path: root/test/ragel.d/cppscan2.rl
diff options
authorAdrian Thurston <>2020-03-08 23:29:57 +0200
committerAdrian Thurston <>2020-03-08 23:53:25 +0200
commit78e7949ca590b273c2c152a0abe0d51e590a52fd (patch)
treec253c852aec77af8a04c24d921d8657ff29c4101 /test/ragel.d/cppscan2.rl
parent5718c319424a21b64e1b50dbb6aae644715b9e85 (diff)
remove the ragel tests, export runtests for use by ragel
Diffstat (limited to 'test/ragel.d/cppscan2.rl')
1 files changed, 0 insertions, 403 deletions
diff --git a/test/ragel.d/cppscan2.rl b/test/ragel.d/cppscan2.rl
deleted file mode 100644
index 0c29a792..00000000
--- a/test/ragel.d/cppscan2.rl
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,403 +0,0 @@
- * @LANG: c++
- */
-#include <iostream>
-#include <string.h>
-using namespace std;
-#define TK_Dlit 192
-#define TK_Slit 193
-#define TK_Float 194
-#define TK_Id 195
-#define TK_NameSep 197
-#define TK_Arrow 211
-#define TK_PlusPlus 212
-#define TK_MinusMinus 213
-#define TK_ArrowStar 214
-#define TK_DotStar 215
-#define TK_ShiftLeft 216
-#define TK_ShiftRight 217
-#define TK_IntegerDecimal 218
-#define TK_IntegerOctal 219
-#define TK_IntegerHex 220
-#define TK_EqualsEquals 223
-#define TK_NotEquals 224
-#define TK_AndAnd 225
-#define TK_OrOr 226
-#define TK_MultAssign 227
-#define TK_DivAssign 228
-#define TK_PercentAssign 229
-#define TK_PlusAssign 230
-#define TK_MinusAssign 231
-#define TK_AmpAssign 232
-#define TK_CaretAssign 233
-#define TK_BarAssign 234
-#define TK_DotDotDot 240
-#define TK_Whitespace 241
-#define TK_Comment 242
-#define BUFSIZE 4096
-int tok;
-char buf[BUFSIZE];
-const char *ts, *te;
-void token( const char *data, int len );
-bool discard = false;
-struct Scanner
- int cs;
- // Initialize the machine. Invokes any init statement blocks. Returns 0
- // if the machine begins in a non-accepting state and 1 if the machine
- // begins in an accepting state.
- int init( );
- // Execute the machine on a block of data. Returns -1 if after processing
- // the data, the machine is in the error state and can never accept, 0 if
- // the machine is in a non-accepting state and 1 if the machine is in an
- // accepting state.
- int execute( const char *data, int len );
- // Indicate that there is no more data. Returns -1 if the machine finishes
- // in the error state and does not accept, 0 if the machine finishes
- // in any other non-accepting state and 1 if the machine finishes in an
- // accepting state.
- int finish( );
- machine Scanner;
- # Single and double literals.
- slit = ( 'L'? "'" ( [^'\\\n] | /\\./ )* "'" ) @{tok = TK_Slit;};
- dlit = ( 'L'? '"' ( [^"\\\n] | /\\./ )* '"' ) @{tok = TK_Dlit;};
- # Identifiers
- id = ( [a-zA-Z_] [a-zA-Z0-9_]* ) @{tok = TK_Id;};
- # Floating literals.
- fract_const = digit* '.' digit+ | digit+ '.';
- exponent = [eE] [+\-]? digit+;
- float_suffix = [flFL];
- float =
- ( fract_const exponent? float_suffix? |
- digit+ exponent float_suffix? ) @{tok = TK_Float;};
- # Integer decimal. Leading part buffered by float.
- integer_decimal = ( ( '0' | [1-9] [0-9]* ) [ulUL]{0,3} ) @{tok = TK_IntegerDecimal;};
- # Integer octal. Leading part buffered by float.
- integer_octal = ( '0' [0-9]+ [ulUL]{0,2} ) @{tok = TK_IntegerOctal;};
- # Integer hex. Leading 0 buffered by float.
- integer_hex = ( '0' ( 'x' [0-9a-fA-F]+ [ulUL]{0,2} ) ) @{tok = TK_IntegerHex;};
- # Only buffer the second item, first buffered by symbol. */
- namesep = '::' @{tok = TK_NameSep;};
- deqs = '==' @{tok = TK_EqualsEquals;};
- neqs = '!=' @{tok = TK_NotEquals;};
- and_and = '&&' @{tok = TK_AndAnd;};
- or_or = '||' @{tok = TK_OrOr;};
- mult_assign = '*=' @{tok = TK_MultAssign;};
- div_assign = '/=' @{tok = TK_DivAssign;};
- percent_assign = '%=' @{tok = TK_PercentAssign;};
- plus_assign = '+=' @{tok = TK_PlusAssign;};
- minus_assign = '-=' @{tok = TK_MinusAssign;};
- amp_assign = '&=' @{tok = TK_AmpAssign;};
- caret_assign = '^=' @{tok = TK_CaretAssign;};
- bar_assign = '|=' @{tok = TK_BarAssign;};
- plus_plus = '++' @{tok = TK_PlusPlus;};
- minus_minus = '--' @{tok = TK_MinusMinus;};
- arrow = '->' @{tok = TK_Arrow;};
- arrow_star = '->*' @{tok = TK_ArrowStar;};
- dot_star = '.*' @{tok = TK_DotStar;};
- # Three char compounds, first item already buffered. */
- dot_dot_dot = '...' @{tok = TK_DotDotDot;};
- # All compunds
- compound = namesep | deqs | neqs | and_and | or_or | mult_assign |
- div_assign | percent_assign | plus_assign | minus_assign |
- amp_assign | caret_assign | bar_assign | plus_plus | minus_minus |
- arrow | arrow_star | dot_star | dot_dot_dot;
- # Single char symbols.
- symbol = ( punct - [_"'] ) @{tok = fc;};
- action discard {
- discard = true;
- }
- # Comments and whitespace.
- commc = '/*' @discard ( any* $0 '*/' @1 ) @{tok = TK_Comment;};
- commcc = '//' @discard ( any* $0 '\n' @1 ) @{tok = TK_Comment;};
- whitespace = ( any - 33..126 )+ >discard @{tok = TK_Whitespace;};
- # All outside code tokens.
- tokens = (
- id | slit | dlit | float | integer_decimal |
- integer_octal | integer_hex | compound | symbol |
- commc | commcc | whitespace );
- action onError {
- if ( tok != 0 ) {
- const char *rst_data;
- if ( tok == TK_Comment || tok == TK_Whitespace ) {
- /* Reset comment status, don't send. */
- discard = false;
- /* Restart right at the error point if consuming whitespace or
- * a comment. Consume may have spanned multiple buffers. */
- rst_data = fpc;
- }
- else {
- /* Send the token. */
- token( ts, te - ts + 1 );
- /* Restart right after the token. */
- rst_data = te+1;
- }
- ts = 0;
- fexec rst_data;
- fgoto main;
- }
- }
- main := tokens >{ts=fpc;} @{te=fpc;} $!onError;
-%% write data;
-int Scanner::init( )
- tok = 0;
- ts = 0;
- te = 0;
- %% write init;
- return 1;
-int Scanner::execute( const char *data, int len )
- const char *p = data;
- const char *pe = data + len;
- const char *eof = pe;
- %% write exec;
- if ( cs == Scanner_error )
- return -1;
- if ( cs >= Scanner_first_final )
- return 1;
- return 0;
-int Scanner::finish( )
- if ( cs == Scanner_error )
- return -1;
- if ( cs >= Scanner_first_final )
- return 1;
- return 0;
-void token( const char *data, int len )
- cout << "<" << tok << "> ";
- for ( int i = 0; i < len; i++ )
- cout << data[i];
- cout << '\n';
-void test( const char * data )
- Scanner scanner;
- scanner.init();
- scanner.execute( data, strlen(data) );
- scanner.finish();
- if ( tok != 0 && tok != TK_Comment && tok != TK_Whitespace )
- token( ts, te - ts + 1 );
-int main()
- test(
- "/*\n"
- " * Copyright \n"
- " */\n"
- "\n"
- "\n"
- "/* Move ranges to the singles list. */\n"
- "void RedFsmAp::move( RedStateAp *state )\n"
- "{\n"
- " RedTranst &range = state->outRange;\n"
- " for ( int rpos = 0; rpos < range.length(); ) {\n"
- " if ( can( range, rpos ) ) {\n"
- " while ( range[rpos].value != range[rpos+1].value ) {\n"
- " single.append( range[rpos+1] );\n"
- " }\n"
- " \n"
- " range[rpos].highKey = range[rpos+1].highKey;\n"
- " }\n"
- " else if ( keyOps->span( range[rpos].lowKey, range[rpos].highKey ) == 1 ) {\n"
- " single.append( range[rpos] );\n"
- " }\n"
- " }\n"
- "}\n"
- "\n" );
- test(
- "->*\n"
- ".*\n"
- "/*\"*/\n"
- "\"/*\"\n"
- "L'\"'\n"
- "L\"'\"\n"
- "...\n" );
-##### OUTPUT #####
-<195> void
-<195> RedFsmAp
-<197> ::
-<195> move
-<40> (
-<195> RedStateAp
-<42> *
-<195> state
-<41> )
-<123> {
-<195> RedTranst
-<38> &
-<195> range
-<61> =
-<195> state
-<211> ->
-<195> outRange
-<59> ;
-<195> for
-<40> (
-<195> int
-<195> rpos
-<61> =
-<218> 0
-<59> ;
-<195> rpos
-<60> <
-<195> range
-<46> .
-<195> length
-<40> (
-<41> )
-<59> ;
-<41> )
-<123> {
-<195> if
-<40> (
-<195> can
-<40> (
-<195> range
-<44> ,
-<195> rpos
-<41> )
-<41> )
-<123> {
-<195> while
-<40> (
-<195> range
-<91> [
-<195> rpos
-<93> ]
-<46> .
-<195> value
-<224> !=
-<195> range
-<91> [
-<195> rpos
-<43> +
-<218> 1
-<93> ]
-<46> .
-<195> value
-<41> )
-<123> {
-<195> single
-<46> .
-<195> append
-<40> (
-<195> range
-<91> [
-<195> rpos
-<43> +
-<218> 1
-<93> ]
-<41> )
-<59> ;
-<125> }
-<195> range
-<91> [
-<195> rpos
-<93> ]
-<46> .
-<195> highKey
-<61> =
-<195> range
-<91> [
-<195> rpos
-<43> +
-<218> 1
-<93> ]
-<46> .
-<195> highKey
-<59> ;
-<125> }
-<195> else
-<195> if
-<40> (
-<195> keyOps
-<211> ->
-<195> span
-<40> (
-<195> range
-<91> [
-<195> rpos
-<93> ]
-<46> .
-<195> lowKey
-<44> ,
-<195> range
-<91> [
-<195> rpos
-<93> ]
-<46> .
-<195> highKey
-<41> )
-<223> ==
-<218> 1
-<41> )
-<123> {
-<195> single
-<46> .
-<195> append
-<40> (
-<195> range
-<91> [
-<195> rpos
-<93> ]
-<41> )
-<59> ;
-<125> }
-<125> }
-<125> }
-<214> ->*
-<215> .*
-<192> "/*"
-<193> L'"'
-<192> L"'"
-<240> ...