path: root/grammar/rust.lm
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Diffstat (limited to 'grammar/rust.lm')
1 files changed, 323 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/grammar/rust.lm b/grammar/rust.lm
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..929a9a98
--- /dev/null
+++ b/grammar/rust.lm
@@ -0,0 +1,323 @@
+ literal `fn `use `let `mut `if `struct `for `in
+ literal `; `:: `( `) `{ `} `. `,
+ literal `[ `] `:
+ literal `->
+ literal `< `>
+ literal `?
+ literal `- `+ `/ `* `% `! `&mut
+ literal `^ `| `&
+ literal `>> `<<
+ literal `== `!= `>= `<=
+ literal `|| `&&
+ literal `.. `..=
+ literal `=
+ literal `+= `-= `*= `/= `%= `&= `|= `^= `<<= `>>=
+ token id /[A-Za-z_] [A-Za-z_0-9]*/
+ token string /'"' ( [^\"] | '\\' any )* '"'/
+ token number /[0-9]+/
+ ignore /'//' [^\n]* '\n'/
+ ignore /[ \t\n]+/
+# Use statments
+def use_stmt
+ [`use qual_id `;]
+# Function declaration
+def opt_return
+ []
+| [ `-> type]
+def fn_stmt
+ [`fn id `( field_list `) opt_return `{ stmt_list `} ]
+def qual_tail
+ [qual_tail `:: id]
+| []
+def qual_id
+ [id qual_tail]
+def opt_type_params
+ [`< type_list `>]
+| []
+def type_id
+ [id opt_type_params]
+def type_qual_tail
+ [type_qual_tail `:: type_id]
+| []
+def type_qual_id
+ [type_id type_qual_tail]
+def type
+ [type_qual_id]
+| [`& type_qual_id]
+| [`&mut type_qual_id]
+| [`( `)]
+def type_list
+ [type_list `, type]
+| [type]
+def opt_mut
+ [`mut]
+| []
+def opt_type
+ [`: type]
+| []
+def let_rvalue
+ [expr]
+| [`{ stmt_list `}]
+def let_stmt
+ [`let opt_mut id opt_type `= let_rvalue]
+def expr_tail
+ [expr_tail `, expr]
+| []
+def expr_list
+ [expr expr_tail]
+| []
+def _construct
+ [id `: expr]
+def cons_plus
+ [cons_plus `, _construct]
+| [_construct]
+def cons_list
+ [cons_plus]
+| []
+# Expression
+# Doesn't really belong in expressions. Macros are a whole pass before. Here
+# for now.
+def opt_macro
+ [`!]
+| []
+def paths
+ [qual_id]
+| [string]
+| [number]
+| [id `{ cons_list `}]
+| [ `[ number `; number `]]
+| [`( `)]
+def func_index
+ [func_index `. qual_id `( expr_list `)]
+| [func_index `. id]
+| [func_index opt_macro `( expr_list `)]
+| [func_index opt_macro `[ expr_list `]]
+| [paths]
+def question
+ [question `?]
+| [func_index]
+def unary
+ [question]
+| [`- unary]
+| [`* unary]
+| [`! unary]
+| [`& unary]
+| [`&mut unary]
+| [`mut unary]
+def as
+ [unary]
+def mult
+ [mult `* as]
+| [mult `/ as]
+| [mult `% as]
+| [as]
+def add_sub
+ [add_sub `- mult]
+| [add_sub `+ mult]
+| [mult]
+def shift
+ [shift `>> add_sub]
+| [shift `<< add_sub]
+| [add_sub]
+def bitwise_and
+ [bitwise_and `& shift]
+| [shift]
+def bitwise_xor
+ [bitwise_and `^ shift]
+| [bitwise_and]
+def bitwise_or
+ [bitwise_and `| shift]
+| [bitwise_xor]
+def comp_op
+ [`==] | [`!=]
+| [`>] | [`<]
+| [`>=] | [`<=]
+def comparison
+ [comparison comp_op bitwise_or]
+| [bitwise_or]
+def lazy_conjunction
+ [lazy_conjunction `&& comparison]
+| [comparison]
+def lazy_disjunction
+ [lazy_disjunction `|| lazy_conjunction]
+| [lazy_conjunction]
+def range_expression
+ [range_expression `.. lazy_disjunction]
+| [lazy_disjunction `..]
+| [`.. lazy_disjunction]
+| [`..]
+| [range_expression `..= lazy_disjunction]
+| [`..= lazy_disjunction]
+| [lazy_disjunction]
+# Evaluates right to left.
+def assignment_expression
+ [range_expression `= assignment_expression]
+| [range_expression]
+def compound_op
+ [`+=] | [`-=] | [`*=] | [`/=] | [`%=]
+| [`&=] | [`|=] | [`^=] | [`<<=] | [`>>=]
+# Evaluates right to left.
+def compound_expression
+ [assignment_expression compound_op compound_expression]
+| [assignment_expression]
+def expr
+ [compound_expression `? ?]
+def expr_stmt
+ [expr]
+def assignment_stmt
+ [expr `= expr]
+# list of statement types
+def semi_seq
+ [`; +]
+def stmt_plus
+ [stmt semi_seq stmt_plus]
+| [ctrl_flow stmt_plus]
+| [stmt]
+| [ctrl_flow]
+def stmt_list
+ [stmt_plus]
+| [stmt_plus semi_seq]
+| []
+def if_stmt
+ [`if `let expr `= expr `{ stmt_list `} ]
+| [`if expr `{ stmt_list `} ]
+def field
+ [id `: type]
+def field_plus
+ [field_plus `, field]
+| [field]
+def field_list
+ [field_plus]
+| []
+def struct_def
+ [`struct id `{ field_list `}]
+def decl
+ [fn_stmt]
+| [struct_def]
+| [use_stmt]
+def stmt
+ [expr_stmt]
+| [let_stmt]
+def ctrl_flow
+ [if_stmt]
+| [`{ stmt_list `}]
+| [`for id `in expr `{ stmt_list `}]
+def program
+ [decl*]
+parse P: program [stdin]
+if P {
+ print [ P ]
+ for FN: fn_stmt in P {
+ for CE: compound_expression in FN {
+ if match CE [assignment_expression compound_op compound_expression]
+ print "compound expression: [CE]
+ }
+ for AE: assignment_expression in FN {
+ if match AE [range_expression `= assignment_expression]
+ print "assignment expression: [AE]
+ }
+ for RE: range_expression in FN {
+ if !match RE [lazy_disjunction]
+ print "range expression: [RE]
+ }
+ for LD: lazy_disjunction in FN {
+ if !match LD [lazy_conjunction]
+ print "lazy disjunction: [LD]
+ }
+ for LC: lazy_conjunction in FN {
+ if !match LC [comparison]
+ print "lazy conjunction: [LC]
+ }
+ for C: comparison in FN {
+ if !match C [bitwise_or]
+ print "comparison: [C]
+ }
+ }
+else {
+ send stderr "failed to parse input [error]
+ exit(1)