path: root/contrib
diff options
authorAdrian Thurston <>2019-09-11 18:22:31 -0600
committerAdrian Thurston <>2019-09-11 18:22:31 -0600
commite4f23077edf61818128b355f2aab2b900702ea97 (patch)
tree05d3294062b259a3d72e277950e1364c50bbea07 /contrib
parentbccaa853593339c2bac8ddede25f18e1afc91597 (diff)
unifying some of the top-level components
including vim syntax, CREDITS, COPYING, examples, contrib.
Diffstat (limited to 'contrib')
5 files changed, 368 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/contrib/.gitignore b/contrib/.gitignore
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..9ee64540
--- /dev/null
+++ b/contrib/.gitignore
@@ -0,0 +1,2 @@
diff --git a/contrib/ b/contrib/
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..7ef7e8d9
--- /dev/null
+++ b/contrib/
@@ -0,0 +1,2 @@
+EXTRA_DIST = ragel.make ragel.m4 unicode2ragel.rb
diff --git a/contrib/ragel.m4 b/contrib/ragel.m4
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..e7b42425
--- /dev/null
+++ b/contrib/ragel.m4
@@ -0,0 +1,53 @@
+dnl Check for presence of the Ragel State Machine generator.
+dnl This macro checks for the presence of the ragel tool in the system,
+dnl and whether the ragel tool is absolutely needed for a complete
+dnl build.
+dnl To check for the need for Ragel, you have to provide the relative
+dnl path of a source file generated through Ragel: if the file is
+dnl present in the source tree, a missing ragel command will not cause
+dnl the configure to abort.
+ AC_ARG_VAR([RAGEL], [Ragel generator command])
+ AC_ARG_VAR([RAGELFLAGS], [Ragel generator flags])
+ AC_CHECK_PROG([RAGEL], [ragel], [ragel], [no])
+ dnl We set RAGEL to false so that it would execute the "false"
+ dnl command if needed.
+ AS_IF([test x"$RAGEL" = x"no"],
+ [RAGEL=false],
+ AS_IF([test x"$2" != "x"],
+ [ragel_version=`$RAGEL --version | sed -n -e '1s:.*version \(@<:@0-9@:>@\.@<:@0-9@:>@\)\(\.@<:@0-9@:>@\)* .*:\1:p'`
+ ragel_version_compare=`echo $ragel_version | tr -d .`
+ ragel_wanted_version=`echo $2 | tr -d .`
+ AS_IF([test $ragel_version_compare -lt $ragel_wanted_version],
+ [AC_MSG_WARN([Found Ragel $ragel_version but Ragel $2 requested])
+ RAGEL=false
+ ])
+ ]))
+ dnl Only test the need if not found
+ AS_IF([test x"$RAGEL" = x"false"], [
+ AC_MSG_CHECKING([whether we need ragel to regenerate sources])
+ AS_IF([test -a "${srcdir}/$1"], [ragel_needed=no], [ragel_needed=yes])
+ AC_MSG_RESULT([$ragel_needed])
+ AS_IF([test x"$ragel_needed" = x"yes"],
+ [AC_MSG_ERROR([dnl
+You need Ragel to build from development sources.
+You can find Ragel at
+ ])])
+ ])
+ CHECK_RAGEL([$1], [$2])
+ AM_CONDITIONAL([HAVE_RAGEL], [test x"$RAGEL" != x"false"])
diff --git a/contrib/ragel.make b/contrib/ragel.make
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..f7a71b5b
--- /dev/null
+++ b/contrib/ragel.make
@@ -0,0 +1,6 @@
+# -*- Makefile -*-
+ $(RAGEL) $(RAGELFLAGS) -C $< -o $@
diff --git a/contrib/unicode2ragel.rb b/contrib/unicode2ragel.rb
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..d64e601d
--- /dev/null
+++ b/contrib/unicode2ragel.rb
@@ -0,0 +1,305 @@
+#!/usr/bin/env ruby
+# This script uses the unicode spec to generate a Ragel state machine
+# that recognizes unicode alphanumeric characters. It generates 5
+# character classes: uupper, ulower, ualpha, udigit, and ualnum.
+# Currently supported encodings are UTF-8 [default] and UCS-4.
+# Usage: unicode2ragel.rb [options]
+# -e, --encoding [ucs4 | utf8] Data encoding
+# -h, --help Show this message
+# This script was originally written as part of the Ferret search
+# engine library.
+# Author: Rakan El-Khalil <>
+require 'optparse'
+require 'open-uri'
+ENCODINGS = [ :utf8, :ucs4 ]
+ALPHTYPES = { :utf8 => "unsigned char", :ucs4 => "unsigned int" }
+# Display vars & default option
+@encoding = :utf8
+# Option parsing
+cli_opts = do |opts|
+ opts.on("-e", "--encoding [ucs4 | utf8]", "Data encoding") do |o|
+ @encoding = o.downcase.to_sym
+ end
+ opts.on("-h", "--help", "Show this message") do
+ puts opts
+ exit
+ end
+unless ENCODINGS.member? @encoding
+ puts "Invalid encoding: #{@encoding}"
+ puts cli_opts
+ exit
+# Downloads the document at url and yields every alpha line's hex
+# range and description.
+def each_alpha( url, property )
+ open( url ) do |file|
+ file.each_line do |line|
+ next if line =~ /^#/;
+ next if line !~ /; #{property} #/;
+ range, description = line.split(/;/)
+ range.strip!
+ description.gsub!(/.*#/, '').strip!
+ if range =~ /\.\./
+ start, stop = range.split '..'
+ else start = stop = range
+ end
+ yield start.hex .. stop.hex, description
+ end
+ end
+# Formats to hex at minimum width
+def to_hex( n )
+ r = "%0X" % n
+ r = "0#{r}" unless (r.length % 2).zero?
+ r
+# UCS4 is just a straight hex conversion of the unicode codepoint.
+def to_ucs4( range )
+ rangestr = "0x" + to_hex(range.begin)
+ rangestr << "..0x" + to_hex(range.end) if range.begin != range.end
+ [ rangestr ]
+# 0x00 - 0x7f -> 0zzzzzzz[7]
+# 0x80 - 0x7ff -> 110yyyyy[5] 10zzzzzz[6]
+# 0x800 - 0xffff -> 1110xxxx[4] 10yyyyyy[6] 10zzzzzz[6]
+# 0x010000 - 0x10ffff -> 11110www[3] 10xxxxxx[6] 10yyyyyy[6] 10zzzzzz[6]
+UTF8_BOUNDARIES = [0x7f, 0x7ff, 0xffff, 0x10ffff]
+def to_utf8_enc( n )
+ r = 0
+ if n <= 0x7f
+ r = n
+ elsif n <= 0x7ff
+ y = 0xc0 | (n >> 6)
+ z = 0x80 | (n & 0x3f)
+ r = y << 8 | z
+ elsif n <= 0xffff
+ x = 0xe0 | (n >> 12)
+ y = 0x80 | (n >> 6) & 0x3f
+ z = 0x80 | n & 0x3f
+ r = x << 16 | y << 8 | z
+ elsif n <= 0x10ffff
+ w = 0xf0 | (n >> 18)
+ x = 0x80 | (n >> 12) & 0x3f
+ y = 0x80 | (n >> 6) & 0x3f
+ z = 0x80 | n & 0x3f
+ r = w << 24 | x << 16 | y << 8 | z
+ end
+ to_hex(r)
+def from_utf8_enc( n )
+ n = n.hex
+ r = 0
+ if n <= 0x7f
+ r = n
+ elsif n <= 0xdfff
+ y = (n >> 8) & 0x1f
+ z = n & 0x3f
+ r = y << 6 | z
+ elsif n <= 0xefffff
+ x = (n >> 16) & 0x0f
+ y = (n >> 8) & 0x3f
+ z = n & 0x3f
+ r = x << 10 | y << 6 | z
+ elsif n <= 0xf7ffffff
+ w = (n >> 24) & 0x07
+ x = (n >> 16) & 0x3f
+ y = (n >> 8) & 0x3f
+ z = n & 0x3f
+ r = w << 18 | x << 12 | y << 6 | z
+ end
+ r
+# Given a range, splits it up into ranges that can be continuously
+# encoded into utf8. Eg: 0x00 .. 0xff => [0x00..0x7f, 0x80..0xff]
+# This is not strictly needed since the current [5.1] unicode standard
+# doesn't have ranges that straddle utf8 boundaries. This is included
+# for completeness as there is no telling if that will ever change.
+def utf8_ranges( range )
+ ranges = []
+ UTF8_BOUNDARIES.each do |max|
+ if range.begin <= max
+ return ranges << range if range.end <= max
+ ranges << range.begin .. max
+ range = (max + 1) .. range.end
+ end
+ end
+ ranges
+def build_range( start, stop )
+ size = start.size/2
+ left = size - 1
+ return [""] if size < 1
+ a = start[0..1]
+ b = stop[0..1]
+ ###
+ # Shared prefix
+ if a == b
+ return build_range(start[2..-1], stop[2..-1]).map do |elt|
+ "0x#{a} " + elt
+ end
+ end
+ ###
+ # Unshared prefix, end of run
+ return ["0x#{a}..0x#{b} "] if
+ ###
+ # Unshared prefix, not end of run
+ # Range can be 0x123456..0x56789A
+ # Which is equivalent to:
+ # 0x123456 .. 0x12FFFF
+ # 0x130000 .. 0x55FFFF
+ # 0x560000 .. 0x56789A
+ ret = []
+ ret << build_range(start, a + "FF" * left)
+ ###
+ # Only generate middle range if need be.
+ if a.hex+1 != b.hex
+ max = to_hex(b.hex - 1)
+ max = "FF" if b == "FF"
+ ret << "0x#{to_hex(a.hex+1)}..0x#{max} " + "0x00..0xFF " * left
+ end
+ ###
+ # Don't generate last range if it is covered by first range
+ ret << build_range(b + "00" * left, stop) unless b == "FF"
+ ret.flatten!
+def to_utf8( range )
+ utf8_ranges( range ).map do |r|
+ build_range to_utf8_enc(r.begin), to_utf8_enc(r.end)
+ end.flatten!
+# Perform a 3-way comparison of the number of codepoints advertised by
+# the unicode spec for the given range, the originally parsed range,
+# and the resulting utf8 encoded range.
+def count_codepoints( code )
+ code.split(' ').inject(1) do |acc, elt|
+ if elt =~ /0x(.+)\.\.0x(.+)/
+ if @encoding == :utf8
+ acc * (from_utf8_enc($2) - from_utf8_enc($1) + 1)
+ else
+ acc * ($2.hex - $1.hex + 1)
+ end
+ else
+ acc
+ end
+ end
+def is_valid?( range, desc, codes )
+ spec_count = 1
+ spec_count = $1.to_i if desc =~ /\[(\d+)\]/
+ range_count = range.end - range.begin + 1
+ sum = codes.inject(0) { |acc, elt| acc + count_codepoints(elt) }
+ sum == spec_count and sum == range_count
+# Generate the state maching to stdout
+def generate_machine( name, property )
+ pipe = " "
+ puts " #{name} = "
+ each_alpha( CHART_URL, property ) do |range, desc|
+ codes = (@encoding == :ucs4) ? to_ucs4(range) : to_utf8(range)
+ raise "Invalid encoding of range #{range}: #{codes.inspect}" unless
+ is_valid? range, desc, codes
+ range_width = { |a| a.size }.max
+ range_width = RANGE_WIDTH if range_width < RANGE_WIDTH
+ desc_width = TOTAL_WIDTH - RANGE_WIDTH - 11
+ desc_width -= (range_width - RANGE_WIDTH) if range_width > RANGE_WIDTH
+ if desc.size > desc_width
+ desc = desc[0..desc_width - 4] + "..."
+ end
+ codes.each_with_index do |r, idx|
+ desc = "" unless
+ code = "%-#{range_width}s" % r
+ puts " #{pipe} #{code} ##{desc}"
+ pipe = "|"
+ end
+ end
+ puts " ;"
+ puts ""
+puts <<EOF
+# The following Ragel file was autogenerated with #{$0}
+# from: #{CHART_URL}
+# It defines ualpha, udigit, ualnum.
+# To use this, make sure that your alphtype is set to #{ALPHTYPES[@encoding]},
+# and that your input is in #{@encoding}.
+ machine WChar;
+generate_machine( :ualpha, "Alphabetic" )
+generate_machine( :ulower, "Lowercase" )
+generate_machine( :uupper, "Uppercase" )
+puts <<EOF
+ udigit = '0'..'9';
+ ualnum = ualpha | udigit;