path: root/test/ragel.d/trans.lm
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'test/ragel.d/trans.lm')
1 files changed, 0 insertions, 493 deletions
diff --git a/test/ragel.d/trans.lm b/test/ragel.d/trans.lm
deleted file mode 100644
index 660f94b8..00000000
--- a/test/ragel.d/trans.lm
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,493 +0,0 @@
-include 'ragel.lm'
-namespace inline
- lex
- literal `fpc `fc `fcurs `ftargs
- `fentry `fhold `fexec `fgoto `fnext
- `fcall `fret `fbreak `fncall `fnret `fnbreak
- token ident /ident/
- token number /digit+/
- token hex_number /'0x' [0-9a-fA-F]+/
- token dec_number /'0x' [0-9a-fA-F]+/
- token comment
- / c_comment | cpp_comment /
- token string
- / s_literal | d_literal /
- token whitespace
- / ( [ \t] | NL )+ /
- literal
- `{ `} `:: `* `, `( `) `;
- token var_ref
- / "$" [a-zA-Z_][a-zA-Z_0-9]* /
- {
- if GblActionParams
- {
- input->push( make_token(
- typeid<var_ref>, input->pull( match_length ) ) )
- }
- else
- {
- # Just pull one char. Don't consume the word because it may
- # be a keyword.
- input->push( make_token(
- typeid<c_any>, input->pull( 1 ) ) )
- }
- }
- token c_any
- / any /
- end
-namespace host
- lex
- literal `%%{
- token close_inc /'}--%%'/
- {
- input->push( make_token( typeid<close_inc>, input->pull( match_length ) ) )
- restoreGlobals()
- }
- token close_imp /'}++%%'/
- {
- input->push( make_token( typeid<close_imp>, input->pull( match_length ) ) )
- restoreGlobals()
- }
- token slr / '%%' [^{] [^\n]* '\n' /
- {
- # Translates single line to multi-line
- input->pull( 2 )
- R: str = input->pull( match_length - 3 )
- input->push( "\n}%%" )
- input->push( R )
- input->push( "%%{" )
- }
- rl NL / '\n' /
- rl s_literal
- / "'" ([^'\\\n] | '\\' (any | NL))* "'" /
- rl d_literal
- / '"' ([^"\\] | NL | '\\' (any | NL))* '"' /
- literal `define `=
- token ident /ident "'"?/
- token number /digit+/
- token hex_number /'0x' [0-9a-fA-F]+/
- token comment
- / c_comment | cpp_comment /
- token string
- / s_literal | d_literal /
- token whitespace
- / ( [ \t] | NL )+ /
- token c_any / any /
- end
- token no_match //
- def tok
- [no_match ident whitespace number] :ImportNum
- | [no_match ident whitespace string] :ImportStr
- | [no_match ident] :Else
- | [`define whitespace ident whitespace? number] :ImportDefNum
- | [`define whitespace ident whitespace? string] :ImportDefStr
- | [ident whitespace? `= whitespace? number] :ImportAssignNum
- | [ident whitespace? `= whitespace? string] :ImportAssignStr
- | [`define] :Def
- | [`=] :Eq
- | [ident] :Ident
- | [number] :Number
- | [hex_number] :HexNumber
- | [comment] :Comment
- | [string] :String
- | [whitespace] :Whitespace
- | [c_any] :Any
- {
- NM: no_match = make_token( typeid<no_match>, "" )
- I: ident = make_token( typeid<ident>, $lhs.c_any )
- lhs = cons tok [NM I]
- }
-namespace indep
- # Opening the test case header.
- lex
- ignore / ( [ \t] | NL )+ /
- token c_comm_open
- / '/*' /
- end
- # Contents of test case heaer.
- lex
- token comm_name /'@' [A-Za-z0-9_]+ ':' /
- token comm_term /'*/'/
- token comm_any / any /
- end
- token comm_val /[^\n]* '\n' /
- lex
- literal `%%{ `}%%
- literal `int `bool `char `ptr `byte `if `else
- `print_int `print_buf `print_str `print_token `print_off
- `first_token_char `buffer `blen `buf_append `buf_clear
- literal `fpc `fc `fcurs `ftargs `fentry
- `fhold `fexec `fgoto `fnext `fcall
- `fret `fbreak `fncall `fnret `fnbreak
- literal `; `< `> `( `) `[ `] `=
- `* `! `{ `} `+ `- `== `!=
- `>= `<= `,
- ignore / ( [ \t] | NL )+ /
- token tk_ident /ident/
- token tk_number /digit+/
- token tk_hex_number /'0x' [0-9a-fA-F]+/
- rl INPUT /'INPUT'/
- token sect_INPUT
- / '#'+ ' '* INPUT ' '* '#'+ '\n' /
- token sect_OUTPUT
- / '#'+ ' '* OUTPUT ' '* '#'+ '\n' / -ni
- token string
- / s_literal | d_literal /
- ignore / cpp_comment /
- ignore / c_comment /
- end
- lex
- token output_line /[^\n]* '\n'/
- end
- def comm_def
- [comm_name comm_val]
- def comm_item
- [comm_def]
- | [comm_any]
- def test_header
- [c_comm_open comm_item* comm_term]
- def input_string
- [string]
- def input_list
- [input_list input_string]
- | [input_string]
- def input
- [input_list]
- def output
- [output_line*]
- def factor
- [`first_token_char]
- | [`buffer]
- | [`blen]
- | [tk_ident]
- | [tk_ident `[ expr `]]
- | [tk_ident `( expr `)]
- | [tk_number]
- | [`- tk_number]
- | [tk_hex_number]
- | [string]
- | [`< type `> `( expr `)]
- | [`( expr `)]
- | [ragel_factor]
- def ragel_factor
- [`fentry `( expr `)]
- | [`fc]
- | [`fcurs]
- | [`ftargs]
- def mult_op
- [`*]
- def add_op
- [`+]
- | [`-]
- def cmp_op
- [`<]
- | [`>]
- | [`!=]
- | [`==]
- | [`<=]
- | [`>=]
- def abs_op
- [mult_op]
- | [add_op]
- | [cmp_op]
- abs_expr abs_multiplicative( Expr: indep::multiplicative )
- {
- if ( !Expr.Op ) {
- return cons abs_expr [Expr.factor]
- }
- else {
- return cons abs_expr [
- abs_multiplicative( Expr._multiplicative )
- Expr.Op
- Expr.factor
- ]
- }
- }
- abs_expr abs_additive( Expr: indep::additive )
- {
- if ( !Expr.Op ) {
- return cons abs_expr [
- abs_multiplicative( Expr.multiplicative )
- ]
- }
- else {
- return cons abs_expr [
- abs_additive( Expr._additive )
- Expr.Op
- abs_multiplicative( Expr.multiplicative )
- ]
- }
- }
- abs_expr abs_comparative( Expr: indep::comparative )
- {
- if ( !Expr.Op ) {
- return cons abs_expr [
- abs_additive( Expr.additive )
- ]
- }
- else {
- return cons abs_expr [
- abs_comparative( Expr._comparative )
- Expr.Op
- abs_additive( Expr.additive )
- ]
- }
- }
- def multiplicative
- [multiplicative Op: mult_op factor]
- | [factor]
- def additive
- [additive Op: add_op multiplicative]
- | [multiplicative]
- def comparative
- [comparative Op: cmp_op additive]
- | [additive]
- def abs_expr
- [E1: abs_expr Op: abs_op E2: abs_expr]
- | [factor]
- def expr
- [comparative]
- def type
- [`int]
- | [`bool]
- | [`char]
- | [`ptr]
- | [`byte]
- def opt_arr
- [`[ expr `]]
- | []
- def var_decl
- [type tk_ident opt_arr `;]
- def opt_sub
- [ `[ expr `] ]
- | []
- def expr_stmt
- [tk_ident opt_sub `= expr `;]
- | [expr `;]
- def if_stmt
- [`if `( expr `) `{ stmt* `} opt_else]
- def opt_else
- [`else `{ stmt* `}]
- | []
- def print_stmt
- [`print_int expr `;]
- | [`print_buf `;]
- | [`print_str expr `;]
- | [`print_token `;]
- | [`print_off `;]
- def ragel_stmt
- [`fgoto tk_ident `;]
- | [`fcall tk_ident `;]
- | [`fncall tk_ident `;]
- | [`fnext tk_ident `;]
- | [`fgoto `* expr `;]
- | [`fcall `* expr `;]
- | [`fncall `* expr `;]
- | [`fnext `* expr `;]
- | [`fexec expr `;]
- | [`fhold `;]
- | [`fbreak `;]
- | [`fnbreak `;]
- | [`fret `;]
- | [`fnret `;]
- def buf_stmt
- [`buf_append `( `) `;]
- | [`buf_clear `( `) `;]
- def stmt
- [var_decl]
- | [expr_stmt]
- | [if_stmt]
- | [print_stmt]
- | [buf_stmt]
- | [ragel_stmt]
- def action_block
- [`{ stmt* `}]
- | [`{ expr `}]
- def section
- [`%%{ ragel::ragel_start `}%%]
- def start
- [
- test_header
- Init: stmt*
- section
- sect_INPUT
- input
- sect_OUTPUT
- output
- ]
-namespace out_code
- lex
- token line
- /[^\n]* '\n'/
- end
- def lines
- [line*]
- alias line_parser
- parser<lines>
-global Out: parser<out_code::lines>
-include 'trans-c.lm'
-include 'trans-asm.lm'
-include 'trans-d.lm'
-include 'trans-csharp.lm'
-include 'trans-go.lm'
-include 'trans-java.lm'
-include 'trans-ruby.lm'
-include 'trans-ocaml.lm'
-include 'trans-rust.lm'
-include 'trans-julia.lm'
-include 'trans-crack.lm'
-str argvPop()
- AE: list_el<str> = argv->pop_el()
- return AE->value
-Lang: str = argvPop()
-OutputFile: str = argvPop()
-InputFile: str = argvPop()
-global ClassName: str = argvPop()
-Input: stream = open( InputFile, "r" )
-Output: stream = open( OutputFile, "w" )
-global RagelTree: indep::start = parse indep::start[ Input ]
-if ( !RagelTree ) {
- print( error, '\n' )
- exit(1)
-# Find the machine name.
-global MachineName: ragel::machine_name = ragel::machine_name in RagelTree
-global NeedsEof: bool = false
-global ProhibitGenflags: str
-for CommDef: indep::comm_def in RagelTree {
- switch CommDef
- case "@NEEDS_EOF: yes\n"
- {
- NeedsEof = true
- }
- case "@PROHIBIT_GENFLAGS:[CV: comm_val]"
- {
- ProhibitGenflags = $CV
- }
-if ( Lang == 'c' )
- rw_c( Output )
-elsif ( Lang == 'cg' )
- rw_c( Output )
-elsif ( Lang == 'cv' )
- rw_c( Output )
-elsif ( Lang == 'asm' )
- rw_asm( Output )
-elsif ( Lang == 'd' )
- rw_d( Output )
-elsif ( Lang == 'csharp' )
- rw_csharp( Output )
-elsif ( Lang == 'go' )
- rw_go( Output )
-elsif ( Lang == 'java' )
- rw_java( Output )
-elsif ( Lang == 'ruby' )
- rw_ruby( Output )
-elsif ( Lang == 'ocaml' )
- rw_ocaml( Output )
-elsif ( Lang == 'rust' )
- trans_rust::rust( Output )
-elsif ( Lang == 'julia' )
- trans_julia::julia( Output )
-elsif ( Lang == 'crack' )
- trans_crack::crack( Output )
-else {
- print( 'trans: unrecognized language: ', Lang, '\n' )