path: root/data
diff options
authorEitan Isaacson <>2011-04-22 15:10:38 -0700
committerEitan Isaacson <>2011-05-02 10:18:49 -0700
commit048f045f85982579932d147390e6503710a455bc (patch)
tree5fe0068af995bb083c9190c917670d799f5cb332 /data
parentfde58831fdef2a0d89a884822e0b065e54a62996 (diff)
Use new layout format. Added sub-keys. Added group change notification.
Diffstat (limited to 'data')
11 files changed, 216 insertions, 3218 deletions
diff --git a/data/ b/data/
index 581ca65..98da3b2 100644
--- a/data/
+++ b/data/
@@ -1,4 +1,4 @@
-SUBDIRS = keyboards
+SUBDIRS = layouts
diff --git a/data/keyboards/ b/data/keyboards/
deleted file mode 100644
index 64d947e..0000000
--- a/data/keyboards/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,10 +0,0 @@
-keyboardsdir = $(datadir)/caribou/keyboards/
-keyboards_DATA = \
- qwerty.xml \
- hebrew.xml \
- lexic_es.json \
- qwerty_en.json \
- qwerty_es.json
-EXTRA_DIST = $(keyboards_DATA)
diff --git a/data/keyboards/hebrew.xml b/data/keyboards/hebrew.xml
deleted file mode 100644
index 251ec81..0000000
--- a/data/keyboards/hebrew.xml
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,272 +0,0 @@
- <layout>
- <name>lowercase</name>
- <rows>
- <row>
- <key key_type="preferences"/>
- <key key_type="dummy" width="1.25"/>
- <key value="ק"/>
- <key value="ר"/>
- <key value="א"/>
- <key value="ט"/>
- <key value="ו"/>
- <key value="ן"/>
- <key value="ם"/>
- <key value="פ"/>
- <key key_type="dummy" width="0.775"/>
- <key>
- <value>BackSpace</value>
- <label>&lt;big&gt;⌫&lt;/big&gt;</label>
- <width>1.5</width>
- </key>
- </row>
- <row>
- <key>
- <label>&lt;b&gt;&lt;sup&gt;←&lt;/sup&gt;&lt;sub&gt;→&lt;/sub&gt;&lt;/b&gt;"</label>
- <value>Tab</value>
- </key>
- <key value="ש"/>
- <key value="ד"/>
- <key value="ג"/>
- <key value="כ"/>
- <key value="ע"/>
- <key value="י"/>
- <key value="ח"/>
- <key value="ל"/>
- <key value="ך"/>
- <key value="ף"/>
- <key>
- <value>Return</value>
- <label>&lt;b&gt;↲&lt;/b&gt;</label>
- <width>1.5</width>
- </key>
- </row>
- <row>
- <key>
- <label>&lt;b&gt;↑&lt;/b&gt;</label>
- <key_type>layout_switcher</key_type>
- <value>uppercase</value>
- <width>1.5</width>
- </key>
- <key value="ז"/>
- <key value="ס"/>
- <key value="ב"/>
- <key value="ה"/>
- <key value="נ"/>
- <key value="מ"/>
- <key value="צ"/>
- <key value="ת"/>
- <key value="ץ"/>
- <key value=","/>
- <key value="."/>
- </row>
- <row>
- <key>
- <label>&lt;small&gt;&lt;i&gt;1%+&lt;/i&gt;&lt;/small&gt;</label>
- <key_type>layout_switcher</key_type>
- <value>special</value>
- <width>1.5</width>
- </key>
- <key>
- <label>&lt;small&gt;&lt;b&gt;Ctrl&lt;/b&gt;&lt;/small&gt;</label>
- <value>Control_L</value>
- <key_type>mask</key_type>
- <width>1.5</width>
- </key>
- <key>
- <label>&lt;small&gt;&lt;b&gt;Alt&lt;/b&gt;&lt;/small&gt;</label>
- <value>Alt_L</value>
- <key_type>mask</key_type>
- <width>1.5</width>
- </key>
- <key key_type="dummy" width="0.5"/>
- <key label="______" value=" " width="3"/>
- <key key_type="dummy" width="0.5"/>
- <key value="'"/>
- <key value="&quot;"/>
- <key value="!"/>
- <key value="?"/>
- </row>
- </rows>
- </layout>
- <layout>
- <name>uppercase</name>
- <rows>
- <row>
- <key key_type="preferences"/>
- <key value="Q"/>
- <key value="W"/>
- <key value="E"/>
- <key value="R"/>
- <key value="T"/>
- <key value="Y"/>
- <key value="U"/>
- <key value="I"/>
- <key value="O"/>
- <key value="P"/>
- <key>
- <value>BackSpace</value>
- <label>&lt;big&gt;⌫&lt;/big&gt;</label>
- <width>1.5</width>
- </key>
- </row>
- <row>
- <key>
- <label>&lt;b&gt;&lt;sup&gt;←&lt;/sup&gt;&lt;sub&gt;→&lt;/sub&gt;&lt;/b&gt;"</label>
- <value>Tab</value>
- </key>
- <key key_type="dummy" width="0.275"/>
- <key value="A"/>
- <key value="S"/>
- <key value="D"/>
- <key value="F"/>
- <key value="G"/>
- <key value="H"/>
- <key value="J"/>
- <key value="K"/>
- <key value="L"/>
- <key key_type="dummy" width="0.75"/>
- <key>
- <value>Return</value>
- <label>&lt;b&gt;↲&lt;/b&gt;</label>
- <width>1.5</width>
- </key>
- </row>
- <row>
- <key>
- <label>&lt;b&gt;↓&lt;/b&gt;</label>
- <key_type>layout_switcher</key_type>
- <value>lowercase</value>
- <width>1.5</width>
- </key>
- <key key_type="dummy" width="0.5"/>
- <key value="Z"/>
- <key value="X"/>
- <key value="C"/>
- <key value="V"/>
- <key value="B"/>
- <key value="N"/>
- <key value="M"/>
- <key key_type="dummy" width="0.5"/>
- <key value=","/>
- <key value="."/>
- <key value=";"/>
- </row>
- <row>
- <key>
- <label>&lt;small&gt;&lt;i&gt;1%+&lt;/i&gt;&lt;/small&gt;</label>
- <key_type>layout_switcher</key_type>
- <value>special</value>
- <width>1.5</width>
- </key>
- <key>
- <label>&lt;small&gt;&lt;b&gt;Ctrl&lt;/b&gt;&lt;/small&gt;</label>
- <value>Control_L</value>
- <key_type>mask</key_type>
- <width>1.5</width>
- </key>
- <key>
- <label>&lt;small&gt;&lt;b&gt;Alt&lt;/b&gt;&lt;/small&gt;</label>
- <value>Alt_L</value>
- <key_type>mask</key_type>
- <width>1.5</width>
- </key>
- <key key_type="dummy" width="0.5"/>
- <key label="______" value=" " width="3"/>
- <key key_type="dummy" width="0.5"/>
- <key value="'"/>
- <key value="&quot;"/>
- <key value="!"/>
- <key value="?"/>
- </row>
- </rows>
- </layout>
- <layout>
- <name>special</name>
- <rows>
- <row>
- <key key_type="preferences"/>
- <key value="1"/>
- <key value="2"/>
- <key value="3"/>
- <key value="4"/>
- <key value="5"/>
- <key value="6"/>
- <key value="7"/>
- <key value="8"/>
- <key value="9"/>
- <key value="0"/>
- <key>
- <value>BackSpace</value>
- <label>&lt;big&gt;⌫&lt;/big&gt;</label>
- <width>1.5</width>
- </key>
- </row>
- <row>
- <key key_type="dummy" width="0.25"/>
- <key key_type="dummy" width="0.25"/>
- <key value="@"/>
- <key value="#"/>
- <key value="$"/>
- <key value="%"/>
- <key value="&amp;"/>
- <key value="*"/>
- <key value="("/>
- <key value=")"/>
- <key value="-"/>
- <key value="+"/>
- <key key_type="dummy" width="0.25"/>
- <key>
- <value>Return</value>
- <label>&lt;b&gt;↲&lt;/b&gt;</label>
- <width>2</width>
- </key>
- </row>
- <row>
- <key key_type="dummy" width="0.25"/>
- <key value="&lt;"/>
- <key value="&gt;"/>
- <key value="€"/>
- <key value="£"/>
- <key value="{"/>
- <key value="}"/>
- <key value="["/>
- <key value="]"/>
- <key value="_" label="&lt;small&gt;_&lt;/small&gt;"/>
- <key value="="/>
- <key key_type="dummy" width="0.25"/>
- <key value="Up" label="&lt;b&gt;↑&lt;/b&gt;"/>
- <key value="\"/>
- </row>
- <row>
- <key>
- <label>&lt;small&gt;&lt;i&gt;abc&lt;/i&gt;&lt;/small&gt;</label>
- <key_type>layout_switcher</key_type>
- <value>lowercase</value>
- <width>1.5</width>
- </key>
- <key>
- <label>&lt;small&gt;&lt;b&gt;Ctrl&lt;/b&gt;&lt;/small&gt;</label>
- <value>Control_L</value>
- <key_type>mask</key_type>
- <width>1.5</width>
- </key>
- <key>
- <label>&lt;small&gt;&lt;b&gt;Alt&lt;/b&gt;&lt;/small&gt;</label>
- <value>Alt_L</value>
- <key_type>mask</key_type>
- <width>1.5</width>
- </key>
- <key key_type="dummy" width="0.5"/>
- <key label="______" value=" " width="3"/>
- <key key_type="dummy" width="0.5"/>
- <key value="|"/>
- <key value="Left" label="&lt;b&gt;←&lt;/b&gt;"/>
- <key value="Down" label="&lt;b&gt;↓&lt;/b&gt;"/>
- <key value="Right" label="&lt;b&gt;→&lt;/b&gt;"/>
- </row>
- </rows>
- </layout>
diff --git a/data/keyboards/lexic_es.json b/data/keyboards/lexic_es.json
deleted file mode 100644
index 1d72adc..0000000
--- a/data/keyboards/lexic_es.json
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,300 +0,0 @@
-{"layout": [
- {"name": "lowercase",
- "rows": {"row": [{"key":
- [{"value" : "e",
- "width": 2},
- {"value": "s",
- "width": 2},
- {"value": "i",
- "width": 2},
- {"value": "u",
- "width": 2},
- {"value": "m",
- "width": 2},
- {"value": "y",
- "width": 2},
- {"value": "v",
- "width": 2},
- {"value": "f",
- "width": 2},
- {"value": "x",
- "width": 2},
- {"key_type": "preferences",
- "width": 2}
- ]
- },
- {"key":[{"value" : "a",
- "width": 2},
- {"value": "n",
- "width": 2},
- {"value": "l",
- "width": 2},
- {"value": "t",
- "width": 2},
- {"value": "p",
- "width": 2},
- {"value": "b",
- "width": 2},
- {"value": "g",
- "width": 2},
- {"value": "z",
- "width": 2},
- {"value": "w",
- "width": 2},
- {"label": "<i>1%+</i>",
- "key_type": "layout_switcher",
- "value": "special",
- "width": 2}
- ]
- },
- {"key":[{"value" : "o",
- "width": 2},
- {"value": "r",
- "width": 2},
- {"value": "d",
- "width": 2},
- {"value": "c",
- "width": 2},
- {"value": "q",
- "width": 2},
- {"value": "h",
- "width": 2},
- {"value": "j",
- "width": 2},
- {"value": "ñ",
- "width": 2},
- {"value": "k",
- "width": 2},
- {"label": "<b>Ctrl D</b>",
- "value": "Control_R",
- "width": 2}
- ]
- },
- {"key": [{"value": "uppercase",
- "label": "<b>⇧</b>",
- "key_type": "layout_switcher",
- "width": 3.33},
- {"value": "BackSpace",
- "label": "<big>⌫</big>",
- "width": 3.33},
- {"label": "____",
- "value": " ",
- "width": 3.33},
- {"value": "Return",
- "label": "<b>↲</b>",
- "width": 3.33},
- {"value": ",",
- "width": 3.33},
- {"value": ".",
- "width": 3.33}
- ]
- }
- ]
- }
- },
- {"name": "special",
- "rows": {"row": [{"key":
- [{"value": "7",
- "width": 2},
- {"value": "8",
- "width": 2},
- {"value": "9",
- "width": 2},
- {"value": ".",
- "width": 2},
- {"value": "*",
- "width": 2},
- {"value": "¿",
- "width": 2},
- {"value": "\\",
- "width": 2},
- {"value": ";",
- "width": 2},
- {"value": "\"",
- "width": 2},
- {"key_type": "preferences",
- "width": 2}
- ]
- },
- {"key": [{"value": "4",
- "width": 2},
- {"value": "5",
- "width": 2},
- {"value": "6",
- "width": 2},
- {"value": "+",
- "width": 2},
- {"value": "/",
- "width": 2},
- {"value": "?",
- "width": 2},
- {"value": "(",
- "width": 2},
- {"value": "€",
- "width": 2},
- {"value": "@",
- "width": 2},
- {"key_type": "layout_switcher",
- "value": "lowercase",
- "label": "abc",
- "width": 2}
- ]
- },
- {"key": [{"value": "1",
- "width": 2},
- {"value": "2",
- "width": 2},
- {"value": "3",
- "width": 2},
- {"value": "-",
- "width": 2},
- {"value": "Up",
- "label": "<b>↑</b>",
- "width": 2},
- {"value": "%",
- "width": 2},
- {"value": ")",
- "width": 2},
- {"value": "_",
- "width": 2},
- {"value": "#",
- "width": 2},
- {"key_type": "mask",
- "value": "Control_L",
- "label": "<b>Ctrl I</b>",
- "width": 2}
- ]
- },
- {"key": [{"value": "0",
- "width": 3},
- {"label": "<big>⌫</big>",
- "value": "BackSpace",
- "width": 3},
- {"label": "<b>←</b>",
- "width": 2,
- "value": "Left"},
- {"label": "<b>↓</b>",
- "width": 2,
- "value": "Down"},
- {"label": "<b>→</b>",
- "width": 2,
- "value": "Right"},
- {"value": ":",
- "width": 2},
- {"value": "'",
- "width": 2},
- {"value": "$",
- "width": 2},
- {"key_type": "mask",
- "label": "<b>Alt I</b>",
- "value": "Alt_L",
- "width": 2}
- ]
- }
- ]
- },
- {"name": "uppercase",
- "rows": {"row": [{"key":[
- {"value" : "E",
- "width": 2},
- {"value": "S",
- "width": 2},
- {"value": "I",
- "width": 2},
- {"value": "U",
- "width": 2},
- {"value": "M",
- "width": 2},
- {"value": "Y",
- "width": 2},
- {"value": "V",
- "width": 2},
- {"value": "F",
- "width": 2},
- {"value": "X",
- "width": 2},
- {"key_type": "preferences",
- "width": 2}
- ]
- },
- {"key":[{"value" : "A",
- "width": 2},
- {"value": "N",
- "width": 2},
- {"value": "L",
- "width": 2},
- {"value": "T",
- "width": 2},
- {"value": "P",
- "width": 2},
- {"value": "B",
- "width": 2},
- {"value": "G",
- "width": 2},
- {"value": "Z",
- "width": 2},
- {"value": "W",
- "width": 2},
- {"label": "<i>1%+</i>",
- "key_type": "layout_switcher",
- "value": "special",
- "width": 2}
- ]
- },
- {"key":[{"value" : "O",
- "width": 2},
- {"value": "R",
- "width": 2},
- {"value": "D",
- "width": 2},
- {"value": "C",
- "width": 2},
- {"value": "Q",
- "width": 2},
- {"value": "H",
- "width": 2},
- {"value": "J",
- "width": 2},
- {"value": "Ñ",
- "width": 2},
- {"value": "K",
- "width": 2},
- {"label": "<b>Ctrl D</b>",
- "value": "Control_R",
- "width": 2}
- ]
- },
- {"key": [{"value": "lowercase",
- "label": "<b>⇩</b>",
- "key_type": "layout_switcher",
- "width": 3.33},
- {"value": "BackSpace",
- "label": "<big>⌫</big>",
- "width": 3.33},
- {"label": "____",
- "value": " ",
- "width": 3.33},
- {"value": "Return",
- "label": "<b>↲</b>",
- "width": 3.33},
- {"value": ",",
- "width": 3.33},
- {"value": ".",
- "width": 3.33}
- ]
- }
- ]
- }
- }
- ]
diff --git a/data/keyboards/qwerty.xml b/data/keyboards/qwerty.xml
deleted file mode 100644
index af5bb6e..0000000
--- a/data/keyboards/qwerty.xml
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,274 +0,0 @@
- <layout>
- <name>lowercase</name>
- <rows>
- <row>
- <key key_type="preferences"/>
- <key value="q"/>
- <key value="w"/>
- <key value="e"/>
- <key value="r"/>
- <key value="t"/>
- <key value="y"/>
- <key value="u"/>
- <key value="i"/>
- <key value="o"/>
- <key value="p"/>
- <key>
- <value>BackSpace</value>
- <label>&lt;big&gt;⌫&lt;/big&gt;</label>
- <width>1.5</width>
- </key>
- </row>
- <row>
- <key>
- <label>&lt;b&gt;&lt;sup&gt;←&lt;/sup&gt;&lt;sub&gt;→&lt;/sub&gt;&lt;/b&gt;"</label>
- <value>Tab</value>
- </key>
- <key key_type="dummy" width="0.25"/>
- <key value="a"/>
- <key value="s"/>
- <key value="d"/>
- <key value="f"/>
- <key value="g"/>
- <key value="h"/>
- <key value="j"/>
- <key value="k"/>
- <key value="l"/>
- <key key_type="dummy" width="0.25"/>
- <key>
- <value>Return</value>
- <label>&lt;b&gt;↲&lt;/b&gt;</label>
- <width>2</width>
- </key>
- </row>
- <row>
- <key>
- <label>&lt;b&gt;↑&lt;/b&gt;</label>
- <key_type>layout_switcher</key_type>
- <value>uppercase</value>
- <width>1.5</width>
- </key>
- <key key_type="dummy" width="0.5"/>
- <key value="z"/>
- <key value="x"/>
- <key value="c"/>
- <key value="v"/>
- <key value="b"/>
- <key value="n"/>
- <key value="m"/>
- <key key_type="dummy" width="0.5"/>
- <key value=","/>
- <key value="."/>
- <key value=";"/>
- </row>
- <row>
- <key>
- <label>&lt;small&gt;&lt;i&gt;1%+&lt;/i&gt;&lt;/small&gt;</label>
- <key_type>layout_switcher</key_type>
- <value>special</value>
- <width>1.5</width>
- </key>
- <key>
- <label>&lt;small&gt;&lt;b&gt;Ctrl&lt;/b&gt;&lt;/small&gt;</label>
- <value>Control_L</value>
- <key_type>mask</key_type>
- <width>1.5</width>
- </key>
- <key>
- <label>&lt;small&gt;&lt;b&gt;Alt&lt;/b&gt;&lt;/small&gt;</label>
- <value>Alt_L</value>
- <key_type>mask</key_type>
- <width>1.5</width>
- </key>
- <key key_type="dummy" width="0.5"/>
- <key label="______" value=" " width="3"/>
- <key key_type="dummy" width="0.5"/>
- <key value="'"/>
- <key value="&quot;"/>
- <key value="!"/>
- <key value="?"/>
- </row>
- </rows>
- </layout>
- <layout>
- <name>uppercase</name>
- <rows>
- <row>
- <key key_type="preferences"/>
- <key value="Q"/>
- <key value="W"/>
- <key value="E"/>
- <key value="R"/>
- <key value="T"/>
- <key value="Y"/>
- <key value="U"/>
- <key value="I"/>
- <key value="O"/>
- <key value="P"/>
- <key>
- <value>BackSpace</value>
- <label>&lt;big&gt;⌫&lt;/big&gt;</label>
- <width>1.5</width>
- </key>
- </row>
- <row>
- <key>
- <label>&lt;b&gt;&lt;sup&gt;←&lt;/sup&gt;&lt;sub&gt;→&lt;/sub&gt;&lt;/b&gt;"</label>
- <value>Tab</value>
- </key>
- <key key_type="dummy" width="0.25"/>
- <key value="A"/>
- <key value="S"/>
- <key value="D"/>
- <key value="F"/>
- <key value="G"/>
- <key value="H"/>
- <key value="J"/>
- <key value="K"/>
- <key value="L"/>
- <key key_type="dummy" width="0.25"/>
- <key>
- <value>Return</value>
- <label>&lt;b&gt;↲&lt;/b&gt;</label>
- <width>2</width>
- </key>
- </row>
- <row>
- <key>
- <label>&lt;b&gt;↓&lt;/b&gt;</label>
- <key_type>layout_switcher</key_type>
- <value>lowercase</value>
- <width>1.5</width>
- </key>
- <key key_type="dummy" width="0.5"/>
- <key value="Z"/>
- <key value="X"/>
- <key value="C"/>
- <key value="V"/>
- <key value="B"/>
- <key value="N"/>
- <key value="M"/>
- <key key_type="dummy" width="0.5"/>
- <key value=","/>
- <key value="."/>
- <key value=";"/>
- </row>
- <row>
- <key>
- <label>&lt;small&gt;&lt;i&gt;1%+&lt;/i&gt;&lt;/small&gt;</label>
- <key_type>layout_switcher</key_type>
- <value>special</value>
- <width>1.5</width>
- </key>
- <key>
- <label>&lt;small&gt;&lt;b&gt;Ctrl&lt;/b&gt;&lt;/small&gt;</label>
- <value>Control_L</value>
- <key_type>mask</key_type>
- <width>1.5</width>
- </key>
- <key>
- <label>&lt;small&gt;&lt;b&gt;Alt&lt;/b&gt;&lt;/small&gt;</label>
- <value>Alt_L</value>
- <key_type>mask</key_type>
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+} \ No newline at end of file