path: root/src/lmscan.rl
diff options
authorAdrian Thurston <>2012-08-01 13:18:02 +0000
committerAdrian Thurston <>2012-08-01 13:18:02 +0000
commit6bc9727d3ac615090bf5086cae43d225d3fb552f (patch)
tree695c7894d54b8b9de40e4cf347063e99238b7b0a /src/lmscan.rl
parent39c9b4a6f1014cb30ee535d4f534d0dcc4fe5905 (diff)
revert "moved 'colm' dir to 'src'"
Colm includes a library component with headers installed to a private dir inside include: $prefix/include/colm. We need our headers to reference each other using this colm prefix. This needs to be true for compiling our source and also for compiling external programs. It is conventient to have all the source in a directory called colm and then to use -I <source-root> when building colm. We use $prefix/include when building external programs. This reverts commit 247904a84430b8c9151fa6afb68f01b60afb92c9.
Diffstat (limited to 'src/lmscan.rl')
1 files changed, 0 insertions, 636 deletions
diff --git a/src/lmscan.rl b/src/lmscan.rl
deleted file mode 100644
index d38df495..00000000
--- a/src/lmscan.rl
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,636 +0,0 @@
- * Copyright 2006-2012 Adrian Thurston <>
- */
-/* This file is part of Colm.
- *
- * Colm is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
- * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
- * the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
- * (at your option) any later version.
- *
- * Colm is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
- * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
- * GNU General Public License for more details.
- *
- * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
- * along with Colm; if not, write to the Free Software
- * Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA
- */
-#include <iostream>
-#include <fstream>
-#include <string.h>
-#include "global.h"
-#include "lmscan.h"
-#include "lmparse.h"
-#include "parsedata.h"
-#include "avltree.h"
-#include "vector.h"
-//#define PRINT_TOKENS
-using std::ifstream;
-using std::istream;
-using std::ostream;
-using std::cout;
-using std::cerr;
-using std::endl;
- machine section_parse;
- alphtype int;
- write data;
-void ColmScanner::sectionParseInit()
- %% write init;
-ostream &ColmScanner::scan_error()
- /* Maintain the error count. */
- gblErrorCount += 1;
- cerr << fileName << ":" << line << ":" << column << ": ";
- return cerr;
-bool ColmScanner::recursiveInclude( const char *inclFileName )
- for ( IncludeStack::Iter si = includeStack; si.lte(); si++ ) {
- if ( strcmp( si->fileName, inclFileName ) == 0 )
- return true;
- }
- return false;
-void ColmScanner::updateCol()
- char *from = lastnl;
- if ( from == 0 )
- from = ts;
- //cerr << "adding " << te - from << " to column" << endl;
- column += te - from;
- lastnl = 0;
-void ColmScanner::token( int type, char c )
- token( type, &c, &c + 1 );
-void ColmScanner::token( int type )
- token( type, 0, 0 );
-bool isAbsolutePath( const char *path )
- return path[0] == '/';
-ifstream *ColmScanner::tryOpenInclude( char **pathChecks, long &found )
- char **check = pathChecks;
- ifstream *inFile = new ifstream;
- while ( *check != 0 ) {
- inFile->open( *check );
- if ( inFile->is_open() ) {
- found = check - pathChecks;
- return inFile;
- }
- check += 1;
- }
- found = -1;
- delete inFile;
- return 0;
-char **ColmScanner::makeIncludePathChecks( const char *thisFileName, const char *fileName )
- char **checks = 0;
- long nextCheck = 0;
- char *data = strdup(fileName);
- long length = strlen(fileName);
- /* Absolute path? */
- if ( isAbsolutePath( data ) ) {
- checks = new char*[2];
- checks[nextCheck++] = data;
- }
- else {
- /* Search from the the location of the current file. */
- checks = new char *[2 + includePaths.length()];
- const char *lastSlash = strrchr( thisFileName, '/' );
- if ( lastSlash == 0 )
- checks[nextCheck++] = data;
- else {
- long givenPathLen = (lastSlash - thisFileName) + 1;
- long checklen = givenPathLen + length;
- char *check = new char[checklen+1];
- memcpy( check, thisFileName, givenPathLen );
- memcpy( check+givenPathLen, data, length );
- check[checklen] = 0;
- checks[nextCheck++] = check;
- }
- /* Search from the include paths given on the command line. */
- for ( ArgsVector::Iter incp = includePaths; incp.lte(); incp++ ) {
- long pathLen = strlen( *incp );
- long checkLen = pathLen + 1 + length;
- char *check = new char[checkLen+1];
- memcpy( check, *incp, pathLen );
- check[pathLen] = '/';
- memcpy( check+pathLen+1, data, length );
- check[checkLen] = 0;
- checks[nextCheck++] = check;
- }
- }
- checks[nextCheck] = 0;
- return checks;
- machine section_parse;
- import "lmparse.h";
- action clear_words { word = lit = 0; word_len = lit_len = 0; }
- action store_lit { lit = tokdata; lit_len = toklen; }
- action mach_err { scan_error() << "bad machine statement" << endl; }
- action incl_err { scan_error() << "bad include statement" << endl; }
- action write_err { scan_error() << "bad write statement" << endl; }
- action handle_include
- {
- String src( lit, lit_len );
- String fileName;
- bool unused;
- /* Need a location. */
- InputLoc here;
- here.fileName = fileName;
- here.line = line;
- here.col = column;
- prepareLitString( fileName, unused, src, here );
- char **checks = makeIncludePathChecks( this->fileName, fileName );
- /* Open the input file for reading. */
- long found = 0;
- ifstream *inFile = tryOpenInclude( checks, found );
- if ( inFile == 0 ) {
- scan_error() << "include: could not open " <<
- fileName << " for reading" << endl;
- }
- else {
- /* Only proceed with the include if it was found. */
- if ( recursiveInclude( checks[found] ) )
- scan_error() << "include: this is a recursive include operation" << endl;
- /* Check for a recursive include structure. Add the current file/section
- * name then check if what we are including is already in the stack. */
- includeStack.append( IncludeStackItem( checks[found] ) );
- ColmScanner *scanner = new ColmScanner( fileName, *inFile, output, parser, includeDepth+1 );
- scanner->scan();
- delete inFile;
- /* Remove the last element (len-1) */
- includeStack.remove( -1 );
- delete scanner;
- }
- }
- include_target =
- TK_Literal >clear_words @store_lit;
- include_stmt =
- ( KW_Include include_target ) @handle_include
- <>err incl_err <>eof incl_err;
- action handle_token
- {
-// cout << Parser_lelNames[type] << " ";
-// if ( start != 0 ) {
-// cout.write( start, end-start );
-// }
-// cout << endl;
- InputLoc loc;
- cerr << "scanner:" << line << ":" << column <<
- ": sending token to the parser " << Parser_lelNames[*p];
- cerr << " " << toklen;
- if ( tokdata != 0 )
- cerr << " " << tokdata;
- cerr << endl;
- #endif
- loc.fileName = fileName;
- loc.line = line;
- loc.col = column;
- if ( tokdata != 0 && tokdata[toklen-1] == '\n' )
- loc.line -= 1;
- parser->token( loc, type, tokdata, toklen );
- }
- # Catch everything else.
- everything_else = ^( KW_Include ) @handle_token;
- main := (
- include_stmt |
- everything_else
- )*;
-void ColmScanner::token( int type, char *start, char *end )
- char *tokdata = 0;
- int toklen = 0;
- int *p = &type;
- int *pe = &type + 1;
- int *eof = 0;
- if ( start != 0 ) {
- toklen = end-start;
- tokdata = new char[toklen+1];
- memcpy( tokdata, start, toklen );
- tokdata[toklen] = 0;
- }
- %%{
- machine section_parse;
- write exec;
- }%%
- updateCol();
-void ColmScanner::endSection( )
- /* Execute the eof actions for the section parser. */
- /* Probably use: token( -1 ); */
- machine lmscan;
- # This is sent by the driver code.
- EOF = 0;
- action inc_nl {
- lastnl = p;
- column = 0;
- line++;
- }
- NL = '\n' @inc_nl;
- # Identifiers, numbers, commetns, and other common things.
- ident = ( alpha | '_' ) ( alpha |digit |'_' )*;
- number = digit+;
- hex_number = '0x' [0-9a-fA-F]+;
- # These literal forms are common to C-like host code and ragel.
- s_literal = "'" ([^'\\] | NL | '\\' (any | NL))* "'";
- d_literal = '"' ([^"\\] | NL | '\\' (any | NL))* '"';
- whitespace = [ \t] | NL;
- pound_comment = '#' [^\n]* NL;
- or_literal := |*
- # Escape sequences in OR expressions.
- '\\0' => { token( TK_ReChar, '\0' ); };
- '\\a' => { token( TK_ReChar, '\a' ); };
- '\\b' => { token( TK_ReChar, '\b' ); };
- '\\t' => { token( TK_ReChar, '\t' ); };
- '\\n' => { token( TK_ReChar, '\n' ); };
- '\\v' => { token( TK_ReChar, '\v' ); };
- '\\f' => { token( TK_ReChar, '\f' ); };
- '\\r' => { token( TK_ReChar, '\r' ); };
- '\\\n' => { updateCol(); };
- '\\' any => { token( TK_ReChar, ts+1, te ); };
- # Range dash in an OR expression.
- '-' => { token( TK_Dash, 0, 0 ); };
- # Terminate an OR expression.
- ']' => { token( TK_SqClose ); fret; };
- EOF => {
- scan_error() << "unterminated OR literal" << endl;
- };
- # Characters in an OR expression.
- [^\]] => { token( TK_ReChar, ts, te ); };
- *|;
- regular_type := |*
- # Identifiers.
- ident => { token( TK_Word, ts, te ); } ;
- # Numbers
- number => { token( TK_UInt, ts, te ); };
- hex_number => { token( TK_Hex, ts, te ); };
- # Literals, with optionals.
- ( s_literal | d_literal ) [i]?
- => { token( TK_Literal, ts, te ); };
- '[' => { token( TK_SqOpen ); fcall or_literal; };
- '[^' => { token( TK_SqOpenNeg ); fcall or_literal; };
- '/' => { token( '/'); fret; };
- # Ignore.
- pound_comment => { updateCol(); };
- '..' => { token( TK_DotDot ); };
- '**' => { token( TK_StarStar ); };
- '--' => { token( TK_DashDash ); };
- ':>' => { token( TK_ColonGt ); };
- ':>>' => { token( TK_ColonGtGt ); };
- '<:' => { token( TK_LtColon ); };
- # Whitespace other than newline.
- [ \t\r]+ => { updateCol(); };
- # If we are in a single line machine then newline may end the spec.
- NL => { updateCol(); };
- # Consume eof.
- EOF;
- any => { token( *ts ); } ;
- *|;
- literal_pattern := |*
- '\\' '0' { litBuf.append( '\0' ); };
- '\\' 'a' { litBuf.append( '\a' ); };
- '\\' 'b' { litBuf.append( '\b' ); };
- '\\' 't' { litBuf.append( '\t' ); };
- '\\' 'n' { litBuf.append( '\n' ); };
- '\\' 'v' { litBuf.append( '\v' ); };
- '\\' 'f' { litBuf.append( '\f' ); };
- '\\' 'r' { litBuf.append( '\r' ); };
- '\\' any {
- litBuf.append( ts[1] );
- };
- '"' => {
- if ( litBuf.length > 0 ) {
- token( TK_LitPat,, );
- litBuf.clear();
- }
- token( '"' );
- fret;
- };
- NL => {
- litBuf.append( '\n' );
- token( TK_LitPat,, );
- litBuf.clear();
- token( '"' );
- fret;
- };
- '[' => {
- if ( litBuf.length > 0 ) {
- token( TK_LitPat,, );
- litBuf.clear();
- }
- token( '[' );
- fcall main;
- };
- any => {
- litBuf.append( *ts );
- };
- *|;
- # Parser definitions.
- main := |*
- 'lex' => { token( KW_Lex ); };
- 'commit' => { token( KW_Commit ); };
- 'token' => { token( KW_Token ); };
- 'literal' => { token( KW_Literal ); };
- 'rl' => { token( KW_Rl ); };
- 'def' => { token( KW_Def ); };
- 'ignore' => { token( KW_Ignore ); };
- 'construct' => { token( KW_Construct ); };
- 'cons' => { token( KW_Construct ); };
- 'new' => { token( KW_New ); };
- 'if' => { token( KW_If ); };
- 'reject' => { token( KW_Reject ); };
- 'while' => { token( KW_While ); };
- 'else' => { token( KW_Else ); };
- 'elsif' => { token( KW_Elsif ); };
- 'match' => { token( KW_Match ); };
- 'for' => { token( KW_For ); };
- 'iter' => { token( KW_Iter ); };
- 'prints' => { token( KW_PrintStream ); };
- 'print' => { token( KW_Print ); };
- 'print_xml_ac' => { token( KW_PrintXMLAC ); };
- 'print_xml' => { token( KW_PrintXML ); };
- 'namespace' => { token( KW_Namespace ); };
- 'lex' => { token( KW_Lex ); };
- 'map' => { token( KW_Map ); };
- 'list' => { token( KW_List ); };
- 'vector' => { token( KW_Vector ); };
- 'accum' => { token( KW_Parser ); };
- 'parser' => { token( KW_Parser ); };
- 'return' => { token( KW_Return ); };
- 'break' => { token( KW_Break ); };
- 'yield' => { token( KW_Yield ); };
- 'typeid' => { token( KW_TypeId ); };
- 'make_token' => { token( KW_MakeToken ); };
- 'make_tree' => { token( KW_MakeTree ); };
- 'reducefirst' => { token( KW_ReduceFirst ); };
- 'for' => { token( KW_For ); };
- 'in' => { token( KW_In ); };
- 'nil' => { token( KW_Nil ); };
- 'true' => { token( KW_True ); };
- 'false' => { token( KW_False ); };
- 'parse' => { token( KW_Parse ); };
- 'parse_stop' => { token( KW_ParseStop ); };
- 'global' => { token( KW_Global ); };
- 'export' => { token( KW_Export ); };
- 'ptr' => { token( KW_Ptr ); };
- 'ref' => { token( KW_Ref ); };
- 'deref' => { token( KW_Deref ); };
- 'require' => { token( KW_Require ); };
- 'preeof' => { token( KW_Preeof ); };
- 'left' => { token( KW_Left ); };
- 'right' => { token( KW_Right ); };
- 'nonassoc' => { token( KW_Nonassoc ); };
- 'prec' => { token( KW_Prec ); };
- 'include' => { token( KW_Include ); };
- 'context' => { token( KW_Context ); };
- 'alias' => { token( KW_Alias ); };
- 'send' => { token( KW_Send ); };
- 'ni' => { token( KW_Ni ); };
- 'ci' => { token( KW_Ci ); };
- # Identifiers.
- ident => { token( TK_Word, ts, te ); } ;
- number => { token( TK_Number, ts, te ); };
- '/' => {
- token( '/' );
- if ( parser->enterRl )
- fcall regular_type;
- };
- "~" [^\n]* NL => {
- token( '"' );
- token( TK_LitPat, ts+1, te );
- token( '"' );
- };
- "'" ([^'\\\n] | '\\' (any | NL))* ( "'" | NL ) => {
- token( TK_Literal, ts, te );
- };
- '"' => {
- token( '"' );
- litBuf.clear();
- fcall literal_pattern;
- };
- '[' => {
- token( '[' );
- fcall main;
- };
- ']' => {
- token( ']' );
- if ( top > 0 )
- fret;
- };
- # Ignore.
- pound_comment => { updateCol(); };
- '=>' => { token( TK_DoubleArrow ); };
- '==' => { token( TK_DoubleEql ); };
- '!=' => { token( TK_NotEql ); };
- '::' => { token( TK_DoubleColon ); };
- '<=' => { token( TK_LessEql ); };
- '>=' => { token( TK_GrtrEql ); };
- '->' => { token( TK_RightArrow ); };
- '&&' => { token( TK_AmpAmp ); };
- '||' => { token( TK_BarBar ); };
- '<<' => { token( TK_LtLt ); };
- ( '+' | '-' | '*' | '/' | '(' | ')' | '@' | '$' | '^' ) => { token( *ts ); };
- # Whitespace other than newline.
- [ \t\r]+ => { updateCol(); };
- NL => { updateCol(); };
- # Consume eof.
- EOF;
- any => { token( *ts ); } ;
- *|;
-%% write data;
-void ColmScanner::scan()
- int bufsize = 8;
- char *buf = new char[bufsize];
- const char last_char = 0;
- int cs, act, have = 0;
- int top, stack[32];
- bool execute = true;
- sectionParseInit();
- %% write init;
- while ( execute ) {
- char *p = buf + have;
- int space = bufsize - have;
- if ( space == 0 ) {
- /* We filled up the buffer trying to scan a token. Grow it. */
- bufsize = bufsize * 2;
- char *newbuf = new char[bufsize];
- /* Recompute p and space. */
- p = newbuf + have;
- space = bufsize - have;
- /* Patch up pointers possibly in use. */
- if ( ts != 0 )
- ts = newbuf + ( ts - buf );
- te = newbuf + ( te - buf );
- /* Copy the new buffer in. */
- memcpy( newbuf, buf, have );
- delete[] buf;
- buf = newbuf;
- }
- p, space );
- int len = input.gcount();
- /* If we see eof then append the EOF char. */
- if ( len == 0 ) {
- p[0] = last_char, len = 1;
- execute = false;
- }
- char *pe = p + len;
- char *eof = 0;
- %% write exec;
- /* Check if we failed. */
- if ( cs == lmscan_error ) {
- /* Machine failed before finding a token. I'm not yet sure if this
- * is reachable. */
- scan_error() << "colm scanner error (metalanguage)" << endl;
- exit(1);
- }
- /* Decide if we need to preserve anything. */
- char *preserve = ts;
- /* Now set up the prefix. */
- if ( preserve == 0 )
- have = 0;
- else {
- /* There is data that needs to be shifted over. */
- have = pe - preserve;
- memmove( buf, preserve, have );
- unsigned int shiftback = preserve - buf;
- if ( ts != 0 )
- ts -= shiftback;
- te -= shiftback;
- preserve = buf;
- }
- }
- delete[] buf;
-void ColmScanner::eof()
- InputLoc loc;
- loc.fileName = "<EOF>";
- loc.line = line;
- loc.col = 1;
- parser->token( loc, ColmParser_tk_eof, 0, 0 );