ class py2exe_no_oo_exe(py2exe.build_exe.py2exe):
+ def build_executable(self, *args, **kwargs):
+ self.optimize = 1
+ py2exe.build_exe.py2exe.build_executable(self, *args, **kwargs)
+ self.optimize = 2
+ if __name__ == '__main__':
+ command_classes['install_data'] = install_data_with_bytecompile
+ command_classes['py2exe'] = py2exe_no_oo_exe
+ setup(options=options_list,
+ console=console_targets,
+ windows=gui_targets,
+ zipfile='lib/',
+ data_files=data_files,
+ cmdclass=command_classes,
+ )
+ # ad-hoc for easy_install
+ if not 'bdist_egg' in sys.argv:
+ # generate and install bzr.1 only with plain install, not the
+ # easy_install one
+ DATA_FILES = [('man/man1', ['bzr.1'])]
+ # std setup
+ ARGS = {'scripts': ['bzr'],
+ 'data_files': DATA_FILES,
+ 'cmdclass': command_classes,
+ 'ext_modules': ext_modules,
+ }
+ ARGS.update(META_INFO)
+ ARGS.update(BZRLIB)
+ ARGS.update(PKG_DATA)
+ if __name__ == '__main__':
+ setup(**ARGS)