path: root/cloudinit/
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'cloudinit/')
1 files changed, 0 insertions, 356 deletions
diff --git a/cloudinit/ b/cloudinit/
deleted file mode 100644
index 393bf0bb..00000000
--- a/cloudinit/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,356 +0,0 @@
-# vi: ts=4 expandtab
-# Copyright (C) 2012 Canonical Ltd.
-# Copyright (C) 2012 Hewlett-Packard Development Company, L.P.
-# Copyright (C) 2012 Yahoo! Inc.
-# Author: Scott Moser <>
-# Author: Juerg Haefliger <>
-# Author: Joshua Harlow <>
-# This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
-# it under the terms of the GNU General Public License version 3, as
-# published by the Free Software Foundation.
-# This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
-# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
-# GNU General Public License for more details.
-# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
-# along with this program. If not, see <>.
-import os
-from email.mime.base import MIMEBase
-from email.mime.multipart import MIMEMultipart
-from email.mime.nonmultipart import MIMENonMultipart
-from email.mime.text import MIMEText
-import six
-from cloudinit import handlers
-from cloudinit import log as logging
-from cloudinit import util
-LOG = logging.getLogger(__name__)
-# Constants copied in from the handler module
-# Saves typing errors
-CONTENT_TYPE = 'Content-Type'
-# Various special content types that cause special actions
-TYPE_NEEDED = ["text/plain", "text/x-not-multipart"]
-INCLUDE_TYPES = ['text/x-include-url', 'text/x-include-once-url']
-ARCHIVE_TYPES = ["text/cloud-config-archive"]
-UNDEF_TYPE = "text/plain"
-ARCHIVE_UNDEF_TYPE = "text/cloud-config"
-ARCHIVE_UNDEF_BINARY_TYPE = "application/octet-stream"
-# This seems to hit most of the gzip possible content types.
- 'application/gzip',
- 'application/gzip-compressed',
- 'application/gzipped',
- 'application/x-compress',
- 'application/x-compressed',
- 'application/x-gunzip',
- 'application/x-gzip',
- 'application/x-gzip-compressed',
-# Msg header used to track attachments
-ATTACHMENT_FIELD = 'Number-Attachments'
-# Only the following content types can have there launch index examined
-# in there payload, evey other content type can still provide a header
-EXAMINE_FOR_LAUNCH_INDEX = ["text/cloud-config"]
-def _replace_header(msg, key, value):
- del msg[key]
- msg[key] = value
-def _set_filename(msg, filename):
- del msg['Content-Disposition']
- msg.add_header('Content-Disposition',
- 'attachment', filename=str(filename))
-class UserDataProcessor(object):
- def __init__(self, paths):
- self.paths = paths
- self.ssl_details = util.fetch_ssl_details(paths)
- def process(self, blob):
- accumulating_msg = MIMEMultipart()
- if isinstance(blob, list):
- for b in blob:
- self._process_msg(convert_string(b), accumulating_msg)
- else:
- self._process_msg(convert_string(blob), accumulating_msg)
- return accumulating_msg
- def _process_msg(self, base_msg, append_msg):
- def find_ctype(payload):
- return handlers.type_from_starts_with(payload)
- for part in base_msg.walk():
- if is_skippable(part):
- continue
- ctype = None
- ctype_orig = part.get_content_type()
- payload = util.fully_decoded_payload(part)
- was_compressed = False
- # When the message states it is of a gzipped content type ensure
- # that we attempt to decode said payload so that the decompressed
- # data can be examined (instead of the compressed data).
- if ctype_orig in DECOMP_TYPES:
- try:
- payload = util.decomp_gzip(payload, quiet=False)
- # At this point we don't know what the content-type is
- # since we just decompressed it.
- ctype_orig = None
- was_compressed = True
- except util.DecompressionError as e:
- LOG.warn("Failed decompressing payload from %s of length"
- " %s due to: %s", ctype_orig, len(payload), e)
- continue
- # Attempt to figure out the payloads content-type
- if not ctype_orig:
- ctype_orig = UNDEF_TYPE
- if ctype_orig in TYPE_NEEDED:
- ctype = find_ctype(payload)
- if ctype is None:
- ctype = ctype_orig
- # In the case where the data was compressed, we want to make sure
- # that we create a new message that contains the found content
- # type with the uncompressed content since later traversals of the
- # messages will expect a part not compressed.
- if was_compressed:
- maintype, subtype = ctype.split("/", 1)
- n_part = MIMENonMultipart(maintype, subtype)
- n_part.set_payload(payload)
- # Copy various headers from the old part to the new one,
- # but don't include all the headers since some are not useful
- # after decoding and decompression.
- if part.get_filename():
- _set_filename(n_part, part.get_filename())
- for h in ('Launch-Index',):
- if h in part:
- _replace_header(n_part, h, str(part[h]))
- part = n_part
- if ctype != ctype_orig:
- _replace_header(part, CONTENT_TYPE, ctype)
- if ctype in INCLUDE_TYPES:
- self._do_include(payload, append_msg)
- continue
- if ctype in ARCHIVE_TYPES:
- self._explode_archive(payload, append_msg)
- continue
- # TODO(harlowja): Should this be happening, shouldn't
- # the part header be modified and not the base?
- _replace_header(base_msg, CONTENT_TYPE, ctype)
- self._attach_part(append_msg, part)
- def _attach_launch_index(self, msg):
- header_idx = msg.get('Launch-Index', None)
- payload_idx = None
- if msg.get_content_type() in EXAMINE_FOR_LAUNCH_INDEX:
- try:
- # See if it has a launch-index field
- # that might affect the final header
- payload = util.load_yaml(msg.get_payload(decode=True))
- if payload:
- payload_idx = payload.get('launch-index')
- except Exception:
- pass
- # Header overrides contents, for now (?) or the other way around?
- if header_idx is not None:
- payload_idx = header_idx
- # Nothing found in payload, use header (if anything there)
- if payload_idx is None:
- payload_idx = header_idx
- if payload_idx is not None:
- try:
- msg.add_header('Launch-Index', str(int(payload_idx)))
- except (ValueError, TypeError):
- pass
- def _get_include_once_filename(self, entry):
- entry_fn = util.hash_blob(entry, 'md5', 64)
- return os.path.join(self.paths.get_ipath_cur('data'),
- 'urlcache', entry_fn)
- def _process_before_attach(self, msg, attached_id):
- if not msg.get_filename():
- _set_filename(msg, PART_FN_TPL % (attached_id))
- self._attach_launch_index(msg)
- def _do_include(self, content, append_msg):
- # Include a list of urls, one per line
- # also support '#include <url here>'
- # or #include-once '<url here>'
- include_once_on = False
- for line in content.splitlines():
- lc_line = line.lower()
- if lc_line.startswith("#include-once"):
- line = line[len("#include-once"):].lstrip()
- # Every following include will now
- # not be refetched.... but will be
- # re-read from a local urlcache (if it worked)
- include_once_on = True
- elif lc_line.startswith("#include"):
- line = line[len("#include"):].lstrip()
- # Disable the include once if it was on
- # if it wasn't, then this has no effect.
- include_once_on = False
- if line.startswith("#"):
- continue
- include_url = line.strip()
- if not include_url:
- continue
- include_once_fn = None
- content = None
- if include_once_on:
- include_once_fn = self._get_include_once_filename(include_url)
- if include_once_on and os.path.isfile(include_once_fn):
- content = util.load_file(include_once_fn)
- else:
- resp = util.read_file_or_url(include_url,
- ssl_details=self.ssl_details)
- if include_once_on and resp.ok():
- util.write_file(include_once_fn, resp.contents, mode=0o600)
- if resp.ok():
- content = resp.contents
- else:
- LOG.warn(("Fetching from %s resulted in"
- " a invalid http code of %s"),
- include_url, resp.code)
- if content is not None:
- new_msg = convert_string(content)
- self._process_msg(new_msg, append_msg)
- def _explode_archive(self, archive, append_msg):
- entries = util.load_yaml(archive, default=[], allowed=(list, set))
- for ent in entries:
- # ent can be one of:
- # dict { 'filename' : 'value', 'content' :
- # 'value', 'type' : 'value' }
- # filename and type not be present
- # or
- # scalar(payload)
- if isinstance(ent, six.string_types):
- ent = {'content': ent}
- if not isinstance(ent, (dict)):
- # TODO(harlowja) raise?
- continue
- content = ent.get('content', '')
- mtype = ent.get('type')
- if not mtype:
- if isinstance(content, six.binary_type):
- mtype = handlers.type_from_starts_with(content, default)
- maintype, subtype = mtype.split('/', 1)
- if maintype == "text":
- if isinstance(content, six.binary_type):
- content = content.decode()
- msg = MIMEText(content, _subtype=subtype)
- else:
- msg = MIMEBase(maintype, subtype)
- msg.set_payload(content)
- if 'filename' in ent:
- _set_filename(msg, ent['filename'])
- if 'launch-index' in ent:
- msg.add_header('Launch-Index', str(ent['launch-index']))
- for header in list(ent.keys()):
- if header.lower() in ('content', 'filename', 'type',
- 'launch-index', 'content-disposition',
- CONTENT_TYPE.lower()):
- continue
- msg.add_header(header, ent[header])
- self._attach_part(append_msg, msg)
- def _multi_part_count(self, outer_msg, new_count=None):
- """
- Return the number of attachments to this MIMEMultipart by looking
- at its 'Number-Attachments' header.
- """
- if ATTACHMENT_FIELD not in outer_msg:
- outer_msg[ATTACHMENT_FIELD] = '0'
- if new_count is not None:
- _replace_header(outer_msg, ATTACHMENT_FIELD, str(new_count))
- fetched_count = 0
- try:
- fetched_count = int(outer_msg.get(ATTACHMENT_FIELD))
- except (ValueError, TypeError):
- _replace_header(outer_msg, ATTACHMENT_FIELD, str(fetched_count))
- return fetched_count
- def _attach_part(self, outer_msg, part):
- """
- Attach a message to an outer message. outermsg must be a MIMEMultipart.
- Modifies a header in the outer message to keep track of number of
- attachments.
- """
- part_count = self._multi_part_count(outer_msg)
- self._process_before_attach(part, part_count + 1)
- outer_msg.attach(part)
- self._multi_part_count(outer_msg, part_count + 1)
-def is_skippable(part):
- # multipart/* are just containers
- part_maintype = part.get_content_maintype() or ''
- if part_maintype.lower() == 'multipart':
- return True
- return False
-# Coverts a raw string into a mime message
-def convert_string(raw_data, content_type=NOT_MULTIPART_TYPE):
- if not raw_data:
- raw_data = ''
- def create_binmsg(data, content_type):
- maintype, subtype = content_type.split("/", 1)
- msg = MIMEBase(maintype, subtype)
- msg.set_payload(data)
- return msg
- try:
- data = util.decode_binary(util.decomp_gzip(raw_data))
- if "mime-version:" in data[0:4096].lower():
- msg = util.message_from_string(data)
- else:
- msg = create_binmsg(data, content_type)
- except UnicodeDecodeError:
- msg = create_binmsg(raw_data, content_type)
- return msg