path: root/Modules
diff options
authorDavid Cole <>2008-03-04 08:18:40 -0500
committerDavid Cole <>2008-03-04 08:18:40 -0500
commit31efe9e9f67d4b30740b227c3d792c85c85755ab (patch)
tree85b4580ff66091ac21be863ca113d1a0c4dd9f2f /Modules
parenta4e0edd4e81bb2f337a1d6b5ba025bf1224b1467 (diff)
ENH: Add script GetPrerequisites.cmake to help analyze what shared libraries executable files depend on. Primary uses are to determine what shared libraries should be copied into Mac OSX bundle applications to create standalone bundles apps and to determine what shared library files need to be installed for an executable to run on any platform. Requires native platform tools dumpbin, otool and ldd to generate results.
Diffstat (limited to 'Modules')
1 files changed, 491 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/Modules/GetPrerequisites.cmake b/Modules/GetPrerequisites.cmake
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..364943dac9
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Modules/GetPrerequisites.cmake
@@ -0,0 +1,491 @@
+# GetPrerequisites.cmake
+# This script provides functions to list the .dll, .dylib or .so files that an
+# executable or shared library file depends on. (Its prerequisites.)
+# It uses various tools to obtain the list of required shared library files:
+# dumpbin (Windows)
+# ldd (Linux/Unix)
+# otool (Mac OSX)
+# The following functions are provided by this script:
+# gp_append_unique
+# gp_file_type
+# is_file_executable
+# get_prerequisites
+# list_prerequisites
+# Requires CMake 2.5 or greater because it uses function, break, return and
+cmake_minimum_required(VERSION 2.5 FATAL_ERROR)
+# gp_append_unique list_var value
+# Append value to the list variable ${list_var} only if the value is not
+# already in the list.
+function(gp_append_unique list_var value)
+ set(contains 0)
+ foreach(item ${${list_var}})
+ if("${item}" STREQUAL "${value}")
+ set(contains 1)
+ break()
+ endif("${item}" STREQUAL "${value}")
+ endforeach(item)
+ if(NOT contains)
+ set(${list_var} ${${list_var}} "${value}" PARENT_SCOPE)
+ endif(NOT contains)
+# gp_file_type original_file file type_var
+# Return the type of ${file} with respect to ${original_file}. String
+# describing type of prerequisite is returned in variable named ${type_var}.
+# Possible types are:
+# system
+# local
+# embedded
+# other
+function(gp_file_type original_file file type_var)
+ set(is_embedded 0)
+ set(is_local 0)
+ set(is_system 0)
+ string(TOLOWER "${original_file}" original_lower)
+ string(TOLOWER "${file}" lower)
+ if("${file}" MATCHES "^@(executable|loader)_path")
+ set(is_embedded 1)
+ endif("${file}" MATCHES "^@(executable|loader)_path")
+ if(NOT is_embedded)
+ if("${file}" MATCHES "^(/System/Library/|/usr/lib/)")
+ set(is_system 1)
+ endif("${file}" MATCHES "^(/System/Library/|/usr/lib/)")
+ if(WIN32)
+ string(TOLOWER "$ENV{SystemRoot}" sysroot)
+ string(REGEX REPLACE "\\\\" "/" sysroot "${sysroot}")
+ string(TOLOWER "$ENV{windir}" windir)
+ string(REGEX REPLACE "\\\\" "/" windir "${windir}")
+ if("${lower}" MATCHES "^(${sysroot}/system|${windir}/system|msvc[^/]+dll)")
+ set(is_system 1)
+ endif("${lower}" MATCHES "^(${sysroot}/system|${windir}/system|msvc[^/]+dll)")
+ endif(WIN32)
+ if(NOT is_system)
+ get_filename_component(original_path "${original_lower}" PATH)
+ get_filename_component(path "${lower}" PATH)
+ if("${original_path}" STREQUAL "${path}")
+ set(is_local 1)
+ endif("${original_path}" STREQUAL "${path}")
+ endif(NOT is_system)
+ endif(NOT is_embedded)
+ # Return type string based on computed booleans:
+ #
+ set(type "other")
+ if(is_system)
+ set(type "system")
+ else(is_system)
+ if(is_embedded)
+ set(type "embedded")
+ else(is_embedded)
+ if(is_local)
+ set(type "local")
+ endif(is_local)
+ endif(is_embedded)
+ endif(is_system)
+ set(${type_var} "${type}" PARENT_SCOPE)
+# is_file_executable file result_var
+# Return 1 in ${result_var} if ${file} is a binary executable.
+# Return 0 in ${result_var} otherwise.
+function(is_file_executable file result_var)
+ #
+ # A file is not executable until proven otherwise:
+ #
+ set(${result_var} 0 PARENT_SCOPE)
+ get_filename_component(file_full "${file}" ABSOLUTE)
+ string(TOLOWER "${file_full}" file_full_lower)
+ # If file name ends in .exe or .dll on Windows, *assume* executable:
+ #
+ if(WIN32)
+ if("${file_full_lower}" MATCHES "\\.(exe|dll)$")
+ set(${result_var} 1 PARENT_SCOPE)
+ return()
+ endif("${file_full_lower}" MATCHES "\\.(exe|dll)$")
+ # A clause could be added here that uses output or return value of dumpbin
+ # to determine ${result_var}. In 95%+ practical cases, the exe|dll name
+ # match will be sufficient...
+ #
+ endif(WIN32)
+ # Use the information returned from the Unix shell command "file" to
+ # determine if ${file_full} should be considered an executable file...
+ #
+ # If the file command's output contains "executable" and does *not* contain
+ # "text" then it is likely an executable suitable for prerequisite analysis
+ # via the get_prerequisites macro.
+ #
+ if(UNIX)
+ if(NOT file_cmd)
+ find_program(file_cmd "file")
+ endif(NOT file_cmd)
+ if(file_cmd)
+ execute_process(COMMAND "${file_cmd}" "${file_full}"
+ )
+ # Replace the name of the file in the output with a placeholder token
+ # (the string " _file_full_ ") so that just in case the path name of
+ # the file contains the word "text" or "executable" we are not fooled
+ # into thinking "the wrong thing" because the file name matches the
+ # other 'file' command output we are looking for...
+ #
+ string(REPLACE "${file_full}" " _file_full_ " file_ov "${file_ov}")
+ string(TOLOWER "${file_ov}" file_ov)
+ #message(STATUS "file_ov='${file_ov}'")
+ if("${file_ov}" MATCHES "executable")
+ #message(STATUS "executable!")
+ if("${file_ov}" MATCHES "text")
+ #message(STATUS "but text, so *not* a binary executable!")
+ else("${file_ov}" MATCHES "text")
+ set(${result_var} 1 PARENT_SCOPE)
+ return()
+ endif("${file_ov}" MATCHES "text")
+ endif("${file_ov}" MATCHES "executable")
+ else(file_cmd)
+ message(STATUS "warning: No 'file' command, skipping execute_process...")
+ endif(file_cmd)
+ endif(UNIX)
+# get_prerequisites target prerequisites_var exclude_system recurse
+# Get the list of shared library files required by ${target}. The list in
+# the variable named ${prerequisites_var} should be empty on first entry to
+# this function. On exit, ${prerequisites_var} will contain the list of
+# required shared library files.
+# target is the full path to an executable file
+# prerequisites_var is the name of a CMake variable to contain the results
+# exclude_system is 0 or 1: 0 to include "system" prerequisites , 1 to
+# exclude them
+# recurse is 0 or 1: 0 for direct prerequisites only, 1 for all prerequisites
+# recursively
+# optional ARGV4 (verbose) is 0 or 1: 0 to skip informational message output,
+# 1 to print it
+function(get_prerequisites target prerequisites_var exclude_system recurse)
+# set(verbose 0)
+# if(NOT "${ARGV4}" STREQUAL "")
+# message(STATUS "ARGV4='${ARGV4}'")
+# set(verbose "${ARGV4}")
+# endif(NOT "${ARGV4}" STREQUAL "")
+# message(STATUS "verbose='${verbose}'")
+ set(verbose 0)
+ set(eol_char "E")
+ # <setup-gp_tool-vars>
+ #
+ # Try to choose the right tool by default. Caller can set gp_tool prior to
+ # calling this function to force using a different tool.
+ #
+ if("${gp_tool}" STREQUAL "")
+ set(gp_tool "ldd")
+ if(APPLE)
+ set(gp_tool "otool")
+ endif(APPLE)
+ if(WIN32)
+ set(gp_tool "dumpbin")
+ endif(WIN32)
+ endif("${gp_tool}" STREQUAL "")
+ set(gp_tool_known 0)
+ if("${gp_tool}" STREQUAL "ldd")
+ set(gp_cmd_args "")
+ set(gp_regex "^\t([\t ]+)[\t ].*${eol_char}$")
+ set(gp_regex_cmp_count 1)
+ set(gp_tool_known 1)
+ endif("${gp_tool}" STREQUAL "ldd")
+ if("${gp_tool}" STREQUAL "otool")
+ set(gp_cmd_args "-L")
+ set(gp_regex "^\t([^\t]+) \\(compatibility version ([0-9]+.[0-9]+.[0-9]+), current version ([0-9]+.[0-9]+.[0-9]+)\\)${eol_char}$")
+ set(gp_regex_cmp_count 3)
+ set(gp_tool_known 1)
+ endif("${gp_tool}" STREQUAL "otool")
+ if("${gp_tool}" STREQUAL "dumpbin")
+ set(gp_cmd_args "/dependents")
+ set(gp_regex "^ ([^ ].*[Dd][Ll][Ll])${eol_char}$")
+ set(gp_regex_cmp_count 1)
+ set(gp_tool_known 1)
+ endif("${gp_tool}" STREQUAL "dumpbin")
+ if(NOT gp_tool_known)
+ message(STATUS "warning: gp_tool='${gp_tool}' is an unknown tool...")
+ message(STATUS "CMake function get_prerequisites needs more code to handle '${gp_tool}'")
+ message(STATUS "Valid gp_tool values are dumpbin, ldd and otool.")
+ return()
+ endif(NOT gp_tool_known)
+ set(gp_cmd_paths ${gp_cmd_paths}
+ "C:/Program Files/Microsoft Visual Studio 9.0/VC/bin"
+ "C:/Program Files (x86)/Microsoft Visual Studio 9.0/VC/bin"
+ "C:/Program Files/Microsoft Visual Studio 8/VC/BIN"
+ "C:/Program Files (x86)/Microsoft Visual Studio 8/VC/BIN"
+ "C:/Program Files/Microsoft Visual Studio .NET 2003/VC7/BIN"
+ "C:/Program Files (x86)/Microsoft Visual Studio .NET 2003/VC7/BIN"
+ "/usr/local/bin"
+ "/usr/bin"
+ )
+ find_program(gp_cmd ${gp_tool} PATHS ${gp_cmd_paths})
+ if(NOT gp_cmd)
+ message(STATUS "warning: could not find '${gp_tool}' - cannot analyze prerequisites...")
+ return()
+ endif(NOT gp_cmd)
+ if("${gp_tool}" STREQUAL "dumpbin")
+ # When running dumpbin, it also needs the "Common7/IDE" directory in the
+ # PATH. It will already be in the PATH if being run from a Visual Studio
+ # command prompt. Add it to the PATH here in case we are running from a
+ # different command prompt.
+ #
+ get_filename_component(gp_cmd_dir "${gp_cmd}" PATH)
+ get_filename_component(gp_cmd_dlls_dir "${gp_cmd_dir}/../../Common7/IDE" ABSOLUTE)
+ if(EXISTS "${gp_cmd_dlls_dir}")
+ set(ENV{PATH} "$ENV{PATH};${gp_cmd_dlls_dir}")
+ endif(EXISTS "${gp_cmd_dlls_dir}")
+ endif("${gp_tool}" STREQUAL "dumpbin")
+ #
+ # </setup-gp_tool-vars>
+ # Track new prerequisites at each new level of recursion. Start with an
+ # empty list at each level:
+ #
+ set(unseen_prereqs)
+ # Run gp_cmd on the target:
+ #
+ execute_process(
+ COMMAND ${gp_cmd} ${gp_cmd_args} ${target}
+ )
+ if(verbose)
+ message(STATUS "<RawOutput cmd='${gp_cmd} ${gp_cmd_args} ${target}'>")
+ message(STATUS "gp_cmd_ov='${gp_cmd_ov}'")
+ message(STATUS "</RawOutput>")
+ endif(verbose)
+ get_filename_component(target_dir "${target}" PATH)
+ # Convert to a list of lines:
+ #
+ string(REGEX REPLACE ";" "\\\\;" candidates "${gp_cmd_ov}")
+ string(REGEX REPLACE "\n" "${eol_char};" candidates "${candidates}")
+ # Analyze each line for file names that match the regular expression:
+ #
+ foreach(candidate ${candidates})
+ if("${candidate}" MATCHES "${gp_regex}")
+ # Extract information from each candidate:
+ string(REGEX REPLACE "${gp_regex}" "\\1" raw_item "${candidate}")
+ if(gp_regex_cmp_count GREATER 1)
+ string(REGEX REPLACE "${gp_regex}" "\\2" raw_compat_version "${candidate}")
+ string(REGEX REPLACE "^([0-9]+)\\.([0-9]+)\\.([0-9]+)$" "\\1" compat_major_version "${raw_compat_version}")
+ string(REGEX REPLACE "^([0-9]+)\\.([0-9]+)\\.([0-9]+)$" "\\2" compat_minor_version "${raw_compat_version}")
+ string(REGEX REPLACE "^([0-9]+)\\.([0-9]+)\\.([0-9]+)$" "\\3" compat_patch_version "${raw_compat_version}")
+ endif(gp_regex_cmp_count GREATER 1)
+ if(gp_regex_cmp_count GREATER 2)
+ string(REGEX REPLACE "${gp_regex}" "\\3" raw_current_version "${candidate}")
+ string(REGEX REPLACE "^([0-9]+)\\.([0-9]+)\\.([0-9]+)$" "\\1" current_major_version "${raw_current_version}")
+ string(REGEX REPLACE "^([0-9]+)\\.([0-9]+)\\.([0-9]+)$" "\\2" current_minor_version "${raw_current_version}")
+ string(REGEX REPLACE "^([0-9]+)\\.([0-9]+)\\.([0-9]+)$" "\\3" current_patch_version "${raw_current_version}")
+ endif(gp_regex_cmp_count GREATER 2)
+ # Using find_program on Windows will find dll files that are in the PATH.
+ # (Converting simple file names into full path names if found.)
+ #
+ set(item "item-NOTFOUND")
+ find_program(item "${raw_item}" PATHS "${target_dir}")
+ if(NOT item)
+ set(item "${raw_item}")
+ endif(NOT item)
+ if(verbose)
+ message(STATUS "raw_item='${raw_item}'")
+ message(STATUS "item='${item}'")
+ endif(verbose)
+ # Add each item unless it is excluded:
+ #
+ set(add_item 1)
+ if(${exclude_system})
+ set(type "")
+ gp_file_type("${target}" "${item}" type)
+ if("${type}" STREQUAL "system")
+ set(add_item 0)
+ endif("${type}" STREQUAL "system")
+ endif(${exclude_system})
+ if(add_item)
+ list(LENGTH ${prerequisites_var} list_length_before_append)
+ gp_append_unique(${prerequisites_var} "${item}")
+ list(LENGTH ${prerequisites_var} list_length_after_append)
+ if(${recurse})
+ # If item was really added, this is the first time we have seen it.
+ # Add it to unseen_prereqs so that we can recursively add *its*
+ # prerequisites...
+ #
+ if(NOT list_length_before_append EQUAL list_length_after_append)
+ set(unseen_prereqs ${unseen_prereqs} "${item}")
+ endif(NOT list_length_before_append EQUAL list_length_after_append)
+ endif(${recurse})
+ endif(add_item)
+ else("${candidate}" MATCHES "${gp_regex}")
+ if(verbose)
+ message(STATUS "ignoring non-matching line: '${candidate}'")
+ endif(verbose)
+ endif("${candidate}" MATCHES "${gp_regex}")
+ endforeach(candidate)
+ list(SORT ${prerequisites_var})
+ if(${recurse})
+ set(more_inputs ${unseen_prereqs})
+ foreach(input ${more_inputs})
+ get_prerequisites("${input}" ${prerequisites_var} ${exclude_system} ${recurse})
+ endforeach(input)
+ endif(${recurse})
+ set(${prerequisites_var} ${${prerequisites_var}} PARENT_SCOPE)
+# list_prerequisites target all exclude_system verbose
+# ARGV0 (target) is the full path to an executable file
+# optional ARGV1 (all) is 0 or 1: 0 for direct prerequisites only,
+# 1 for all prerequisites recursively
+# optional ARGV2 (exclude_system) is 0 or 1: 0 to include "system"
+# prerequisites , 1 to exclude them
+# optional ARGV3 (verbose) is 0 or 1: 0 to print only full path
+# names of prerequisites, 1 to print extra information
+function(list_prerequisites target)
+ if("${ARGV1}" STREQUAL "")
+ set(all 1)
+ else("${ARGV1}" STREQUAL "")
+ set(all "${ARGV1}")
+ endif("${ARGV1}" STREQUAL "")
+ if("${ARGV2}" STREQUAL "")
+ set(exclude_system 0)
+ else("${ARGV2}" STREQUAL "")
+ set(exclude_system "${ARGV2}")
+ endif("${ARGV2}" STREQUAL "")
+ if("${ARGV3}" STREQUAL "")
+ set(verbose 0)
+ else("${ARGV3}" STREQUAL "")
+ set(verbose "${ARGV3}")
+ endif("${ARGV3}" STREQUAL "")
+ set(count 0)
+ set(count_str "")
+ set(print_count "${verbose}")
+ set(print_prerequisite_type "${verbose}")
+ set(print_target "${verbose}")
+ set(type_str "")
+ set(prereqs "")
+ get_prerequisites("${target}" prereqs ${exclude_system} ${all})
+ if(print_target)
+ message(STATUS "File '${target}' depends on:")
+ endif(print_target)
+ foreach(d ${prereqs})
+ math(EXPR count "${count} + 1")
+ if(print_count)
+ set(count_str "${count}. ")
+ endif(print_count)
+ if(print_prerequisite_type)
+ gp_file_type("${target}" "${d}" type)
+ set(type_str " (${type})")
+ endif(print_prerequisite_type)
+ message(STATUS "${count_str}${d}${type_str}")
+ endforeach(d)
+# list_prerequisites_by_glob glob_arg glob_exp
+# glob_arg is GLOB or GLOB_RECURSE
+# glob_exp is a globbing expression used with "file(GLOB" to retrieve a list
+# of matching files. If a matching file is executable, its prerequisites are
+# listed.
+# Any additional (optional) arguments provided are passed along as the
+# optional arguments to the list_prerequisites calls.
+function(list_prerequisites_by_glob glob_arg glob_exp)
+ message(STATUS "=============================================================================")
+ message(STATUS "List prerequisites of executables matching ${glob_arg} '${glob_exp}'")
+ message(STATUS "")
+ file(${glob_arg} file_list ${glob_exp})
+ foreach(f ${file_list})
+ is_file_executable("${f}" is_f_executable)
+ if(is_f_executable)
+ message(STATUS "=============================================================================")
+ list_prerequisites("${f}" ${ARGN})
+ message(STATUS "")
+ endif(is_f_executable)
+ endforeach(f)