path: root/ragel/ril.lm
diff options
authorAdrian Thurston <>2019-09-08 21:14:08 -0600
committerAdrian Thurston <>2019-09-08 21:14:08 -0600
commit01b426837b1aa72d3535ec0f27b13e43993311bc (patch)
tree2dec36611a823f80ee677bd649b0f04ce5d885ee /ragel/ril.lm
parent1058d1029a9a1dda7d6d4c4e07fc775bb1ae4cd0 (diff)
moved /ragel-repos/src to /ragel
This will be what we build after building colm.
Diffstat (limited to 'ragel/ril.lm')
1 files changed, 278 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/ragel/ril.lm b/ragel/ril.lm
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..5b764b81
--- /dev/null
+++ b/ragel/ril.lm
@@ -0,0 +1,278 @@
+namespace host
+ lex
+ rl NL / '\n' /
+ token escape
+ / '@' any /
+ literal `={ `}= `${ `}$ `@{ `}@
+ token host_any / any /
+ end
+ def tok
+ [`${ StmtList: stmt* `}$] :Stmt
+ | [`={ Expr: expr `}=] :Expr
+ | [escape] :Escape
+ | [host_any] :Any
+ rl NL / '\n' /
+ rl s_literal
+ / "'" ([^'\\\n] | '\\' (any | NL))* "'" /
+ rl d_literal
+ / '"' ([^"\\] | NL | '\\' (any | NL))* '"' /
+ rl c_comment
+ / '/*' ( any | NL )* :>> '*/' /
+ rl cpp_comment
+ / '//' [^\n]* NL /
+ literal `array `value `TRUE `FALSE
+ `while `switch `case
+ `if `else `offset `index
+ `goto `deref `entry `label `default
+ `host `cast `match `pat
+ literal `uint `const
+ `s8 `s16 `s32 `s64
+ `s128 `nil `export
+ `fallthrough `u `c `break `continue
+ token ident
+ /( alpha | '_' ) ( alpha | digit | '_' )*/
+ token uint
+ / digit+ /
+ token hex_number
+ / '0x' [0-9a-fA-F]+ /
+ ignore
+ / c_comment | cpp_comment /
+ token string
+ / s_literal | d_literal /
+ ignore / ( [ \t] | NL )+ /
+ literal `$ `{ `} `= `[ `]
+ `- `, `. `; `( `) `:
+ `? `* `+ `> `< `&
+ `~ `! `!= `== `<< `>>
+ `+= `&& `|| `<= `>=
+ `@ `-= `-> `={ `${ `@{
+def embedded_host
+ [`host `( string `, uint `) `={ TL: host::tok* host::`}=] :Expr
+| [`host `( string `, uint `) `${ TL: host::tok* host::`}$] :Stmt
+| [`host `( string `, uint `) `@{ TL: host::tok* host::`}@] :Bare
+def type
+ [ident] :Ident
+| [ident ident] :Ident2
+| [`uint] :Uint
+| [`s8] :S8
+| [`s16] :S16
+| [`s32] :S32
+| [`s64] :S64
+| [`s128] :S128
+def expr_factor
+ [embedded_host] :EmbeddedHost
+| [ident] :Ident
+| [ident `[ expr `]] :ArraySub
+| [ident `[ expr `] `. Field: ident] :ArraySubField
+| [`offset `( ident `, expr `)] :Offset
+| [`deref `( ident `, expr `)] :Deref
+| [number] :Number
+| [`TRUE] :True
+| [`FALSE] :False
+| [`nil] :Nil
+| [hex_number] :HexNumber
+| [string] :String
+| [embedded_host `-> expr_factor] :Access
+| [`( expr `)] :Paren
+| [`cast `( type `) expr_factor] :Cast
+def lvalue
+ [embedded_host]
+| [ident]
+| [ident `[ expr `]]
+| [ident `[ expr `] `. ident]
+| [embedded_host `-> lvalue]
+def expr_factor_op
+ [`! expr_factor_op]
+| [`~ expr_factor_op]
+| [expr_factor]
+def expr_bitwise
+ [expr_bitwise `& expr_factor_op]
+| [expr_factor_op]
+def expr_mult
+ [expr_mult `* expr_bitwise]
+| [expr_bitwise]
+def add_op
+ [`+] | [`-]
+def expr_add
+ [expr_add add_op expr_mult]
+| [expr_mult]
+def shift_op
+ [`<<] | [`>>]
+def expr_shift
+ [expr_shift shift_op expr_add]
+| [expr_add]
+def test_op
+ [`<] | [`>] | [`<=] | [`>=] |
+ [`==] | [`!=] | [`&&] | [`||]
+def expr_test
+ [expr_test test_op expr_shift]
+| [expr_shift]
+def expr
+ [expr_test]
+def sint
+ [uint]
+| [`- uint]
+def number
+ [`u `( uint `)] :Unsigned
+| [`c `( uint `)] :Char
+| [sint] :Number
+def comma_num
+ [`, number]
+def num_list
+ [number comma_num*]
+| []
+def static_array
+ [`array type ident `( number `, number `) `= `{ num_list `} `;]
+def static_value
+ [`value type ident `= number `;]
+def break_label
+ [ident `: `:]
+def while_stmt
+ [break_label? `while `( expr `) stmt]
+def else_if_clause
+ [`else `if `( expr `) stmt]
+def else_clause
+ [`else stmt]
+def if_stmt [
+ `if `( expr `) stmt
+ else_if_clause* else_clause?
+def match_stmt
+ [`match `( E: expr `) `{ P: pat_block* D: default_block? `}]
+def pat_block
+ [`pat expr `{ stmt* `}]
+def switch_stmt
+ [`switch `( expr `) `{ stmt* `}]
+def case_block
+ [`case expr `{ stmt* `}]
+def default_block
+ [`default `{ stmt* `}]
+def case_label
+ [`case expr `:]
+def goto_label
+ [ident `:]
+def opt_init
+ [`= expr]
+| []
+def opt_ptr
+ [`*]
+| []
+def opt_const
+ [`const]
+| []
+def declaration
+ [opt_const type ident opt_init `;]
+def index_stmt
+ [`index type ident opt_init`;]
+def export_stmt
+ [`export type ident number `;]
+def goto_stmt
+ Id: int
+ [`goto ident `;]
+def fallthrough
+ [`fallthrough `;]
+def break_stmt
+ [`break ident? `;]
+def continue_stmt
+ [`continue ident? `;]
+def block
+ [`{ StmtList: stmt* `}]
+def expr_stmt
+ [expr `;]
+def assign_op
+ [`=] | [`+=] | [`-=]
+def assign_stmt
+ [LValue: lvalue assign_op expr `;]
+def stmt
+ [embedded_host]
+| [static_array]
+| [static_value]
+| [declaration]
+| [index_stmt]
+| [export_stmt]
+| [assign_stmt]
+| [expr_stmt]
+| [while_stmt]
+| [if_stmt]
+| [match_stmt]
+| [switch_stmt]
+| [case_block]
+| [default_block]
+| [case_label]
+| [goto_label]
+| [goto_stmt]
+| [fallthrough]
+| [break_stmt]
+| [continue_stmt]
+| [block]
+def start
+ [stmt*]