path: root/test/ragel.d/trans-asm.lm
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'test/ragel.d/trans-asm.lm')
1 files changed, 0 insertions, 647 deletions
diff --git a/test/ragel.d/trans-asm.lm b/test/ragel.d/trans-asm.lm
deleted file mode 100644
index 4c1ad188..00000000
--- a/test/ragel.d/trans-asm.lm
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,647 +0,0 @@
-global Label: int = 1
-int rw_asm_factor( Factor: indep::factor )
- switch Factor
- #if match Factor [`first_token_char]
- #{
- # send Out "ts\[0\]"
- #}
- #else if match Factor [tk_ident `[ expr `]]
- #{
- # send Out
- # "[$Factor.tk_ident]\[ [rw_c_expr(Factor.expr)] \]
- #}
- #else if match Factor [tk_ident `( expr `)]
- #{
- # send Out
- # "[$Factor.tk_ident]( [rw_c_expr(Factor.expr)] )
- #}
- case [`< type `> `( expr `)] {
- rw_asm_expr( Factor.expr )
- }
- case [`( expr `)] {
- rw_asm_expr( Factor.expr )
- }
- case ['true'] {
- send Out
- " movq $1, %rax
- " pushq %rax
- }
- case ['false'] {
- send Out
- " movq $0, %rax
- " pushq %rax
- }
- case [`fentry `( E: expr `)] {
- send Out
- " movq $fentry([E]), %rax
- " pushq %rax
- }
- case [`fc] {
- send Out
- " movsbq (%r12), %rax
- " pushq %rax
- }
- case [`fcurs] {
- send Out
- " fcurs;
- " pushq %rax
- }
- case [`ftargs] {
- send Out
- " ftargs;
- " pushq %rax
- }
- case ["p"] {
- send Out
- " pushq %r12
- }
- case ["te"] {
- send Out
- " movq -24(%rbp), %rax
- " pushq %rax
- }
- case [Ident: tk_ident] {
- send Out
- " movq [Ident](%rip), %rax
- " pushq %rax
- }
- case [Number: tk_number] {
- send Out
- " movq $[Number], %rax
- " pushq %rax
- }
- case [`- Number: tk_number] {
- send Out
- " movq $-[Number], %rax
- " pushq %rax
- }
- case "'0'" {
- send Out
- " movq $48, %rax
- " pushq %rax
- }
- case "'a'" {
- send Out
- " movq $97, %rax
- " pushq %rax
- }
- case [String: string] {
- send Out
- " .section .rodata
- "[Label]:
- " .string [String]
- " .text
- " movq $[Label]b, %rax
- " pushq %rax
- Label = Label + 1
- }
- case [`buffer] {
- send Out
- " movq $buf, %rax
- " pushq %rax
- }
- case [`blen] {
- send Out
- " movq bpos(%rip), %rax
- " pushq %rax
- }
- case [`first_token_char]
- {
- # Tokstart: -16
- send Out
- " movq -16(%rbp), %rax
- " movsbq (%rax), %rcx
- " pushq %rcx
- }
- default {
- send Out
- "[Factor]
- }
- #else
- #{
- # send Out [$Factor]
- #}
-void rw_asm_abs_expr( Expr: indep::abs_expr )
- if ( Expr.Op ) {
- rw_asm_abs_expr( Expr.E1 )
- rw_asm_abs_expr( Expr.E2 )
- send Out
- " popq %rcx
- " popq %rax
- switch Expr.Op
- case [`+] {
- send Out
- " addq %rcx, %rax
- }
- case [`-] {
- send Out
- " subq %rcx, %rax
- }
- case [`*] {
- send Out
- " imul %rcx, %rax
- }
- case [`==] {
- send Out
- " cmp %rcx, %rax
- " sete %al
- " movsbq %al, %rax
- }
- case [`!=] {
- send Out
- " cmp %rcx, %rax
- " setne %al
- " movsbq %al, %rax
- }
- case [`>=] {
- send Out
- " cmp %rcx, %rax
- " setge %al
- " movsbq %al, %rax
- }
- case [`>] {
- send Out
- " cmp %rcx, %rax
- " setg %al
- " movsbq %al, %rax
- }
- case [`<=] {
- send Out
- " cmp %rax, %rcx
- " setge %al
- " movsbq %al, %rax
- }
- case [`<] {
- send Out
- " cmp %rax, %rcx
- " setg %al
- " movsbq %al, %rax
- }
- send Out
- " pushq %rax
- }
- else {
- rw_asm_factor( Expr.factor )
- }
-void rw_asm_expr( Expr: indep::expr )
- AbsExpr: indep::abs_expr = indep::abs_comparative( Expr.comparative )
- rw_asm_abs_expr( AbsExpr )
-int rw_asm_print_stmt( Stmt: indep::print_stmt )
- switch Stmt
- case [`print_int expr `;] {
- rw_asm_expr( Stmt.expr )
- send Out
- " movq $.L_fmt_int, %rdi
- " popq %rsi
- " movq $0, %rax
- " call printf
- }
- case [`print_buf `;] {
- #send Out
- # "fwrite( [rw_c_expr(E1)], 1, [rw_c_expr(E2)], stdout );"
- }
- case [`print_str expr `;] {
- rw_asm_expr( Stmt.expr )
- send Out
- " movq $.L_fmt_str, %rdi
- " popq %rsi
- " movq $0, %rax
- " call printf
- }
- case [`print_token `;] {
- L1: int = Label
- Label = Label + 1
- L2: int = Label
- Label = Label + 1
- send Out
- " movq -16(%rbp), %rax # ts
- " movq -24(%rbp), %rcx # te
- " subq %rax, %rcx # length
- "[L1]:
- " cmp $0, %rcx
- " je [L2]f
- " movsbl (%rax), %edi
- " push %rax
- " push %rcx
- " call putchar
- " pop %rcx
- " pop %rax
- " addq $1, %rax
- " subq $1, %rcx
- " jmp [L1]b
- "[L2]:
- "
- }
- case [`print_off `;] {
- send Out
- " movq %r12, %rax
- " movq -112(%rbp), %rcx
- " subq %rcx, %rax
- " movq $.L_fmt_int, %rdi
- " movq %rax, %rsi
- " movq $0, %rax
- " call printf
- }
-int rw_asm_expr_stmt( ExprStmt: indep::expr_stmt )
- switch ExprStmt
- case [tk_ident opt_sub `= expr `;]
- {
- rw_asm_expr( ExprStmt.expr )
- send Out
- " popq %rax
- " movq %rax, [ExprStmt.tk_ident](%rip)
- }
- case [expr `;]
- {
- rw_asm_expr( ExprStmt.expr )
- send Out
- " popq %rax
- }
-int rw_asm_if_stmt( IfStmt: indep::if_stmt )
- L1: int = Label
- Label = Label + 1
- L2: int = Label
- Label = Label + 1
- rw_asm_expr( IfStmt.expr )
- send Out
- " popq %rax
- " test %rax, %rax
- " jz [L1]f
- rw_asm_stmt_list( IfStmt._repeat_stmt )
- if ( IfStmt.opt_else._repeat_stmt ) {
- send Out
- " jmp [L2]f
- "[L1]:
- rw_asm_stmt_list( IfStmt.opt_else._repeat_stmt )
- send Out
- "[L2]:
- }
- else {
- send Out
- "[L1]:
- }
-void rw_asm_buf_stmt( BufStmt: indep::buf_stmt )
- switch BufStmt
- case [`buf_clear `( `) `;] {
- send Out
- " movq $0, bpos(%rip)
- }
- case [`buf_append `( `) `;] {
- send Out
- " movq bpos(%rip), %rax
- " movb (%r12), %cl
- ' movb %cl, buf(%rax)
- " addq $1, %rax
- " movb $0, buf(%rax)
- " movq %rax, bpos(%rip)
- }
-int rw_asm_ragel_stmt( Stmt: indep::ragel_stmt )
- switch Stmt
- case [`fexec E: expr `;] {
- rw_asm_expr( E )
- send Out
- " popq %rax
- " fexec %rax;
- }
- case [`fgoto `* E: expr `;] {
- rw_asm_expr( E )
- send Out
- "movq $0, %rax
- "popq %rcx
- "fgoto * %rcx;
- }
- case [`fnext `* E: expr `;] {
- rw_asm_expr( E )
- send Out
- "movq $0, %rax
- "popq %rcx
- "fnext * %rcx;
- }
- case [`fcall `* E: expr `;] {
- rw_asm_expr( E )
- send Out
- "movq $0, %rax
- "popq %rcx
- "fcall * %rcx;
- }
- case [`fncall `* E: expr `;] {
- rw_asm_expr( E )
- send Out
- "movq $0, %rax
- "popq %rcx
- "fncall * %rcx;
- }
- default {
- send Out
- "[Stmt]
- }
-int rw_asm_stmt( Stmt: indep::stmt )
- switch Stmt
- case [var_decl] {
- #rw_c_var_decl( Stmt.var_decl )
- }
- case [expr_stmt]
- rw_asm_expr_stmt( Stmt.expr_stmt )
- case [if_stmt]
- rw_asm_if_stmt( Stmt.if_stmt )
- case [print_stmt]
- rw_asm_print_stmt( Stmt.print_stmt )
- case [buf_stmt]
- rw_asm_buf_stmt( Stmt.buf_stmt )
- case [ragel_stmt]
- rw_asm_ragel_stmt( Stmt.ragel_stmt )
-void rw_asm_stmt_list( StmtList: indep::stmt* )
- for Stmt: indep::stmt in repeat( StmtList )
- rw_asm_stmt( Stmt )
-out_code::lines rw_asm_asm_action_block( ActionBlock: indep::action_block, ActionNum: int )
- Out = new parser<out_code::lines>()
- if match ActionBlock [`{ stmt* `}] {
- send Out
- "{
- " [rw_asm_stmt_list( ActionBlock._repeat_stmt )]
- "}
- }
- else if match ActionBlock [`{ expr `}] {
- send Out
- "{
- " [rw_asm_expr( ActionBlock.expr )]
- " popq %rax
- "}
- }
- send Out [] eos
- return Out->tree
-int rw_asm_var_decl( VarDecl: indep::var_decl )
- send Out
- " .section .data
- " .comm [VarDecl.tk_ident],8,8
- " .text
-void rw_asm( Output: stream )
- send Output
- "#
- "# @LANG: asm
- "# @GENERATED: true
- if ProhibitGenflags {
- send Output
- "# @PROHIBIT_GENFLAGS:[ProhibitGenflags]
- }
- send Output
- "#
- "
- Init: indep::stmt* = RagelTree.Init
- for Stmt: indep::stmt in Init {
- if match Stmt [Decl: var_decl] {
- Out = new parser<out_code::lines>()
- rw_asm_var_decl( Decl )
- send Out [] eos
- send Output
- [Out->tree]
- }
- }
- ActionNum: int = 0
- Section: indep::section = RagelTree.section
- for Action: ragel::action_block in Section {
- # Reparse as lang-independent code.
- parse IndepActionBlock: indep::action_block[$Action]
- if ( !IndepActionBlock ) {
- print( error, '\n', Action )
- exit(1)
- }
- Lines: out_code::lines =
- rw_asm_asm_action_block( IndepActionBlock, ActionNum )
- # Reparse back to ragel action block.
- Action = parse ragel::action_block[Lines]
- if ( !Action ) {
- print( error, ': could not reparse action: ', Lines, '\n' )
- exit(1)
- }
- ActionNum = ActionNum + 1
- }
- send Output
- "
- "[Section]
- "
- " .text
- " .comm buf, 1024, 32
- " .comm bpos, 8, 8
- " .comm stack_data, 1024, 32
- " .section .rodata
- "
- ".L_str_accept:
- " .string \"ACCEPT\"
- ".L_str_fail:
- " .string \"FAIL\"
- ".L_fmt_int:
- " .string \"%ld\"
- ".L_fmt_str:
- " .string \"%s\"
- "
- " %% write data;
- "
- " .text
- "exec:
- " pushq %rbp
- " movq %rsp, %rbp
- "
- " # Ragel requires 96 bytes, we include one word for the data pointer.
- " subq $112, %rsp
- "
- " movq $stack_data, -56(%rbp)
- "
- " movq nfa_bp@GOTPCREL(%rip), %rax
- " movq %rax, -80(%rbp)
- " movq $0, -88(%rbp)
- "
- " pushq %r12
- " pushq %r13
- " movq %rdi, %r12
- "
- " # Save data pointer for use in actions.
- " movq %rdi, -112(%rbp)
- for Stmt: indep::stmt in Init {
- if match Stmt [ExprStmt: expr_stmt] {
- Out = new parser<out_code::lines>()
- rw_asm_expr_stmt( ExprStmt )
- send Out [] eos
- send Output [Out->tree]
- }
- }
- send Output
- "
- " # Get the length.
- " movq %r12, %rdi
- " call strlen
- " movq %r12, %r13
- " movslq %eax, %rax
- " addq %rax, %r13
- "
- " movq $0, bpos(%rip)
- if NeedsEof {
- send Output
- " movq %r13, -8(%rbp)
- }
- send Output
- "
- " %% write init;
- " %% write exec;
- "
- " # current state is in r11.
- " movq [MachineName.mn_word]_first_final(%rip), %rax
- " cmpq %rax, %r11
- " jl .L_exec_fail
- " movq $.L_str_accept, %rdi
- " call puts
- " jmp .L_exec_done
- ".L_exec_fail:
- " movq $.L_str_fail, %rdi
- " call puts
- ".L_exec_done:
- " popq %r13
- " popq %r12
- " leave
- " ret
- send Output
- " .section .rodata
- ".L_debug_msg:
- " .string \"debug %d\\n\"
- NR: int = 0
- for InputString: indep::input_string in RagelTree {
- send Output
- ".L_inp_[NR]:
- " .string [^InputString]
- NR = NR + 1
- }
- send Output
- "
- " .align 8
- "inp:
- NR = 0
- for InputString: indep::input_string in RagelTree {
- send Output
- " .quad .L_inp_[NR]
- NR = NR + 1
- }
- send Output
- "
- send Output
- " .align 8
- "inplen:
- " .quad [NR]
- "
- " .bss
- " .align 16
- " .type nfa_len, @object
- " .size nfa_len, 8
- "nfa_len:
- " .zero 8
- " .comm nfa_bp,16384,32
- " .comm nfa_s,16384,32
- "
- send Output
- " .text
- " .globl main
- "main:
- " pushq %rbp
- " movq %rsp, %rbp
- " pushq %r12
- " movq $0, %r12
- ".L_again:
- " movq inplen(%rip), %rax
- " cmpq %r12, %rax
- " je .L_done
- " movq inp(,%r12,8), %rdi
- " call exec
- " incq %r12
- " jmp .L_again
- ".L_done:
- " popq %r12
- " mov $0, %rax
- " leave
- " ret
- "debug:
- " movl %edi, %esi
- " movq $0, %rax
- " movq $.L_debug_msg, %rdi
- " call printf
- " ret
- "