path: root/test/trans.d/case/patact_asm.rl
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'test/trans.d/case/patact_asm.rl')
1 files changed, 426 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/test/trans.d/case/patact_asm.rl b/test/trans.d/case/patact_asm.rl
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..246cca71
--- /dev/null
+++ b/test/trans.d/case/patact_asm.rl
@@ -0,0 +1,426 @@
+# @LANG: asm
+# @GENERATED: true
+ .section .data
+ .comm comm,8,8
+ .text
+ .section .data
+ .comm top,8,8
+ .text
+ .section .data
+ .comm stack,8,8
+ .text
+ .section .data
+ .comm ts,8,8
+ .text
+ .section .data
+ .comm te,8,8
+ .text
+ .section .data
+ .comm act,8,8
+ .text
+ .section .data
+ .comm value,8,8
+ .text
+ machine patact;
+ other := |*
+ [a-z]+ => {
+ .section .rodata
+ .string "word\n"
+ .text
+ movq $1b, %rax
+ pushq %rax
+ movq $.L_fmt_str, %rdi
+ popq %rsi
+ movq $0, %rax
+ call printf
+ [0-9]+ => {
+ .section .rodata
+ .string "num\n"
+ .text
+ movq $2b, %rax
+ pushq %rax
+ movq $.L_fmt_str, %rdi
+ popq %rsi
+ movq $0, %rax
+ call printf
+ [\n ] => {
+ .section .rodata
+ .string "space\n"
+ .text
+ movq $3b, %rax
+ pushq %rax
+ movq $.L_fmt_str, %rdi
+ popq %rsi
+ movq $0, %rax
+ call printf
+ *|;
+ exec_test := |*
+ [a-z]+ => {
+ .section .rodata
+ .string "word (w/lbh)\n"
+ .text
+ movq $4b, %rax
+ pushq %rax
+ movq $.L_fmt_str, %rdi
+ popq %rsi
+ movq $0, %rax
+ call printf
+ movq -24(%rbp), %rax
+ pushq %rax
+ movq $1, %rax
+ pushq %rax
+ popq %rcx
+ popq %rax
+ subq %rcx, %rax
+ pushq %rax
+ popq %rax
+ fexec %rax;
+fgoto other;
+ [a-z]+ ' foil' => {
+ .section .rodata
+ .string "word (c/lbh)\n"
+ .text
+ movq $5b, %rax
+ pushq %rax
+ movq $.L_fmt_str, %rdi
+ popq %rsi
+ movq $0, %rax
+ call printf
+ [\n ] => {
+ .section .rodata
+ .string "space\n"
+ .text
+ movq $6b, %rax
+ pushq %rax
+ movq $.L_fmt_str, %rdi
+ popq %rsi
+ movq $0, %rax
+ call printf
+ '22' => {
+ .section .rodata
+ .string "num (w/switch)\n"
+ .text
+ movq $7b, %rax
+ pushq %rax
+ movq $.L_fmt_str, %rdi
+ popq %rsi
+ movq $0, %rax
+ call printf
+ [0-9]+ => {
+ .section .rodata
+ .string "num (w/switch)\n"
+ .text
+ movq $8b, %rax
+ pushq %rax
+ movq $.L_fmt_str, %rdi
+ popq %rsi
+ movq $0, %rax
+ call printf
+ movq -24(%rbp), %rax
+ pushq %rax
+ movq $1, %rax
+ pushq %rax
+ popq %rcx
+ popq %rax
+ subq %rcx, %rax
+ pushq %rax
+ popq %rax
+ fexec %rax;
+fgoto other;
+ [0-9]+ ' foil' => {
+ .section .rodata
+ .string "num (c/switch)\n"
+ .text
+ movq $9b, %rax
+ pushq %rax
+ movq $.L_fmt_str, %rdi
+ popq %rsi
+ movq $0, %rax
+ call printf
+ '!';# => { print_str "immdiate\n"; fgoto exec_test; };
+ *|;
+ semi := |*
+ ';' => {
+ .section .rodata
+ .string "in semi\n"
+ .text
+ movq $10b, %rax
+ pushq %rax
+ movq $.L_fmt_str, %rdi
+ popq %rsi
+ movq $0, %rax
+ call printf
+fgoto main;
+ *|;
+ main := |*
+ [a-z]+ => {
+ .section .rodata
+ .string "word (w/lbh)\n"
+ .text
+ movq $11b, %rax
+ pushq %rax
+ movq $.L_fmt_str, %rdi
+ popq %rsi
+ movq $0, %rax
+ call printf
+fgoto other;
+ [a-z]+ ' foil' => {
+ .section .rodata
+ .string "word (c/lbh)\n"
+ .text
+ movq $12b, %rax
+ pushq %rax
+ movq $.L_fmt_str, %rdi
+ popq %rsi
+ movq $0, %rax
+ call printf
+ [\n ] => {
+ .section .rodata
+ .string "space\n"
+ .text
+ movq $13b, %rax
+ pushq %rax
+ movq $.L_fmt_str, %rdi
+ popq %rsi
+ movq $0, %rax
+ call printf
+ '22' => {
+ .section .rodata
+ .string "num (w/switch)\n"
+ .text
+ movq $14b, %rax
+ pushq %rax
+ movq $.L_fmt_str, %rdi
+ popq %rsi
+ movq $0, %rax
+ call printf
+ [0-9]+ => {
+ .section .rodata
+ .string "num (w/switch)\n"
+ .text
+ movq $15b, %rax
+ pushq %rax
+ movq $.L_fmt_str, %rdi
+ popq %rsi
+ movq $0, %rax
+ call printf
+fgoto other;
+ [0-9]+ ' foil' => {
+ .section .rodata
+ .string "num (c/switch)\n"
+ .text
+ movq $16b, %rax
+ pushq %rax
+ movq $.L_fmt_str, %rdi
+ popq %rsi
+ movq $0, %rax
+ call printf
+ ';' => {
+ .section .rodata
+ .string "going to semi\n"
+ .text
+ movq $17b, %rax
+ pushq %rax
+ movq $.L_fmt_str, %rdi
+ popq %rsi
+ movq $0, %rax
+ call printf
+fgoto semi;
+ '!' => {
+ .section .rodata
+ .string "immdiate\n"
+ .text
+ movq $18b, %rax
+ pushq %rax
+ movq $.L_fmt_str, %rdi
+ popq %rsi
+ movq $0, %rax
+ call printf
+fgoto exec_test;
+ *|;
+ .text
+ .comm buf, 1024, 32
+ .comm bpos, 8, 8
+ .comm stack_data, 1024, 32
+ .section .rodata
+ .string "ACCEPT"
+ .string "FAIL"
+ .string "%ld"
+ .string "%s"
+ %% write data;
+ .text
+ pushq %rbp
+ movq %rsp, %rbp
+ subq $96, %rsp
+ movq $stack_data, -56(%rbp)
+ pushq %r12
+ pushq %r13
+ movq %rdi, %r12
+ # Get the length.
+ movq %r12, %rdi
+ call strlen
+ movq %r12, %r13
+ movslq %eax, %rax
+ addq %rax, %r13
+ movq $0, bpos(%rip)
+ movq %r13, -8(%rbp)
+ %% write init;
+ %% write exec;
+ # current state is in r11.
+ movq patact_first_final(%rip), %rax
+ cmpq %rax, %r11
+ jl .L_exec_fail
+ movq $.L_str_accept, %rdi
+ call puts
+ jmp .L_exec_done
+ movq $.L_str_fail, %rdi
+ call puts
+ popq %r13
+ popq %r12
+ leave
+ ret
+ .section .rodata
+ .string "debug %d\n"
+ .string "abcd foix\n"
+ .string "abcd\nanother\n"
+ .string "123 foix\n"
+ .string "!abcd foix\n"
+ .string "!abcd\nanother\n"
+ .string "!123 foix\n"
+ .string ";"
+ .align 8
+ .quad .L_inp_0
+ .quad .L_inp_1
+ .quad .L_inp_2
+ .quad .L_inp_3
+ .quad .L_inp_4
+ .quad .L_inp_5
+ .quad .L_inp_6
+ .align 8
+ .quad 7
+ .text
+ .globl main
+ pushq %rbp
+ movq %rsp, %rbp
+ pushq %r12
+ movq $0, %r12
+ movq inplen(%rip), %rax
+ cmpq %r12, %rax
+ je .L_done
+ movq inp(,%r12,8), %rdi
+ call exec
+ incq %r12
+ jmp .L_again
+ popq %r12
+ mov $0, %rax
+ leave
+ ret
+ movl %edi, %esi
+ movq $0, %rax
+ movq $.L_debug_msg, %rdi
+ call printf
+ ret