path: root/doc/rtd/explanation/format.rst
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+.. _user_data_formats:
+User data formats
+User data that will be acted upon by ``cloud-init`` must be in one of the
+following types.
+Cloud config data
+Cloud-config is the simplest way to accomplish some things via user data.
+Using cloud-config syntax, the user can specify certain things in a
+human-friendly format.
+These things include:
+- ``apt upgrade`` should be run on first boot
+- a different ``apt`` mirror should be used
+- additional ``apt`` sources should be added
+- certain SSH keys should be imported
+- *and many more...*
+.. note::
+ This file must be valid YAML syntax.
+See the :ref:`yaml_examples` section for a commented set of examples of
+supported cloud config formats.
+Begins with: ``#cloud-config`` or ``Content-Type: text/cloud-config`` when
+using a MIME archive.
+.. note::
+ New in ``cloud-init`` v. 18.4: Cloud config data can also render cloud
+ instance metadata variables using jinja templating. See
+ :ref:`instance_metadata` for more information.
+.. _user_data_script:
+User data script
+Typically used by those who just want to execute a shell script.
+Begins with: ``#!`` or ``Content-Type: text/x-shellscript`` when using a MIME
+User data scripts can optionally render cloud instance metadata variables using
+jinja templating. See :ref:`instance_metadata` for more information.
+Example script
+Create a script file :file:`` that contains the following:
+.. code-block::
+ #!/bin/sh
+ echo "Hello World. The time is now $(date -R)!" | tee /root/output.txt
+Now run:
+.. code-block:: shell-session
+ $ euca-run-instances --key mykey --user-data-file ami-a07d95c9
+Kernel command line
+When using the NoCloud datasource, users can pass user data via the kernel
+command line parameters. See the :ref:`NoCloud datasource<datasource_nocloud>`
+and :ref:`kernel_cmdline` documentation for more details.
+Gzip compressed content
+Content found to be gzip compressed will be uncompressed.
+The uncompressed data will then be used as if it were not compressed.
+This is typically useful because user data is limited to ~16384 [#]_ bytes.
+MIME multi-part archive
+This list of rules is applied to each part of this multi-part file.
+Using a MIME multi-part file, the user can specify more than one type of data.
+For example, both a user data script and a cloud-config type could be
+Supported content-types are listed from the ``cloud-init`` subcommand
+.. code-block:: shell-session
+ $ cloud-init devel make-mime --list-types
+Example output:
+.. code-block::
+ cloud-boothook
+ cloud-config
+ cloud-config-archive
+ cloud-config-jsonp
+ jinja2
+ part-handler
+ x-include-once-url
+ x-include-url
+ x-shellscript
+ x-shellscript-per-boot
+ x-shellscript-per-instance
+ x-shellscript-per-once
+Helper subcommand to generate MIME messages
+The ``cloud-init`` `make-mime`_ subcommand can also generate MIME multi-part
+The :command:`make-mime` subcommand takes pairs of (filename, "text/" mime
+subtype) separated by a colon (e.g., ``config.yaml:cloud-config``) and emits a
+MIME multipart message to :file:`stdout`.
+Create user data containing both a cloud-config (:file:`config.yaml`)
+and a shell script (:file:``)
+.. code-block:: shell-session
+ $ cloud-init devel make-mime -a config.yaml:cloud-config -a > userdata
+Create user data containing 3 shell scripts:
+- :file:`` - run every boot
+- :file:`` - run once per instance
+- :file:`` - run once
+.. code-block:: shell-session
+ $ cloud-init devel make-mime -a -a -a
+``include`` file
+This content is an :file:`include` file.
+The file contains a list of URLs, one per line. Each of the URLs will be read
+and their content will be passed through this same set of rules, i.e., the
+content read from the URL can be gzipped, MIME multi-part, or plain text. If
+an error occurs reading a file the remaining files will not be read.
+Begins with: ``#include`` or ``Content-Type: text/x-include-url`` when using
+a MIME archive.
+This content is `boothook` data. It is stored in a file under
+:file:`/var/lib/cloud` and executed immediately. This is the earliest `hook`
+available. Note, that there is no mechanism provided for running only once. The
+`boothook` must take care of this itself.
+It is provided with the instance id in the environment variable
+``INSTANCE_ID``. This could be made use of to provide a 'once-per-instance'
+type of functionality.
+Begins with: ``#cloud-boothook`` or ``Content-Type: text/cloud-boothook`` when
+using a MIME archive.
+This is a `part-handler`: It contains custom code for either supporting new
+mime-types in multi-part user data, or overriding the existing handlers for
+supported mime-types. It will be written to a file in
+:file:`/var/lib/cloud/data` based on its filename (which is generated).
+This must be Python code that contains a ``list_types`` function and a
+``handle_part`` function. Once the section is read the ``list_types`` method
+will be called. It must return a list of mime-types that this `part-handler`
+handles. Since MIME parts are processed in order, a `part-handler` part
+must precede any parts with mime-types it is expected to handle in the same
+user data.
+The ``handle_part`` function must be defined like:
+.. code-block:: python
+ def handle_part(data, ctype, filename, payload):
+ # data = the cloudinit object
+ # ctype = "__begin__", "__end__", or the mime-type of the part that is being handled.
+ # filename = the filename of the part (or a generated filename if none is present in mime data)
+ # payload = the parts' content
+``Cloud-init`` will then call the ``handle_part`` function once before it
+handles any parts, once per part received, and once after all parts have been
+handled. The ``'__begin__'`` and ``'__end__'`` sentinels allow the part
+handler to do initialisation or teardown before or after receiving any parts.
+Begins with: ``#part-handler`` or ``Content-Type: text/part-handler`` when
+using a MIME archive.
+.. literalinclude:: ../../examples/part-handler.txt
+ :language: python
+ :linenos:
+Also, `this blog post`_ offers another example for more advanced usage.
+Disabling user data
+``Cloud-init`` can be configured to ignore any user data provided to instance.
+This allows custom images to prevent users from accidentally breaking closed
+appliances. Setting ``allow_userdata: false`` in the configuration will disable
+``cloud-init`` from processing user data.
+.. _make-mime:
+.. [#] See your cloud provider for applicable user-data size limitations...
+.. _this blog post: