path: root/cherrypy/test/
diff options
authorRobert Brewer <>2011-07-02 08:14:52 +0000
committerRobert Brewer <>2011-07-02 08:14:52 +0000
commitb797177a68131164559605aa9cc7ec7190a8c4c2 (patch)
tree7496d67f9a4304df21610182a2ce0d9f5d1c537a /cherrypy/test/
parentd070ca00256af75db66f1060b7b539b98c12387d (diff)
Bye bye, py2/3.
Diffstat (limited to 'cherrypy/test/')
1 files changed, 464 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/cherrypy/test/ b/cherrypy/test/
new file mode 100755
index 00000000..874023e2
--- /dev/null
+++ b/cherrypy/test/
@@ -0,0 +1,464 @@
+import os
+localDir = os.path.dirname(__file__)
+import sys
+import threading
+import time
+import cherrypy
+from cherrypy._cpcompat import copykeys, HTTPConnection, HTTPSConnection
+from cherrypy.lib import sessions
+from cherrypy.lib.httputil import response_codes
+def http_methods_allowed(methods=['GET', 'HEAD']):
+ method = cherrypy.request.method.upper()
+ if method not in methods:
+ cherrypy.response.headers['Allow'] = ", ".join(methods)
+ raise cherrypy.HTTPError(405)
+ = cherrypy.Tool('on_start_resource', http_methods_allowed)
+def setup_server():
+ class Root:
+ _cp_config = {'tools.sessions.on': True,
+ 'tools.sessions.storage_type' : 'ram',
+ 'tools.sessions.storage_path' : localDir,
+ 'tools.sessions.timeout': (1.0 / 60),
+ 'tools.sessions.clean_freq': (1.0 / 60),
+ }
+ def clear(self):
+ cherrypy.session.cache.clear()
+ = True
+ def data(self):
+ cherrypy.session['aha'] = 'foo'
+ return repr(cherrypy.session._data)
+ = True
+ def testGen(self):
+ counter = cherrypy.session.get('counter', 0) + 1
+ cherrypy.session['counter'] = counter
+ yield str(counter)
+ = True
+ def testStr(self):
+ counter = cherrypy.session.get('counter', 0) + 1
+ cherrypy.session['counter'] = counter
+ return str(counter)
+ = True
+ def setsessiontype(self, newtype):
+ self.__class__._cp_config.update({'tools.sessions.storage_type': newtype})
+ if hasattr(cherrypy, "session"):
+ del cherrypy.session
+ cls = getattr(sessions, newtype.title() + 'Session')
+ if cls.clean_thread:
+ cls.clean_thread.stop()
+ cls.clean_thread.unsubscribe()
+ del cls.clean_thread
+ = True
+ setsessiontype._cp_config = {'tools.sessions.on': False}
+ def index(self):
+ sess = cherrypy.session
+ c = sess.get('counter', 0) + 1
+ time.sleep(0.01)
+ sess['counter'] = c
+ return str(c)
+ = True
+ def keyin(self, key):
+ return str(key in cherrypy.session)
+ = True
+ def delete(self):
+ cherrypy.session.delete()
+ sessions.expire()
+ return "done"
+ = True
+ def delkey(self, key):
+ del cherrypy.session[key]
+ return "OK"
+ = True
+ def blah(self):
+ return self._cp_config['tools.sessions.storage_type']
+ = True
+ def iredir(self):
+ raise cherrypy.InternalRedirect('/blah')
+ = True
+ def restricted(self):
+ return cherrypy.request.method
+ = True
+ restricted._cp_config = {'tools.allow.on': True,
+ 'tools.allow.methods': ['GET']}
+ def regen(self):
+ return "logged in"
+ = True
+ def length(self):
+ return str(len(cherrypy.session))
+ = True
+ def session_cookie(self):
+ # Must load() to start the clean thread.
+ cherrypy.session.load()
+ return
+ = True
+ session_cookie._cp_config = {
+ 'tools.sessions.path': '/session_cookie',
+ '': 'temp',
+ 'tools.sessions.persistent': False}
+ cherrypy.tree.mount(Root())
+from cherrypy.test import helper
+class SessionTest(helper.CPWebCase):
+ setup_server = staticmethod(setup_server)
+ def tearDown(self):
+ # Clean up sessions.
+ for fname in os.listdir(localDir):
+ if fname.startswith(sessions.FileSession.SESSION_PREFIX):
+ os.unlink(os.path.join(localDir, fname))
+ def test_0_Session(self):
+ self.getPage('/setsessiontype/ram')
+ self.getPage('/clear')
+ # Test that a normal request gets the same id in the cookies.
+ # Note: this wouldn't work if /data didn't load the session.
+ self.getPage('/data')
+ self.assertBody("{'aha': 'foo'}")
+ c = self.cookies[0]
+ self.getPage('/data', self.cookies)
+ self.assertEqual(self.cookies[0], c)
+ self.getPage('/testStr')
+ self.assertBody('1')
+ cookie_parts = dict([p.strip().split('=')
+ for p in self.cookies[0][1].split(";")])
+ # Assert there is an 'expires' param
+ self.assertEqual(set(cookie_parts.keys()),
+ set(['session_id', 'expires', 'Path']))
+ self.getPage('/testGen', self.cookies)
+ self.assertBody('2')
+ self.getPage('/testStr', self.cookies)
+ self.assertBody('3')
+ self.getPage('/data', self.cookies)
+ self.assertBody("{'aha': 'foo', 'counter': 3}")
+ self.getPage('/length', self.cookies)
+ self.assertBody('2')
+ self.getPage('/delkey?key=counter', self.cookies)
+ self.assertStatus(200)
+ self.getPage('/setsessiontype/file')
+ self.getPage('/testStr')
+ self.assertBody('1')
+ self.getPage('/testGen', self.cookies)
+ self.assertBody('2')
+ self.getPage('/testStr', self.cookies)
+ self.assertBody('3')
+ self.getPage('/delkey?key=counter', self.cookies)
+ self.assertStatus(200)
+ # Wait for the session.timeout (1 second)
+ time.sleep(2)
+ self.getPage('/')
+ self.assertBody('1')
+ self.getPage('/length', self.cookies)
+ self.assertBody('1')
+ # Test session __contains__
+ self.getPage('/keyin?key=counter', self.cookies)
+ self.assertBody("True")
+ cookieset1 = self.cookies
+ # Make a new session and test __len__ again
+ self.getPage('/')
+ self.getPage('/length', self.cookies)
+ self.assertBody('2')
+ # Test session delete
+ self.getPage('/delete', self.cookies)
+ self.assertBody("done")
+ self.getPage('/delete', cookieset1)
+ self.assertBody("done")
+ f = lambda: [x for x in os.listdir(localDir) if x.startswith('session-')]
+ self.assertEqual(f(), [])
+ # Wait for the cleanup thread to delete remaining session files
+ self.getPage('/')
+ f = lambda: [x for x in os.listdir(localDir) if x.startswith('session-')]
+ self.assertNotEqual(f(), [])
+ time.sleep(2)
+ self.assertEqual(f(), [])
+ def test_1_Ram_Concurrency(self):
+ self.getPage('/setsessiontype/ram')
+ self._test_Concurrency()
+ def test_2_File_Concurrency(self):
+ self.getPage('/setsessiontype/file')
+ self._test_Concurrency()
+ def _test_Concurrency(self):
+ client_thread_count = 5
+ request_count = 30
+ # Get initial cookie
+ self.getPage("/")
+ self.assertBody("1")
+ cookies = self.cookies
+ data_dict = {}
+ errors = []
+ def request(index):
+ if self.scheme == 'https':
+ c = HTTPSConnection('%s:%s' % (self.interface(), self.PORT))
+ else:
+ c = HTTPConnection('%s:%s' % (self.interface(), self.PORT))
+ for i in range(request_count):
+ c.putrequest('GET', '/')
+ for k, v in cookies:
+ c.putheader(k, v)
+ c.endheaders()
+ response = c.getresponse()
+ body =
+ if response.status != 200 or not body.isdigit():
+ errors.append((response.status, body))
+ else:
+ data_dict[index] = max(data_dict[index], int(body))
+ # Uncomment the following line to prove threads overlap.
+## sys.stdout.write("%d " % index)
+ # Start <request_count> requests from each of
+ # <client_thread_count> concurrent clients
+ ts = []
+ for c in range(client_thread_count):
+ data_dict[c] = 0
+ t = threading.Thread(target=request, args=(c,))
+ ts.append(t)
+ t.start()
+ for t in ts:
+ t.join()
+ hitcount = max(data_dict.values())
+ expected = 1 + (client_thread_count * request_count)
+ for e in errors:
+ print(e)
+ self.assertEqual(hitcount, expected)
+ def test_3_Redirect(self):
+ # Start a new session
+ self.getPage('/testStr')
+ self.getPage('/iredir', self.cookies)
+ self.assertBody("file")
+ def test_4_File_deletion(self):
+ # Start a new session
+ self.getPage('/testStr')
+ # Delete the session file manually and retry.
+ id = self.cookies[0][1].split(";", 1)[0].split("=", 1)[1]
+ path = os.path.join(localDir, "session-" + id)
+ os.unlink(path)
+ self.getPage('/testStr', self.cookies)
+ def test_5_Error_paths(self):
+ self.getPage('/unknown/page')
+ self.assertErrorPage(404, "The path '/unknown/page' was not found.")
+ # Note: this path is *not* the same as above. The above
+ # takes a normal route through the session code; this one
+ # skips the session code's before_handler and only calls
+ # before_finalize (save) and on_end (close). So the session
+ # code has to survive calling save/close without init.
+ self.getPage('/restricted', self.cookies, method='POST')
+ self.assertErrorPage(405, response_codes[405])
+ def test_6_regenerate(self):
+ self.getPage('/testStr')
+ # grab the cookie ID
+ id1 = self.cookies[0][1].split(";", 1)[0].split("=", 1)[1]
+ self.getPage('/regen')
+ self.assertBody('logged in')
+ id2 = self.cookies[0][1].split(";", 1)[0].split("=", 1)[1]
+ self.assertNotEqual(id1, id2)
+ self.getPage('/testStr')
+ # grab the cookie ID
+ id1 = self.cookies[0][1].split(";", 1)[0].split("=", 1)[1]
+ self.getPage('/testStr',
+ headers=[('Cookie',
+ 'session_id=maliciousid; '
+ 'expires=Sat, 27 Oct 2017 04:18:28 GMT; Path=/;')])
+ id2 = self.cookies[0][1].split(";", 1)[0].split("=", 1)[1]
+ self.assertNotEqual(id1, id2)
+ self.assertNotEqual(id2, 'maliciousid')
+ def test_7_session_cookies(self):
+ self.getPage('/setsessiontype/ram')
+ self.getPage('/clear')
+ self.getPage('/session_cookie')
+ # grab the cookie ID
+ cookie_parts = dict([p.strip().split('=') for p in self.cookies[0][1].split(";")])
+ # Assert there is no 'expires' param
+ self.assertEqual(set(cookie_parts.keys()), set(['temp', 'Path']))
+ id1 = cookie_parts['temp']
+ self.assertEqual(copykeys(sessions.RamSession.cache), [id1])
+ # Send another request in the same "browser session".
+ self.getPage('/session_cookie', self.cookies)
+ cookie_parts = dict([p.strip().split('=') for p in self.cookies[0][1].split(";")])
+ # Assert there is no 'expires' param
+ self.assertEqual(set(cookie_parts.keys()), set(['temp', 'Path']))
+ self.assertBody(id1)
+ self.assertEqual(copykeys(sessions.RamSession.cache), [id1])
+ # Simulate a browser close by just not sending the cookies
+ self.getPage('/session_cookie')
+ # grab the cookie ID
+ cookie_parts = dict([p.strip().split('=') for p in self.cookies[0][1].split(";")])
+ # Assert there is no 'expires' param
+ self.assertEqual(set(cookie_parts.keys()), set(['temp', 'Path']))
+ # Assert a new id has been generated...
+ id2 = cookie_parts['temp']
+ self.assertNotEqual(id1, id2)
+ self.assertEqual(set(sessions.RamSession.cache.keys()), set([id1, id2]))
+ # Wait for the session.timeout on both sessions
+ time.sleep(2.5)
+ cache = copykeys(sessions.RamSession.cache)
+ if cache:
+ if cache == [id2]:
+"The second session did not time out.")
+ else:
+"Unknown session id in cache: %r", cache)
+import socket
+ import memcache
+ host, port = '', 11211
+ for res in socket.getaddrinfo(host, port, socket.AF_UNSPEC,
+ socket.SOCK_STREAM):
+ af, socktype, proto, canonname, sa = res
+ s = None
+ try:
+ s = socket.socket(af, socktype, proto)
+ # See
+ # browse_frm/thread/bbfe5eb39c904fe0
+ s.settimeout(1.0)
+ s.connect((host, port))
+ s.close()
+ except socket.error:
+ if s:
+ s.close()
+ raise
+ break
+except (ImportError, socket.error):
+ class MemcachedSessionTest(helper.CPWebCase):
+ setup_server = staticmethod(setup_server)
+ def test(self):
+ return self.skip("memcached not reachable ")
+ class MemcachedSessionTest(helper.CPWebCase):
+ setup_server = staticmethod(setup_server)
+ def test_0_Session(self):
+ self.getPage('/setsessiontype/memcached')
+ self.getPage('/testStr')
+ self.assertBody('1')
+ self.getPage('/testGen', self.cookies)
+ self.assertBody('2')
+ self.getPage('/testStr', self.cookies)
+ self.assertBody('3')
+ self.getPage('/length', self.cookies)
+ self.assertErrorPage(500)
+ self.assertInBody("NotImplementedError")
+ self.getPage('/delkey?key=counter', self.cookies)
+ self.assertStatus(200)
+ # Wait for the session.timeout (1 second)
+ time.sleep(1.25)
+ self.getPage('/')
+ self.assertBody('1')
+ # Test session __contains__
+ self.getPage('/keyin?key=counter', self.cookies)
+ self.assertBody("True")
+ # Test session delete
+ self.getPage('/delete', self.cookies)
+ self.assertBody("done")
+ def test_1_Concurrency(self):
+ client_thread_count = 5
+ request_count = 30
+ # Get initial cookie
+ self.getPage("/")
+ self.assertBody("1")
+ cookies = self.cookies
+ data_dict = {}
+ def request(index):
+ for i in range(request_count):
+ self.getPage("/", cookies)
+ # Uncomment the following line to prove threads overlap.
+## sys.stdout.write("%d " % index)
+ if not self.body.isdigit():
+ data_dict[index] = v = int(self.body)
+ # Start <request_count> concurrent requests from
+ # each of <client_thread_count> clients
+ ts = []
+ for c in range(client_thread_count):
+ data_dict[c] = 0
+ t = threading.Thread(target=request, args=(c,))
+ ts.append(t)
+ t.start()
+ for t in ts:
+ t.join()
+ hitcount = max(data_dict.values())
+ expected = 1 + (client_thread_count * request_count)
+ self.assertEqual(hitcount, expected)
+ def test_3_Redirect(self):
+ # Start a new session
+ self.getPage('/testStr')
+ self.getPage('/iredir', self.cookies)
+ self.assertBody("memcached")
+ def test_5_Error_paths(self):
+ self.getPage('/unknown/page')
+ self.assertErrorPage(404, "The path '/unknown/page' was not found.")
+ # Note: this path is *not* the same as above. The above
+ # takes a normal route through the session code; this one
+ # skips the session code's before_handler and only calls
+ # before_finalize (save) and on_end (close). So the session
+ # code has to survive calling save/close without init.
+ self.getPage('/restricted', self.cookies, method='POST')
+ self.assertErrorPage(405, response_codes[405])